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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 151
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 151 - October 2008
Affinity 8 Advanced Massage Table

Equipment specialist Therapy Essentials, has launched the Affinity 8 Advanced Massage Table, a premium massage table with an 'hourglass' shape that provides superior comfort for clients and optimum access to the lumbar area for therapists.
The strong, rigid design of the Affinity 8 makes it the ideal massage table for sports massage, deep tissue massage and osteopathy. The Reiki end panels, 24-32" height adjustment and narrower centre section ensure that therapists are able to treat ergonomically. The arm-sling and face-cradle open up access to the rotator cuffs for maximum effectiveness during treatment.
Light-weight and strong with its own stylish carry-case, the Affinity 8 sets up in just seven seconds and weighs just 12.5 kgs. It comes with a two-year warranty.
Further Information
For the full range of Affinity massage tables and specialist therapy equipment, please call Tel: 0800 083 5530 or visit www.therapyessentials.co.uk
Biology and Psychology in Prayer and Meditation

Allan Armstrong
Allan Armstrong is presenting a Lecture on 26 October, at 6 - 7.30 pm at the Theosophical Society, London W1U 8EA. Allan Armstrong explains "biology determines almost everything we do and think. If we are to be successful in our aspirations we need to understand the way biology influences our psychology and our spiritual disciplines." His talk examines, in particular, the effects of biology on prayer and meditation. Allan Armstrong is Prior of the Order of Dionysius & Paul, and author of The Secret Garden of the Soul – an introduction to the Kabbalah. Arranged by Foundation for Theosophical Studies.
Further Information
£7, £5 concessions. For details please Tel: 020 7563 9817 www.theosophical-society.org.uk
Gainex - Fuel Econimiser

Secretly during WW2, the RAF installed magnetic fuel economisers on Hurricane and Spitfire fighter planes, thereby extending their range significantly. Now a Welsh research lab has redesigned these for motor cars, using far more efficient neodymium magnets, which is causing a sensation locally as motorists find they can save around 15% of their fuel bills. One local transport firm added 50 miles to each tankful, normally only 411 miles per filling. Production of the novel device, LowGas Gainex, can hardly keep up with demand, selling at only £14-99 and with a 60 day moneyback guarantee. The invention is timely with fuel costs so high.
"We developed this gadget five years ago, says the firm's director, but have only now begun to market it as a contribution to helping keep fuel; costs down. We think it also reduces exhaust emissions dramatically and are quantifying this in further tests, but it could cut emissions by 50 percent according to preliminary results".
Further Information
Tel: 01495 752122; www.gainex.co.uk
The Pink Health Drink

The Pink Health Drink, true name Ark1, is a nutrition product based on a semi-essential amino acid called Arginine. There are many forms of Arginine available on the market, although none available in this particular form. The power of the Pink health Drink lies in its unique formulation and super-nutrient Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10).
- Restful sleep and instant morning alertness
- Significant improvement in cardiovascular health
- Sharper brain function and improved memory
- Greater vitality and energy; lasting stamina
- Increased metabolism leading to effortless weight loss
- Marked reduction in PMT and menopause symptoms
- Naturally produced Human Growth Hormone for energy, youthful skin, hair, muscles
- Notably improved performance at the gym and during other physical exercise
Further Information
Please contact Betty Clarke CL HOM BFD Dip on Tel: 01732 810613; bettyclarke@onetel.com www.insideouthealthcare.co.uk
Special Tribute to Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007)
Under a 14-foot portrait of Sri Chinmoy, with statues of Ganesha (one of the most popular Hindu deities) and Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and the arts) on either side, at least 20 musicians took to the stage for the free public concert. Fronted by Russia's greatest living songwriter - Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov (a dear friend of Sri Chinmoy), others included Sheema Mukherjee on sitar, Maria Pomianowska on the sarangi, Arpan Patel on the harmonium, tabla player Alok Verma, violinist Daisy Jopling, bass guitarist Sasha Titov, flutist Premik Russell Tubbs, and harpist Mandu Trummer, along with other accomplished classical, folk and jazz virtuosos.
The music incorporated a range of styles and included various ethnic influences, from Asian to Celtic. The evening came to a meditative dose with Grebenshikov offering a bhajan he wrote in Sanskrit for the goddess Saraswati, and a devotional ballad he wrote for Sri Chinmoy. The Sri Chinmoy Centre Choir accompanied him on the refrain:
"O, Gum Sat, we maybe far apart,Sri Chinmoy was a prolific musician in his own right, composing over 20,000 songs touching on all areas of the human experience. From 1984 until his passing in October 2007, he performed almost 800 concerts of meditative music in venues around the world and won acclaim from many of the great modem composers and performers, such as Ravi Shankar, Pablo Casals and Roberta Flack.
O, Guru Sat, forever in my heart."
In addition to his musical offerings, Sri Chinmoy endeavoured to foster a new groundswell for global harmony through an extensive anthology of published writings; through works of art and poetry; through dialogue with world leaders; through sports, athletics and multiple unique initiatives that have involved countless people at a grassroots level.
The tribute concert was so successful that the musicians hope to put on similar events abroad, maintaining the free of charge policy - a principle that Sri Chinmoy upheld for all his community activities.
Further Information
www.srichinmoycentre.org www.grebenshikovconcert.com
LCTA Introduces New Qi Gong Expert; Daily Qi Gong Exercises

