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Forensic Nutrition Part II

by Harry Howell(more info)

listed in clinical practice, originally published in issue 232 - August 2016

Forensic Nutrition (FN) is a science because it deals with the subject of ill-health in a systematic way and from all aspects, e.g. the cause of the problem and the course of the problem, its diagnostic signs and symptoms, any biochemical and structural changes, and the complications that may occur.

The human body is a truly wonderful compensating mechanism. Nearly all the symptoms we show - estimated at about 80% - are actually compensations rather than the originating problem. We need to remember that a compensation is always masking an underlying problem. The body’s highest priority is to survive, so it will rob Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. That’s why blood tests are more significant than most of us realize. For example, when you do a blood test and find that the blood sugar is either too low or too high, that is significant because it indicates that the body has already exhausted all its ability to compensate. In other words, the body has become taxed beyond its endurance.

We already know that the human body is comprised of approximately 70% water. Thus, every cell in the body is floating in water. Water, just like water in a lake or ocean, exerts a pressure within its environment. In order to withstand this pressure, each cell lies within a more rigid structure produced from the polysaccharides of the glycocalix, which creates a chemical reaction to form a kind of skeleton that protects the softer inner membrane of the cell.

In order to survive, a cell needs to be able to attract and absorb nutrients, hormones, etc. from its outside environment, most of which are transported in blood vessels. To enable this, each cell produces a large number of receptors that are constantly scanning the environment for signals. It used to be thought that this was a ‘lock and key’ mechanism, i.e. the receptor was the ‘lock’ and the hormone or nutrient was the ‘key’ that enabled it - and no other hormone or nutrient - to enter into the cell. More recent medical research has established that this procedure is conducted through electromagnetic signals.[1,2]

For this article, we are discussing problems related to the stomach. For testing purposes, each therapist needs to use whatever methods he/she is familiar with. Although the problems revealed usually, but not always, have a nutritional basis, the actual treatment or therapy is not necessarily nutritional. In the particular cases shown below, I have chosen homeopathic combinations, because I find these work well for me. I would like to stress that FN is about discovering the underlying causes of health problems. How you treat them or what therapy you use is the choice of each practitioner, according to their skills and training.

Space dictates an abbreviated form of FN, and we can begin with a Causal Chain diagram from which to work:

Relationship between Stomach and Other Organs

Relationship between Stomach and Other Organs

Relationship between the Stomach and other Organs via Meridian Connections

We can use these for testing purposes:


1.   Stomach – sinuses

2.   Stomach – teeth

3.   Stomach – trigeminal nerve

4.   Stomach – facial nerve

5.   Stomach – eye


6.   Stomach – thyroid/parathyroid

7.   Stomach – supraclavicular fossa

8.   Stomach – breast

9.   Stomach – heart

10.  Stomach – liver

11.  Stomach – Gall bladder

12.  Stomach - kidneys


13   Stomach – pancreas/spleen

14   Stomach – small and large intestines


15   Stomach – inguinal region

Lower extremity

16   Stomach – knee joint and ankle joint

Anatomical and Physiological Relationships between the Stomach and other Organs

1.   Stomach - liver (secretin, hydrochloric acid, pepsin, sphincter of Oddi)

2.   Stomach - gall bladder (secretin, gastrin, hydrochloric acid, pepsin, sphincter of Oddi)

3.   Stomach - pancreas (secretin, pancreozymin, hydrochloric acid, sphincter of Oddi)

4.   Stomach - small intestine (enterogastrone, hydrochloric acid, secretin)

5.   Stomach - large intestine (enterogastrone, hydrochloric acid, secretin)

6.   Stomach - kidneys (hydrogen ion pool)

Autonomic nerve connections exist between all the above listed organs.

      The connection between the kidneys and the gastric mucous membrane through the hydrogen ion pool - hydrogen concentration is written H+ - is not well recognised.[3,4] If there is increased hydrogen ion secretion through the gastric mucous membrane, then hydrogen ion excretion through the kidney is reduced, and with hypo-acidic secretion, there is an increase in acid elimination via the kidneys. These findings can be used for therapeutic purposes when treating the stomach and kidneys.

Combination Therapy of the Stomach with Other Organs on the Basis of Causal Chain

1. Gastric dysfunction together with sinusitis:

Argentum nitricum 6x

Atropinum sulfuricus 4x

Nux vomica 4x

Colchicum 3x

Hydrastis 4x

Bryonia 3x

Echinasia angustifola 1x

2. Gastric dysfunction together with dental disease:

  • In cases of peritonitis for the resolution of inflammation:

Mercurius solubilis 4x

Kalium jodatum 3x

Arsenicum album 6x

Thuja 4x

Scrophularia nodosa 4x

Kali bichromicum 4x

Calcarea sulfuricus 4x

  • Post-operatively to promote wound healing:

Symphytum 3x

Arnica 3x

Hypericum 3x

Calendula Ø

Sanicula europaea Ø

  • Post-operatively to combat capillary bleeding:

Millefolium Ø

Erigeon Canadensis 2x

China 5x

Sanicula europaea 2x

Ipecacuanha 4x

  • For all inflammatory diseases of the mouth and gums:

