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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 154
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 154 - January 2009
DVD: Vertical Reflexology For Hands and Feet
by Lynne Booth, author of Vertical Reflexology and Vertical Reflexology for Hands
Professional sports persons and sick, elderly people have both been instrumental in the development of a new, profound and very different form of reflexology – Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) – over the past 12 years. An injured professional footballer can learn to stimulate a knee reflex on the side of his foot to help restore and maintain the body's natural equilibrium and hopefully accelerate the healing processes. An elderly person can also learn the brief 5 minute VRT techniques on their hands to help arthritic shoulder pain, and young and old can follow the simple Diaphragm Rocking techniques on their hands to aid sleep or prevent jet-lag. Reflexology is an ancient therapy where points on the feet called reflexes are stimulated to help the body restore and maintain its natural equilibrium. The key difference with VRT is that the weight-bearing hands or feet are briefly in a weight-bearing position for no more that 5 minutes. This method appears to increase the therapeutic response and thousands of people worldwide have learnt to help themselves to overcome stress, insomnia or pain.
This DVD offers 60 minutes of high quality instructions that can be used by the general public as well as professional Reflexologists.
- Everyone can follow these precise step-by-step instructions for feet and hands;
- Professionals can refresh the VRT skills and learn new ones;
- Diaphragm Rocking and easy self-help hand exercises for insomnia and jet lag;
- Basic and Advance VRT foot techniques and sequences to help pain relief.
Further Information
DVD by Wibfilm Ltd available now online on general release January 2009, price £19.99. Tel: 0117 962 6746; contact@boothvrt.com www.boothvrt.com
Marshcouch – Professional Choice for Treatment Couches

Marshcouch is a real company with real people and a real address and phone number! Marshcouch has been making and supplying portable couches since 1982. Not just a cyber-company, Marshcouch actually manufacture couches and know what they're talking about ! The company was set up by Nigel Marshall, qualified massage therapist, to make couches to fit the needs of the individual therapist for all kinds of bodywork
Marshcouch specialise in custom built treatment couches specifically designed to actually fit the therapists using them. The company supplies couches for every possible application including massage, sports, osteopathy, physio, chiropractic etc and is currently supplying portable blood donor couches to UNHCR for use in war torn Sudan.
- Custom Massage Tables & Couches
- Multi Height Treatment Tables & Couches
- Specialist Tables & Couches
- Reiki Tables & Couches
- Alexander Technique Tables & Couches
- McTimoney Tables & Couches
Marshcouch may be the first and possibly the last of the custom couch companies. Marshcouch is a company you can ring for advice and talk to a real person, visit them at their Factory/showroom and see and test the couches for yourself. Buying from Marshcouch not only gives you a worthwhile and valid guarantee but also continuing after- sales service, repairs and re-upholstery service. Marshcouch sell on-line too, but with a difference; Marshcouch is not a back bedroom laptop operation, they're available to give advice, let you view the products, pick them up, test the weight, rigidity, ease of adjustment etc and there if you later encounter any problems.
Your couch is probably your main piece of equipment, for peace of mind, choose Marshcouch and they confidently expect to still be here for you, hopefully, in another 25 years !
Further Information
Please contact Marshcouch on Tel: 01442 263199; Fax: 0844 443 9750; nigel@marshcouch.com www.marshcouch.com
Pure Fiber Natural Bamboo Massage Sheets
Pure Fiber Inc has announced that it will include bamboo massage sheets composed of 100% bamboo thread to their 2008 product line. This offers an eco-friendly solution for individuals and spas to utilize the benefits behind an eco-friendly lifestyle.
Pure Fiber's mission is to produce only the purest of products from the finest materials in the world. Catering to individuals as well as high-end resorts and spas, their standards have always been for high energy efficiency, material innovation, and design sustainability.
Known as the fastest growing plant on earth, bamboo can easily reach maturity within 3-4 years and is readily available for harvest. With a benefit of not requiring the need for replanting, bamboo can continuously grow all year long. Since they thrive naturally, the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides is completely eliminated. Because of its high renewability, Pure Fiber has taken advantage of such benefits and has innovatively created all natural bamboo massage sheets.
Composed of 100% bamboo yarn, these sheets will take massage clients' experiences to a whole new level. Benefits of these sheets include being naturally hypoallergenic and odour-resistant as well as strong when used constantly and continuously. Characteristically soft when compared to the likes of silky cashmere, not only will it keep clients warm and relaxed but is great for sensitive skin-types.
