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Homeopathy and Mental Health

by June Sayer(more info)

listed in homeopathy, originally published in issue 271 - June 2021

Homeopathy and Mental Health

by June Sayer DHom (Med) MARH MRHom DNTh DIridol


It’s hard to believe that we have been in lockdown for over a year and during that time I have worked virtually with clients mainly via Zoom.  That way the person feels they are more connected in the sense of being able to see you and it gives them the opportunity of continuing with their treatment plan. Of course, not everyone is happy with speaking via Zoom especially if they are in a situation where they are unable to find a time and or space that is private to them and in this instance, emails or text messages can be more helpful.

June Sayer 2021

I am fortunate to live in an area that has a very large expanse of green open spaces nearby and this naturally is a haven for dog walkers.  Prior to the pandemic I would acknowledge the owner and, with their permission, pet their friendly dog.   What I have noticed is even friendly dog owners have been so much more cautious and instead of stopping for a quick chat, they are hurrying along to get back to their homes.

The media have continually updated us with reports on the numbers of people who have been infected or sadly died with or from Covid-19 and I offer my sincere condolences to anyone and everyone who has been affected during these most difficult and unprecedented times.

However, there are other factors that are being reported and those include people who have suffered mental health problems and where their suffering has become too much for them to bear and they have plumbed to such depths of despair that they have taken their own lives.   Once again, I would offer my condolences to families and friends who have been affected by such tragic circumstances.  

As I write this article restrictions are beginning to be lifted and this will undoubtedly bring a sense of light in what has been a very dark period for everyone.  So, I thought I would share with you some of the emotions that my friends and family have expressed along with the open-ended discussions I have had with a range of people I have come into contact with.


Sayer 271 Homeopathy and Mental Health



This is a very big one.  People are anxious not only about their own health but also the health of their loved ones.   Anxiety rears its head when they think about going out into the world again having been ‘locked-down’ for so long.  Naturally for anyone who has had to shield I fully respect their anxiety as it was something that I experienced some years ago.  Others have said that they become anxious when trying to hear what a friend or shopkeeper is saying to them because the sound of the voice is muffled by the mask.


Another big emotion.  Along with anxiety there can be fear as these two emotions often go ‘hand-in-glove’.  There seems to be so much fear encompassing everyone.  I have seen it in people’s eyes when I have been out walking or shopping.   Some friends have told me that while they will adhere to the rules of wearing a mask, they have felt a sense of anxiety rising in them because they feel stifled and as if they are suffocating. 


Anticipation of meeting people again, of attending events with more than a couple of people.  Anticipation of what viruses might come along in the future, coupled with the fear of illness, emotions can spiral and become overwhelming.


This is another emotion I have observed.  Anger at being in a situation upon which they have no control and of course frustration can build up into anger.

Children have had to be home-schooled and this in itself has led to a lot of parents experiencing not only the frustration of having to home-school their children, but also of having to juggle their own work commitments while the children are around.  

Lack of Confidence

Having contact with one’s peers can be extremely supportive especially if a group of people are working on a project together.  Receiving helpful feedback from an ‘off the cuff’ remark can do wonders for a person’s confidence.  The downside to not being in the office with colleagues can lead to poor time management, stress and feelings of not being prepared enough possibly caused by having to juggle too many virtual meetings. As a result, confidence can hit an all-time low.


I have noted how difficult it has been for the young teenagers during this time, their schooling has been disrupted, they lack the continuity of their friends at school and will no doubt pick up on their parents’ emotions.  When teenagers are with their peers, they share thoughts and feelings that they do not necessarily share with their parents and consequently due to the lack of contact they can become withdrawn. 

I have also been made aware of teenage children self-harming and having suicidal thoughts.  Fortunately, if the schools become aware of any such behaviour the child is offered counselling.  It is not only the child experiencing these thoughts that is affected, it is often passed down the line to their friends and then onward to the parents of the friend who, naturally, want to protect their own child.  So, all in all this despair that seems to have been affecting teenagers is distressing for all concerned.

Special Needs Children

Children and/or teens on the autistic or special educational needs spectrum have been disrupted in many ways, firstly no school, then one-to-one, then small groups all of which have resulted in their families learning how to negotiate and re-establish the routine that these children need.