Myrrh Ø

Salvia officinalis Ø

Arnica montana Ø

China Ø

Calendula Ø

Chamomile Ø

Echinacea angustifola 2x

3. Gastric dysfunction together with trigeminal neuralgia and/or facial paralysis:

Agaricus muscarius 30x

Arsenicum album 30x

Chamomilla 30x

Chinimum sulphuricum 30x

Colchicum 30x

Gelsemium 30x

Kali phosphoricum 12x

Kalmia latifolia 6x

Magnesia carbonica 30x

Platina 30x

Rhus toxicodendron 30x

Spigellia 30x

Verbascum 6x

Zincum valerianum 2x

Facial nerve sarcode 6x

4. Gastric dysfunction together with thyroid and/or parathyroid dysfunction:


Belladonna 30x

Bromum 3x

Cactus grandifloras 3x

Calcarea carbonica 30x

Crotalus horridus 6x

Ferrum iodatum 3x

Fluoricum acidum 30x

Fucus versiculosus Ø

Hydrastis 30c

Iodum 30c

Iris versicolor 30x

Lapis albus 6x

Lycopodium 200x

Thyroidinum 6x


Iodum 3x, 6x

Iodine trace mineral 800µm

Calcitonin 6x, 12x

Thyroid glandular 12x

Parathyroid glandular 3x, 6x, 12x

5. Gastric dysfunction together with breast disease:

Asterias rubens 6x

Badiaga 1x

Baryta iodata 2x

Bromum 1x

Bryonia 1x

Carbo animalis 3x

Carsinosin 30x, 200x

Condurango Ø

Conium 100x, 200x

Graphites 6x

Hoang Nan Ø

Lachesis 8x

Plumbum metallicum 3x

Sanguinaria 6x

Sempervivum tectorum Ø

Mammary glandular tissue 6x

Mastitis nosode 8x

6. Gastric dysfunction together with cardiac dysfunction:

Kalmia 4x

Apocynum Ø

Kali carbonica 4x

Veratrum 4x

Spigelia 3x

Colchicum 4x

Lachesis 15x

Laurocerasus 2x

7. Gastric dysfunction together with pancreatic dysfunction:

Pancreozymin sarcode 6x

8. Gastric dysfunction together with splenic dysfunction:

China 4x

Ceanothus americanus 2x

Grindelia robusta 3x

Lachesis 8x

Croalus 8x

Taraxacum 4x

Carduus marianus Ø

9. Gastric dysfunction together with dysfunctions of the lymphatic system:

Myrrh 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Aconite 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Tang Kuei* 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Ma Huang* 3x, 6x, 12, 30x

Tsao-Wu* 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Catharenthes 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Echinacea 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Amorpopphallus Konjac 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

*These are homeopathic forms taken from Chinese herbs

10. Gastric dysfunction together with liver dysfunction:

Magnoliae officinalis cortex 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Curcumae rhizoma 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Aquilariae lignum 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Verbena hastata 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Bupleuri radix 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

Coridaldis tuber 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x

11. Gastric dysfunction together with gall bladder disease:

Colocynthis 3x

Magnesium phosphoricus 3x

Leptandra 3x

Potentilla anserina 3x

Thuja 4x

Carduus marianus Ø

Mercurius dulcis 8x

12. Gastric dysfunction together with small intestine dysfunction:

Intestinal wall tissue 6x, 12x

Villi 3x, 6x

Cholecystokinin 6x

Secretin 6x, 12x

Jejunum 6x, 12x, 100x

Duodenum 6x, 12x, 30x, 100x

Ileum 6x, 12x, 100x

13. Gastric dysfunction together with large intestine dysfunction:

Vinca major 3x

Cirsium 3x

Phytolacca 2x

Plantago 3x

Viscum album 3x

Amygdala 3x

Rhamnus catharticus 6x

Glycyrrhiza glabra 6x

Vagus nerve 6x

Liver glandular 6x

Small and large intestine glandular 6x

14. Gastric dysfunction together with renal dysfunction:

Belladonna 4x

Bryonia 2x

Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus 4x

Other Areas of Investigation

The stomach can be severely affected by other factors, particularly the psyche. One of the first symptoms to appear in acute anxiety, for example, is a ‘sinking’ feeling in the stomach, or ‘flutters’ or even pain. There can be:

  • Self-growth blocks;
  • Secondary emotions: while anger, fear, hate and love are examples of primary emotions, secondary emotions include enthusiasm, optimism, gratitude, etc. They are emotional reactions to primary emotions;
  • Biocircuit configurations, e.g. Circadian cycles, biorhythms;
  • Psychological Conflict; some practitioners talk about Psychological Reversal, developed by Dr Callaghan, a term I’m not keen on because it implies a permanent condition. In reality, a person can flit in and out of ‘reversals’ according to the mood of the moment, external and internal pressures, and so on;
  • Self-sabotage or Self Destruction; a condition in which a person works against their own best interests. This can have a chronic effect on the stomach, e.g. stomach ulcers, etc.;
  • Addictions, like smoking, drug-taking, etc. can have serious effects on the stomach and are easily treated by acupressure.

Obviously, all the above require time and experience both in testing for and treatment of. It isn’t possible, within the space confines of an article, to discuss them in detail.


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About Harry Howell

Harry Howell DSc had over 30 years clinical practice before retiring in 1999.  He taught and worked in England, Portugal, France and the Indian sub-continent, specialising in nutrition. He also practised and taught acupuncture, homeopathy and kinesiology. Harry Howell may be contacted on; his books may be purchased from Amazon:

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