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Electro-Crystal Therapy

by Mark G. Lester(more info)

listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 41 - June 1999

"Our main work is energy restructuring. We are like a general energy-medicine practice and we can help anything that affects the mind-body inter-relationship". This was how Harry Oldfield described his work as the inventor of Electro-Crystal Therapy in the recently published book Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe.

P.I.P. example 1: This patient aged 40 is HIV+. The first picture was taken before treatment with severe energy congestion shown in red along his spinal column for which I gave him stimulating frequencies.

The second picture, taken after 4 sessions shows the congestion virtually gone. The patient reported a massive improvement in his energy levels.

P.I.P. example 1: This patient aged 40 is HIV+. The first picture was taken before treatment with severe energy congestion shown in red along his spinal column for which I gave him stimulating frequencies. The second picture, taken after 4 sessions shows the congestion virtually gone. The patient reported a massive improvement in his energy levels.
All pictures (c) Mark Lester/Harry Oldfield 1998

My experience of the therapy with my own patients confirms exactly that. "I don't understand or care how it works" said Debbie after a few treatment sessions at my clinic "I just go on the fact I am no longer on painkillers and I am now standing straight. I have got an arthritic spine and I have been on painkillers as long as I can remember. The doctor said it couldn't get better: you will just have to live with it. My life seemed to have come to an end by the age of 39. Electro-Crystal Therapy has totally changed the nature of my life". Such words speak for themselves.

It was in 1911 that Dr R. Millikan proved the existence of electrons at the University of Chicago. In his words, "Matter had finally been proven to be electrical in origin". It was not long before a number of inventors had spotted the obvious implication – that electrical devices may have a profound effect on health. A number of therapies soon sprung up using Electro-magnetic (EM) waves. These included Samuel's "Endogenous endocrinotherapy", Reich's "Orgone Box", Rife's "Frequency Instrument" and Abrams' "Oscilloclast" to name but a few. Generally speaking mainstream medicine sneered (without of course actually researching the subject, examining any of the equipment and without interviewing a single patient or the inventors of these instruments). Nevertheless these inventors all claimed to have saved lives, had grateful patients who were willing to testify to the success of their treatments, and a handful of enlightened doctors and therapists supported them. Ironically mainstream medicine whilst opposing these therapies, has employed EM waves in ultrasound and TENS machines and many other physiotherapy devices. MRI scans, the most advanced mainstream radiotherapy scanning technique in existence today, also uses EM technology.

1983 saw the birth of Electro-Crystal Therapy, a technique that was unique in that the use of crystals for therapeutic purposes was combined with Electro-magnetic treatment for the first time.

Before explaining what Electro-Crystal Therapy is, I would like to share my own story of what brought me into this area of healing. I went to visit Harry Oldfield some 7 years ago for a minor problem of my own. I immediately admired his integrity and interest in his patients. Then while I was there, I met a lady who had been given just a few months to live. She had cancer and mainstream medicine had done everything it could to help her (which was not very much). Whilst I cannot remember the precise details, what I do recall is that the Electro-Crystal Therapy had saved her life and reversed the disease. Hmmm, there's something in this I thought. A few months later I found myself training in this miracle therapy.

The therapy derived as an offshoot of the research carried out by researcher/ physicist/biologist Harry Oldfield into energy fields, specifically a technique known as Kirlian photography which was used to take pictures of the energy fields of living things (plants, animals and even in our view crystals). Mr Oldfield took a Kirlian diagnostic unit, adapted the voltage and bandwidth, connected the machines to glass electrodes filled with quartz crystals and Electro-Crystal Therapy was born.

The first (top) picture above is of a patient aged38 who came with a painful stomach upset. The red area in his abdomen(the second chakra to be precise) was an area of energy congestion or low vibration. I gave him a calming frequency for the abdomen.

P.I.P.example 2: The first (top) picture above is of a patient aged38 who came with a painful stomach upset. The red area in his abdomen(the second chakra to be precise) was an area of energy congestion or low vibration. I gave him a calming frequency for the abdomen.The second picture was taken immediately after treatment,with the red area on the abdomen about 90% better. The patient reported immediate relief. The third picture was taken after two treatments at which point the congestion had gone completely.
All pictures (c) Mark Lester/Harry Oldfield 1998

The second picture was taken immediately after treatment,with the red area on the abdomen about 90% better. The patient reported immediate relief.

