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Distant Healing - Advanced Form of Bio-Energy Healing

by Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel PhD(more info)

listed in healing, originally published in issue 77 - June 2002


There was a period in history when materialists and idealists argued about the priority of Being. Materialists claimed that the material was a primary reason for existence. On the other hand, idealists believed that consciousness was primary, and energetists argued that energy was the origin. Nevertheless, modern atomic physics united all three theories into one. Moreover, physicists discovered that matter is not matter, as people have considered it for many centuries, but energy. Physicists also accepted the view that everything in the universe depends on our consciousness and attention to events and occurrences. According to quantum physics, we live in a world of energy. Everything is energy and everything may be corrected with energy use. There is an opening of new understanding of outer world and inner world, and ability to control it consciously and 'energetically'.

Healers cleanse, balance, normalize and heal the energy in the etheric and physical bodies
Healers cleanse, balance, normalize and heal the
energy in the etheric and physical bodies

What is Bio-energy?

Humans are children of the cosmos and energy beings. Human bodies correspond to energies fluctuating in the cosmos. The roots of human problems are energy problems. Thought is followed by energy as well. Emotions and feelings may be described as energy actions. Human's energy is named bio-energy, whereas humans are bio-energy systems. At birth, people are given the unique ability to feel their own bio-energetic field and that of others. They hold powerful energetic potential inside and out. People's energy states always influence their physical conditions for better or worse.

Any energetic imbalances and even physical or emotional conditions may be fixed energetically with bio-energy healing. Bio-energy healing may be described as healing performed on the bio-energy field at close distances. Healers balance and normalize a healee's bio-energy system, relieving blockages or stale energy, making the healee's energy flow freely in the system and balancing it.

Even ordinary people can control and direct the energy because they have an inborn 'energetic' ability to feel and control energy. People are possessed with bio-energy. They may open up and develop the ability to sense energy, and accumulate or transmit it. By learning to control and direct their own energy, or even the energy of someone else, people will learn how to achieve optimum health for themselves and others. When specially trained to use their bio-energetic abilities, people can direct bio-energy towards their health and well-being. In other words, by developing the ability to sense energetic fields, everyone may perceive the world around them with a more complete perspective that includes a newly developed bio-energetic ability.

Distant Healing

Nevertheless, in the world of energy, there is no such thing as time or space. Distant healing (absent or remote healing) is a method of bio-energy healing at any long distance. It is based on quantum physics discoveries that energy is not restricted to any time or location. Healing by bio-energy at any distance helps you to tap into that and learn to perceive or read energy and work with it. In distant energy healing, energy is controlled and can be guided by the mind. Distant healing can be also named mental healing because it is performed mentally with the energy use, control or transfer.

Distant healing is an advanced form of bio-energy healing. Bio-energy healing is performed at a close distance when a healee is present, and the healing is mostly done with the energy of the hands, whereas distant healing is the healing performed mentally when a healee is not present. In the world of energy, it is possible to control and transmit healing energies or relieve any energetic imbalances over any distance. This form of healing can be very effective when performed using special techniques and methods.

There is no need for a healee's direct participation in the process of distant healing. The healees may or may not be aware that this healing has been undertaken for them, but nevertheless may attain much benefit from it. The energy work is performed exactly on the determined healee. In distant healing, it is not necessary to know the healee. The healing is often done between people who do not know each other. This way, the information about the healee is perceived through his or her energetic information or name and birth date, voice or photographs.

Restoring Vital Energy

At first, the most important thing in distant energy healing is to release a repressed, weak, ill, congested or stagnant energy or blockages stored in the bio-energy systems, even at cellular levels, and open up the chakras or energy centres rather than bringing in new energy. Vital energy, when added to bio-negative or bad, stale or stagnant energy, loses its value. Vital energy is only really vital for humans when it enters cleansed, functional chakras and balanced bio-energy systems. If stagnant or stale energy is not released, people may feel depressed and have low energy. When the chakras are cleansed, opened and functional, they bring as much energy to the bio-energy system as it needs and filter the energy appropriately for the body's use.

People can only benefit by discharging blocked or negative energy from their bodies, and from cleansing and healing their chakras on a regular basis. Healthy, functional chakras not only give people the possibility of increased self-awareness, emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual growth and maturity, but also the ability to heal themselves and others.