Further Information
Please contact Pure Fiber on Tel: 001 909 931-7310; info@pure-fiber.com www.pure-fiber.com
The Ultimate Nutrition Guide for Cancer Sufferers, their Family and Friends.
by Zoe Hellman BSc SRD
Published by Emerald Publishing. 2008. Paperback. ISBN: 1847160840
This book provides effective and clear advice on nutrition that is based on recent medical research and reliable practice. The book consists of eleven chapters, each one broken down in sub headings, making the text easy to use for quick reference. Every aspect of nutritional issues associated with cancer is explored. From the metabolism-related impacts of cancer, to managing to eat well in hospital and at home, the matters are treated both from a clinical and a practical point of view.
Hellman explains how vital it is for cancer sufferers to evaluate and sustain their nutritional status while they are undergoing treatment, discussing how important the relationship between these two elements is. The Ultimate Nutrition Guide is factual and to the point. Its aim is to provide comprehensive and trustworthy information and pragmatic help. The book helpfully roots all guidance in practical advice, providing examples of how to incorporate important principles into everyday life. Some forms for nutritional status monitoring within the appendices of the book, make it an even more useful tool.
Zoe Hellman is a state registered dietician. She has worked in both the public and private sectors and has worked directly with people who have been diagnosed with cancer, their family and friends. She wrote this first book in the Emerald series, after realising that many patients are not as well informed during their treatment as they could be.
Far more than a simple guide, this book proves to be a clear and concise tool for those who need to increase their practical knowledge on cancer-related nutritional issues; a knowledge that may become a precious tool itself.
Further information
Please contact Roger Sproston: info@straightforwardco.co.uk or Manuela Mesco: Manuela.mesco@book-promotion.com www.the-ultimate-nutrition-guide.com
Pukka Herbs Ayurveda Distance Learning Programme
Jenni Malsingh (18) is one of the first people to have signed up to the course.
Following a successful pilot last year, Pukka Herbs has launched a unique distance learning course.
The Introduction to the Ayurveda course was specially developed and written by Pukka's herbal director, Sebastian Pole, based on his lifetime's experience of ancient Indian Ayurvedic principles and practice.
The 100 hour course, made up of 14 modules, can be started and completed at the individual's own pace. The broad syllabus gives a deep insight into Ayurveda's approach to preventing disease, common health problems, their causes and treatments. It details Ayurveda's most useful herbs and formulas and explains how they can be most effectively harnessed.
"The course will be of interest to practitioners as well as individuals seeking a frame of reference for how to live a balanced life using food, exercise, massage and relaxation techniques," concluded Sebastian Pole.
One of the first people to complete the pilot course was Jenni Malsingh, an 18 year old student who lives near Bristol. She said: "I taught myself yoga and really enjoy it and I have always been very conscious of health issues and the importance of eating well. Given this, and my passion for India, the Introduction to Ayurveda course was perfect for me."
Further information
More information about the distance learning course is available online at www.pukkaherbs.com or by emailing learn@pukkaherbs.com
Eric Toll, the Managing Director of 123Telecom Limited, based in Barry, South Wales is helping Tom Offer and his family to raise £35,000 to help fight Tom's bone cancer.
Tom was diagnosed in July 2007 aged 14 years with bone cancer (Osteosarcoma) in his right tibia, with secondary deposits on his right lung.
Companies across Wales and South West England have raised over £4500 to help 15 year old Tom Offer of Llantwit Major. Tom needs to raise £35,000 to help fight Cancer.
All donations are managed by YesToLife (Registered Charity 1112812) to ensure all money raised is used appropriately. Tom needs 300 donations of £100 (or 600 donations of £50) ASAP.
The family's main priority is to raise enough money for Tom to have life saving treatment in Tijuana, Mexico, where innovative Cancer treatments have a very good success rate even with advanced, incurable Cancers. The family are also aiming to raise enough money to buy specialist equipment that can be used to detoxify the body and remove as many of the toxins as possible that have challenged his immune system.
Further Information
Online Donations can be made at www.justgiving.com/tomskickcancerfund www.yestolife.org.uk/index/specialappeal
The Four Elements in Homeopathy
by Misha Norland Published by Yondercott Press. 2008. Paperback. £15.50. ISBN: 978-0-9544766-2-5
This book is the inspiration for the Four Elements Seminar being held on the 2-3 July 09 (at the School of Homeopathy's new location Hawkwood College, Stroud) with Misha Norland, Jeremy Sherr and David Mundy.