P.I.P.example 2:  The first (top) picture above is of a patient aged38 who came with a painful stomach upset. The red area in his abdomen(the second chakra to be precise) was an area of energy congestion or low vibration. I gave him a calming frequency for the abdomen.The second picture was taken immediately after treatment,with the red area on the abdomen about 90% better. The patient reported immediate relief. The third picture was taken after two treatments at which point the congestion had gone completely. All pictures (c) Mark Lester/Harry Oldfield 1998

The therapy works by stimulating crystals with pulsed high frequency Electro-magnetic waves or put another way Electro-magnetically stimulating the natural oscillations present in all crystals. Crystals are oscillators, meaning that they vibrate when stimulated with electricity. This essentially is how the quartz crystal microchips in all your electrical appliances from your watch to your calculator work. This ability to vibrate can also be used to promote healing, basically by creating a sympathetic vibration or resonance within the body. A corollary of this therapy, known as Electro-Optical Therapy, works on much the same principles but in this case the crystals are stimulated by light waves. This aspect of the treatment was designed to treat visual problems and Harry Oldfield himself was able to throw away his glasses after treating himself for 6 months with his own invention. However Electro-Optical Therapy is also integrated with Electro-Crystal Therapy to treat many other conditions. My own experience of Electro-Optical Therapy in my own clinic is that is has also been particularly useful for ME (especially on ladies for some reason), and lower back pain on those (rare) occasions that the regular Electro-Crystal Therapy units do not help.

The treatment may involve stimulating, calming or balancing frequencies – depending on the condition being addressed. The Electro-magnetic pulses range from 1 pulse (cycle) per second to 45,000 pulses (cycles) per second. Alpha rhythms, which are the brain wave frequencies associated with alert relaxation during meditation and yoga (of 8-12 cycles per second), are used for instance for relaxation, stress relief and headaches. However Electro-Crystal Therapy is also used for much more physically orientated and serious conditions than this. Of the 25 or so patients I see per week in my clinic, the majority are suffering from problems such as back problems, arthritis, tinnitus, digestive disorders/irritable bowel, ME and so on though we are also asked to help with virtually everything from minor sports injuries to cancer.

As an example of what the therapy can achieve, Sarah 52, came to me in January 1998 with Ménières disease. This is an extremely unpleasant condition, the symptoms of which include tinnitus (loud and often painful ringing in the ears), nausea, dizziness, and in her words "complete exhaustion". I gave her five sessions one week apart. Sarah found that there were no immediate effects besides feeling very relaxed with slight light-headedness, but found by the next day she felt much better and the effect lasted for the whole week. Since then I have seen her once a month which seems to keep her symptoms at bay. In her own words "I couldn't go a day without Ménières symptoms before I had Electro-Crystal Therapy. Now I do not experience the extreme fatigue that was associated with my illness at all and I can go for about a month free of the sickness, dizziness and tinnitus before I need a top up session". As an aside, Sarah also finds that Electro-Crystal Therapy gives her relief from back pain.

At the time of writing (November 1998) I hope that I am approaching the point where Sarah will be able to go for 2-3 months at a time without treatment and eventually longer. I would also add that Sarah's case though very pleasing was chosen deliberately as it represents an averagely good result by the standards of Electro-Crystal Therapy. It is a very good result but not a miracle result, though so called 'miracle' results do occur quite often too (a miracle result being a case of the body doing what it is supposed to do, which is to self heal and self regulate).

As one example of the many so-called 'miracle cures', that Electro-Crystal Therapy can achieve, David also aged 52, presented himself to me complaining of food allergies, causing a range of painful abdominal symptoms. He complained that his allergies were so bad that he had been in constant discomfort for four years. When I scanned him the diagnostic tests showed that if anything his problem seemed to be more an irritable bowel/gastritis kind of problem than food allergies. Either way, I decided to give him calming frequencies on his abdomen. In four treatments he was cured. In his own words "I no longer feel I have a food allergy problem". He needed no further treatment, though he did come back six months later for a general tune up and I have advised him to continue to come back at half yearly intervals to maintain general health.

