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The most important thing in medicine is making a diagnosis. Everything else follows on from that. A diagnosis basically means ‘naming’ the disease. As long as a disease has not been named it doesn’t exist and that means that the medical profession does not know what is wrong or what to do about it. Your symptoms will not be recognized as a disease. Let me give you a couple of examples. You may still remember that not so long ago people who were tired all the time and had repeatedly negative investigation results (anaemia tests, vitamin insufficiencies, thyroid tests, etc.) were told there was nothing wrong with them. Until somebody made a diagnosis! They named the disease ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ and now everybody knew what was wrong. Even though the name is simply a description of the major symptoms, the set op symptoms have now been bundled in a disease and it has been given a name by the medical profession. People with longstanding muscular pains, not over one joint but pains travelling around various parts of the body, were desperately ignored until somebody named the disease. It is called ‘fibromyalgia’, which means ‘pains in muscles’ (fiber (Greek) = fibre; myalgia = pain in ligaments, tendons, muscles). So, you don’t need to be clever or have studied Greek or Latin, you just have to be the first to name a disease and that makes you the top specialist in that area. You, to all intents and purpose, have ‘invented’ the disease.

Diagnosis (Artificial Intelligence)

Diagnosis (Artificial Intelligence)

Courtesy: Wikipedia

Any not yet used explanation for a set of symptoms and complaints seems like fair game at the moment. If you have a feeling of oxygen deprivation, a sense you cannot breathe properly and you feel tired, somebody came up with the idea that you may be ‘starving’ yourself of oxygen during the night. It got the diagnostic name of sleep apnoea (not breathing during sleep). And then testing proved it. Indeed, the patient did stop breathing for short periods during the night. Bingo. No more thinking about it. Start developing machines to help these poor people. Simple questions that have not been asked, and will not be asked, by the medical profession, are:

  • Does everybody intermittently stop breathing, day or night?
  • When I fully concentrate, I notice I hold my breath too, why am I not starved of oxygen then?
  • Why am I not recuperating from my nightly lack of oxygen when I am breathing normally during the day?
  • Can you actually, during the day, measure a low oxygen saturation within the blood in order to explain my tiredness? The answer is no.

It is generally accepted – strange that it doesn’t raise any eyebrows – that naming the symptoms can be a diagnostic description of a disease. The medical profession now ‘identifies’ the disease, recognizes the disease, and says it now knows what it is and what to do about it. Why wasn’t it a disease before somebody gave it a name? Why didn’t anybody know what to do about it then and simply by calling it something they do? Does this involve a magic wand?

A diagnosis is defined as the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms. Diagnosis is often challenging, because many signs and symptoms are nonspecific, and can only be undertaken by registered and licensed health professionals. It is the privilege of the medical profession to diagnose, to name a disease. As long as they haven’t done that, what you are suffering from is basically not a disease, cannot be diagnosed. Diagnosing a disease involves the history of a patient, a physical examination of a patient and medical tests. More and more, the medical profession has been relying on medical tests to ‘confirm’ the diagnosis. In other words, they have made a preliminary diagnosis but certain tests need to confirm that suspicion. If the tests do not confirm the suspicion it has become standard practice not to use the diagnosis the doctor has made based on history and examination. That is why it is occurring more often that doctors are able to help people even without actually seeing them or performing a physical examination. Simply on the basis of your story he orders the required tests and the tests will tell him what is bothering you. The medical tests have been elevated from ‘a confirmation’ to ‘a diagnosis’.

When you have a pain in a particular part of the body medical tests will ‘diagnose’ the disease. Negative tests literally mean that there is nothing wrong with you! Only when something out of the ordinary has been found by a test can a diagnosis be made and becomes your pain real. It now will be given a name and from then on the medical profession follows treatment protocols to make you feel better. Diagnosing without tests has become unfashionable and is even no longer accepted within the profession. A medical ‘opinion’ is not only seen as undesirable but even as dangerous. There doesn’t seem to be a recognition of the fact that one can only test certain things, not everything, and that lots depends on the patient and the technology that is used for the test. Test results have been known to vary significantly between various laboratories, hospitals and departments.

The need to demonstrate that something is wrong, that something is out of the ordinary, has become a ‘must’ in medical diagnostic procedures. However, no serious questions are being asked about the validity of the tests, which are now being given the status of the gold standard for diagnosing a disease.

