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Personology - Connections between Physical Structure and Personality

by David Gavriel(more info)

listed in mind matters, originally published in issue 195 - June 2012

What is Personology?

Personology is the knowledge of the personality or character of man. It is both an ancient and modern method dealing with interpersonal communication, and is based on scientific empirical research of the personality's structure and potential and its relation to the physical structure of the face and body. In other words, it is the different characteristics and qualities – self expression, feelings and emotions, thinking, physicality, action and reaction, special features and skills, and challenging characteristics. Each personal characteristic can be found in the face or body features. Watching and understanding the face and body features contributes to the understanding of the personality that stands before us, and it enables us to have better interpersonal communication even before we start talking to the other person. Personology is not related to the mystical or spiritual fields, but to a scientific empirical statistical field of research based on facts.


The History of Personology

Over 3,000 years ago the Chinese started diagnosing illnesses and personalities by the physical structure of the face and body. Other uses of it can be found in Jewish Kabala books such as Wisdom of the Face. In the time of the Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Aristotle the scientific research began, and the method was widely used (Aristotle used his knowledge to choose the commanders for the Roman army). In England, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, anybody who used this method of face reading was punished by whipping, since it presented a threat for the ruling royalty. In the 18th and 19th centuries many researches of this field were done and many books were written on the subject.

Where does Modern Knowledge of Personology Come From?

The knowledge and the method come from the United States. In the 1930s a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice in San Francisco, California named Edward Jones accumulated knowledge of about 200 characteristics by reading faces. Jones examined the subject and was fascinated by it, and he decided to dedicate his life and time to the matter, and claimed the name - Personology. In the late 1930s he was accompanied by Robert Whiteside, the method's founder, and together they examined this field using statistical information. From 1950 to 1963 this field was researched with the assistance of Psychologists, experts of Genetics, Chiropractors, Neurologists and experts of Statistics. Thousands of adults of different ages were examined, personal qualities were isolated, and the connection between the face and body features and the personal characteristics was found. About 70 different characteristics were found to be exact in 92% of the cases. In career and occupation guidance there was 96% satisfaction, and for relationships it was 88% accurate. 80% of all characteristics are genetic, and the remaining 20% can be identified by the different features of the facial area above the forehead. When diagnosing, the focus is put on the individual person, and not on qualities inherited from the parents. For example: people who work with data and information, where much focus on details is required, will have their eyes closer to each other. People who have noses that are round and pointing downwards will be found more in fields related to management, commerce, finances and business.

What can Personology are Used For?

We can use Personology in every single aspect of life, since it revolves around interpersonal communications in society, in business, and in politics. Personology can be used for employment (human resources), relationships, business communications, forming a work team, sales, diagnosing of children, self improvement and so on. For example, it can be used for casting an actor to play a certain part in a movie, choosing lawyers or jury members, "reading" a defendant or witnesses on the stand, etc. I am the only expert Personologist working in Israel today, and I am one of 13 experts in this field around the world.

Who can be Diagnosed?

Personology can be used to diagnose every single person in the world, regardless of race, gender, religion, culture or geographical location. Personology regards only the power level of characteristics, which are divided in three - high, average and low. For instance: a full upper lip will demonstrate the tendency of emotional expression and could suggest an overly-talkative person, while a person with a thin upper lip, who would tend to have difficulties with emotional expression and his talk will be short and to the point.

Who Contacts Me?

I am contacted by schools and kindergartens, social workers, businessmen, different parties of the Israeli government or politics, communications and Hi-Tech companies, insurance companies and so on, as well as companies from other states (Europe and the United States). I give lectures and workshops as well as personal consultation. In the private sector people contact me to perform house-lectures, creating personal profiles and guidance for career and occupation. I also get contacted by parents who have children with learning or behavioral disabilities. Another area of consultation is for couples who would like to improve a failed relationship, or to examine the compatibility between couples.

How do I Diagnose?

The diagnosis is done by measuring instruments (matrices) which present numeral data. The numbers are put in tables and input in a computer program which gives a comprehensive and accurate description of all challenging characteristics, special qualities and skills, or mood swings. It also demonstrates the best possible occupation or field of employment, as well as other possible occupations and hobbies. Diagnosis can also be done deeply and accurately using photographs, with no need of the presence of the diagnosed person. For example: for people who want to know how to deal with challenges in their interpersonal communications with their significant other.

Why is Personology Necessary since People Know Themselves the Best?

The method of  Personology identifies all characteristics. People want to find out more about themselves - such as what the most suitable occupation for them is, what characteristics present challenges for them, how they can deal with mood swings, what are their special qualities and skills, and how they can use their inner unknown characteristics for their advantage. Using the method of Personology and the accumulated knowledge gives them confirmation and reassurance which enables tem to fully use their potential in a focused effective way.

