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Whole Body Energy Awareness as a Way to Better Health

by Stephen & Lynda Kane(more info)

listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 94 - November 2003

Kitai – or 'whole body energy awareness' – is a way of developing a detailed perception of the energetic interactions between you and your environment. It is based on the observation that each area of your body is capable of generating a different form of energy awareness. And all the forms of energy awareness that are native to your body can be aligned to generate a complete perception of the current issues in your life – including symptoms or diseases suffered by yourself or others. The more all the different forms of your body's natural awareness are cultivated as a balanced whole, the more you experience yourself as being an integral part of, and in communication with, the world around you. The more aware you become of the relevant and meaningful information and other energies your body is constantly receiving, the more you can engender stable, enlivening changes in your or others lives, according to the nature of the energetic abilities or talents that naturally, automatically awaken within you.

A Different Point Of View

Lynda was just putting down the phone from a high energy' conversation as I walked into our office one morning. She smiled at me and said, "That was Christina. She was crying. She just wanted to let us to know that the pain's gone". We had seen Christina the previous day. She'd been suffering from a constant burning pain in her lower abdomen, with accompanying digestive complaints and consequent depression and anxiety, for over 20 years. She'd seen some of the country's top consultants in Montpelier, been through all the scans and other tests and tried a wide range of drug, homeopathic, herbal, nutritional and acupuncture treatments.

Christina had been told that her problem was due, variously, to 'stress', a 'hormonal imbalance' or an unknown allergy. In any event, it was a 'functional' disorder, which means that there wasn't anything really wrong with her – it just happened to be ruining her life.

Diagnoses – such as 'functional disorder' – often reflect an absence of information rather than the identification of a problem that requires treatment. Unfortunately, many doctors subscribe to the presumption that if the currently available tests don't indicate some form of malfunction it, ipso facto, doesn't exist.

Of course, hindsight often demonstrates that such diagnoses simply reflect the inadequacy of the procedures from which they derive – but that doesn't help the many thousands of 'Christinas' whose problems persist regardless of palliative medical interventions.

When we examined Christina, she presented plenty of information, albeit of a relatively unknown kind. This is because we look at the various energies (for ease of communication in this article, we simply refer to human 'energy'. We describe several forms of human bioenergy in our ebook, Hidden Secrets of Real Health) in and around a person's body. Christina had a lesion – resembling an inverted 'Y' – in the energetic structure of her abdomen. It was hard to treat, in conventional terms, because of the minute feeder filaments that extended from it down to her first (perineal) and second (pubic) chakras. When this kind of filament exists between an energetic lesion and the first chakra, the lesion – and the disease or symptoms it is causing – will, in our experience, successfully resist any form of physical treatment, such as drugs, nutrients or herbs. This is because first chakra energy is the most fundamental form of vitality in the body – and the energy that contributes most to our sense of who we are.

Eliminating Foreign Energies

When a physical or psychological problem results from a lesion that is feeding off the body's first chakra energy, the foreign energy inside the lesion uses the body's own 'machine code' vitality to avoid or adapt to any attempts to seal it. A physical treatment that would be deemed 'effective' for this kind of energetic problem – heroic doses of anti-cancer agents or antibiotics being typical examples – would, most likely, kill the patient by triggering a critical loss of vitality in an essential organ. This is due to the foreign energy increasingly siphoning off more and more vitality through its first chakra feeder filament.

Harmful foreign energies enter our bodies all the time. Just as physical infections enter the body, so do foreign energies or 'energetic infections'. These energies are received by us from certain places, objects, activities or people according to our personal vulnerabilities and/or the choices we make – or others make for us when we are children. Most foreign energies are rapidly eliminated by the body/mind, but if one manages to attach itself to an internal source of vitality, such as the first chakra, it can maintain itself in spite of our body's best efforts to evict it. Eventually, once the vital energy in a certain organ has become too weak, symptoms start to appear and we begin to sense that something is wrong. Then, long after the disease began, energetically-speaking, we may decide to start treating it or seek help.