An infection used to be diagnosed by clinical judgement, potentially confirmed by a laboratory test showing which micro-organism was present in the tissue sample sent. A negative test did not nullify the diagnosis the doctor had made. This means that the test procedure is not an essential part of the diagnostic process, medical history and examination are. Gradually the profession was told that a negative microbe test also needed to be seen as a positive diagnosis. In infectious diseases a negative microbe test became the diagnostic tool to ‘diagnose’ a viral infection. If you have an infection, and no microbe can be demonstrated, the diagnosis is a viral infection. This way they eliminated the real reason for the test, which was ‘to prove there were pathogens present in the diseased tissue’. That was supporting evidence for a diagnosis of an infection. Now they are using a negative test result as the same proof you have an infection. So more tests in suspected infections needed to be done in order to properly diagnose the disease, either bacterial or viral infection, but it will always be an infection because the doctor has asked for the test to be done. The fact that viruses cannot be demonstrated to be present in an infectious process did not bother anybody. The fact that, still, no medical test is able to prove the presence of a virus in any kind of tissue doesn’t bother anybody. What is important to the medical profession is that something has been found to be ‘out of the ordinary’. Strangely enough even when the test turns out to be negative! How such a test is being performed or what the limitations are of such a test no longer seems relevant. As long as an ‘abnormality’ can be demonstrated!

When a test shows something that is deemed ‘abnormal’ – meaning, not in line with the average of the population or different from what the physician expects to find (cfr. the negative test on infected material) – then it is assumed that that ‘abnormality’ must be the cause of the complaint. The link between the two is automatically made. It is part of the training of the doctor to learn to simply accept that. This quickly leads to the reverse assumption that when nothing shows up in a test then it isn’t there. In other words, without an abnormal test result there is nothing wrong with the patient, you do not have a disease.

A young mother is giving birth at the hospital, attended to by her obstetrician and midwife. When the baby is born the staff is shocked at the small size of the newly born. The obstetrician checks and, whilst going red in the face, says, “There is another one on the way!”. The mother had all her regular check-ups with the same medical staff. During her pregnancy she had four ultrasonic scans. Because the scans only showed one baby all her ‘slightly off’ symptoms and signs were ridiculed and ignored. Nobody within the medical team had considered any other option, any other possible cause for her complaints. The test was negative (ultrasonic scan), and that was all that was needed. The machine missed a twin pregnancy and no professional was prepared to go against the machine, or even consider the machine may not show it. The birth of the twins was a total surprise because of the total reliance on the medical test. They never fail. They never go wrong. They are 100% reliable. Or not, as the case may be. I know this story to be true because I was there!

When you reach a certain age and you keep complaining about a painful knee with, at times, difficulty in walking, not so long ago the doctor you consulted might have said: “You have arthritis”. Nowadays you need to go for a scan before the doctor can know what is wrong with you. When the scan shows signs that can be interpreted as arthritis, then the doctor will let you know you have arthritis. When the scan is perfectly normal, you do not have arthritis and they will keep ‘looking’ for another thing that is different from a standard twenty year old, different from their set standard. When found, this other thing must be the cause of your complaint and must be rectified before it gets worse. Have you noticed that nowadays in medicine everything will only get worse UNLESS you take their advice? - Even when afterwards, surgical intervention or medicinal approach whichever it has been, it turns out that your symptoms are still present the search will continue, and you will need to understand that whatever they ‘rectified’ was most definitely going to give you hell in the future. Never give up a position of always being right, even when you are proven to be wrong!

Solely relying on test results for a diagnosis will obviously increase the number of tests being carried out. And the more tests you perform the more ‘positives’ you will produce. The more you are looking for deviations from your perfect textbook picture, the more that you will find. The numbers are going up continually. This leads to the creation of more test centres and at the same time to more ‘patients’, more people that ‘require’ treatment.

One no longer waits for people to come forward with complaints. One is actively going to look for diagnoses in the healthy population and as one is relying on test results only to make that diagnosis; it makes perfect sense to test healthy people. An abnormal test will be declared a diagnosis. Now one is finding more patients and at the same time the entire population is becoming more ill, more in need of ‘help’, of treatments. The medical profession has now given themselves the power to decide whether a healthy, not complaining, person is actually healthy or is diseased. You yourself no longer have that right. Not for yourself, and not for your children. In fact, it isn’t even the doctor who decides what you are suffering from, what the diagnosis is, but it is a machine. A machine, produced by and owned by the medical industry, has been given, by our government, the invasive right to turn me into a patient if I do not match the standard that has been set by the same medical profession that produces the machine. Now we have the machine, now let’s ensure it proves it’s worth in the return we get from our investment. By changing the standards of the test results the machine throws out one can increase the value of the test and increase the profits. Lowering the accepted figures for blood pressure creates more heart sufferers, for blood levels of glucose creates more diabetics, for blood levels of cholesterol creates more patients with clotting problems.