Vaccine Concerns

Now that the vaccine project is well underway this has shown itself to be an issue that has raised many divisions among friends and family members.  If a person has studied carefully and chosen not to be vaccinated, their family and friends show their exasperation and accuse them of being selfish.   Recently we have been made aware that some people have experienced adverse side effects of the vaccine. It is my firm belief that if a person chooses to decline the vaccine, they are within their rights and they should not be ostracised or coerced into doing something that they do not agree with.


Sayer 271 Homeopathic Remedies


Homeopathic Remedies - Anxiety/Fear/Anticipation/Anger/Lack of Confidence

Below I will offer some suggestions to combat the emotional disturbances that I have outlined above.


A remedy that helps to ease anxiety.  Anxiety is felt in the region of the heart.  Anxiety and fear along with restlessness.  Anxious about leaving the house, anxious and fearful in crowds and public places. Fear of death.

Argentum Nitricum 

This remedy is suited to people who suffer with panic attacks due to anticipation of an event.  They may have lots of phobias and anxieties, one of which is fear of high buildings, fear of the dark, of crowds.  They also have a fear of failure and losing their self-control.  They can be obstinate.  They crave sweets and sugar, more so at times of anxiety and this can bring on diarrhoea.  Migraine can be brought on by emotional upsets.

Arsenicum Album

Very nervous and anxious particularly about health and disease along with a fear of death.   These people are extremely fastidious particularly about disorder and dirt.  When they experience a sense of despair about getting better, they can become very restless but any form of consolation will make them feel worse.   


Fearful of going to the dentist or the doctor.  Trembling. They lack courage fearing that they will lose self-control.  Feelings of fear and apprehension overcome then when there is a thunderstorm approaching.   The fear makes them feel fatigued so much so that the eyelids become droopy and heavy and the eyes look dull and sleepy.  Muscular weakness is another feature of this remedy.


The person who would find relief from this remedy is one who is extremely sensitive and impressionable.  They do have a fear of thunderstorms, the dark, particularly at twilight time when shadows are cast around the room.  and if something bad is going to happen.  They need reassurance and sympathy and unlike the person who responds to the remedy Arsen Alb, they feel so much better when they have company and consolation. 


This remedy could help someone who is feeling angry and frustrated at the lockdown even though they may acknowledge that it has been deemed necessary during these very difficult times.  Their anger can also be directed towards the virus itself especially if it has meant that they have lost a loved one.  The person is very sensitive and are fearful of not appearing to be good enough. 

Anger can lead them to have feelings of guilt and outbursts of passion with a tendency to throw things and then break down in tears because they feel humiliated by their behaviour.


This remedy is used when the person’s confidence is at a low ebb.   They experience panic attacks particularly if they are speaking to strangers – think here about how many people have had to learn to use Zoom or other social media and ‘be seen’.   There is a tendency to feel anxious in their own home and in company because they feel they will ‘break down’.  They can appear to be irritable, angry and domineering particularly when they are unwell.   4-8pm tends to be the worst time of the day for them.

These are just a few of the remedies listed in the homeopathic Repertory[1]and Materia Medica[2] that are available from health shops and can be used to help people during times of uncertainty.  However, I would emphasise that it is important to seek the help of a professionally qualified homeopath to ensure the best remedy is matched to the needs of the individual.

I have mentioned self-harm and suicidal thoughts and should you encounter anyone in the family experiencing any of these thoughts, please contact your doctor and seek further professional help.

Homeopathy is gentle, non-toxic and non-addictive and can safely be used by all ages and does not interfere with any prescribed medication.


  1. Murphy, Robin ND, Homeopathic Clinical Repertory 3rd Edition
  2. Murphy, Robin ND, Nature’s Materia Medica 3rd Edition


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About June Sayer

June Sayer DHom (Med) MARH MRHom DNTh DIridol Homeopath Nutritionist Reiki Master/Teacher became fascinated by homeopathy after seeking treatment for her children and herself some 23 years ago; this dramatic change in their overall health led her to train as a homoeopathic practitioner. She qualified from the Hahnemann College in 1992 and has been in practice since that date. She is one of the founding directors of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and has a practice in Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex where she enjoys training individuals in the art and practice of homoeopathy. She may be contacted on Tel: 01621 730664;   


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