Having specialized, for over 30 working years, in treating people suffering from 'incurable' or chronic problems, we have found that a successful outcome invariably depends on the deliberate or unwitting elimination of a specific foreign energy, then the closing of the lesion it has formed. This is regardless of the treatment that is used or the theoretical models employed by any form of therapy (e.g. the allopathic objective of killing an infection). Consequently, for any problem – no matter whether it's to do with health, relationships, work or anything else – we always identify and examine the underlying lesion, plus any secondary lesions, and its causal stress before even thinking about possible responses. We can then seek solutions that appear to be able to fully close the lesion and thus achieve a satisfactory resolution.

To seal the lesion underlying Christina's abdominal pain, she used a spagyric remedy – apo-Infekt from Pekana in Germany – that strengthened her abdominal immune energy, plus a homeopathic potency of Herpes Simplex (200X) to eliminate the foreign energy causing and sustaining the lesion. A particular medium for homeopathic remedies – an injectable saline solution – reliably destroys a first chakra feeder filament. The same remedy taken in an alcohol tincture is ineffective, although the same saline solution can successfully be taken sub-lingually by patients who still have a high level of available vitality in the area afflicted by the disease lesion. As a rule, the correct remedy at the correct potency and in the correct form brings about rapid relief, even from entrenched symptoms or diseases that have caused considerable stress and suffering over many years. Although injectable homeopathic remedies are not often used in English-speaking countries, they are commonplace in some European countries.

Clinical Energy Awareness Complements Any Therapy

Examination of the human energy body and energy fields around it can lead in many different directions. For example, other recent examples of people with long-term health problems whom we've been able to help through this method of whole body energy examination include:

• Carole, whose allergic rhinitis ended within a few minutes of her starting to wear a faceted fluorite crystal on her right side;
• Thierry, whose years of 'psychosomatic' pain ceased after he was referred to an osteopath – in spite of examinations and scans showing his back to be 'normal' (remember the concept of 'diagnosing' through the absence of information?);
• Jean-Marc, whose digestive problems cleared up after the potency of his homeopathic prescription from a local doctor, was adjusted (from 9C to 1M) and he started using a herbal medicine (the small formula Swedish Bitters);
• Roland, who was healed of prostate cancer after he was referred to a certain homeopath;
• Yolande, whose chronic fatigue ended once she removed a picture and a mirror from her bedroom walls.

The only factor all these peoples' solutions had in common is that we carefully observed specific lesions in their bodies' structural energies before identifying an appropriate response in each case. I don't mean by this that we performed tests or used instrumentation of any kind to arrive at a conclusion. Rather, while listening to each patient reporting his/her symptoms, we looked at wherever their energy bodies were 'lighting up' the lesions causing their respective troubles. Whenever any of us express our problems, we stimulate the energy around those problems' underlying lesions. Once the lesion was identified in each case, it was a matter of perceiving the therapy or therapist that/who contained the energy needed to restore the patient's energy body to a healthier state.

Your Problems (And Their Solutions) Follow Your Energy

Physical or psychological problems are invariably preceded by energetic malfunctions – usually over a long period of time in the case of adults. Physical or psychological improvements are preceded by energetic improvements. The state of your body or mind always follows the state of your energy. We have, for example, witnessed countless cases of people experiencing serious stress or depression – often accompanied by very reasonable rationales – whose mood dramatically improved shortly after the underlying lesion was sealed (although their reasons for feeling bad hadn't changed at all). Finding an effective solution is not always easy. But ruling out an ineffective or excessively harmful potential solution usually is. Christina could have avoided many years of erroneous treatments – some of which compounded her problems by generating secondary lesions – through consulting someone with sufficient energy awareness, or by developing it herself, to see that the proposed solution would be ineffective.

