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Case Study Issue 125: Reversal of Brain Tumours

by Hillel Fridman(more info)

listed in cancer, originally published in issue 125 - July 2006

My grandparents lived to an average age of 90 and died of heart attacks or stroke. My parents' generation lived to an average age of 75 and died of a combination of heart disease or cancer. My parents both died from cancer. Our generation has no heart disease but is riddled with cancer.

Author and sister
The author with his sister

This includes my sister who lives in Israel. She has had five rounds of cancer over the last eleven years, two breast and three brain. This is the story of her recent cancers.

Two and a half years ago she was admitted to hospital and a cluster of brain tumours were discovered around the brain stem. She was given steroids to reduce the swelling that was threatening her life. I then suggested she go on a course of supplements. Three months later CT scans showed no evidence of any of the tumours. She had no other medical intervention as she had refused both chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Confident she was in the clear, she reduced and then stopped taking her supplements. She also continued eating foods that I had asked her to avoid: red meat, dairy, sugar, salt, fried and oven cooked food. A year after she was diagnosed with her first round of brain tumours, her symptoms returned.

MRI scan of lymphoma

This time a CT scan revealed a large tumour in the brain cortex measuring 2.5cm by 2.0cm. Once again she was put on steroids and resumed her supplement regime while refusing any medical intervention other than a biopsy. In preparation for the biopsy she was scanned. Amazingly, instead of heading for the operating theatre she headed for the car park, as the tumour had disappeared.

Unfortunately, her symptoms returned four months later, this time more severely; she had to be hospitalized and finally underwent a biopsy, the details of which are worth recounting. Her cluster of tumours were located towards the front of the brain. However it could not be reached from the front because of vascular obstructions. The entry had to be from the rear, crossing much of the brain. A robotic arm, not a surgeon's hand was used for precision and part of it was controlled by a surgeon in the United States by video and computer link.

They found what we had suspected; lymphoma or more accurately, central nervous system lymphoma. The first diagnosis of this kind of cancer was 15 years ago, which gives cause for reflection. It does not spread beyond the central nervous system. We had begged the oncologists not to do the biopsy, saying the behaviour of the tumours suggested they were lymphomas, but they refused to offer any treatment without the biopsy. Predictably, the biopsy affected the brain and my sister was very unwell by that stage.

It was at this point I rushed to Israel with the enhanced range of supplements detailed below. I was shocked by Bernice's condition. She was confused, grey looking and breathed with difficulty. Her husband and I immediately began to administer the supplements (after a lengthy discussion the Oncologist had relented and given her consent). Ten hours later, her breathing was back to normal, her colour had returned and she was speaking coherently. Her husband who had previously questioned the use of supplements because of the reoccurrence of her cancers was amazed, and committed himself thereafter to making sure she now systematically took them.

My sister was a depressive. She was resigned to dying having reached her life goal of fifty five. She had shocked her oncologists by saying that brain cancer was a good way to go as it was painless. This round of cancer showed her that dying in this way was not easy. As a result, for the first time she wanted to be well. Taking control of her life meant she now wanted the chemotherapy.

We spoke at length to the Head of Oncology and the Professor allowed her to take her supplements alongside the chemo. During the courses of chemo, the benefits of the supplements were so startling that the professor brought her teams of doctors to view Bernice who was not showing any of the usual side effects. Prior to the second dose of chemo, Bernice's eyesight had begun to return and after the third she was given the all clear to drive again.

When she arrived for the fourth round, the Professor refused to allow her to take the supplements until after the methotrexate had been administered and washed out, saying she was concerned it was taking longer than normal for the chemo to clear her body. In the 24 hours she was unprotected, Bernice felt effects she had not experienced in the previous three rounds.

As I write, my sisters have just phoned to say they are flying to London for a holiday with Verity and me. The Professor has agreed to defer her final round of chemo to enable her to visit. I have no doubt she is tumour free and for the first time I am optimistic about her future, because she has regained the will and the desire to live.

Her Current Protocol

1. A multi-vitamin containing at least 50mg B vitamins and vitamin A (divided doses);
2. A multi-mineral containing at least 200mcg of selenium (divided doses);
3. Milk Thistle for liver support;
4. Fish oil and shark liver oil for cell membrane normalization and tissue communication;
5. Glycoproteins for tissue communication and improved immune surveillance;
6. Coriolus and Biobran for enhanced and balanced immunity;
7. The mushroom Lions Mane and Phosphatidyl Serine for brain function;
8. VitaCplex and Bilberry to enhance NKC activity and connective tissue;
9. Zyflamend and turmeric for inflammation (taken with green tea for better absorption);
10. Biocare's Sea Plasma for protection against chemotherapy damage;
11. Salvesterols to engage the enzymes found in cancerous tissue;
12. Lycopene and Lutein for their proven effect on the nucleolus;
13. COQ10 to enhance cellular energy;
14. Bromelain and papain for inflammation and removal of congestion.
15. Quercetin and turmeric as anti-inflammatories.


The author wrote in Dec 2007: "My sister died recently having lived for 40 months when she was given 4. In the end the steroids trashed her body, which together with full brain radiation meant that her last 6 months were hell. So for her, death was a relief. I just wish she had listened to me all those years ago."


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About Hillel Fridman

Hillel Fridman is Proprietor of Dandelion Health Store and may be contacted on

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