Any pain or tension indicates that something is going wrong with the energy flow somewhere in the body. These areas of energetic tension affect the chakras, causing them to close, and show imbalances in the energetic state. Energy in blocked areas tends to release. In our stressful times, people need to perform chakra and energy cleansing periodically. When they go with it, work with it on an everyday basis, and allow it to continue the energy cleansing, it will not be long until they are feeling very good again. The healers cleanse and balance the energy and chakras at a distance, and heal imbalances in the energy system and in the physical organs and systems as well.

Ether 'Double' Image Healing

As any energy healing, distant healing works with an individual's ether 'double' body. The ether 'double' energetic body (an energetic matrix of the physical body) contains his or her complete energetic information, including all organs, parts and systems of the physical body. Whether healers perceive energy in the healee's bio-energy field at a close or a long distance, they 'deal' with the ether 'double' body. Sometimes, the healing is called etheric. Performing bio-energy healing, healers also work with the ether 'double' of the physical body, first perceiving its energetic information and imbalances, and then cleansing, balancing, normalizing and healing the energy in the ether and physical bodies. Healing and normalizing imbalances on the ether level brings health, vital energy and balance to the physical body.

The method of healing by energy at a long distance is through a hologram (mental image) of the person to be healed. The healer needs to draw the image of that person clearly in their mind (mental picture), and place this before him- or herself. When performing a distant energy healing or assessment, healers keep the healee's visualized energetic image before their eyes. In this way, the healer controls the healee's energy field and conducts the energy cleansing and healing with his or her mental energies. Then, the healer performs mentally the same techniques as for healing a person who is physically present.

How to Develop Your Healing Abilities

We've written two how-to-do books where we explain step-by-step how anyone may become a healer for themselves and others, and how to perform bio-energy, distant and chakra healing. Moreover, we offer our own unique and innovative method of healing named Ether 'Double' Image Healing, which may be performed by anyone, on anyone, and at any distance. The healing is done on a healee's 'energetic image'. It will be possible for anyone to draw the ether double image when they follow our instructions and perform the energy assessment of the chakras, organs, body parts, and body systems. We also show how to determine any imbalances and problems in the organism and fix them all with Ether 'Double'

Image Healing.

To perform healing at a distance, healers must be skilled in all methods of healing using energetic influence and suggestion, or successfully practised methods of controlling inner and outer energies (telepathy and ability to receive and send information at a distance). You can try the method of distant healing if you have already developed a strong memory, can concentrate your consciousness, fill yourself with the universal or cosmic energy, control the flow of your energy, and have a positive state of mind. Distant healing is performed by advanced healers, who can easily achieve a meditative state of mind and control and direct their mental energies. Distant healers must be mastered in meditation and visualization. Healers should open and develop their ability to feel, determine and assess human energy at any distance. They use photographs in the beginning of practice, and then, when mastered, the healers use visualized or drawn healee images.

The majority of energy healing work at a distance is done with visualization help. Visualization, like intuition, is a type of thinking that is used for making contact with the inner self, rather than with the outer world. For healing purposes, you should use mental imagery, which is different from visualization in that it induces deep physical relaxation in addition to the process of visualization. Having become relaxed and having achieved a meditative state of mind, you may stimulate and facilitate vibrant mental healing images.

To achieve the meditative state of mind or ability to stay focused on a single thing that will be needed for your bio-energetic work, you should practise frequently.

Centring Exercise

Here is the exercise to focus your consciousness on the needed task or object. At first, choose a quiet place where nothing will disturb you. Relax your body, and release any tension from your body by tightening different groups of muscles for a moment, then relaxing them. Find a comfortable position for your body. To find the balance of your body, rock from side to side. Centre yourself, finding stability. Close your eyes. Start to breathe with your abdomen slowly and quietly. With a deep exhalation, pull your abdomen in, whereas, with a deep inhalation, push the abdomen out. Now add the chanting of a mantra as a musical tone, 'A-A-O-M-M-M...'. Let the mantra find its own rhythm as you repeat it over and over again.