Glenn Cumiskey
The London College of Traditional Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine welcomes a new tutor in September 2008. Glenn Cumiskey will teach the popular Practitioner Diploma in Qi Gong introduced for the first time in September 2007. The course is designed to pass on a safe form of qi gong that can be taught to students and their clients for self-healing.
LCTA has also introduced the practice of qi gong for acupuncture students. Students are taught basic qi gong movements to practice at the beginning of the day, before they sit down for their studies, and to use as a group if they need a bit of energy movement part way through a classroom day.
About The London College of Traditional Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (LCTA)
LCTA is a leading private college based in North London offering a range of entry-level and advanced courses in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, tui na and qi gong. LCTA's courses focus increasingly on clinical practice as knowledge develops, so that many students in their final year have regular experience of treating patients under supervision within the College's high street clinic. Clinical practice is backed up by a solid grounding in both Western and Chinese medicine, including detailed Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and the study of anatomy. LCTA's courses were accredited by their respective professional bodies well in advance of statutory regulation and the College remains at the forefront of Chinese medicine study. Further Information
For more information about LCTA and its courses, Tel: 020 8446 3332; www.lcta.com
A Thousand Beautiful Birds
by Natalie Fee
Forward by Stephen Kane
Natalie's poetry - funny, sad, joyful, passionate - is deeply imbued with the profound challenge and illuminating wisdom of a life lived with intent. The energy of a heartfelt commitment to enter into a deepening communion with the Spirit - the power of Intent - is called seza. This is the energy of a spiritual warrior - one who is prepared to confront her karmic commitments, or energy-weakening thoughts, feelings, actions and relationships, rather than submitting to their controlling and destructive influence on her spiritual development and higher awareness.Because her heart has made a true commitment to the Spirit, Natalie's words are charged with her personal power to help others achieve clarity about their real needs - and what they need to leave behind. Each poem holds the intent or ascending awareness of an empowered woman within the Way of life. The practices included with Natalie's poems can help you generate a higher energy, more empowering, future through your receiving more of each poem's life-transforming mana or spiritual energy.
Further Information
A Thousand Beautiful Birds. Collected Poems by Natalie Fee. E-book £6.95, printed version £7.95 plus p&p. Available from www.weavingstar.com
To contact Natalie Fee about consultations email her at info@everydayalchemist.com For workshop dates, energy products, or to read her blog, visit www.everydayalchemist.com
The Book of Tibetan Medicine - How to use Tibetan Healing for Personal Wellbeing
by Ralph Quinlan Forde Foreword by HH The 17th Karmapa
Published by Gaia. 2008. Paperback. £14.99. ISBN 1856752763.
Tibetan medicine is an ancient medical system that has been practised for over 1,000 years - a holistic approach combining dietary and behavioural changes, herbal cures, massage and meditation.
The Book of Tibetan Medicine is a comprehensive, illustrated guide to this ancient integrative healing system. The book provides a thorough overview of the origins and practices of Tibetan medicine and its spiritual and medical foundations. It explains how it can contribute substantially to maintaining a healthy mind and body.
Discover your own unique blend of the three key energies and now they influence your health:
- Understand the major diagnostic tools including pulse, tongue and astrological diagnosis
- Learn about healing dreams, how to face your demons and the elixir of healing
- Learn about diet, mantras, Meditations, sacred yoga poses and different therapeutic remedies including, healing herbs, moxibustion and cupping
Ralph Quinlan Forde is a holistic medical consultant and health writer with a degree in biotechnology and is also a qualified Herbalist and Aromatherapist. The Drikung Kagyu is his lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and he has studied and accomplished retreats with its masters. He is founder of the Medicine Buddha Foundation, a charitable organization and StarGate Nutrition, a nutrition company. www.fireheartbliss.com
Further Information
Available on www.amazon.co.uk
Grandma Vine's Natural Antiseptic Gel Banishes Shaving Rash