Developing an awareness of the energy of your body as a whole can be learnt by many people, not just therapists. Indeed, the most fulfilling experiences we had as clinical instructors was when an empowered non-practitioner called up in high excitement to report some breakthrough relating to a long-term problem suffered by himself or a family member, that hadn't previously responded to professional interventions.

When teaching kitai (whole body energy awareness), we speak of the body quotient or 'BQ' – the ability to process somatic data. By learning the language of one's own body, and becoming sensitive to its energetic relationship with the environment – which includes other people and patients – you can develop an extraordinary awareness of others' energetic responses to proposed interventions. A further development causes your awareness to become pro-active in that it leads you to and shows you effective solutions to problems rather than simply double-checking pre-conceived ideas.

Whole Body Energy Awareness for Accurate Referral

Whole body energy awareness, as a way of perceiving health problems, provides a non-partisan perspective on a patient's condition. Thus, we have referred clients to anyone whose available energies correlate with each person's unique energetic needs. A doctor's or therapist's 'available energies' are governed by their knowledge, healing awareness, intent (their relationship to what they do) and creativity – all of which have energetic correlates. Patients are as likely, from our perspective, to be referred to doctors of surgical or drug medicine as to practitioners of less aggressive forms of treatment. However, in practice, a majority of patients are referred to 'alternative' therapists simply because their approaches are often more capable of fully closing disease-generating lesions without creating new ones. Having said this, there are, of course, energies of therapies and energies of therapists. Thus, in any particular patient's case, a certain allopath may offer more benefit than, say, a certain homeopath.

Also, in France at least, the distinctions can often be quite blurred. A homeopathic doctor, for example, may be quite rigid in her approach – perhaps only accustomed to using one or another of the various categories of potencies of homeopathic medicines (D, C, LM or non-injectable). Meanwhile, an allopath may be offering oral essential oils, herbal tinctures and clay treatments alongside the usual drugs.

Another interesting aspect of being an 'energician' – as we are called in France – is the sheer range of easily available therapeutic options. We live in a rural location but within 20 minutes of us there are specialty shops offering large ranges of essential oils, herbs, nutrients, organic foods and, of course, thousands of oral and injectable homeopathic remedies from every chemist. And, if a remedy isn't already at the chemist in the morning, they'll have it for you by the afternoon.

Why Whole Body Energy Awareness?

Although we are concentrating on the subject of health in this article, our main occupation now is teaching the personal development of a direct and concrete awareness of human and environmental energies. We believe this ability is essential for arriving at effective solutions to many peoples' chronic health or other problems. For many common illnesses, relationship difficulties, creativity or work problems and so on, it may be very difficult or even impossible to arrive at solutions without this faculty – especially when, at the root of a problem, there is a foreign energy feeding off the sufferer's own core energies. In such cases, people either become resigned to their suffering or spend years seeking new doctors or therapists who keep trying new solutions – many of which could have been ruled out instantly, thus saving much time, money, loss of energy and undesirable side-effects – by means of a comprehensive energy awareness.

Although we initially went through phases of using conventional medical tests, pendulums and muscle tests – plus radionic, electro-acupuncture and other such instruments – we weren't satisfied with their various inherent limitations and distortions when trying to elicit a rapid, accurate, global, in-depth perspective on all the energies that can be involved in a chronic health problem. Of course, all these forms of diagnosis can produce wonderful results – and we still teach specialized forms of kinesiology and/or dowsing as preparatory stages in the development of whole body energy awareness.

However, we were looking for a level of wholistic reliability (i.e. for all forms of health problem in any area of the body) that we find, for various technical reasons, is inherently compromised by physical or electromagnetic techniques.

Cultivating the dormant awareness that is present throughout your entire body empowers you to help yourself and others arrive at solutions that often cannot be identified even through the most erudite knowledge or sophisticated tests. Having said this, whole body energy awareness is, perhaps, best seen as a kind of 'wide-angle microscope lens' that can be added to the armamentarium of any doctor or therapist as an adjunct to other skills, knowledge or tests.

