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Kinesiology - Diagnostic Tool to Identify Information and Messages from the Sub-Conscious

by Angela Burr-Madsen(more info)

listed in kinesiology, originally published in issue 219 - January 2015

Kinesiology comes from the Greek, kinesis - movement or kinein, to move.  It is an expanding therapeutic tool and a key element in the wider field of energetic and bio-regulatory medicine. Kinesiology was developed by physical therapists in the 1930s. It is the study of muscles and muscular movement. In 1964, kinesiology came to the forefront in the early work of Dr George Goodheart (1918–2008), an American chiropractor who discovered that when he introduced stimuli, the body’s muscles responded in either a positive or negative manner. For instance, when he introduced a positive stimulus such as a vitamin or herb, the muscle would respond positively. On the contrary, when he introduced a negative stimulus for the same person, such as a chemical or a pesticide, the muscle responded negatively. Continuous testing resulted in similar responses over a variety of commodities. The science we know today was born, which Goodheart named Applied Kinesiology.  This is the use of muscle testing to evaluate body function, as disease begins as an imbalance in the body on an energetic level.


Drs George Goodheart, John Diamond and David Hawkins

Left to Right - Drs George Goodheart, John Diamond and David Hawkins

Goodheart’s colleague, Stanley Hoppenfeld MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, put Goodheart’s theories to the test and found that the muscle testing was repeatable and was a valid means of evaluating the neurological function of the muscles.  In neurology textbooks, muscle testing is defined as “a means of testing the motor function of limbs”.  Muscle testing is widely used in orthopaedic medicine by physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths as well as by nutritionists, naturopathic and energy therapists.

What is muscle testing?  We describe it as the measurement of subtle energies. At its simplest description it is observing the muscles’ response to a given situation. It requires two people, the tester and the client. Originally, the client would stand with his / her left arm outstretched. The tester places his left hand on the clients shoulder with his right hand on the client’s outstretched wrist. The tester will ask the client to hold firm and then mildly put downward pressure on the outstretched arm. It is not a question of testing who is the strongest; it is a question of the joint muscle holding the arm firm or locked against the mild downward pressure of the tester. Assuming all is well with the client, he / she should be able to resist this pressure. If the client is not able to resist, the arm collapses and the tester will go into a sequence of further testing to evaluate what is the cause of the client’s inability to resist the mild pressure.  Today, muscle testing can be carried out lying on a massage table or in a chair.

It is a technique that has stood the test of time for over fifty years. Kinesiology can today be described as a holistic touch therapy which brings together muscle testing and acupuncture, another traditional art from Chinese teachings which is based on meridians, energy lines or pathways throughout the body. As their experience grows, the tester will evolve his / her own technique for the client with a variety of muscle positions and skills. However, it will always be the muscle’s response that supplies the feedback of the test to the practitioner.

Scientific Validation

Dr John Diamond, an experienced psychiatrist became very interested in the discoveries of Goodheart and started to extend his muscle testing techniques to other branches of human well-being, particularly psychiatry. Diamond conducted thousands of tests across a broad range of patients who presented for mental and emotional conditions. He used kinesiology to assess mental and emotional states and how they related to such issues as posture, stress levels, mental state and their social and physical environment.  In many of the patients that were referred to him, he was able to access their mental state using muscle testing and lead them to dialogue about how they felt. Hate was a key issue with people who suffered chronic emotional illnesses; it was invariably a parent, sibling, school or life issue which troubled them.  Addressing and processing the hate was crucial to their return to health. 

One of his key findings was the role of the thymus gland.  It became the first organ to be affected once a person encountered an emotional state or any kind of mild trauma. Diamond found that the thymus gland and its function was central to the overall health of the body, affecting physical, mental and emotional well-being. The thymus is the endocrine gland under the influence of the Heart Chakra, which involves your personal relationship with self. He described it as the Life Force which sustains well-being. Two hundred years earlier, the founder of Homoeopathy Dr Samuel Hahnemann described this as Vital Force. Both mean the same thing - the inherent energetic attribute which optimizes body function working in tandem with mind and spirit. Diamond established techniques for rekindling energy and enhancing immunity by means of the Thymus Tap. This is a simple finger tap on the centre of the breast-bone making direct contact with the skin. The Thymus Tap is now standard practice at every kinesiology class throughout the world. He also developed a simple technique for individuals who encounter difficulty or stressed states simply by training the person to turn their mind immediately to a thought or event that made them happy, or by thinking of a person or persons that did likewise. This redirection of the mind confirmed what our ancestors of many generations would have done in similar situations in the past.  They would have looked towards a different direction with their mind by calling on God or their favourite Saint for immediate help. Dr Diamond found that the thymus gland deteriorated with age, which could be said to account for the increased incidence of cancer in the elderly - an important reason to take thymus therapy seriously. From the study of Dr Diamond’s research and work, Behavioural Kinesiology evolved.