Whether male or female, shaving can prove a problem and, whichever method you use, shaving, epilating, waxing, sugaring, or even applying depilatory creams, those of us with sensitive skin often experience irritated, inflamed, and sore skin; which not only feels awful, but looks unsightly too, and totally goes against our desire for silky soft, smooth and attractive skin.
Grandma Vine's Natural Antiseptic Gel's highly effective combination of natural ingredients includes the effective antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic, cider vinegar that reduces inflammation, calms and soothes the skin, and reduces any sign of redness and soreness almost instantaneously. The Gel also helps repair any broken skin caused by razor nicks or scratching, and helps reduce incidences of ingrown hairs.
Grandma Vine's Natural Antiseptic Gel dries within minutes of application, and creates a protective cover over the affected area, which 'stops dead', the need to scratch, and prevents further irritation and works to reduce dramatically, the possibility of infection.
Further Information
Grandma Vine's Skin Care range is available from a nationwide network of health food stores, select pharmacies and by mail order. For further information contact Lifeplan Products Limited on 01455 556281; enquiries@lifeplan.co.uk www.lifeplan.co.uk.
Clearspring Organic Cold Pressed Oils

Clearspring organic oils are cold pressed, unrefined and full of flavour, offering a number of health benefits by retaining their vitamin E content, a natural antioxidant, and having a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids and omega-9.Each of the 10 varieties of Clearspring organic, unrefined oils offers a distinct flavour and a characteristic nutritional profile.
Oils in the range (all Organic) include:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil;Further Information
Hazelnut Oil;
Omega Oil;
Safflower Oil;
Soya Oil;
Styrian Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil;
Sunflower Oil;
Walnut Oil;
Sesame Oil;
Toasted Sesame Oil.
Clearspring oils are available at leading health food stores and supermarkets. For more information visit www.clearspring.co.uk
Deep Tissue Massage Therapy DVD Series

Ideal for chronically tense and contracted areas, deep tissue massage is the therapist's answer to addressing deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia. Using some of the same strokes as classic massage therapy, deep tissue massage is more intense, specific work on areas of tension and pain to release muscles and adhesions, increase range of motion, reset muscle memory, and reduce primary and secondary distortions. In Aesthetic VideoSource's new 3-part DVD series, Deep Tissue Massage Therapy, massage therapist and instructor Meade Steadman demonstrates how to provide therapeutic deep tissue massage on the extremities, pelvic girdle, and shoulder girdle. Pelvic Girdle includes the musculo-skeletal area of the iliac crest, sacro-iliac joint, and greater trochanter of the femur and surrounding nerves, arteries, tendons, ligaments, and musculature (retractors, elevators, and depressors). Shoulder Girdle covers the musculo-skeletal area of the spine, ribs and sternum, clavicle, scapula, humerus, and surrounding nerves, arteries, tendons, ligaments, and musculature.
Meade Steadman is a licensed massage therapist and instructor for the Myotherapy College of Utah and the Myotherapy Institute of Massage.
Further Information
Each video in the Deep Tissue Massage Therapy DVD series can be ordered for $54.95 plus shipping. The complete set can be purchased for $132.00, a 20% savings. Please phone Tel: 001-800-414-2434; www.VideoShelf.com.
Nutritional Supplement for Ménière's Disease And Tinnitus

UK sufferers of Ménière's disease and tinnitus could now benefit from an improved strength formula of the specially developed nutritional supplement Lipo-Flavonoid(r).
Shown by numerous clinical studies to provide relief and improvement in patient condition, Lipo-Flavonoid works to improve circulation in the inner ear, helping the microscopic hairs responsible for transmitting electrical impulses of sound to the brain stay flexible and fluids within the ear canals to flow better. As a result, users report a reduction in symptoms of Ménière's disease which include vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss.
The Eriodictyol Glycoside contained in the product's Lemon Bioflavonoid complex has been shown to block histamine production in the inner ear which is a likely cause of inner ear disturbances. The second action of Lipo-Flavonoid is provided by its Lipotropic agents which help to prevent abnormal accumulation of fatty deposits in blood vessels, particularly in the small capillaries of the inner ear, thereby improving circulation.
Further Information
Lipo-Flavonoid Plus(r) is available exclusively in the UK by calling Tel: 0800 7313 345; www.discountvitaminsandherbs.com
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