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Cranial Laser Reflex Technique for Muscle Release and Pain
listed in light and colour, originally published in issue 161 - August 2009
Cranial Laser Reflex Technique (CLRT) is an exciting new development in natural pain relief and functional improvement. Dr Nicholas Wise, a second generation chiropractor from South Carolina, developed this method which involves a brief laser stimulation of specific cranial reflex points.

Dr Nick Wise at work
I already had an interest in the power of light to heal when I discovered Dr Wise on You Tube early in 2009. But my jaw dropped as I saw him swiftly place or move his cold laser pen on his patients' heads, when they came in with a myriad of different pain and muscular problems in the body. Within seconds, pain had come down significantly, tight muscles had released, and range of movement increased. I was taken aback enough to email Dr Wise straight away. I had to find out more. I had been struggling for some time to persuade Osteopaths and Chiropractors in the UK to be open to light as an adjunct to what they do. The first person to find and use CLRT in the UK was Sussex based Osteopath, John Taberman-Pichler DO, having discovered it on an American Chiropractic website. He is now directly involved in promoting CLRT by co-hosting a training seminar (see details below).
How CLRT was Put Together
Dr Wise was already using Low Level Laser light, or soft/cold laser, directly on the body, when he came across cranial reflex points in an old text book belonging to his father. The book was on Applied Kinesiology. Shining light on the cranium on the specific points outlined in the book, he was amazed and stunned by the results. He discovered that the cranial reflexes are energetically connected to every major muscle in the body, and that when light is applied, the body responds instantly. Later he added to the map when he found more cranial reflex pathways, this time connected to every spinal segment. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oDoCI9a8NE&NR=1
Taking the example of an acute ankle sprain, he discovered that a soft tissue problem causes the anterior leg muscle cranial reflex to 'blow out' like a fuse. Over time, this injury should heal properly, but if the reflex is still active, then it takes longer to heal and has a much higher chance of becoming a chronically unstable ankle, prone to more twisting. Correcting the ankle cranial reflex as soon as possible, causes an immediate reduction in pain and a massive speeding up of the healing process.
Light and the DNA
But how does light work, as opposed to just pressing the cranial reflex points, which can also help. Some of the best research on light comes from Fritz-Albert Popp at the Institute of Biophysics, in Germany.[1] In a nutshell, electrical and chemical interactions are far too slow to account for the speed of information flow in the human body. A cellular communication system based on light delivers the tremendous amount of processing power and flexibility needed to run such a complex system. Our information biofield, our biohologram, is projected by our DNA molecules as they change shape. The springy DNA coil winds or unwinds due to signals from the environment (see Bruce Lipton PhD), and this conformational change squeezes out single-photon 'laser beams', which carry vibrationally encoded information easily decoded by the receiving cells.
These photons travel through the body's fibre-optic cables, which are made up of optically transparent microtubules, which collectively form the classical acupuncture meridian system. The information that the photons carry is vibrational, which the receiving cell Fourier transforms into relevant information.
Case Studies: Hemiparetic Stroke
Mr S aged 67, had a hemiparetic stroke a few years before consulting Dr Wise. His right leg dragged and his right arm was drawn up tight against his body, stuck because his biceps and wrist flexors were in 'permanent' spasm. The angle created by his elbow was about 45 degrees all the time, and the muscle pain was quite severe at times. An adjustment of C5 caused the arm to be 20% more relaxed. Then Dr Wise tried a cranial laser release on the right side of his forehead for about one minute. After about 30 seconds Mr S's hand began to descend, as if someone was slowly pulling it down. He opened his eyes and could not believe what he saw. The first session brought his hand down to about 120 degrees. Further sessions improved the resting state to 145 degrees, and after each CLR treatment it extended to 170 degrees. Now the pain is gone and the muscles of his arm and hand are almost completely relaxed.Cracked Ribs
Another case of note is when a patient of Dr Wise came in with acute pain from a cracked rib, causing him significant distress, and great difficulty breathing. Manipulation was not an option."I palpated along the line of Cranial Reflexes for the ribs on the left side, and sure enough, when I got to the spots for rib 7 and 8, I felt a depression, a gap in the suture, and he winced when I applied a little pressure there with my thumb. After lasering this area for 30 seconds, I asked him to take another deep breath, ... and this time, immediately, he was able to draw in a full breath with no pain until the very end-- a considerable and very noticeable improvement. His eyes got wide and he asked, "What did you DO?" CLRT brought the pain down from 10/10 to a 5/10."
Dead Leg, Neck Pain and Sinuses
Christine Carroll is a Low Level Laser therapist here in the UK and has integrated CLRT into her other use of light directly on the body. One of her clients had a dead leg, with no feeling. Using the cranial reflex point for the tensor fascia, all the feeling came back after just 30 seconds. She also finds CLTR excellent for neck pain."My neck used to be terrible, stiff, and it hurt on palpation. CLRT has stripped away all the pressure. I also use the CLRT point in the mouth for clearing my sinuses, and pressure in my head. Its brilliant."
John Taberman-Pichler DO has the following to say:
"I have found that the muscular component of an issue can be fixed quickly (as long as other factors aren't involved), and even if I need to manipulate, it's a lot easier to do after having done CLRT. I find it especially good on the very young and old."Is CLRT of Use without Manipulation as Well?
Clearly there is still a role for manipulation. If that is what you are trained to do, all the better to combine and integrate. However, Dr Wise insists that CLRT can be used to good effect without manipulation, with other therapies such as Kinesiology and Massage.What Else Does it Do?
The technique is organised around the muscular system and spine, but we know from Applied Kinesiology and Acupuncture that every muscle has an organ/gland that is neurologically / holographically linked to it. Dr Wise points out that resetting the cranial reflexes releases the stored stress information that is associated with a particular pathway, including muscles, organs and pain.Reference
1. Published in: Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, Proceedings of an International Conference on the Boston University, edited by Boston University and MIT, World Scientific 1999.www.lifescientists.de/ib0204e_1.htm
Further Information
Dr Wise has produced a training manual for practitioners, together with two two-hour DVDs. His training seminars cover the scientific basis of CLRT, coherent light and consciousness, and CLRT basics and protocols. On the basis of attending one of his day long seminars in Honolulu, Light for Health has invited him over to the UK. Not only is his presentation one of the most illuminating and interesting introductions to light that I have attended, his one to one demonstrations using CLRT are riveting. Long standing problems seem to melt away in seconds. Dr Wise's website is: www.clrtechnique.xom Also see his blog at : http://craniallaser.blogspot.com/
The next Cranial Laser Reflex Technique Seminar: Saturday October 24th, The Hilton Hotel, Gatwick Airport. It gives eight hours of CPD points. For further information email Gill Jacobs on gill@lightforhealth.co.uk or download the booking form at www.lightforhealth.co.uk
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