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Cancer Control through Pathology-Based Homeopathic Medicine

by Dr Tasos Vartholomeos(more info)

listed in cancer, originally published in issue 214 - May 2014

Homeopathy is a system of medical therapy that uses information of biophysical nature and/or very small (infinitesimal) doses of medicines or remedies that are hardly traced even by most modern technology. These remedies are usually prepared from substances found in nature. Because the remedies are highly diluted, usually to the point that no traceable molecules exist ,they are extremely safe. The clinical experience of homeopathy shows  that the micro-dosing /biophysical information approach to diseases is effective. There are literally hundreds of high quality, published basic science, pre-clinical and clinical studies showing that homeopathy works. If someone searches in PubMed, a renowned Medical Literature Record, with the key word “homeopathy”, about 5.000 of publications in medical journals appear; therefore no one may claim that there is not accessible and reliable medical information or that there is no place for Homeopathy in the space of Scientific Evidence.

Appropriate Clinical Homeopathic treatment of Cancer case, as ‘complementary medicine’ to conventional oncologic treatment, may successfully apply to and help essential health needs of cancer patients for:

  • Evidence-based Holistic Medicine;
  • Personalized Medicine for individual health problems, while patients are under conventional treatment or after it;
  • Natural reduction of chemotherapy and radiation side effects;
  • Enhancement of immune system activities and defence mechanisms;
  • Individualized and patient-centred holistic approach;
  • Improved quality of life;
  • Natural remedies that do not interfere with any possible effectiveness of conventional medicine in cancer care;
  • Protection from cancer recurrence;
  • Improvement of overall prognosis.


Normal tissue with well structured stroma

Normal tissue with well structured stroma

The goal of the homeopath is to recognize through the unique expression of the pathology and symptoms of a patient the pattern of the individual disturbances and to identify the most similar, that is the most suitable to the individual case, remedies. Similarity is a fundamental quality, that may apply from the whole organism, the so called “Totality”, to the level of an organ, to a kind of tissue or cells or even to sub-cellular structures or to specific metabolites or ion balance. The electivity of action on a particular structure or function in the organism is frequently the required “similarity” for treatment of every organ pathology, Cancer itself certainly included. Cancer has nothing of the mysterious or superhuman behind it; it is usually the final outcome of a local chronic physical bioenergetic stagnation, where the defence mechanism employs its last defence: a dramatic change in structure balance itself in a model that is reminiscent of embryogenesis, which anyway is out of current space and time processes of the organism.

Development of cancer cells in disorganized stroma

Development of cancer cells in disorganized stroma

Cancer-Embryogenesis Similarities

This return to embryogenesis patterns recalls the regeneration healing phenomena after a wound, so that certain researchers have used for cancer local phenomena the poetic ,but also objectively true, phrase “cancer, a wound that does not heal”, since wound healing and local cancer progression have striking similarities. These similarities highly indicate that “healing”, of autotherapeutic and  defence nature, phenomena are included in the essence of local cancer progression itself and should be necessarily kept in mind in any scientifically planned cancer treatments, whether they are ‘alternative’, ‘complementary’ or ‘conventional’.

It has been also described in the modern medical literature that cancer cells introduced into developing embryos can be committed to a complete reversion of their malignant phenotype. It has been also postulated  that it is unlikely that such effects could be ascribed to only few molecular components interacting according to a simple linear-dynamics model, and that  these facts argue against the somatic mutation theory of cancer. Some 50 years ago, Needham and Waddington speculated that cancer represents an escape from a morphogenetic field like those which guide embryonic development. It is supported that, indeed, disruption of the morphogenetic field of a tissue can promote the onset as well as the progression of cancer. This condition confers to cancer an unusual sensitivity to embryonic regulatory cues. Thus, it is not surprising that cancer cells exposed to specific embryonic morphogenetic fields undergoes significant modifications, eventually leading to a complete phenotypic reversion. Homeopathic remedies, through the employment of  the principle of similarity to a tissue, which in modern terms is translated in a kind of ‘teaching or reprogramming’ of the tissue, might apply in the best way to the “tissue morphogenetic field” where cancer cells appear and  seems to have the best possible chances to pass positive information to this field.

