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An Interaction between 7 Elements in Harmony

by Marc Samson(more info)

listed in mind body, originally published in issue 271 - June 2021

An Interaction between 7 Elements in Harmony

by Marc Samson


Republished from


At 55, without warning, bang… We wonder what's going on in our body. All of a sudden, I felt an unknown pain. What is that pain? Quickly I thought that it was possibly a heart attack known as myocardial infarction.


But above all, what am I going to do to avoid having another infarction?

I promised myself to live better, and for me, this implied a harmonization between the 7 elements which are presented here.

Three years later at 58 years old, I am healthier and fitter than I was in my early forties. It’s because of the changes I have made in my life. I believe I am a great example of a successful cardiac rehabilitation – I no longer have high blood pressure, no more gastric reflux, no more cholesterol. I have lost weight and I have gone from 10 pills daily to just one (a baby Aspirin). I am not a doctor but I have experienced this disease and its rehabilitation in a way that surprises a few.

This experiment or method, I gave it the name of 7 Changes To Health. In my opinion, this method is not limited exclusively to heart disease, but to several other diseases. A disease is a disorder of the body and therefore very likely due to a lack of harmony between the 7 elements in question. This article is a summary of a more detailed version found at:

Our Health An Interaction between 7 Elements in Harmony

1. Our Thoughts

Human beings are able to stop moving. It is so easy to lay down on a sofa and relax after a busy day! But the mind never stops thinking! It is very difficult for us to calm our mind because we are constantly thinking about the past (I should not have done this or said that ...). These are feelings of regret that remain in our body. We are also champions of thinking about the future (how am I going to do this, will I have enough money for this, is it dangerous for my children? ...). The worst part is that 90% of our thoughts are a repetition of the same elements, it loops almost constantly and it gives nothing positive to our body and mind. You might be surprised about this but give it a try - several times throughout the day stop and reflect on what you have been thinking about in the last few minutes. You will see that this will be the beginning of realizing that we are not living in the present moment enough. Thinking is a tool that allows us to perform tasks such as building something, cooking a meal, writing a report, etc. Our thoughts should mostly be used for that, not to stir up the past or worry about the future!

As you discover how to live more in the present moment (into the now), your life will already be lighter, easier, smoother and happier.

2. Our Emotions

Our fears, our sorrows, our jealousies, our joys are part of us. They have a huge effect on our health – more than we might think. For my part, I know that it was stress and some emotionally overwhelming situations over the course of many years that had caused the chemical reactions and the narrowing of the capillaries in the blood - the infarction.

Doctors are starting to acknowledge that these emotions have a partial impact on our health. But in my experience, negative emotions are the main source of illnesses, of body dysfunction.

And no, it didn't happen all of a sudden! There were plenty of alarm signs trying to get my attention, but I just couldn't see them.

For me it was basically: the type of work I was doing, my attitude of high performance at work and in everything I undertook, my constant worry for the well-being of my children and my incessant thoughts of financial worries for the future. So, I started off by switching to a stress-free job. I also made the decision not to be reachable 24 hours a day. This gesture, combined with my change of attitude not to worry and to trust life was a good start. And you, can you identify the stressors and negative emotions in your life?

3. Our Fuel

Everyone knows that you have to eat well, but it seems more and more complex to follow in a clearway. I followed a healthier diet but it was not enough to improve my overall health. Eighteen months ago, I discovered the principles of fruit and vegetable juices made with a low-speed extractor. This is where my health really quickly changed for the better. The fact is that fruits and vegetables, even organic ones, have lost 40% to 60% of their vitamins and microelement contents over the past 50 years. I have to consume twice as many fruits and vegetables as when I was a child for the same nutritional value. We need minerals, but humans cannot chew and digest rocks (minerals) – we need a plant that takes them from the soil and processes them to be bio-digestible for us.

But it takes a lot of energy for our stomach to digest this large number of vegetables. Additionally, vegetables should ideally be raw to retain maximum nutrients. The solution is simple, drink these vegetables! With a low speed juice extractor, our body absorbs what it needs and without straining the digestive system, as the fibres are separated from the juice. In just two weeks, I was already seeing the results, no more intestinal gas, no more bloating, and I had more energy!

For me, these juices are substitutes for breakfasts (5-6 times a week), I drink it very slowly from 9am until around 11am or noon. This allows my stomach to be at rest for about 13 hours, from dinner the night before until noon the next day. It is also called intermittent fasting.

