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What is Healthy Living about these Days..?

by Milena Dowlaszewicz(more info)

listed in exercise and fitness, originally published in issue 223 - July 2015

What are we on about these Days?

New remarkable diet can change your life! No need for pain and exercise! New amazing fruit that will burn all the unwanted fat and magically turn you into beautiful and successful woman bursting with confidence! And the best part of it that it's all effortless! The Dukan diet, Protein diet, Low-carb diet, Magic 1-day diet, 5-day that promise you 'slim line' in 'no time', no need to suffer in the Gym...

“Well. I don't care!”... Many of us will say...” I'm happy the way I am...I don't need to be slim and fit to be happy! I've a few pounds on me but I have a husband, friends and family that won't reject me because I'm fat...” And it's all true...They will always accept you the way you are…

Well…most of the times ;) ☺ But let's face it…There's way more to your weight than accepting it or not... Isn’t it? And we'll talk about it in few minutes.

Milena Dowlaszewicz Healthy Living


Wherever we go, whatever we watch in TV, nearly every page of fashion magazine reminds us that we should be slim and fit and beautiful to become successful. Let's go on a diet, get fake tan done, facial, eyelashes, hair extensions. Let’s be beautiful! Have we choice these days? Not really...It's a global trend already ingrained in our mentality. But let's stop misleading Beauty with Health...

Some of us will 'struggle' to lose weight while hoping to gain respect and all the promised results that fad diets offers. Others will just say “I love myself the way I am… I don't need to lose weight to prove anything to anyone”...That reflects the general population's points of view…

But let’s go back in time for a change... From a young age we were taught to sacrifice. Sacrifice party for knowledge, family time for work, rest for overtime, sanity for stress, nutritious dinner for time-saving McDonalds…But the most important thing we sacrifice at the same time every time it's our HEALTH (physical and very important mental health)..We lose balance…

Let's think of children. We used to be children too. And what do I remember? Porridge before school. Sandwich for lunch… Dinner at the table with the rest of the family every day at 4 o'clock sharp! Then supper. Light and small. I was lucky! My mum made sure me and my brothers were eating healthy…But in fairness… How many of us was told how important eating is? Healthy eating. And what it really means? Healthy means ‘boring’ and never enough to feel satiety?

Let's be honest here...How many of us are overweight and can clearly see that our own children are going to face the same problem in future (let’s admit it…it is a problem) if they didn't yet… The point is not to start killing yourself in the military boot camp where you can do more damage to yourself than help…We should be happy with the way we are and accept each other, but we also have to open our eyes and realize that any amount of ‘acceptance’ won’t help if you’ll get to face serious diseases caused by obesity…Mothers all over the world want their kids to be happy and successful. None of us want to see our children bullied and disappointed with themselves throughout the life. It’s going to sound rough but…If they are overweight we won't help them by convincing them that it’s ok… We have to help them feel confident and encourage them to make changes for better.

We have to realize that obesity is a global disease. According to WHO "Worldwide, at least 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being overweight or obese, and an estimated 35.8 million (2.3%) of global DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) are caused by overweight or obesity." Let’s start protecting ourselves and our kids by opening our eyes for what’s really important.

We are working very hard every day trying to be a successful mothers and a teachers for our beloved ones. We teach them how to walk, speak, dress, behave, deal with friends or enemies, deal with problems, deal with teachers, school, etc. We teach them how to accept themselves, each other and respect people…All that because we want them to get ready for the real world...They are watching us from day one…and we are going to be their example for the rest of their lives just like our parents were for us. . There is one thing many of us forget to teach our children about. And most of us don't even realize how important it is. Simply it’s HEALTH. And yes, Fitness is a huge part of it.

Today's world is a horribly demanding place and we are being bombarded with lots of false information about success and good health. That aspect became really confusing for some of us and it’s hard to find a golden mean, but I believe that the key is in balance. And I would like to share some knowledge with you to make it a bit more understandable and show you that a few changes to your lifestyle can work wonders. Without fad diets and shallow promises and yes...with a bit of effort and exercise.

By implementing a few changes to our attitude for fitness and healthy eating we can make a tremendous influence on our own and our pupils lives...'Healthy body means healthy mind'. And as trivial as it can sound for some of you, it's truly an essence of wisdom which should guide us from now on to a better and more successful life… The effect of physical activity on all bodily systems is priceless and irrefutable. It improves our immune system, prevents cardiac diseases, speeds up our metabolism, improves our skeletal system, prevents osteoporosis, improves our mood as exercise stimulates production of endorphins and serotonin, hormones of happiness, boosts your energy. Without physical activity we are more susceptible to many diseases. 

What led us where we are today is an appalling lack of knowledge and lack of information that was made available years back. Today we have uncounted sources from which we can draw our knowledge. And like I said it can be confusing with the overload of false information, but we need to remember that balance in everything we do is the key: the basics of proper nutrition and making physical activity a part of your lifestyle… I hope to help motivate and lead you through this process. I can’t promise you it’ll be fast and effortless but definitely life changing and with lifelong effect of better health for you and your loved ones. A healthy diet is very important for everyone and can change a lot for good!

I would like to share my knowledge about health myths, healthy weight loss, supplements, alternative diets, metabolism - how to speed it up, facts about protein, carbohydrates and fats, exercises, pregnancy nutrition, how to encourage kids to start and maintain healthy lifestyle and many other things that hopefully you’ll find helpful on your way to change over.

We are the generation of obesity and cardiac disease…The chances of developing serious life threatening condition these days is terribly high for all of us and our children. Let’s sit back for a moment and ask ourselves what we want for our pupils… Without our guidance they are lost so let’s help them become the best possible version of themselves…


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About Milena Dowlaszewicz

Milena Dowlaszewicz - Certified Gym Instructor, Stretching, Isomeric, Core and Circuit Training Instructor, Fitness and Nutrition Advisor, Child Nutrition Advisor. Works with people to educate them on health and wellbeing through diet, nutrition and fitness. Milena is a passionate advocate of healthy lifestyles for all. She understands that mass produced diet regimes and fitness programs often don't work for a lot of people. Milena realizes everyone is unique and she makes it her goal with those under her care to constantly tailor their nutritional and fitness programs to the individual involved. Contact Milena on Tel: 00353894616073;

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