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Gem Therapy Healing - Back in The Saddle
listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 156 - March 2009
Gem Therapy Healing – Back in The Saddle
An extract from the book entitled: Naked Spirit – The Supernatural Odysseyby Jon Whale
The 12th Century Spanish King, Alfonso the Great, translated from Arabic scrolls a book that lists hundreds of medicines prepared from powdered gem stones. The Arabs claimed diamond powder, in addition to healing many diseases, gave a man speed, strength, concentration and bravery. Ruby powder would remedy weakness of the heart, sores, ulcers, and would break up blood clots. Emerald powder was used for fever, injuries, infections, psoriasis and eczema. Medicines prepared from gem stones are today being prescribed in Tibet, India and other parts of the world. Gem medical preparations are potent, powerful, expensive and, like drugs in the wrong hands, can be dangerous. Unlike drugs, gem powders are similar to sand in that they do not dissolve and cannot be assimilated by the body – so how do they work? All objects in the universe, including humans and horses, radiate invisible microwave frequencies that can be recorded by infrared cameras. Dying or atrophied cells emit less energy. Injured or infected tissue or organs emit even more energy than healthy parts. Using infrared imaging the foot infection of a lame horse can be clearly seen by comparing the colours against the temperature scale alongside the image; the heat generated is shown spreading up the right foreleg.

Case One
Anne Cawley writes: Clanfluther (Fluffy) is a 12 year-old, 16 Hand bay gelding by Sherngzar retired sound from 11 years racing. For the last 18 months, I was using him for escorting hacks in riding stables and hunting; he was excellent at both. In the Axe Vale Harrier's Hunt at the end of last September, trotting along a narrow Devon lane following a good run, Fluffy over-reached, pulling off a new shoe, and managed to tread on the longest nail, driving it into the sole. He was transported back to the stables where the farrier refitted the shoe. At this point he seemed almost sound. The next day Fluffy was very lame. After a course of antibiotics, he remained lame and the vet took swabs that revealed an unusual antibiotic-resistant infection. In January, three months later, the infection had not cleared up and he was still lame. Jon Whale called at the stables and asked permission to take some infrared scans of horses for his medical research. Minutes later, the scans of Fluffy's infected foot and leg revealed much higher temperatures than the healthy legs. Whale said the horse will be in quite some pain but, provided the vet agreed, it might be possible to help and suggested to look at www.whalemedical.com and would return with printed copies of the scans for the vet and farrier. 

hoof and a third lamp with carnelians and diamonds to the leg artery.

