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The Piers of England and How They Manifest Magic

by Gina Pickersgill(more info)

listed in nlp, originally published in issue 239 - July 2017

Magical Piers of South East England generate talisman like spectacles in that they reach out into the open ocean and magnify the energy of life that surrounds them.  Two such piers are Brighton and Hastings.  Both of them have magical powers and both of them at some point have had magical people who I have had the good fortune to meet and have my fortune told.  This is a personal story. A magical journey that started when I was just 17 years old.

Hastings Pier

Hastings Pier - Magical

At 17 I had just started life as a working adult, a young adult at that. The world of work was new, inspiring and tiring and I had just passed my driving test (first time).  I now had what you would call 'independence' and yet still not at the age I was eligible to vote. Heck I didn't even understand politics let alone know who I was going to vote for.  But I digress. This story is not about 'politics', well at least not in the traditional sense.  So let me start by saying this story has a magical sense in that it shows how I managed to stay afloat when I felt like sinking, how I managed to create peace in a time of chaos and how I managed to stay alive when feeling there was not point.

Pickersgill 239 Rainy Day in London

A Rainy Day in London

The rain was streaming and my bags were heavy as …..........  My high heeled shoes were killing me and I had no idea where I was going. I had been booked for a casting (a posh term for an audition in the modelling world) in London's Strand near Fleet Street and I was late! The pressure I felt began to build until I could hardly go on. I just felt like stopping in the street and crying right there and then.  But somehow, my determination saw me through.  I battled on, waiting for a clue, a sign, something that would 'show me the way'.  Eventually I found my destination and happily completed my assignment given to me by my agent Geoff Wootten, who has now sadly passed away.  It was on one of these assignments that I met a man who I knew would play a significant role in my life, even though we had only just met.  And sure enough we felt an instant connection and ended up dating for a year or so until it ended amicably but still with a lot of fondness in my heart. But alas, I was too young to settle down; after all, I had a modelling career to pursue.

Years went by and the lesson in endurance I had experienced on that rainy day in London had stood me in good stead. A 25-year relationship and accompanying mortgage; my life had now become one of mundane existence filled with work, sleep, wake up, work sleep, wake etc. Endurance and more endurance.....until one day.... I just felt like stopping and crying in the street right there and then after yet another disagreement with my then partner.  This time I had reached the point of no return.  My mind was made up. I was no longer going to 'push' myself into the expectations of others to be the perfect employee. “I give up” and something had to give. And that something was the expectations of others in order to be loved, accepted and admired.  From that day on, my life began to change in ways I could never had imagined.

Creating Joy

Some years earlier I had trained as a hypnotist and Neurolinguistic Programming practitioner. This led me to understanding how the mind works and how people become 'broken' and how we, as practitioners, could go in and tinker with the mind and 'fix' it. When the fires of the mind start burning it's very hard to put them out. So I had to create a space in my mind that allowed me to transcend the angst and the anger into something more peaceful and serene. Learning to relax and being in altered states of consciousness helped me to process a lot of what I needed to work on.  Things would come up in dreams, insights and subtle messages such as songs that jumped out at me on the radio - my unconscious mind was paying close attention.

During this time I was able to list the things in my life that I wanted to achieve and visualize them happening exactly as I wanted them to. Little did I think that they would actually happen. Mostly they would become a distant memory of having done the visualization as I got on with my day to day life. However, I did manage to create some moments of happiness in my mind such as remembering when I graduated and how I achieved that on my own. But I also found it difficult to think of many moments of happiness as, up till now, I had not experienced that many.  So what made me so reluctant to find happiness and joy?

Well it wasn't so much a reluctance, but more the ability to 'create' moments of joy in my mind.  How do you create something out of nothing? The answer was to look at what other people did to have fun and enjoy themselves. But that to me still didn't do the trick; it just felt like a false pretence, an add on like a plaster. It didn't really get to the deep roots of what happiness really was for me. There had to be more than just 'remember a time when...”

Magician from Tarot

The Magician Tarot from Flickr - Public Domain

Magical Moments

In the tarot the Magician represents manifesting in reality what was first thought of in the mind. Above his head is the infinity sign (figure of 8 on its side) and one hand points to the sky the other to the ground. This represents, in my opinion, the principles of the Black Hole Principles (BHP) developed by Manjir Samantha-Laughton, Author of Punk Science.  The BHP states that black holes are creative and not destructive as first believed and that they form the basis of a holographic Universe of which consciousness is a fundamental element. In this sense, the Magician is able to create his/her own reality using the power of thought, intention and direction and intensity of emotions. So manifesting what I needed was a way of understanding how the universal energies worked to 'give birth' to my desires. In understanding this process I was able to give birth to many things I desire such as gaining a University degree, living in a place I love and finding a new circle of friends as well as re-connecting with precious old ones. The main part of manifesting was easy. It was the action and patience involved that was the hard part. However, that aid, these things came to pass and provided me with evidence that 'whatever you set your mid to, you will be successful at' These being the word of the first fortune teller I had met on Brighton pier all those years ago. A prophecy? Who knows? But never the less, those words had stuck in my mind ever since.

In the next article, I will be continuing the story of how my adventures on English piers have led to magical happenings. But until then, why not visit the piers this summer and find out if magic will be made in  your life? Have a good summer. 


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About Gina Pickersgill

Gina Pickersgill is an author, coach, and thought leader specializing in the intersection of neuroscience, quantum physics, and metaphysical principles. With a deep passion for empowering individuals to transform their lives, Gina blends cutting-edge science with spiritual wisdom to create practical tools for personal growth and manifestation.

Drawing from extensive experience in psychosensory techniques, quantum-guided visualization, and the study of heart-brain coherence, Gina offers unique insights into the power of belief systems and their role in shaping reality. As the founder of the Quantum Manifesting Mastery portal, Gina provides guided meditations and prosperity prompts that help individuals align with their highest potential and unlock the frequency of abundance.

In addition to contributing to thought-provoking platforms like Positive Health Magazine, Gina is also developing a portfolio of channeled articles, courses, and meditative tools aimed at helping people bridge the gap between metaphysical knowledge and real-world application. Their work is inspired by leaders like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, and Greg Braden, and focuses on making complex concepts accessible and actionable for all.

When not writing or coaching, Gina enjoys exploring the dynamics of human potential through creative endeavors, envisioning a future where science and spirituality harmoniously co-create thriving lives.

Gina may be contacted via Tel: 07932 958 262;  Havening Techniques

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