Chakra Cleansing Exercise

You can start performing the exercises for developing your healer's ability. For example, you may remove bio-negative or blocked energy from the chakras and open them up. Here is an exercise for cleansing your own throat chakra. Stand facing north. Visualize how blue energy flows with two clockwise spirals from your throat chakra on both sides through your hands and out. Help the process of cleansing with the mental affirmation, "Bio-negative, blocked blue energy is leaving my throat chakra, and the chakra is cleansing itself."

More exercises and information on how to become an energy healer for yourself and others can be found in our books Health by Bio-Energy and Mind[1] and 21st Century's New Chakra Healing.[2]

Health Benefits of Distant Healing

Healing by energy at long distances can be very effective. Distant healing promotes the wholeness and balance of the organism and its resistance to illnesses and weakness. Moreover, the energetic balance prevents physical and mental illnesses. Distant healing discharges harmful energy from human energetic systems; normalizes many physical, mental and emotional conditions; and restores and maintains health. It makes the physical organs and body systems stronger and healthier. After distant healing, people feel renewed and full of energy. We have achieved good results in healing such conditions as leukaemia, multiple sclerosis energy deficiency, asthma, infertility, and problems with the prostate gland and bladder.

Case Examples

Here are a few examples of distant healing success stories from our practice.

1. One woman asked us to help her mother of 72 years old who was diagnosed with leukaemia. The doctors determined that she would die in three months. The mother was told to undergo the chemotherapy. We started distant healing for her mother before she had any conventional treatment. We'd never seen the woman; nevertheless, after one month of healing her blood test had improved enough not to have the chemotherapy. Observing the blood improvement, the doctors decided to postpone any treatment. We continued our healing for a few months, and now we just control her energy balance. That was two years ago, yet the mother is still alive, lives a normal life and has pure, good blood.

2. A young woman had a serious problem with her reproductive organs. The doctors offered to remove the organs. She asked us to help. We relieved the condition with our distant healing and saved her organs from surgery. After all, the woman wanted to have a baby. She had not been able to conceive for over a year and asked us to help once again. After one month of distant healing, she became pregnant and then delivered a beautiful and healthy baby.

3. A young woman had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ten years ago. At the time she contacted us, she had started to feel extremely weak and low in energy. After a month of energy work, the woman had already gained more energy and strength.

4. A young man had had severe asthma for three years. He had heavily used the medicinal sprays for asthma attacks relief and could not go anywhere or sleep normally at night without them. After two weeks of distant energy healing, his asthma was relieved. That was five years ago, and since then, he has lived a normal life without any asthma attacks.


We have performed the energy assessment and healing at a distance for many years, and it soon became our favourite method of healing. The distance method has invaluable advantages. It is effective. When we heal a person face to face, we feel in front of us equal energetic systems where the energetic imbalance occurs, temporarily interfering with healing energies. The effectiveness of our energy influence at close distances can be even less than when healing at a distance because of the interfering energy fields. At a distance, we increase our energetic influence greatly, because we mentally put the image of the person in the space at no more than eight inches in height or draw the healee's energetic image and perform healing and balancing using the same techniques as at a close distance.

Distant healing belongs to the integrative medicine of the future. It may be used to help people to recover quickly after operations, restore people's energy and health in hospitals, and even prevent any illnesses and imbalances. Distant balancing and energy work can be used to balance and heal people and pets. When you master this method, you will be able to relieve many conditions such as headache, any pain, and stress in yourself or your relatives in a few minutes, no matter how far away the healee is. While our minds effectively control bio-energy at any distance and our thoughts may be healing, let's benefit from the distant healing and balancing in our everyday life.


1. Nudel Michael and Nudel Eva. Health by Bio-Energy and Mind. Bio-Energy System Services. 2000.
2. Nudel Michael and Nudel Eva. 21st Century's New Chakra Healing. Bio-Energy System Services. 2000.


  1. sriranjan said..

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    can you mail the book dealer address in india. preferably in Chennai city.

    Health by Bio-Energy and Mind. Bio-Energy System Services. 2000.
    21st Century's New Chakra Healing. Bio-Energy System Services. 2000

  2. naveed said..

    I want to do these healing and energy healing and light healing courses. give me full detail

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About Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel PhD

Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, PhD, are distant energy healing specialists of Bio-Energy System Services Inc., based in Los Angeles. They are experts in energy and distant healing. The Nudels effectively help people from many countries to restore and maintain their health and physical, emotional, mental and energetic balance.

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