When electronically excited, crystalline minerals, like humans, radiate, by dielectric resonance, energy at very specific frequencies. Ruby, which is also used in surgical lasers, emits a hot red frequency. Its rays rapidly reduce hypothermia, vasoconstriction, hypometabolism, thereby increasing local temperature, circulation and biological energy. Emerald and sapphire emit green and violet frequencies which efficiently reduce localized hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and vasodilation, as well as dramatically attenuating pain and rendering bacteria docile.
When used as medicines, the subjective and cellular effects of gem minerals in layman's terms are:
Ruby – heating, drying, energizing, expanding, increasing circulation;
Carnelian – cooling, moist, harmonizing, anti-allergenic;
Emerald – cold, unifying, contracting, antibiotic, analgesic, relaxant, antispasmodic;
Diamond – stimulating, invigorating, clarifying, antidepressant, anticoagulant;
Sapphire – cool, tranquillizing, soothing, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-traumatic.
Powdered gem medicines are eliminated with the faeces and are expensive and wasteful. The Lux IV low voltage electronic medical lamps developed by Jon Whale utilize the dielectric resonance properties of gem stones safely without ingestion or side-effects. The gems do not wear out and can be used indefinitely. Whale, an autonomous medical scientist, took 20 years to develop electronic gem therapy(r), which can target injured, infected or diseased parts of the body in animals and humans. The lamps can be defined as transducers that modulate and adjust the biological energy of the selected living cells or organs targeted. Contusions, fractures, burns, psoriasis, eczema, carcinomas, lymphomas, melanomas, prostate cancer, dermatological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and associated pathology, liver disease, and many other common conditions, including bacterial infections, can be accompanied by localized vasodilation, hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and/or hypervascularization – all high biological energy conditions that have higher microwave emissions and are often accompanied by discomfort and pain. Lux IV medical lamps containing beryllium aluminium silicate (emeralds) and aluminium oxide (sapphire) crystalline substrates are extremely effective for reducing localized hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and vasodilation, as well being capable of dramatically attenuating pain. This type of transducer is electronically modulated at a slow analgesic brainwave frequency of sleep (1.5 Hz, Delta).
The patient's experience is always very pleasant, regardless of their presented symptoms or disease. As they receive treatment the majority of patients report relief from their pain, irritation, uncomfortable or distressing feelings, emotions and symptoms. The discovery of targeting and increasing, decreasing and/or modulating the biological energy of internal organs and glands, thereby improving their efficiency and performance, is a quantum leap for medical science, since it has become much more than just theoretically possible to adjust the haematology and biochemistry associated with sinister diseases. This has been demonstrated with palliative management of a terminal patient with stage three lymphoma and lymphoedema. By targeting appropriately selected organs and glands, doctors have produced many excellent results for patients presenting a wide variety of chronic health problems that have not responded to conventional or alternative remedies.
Case Two
Fractured Pelvis Victoria writes: I hacked out with my riding instructor across some common land near our Livery Yard. We were just preparing for a lively canter when my horse bucked, and after a swift argument I fell to the ground with a thud. My 50 year-old bones were reluctant to resume a vertical position, and it quickly became clear that I had sustained an injury. I eventually clambered back on, returned to the yard, then straight home to bed. The doctor shook his head, muttering, 'Broken pelvis – complete rest and X-ray immediately, Yuck'. Three weeks later I was walking like a geriatric, and still in some considerable pain. Having finished the pain killers, and reluctant to take any more, I was sent to physio at the local hospital and slowly became convinced that, because of my age and the injury, I would just have to live with it! I was so stiff. Some three months later I was told by a friend of some treatment involving special gem lamps that may help. Prepared to try anything once, off I went full of cold and flu and not really convinced, but I was told that it was painless – pleasant even! The first treatment was to the area of impact on my right buttock and the pelvic fracture, with two analgesic violet lamps to erase the pain and trauma and relax the related muscle groups. This was followed by treatment with an orange lamp directly on my spleen to energize my blood and cardiovascular system for the flu, bronchitis, sinus problems, and to combat my exhaustion. This treatment left me warm but relaxed, and on returning home I slept for about ten hours. The following day I had to admit the soreness had eased a little and the flu was abating. I returned for another treatment the following week, reported how I had felt and settled down for the second session – well, unbelievable was not an exaggeration! I had green lamp treatment on my middle back and a red lamp simultaneously on my lower back, and within a few minutes felt a rather odd sensation from the tops of my legs to my knees. Infrared scans were taken before and after treatment so that I could see what was actually happening. I am very impressed with the treatment, easier and much less painful than physiotherapy, safer than painkillers and what a result. I finally got back into the saddle on Christmas Eve and enjoyed a gentle hack, and I am sure a lively canter is not far away. Victoria's case illustrates how different areas of energy are treated. Note the well-defined differential high/low energy trauma line on the first infrared back scan. Just below this line is the cold painful area. Perhaps at the time of the fall and injury, the body created an energy flow constriction to attenuate the pain and shock and, three months on, the trauma was still held in cellular and muscular memory, causing the lower back pain and physical exhaustion. Violet sapphire lamps, within minutes of being applied to injury, will dramatically reduce pain. The upper red high temperature part of Victoria's back was treated with cooling emerald and analgesic sapphire lamps (green). At the same time, the lower green cold painful area of her back was treated with warm ruby, combined with analgesic sapphire lamps (red). This combination of 'push-pull' management is powerful and can almost be guaranteed to produce effective and lasting results. The blood is an 'organ', and energizing it with diamond and carnelian substrates rapidly improves the functions of all other organs and glands, including the immune defence system.
Case Three
Fractured Collarbone Rachel Jane writes: Out on a mock hunt over the Salisbury Plains near Stonehenge last December I had a fall. On this occasion I suspected I had broken my right collarbone, so the day was cut short for me with a visit to the Accident and Emergency Unit at Reading. The doctor examined me and sent me for X-rays. By this time I was beginning to feel racking pain in my right shoulder and neck area, as well as turning a nice shade of purple and blue across the chest. Later, on review of the X-rays, the doctor confirmed that I had an open fracture of the right clavicle in three places. I was advised to take paracetamol for the pain, and let the bone mend of its own accord with no sudden movement of the right shoulder for the coming weeks. The nurse had put my arm in a sling, and I was told to return to the Fracture Clinic. By the next day, the paracetamol was ineffective, and I was immobilized in bed with pain and shock. Being reluctant to take any stronger medicines, and having had Lux IV lamp treatment on previous occasions, I was very keen to get treatment. At the clinic, I was given treatment with two violet lamps. One was placed directly above my collarbone, and the other in the neck area where I was also suffering from a lot of pain. This was done for about 45 minutes but, as I expected, after the first ten minutes, the pain began to go away, both, in the collarbone and neck areas. Next, I was given treatment with an orange lamp for the bruising I had suffered as a result of the injury. The 180 miles return journey was pain-free and I did not require any medication. As well as experiencing no further pain I noticed, over the next few days, that the bruising was rapidly disappearing. A week after my first treatment for my injury I returned for a booster treatment. Two weeks after my fall I was making very good progress. My doctors at the Fracture Clinic were very impressed. I regained movement of my right arm very quickly, and within 31/2 weeks of the accident I was able to lift my right hand above my head without too much difficulty. Six weeks after the fall, I was back in the saddle again on Salisbury Plain. In Conclusion
At least with youngsters, sporting injuries given orthodox treatments and time will eventually clear up. However, Rachel's case demonstrates how Whale's Lux IV lamps can dramatically accelerate the repair process and eliminate pain. Fluffy's infection was cleared up with two more treatments. He can often be seen trotting along the country lanes and bridal paths of East Devon. Possibly, the same procedures used to treat him could be modified slightly for the management of MRSA and the other antibiotic resistant infections.Reference
Whale J. Naked Spirit – The Supernatural Odyssey. Subtitled: The Physical, Psychological, Emotional and Spiritual Maps For Health And Disease Including The Assemblage Point Blueprints. Contains ten Chapters with three Appendixes, Supported with 254 Illustrations. ISBN: 1-873483-06-6. European readers see: www.whalemedical.com/cs1.html American readers see: www.whalemedical.com/USA/index.htmlContributors
Anne Cawley and Clanfluther. Stovar Long Lane Riding Stables. Beer. Devon, EX12 3LD, UK. Victoria Spence-Tomas, Devon, UK; Rachel Jane, Middlesex, UK and Jon Whale Medical Research and Development. whalemedicalinc@aol.com
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