To sum up, Personology is the key to understanding ourselves and others. Using this method and the tools it provides, through listening and watching, we will be able to understand ourselves and others. Using this knowledge and understanding we can accept the other person, the different person, and contribute to more effective and harmonious interpersonal communication. Personology is an amazing aid which can assist lawyers, politicians, diplomats and businessmen, among other people, in their everyday communication while maintaining ethics and decency, and therefore creating better and more effective interpersonal communication and connections.

Business Communications - Human Resources

We are aware of the fact that many of us are not satisfied with our current job or occupation. With the assistance of Personology one can be directed to a better more suitable field of employment, using a computer program which gathers all characteristics after measuring and diagnosing the structure of the facial and body features. This way we get compatibility for certain fields of employment. A Personologist can help determine the compatibility of a person to a certain job by being present at the job interview or by looking at a photograph of the person up for the job.

Building a Team

When it comes to building a work team, or balancing the current situation, personology guides and provides with tools for understanding and getting a more accurate perspective of colleagues, understanding of their characteristics, and the ability to accept one another while making the best of each person's individual advantages for managing projects, management and operational systems in any field.


Personology provides with proven tools for improving sales level and understanding the customer's different characteristics to give better service. A good example would be a person with thin lips – this person would express himself shortly and to the point, not very emotional and very calculated about spending his money. Our ability as sales people to understand this characteristic will help us keep this person as a loyal customer, since he will get the message that he and his needs are understood.

Social Communications - Relationships

In a relationship there are six important features that should be similar with the two people. These are leg length, width of the face, similar interest in people, information or things, physical isolation, patience and intellect. The saying "opposites attract" is not necessarily true. Sometimes such opposites in personalities can lead to problems and struggles in a relationship. Nowadays, with the high divorce rates, the chances of such a relationship lasting between opposites are questionable. Most challenges will be related to the following characteristics: thinking style, endurance, lack of patience, the need for adventures, criticism perception, competitiveness, strength and depth of emotions, thin lips which mean low expression of feelings, as well as overly saving money, focus on career, and dry sense of humour, which often makes one seem sarcastic, or express oneself in this manner. Personology can help create optimal compatibility between two people, or identify the suitable characteristics for creating a more successful relationship. When using personology for choosing a life-partner, one can prevent unnecessary disappointments, waste of time and money. Personology can also help guide relationships between parents and children, friends, and so on.

Children Diagnosis

Personology can help identify learning and behavioural disabilities, as well as fields of interest and special talents at an early stage of the child's life. In this way, the child can be guided in the most suitable direction for himself, unlike the parents' tendency to direct their child in the direction they would like to think is best for him, or use the child for realizing their own childhood dreams, which failed for the exact same reason. For instance, a father may want his son to play a certain field of sports that the father did not manage to realize as a child, but when the child's physical features are not compatible for this area, the father's attempts can cause physical and emotional distress.


Our inherited abilities and characteristics are only some of the forces that control our lives. Nurturing at a young age and our childhood experiences, as well as experience of later ages, shape our personalities in many ways. Of course we can still change ourselves, our attitudes, behaviour and activities by conscious will and choice, and receive support on our personal growth and development. Personology assists and gives tools and guidance for self improving and nurturing, by diagnosing and deeply understanding of the innate structure and potential of each and every one of us. It is an amazing aid for assisting criminologists and social workers in the rehabilitation of prisoners, for example.

Personology in Politics

Personology provides the ability to deal and face any diplomat or politician, and be one step ahead even before one word has been said. The tools provided by personology enable the skilled observer to handle any communication difficulty and avoid misunderstandings, as well as manipulating the other person over to your side, all within the boundaries of diplomatic ethics, while creating a more effective and harmonious interpersonal communication.


Personology – the key to understanding ourselves and others.

Knowledge, understanding, acceptance.


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About David Gavriel

David Gavriel, Expert Personologist, was certified and specialized at the International Center of Personology in San - Francisco, California, USA. David pioneered the method of Personology in Israel and has since established himself as a senior lecturer in Personology, body language, facial expressions, and voice recognition. David has developed a unique theory which divided the method to 6 categories. David lectures throughout the world for education and academics, government agencies, high-tech companies, communication groups and others.

David also provides personal counselling at job interviews, human resources, communications and personal  image, business consulting, couples and individuals to improve relationships for parents and children with learning disabilities and behaviour, and helps at criminology field - the rehabilitation of prisoners and more. David Gavriel, has Exclusive right from the International Center of Personology, to teach, train and to qualify new Personologists and may be contacted on Tel: 00972 5284 31444;

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