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A 21st Century Healing Technology - Laser Therapy

by Wendy Boast(more info)

listed in light and colour, originally published in issue 163 - October 2009

When clients first come to my Cold Laser clinic their most common reaction is to joke about the 'Star Trek' technology; this is rapidly followed by amazement at the improvement in their condition: "How can light resolve a chronic condition that general medicine has failed to resolve?"  ......and with no pain or side effects........

Laser demonstration

You may have read in the press about the uses of cold or low level laser; it has many names: Photomedicine, Laser Phototherapy, Photobiomodulation, Soft Laser, Photodynamic Therapy and many more. Everything from cancer treatments to laser lipo and addiction treatments is making the headlines, all based on applying soft light to the body. It may all sound a bit far-fetched and new-age, but it really is making a big impact. The latest advances in science are actually demonstrating how the body uses (and produces) light in regulating many biological functions, and how light is key in the regenerative, healing systems and complex growth processes.

Special Light

We all know that a good dose of sunshine makes us feel better, but any old light just won't do. It's the application of a special kind of light: amplified, pulsed, coherent light is what's needed – in other words laser. We usually associate laser with white hot rays that cut through steel; however, this is cold laser; it is very low power and low frequency, usually in the red and infrared range, or blue and green spectrums. Little or no heat is produced. This kind of laser is everywhere these days – at the supermarket checkout, in your computer, your DVD player etc. Modern life would be very different without this science of (basically) shining light through a crystal; as science has advanced we are using light waves to store and transmit information all around the world.

Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The theory was first described by Albert Einstein (1879-1955). The first laser was developed in 1962, sparking  a revolution in laser development.

The Biology of Light

Whilst this light may seem appropriate for technological tools, you might wonder why it works on biological systems.

It all comes down to how cells operate and maintain themselves. Each cell has an energy field (EMF) which regulates how well it works, and how it communicates with the rest of the body. The energy of the cell is very, very subtle; it is only in the last couple of decades that our scientists have been able to detect the biological electromagnetic fields involved, often with extraordinary science and sensitive instrumentation from the Russian and American space programmes. Each cell has a little 'engine' called mitochondria which governs cell activity.

Cell Mitochondria
Cell Mitochondria

Scientists now understand that each healthy cell generates a very low level of light from the mitochondria – so they estimate that we 'emit' 100 Biophotons  per second per square centimetre of surface area. The spectral distribution (wavelength) of biophotons covers at least the range from 200 to 800 nanometers – the red spectrums. Why would the body do this? Well, it seems that the laser-like coherence of the biophoton field is a significant attribute, making it a prime candidate for exchanging information in a highly functional, efficient and cooperative fashion. This lends credence to the idea that it may be the intelligence factor behind the biological processes. In other words, the body is using light for the same reason we are using laser for our technologies – to be a communications or signalling system, and to convey important information around the body. Yes – we do glow – those Readybrek adverts were not so far from reality!

Keeping the Lights On

Now, here's the key – damaged cells do not emit light; basically their lights have gone out and the brain cannot 'see' them. It's the brain that recognizes damage, for example a cut finger; it communicates with the various systems/glands to issue repairs and pain-relief, healing the cut finger, initially sealing the wound within a short time and then repairing the wound over a few days. In the case of minor injuries basically the body heals itself; it has its own pharmacy.

When a serious injury has occurred or a long term inflammation (like arthritis) has developed, the damaged cell build up has generated a blind spot for the brain; it simply can't see the problem clearly and so cannot issue the corrective repairs. This can be exacerbated by many of the drugs prescribed for chronic conditions; the brain detects high levels of 'chemicals' so it stops making its own.

Clinical research has proved that if we apply laser light to the damaged area, it creates a healing reaction. Damaged cells respond due to the resonance with the coherent laser light, (healthy cells are already coherent; so they ignore it). The biological reaction is as follows:

The Mitochondria resonate with coherent light, and start to communicate to the brain; this turns the spotlight on for the brain – so the brain can see and respond by issuing repair mechanisms;
The Cells walls receive the delivered energy (photons) helping them to stabilize; they  use the energy received to regulate the electromagnetic field, walls become permeable again, allowing nutrients in and out;
The Lymphatic response guides or attracts the repair materials to the damaged area. White cells clean the dead material away via excretory systems;
The Red cell response increases, the light attracts the red cells which bring nutrients to build new tissue;
The Neuro-chemical response to laser light on the nerve channels generates Endorphin production to relieve pain.