For the non-therapist, whole body energy awareness is an invaluable way of assessing any recommended treatment, diet, supplement, exercise or other hopefully, health-increasing action. Several of our more health-conscious neighbours are sure to drop by when they are prescribed something new by their doctors. They have learnt, through much experience, that we can literally tell at a glance (though usually over a glass of vin rouge) if what they are about to start taking will help or harm them.

The term, 'whole body' energy awareness, refers to:

(I) a concrete awareness of the body's many energies as an integrated whole;
(II) the balanced cultivation of the various forms of awareness that can be generated by each area of your own body (i.e. an awareness that is a product of your entire body's energies).

This contrasts with many of the more usual approaches to personal development that cultivate one form of awareness whilst unwittingly financing' it with energy taken from another area of the body and mind. Personal development techniques that do this lead to future troubles which, unfortunately, due to the narrow – though, potentially, powerful – awareness that has been developed, are rarely seen to be derived from the practices that triggered them in the first place.

One of the many benefits of this wholistic approach to awareness development is that of being able to see the exceptions to commonly accepted beliefs. For example, you might read in a book on feng shui that having a waterfall in the east sector of your home is good for your health. But if you learn to actually perceive the various forms of human energy that are affected by waterfalls, you will see that a waterfall in the east sector can also cause new problems in several common circumstances. These include: having certain shapes of rooms, windows or other openings in your home, or if you are already suffering from certain health problems.

In fact, something you soon start to realize – usually with considerable discomfort for a few years – is how inapplicable much accepted knowledge and wisdom can be in any particular person's case; yours for instance. Thus, in the area of your health, you soon start to discover that what is really good – and not so good – for you, personally, may widely diverge from the generalizations that can be found in popular books or the general media. Much of what is 'known' to be the case for a high percentage of people or patients suffering from the same illness, often turns out to be very different when individuals are seen as, well, individuals.

In our clinical practice, we always assess available knowledge through the lens of whole body energy awareness. Thus, there may be much science supporting the use of two nutrients in the treatment of a certain form of heart disease but, for a particular patient, we may recommend one but not the other. This is usually because of the sudden expansion or appearance of a lesion over another area of the patient's body when she is exposed to the energy of the nutrient. When the body is perceived with whole body energy awareness, there is a tendency to become much more circumspect in one's responses. We have met a great many people whose troubles have clearly been compounded by their homeopathic or other, relatively safe, prescriptions. Combining academic knowledge with whole body energy awareness offers an unusual precision of prescription that we have not seen emulated by other electronic or physical techniques. The reason for this is that by employing the energy awareness of your whole body, you can directly, simultaneously observe multiple energies throughout someone else's body as an interconnected whole within a greater environmental whole; all without the often considerable degradation or distortion of signal caused by intermediate tests. This is followed by an automatic 'fine focus' on the primary lesion underlying any expressed symptom.

Cultivating Your Whole Body Energy Awareness is an Adventure

Quite apart from its various applications to health and healthcare, cultivating your whole body energy awareness is an adventure in itself. It not only changes how you perceive the world and what 'works' or doesn't 'work' for you or others, it also changes your experience of being alive. For example, a normal experience of illness is something that one suffers and seeks to be rid of as soon as possible. However, although few people enjoy being ill, with sufficient energy awareness you can see:

• Why your body has succumbed to disease;
• Which area(s) of your life you should consider changing, and how;
• What you can now do – as a consequence of the energy acquired through fully engaging with your illness – that you couldn't do before.

