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Violane - The Hidden Healer

by Lettie Vantol(more info)

listed in crystal healing, originally published in issue 163 - October 2009

The crystal kingdom is so vast, and although hundreds of books have been published, including pictures, chemical compositions, origin, etc., it is doubtful that all known crystals have been classified to date. In fact more new ones are 'discovered' regularly.
Most people reading this article already have a fair knowledge about crystals, especially those well known for their specific therapeutic properties. Since there are many we get to know as healers, we usually do not delve too deeply in those less known, but simply admire them for their beauty or, if we are very keen, intend to find out more as soon as we can find some spare time.


This realization came to me with a jolt when the following incident was related to me by one of my fellow teachers. For anonymity's sake let's call her Janet. Janet is small and petite and has worked and taught crystal healing for many years.

About five years ago Janet woke up one morning to find that the second toe on her left foot was swollen and very painful. This became worse during the course of the day, so that she could not even bear to touch the offending digit.  She hobbled into her GP's office, and to cut a long story short, was diagnosed with gout.* Untreated, this condition can last for about 2 weeks and the various treatments available, namely steroids, NSAIDs, and other drugs (some with unpleasant side effects) are not guaranteed to work in all cases.  Not the solution any complementary therapist wants to hear! A change of diet was also recommended.

Despite changes to her diet, about 13 months later she experienced another attack and as this was a Sunday; she would have to wait until the next day to see her GP. Being a part time practising Crystal Therapist as well as teacher, Janet was very much tuned into crystal energies. She had made plans to attend a Crystal exhibition held locally at the weekend where she was to meet a particular friend who was a crystal supplier. Reluctant to cancel, she limped along hoping to take her mind off the painful toe. Unfortunately after meandering a bit at the exhibition, trying to take pleasure from the lovely display of crystals, the pain was getting worse and worse. However, since she had decided to come here and 'enjoy' the visit, she was determined to do just that in spite of the excruciating pain. So she hopped along past the enticing displays as best she could. 

Then it happened. She felt compulsively drawn to a stand displaying a box full of pale blue/green palm-stones. As often occurs, crystals have the capacity of very strongly drawing your attention to themselves - even to the point that you simply 'have' to hold them. This was exactly what happened to Janet. She picked 'the' one out of the box as she just 'had to' have it. Even with her extensive knowledge of crystals, she had never come across this one before and she experienced a strong. instinctive feeling that it was what she urgently needed at the moment. She asked for the name of this crystal, which turned out to be Violane,** a member of the Dioptase family. Barely having paid for this new treasure, Janet found a seat and placed the crystal on her painful toe and after a few minutes, to her great delight, found that the pain lessened to some degree.

On arrival home Janet found a family gathering and could not continue with her 'treatment' without causing an argument. She decided to postpone contacting her GP, and back in the office the next day, she put the piece of Violane over the painful toe with sticky tape and left it there for the best part of the day. The pain continued to subside and at the end of her office day, before going home, she removed the Violane from her toe, and to her amazement, not only had the pain gone, but the badly swollen toe was reduced to its normal size and its normal colour.

To date, Janet's toe has remained perfectly healthy.

Encouraged by this magical healing of gout with Violane, both Janet and the writer of this article have since tried to apply it with healing arthritic conditions, but were somewhat disappointed that it did not quite have the same curative effect. However, it appeared to ease inflammation, but did not cure arthritis. Nevertheless it is great to discover healing qualities of a so far relatively unknown crystal, revealed in so spontaneous a way.


* According to the Medical dictionary, gout is a chemical disease with precipitation of uric acid crystals in the tissues. Most of the symptoms are caused by crystals around the joints, often a single joint.

** Violane is a manganese rich variety of diopside, violet to light blue in colour and mainly found in Italy and Russia.


An Interesting Point.

Looking at the violane palm stone, I became aware of tiny crystalline particles, which put me in mind of the uric acid crystals present in gout. This brought to mind the Doctrine of Signatures used in healing with herbs. The theory, in a nutshell, being that a plant's physical characteristics indicates its uses for healing. E.g. Plants with red roots or flowers were believed to alleviate blood disorders; those with yellow flowers or roots could cure jaundice. Lungwort resembled the lungs and so had a curative effect on the lungs...and so on.


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About Lettie Vantol

Lettie Vantol Cert Ed ITEC MMCHF RRef Dip Founder Member & Chairperson CHF and BCH is the Principal of the Vantol College of Crystal Therapy, founded in 1992 by Lettie and which continues to grow and flourish. Lettie initiated her Crystal healing studies in France, Holland and has a natural affinity with Crystals. She is also a qualified practitioner, and has taught and practised Aromatherapy, Reflexology, and several other therapies, but crystals are her first love.

The Vantol college is based in Egham, Surrey and many students attend from overseas The two year Crystal Therapy Diploma Course consists of two years and covers 16 weekends spread over two years. Introductory weekends for newcomers to crystal healing are also available. For information, please contact the college on Tel: 01932 423696;

Lettie is the author of the book Crystals Strong and Beautiful which is available from and as well as direct from the Vantol College. Lettie may be contacted directly via

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