Safety and Widespread Use of Homeopathy

Since homeopathic remedies are devoid of any chemical toxicity, homeopathy is the ideal system of medicine for people of all age. Homeopathy has long been established as mainstream medicine in the NHS (National Health System) of many countries. However in the USA today, Homeopathy is hardly even included in the so called ‘Integrative Medicine’ as applied in many renowned Health Care Units, and is ‘frozen out’ by pretending ignorance of the subject; but prior to 1925 many Homeopathic Hospitals were actively and successfully engaged in the US  Health System. Why then is Homeopathy faced with such unreasonable rivalry in US? In the European Union (EU) the whole health policy looks a bit better. In the UK it is estimated that Homeopathy is growing 20% each year; it has been enrolled in the National Health System through an Act of Parliament from 1950 to the present. The Swiss government has a long and widely-respected history of neutrality, and therefore, reports from this government on controversial subjects need to be taken more seriously than other reports from countries that are more strongly influenced by present economic and political constituencies. When one considers that two of the top five largest drug companies in the world have their headquarters in Switzerland, one might assume that this country would have a heavy interest in and bias toward conventional medicine, but such assumptions would be wrong. In late 2011, the Swiss government's report on homeopathic medicine represents the most comprehensive evaluation of homeopathic medicine ever written by a government and was just published in book form in English. This breakthrough report affirmed that homeopathic treatment is both effective and cost-effective and that homeopathic treatment should be reimbursed by Switzerland's national health insurance program.

The Swiss government's inquiry into homeopathy and complementary and alternative (CAM) treatments resulted from the high demand and widespread use of alternatives to conventional medicine in Switzerland, not only from consumers but from physicians as well. Approximately half of the Swiss population have used CAM treatments and value them. Further, about half of Swiss physicians consider CAM treatments to be effective. Perhaps most significantly, 85 percent of the Swiss population wants CAM therapies to be a part of their country's health insurance program. It is therefore not surprising that more than 50 percent of the Swiss population surveyed prefer a hospital that provides CAM treatments rather to one that is limited to conventional medical care.

Beginning in 1998, the government of Switzerland decided to broaden its national health insurance to include certain complementary and alternative medicines, including homeopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, anthroposophic medicine, and neural therapy. This reimbursement was provisional while the Swiss government commissioned an extensive study on these treatments to determine if they were effective and cost-effective. The provisional reimbursement for these alternative treatments ended in 2005, but as a result of this new study, the Swiss government's health insurance program once again began to reimburse for homeopathy and selective alternative treatments. In fact, as a result of a national referendum in which more than two-thirds of voters supported the inclusion of homeopathic and select alternative medicines in Switzerland's national health care insurance program, the field of complementary and alternative medicine has become a part of this government's constitution.

Cancer Pathogenesis

The main pathological goal of Homeopathy in Cancer is primarily the detection and evaluation of everything relevant to individual cancer pathogenesis and the support of Homeostatic Functions and the integrity of the micro-environment of cancer cells. Like in all Chronic Organic Diseases, also in Cancer individualized homeopathic treatment is always applied, which targets both the diseased organ of the body and the whole organism. Chronic Diseases usually represent the progress and adjustment of physiological phenomena and processes of the organism, i.e. of the mechanisms of homeostasis, in adverse conditions and challenges of the environment, natural and social. What we call ‘disease’ actually represents, in most cases, the defence mechanism attempt to maintain the system healthy and alive; this adaptation process covers the whole body, even if it seems focused on a body organ. The latter, however, is of particular importance when it is an important organ for the integrity and survival of the whole system, so that it requires specific pathophysiological-pharmacological support and treatment .

Hahnemann, the modern founder of Homeopathy, very correctly defined, as Hippocrates, the first founder of Homeopathy, that the target is the real cure of the pathology of each case and not merely the relief and / or suppression of symptoms. The actual healing of Chronic Diseases for both modern Conventional Medicine and Classical Homeopathy passes necessarily through the functional and morphological disorders of organs, tissues and cells of the body, not simply through the symptoms, necessarily  through the 'Disease' itself, and not simply only through the ‘Patient’, as “The Patient, not the Cure” is still a prevailing dogma in a part of the homeopathic community. From the time of Hippocrates it had been already observed that, when a chronic disease developed in an organ, the local morphological and functional characteristics change, the local physical bioenergetic qualities change, facts  which necessarily demand specific Homeopathic prescribing for the diseased organ, besides the support and treatment of the whole organism, of the “Totality”. Especially in Cancer it is always required to support both the diseased organs themselves and the whole organism, the “Totality”.

