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The Healing Journey of James
listed in healing, originally published in issue 103 - September 2004
I met James three weeks before his eighteenth birthday.
His delivery was normal, as was his social, physical and mental development. At thirteen months, he developed an infection with a temperature. This led to a convulsion and James was hospitalized. This is a series of events not uncommon in infants and usually normal development continues. However, for James, this was not so and his normal development slowed down, noticeably his speech and motor ability development. To the time of the convulsion James was 'coasting', although unable to independently support his own weight, to enable freedom of movement. He was able to vocalize as infants do – he babbled. Following the illness James did not walk until sixteen months of age, much later than his earlier progress would have suggested. When he began to speak, he would become fixed on certain words, usually the last in a phrase, and continue to repeat these for long periods of time. It was also noted that James would become overly interested and fixed on certain objects such as lights, carpets, and would seem to be fascinated by these for hours at a time.
As infancy continued and James began to attend nursery, the staff expressed concern saying that they felt he was in a 'world of his own'. His attention would wander, and he was unable to remain focused.
If Mum spoke with James she would need to hold his head in her hands so that he would look into her face. Eye contact was difficult for James to make or sustain.
There is much here to suggest a disorder lying on the autistic spectrum; however, no diagnosis was made and the family were pleased with this. James attended many clinics, saw many specialists, but little progress was made. His physical development although slower than expected was not a difficulty. The problems that James was experiencing were more in the aspects of his social and mental progress and development. These concerned family and specialists.
Mum was prepared to try anything to help James. The family had exhausted all possible medical treatments available, so she contacted The British Institute For Brain Injured Children. This institute, based in Somerset, helped James enormously. From age eight to ten years James underwent sixteen months of intensive training four hours daily, where the family home became base for many therapists in a routine training programme for James. James did indeed open up. At the age of ten, James wished to cease this programming and his parents respected his wishes.
James subsequently attended mainstream schools, but he was 'statemented'. He made great progress and staff at his schools were especially pleased with him. He was always polite, made great efforts with his schoolwork, yet was handicapped mentally.
At home James gained more independence as he grew older, yet was still very clingy to his mother. His parents could not say that they had a few hours alone to themselves since James became ill. He was always there. The only free time his parents had was when James went to bed and at nearly eighteen years of age this was not early. James was unable to prepare any meals for himself, or look after himself in any way that could allow his parents to leave him should this ever be necessary.

Healing Journey
When he was almost eighteen years of age James began to visit a colleague of mine for reflexology treatments specially designed for children. These treatments last approximately five minutes; the rest of the therapy time is spent as felt appropriate, for example, talking, listening to music or reading. Peace, healing and connection are promoted in a high energy charged space.
With these specialized treatments James made great improvement and was shown to show concern for others in distress. This was absolutely unknown for him to do so previously. He was also able to begin to express and communicate difficulties and emotions that he had kept sealed for a long time. Within two months of healing, James was having increasingly mature conversations, able to spend a little time alone. His 'cheeky' nature began to surface and he began to play tricks on his older sister. James became more proud of his appearance, taking concern over clothes, his personal likes and dislikes surfacing. He would now begin to join in family activities, help out with tasks in the garden. Another first.
It was at this point that James was introduced to me and agreed to see me for a different healing. We began the healing programme in April 2003.
The healing to integrate and balance left-brain dysfunction is in two phases. Some preparatory reflexology, which was four weeks in length for James, was then followed with a twelve weeks phase to align and balance the auric field, so it may align and balance the brain matter to its true soul potential and expression.
As the first phase of treatments began, James continued to bloom. His social skills improved so that he became more communicative, conversational and animated. He expressed concern about leaving school in the summer and how would he cope at work experience. With encouragement James began to try puzzles such as word searches. Consequently he spent a little less time at the TV, which had been his primary source of entertainment. He began to perform tasks requested of him without guidance or supervision. His increasing social awareness was evidenced practically with the buying of an appropriate birthday card for his mother.
Further Healing
He was soon ready to embark on the next phase of his healing, which for James was twelve weeks and involved the use of crystals to repair his energy field. After the first session James became a teenager overnight. He would disappear upstairs for hours at a time and he became verbally aggressive. He also would retort to requests made of him by answering with NO! This behaviour was transient lasting approximately one month, and his family viewed it as positive. He was beginning to define himself, become more independent and increasingly assertive.
James's progress continued. Mum would often be afraid of allowing him his growth. The simple task of catching a bus alone many children experience while still at school. For James this happened in this second phase of healing and Mum allowed this to facilitate his growth amid worry for his safety. He had successfully attained all goals and tasks placed before him and was becoming more mature and independent.
James by now had left school and was attending work experience projects, including some gardening work. His wish is to work in a garden centre. For the first time his parents were able to go away for weekend together alone. James spent the time with his sister. There was much to integrate and remember; James did so with no difficulty.
His concern for others continued to grow at this time. Chris, a friend of James's became ill. James demanded that he be able to ring his friend up, and ask how he was. At work experience everyone was especially pleased with James and his progress, especially in IT skills. The strength of his independence was shown by the successful completion of paper work to open a bank account. Half way through the programme of healing James was able to hold a telephone conversation, begin to manage his own money, go shopping, catch buses and develop weekly at work. He also began to request his own space and freedom.
Family members could not believe the improvement in James over such a short period of time. Mum was able to leave James with his dad whilst she went away on holiday for one week. Yet another first.
James becoming more and more independent learnt how to use a mobile phone, which was always left switched on, so he could ring when help was required. This he did appropriately. In September this year James turned off his mobile phone, so that his Mum would not bother him! His maturity is such that he now is taking an interest in girls, shopping and clothes.
In October this year I watched James initiate a conversation with another client whilst he was waiting for me. His parents cannot believe his progress. He travels alone, socializes with friends, initiates conversations, is responsible for home security and safety, and can make meals for himself. Their wildest dreams have been surpassed.
Since October 2003, James has been seeing me approximately once a month, for continued strengthening and alignment to his energy field. He continues to blossom and bloom, now has a girlfriend and is experiencing feelings and emotions that his parents never expected him to. He is a beautiful soul and man and has given me great learning and great joy, for which I thank him.
I write this with the blessing of James's family and they hope, as do I, that this article may bring hope to many like James and their families.
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