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The Calabash of Light
by Christopher Larthe(more info)
listed in healing, originally published in issue 91 - August 2003
The shamanic tradition of Hawaii is Huna, the practitioners Kahuna – mediators with Spirit.
When healing is needed, the body-healer is called to give massage or herbs. If the sickness prevails, the Kahuna finds out from Spirit what healing the soul needs for the body to be whole again. Everything is a gift and a blessing, for everything is Love and gratitude, and thanks must be given, even for hurt and pain. Then harmony can be restored between soul and body.
Mediates with spirit
The Huna culture began to die when a race came to Hawaii that preached a doctrine of Love, but practised the doctrine of Material Possession. All Huna practice was banned by Christian missionaries, whose children took over the land for commerce and whose families still own it. In 200 years, the native population of the islands sank from 400,000 to 150,000.
They call themselves Children of the Rainbow. Their history, spiritual beliefs, healing traditions and culture are encoded in chants and dance, the Hula, an oral, physical and visual transmission that resonates through vibration in the bones. The New Age is seeing a revival: vibrations resonate in this dimension, through the medium of the written word. We of the West can share their healing and, perhaps, give something back by keeping it alive in our culture and learn the way to heal ourselves, through love.
Calabash of Light
Each child is born of the Rainbow and there at death returns. We are born perfect and gifted by the gods with a Calabash of light to illuminate our way.
In our passage through this life, we dodge or embrace the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, we give love, joy and kindness. Each sadness, hurt or wound given or received adds a pebble to the Calabash, obscuring the light. Each joy removes a pebble, increasing our radiance. When our time comes to step back upon the Rainbow, the more light radiating from our Calabash, the sooner we can find our way home.
"Our thoughts are our reality", the Kahuna said, "and we can change both. We embody every thought we have had, every thought another has had about us. We are the good we have done and the bad we have done, the good that has been done us and the bad done to us. The good and the bad of the past have become our thoughts. The good and bad of the present depend on how we react to events in the present. We can change the Karma brought from before by our thoughts, and we can change the effect of what happens now, by our responses. We can take pebbles out, or put more in. We can choose to live in the light. Or the dark. Most of you," he smiled, "live in twilight, with occasional patches of brilliance or shadow. Each thought is a choice".
How many thoughts do we have in a day? About 12,000, according to a TV ad, 90% of them being the same thoughts as yesterday.
Take a Random Thought
Have a blank sheet of paper in front of you. Write nothing for the moment, but take your mind back to one day last week, to any random hour that you spent doing anything that involved another person or other people. You might have been sitting with a friend (did you listen or talk?), or buying a pair of shoes (or taking them back?), or attending a business meeting, a family meal in a restaurant (did anyone argue? Did you leave a tip?), on a date (were you starting, sustaining or ending it?).
Take just one hour. Draw a big circle on your sheet of paper and, as you gaze into that circle:
• Reflect on what you did in that hour;
• What you said;
• What was said to you;
• What you heard;
• How were you affected by what you heard?
• How were others affected by what you said?
• What thoughts arose in that hour?
• What were their causes and effects?
• What do you think were the effects of your interaction with another/others?
Gazing into the circle, let your mind dwell upon the images arising from this reflection on that hour. Write down inside this circle your clearest memories of this hour and your thoughts about it.
This is just one hour of your life. Reflect now on:
• The thought that came up most strongly or most often in that hour;
• Thoughts that come up most often or most strongly in your life;
• What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
• What is the best thing you ever did for someone else?
• What is the biggest hurt that ever happened to you?
• What is the biggest hurt you ever gave someone?
• In your day-to-day life, what do you find yourself mostly thinking about?
As yet, suspend any self-judgment or conclusions arising from your reflections. Think back again to the biggest hurt that ever happened to you, whatever it may have been. Were you rejected, abandoned, deceived, betrayed, jilted, bullied, neglected, beaten, ignored, embarrassed, offended, humiliated or harmed physically or emotionally? From that time, choose the worst hour you can remember.
Draw another circle on a fresh page. Reflect on that hour, on what was said and done, how you and others were affected, the thoughts that arose, their causes and effects, your interactions with others. Gazing into the circle, let your mind dwell upon the images arising from this reflection on that hour. Write down inside this circle your clearest memories of this hour and your thoughts about it. Suspend any self-judgment or conclusions arising from your reflections.
Think back, now, to the biggest hurt you ever gave someone. Choose an hour from that time. Draw a new circle on another blank sheet and, as you gaze into the circle, reflect on that hour, on what was said and done, the images arising. Write down inside this circle your clearest memories of this hour and your thoughts about it. Suspend any self-judgment or conclusions arising from your reflections.