Concerning the homeopathic treatment of malignant neoplasm-bearing organs, this may be implemented through remedies that control the micro-environment of cancers cells, the intercellular tissue, the matrix, that is the critical field where the process of carcinogenesis initiates , maintained and promoted, according to modern medical literature. My own Doctoral Thesis from 1989 dealt with these phenomena in breast cancer ,employing as parameters the mast cell count and the extracellular metachromatic mucopolysaccharides and collected certain indications  helping to ‘see’ the cancer as ‘process’ before the appearance of cancer as “malignant neoplastic cells”. The medical literature is gradually enriched in publications giving not simply emphasis but prime importance to extracellular substance, especially the so-called ‘matrix’, the shapeless mucous material in which cells swim. Homeopathic pharmacology has a very rich, even not yet not fully understood by most homeopaths, material for supporting the integrity of this so critical ground substance with its network of fibres, which more or less act as a structural template for the architecture of each tissue. When this template is destroyed or disordered because of very stagnant physical bioenergy in an organ or tissue location, then a certain kind of cell each time grows in compensation to retain the structural balance, but in a more or less disordered and unlimited manner, obtaining anyway morphological and functional characteristics reminiscent of embryogenesis or regeneration phenomena. So, although the whole process retains a defensive character, it is expressed through a serious structural imbalance, which usually takes the form of a ‘tumour’.

Conventional medicine commences to be engaged from the late phase of the cancer process, when its final product, the tumour, is obvious through modern medical technology, even at an ‘early stage’ as it is still postulated by its followers. Holistic-Hippocratic Medicine, and I believe especially Homeopathy, may detect the ‘cancer process’, the ‘cancer disease’ much earlier, through a sophisticated combination of Holistic/ Homeopathic investigation of the patient and of General Pathology, as was developed by Hippocrates in ancient times and Rudolph Virchow, JC Burnett and HH Reckeweg in previous centuries. On the other hand, the safety of Homeopathy is  unquestionable, since it contains even not traces of chemical, pharmacologically active, constituents. So, it is  not possible to have a reaction to or side effects from Homeopathy and is not possible to have any interference with conventional  treatment, except in limiting its possible serious side effects. This advantage is of great importance, especially in cases of advanced cancer disease, i.e. in  massive metastases in the liver, when hepatic insufficiency does not allow even the usual chemotherapeutic dosing.

Homeopathic Research in Cancer

The modern academic and clinical medical research in the field of homeopathy is almost always based on the pathophysiological action of homeopathic ‘medicines’ on organs, tissues and  cells. Reference to research supporting  the effectiveness of Homeopathy, already published in peer-reviewed medical journals, is included and commented in this article.

A prospective observational study was conducted with cancer patients in two differently treated cohorts: one cohort with patients under complementary homeopathic treatment and one cohort with conventionally treated cancer patients. For a direct comparison, matched pairs with patients of the same tumour entity and comparable prognosis were to be formed. It was observed that improvement of quality of life as well as a decreased tendency of fatigue symptoms occurred in cancer patients under complementary homeopathic treatment.

Recent Academic Research in USA revealed that  ultra-diluted homeopathic remedies have cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cells. An in vitro study was conducted to determine if homeopathic products have any effect on breast cancer cell lines. Four ultra-diluted remedies  against two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines and a cell line derived from immortalized normal human mammary epithelial cells were studied. The homeopathic remedies exerted preferential cytotoxic effects against the two breast cancer cell lines, causing cell cycle delay/arrest and apoptosis. These effects were accompanied by altered expression of the cell cycle regulatory proteins, which were likely responsible for the cell cycle delay/arrest as well as induction of apoptosis. These findings demonstrated cytotoxic biological activity against cancer cells  of these homeopathic products at their ultra-diluted doses.