The Four Elements in Homeopathy is an extended update of the popular booklet Mappa Mundi and the Dynamics of Change. It gathers together and fuses ancient wisdom with contemporary ideas to present us with a unique visual tool that will aid healers in perceiving the central dynamics of any case. This book places the homeopathic remedy quest within the wider context of life and nature, and illustrates how this enlarged understanding can be applied to help the student or practitioner view homeopathic philosophy, materia medica and case work from a 'new' perspective. It also illuminates many remedies and provides a clear guide to potency selection.
This book has been written by Misha Norland who has been continually active in the resurgence of homeopathy in the UK since the early seventies. In 1981 he founded the School of Homeopathy. He still runs this and his practice from his home in Devon. He also teaches internationally.
The energetic profile of hundreds of remedies, obtained by considering signature and source and applying the Map's methodology, is given for comparison with the profile of a patient - a match indicating a remedy to consider. Linking the dynamic disturbance in a patient to the remedy source is at the core of this work. It will provide students and newcomers with an inspirational guide, and also provide experienced prescribers with many insights.
Further Information
Order online from the Alternative Training and The School of Homeopathy on Tel: 01453 765956; www.alternative-training.com/books www.homeopathyschool.com
Sher System for Rosacea
Don't underestimate the power of water to repair & rejuvenate most skin woes – rosacea, acne and even ageing. Rosacea at any age can be hugely distressing and most sufferers end up on long term steroid therapy, the side effects of which can add to their misery. Skin care expert Helen Sher urges us all to go back to basics and give our skin the TLC it needs and deserves with the water therapy Sher System – now available online.
Devised originally for its anti-ageing properties, the Sher System has long been heralded as the cure all for often devastating skin conditions such as teenage acne, adult acne and rosacea. This unique skin care system combines a skin support formula (aids digestion) with topical pH water therapy creating a natural balance that defies the ravages of 21st Century pollutants and hormonal extremes.
Adolescent acne versus adult; genetic rosacea versus iatrogenic or vascular – each condition has its own particular trigger so the Sher System has been adjusted accordingly and now five different treatment packages are available online.
National and international demand for the Sher System has seen the business adapt and improve its online service. Clients need no longer visit the central London office for a 1-2-1 skin assessment although Helen still prefers the hands on, tailored approach when possible.
Further Information
Please contact The Sher System on Tel No: 020 7499 4022; www.sher.co.uk
Workout while you Walk
If gym membership is too expensive during the credit crunch era, workout as you walk with Fitflops instead. These high tech slip-on shoes exercise your bottom, legs and feet as you stroll round the park, do the shopping, or carry out everyday household chores.
A boon for cellulite sufferers, Fitflops have a micro-wobbleboard midsole. This destabilises the sole of your foot slightly as you step, causing an array of foot, leg and buttock muscles to contract as they work to keep you in motion on your chosen path. As these muscles work, you burn off cellulite-causing fat and increase muscle mass. The result is a trimmer bum, sleeker legs and a general tone-up from buttocks to toes.
Begin by wearing Fitflops for around 30 minutes a day and work upwards as your muscles become accustomed to the exercise. These shock-absorbing shoes are gentle on your joints and flattering for your legs.
Dr Philip Graham-Smith, director of sport at the University of Salford and consultant bio mechanist for UK athletics jump squads, made an independent assessment of Fitflops. Using gait analysis equipment and electromyography (which tests muscle activity), he found that Fitflops perform effectively.
"I was sceptical, but after testing them, we could see the calf, hamstring and gluteal muscles were activated for significantly longer than usual, giving the legs a workout," says Dr Graham-Smith.
Further Information
For more information Tel: 0800 731 4885; www.lookatmycrazyshoes.com
Foundation Bioenergetics Workshop in Miami
January 30, 2009 - February 2, 2009
The Alexander Lowen Foundation is pleased to announce a Four Day Winter Workshop from Friday, January 30 2009 until Monday, February 2, 2009 in Miami Beach, Florida. The workshop will be a memorial for Alexander Lowen focusing on "The Vibrant Body". The workshop will follow The Alexander Lowen Foundation tradition of individual Bioenergetic sessions, group Bioenergetic processing, didactic and experiential teaching, and Bioenergetic exercise classes. Participants will have the opportunity to receive several individual sessions. There will be four workshop leaders:
- Leslie Case PhD
- Scott Winfield MSW
- John Yong JD
- Robert Glazer PhD.
The daily schedule will be exercise class, full group morning session and three smaller group sessions in the afternoon. Participants are welcome to participate in a different group each afternoon, with a different group leader to have the experience of working with each four leaders.