Perhaps Harry Oldfield's most breathtaking invention however is the technique known as Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP). Invented in 1989 PIP literally takes a photograph of what we believe is the human energy field – the aura, the chakras and the meridians of the eastern tradition. Please note this is not Kirlian photography – it is far more advanced. This involves in Harry's words an artificial eye (a digital video camera) linked to an artificial brain (a computer) and a specialised computer programme designed to distinguish and colour code the subtlest variations of light coming off the human body. It would also appear that other people are working with similar ideas to us. For instance whilst surfing the Internet, I recently discovered a patent issued in April 1998 to Robert and Michele Alfano for "A method and apparatus for detecting the presence of cancerous tissue using visible luminescence." Then in the summer of 1998 Dr G. Hyland of the University of Warwick published two papers, which were widely circulated on the Internet and reported throughout the national press. The paper recorded Dr Hyland's discovery that the human body actually emitted small quantities of light in the form of photons (the human energy field). Furthermore people who were in a poor state of health actually emitted less light than those in good health did. Of course we do not find this very surprising. Einstein's famous equation "E=MC2 "of 60 years ago implied that physical matter consisted of congealed light. From our point of view, it is gratifying to see that academic science is catching up with a technique that already exists and which has already been in successful clinical use for 10 years – the PIP scan. It also confirms the traditional Eastern belief that physical matter actually consists of highly concentrated light. The Jewish tradition of Kabbalah teaches the same thing – that all of physical creation consists of divine light trapped in physical form. Oriental philosophy also refers to two types of light – visible and invisible, visible light consisting of light as we understand it, and invisible light consisting of vibrations outside the physical Universe. PIP gives us an insight into this invisible Universe.

PIP scans are usually taken before an initial treatment in order to get a starting point and then repeated after a few treatments in order to check the patient's progress. Though developed primarily as a tool to accompany Electro-Crystal Therapy the great beauty of PIP is its ability to be used to evaluate any therapy. I have used it for instance to evaluate the efficacy of Bowen technique (which I also practise) and have been asked by other practitioners to use PIP to research into flower remedies, oxygen therapy, various subtle healing devices and chiropractic. In the near future I will be using PIP to explore the effect that the Rife machine (another Electro-magnetic therapy) has on the human energy field.

In addition to PIP, I have found recently that with complicated or difficult cases I am able to obtain the fastest results by working with a colleague, a highly skilled dowser. He uses dowsing to evaluate the frequencies needed, duration time, sites on the body to treat, amplitude, the number of treatments required and even the number of days between treatments. Though this may be considered unscientific and only necessary with the more perplexing problems, for me this has definitely added a new dimension to the therapy and improved the results.
Meanwhile with the remarkable progress being made in the processing speeds of personal computers the PIP system, will make further progress – as it already has done since its inception. At the moment there are about 200 Electro-Crystal Therapists worldwide and about 25 of us are using PIP in our clinics of whom more than half are in the UK. Though we do not claim cures (the patients do that for us!), we are seeing good results with conditions ranging from minor sports injuries to multiple sclerosis and cancer. All placebo? Well the therapy works equally successfully on animals, so we think that the effect is far more than just a placebo effect.


1) The Dark Side Of The Brain, 1988 by Harry Oldfield and Roger Coghill, pub Element Books Ltd, ISBN 1-85230-025-6,
2) Vibrational Medicine by Dr Richard Gerber, 1988 pub Bear and Co ISBN 0 –939680-46-7
3) Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe 1998 by Jane and Grant Solomon pub Thorsons 1998 ISBN 0-7225-3652-6
4) Hendon And Finchley Times 18th October 1998
5) Photobiotics by Dr Charles McWilliams (1995) Promotion Publishing (no ISBN).
6 The subject:request
7) Endogenous Endoncrinotherapy by Dr Jules Samuels first published 1938 – no ISBN
8) Resonant Frequency Therapy: Building The Rife Beam Ray Device by James Bare 1995 (no ISBN)
9) The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes (1987), pub Marcus Books ISBN 0-919951-30-9
10) US patent 4930516: Method for detecting cancerous tissue using visible native luminescence
11) Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda pub 1946 Self Realization Fellowship pages 312-316 on the nature of energy and light ISBN 0-87612-079-6


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About Mark G. Lester

Mark Lester comes from a family that has been involved with complementary medicine for 50 years. He is a practitioner of Bowen, VHT, oxygen/ozone therapy, electro-crystal therapy, the Rife machine, nutrition and massage. He can be contacted at his clinic on Tel: 0845 017 0755;


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