Ethanolic extract of Phytolacca decandra (PD), used in homeopathy for the treatment of various ailments such as chronic rheumatism, regular conjunctivitis, psoriasis, and in some skin diseases was tested for its possible anticancer potential. Cytotoxicity of the drug was tested on both normal (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) and A375 skin melanoma cancer cells. DNA fragmentation, changes in cellular morphology, apoptosis and necrosis, if any, were  recorded. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, if any, and expression study of apoptotic genes also were evaluated to pin-point the actual events of apoptosis. Results showed that PD administration caused a remarkable reduction in proliferation of A375 cells, without showing cytotoxicity on peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Generation of ROS and DNA damage, which made the cancer cells prone to apoptosis, were found to be enhanced in PD-treated cells. Overall results demonstrate the anticancer potentials of Phytolacca decandra on A375 melanoma cells.

Homeopathic treatment efficiency was studied in patients with advanced gallbladder, periampullary, and liver carcinomas. The authors present  cases of various pathologically confirmed malignancies. These patients underwent homeopathic therapy as the primary cancer treatment. In the cases studied, conventional cancer treatments could not be initiated due to the advanced stage of their disease, poor general health performance status, and their financial constraints. This report indicated the clinical efficacy of homeopathic  therapy in treating those cancer patients.

Induction of apoptosis of tumour cells by some potentiated homeopathic drugs was  studied  concerning possible mechanism of action. Earlier studies indicated that homoeopathic medicines are cytotoxic to tumour cells and reduced animal tumours. Homeopathic remedies were tested for their ability to induce apoptosis. Similarly, the effect of homoeopathic medicines on apoptosis was measured by microarray analysis. Homeopathic remedies produced morphological changes in the Dalton's lymphoma ascites tumour cells and induced DNA laddering, increased apoptotic gene p53 and decreased antiapoptotic gene Bcl2. Administration of potentiated homoeopathic drugs to tumour-bearing mice induced increased apoptosis of tumour cells. Microarray analysis of cells treated with homoeopathic drugs indicated that many enzymes related to apoptosis were increased by homoeopathic drugs. These data indicate that apoptosis is one of the mechanisms of tumour reduction by homeopathic drugs. A comparison of potentiated drugs with their mother tincture indicated that the potentiated drugs have biological activity similar to that of their mother tincture in spite of ultradilution.

A study was conducted on the use of homeopathy in pediatric oncology in Germany. Homeopathy is a frequently used complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment in Germany. Results were presented comparing responses of homeopathy users (HUs) and users of other forms of CAM (NHUs) in pediatric oncology (PO) in Germany. Differences between these two groups (usage, associated demographic characteristics, previous experience with CAM) were investigated. 186 (45.2%) of the 367 CAM users were exposed to homeopathy. The treatment duration amounted to a median of 601 days for HUs and 282 days for NHUs. Parents with p (127; 76.5%) also used homeopathy for their child's cancer. Nonmedical practitioners played a considerably greater role as source of information than did treating physicians. In the majority of patients HUs received their prescriptions from nonmedical practitioners (56%; 29.4% of NHUs). HUs communicate more frequently with their physicians about the CAM-use (77.7% versus 65.2%) and recommend CAM more often than NHUs (94% versus 85.6%). Homeopathy is the most frequently used CAM treatment in PO in Germany. HUs sustain treatment and therapies considerably longer than NHUs. Most families who had used homeopathy before their child was diagnosed with cancer also used homeopathy for the treatment of their child's cancer. Compared to other CAM treatments, patient satisfaction with homeopathy appears to be very high.

A tumour therapy with Amanita phalloides  for stabilization of B-cell chronic lymphatic leukemia was studied. In tumour cells, RNA polymerase II is more active than in other somatic cells. Amanita phalloides contains amanitin, inhibiting RNA polymerase II. Partial inhibition with amanitin influences tumour cell - but not normal cell - activity. To widen the treatment spectrum, homeopathic dilutions of Amanita phalloides, containing amanitin, were given to  patients with leukemia. Monitoring the leukemic cell count, different doses of amanitin were given. This homeopathic tumour therapy showed high potential to provide a gentle and essential medical treatment.