The workshop will include a Memorial Dinner honouring Alexander Lowen's life on Saturday evening. The memorial will provide the opportunity for each participant to speak about their experiences with Al Lowen; a slide show, and video and audio clips of Dr Lowen. Participants are invited to present a tribute to Dr Lowen and to submit material to The Alexander Lowen Foundation that they would like to have presented at the workshop.
Further Information
Please contact Alexander Lowen Foundation on Tel: 001 386 462-0616; alexanderlowenfoundation@gmail.com www.lowenfoundation.com
New Cho-Bo Workout DVD
Choi-Bo is a non-combative, non-competitive enjoyable exercise workout routine to music.
However, behind the enjoyable workout is substance. Choi-Bo has 7 separate, yet integrated components. Choi-Bo uses a meditation and mental preparation time before the workout begins, as using imagination we now know improves performance.
Choi-Bo uses Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Energy Psychology, as well as dynamic stretching which is highly effective at warming up the body before performance. The spine and range-of-motion (ROM) of all major joints are worked well in the Spine and Joint Rotational Exercises component. The Choi-Bo conditioning component uses basic Pilates movements, but also basic compound, yet effective resistance exercises.
The Aerobic component has been designed to raise the heart-rate for 20+ minutes. It's made up of blocks, kicks and punches that use sequential motion and biomechanics. Choi-Bo is the first exercise routine in the world to use blocks, kicks and punches using these two principles.
Uniquely, Choi-Bo uses a fully clothed back and shoulder massage to bring the body back to balance and to cool down. Massage promotes oxytocin production (which is a hormone and neurotransmitter). Oxytocin balances blood pressure.
Lastly, yoga is fantastic at improving and promoting spine heath, flexibility and overall 'sense of well-being'. So, Choi-Bo uses a whole-body, yoga-based stretch at the end of the workout. So, while the participant is warm we stretch-out the entire body gently and carefully. Deep abdominal breathing is also performed throughout the yoga stretch to help stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate lactic acid produced from the workout, and also to aid recovery.
Further Information
Please view the short trailer and purchase the DVD at www.choi-bo.com
Obituary: Chris Jarmey: November 23rd 1954 – November 9th 2008
It is with great sadness and a huge sense of loss that we have to announce the death of Chris Jarmey on Sunday November 9th, of a heart attack, at his home in Wiltshire. Chris knew he had a congenital weakness and that this was always a possibility and he did everything he could to keep himself fit and healthy, which is perhaps why he managed to stay with us for long enough to achieve as much as he did.
A deep passion for knowledge, wisdom and truth was his driving force. He studied and read avidly, acquired an encyclopaedic knowledge of subjects relating to oriental medicine, movement, meditation, nutrition, anatomy and was constantly designing new courses to impart his learning to others. He possessed a unique and special talent for making the subjects clear, accessible and fun, which made him such a popular teacher and his books so successful.
He took up martial arts in his teens, qualified in 1978 as a remedial gymnast (a profession which later merged with Physiotherapy) and worked for many years within the NHS. At the same time he took up yoga and did a Sivananda teacher training in an epoch when yoga was considered to be the domain of hippies and oddballs. Never conventional, I think he took a certain pride in being the oddball in a mainstream profession, who nevertheless managed to acquire converts along the way, and pioneered the use of yoga and shiatsu in hospitals.
His shiatsu career began in 1970 when teachers were difficult to find in this part of the world, so he became one of the founding fathers of shiatsu in the UK. He went on to practise and teach both in the UK and abroad and opened the Shiatsu School of Natural Therapy in 1985, which then became the European Shiatsu School.
Chris will be remembered for a very long time by many people for his truly inspirational teaching and ever present sense of humour, with a taste in puns that ranged from clever funny to groan awful and sometimes flowed almost too thick and fast! One of the brightest lights of the Shiatsu world has just gone out. He touched the lives of so many people through his teaching, practise and his wonderful books, such as Shiatsu: A Complete Guide, Acupressure for Common Ailments, and The Concise Book of Muscles (all of which are available on amazon.co.uk). We were not ready to lose him and he will be deeply missed. In his memory, please tell all those you love that you care about them and ask them to do the same to the people they care about. We never know when someone may suddenly depart forever without saying good bye and Chris would have liked the idea of a ripple of love radiating out from his passing through the veil of separation between life and Oneness.
He leaves four children, Luke, Katy, Max and Tom and a hug hole in all our hearts. Thank you, Chris, for being a part of our lives and may you pass quickly and easily to the realm of liberation.
Further Information
(Abbreviated from the obituary posted by Anna Blackmore on the ESS/Lotus Publishing websites.)
www.lotuspublishing.co.uk www.shiatsu.net/
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