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The Maperton Trust

by Gordon Smith(more info)

listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 43 - August 1999

I fell into radionics when a three-year-old racehorse that I had bred was condemned to death by the veterinary profession. When he was a foal he got upside down in a ditch at my cousin's place in Staffordshire causing a displacement of the alignment of the back. The veterinary verdict at that time was that he would grow out of it, which I considered was very reasonable. However, when it came to starting work as a three year old he obviously was not right and the Bristol University veterinary establishment said that he was a wobbler and would never be right and they were going to put him down so that he didn't have to travel back to my stud. I intuitively felt that this was wrong and picked him up from the veterinary stables against their wishes.

The author at his stud farm

The author at his stud farm

A friend of mine suggested that I try 'The Box', which is the vernacular in the horse world for radionics. After having a good laugh at the impossibility of diagnosis, let alone treatment at a distance, the circumstances were such that I decided to send off some hair to the radionic practitioner who in due course advised me that the main problem was in the pelvis, not in the neck as diagnosed by the vets. As I had suggested a displacement in the pelvis to the veterinary profession I rang them up and asked them if they had x-rayed the pelvis; they said they had and on my enquiring how it was done they said they anaesthetised the animal, turned him upside down and pulled him under the camera. Though I did not say so I considered this a clinically indifferent procedure which gave me more faith in the report from the radionic practitioner, who had suggested that while he might not go steeplechasing he could become quite a nice ride. As he was extremely well bred I kept him as a stallion, rode him around and he produced some very good offspring.

With another successful treatment of a horse, I became more and more interested in radionics, eventually becoming a patient myself. Shortly afterwards I took the three-year course largely for use within my stud but I was soon getting requests from other people with animals or themselves for treatment.

Some years later, when I was Chairman of the Radionic Association and had become well aware of the great advantages of radionic therapy, I had ideas on how its effectiveness could be improved. I was also aware that conventional medicine, and most of non-conventional medicine, was reductionist and materialistic in attitude; the holistic approach was entirely missing. Treatment of disease was the main aim and insufficient emphasis was placed on the responsibility of the patient and the understanding of the disease process. I therefore founded The Maperton Trust, which is an educational charity concerned with the holistic approach to health.

In relation to health the concept of holism requires one to take into account not only the symptoms expressed by the individual but the affect on the individual of his whole life situation at home, at work, his recreational interests, community relationships, his understanding of his culture and background and the understanding of the meaning of illness. Therapeutically it is desired to offer, at the appropriate time, advice on nutrition, exercise, emotional relaxation, mental clarity and spiritual understanding as well as treatment from the existing therapeutic modalities. This, you might think, is a tall order, and so it is. But the holistic approach is a tall order and is far superior to the fragmented approaches in conventional and indeed some non-conventional therapies.

In dealing with multi-disciplinary therapeutics, radionics suggests a way forward; for example, the first step on the critical path for treatment is to ascertain which therapies a patient should be advised to use, as well as, or indeed, instead of radionics. Building on and expanding from the radionic concepts the Trust has become involved in many aspects of life at a political, organisational and practical level, teaching, explaining and researching the holistic concepts.

The holistic concept of man assumes that we are each spiritual beings and each time we incarnate into this world or some other, we do so for some specific reason just as we enrol for a course to learn specific things. As we look at the mineral world, the plant world and the animal world we realise that nothing is wasted, everything is recycled. This leads us to believe that the understanding gained in each of our incarnations is not wasted, it is converted into some form of evolution of the soul and which does, of course, help with the evolution of mankind as a whole.

The acceptance of this positive concept of the reason for living has a highly beneficial affect on the health profile. Accepting the continuing nature of each individual eases the fear of death which is the baseline fear of our civilisation and imparts a higher aim to our daily activities.

The daily activities of the Trust embraces organic agriculture, freedom of choice in medicine campaign, advising the public on many aspects of holistic health care and research into multi-disciplinary aspects of therapeutic modalities.

Over the years the Research Group of the Trust has spent a great deal of time defining consciousness within the holistic approach to health. Definitions of consciousness abound, many of them arising from specific standpoints pertaining to specific aspects of our different cultures. Eventually we decided to settle for the definition: "A state which has the ability to receive information". We tested this at the physical, mental and spiritual levels and at family, community, government and cosmic levels as well.

The acceptance of this definition led us to a deeper understanding of the subconscious in man and indeed in animals. We all know that much of the functions of the physical and indeed of the emotional and mental are automatic or semi-automatic and it is often noted that the information available at the subconscious level is usually more accurate than at the level of full consciousness.

Over the years we have initiated many studies within the remit of our holistic approach to health and one of these was an attempt to find common denominators throughout the therapeutic modalities in health care. We saw that the aim of all practitioners was to help the patient but the action of each therapy was slightly different. Whether the help should be proffered within an holistic overall aim such as mentioned above was not often acknowledged. Without acknowledgement of an overall holistic aim an holistic concept cannot exist; therefore subsequent action may not be called holistic.

From one of our studies looking at the connecting links between therapies, be they conventional or non-conventional, hands on or at a distance, intervention at chemical, physical, electromagnetic or subtle energy level we concluded that the main connecting link is how the body works at the sub-conscious level and how the subconscious links to the conscious, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the individual.

We took this understanding as a baseline together with the radionic numerical language known as radionic rates and its usefulness in accurately defining the therapeutic essence of various modalities. This project originated some seventeen years ago when the first attempts were made to computerise the health analysis assessment and treatment inherent in the radionic system. This project is ongoing today.