Take a moment now to remember the best thing that ever happened to you. Choose an hour, draw the circle, reflect and write. And then an hour from the best thing you ever did for someone else.
The circle is your Calabash of light. You can put pebbles in, or take them out. You can do this by your thoughts on the past and your responses in the present.
The Karmic Map
You can also do it by examining your Karmic Map – the connections of persons and events which have influenced your life, which gave rise to your present thoughts and responses. For example, you may never know what your step-grandmother's cousin did to her when she was ten years old that influenced the way she later treated the step-father who abused you when you were twelve, but if you did know what happened you might not forgive, but you would at least understand that whatever it was… IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT! And on deeper reflection it might not have been his, entirely, nor his mother's, and who knows what might have caused the cousin to do the wrong in the first instance – except to understand that it was almost certainly not the first instance.
You can remove the pebbles from the Calabash. You can restore the light, for yourself and for them, all of them, for all time is now and the Karmic connections are always.
As a child you may have heard your parents talking about their grandfathers or grandmothers, who would have been among your eight great-grandparents. You may even have known them yourself. In many families, these are the earliest relatives of whom you have conscious knowledge, directly or by hearsay. You may know your own great-grandchildren, or they will hear about you from their parents.
Let us say, then, we have seven generations in our Karmic consciousness: three generations above, three below, with you, your sisters and brothers in the centre. We have other family connections: our uncles and aunts, perhaps step-parents, their siblings, children and the generations above and below. Your Karmic Map also includes all your heart, soul, mind, body, sexual and love connections, too: spouse/s, lovers, one-night stands, friends, foes, colleagues, business associates, teachers, students, fellow-students and the person who caught your eye as you passed in the street or the subway.
You will become especially aware, as you make your map, of those who have done you wrong and those you have wronged, of those you especially love, and those who love you. Acknowledge, to yourself, your feelings about those you love but who have wronged you, and those you have wronged but who love you. Observe your response as they enter your consciousness.
Draw your own map out on a sheet of paper, writing in the names, where known, of your connections. These are the beings who influence your life and whose lives you influence.
Understanding your Karma
You need only be aware of your Karmic Field in this life, because now is the manifestation of all lives – past, present and future. Understanding yourself in this dimension will lead you to clarity and freedom in all dimensions.
Think of the hours that you thought about before, and all the hours of your life, and the hours of all the connected lives you have mapped, the many millions of hours in all these interconnected lives and the lives that have gone before, aware of all the thoughts that have directly or indirectly influenced your own present, day-to-day thoughts and responses.
• Understand the effect of all the hours of other lives affecting each other;
• Understand the wrongs that were done to those who wronged you;
• Understand that when you wronged another what it was that made you do it;
• Understand the pebbles in your Calabash of light.
• Understand that when you were hurt it was not your fault;
• Understand that when you gave hurt, it was not your fault;
• Understand that it was not the fault of those who hurt you
• Understand that All Time is Now.
At the head of your Karmic Map, in very big letters, print the words:
And now that you understand, you can cleanse your Karma and be free of its conditioning in this life and carry that freedom home when it's time for you to step on to the Rainbow with your Calabash of light.
How to Cleanse your Karma
In your mind's eye, visualize a person you love, one who has done good for you, or for whom you have done good. Smile at them and say to them:
As you recite these sacred words, you make the mudra:
Feel the love between you. Feel the Light around you. Feel the clarity and the freedom. Make a tick across their name on your map. You have removed a pebble.
In your mind's eye, visualize someone you have hurt or wronged. Visualize them looking at you. See the expression in their eyes. Say to them, "It's not your fault, it's not my fault", and then repeat the words and mudra "THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU", again and again until they smile, and you feel the love, and you feel the light, and the clarity, and the freedom. And then, tick their name on your map and remove a pebble from your Calabash of light. Bathe in brilliance.
In your mind's eye, visualize someone who has hurt or wronged you. Visualize them looking at you. See the expression in their eyes. Say to them "It's not your fault, it's not my fault", and then repeat the words and mudra "THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU", until they smile, and you feel the love, and you feel the light, and the clarity, and the freedom. Tick their name on your map and remove a pebble from your Calabash of light. Bathe in its radiance.
It does not matter how long you spend on each person, as long as you repeat the words and mudra "Thank You, I Love You" until they smile and you feel the love, the light, the clarity and the freedom and, only then, tick their name, remove another pebble and live in light.
How many people? How many hours? This is a Life Path. When you step upon the Rainbow, your Calabash clear of pebbles, you become the Light!
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