The basic problem of coming to a diagnosis is proving a causal link between signs and symptoms on the one hand and the found abnormality on the other. Simply being present at the time of the complaint indicates a possible correlation (still needs to be investigated further!) but can certainly not be regarded as proof to have caused the trouble. This causal investigation, however, is never done properly. Coincidences and assumptions are used to fill in the gaps and to connect the dots that draw the picture. To start with, we assume that an abnormality must be found within the tissues in order to confirm or diagnose the disease. Why? Because we assume that the tissues, the material part of life, are responsible for life itself. If there is something wrong then it must show up, in some way, within the anatomy and/or physiology of the tissues. We assume that matter is the basic fabric of life.

Isn’t it amazing that a profession calls itself a team of scientists whilst they still believe that matter creates life? Science has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that life is energy, is created from energy and functions as an expression of energy. So, if the basic assumption on which the entire medical profession has been built turns out to be wrong, why should we carry on believing anything that is created within that industry? They said ‘causes’ of diseases are not the real causes of diseases because the diagnoses have been made based on the wrong assumptions, in the belief that there must be a material cause for the disease. Machines have been developed on the programmes designed by people whose beliefs turn out to be incorrect. Hence, machines suggests incorrect diagnoses as they are created to do just that: give validity to an incorrect assumption. The ‘abnormality’ found is elevated to the status of cause of disease, whilst there is no proof for that at all.

It may be hard to comprehend just how far wrong the profession is in their approach to health and diseases but the more you ask questions about what they are doing and how they are doing it, the more clear the answers become. The wrong starting point leads to a very wrong picture emerging when you are trying to connect the dots of knowledge within a narrow misty frame. When lots of building has been done based on the wrong starting point then a lot of what we believe in will have to be destroyed and restructured. Centuries of believing the earth is the centre of the universe cannot be undone in a short period of time when it becomes clear to scientists that it isn’t what they all believed for a very long time. Science knows, but the people do not yet know. And whoever is in charge of the people at the time of the switch of the point of view is not going to tell the people. Keep them ignorant for as long as possible and make the most of it while it lasts, will be the motto.

As a former General Medical Practitioner I empower myself to say that the western medical system is very sick. And I take the opportunity, while I have the power, to make a diagnosis. I declare that allopathic medicine is suffering from detail-itis. It is an inflammation of details. Here are the four required symptoms the medical profession is showing right now. They are getting hot under the collar about not being able to deliver on the promises they make with regards to treatment outcomes. They go red in the face when confronted with their failures. They swell out their chests by taking deep breaths when being confronted with their fallibility. They are in severe pain when anybody questions their procedures. And the reason they have this problem is simply because everything is cut into small areas of expertise. Testing looks at one aspect of life, and even then in only one specific way. All attention has gone to details, none goes to the wider picture and the questions such an approach throws up.

  • It isn’t about what disease it is; it is about who that person is with the disease.
  • It isn’t about one or a few tests; it is about the entire life of the person.
  • It isn’t about one circumstance within the environment; it is about all the factors contributing to the life of the person.

There is much more in life that we do not know then there is that we know.

And most of what we do know is false.

Humanity knows so little, and yet we are so in awe of people that call themselves ‘experts’. We see ourselves as far beneath those experts and we believe that people who have gone to school for a long time know how to think for themselves. Wake up! Nobody learns how to think for themselves at school. Formal education means that you have to absorb the ‘knowledge’ as it is presented to you, to regurgitate that knowledge at exam times and to continue believing what you have been told. The world can only be the way you have learned to look at it at school.

Life is a different kind of school, where each of us can learn whatever is very appropriate to know in the life we lead. The lessons are different for all of us and the exam is our health. Being ill, not feeling well, means you are not doing very well in learning your personal lessons. But if you pay better attention in class, and you learn to understand what your life is trying to tell you, your grades will improve dramatically and your health improves by the day.

So what is really important is that you make your own diagnosis as far as your own life is concerned. You name what is wrong in your life. Name it and own the disease. Identify the contributing circumstances, and if you can the real cause of your disease, the one you named. Once you really understand what is wrong in your life, not what is wrong in specific tissues in certain parts of your body, it will come to you what the cure is. And unlike the ‘cures’ from the experts, your own cure for your disease will work fully, which means that that disease will never return.

  • Own the right to diagnose your own disease.
  • Find the real cause of your disease.
  • Make the necessary changes to your life in order to cure the disease.
  • Disempower the external expert – Empower the expert within yourself.

Acknowledgement Citation

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About Dr Patrick Quanten

Dr Patrick Quanten MD has been on a long journey of discovery ever since he became aware of the ineffectiveness of the medical approach to diseases. He studied a great variety of alternative treatments and eventually realized that the answer is inherent in the structure of the creation. Finding answers to the fundamental questions in life became the main goal and seeing simple patterns return everywhere provided insight. (His book: "Why Me? - Science and Spirituality as inevitable bed partners" - ISBN 978-90-827854-1-8). Dr Quantem may be contacted on Tel: 07826 824232;

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