In this way, Laser calls the body to repair itself; the improvements are often felt by the end of a one hour treatment, and over the next few days clients often report 'activity' as the body gets very busy cleaning away damaged material and rebuilding the affected area. This chemical reaction in the cell allows several things to occur:

  • Stimulates Healing and Repair of Tissue;
  • Increases Tissue Strength;
  • Reduces Pain;
  • Reduces Swelling/Inflammation;
  • Promotes faster wound healing;
  • Stimulates nerve function;
  • Promotes Cellular Oxygenation/Detoxification.

Some conditions heal with a few frequent treatments, for example muscle damage; others like arthritis or spinal or nerve damage can require a longer term less frequent approach.

Looking Forward

Many people (and doctors) in Europe have not heard of Laser Therapy for healing chronic conditions but it is very popular in Canada, The USA, Australia and other countries where their health systems are not so rigid as the NHS.  There are thousands of practitioners in the USA. This technology was pioneered in the USSR, and has been available since the 1980s. It seems most effective when used with an 'eastern' approach, optimizing and energizing the lymphatic system, and understanding and activating nerve points related to the damaged area. In the UK, currently laser is primarily used by sports physios, podiatrists, dentists and vets (horses love it) in a limited 'apply it to the wound only' approach. This is changing, and in the next ten years we should see much more of this gentle but effective healing technology.

There are a number of pioneers who have done some extraordinary work in this field in areas such a Gynaeocology and Oncology, and some orthopaedic surgeons are developing an interest as an alternative to surgery. This is real science, with major clinical trials ongoing around the world at leading hospitals and Universities. The World Association for Laser Therapy publishes thousands of papers every year demonstrating the wide use of this treatment. Subjects range from frozen shoulder to bone necrosis, mouth cancers, healing 3rd degree burns, brain activity/repair and lymphocytes generation.

The NHS has some laser machines, but so far there are very few people who are trained to use them, and minimal training activity; it takes time, but some promising trials by the NHS in Scotland on smoking addiction have helped to raise the profile.

In the UK we have very few experts; I have been lucky enough to train with a BMA Professor who has pioneered the use of cold laser for more than 25 years; his achievements are extraordinary. A group of us have established the UK Institute for Therapeutic Laser (see to promote laser, list practitioners, and help establish standards and treatment protocols for this emerging form of medicine.

The types of laser vary – there are lots of different crystal/laser mediums which generate different colours and powers. Medical lasers are very expensive devices but you can buy simple handheld devices to use at home; even a laser pointer can be used on acupuncture or cranial points for a few seconds to ease tension or pain.

In summary, Laser Therapy can help with many injuries and chronic conditions; it also is effective in addiction treatment (especially smoking), and cosmetic therapies; all without pain, side effects or scarring. The treatment usually takes about one hour and patients describe it as very relaxing.


  1. Teresa said..

    Hi Wendy I am 37yrs old. I suffered a stroke 2yrs ago I am doing alot better now thanks to neurofeedback. But for further healing I am considering buying a good quality laser device to try and heal my brain. After reading about Dr Gorden Dougals Light helmet. I am wondering if it would help me I am currently on no medication eat healthy and slim build. I am wondering if applying a handheld device to my head daily if it would be helpful. Any advice you have would be helpful as I live in Australia. Thankyou

  2. Wendy said..

    Hi Teresa, it sounds like you are doing a lot for yourself - well done. Yes applying light to the area of bleed in the brain will help but you must be careful not to overdo it, or use lacquer on you hair. I am afraid that some of the handheld devices are a ripoff; please research carefully or go to a trained therapist who has a professional device. See also Dr Nick Wise CLRT web site.

  3. Crystal Bed said..

    If you are not in Abadiania and would like to experience a crystal bed treatment, you can search at for a crystal bed practitioner near you.

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  4. Les Blenkinsop said..


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About Wendy Boast

Wendy Boast is a trained Laser Therapist (UKITL), a  Reiki Master, Life Coach and a teacher of Holographic Breathing Therapy. She undertook a two year training course in Cold Laser Therapy with Professor Gordon Farmer and continues to train as this is a rapidly developing field.  Wendy uses a range of lasers, including the Omega Laser equipment, she attends training workshops and researches the many emerging techniques of laser application. Wendy owns and runs the Sunu Centre at Oxted in Surrey, is a director of UKITL, and works in partnership with Future-Health at Daventry, , and Caredale Light Therapy Centre in North Yorkshire. She does not promote or sell laser equipment. Wendy Boast runs her cold laser clinic, The Sunu Centre, at Oxted in Surrey. She may be contacted on Tel: 0208 144 4513;


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