By applying your innate (but often dormant) energy awareness to your problems, you open yourself to wholly new energies or 'resonances' that further raise your awareness. The resonances that you receive through responding, with awareness, to the challenges in your life eventually appear as new, unexpected competencies or 'talents'. Just as diseases and other problems result from accumulating harmful foreign energies, new talents and opportunities result from cultivating the resonances you need to overcome your problems. Our thoughts, feelings, actions and experiences are constantly being influenced by the energies of places, objects, substances, people, activities and so on, in ways in which we are largely unaware. The more you choose to awaken the potential awareness lying dormant throughout your entire body, the more you come to realize the profound extent to which your day-to-day life and self-experience are being affected by everything around you. And how much you can do – through becoming increasingly resonant with your environment – to transform yourself and your life in the ways that you wish.

Which talents you can develop through whole body energy awareness, only you can discover. We were only able to help Christina – who has now been pain-free for over six months – because of talents that have awakened and been cultivated in us. Awareness differs most from science in that its many forms are highly individual. Whole body energy awareness is a many-faceted gift but, no matter which forms it may take for you, it is always positively challenging, illuminating, empowering and liberating.

An Empowerment for Generating a Healing Life

Our lives begin and end at the crown – a minute vortex just above the 7th chakra. As the light of the crown fades over time, the body becomes increasingly deficient in vitality. Less vitality means more opportunities to be ill and less ability to 'rise to the occasion' of illness or other challenges.

The following technique or seal from our book, Hidden Secrets of Real Health, helps you cultivate your own health awareness and clinical energy awareness – no matter what form of medicine or therapy you practice or use – and develop the level of vitality in your crown. It is a meditation that beckons ki from the east into your crown, which then uses it to amplify your awareness of sources of health and healing energies in your environment. The more you are aware of these energies, the more you can consciously interact with them in ways that develop your relationship with your world through the activity of healing.

Any effective form of personal development deepens your relationship with the world around you, and develops concrete abilities that reflect this growing relationship. Persistent daily attention to the 'light of the east' opens a way of healing that is personal to you. This way may or may not resemble others in some respects, but it increasingly springs from within you, in response to the eastern light, as both a means and expression of your vastening relationship with your world. Like all serious meditations, Accepting the Light of the East develops an 'energy bump' – this one at your wish chakra (also known as the 'wish-fulfilling gem' to some Buddhists) – which, in this case, is attuned to the intent of healing.

Accepting the Light of the East

1) Sit on a cushion (your feet must be near your perineum), facing the sky to the east.
2) Keep your back straight and your ankles crossed.
3) Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth and place your hands in your lap, palms up, left palm on right, thumbs touching.
4) Look out towards the far sky – look up, if necessary, but without tipping your head back (i.e. just with your eyes).
5) Practise complete breathing – fully inhaling into your chest then abdomen then fully exhaling from your abdomen then chest – tightening up your perineum during the exhalation.
6) Relax any physical tensions as they become apparent. Thoughts are mental tensions – when they arise, relax them too – just return your empty-minded attention to the sky (clouds aren't a problem – but don't look at or near the sun).
7) The meditation ends when you experience a sudden sensation – or when you need to end it …

Regular concentration, in this manner, on the eastern sky will cause your clinical energy awareness to grow. This empowerment, on its own, doesn't generate a whole body energy awareness, but it will start increasing forms of awareness that are most relevant to your clinical practice or current healing efforts. As this awareness increases, your ability to discern how to interact with your environment as a source of energies to improve your healing work, will also develop. The more you act on the basis of this growing awareness, the more your dormant or already active healing talent(s) will awaken.


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About Stephen & Lynda Kane

About the Authors Stephen Kane is ex-Director of the Institute for Advanced Health Research, which pioneered new bioenergetic techniques for overcoming allergy-related illnesses and their associated chronic infections and environmental stresses. Stephen now teaches Kitai – the development of whole body energy awareness. Lynda Kane is ex-Chief Psychologist at British Airways. She is now a psychological consultant to large organizations, an executive coach and a Vision* Empowerment practitioner. Stephen and Lynda live in the south of France. Their book, Hidden Secrets of Real Health, and, shortly, Energy Awareness – an e-zine dedicated to the development of a personal whole body energy awareness – are available through

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