Physiologist Daniel Goldman in his book Vital Lives, Simple Truths – The Physiology of Self Deception shows how our minds automatically reject messages threatening our emotional reality before they have a chance to reach our consciousness. In other words, he suggests that the mind has the capacity to be aware and yet unconscious of what it does not want to deal with. Goldman concludes, "In order to avoid looking, some element of mind must know what to avoid. The mind somehow grasps what is going on and rushes a protective filter into place thus steering awareness away from what threatens". This trait impedes the effectiveness of treatment.

I reasoned that we had first to dismiss the parametres radionics suggested without losing the relatively stable platform that they provided. Therefore we programmed our minds, our brains, so that we were working from what we knew but accepted every new idea as a possibility to test. This enabled us to go up a level in the holistic manner and see our research aims from a cosmic view. For instance, is it of cosmetic importance that acupuncture is more or less effective for lower back pain than reflexology or drug therapy? Is it of cosmic importance to provide the people with a tool to help them free themselves from almost total dependence on health care experts and be more likely to accept responsibility for their own health?

This latter could I suggest, leads to freer development of individual spirits which is highly desirable for cosmic evolution. We were then faced with the economic facts of what we had in terms of expertise and money to do "Our little bit" for cosmic evolution. With radionics we were already working beyond the leading edge of science. How far could we go without falling into the abysses of misbelief and losing our credibility with even the most advanced thinkers in the health care sector? We were comforted with the exponential acceleration of technical advance and decided that the risk was worth while and took "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" as our motto. We had some dark times as we stumbled through the blind alleys in our research programme. We eventually broke new ground by connecting with the information highway in the body, more usually known as the subconscious.

As every practitioner knows, the chances of success in health care depend mostly on information extracted from the patient. We realised that information from the subconscious is more accurate than that from the consciousness and this proved to be an indicator of the best way forward in building multidisciplinary self-help systems.

Computer technology today is quite different from when we started the project and our latest automatic computerised treatment systems now offer the individual a choice of over half a million treatments from homeopathy, herbalism, acupuncture, flower and gem remedies, light, colour, sound, minerals, vitamins, supplements, amino acids, physiological and psychological treatments and easing the side effects of drugs. The database is upgraded annually as other therapeutic modalities and systems in medicine are analysed and converted to fit the system. To meet the requirement of the patient we devised a programme to automatically give to the patient the treatment required at the time they were connected to the system. One instrumental presentation of the system is so simple that any one can use it at home or work. Such a system does not replace the practitioner but does provide a grass roots multi-disciplinary automatic system of enormous worth and relieves the practitioner of much tedious investigation of causes, conditions and treatments. Personally, the use of two presentations of the system now relieves me of 83% of detailed work, allowing me to double my practice and spend more time on advising, guiding and suggesting to my patients how they can get themselves well and keep themselves healthy.

We have been conducting clinical trials on the system for the last three years, and the interim report is available for all for a donation to our research fund.

Needless to say this research has been within the holistic framework outlined above and further projects are in progress, covering adverse ecological situations created by our current civilisation in its unholistic and unhealthy approach to the evolution of mankind, the planet and the cosmos.

We welcome contact from all those of like minds.


  1. John Stocker said..

    Dear Gordon,My partner,Ashlea Haselgrove and I (both pensioners) happened upon your Maperton Trust Healing by radionics offer in POSITIVE NEWS,thankfully took some healing and wish to again do so but the website seems to have disappeared(?!) We are firm believers in organics and raw foods, holistic studies,fengshui and a sustainable planet. Our warmest greetings
    John Stocker

  2. Nadia Aharonian said..

    Dear Gordon,
    This is Nadia writing from the south of France, in the Rennes le Château area. I am looking for a practitioner in agricultural radionics, because my garden is heavily invaded by horsetail, and it might be the most efficient way to neutralize it. Can you please help?
    By the way, I also did wonder where your website went.

  3. Melanie Hayward said..

    Dear Gordon,
    Where has your website gone ? I know back in 2011 the do gooders at ASA decided to stop you advertising your miracle unicorn badges - however I wonder do you have any ? I am a desperate mum whom was a regular customer my daughter is 15 now and has had a badge since 2010 that has only just stopped keeping those awful insects at bay.She came home today with headlice it was truly terrible and now she has a head of thick curly long hair - my worst nightmare came true- I live in somerset so could come to you to collect one in person- from a very very desperate mum please please help

  4. satka said..

    I tried to phone gordon after i recieved a letter saying all treatments were finishing, no answer, the trust charity was forced to close ...sounds like a witch hunt indeed!!!! Ive also found that the stud was sold off in 2013, i `m thinking gordon may not be alive anymore with sale of his home. i met him 10ys ago and visited him in was lovely to meet after he had treated my pony with IBS and then me for similar, unfortuantly the pony didnt get well enough. He treated my father after he had heart operation which the NHS obviously didnt want to do...he was 83yrs old & not in good shape...i swear it kept him alive and he might ve recovered and then suddently closed....after that i knew my dad wouldnt live too long...i noticed the decline & the NHS drugs juat finished him

  5. Patricia said..

    I work with modern radionics and the results are great, you can have everything done just being anywhere on the word. Contact by email;

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About Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith has been active in radionics for over twenty-five years. A past Chairman of The Radionic Association, he has served on many committees and been involved in many projects in health care. He is founder of The Maperton Trust and The Radionic & Radiesthesia Trust and is currently Co-ordinator of the Confederation of Radionic & Radiesthesic Organisations, has a busy practice and is immersed in research using technology to help the health of people, animals, crops and the soil. He can be contacted at Tel: 01963 32651; Fax: 01963 32626 or email


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