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Case Study: Recovery from Severe Illness with Zeolite and Glyconutrients

by Innesah York(more info)

listed in infections and inflammation, originally published in issue 133 - March 2007

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it could turn out to be a lifesaver. In early May, during one night, I suffered pain in the bladder, sides and back along with frequent urination, with blood appearing in the urine, and a very high temperature. Early next morning, I visited a local private casualty department. A urine test indicated a severe bacterial infection, so I was prescribed a broad-spectrum antibiotic, Ciprofloxacin (Cipro). They asked if they should do a culture, but said not to bother since I could come back again if needed. I felt better after one dose, but two weeks later it was back with a vengeance. Urine I passed contained mostly blood. I suffered the same symptoms again.

A friend recommended D-mannose (a glyconutrient) which I started taking, but, as the infection was already entrenched, I returned to the hospital. On telling them I was taking D-mannose, the doctor suggested I didn’t know what the product was and that it was probably irritating my kidneys. He wasn’t interested in reading the leaflet I showed him describing glyconutrients. I was told to go home and stop taking the D-mannose, and if I came back, the antibiotics would then be prescribed.

I took a turn for the worse during the night and as I slipped into delirium, family and friends became concerned. A pharmacist friend prescribed some more Cipro for me since the hospital wouldn’t. The pharmacy again sent the Ciprofloxacin to me.

I took the D-mannose and antibiotics at the same time, as they do not conflict with each other. Sweet Cures of York, who gave me so much help when I was seriously ill, were concerned that I was taking Cipro again, since one of them apparently suffered serious health damage from it. I had to take it again as the condition had become too entrenched, which they agreed. I took it again and felt better, but two weeks later it was back. The doctor at the pharmacy said that some of the bacteria were surviving and that I needed another dose. I had been taking 500 mg twice a day.
They did a culture, but reached no conclusion about which bacteria was causing the problem. They did not want to prescribe a different antibiotic since a sensitivity test came back positive. They sent me more Cipro, which I decided not to take. I had D-mannose in the house and immediately started to drink one teaspoon in very weak tea every three hours. Sweet Cures advised me to wake in the night to take it. I battled four days and nights with very little sleep. Each time I woke I had to wait an hour after taking it and then drink two glasses of water as I was fighting an extremely difficult infection.

On the fourth day the fever broke and I felt better. I then went for eight weeks with no problems, but as the New Year, 2006, was approaching, I became ill again with another infection. This time I took D-mannose and D-xylose. D-xylose is used to treat complicated bladder infections. What a result! The infection disappeared immediately and I also felt much stronger as I had developed chronic fatigue syndrome and was bed-ridden and very weak. I was also very depressed.

I began to plot my return to health with a vengeance, and studied all I could find to do with the subject of kidney and bladder infections. Recent research confirms, that internationally, one in five women experience urinary-tract infections (UTI). It is apparently a world-wide problem, and if left untreated can cause severe scarring of the kidneys, which can lead to kidney failure. I devised a nutritional regime for myself, which included Zeolite as I unfortunately was suffering from joint problems in my fingers and hip. I had been advised, since Cipro has been known to deposit fluoride in the joints of the body, that it could be a side-effect, since the body is unable to excrete the fluoride.

There are quite a few other nasty side-effects, i.e. tendons have a tendency to tear. I had noticed that on walking any distance my calf muscles felt as if they had been stretched. I continued taking Zeolite and the conditions were eradicated. My immune system grew much stronger, and at one stage, for a period of two weeks, I was sleeping 16 hours a day. I was told this is part of the healing response. Bladder weakness and soreness and aching in the kidney region that I had been left with disappeared.

I still take Zeolite every day. Every morning, I put a teaspoon of Zeolite powder (maintenance dose), 2 flat dessertspoons of barley grass juice powder, 2 dessertspoon of Immunecomplex, two flat teaspoons of Prime Directive powder, 1 dessertspoon of Udo’s Oil, 3 dessertspoons of Aloe Vera juice mixed into a fruit smoothie. An effect of this which I noticed was improved hair thickness and nail strength. I also take 2-3 teaspoons of D-mannose and D-xylose every day. I have been free from kidney infections since New Year 2006. I hope we never lose our choice to decide if we wish to use supplements in our quest for the recovery of our health.


  1. Josephine said..

    Where did you purchase the D-xylose? I can't seem to find it anywhere on the internet. Is it the same as the sugar Xylitol?

  2. Pat said..

    Could you please tell me where did you buy D-Xylose? I've been looking on internet everywhere but cant find it. Would you please be so kind because I suffer with kidney infection for a very long time and it's very painful.
    Thank you

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About Innesah York

Innesah York is studying nutritional therapy and sound healing using musical tones. She is currently working on the development of a range of broad-spectrum supplements, nutraceutical remedies and a series of healing CDs. Innesah is also due to be attuned to Reiki level 3 and is qualified in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition and Sports Nutrition. She can be contacted on Tel: 020-8893 3787;

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