Scientific evaluation of kinesiology continued through the work of Dr David Hawkins who wrote Power vs Force.  He is another experienced psychiatrist, medical scientist and author, who built upon the scientific base already begun by Goodheart and Diamond. Hawkins again conducted thousands of tests on individuals and groups, their actions and reactions, their interactions with others, with their surroundings, their wider environment and their behaviour in given situations. Not only did Hawkins find that people responded to stimuli introduced into their immediate energy field, but he also found that they responded to images, pictures, thoughts, artefacts and books, all utilising the same muscle testing procedure that Goodheart and Diamond had utilized earlier. When an object, picture or book, which was beneficial to the individual, was brought close to their body, the muscle tested strong. On the contrary, when other objects which were harmful or displeasing to the individual were introduced to the circuit, the muscle would test weak. One example was a picture of Adolf Hitler where in all cases of the people being tested, the muscle tested weak. When a picture of the Madonna was introduced, the muscle would test strong.  The power of the symbol of love was reflected in the muscle test with a strengthening response.  The symbol representing fear or hate weakened the muscles.  

Hawkins took research to a new level in evaluating the hidden determinants in human behaviour. He applied muscle testing to evaluate the benefit individuals or groups could contribute to society or the harm that they could do. He tested various trades, professions, religions and political parties, as well as civic, social, political and religious leaders. He measured the impact public speeches could have on listeners and / or TV viewers. Genuine public leadership and exhortation to good could be distinguished from what was often described as political rhetoric and empty promises by means of muscle testing. The intuitive listener within can distinguish between what is desirable and achievable for them through muscle testing.  In contrast, they can also distinguish between selfish electioneering and what is not acceptable to them as the subconscious can reflect this through simply testing their muscle. Hawkins used kinesiology to study great figures from history such as musicians, performer, artists and political leaders.  He found classical music to be particularly beneficial to health.  He also tested modern-day heavy rock, heavy metal and rap music and found these to be destructive to the individual, to localities and communities, in such a manner that they are likely to cause disturbance in later life. It is extremely important for parents to be looking carefully at what their children listen to.

Dr Hawkins developed a mathematical table of consciousness ranging from a low of 200 to a high of 1000, by which different groups in society could be classified. The closer to the lower level of 200, the more evolution of consciousness is required. Well-known contributors to society, including world leaders, measured at levels from 450 to 650. Prophets and Sages of earlier centuries were in most cases above 700.  The highest-ever recorded level of 1000 was Jesus Christ. Hawkins evaluated the contributions of religions and churches over the centuries indicating that all have declined from the teachings of their original founders. However, he goes on to say, mankind as a whole has evolved but only slightly over the past 200 years.  I disagree with the latter statement as I think he is looking only at the collective and not at the individual.  Today, I find many individuals who are questioning the status quo and really searching for inner peace, while at the same time governments are trying desperately to hang on to the old powers.  Consciousness grows through individuals, which in turn then influences the collective.

Kinesiology Tree

Reprinted from Kinesiology: Not Just an Allergy Test by Johnathan Stewart in
Positive Health PH Online Issue 46 Nov 1999

Further Developments in Kinesiology

Over the past fifty years, kinesiology has played a significant part in the recovery and growth of natural and traditional medicines. Homoeopathy has witnessed a renaissance, mirrored by the growth in herbal medicines. Specialized supplements have also emerged, many guided by the testing and evaluation techniques using Kinesiology. Resonance and bio-resonance have become better understood as human consciousness evolves to recognise the natural alignment of all living organisms, man and animal, earthworm and insect, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea - all interdependent with the planet that sustains us and a universe that enfolds us.