A clinical evaluation of a complex homeopathic injection therapy in the management of pain in patients after breast cancer treatment was performed. In breast cancer patients, post-treatment pain often appearing after several months and strongly impairing health-related quality of life. Conventional methods of pain reduction are often ineffective or even harmful. Injection therapy with a  complex homeopathic  medication with analgesic properties, used for treatment of the pain associated with trauma as well as with mediators of inflammation, was proposed as an innovative approach for pain relief after breast cancer treatment. After the last injection, all patients experienced a marked reduction of their level of pain on average from 7.6 +/- 1.5 to 2.4 +/- 1.4 points on a scale from 1 to 10 points. After a follow-up observational phase of 3 and 6 months, pain score ratings increased slightly again in some patients but remained consistently low in others. In any case, the ratings of pain levels did not reach the values assessed before the start of these injections. Similarly, health-related quality of life improved with this injection therapy. The perception of pain relief with homeopathic injections was high, reflecting an overall perceived positive outcome and tolerability of this treatment. This case series represents one more encouraging approach to using this complex homeopathic injection for pain relief in breast cancer patients.

According to modern classic pathology, epithelial-stromal interactions, mediated by the extracellular matrix, play a pivotal role in normal mammary gland function. It is now recognized that a specific environment is necessary for tumorigenesis; indeed, it has been postulated that cancer can be a physiological response to an abnormal stromal environment. An abnormal stroma can be regarded as a classical promoter in the terminology of carcinogenesis, in that the dysfunction of normal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions increases the probability that the pre-neoplastic lesion will progress to malignancy. On the other hand, in the terminology of development, the environment provided by the abnormal stroma may be considered 'permissive' for tumorigenesis by leading to the selection of cells with altered survival characteristics. These views signify that an aberrant stroma predisposes tissue to cancer by increasing the frequency with which an initiated cell proceeds to neoplasia, rather than by increasing the frequency of initiation. Importantly, normal stroma can efficiently inhibit the expression of neoplastic characteristics of tumour cells.

Conversely, perturbations in the epithelial-stromal interaction may accelerate the process of carcinogenesis, especially since carcinogen exposure elicits persistent phenotypic changes in stromal cells. These non-neoplastic stromal effects induced by carcinogens can be conducive to the expression of or to the progression of pre-neoplastic phenotypes, just as carcinoma-associated fibroblasts support malignant behaviours. Together these stromal alterations are likely to be essential to the development of frank neoplastic disease. These studies emphasize that the interactions between the epithelium and the stroma evolve dynamically, and thus will require considerable study if they are to be manipulated therapeutically.

Together, these recent studies underscore that the stromal-epithelial interface is a critical mediator of oncogenic potential. The heightened awareness of the stroma as an active participant in carcinogenesis has led to ideas for intervening in breast cancer progression by manipulating the stroma. Compared with the multiple routes taken by cells to become cancers, the response of tissues to cancer is relatively predictable. Controlling the early stages of invasive cancer growth may therefore be more readily achieved indirectly via the stroma.

So, the facts are not so simple; hunting the cancer cells only does not cover the whole story, moreover when toxic substances for the whole health economy are used, so that necessarily in each one cytotoxic chemical treatment a difficult dilemma always arises for both the physician and the patient: are the gains more than losses or the reverse and in what extent? In this dilemma at least the physician has to reply objectively and honestly, as he is bound both by medical jurisprudence and the Hippocratic Oath. Of course, any nontoxic therapy targeting to kill cancer cells, as the above mentioned cytotoxic action of homeopathic products on breast cancer cells, is certainly remarkable, impressive and promising for present and future research and clinical applications. But, Pathology itself is the Discipline that dictates directions for all of us, either conventional or ‘complementary’ therapists or researchers. Modern Pathology, considering also the principles  founded by Hippocrates and Virchow, dictates us, as above, to give priority not to the cancer cell itself only, but mainly on the integrity of the diseased tissue as a whole field and as it basically expressed by the balance between stroma and cancer cells. This is the battlefield according to both modern medical literature and of modern Holistic / Homeopathic Clinical Conception and, if we want to win, we have to adhere to it.