4. Our Exercise

I've always done a lot of sport – so for me it's easy to be motivated to move. You will find plenty of sites on the Internet to guide you walking or joining sports groups that will suit your level and your ability. Take it gradually and listen to your body!

5. Our Let It Go

Life is full of good times and often times of hardship. When you are faced with a difficult situation, to protect your health, it would be better to either let go or take action to change the situation, if you can. And don't get emotional about the situation. There is no point in worrying yourself about how this situation could change your future or not.

If you are so bothered by the situation:

  • Option 1: Let go, but really let it go.
  • Option 2: If there is something you can do about it, take action but calmly and always with your thoughts in the present moment.

6. Our Close Environment

The immediate environment is essentially the people with whom you interact regularly; family, friends, colleagues, neighbours etc. For some, it is this particular element that will be possibly the most difficult to make changes. It was the case for me, at least. At the beginning of this document, I was talking about myocardial infarction and heart disease often related to emotions and stress, in my opinion. In my case, I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life – because it was emotionally charged. The harder it is to do, the more it might just confirm that this is a key part of your return to health and for the long term.

7. Our Macro Environment

The macro environment is everything that is more external to our close environment. Such as the politics that partly govern your life, the living conditions in your region or country and the economic environment or pollution.

These are very broad elements that do not just include you, but all of our communities. There is not much you can do here. Possibly small actions at the individual level, for example if there is a lot of trash on the ground on your street or in your area - nothing prevents you from collecting them if that bothers you. This is what my wife and I do everywhere we walk and even at the bottom of lakes in the summer with a snorkel mask. Your heart will at least have the conviction to make a good gesture.


We all know a Paul, a Simon or a Jacqueline who suddenly fell victim to a serious illness and yet he or she was very healthy. He or she ate organic, was very healthy, played sports every week and was joyful, smiling at life. And yet her brother who eats badly, smokes a lot, sits in his truck all day long, is older and yet has no illness.

There are three errors or misunderstandings in the above statement.

First, obviously he or she did not suddenly have an illness. Because cancer, heart attack, stroke or diabetes is built over months, years and even decades. The only sudden illnesses are caused by accident – fall, injury or automobile accident ...

Second, there are always red flags or alarm signs that let us know ahead of time that the body's balance is in danger but all too often we just don't want to hear them. The easiest way is to take a small pill to calm the symptoms. We should not blame the doctors, they are often the first to tell us to exercise, to lose weight, to change our diet or to take vacations… Often we do not want to change our lifestyle and we simply go for a quick and even immediate solution - therefore medication.

Third, her brother who inherited the same genetics (same father and mother) does not pay attention to his health and he is not sick. It gives the impression of injustice. However, he may have a very different attitude towards life – he may live more in the present and without worrying about everything compared to Paul, Simon or Jacqueline who does not manage his/her emotions and stress as well. In addition, we all have different adaptive capacity – even if we are genetically related.

Do you Really Want to Get Healthy?

Your level of determination will be the key – as this may involve several changes in attitude and disrupt your lifestyle. Your loved ones will most probably criticize your new life choices. Explain to them your new approach to global health, the 7 elements.

If you have read this document up to this point of conclusion, you have understood that you should not wait for changes to come from the outside – health will come from within, from your decisions and actions and from your thoughts.

It is with this mindset that I took it seriously to relearn the basic principles of life, the biology of living things and to apply them. I am now 58 years old and I am healthier and fitter than I was when in my early forties. This is what I wish for you!

Make the necessary life changes for your body and let the wonderful nature of human biology do its masterpiece!

I wrote this document for purely humanitarian purposes. If my experience can help even just one person live better, I would be very happy. I invite you to share this document and I am sure you already know who could benefit from it!

Further Information

To read the more detailed version or for more information or if you have any questions, please contact me at the following link: .

Acknowledgement Citation

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About Marc Samson

Marc Samson is an ordinary person, a non-doctor, who neither gives medical advice nor makes a diagnosis. But he had a heart attack and he vowed not to have another heart attack and he took charge of his health. He followed the laws of living biology, natural and holistic medicines. He didn't invent anything - everything was already there. He just put them in an order that was easy to understand and follow.  You are invited  to download the method, to read it for yourself or for your relatives at

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