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Case Study Issue 66: Patient Cancer Study

by David Galsworthy(more info)

listed in case studies, originally published in issue 66 - July 2001

I had consulted my General Practitioner during 1998 with minor problems of frequency of urination. It was not considered serious and the advice given was not to drink fluids after 7 pm.

In March 1999, I returned from a business trip to southern France with a stomach upset that was diagnosed as food poisoning by my GP. The infection travelled to my bladder and over this period I passed blood several times in my urine. For the next 14 weeks I was given numerous antibiotic medications for chronic bladder infection. Typical symptoms at this time were numbness to the left thigh, occasional ache/pain deep within the groin and backache.

On 28 May 1999, whilst waiting for a flight at Heathrow Airport, I visited the toilet and passed a large quantity of blood in my urine. I visited my GP on my return and was again given an antibiotic. A blood test was arranged. The results several weeks later showed a high prostatic specific antigen (PSA) level. Ultrasound and CT scans were also arranged by my GP.

I visited a consultant surgeon (Mr James Hill) on 9 August 1999 who suspected advanced cancer of the prostate. I was given a Zoladex injection immediately and was told that if I did not respond I had little chance of surviving a couple of months (I had insisted on knowing the exact diagnosis and prognosis). Mr Hill carried out a biopsy on 13 August, which was confirmed a week later as positive for cancer. On 26 August 1999 I was admitted to hospital with acute bladder retention with a PSA of 353. An abdominal catheter was fitted. On 8 October 1999 Mr Hill performed a limited transurethral resection of the prostate gland (TURP), which was successful.

The following week I saw an associate of Mr Hill who suggested I try anything as my chances of surviving the illness more than 12 months were not very good. It was suggested that there may be a problem with my left kidney and that it may have to be removed. My PSA from October 1999 through to August 2000 never went below 11 and at the end of July increased to 30, which meant that the Zoladex had stopped working.

Mr Hill referred me to Professor RTD Oliver the Director of Medical Oncology at St Bartholomew's Hospital. I joined a new study/treatment programme which involved chemotherapy, consisting of 180mg Lomustine for one day, Chlorambucil 5mg for 18 days with 1mg of Stilboestrol and 2mg Dexamethasone for 56 days. Each cycle lasts 56 days and is then repeated. Within 12 hours of starting the programme all pain subsided.

Detoxification and Nutrition

Having been involved in active sport and having regularly worked out in the gym, I was aware of good nutrition and a balanced diet. I embarked on a totally natural diet, removing all processed food and reducing grains and dairy products. I increased my intake of raw fresh fruit and vegetable and most importantly all food produce was sanitized for parasites and larvae. All meats were either organic or wild. Fish was white deep sea only (no bottom feeders). No food was reheated and no microwave used. Breads, although limited, were home made. No sugar, no hydrogenated oils or trans-fatty acids.

I also removed any food that contained malonic acid (Dr Hulda Clark), and combined some of Dr Johanna Budwig's oil-protein diet within my own diet. I supplemented with 180ml of organic flax seed oil mixed with Quark each day. This was divided into three and taken at meal times.

I used a liver cleanse every 14 days together with kidney herbs. I supplemented with milkthistle and glutathione to improve and aid liver function. Milkthistle was stopped every 14 days for a period of 7 days.

I measured my urine pH every day and adjusted my diet accordingly so as to keep the urine at a neutral pH. My fluid intake was no less than 3 to 4 litres per day, being a mixture of fresh pressed fruit juice and water.


Within two months of starting the chemotherapy, Professor Oliver commented on how good my blood was as well as my general well-being. The latest CT scan shows that the liver may be clear of any tumours, and the kidneys are functioning well with no hydronephrosis. Professor Oliver believes the bones are looking good although I am awaiting an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan next week.

I have written a book detailing my diet, exercise, detoxification, and food rules and preparation, which will be published in July 2001 – The Compendium of Healthy Living. I can be reached at:


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About David Galsworthy

David Galsworthy has written a book detailing my diet, exercise, detoxification, and food rules and preparation, published in July 2001 – The Compendium of Healthy Living. He can be reached at:

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