Certainly, conventional medicine has tried to make certain steps towards this direction, including the employment of factors inhibiting angiogenesis in the stroma of malignant tumours and, of course, this is encouraging for all, such as any conventional intervention through immune mechanisms, pathways, etc. affecting possibly cancer cells growth. From our side, the holistic in the wider sense, the homeopathic in the more specific and more familiar to me sense, a long, very long basic research, bio-theoretical approaches and clinical applications  have already offered a very rich and evidenced material ,absolutely accessibly to all the medical community, despite the hard persecutions of many pioneers in the field and their followers in many countries all over the world, unfortunately certain of them included in our European family. An example of relevant holistic /homeopathic application is Homotoxicology, a Pathology-based Homeopathic approach, which was developed certain decades ago by Dr Reckeweg in Germany. Homotoxicology deals with the structural and functional stages that an organ or tissue passes successively from mild reactive disorders, such as acute inflammations and allergies to the most dangerous ones, namely the degenerative ,the autoimmune and, finally, Cancer. According to this systematic pathogenetic chain investigation, any tissue pathology, like Cancer, first starts in the stroma and then is extended in the cells, so that the most suitable strategy is to target first of all to the stroma through appropriate homeopathic remedies’ combinations.

Concluding Remarks

The integrity of the whole tissue and organ economy, the totality of any organ or tissue morphologic and functional homeostasis, was the subject of all renown homeopaths in the history of Homeopathy, when they had in front of them a case with deep organ pathology, like Cancer. The Homeopathic Materia Medicas and the Homeopathic Repertories themselves are the  cornucopia of marvellous remedies able to face effectively deep pathologies, such as Cancer. The homeopathic secret for the treatment of patients  is very simply the in-depth study of the Homeopathic Materia Medicas and Repertories, especially of those remedies with a high miasmatic (i.e. concerning disease predispositions) content and/or a highly eclectic/selective action on organs and tissues. The British Homeopathic history has certain great Medical Homeopaths who pioneered in Pathology-sensitive Homeopathy, such as Hughes, Burnett, Clarke etc., not of course to neglect E Bach for his homeopathic bowel nosodes, in addition to his much more known Flower Remedies.

Last but not the least ,the correct spelling  ‘Homoeopathy’ has been arbitrarily changed to ‘Homeopathy’, a term objectively disorienting people from the Classic Medical Tradition, the Hippocratic one, which is the solid and indisputable foundation of our Homoeopathic Medical Conception. All Homoeopathic Institutions, Societies, Associations, etc. all over the world should return to the correct spelling: HOMOEOPATHY if they wish to comply first with their Medical Tradition.


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  1. Maya Monk said..

    Thank you for this well researched and positive article about homeopathy and severe pathology. I am happy that you mention Switzerland, my country of birth, where all my family and friends always used and still do use homeopathy.
    I wonder if homeopathy has something to do with nano particles?

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About Dr Tasos Vartholomeos

Dr Tasos Vartholomeos MD PhD MFHom Consultant Pathologist DIHom HMD is holder of Diploma  (DIHom) and Postgraduate Diploma (HMD) in Homeopathic Medicine and Fellow of the British Institute of Homoeopathy in the UK(FBIH) . He is Member of The Faculty of Homoeopathy (MFHom),UK , the highest  statutorily recognized title of Homeopathic education for Medical Doctors  in the UK, renowned throughout the European Union and worldwide - evidence of high quality medical specialization in Homeopathy. He is also connected with the International Liga of Homeopathic Medicine and to the European Committee of Homeopathy through the Faculty of Homeopathy. He also completed  additional training in Medical Phytotherapy (Specially Structured Diploma Course) in the College of Phytotherapy in the UK.

His medical homeopathic work has achieved international recognition: awarded the "Irene Baha" Prize by the Hellenic Society of Homeopathic Medicine and selected to join UK celebrities in a Letter of Appeal for the establishment of a Natural Medicine Hospital in UK. For this reason he was also invited at the Scottish Parliament in 2001 for a relevant reception to officially launch the Appeal.

In his practice and methodology  he complies with the modern, scientific face of Homeopathy and has promoted “Pathology-based Homeopathy” in order that Homeopathy may be acceptable in National Health Systems as a discipline enrolled in mainstream medicine. He has essentially developed new perspectives from “homeopathic”, integrative and systemic perception and evaluation of the pathology of tissues and organs of the body, so that  pathology itself may be appropriately assimilated for Homeopathic therapeutic applications. He has continuously worked clinically  throughout the past 25 (twenty five) years in Medical  Homeopathy ,establishing  “Homeopathic Estia” initially and currently directing "Homeopathic Health Care" for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases.

Dr Varthomomeos may be contacted via . For further information please link to

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