Advances in technology and an understanding of resonance have resulted in new technologies such as scanning, imaging and MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), which are now widely used in mainstream medicine.  Early scientists like Doctors Diamond and Hawkins expressed their disappointment that mainstream medicine did not fully adopt kinesiology as a key diagnostic tool. However, thousands of doctors around the world did understand and clearly their patients were the beneficiaries. Natural health practitioners, particularly naturopaths, bio-regulatory and bio-energetic practitioners did likewise and brought kinesiology into extended areas of clinical practice. Some examples of this are:

  • A.R.T (Autonomic Response Testing) was developed by Dr Dietrich Klinghart, which he developed to communicate with the autonomic nervous system so as to create a healthy mind which in turn creates healthy emotional states;
  • T.F.H (Touch for Health) was developed by Dr John Thie and Mary Marks, as a simple muscle testing procedure for home and family use. Dr Thie considered that information regarding this universal energy should be available to every person throughout the world as a means of assessing their immediate health condition at any time using 14 muscle, meridian and organ relationships;
  • C.K. (Clinical Kinesiology) was developed by Dr Alan Beardall DC, and is a sophisticated system of measurement and a tool that allows the patient’s subconscious to guide the physician’s diagnostic path and the prioritized therapeutic sequence.  Dr Beardall was the originator of hand modes as a means of communicating with the body.  Alan’s work models the body as a living bio-computer;
  • A.P. (Applied Physiology) was developed by Dr Richard Utt where he placed particular emphasis on the false positive of muscle known as Over-facilitation of a muscle.  This contributed greatly to the accuracy of muscle testing. Mr. Utt also used the bio-computer model and is responsible for many hand modes;
  • Psych-K was originated by Rob Williams for assisting with the growth of human consciousness by enabling people to change their belief systems where necessary, in particular where their belief systems were inhibiting their growth and damaging their health. Dr Bruce Lipton, Cell Biologist, Scientist and Professor of Medicine, described Psych-K to be a valuable contribution to his scientific research;
  • P.R.A.N.A (Polarity Reflex Analysis and Nutritional Assessment,) was developed by myself, a traditional Naturopath.  P.R.A.N.A. concentrates its focus on the impact that toxicity and nutritional deficiencies have on the body. The system uses all of the skills developed by the people mentioned above and also includes the subtle bodies and energies such as chakras and auric fields in its assessment.  Increasing the Life Force of the individual utilizing foods, nutritional supplements, herbs, homoeopathy and flower essences is the primary corrective procedures and is designed to the individual needs of the client. 


Kinesiology has already made a major contribution to healthcare through the different practitioners who built upon the work of the early pioneers. But it is only a start, so let’s hope many more innovators will bring forward new applications as there is so much more to be achieved. Self-growth in consciousness is the key to further growth for humanity. Kinesiology is the most cost-effective and useful diagnostic system there is and can be applied to every walk of life from medicine to the arts, to culture, education, sport and recreation. Greater consciousness will enable people to insist on better quality food and safer medicines. People will be empowered to call for a cleaner environment, better planning and improved housing.  They will insist on more ethics in banking, business, education, public life and will call for an end to discriminatory legislation which profits a few and denies freedom of choice to many. In all we will have safer communities and countries, all of which will result in a healthier planet.


1.         Dr John Diamond - BK: Behavioural Kinesiology - Increase Your Life Energy.  Harper Colllins. 1979. ISBN 0060109866.

2.         Dr David R. Hawkins.  Power vs. Force.  Hay House Inc. ISBN 1-5617933-6. 2004.

3.         Dr Tatyana Bosh – Bio Regulatory Medicine: New Medical Paradigm - Published in the Townsend Letter. Issue: January 2011.

4.         Dr Bruce Lipton- Biology of Belief- Hay House.  ISBN 1401923127. 2007.


  1. Dave said..

    Nice article; thank you.

    I'm wondering how much room there is for personal perception? Example: some heavy metal music makes me happy. I enjoy the faster rhythms and marvel at the masterful musicianship (of course not all!). By Dawkins' laws stated above (and Emoto's), this type of music isn't good for me. But I feel great and it reminds me of a simpler time from childhood as well. I'd guess my vibration is pretty high during these moments.

    If he's right, I'm in trouble, but the healthiest 51 year old I know.

    Likewise, if I have a bias for or against, for example a supplement, as a client or practitioner, can't that affect the "reading" as well?


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About Angela Burr-Madsen

Angela Burr Madsen TNP is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, registered Holistic Health Practitioner and Specialized Kinesiologist. She is past President of the California Naturopathic Association and served as Vice President of the International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists for seven years. Founder of Gateways College, she has run a busy practice in Natural Therapeutics in the State of California, USA, for over 35 years. She can be contacted on Tel: 001 530 677-3247 or via, and


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