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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 160
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 160 - July 2009
Cancer Care Landmark Seminar Series
For all Healthcare Practitioners and Serious Students

Centre for Nutrition Educational and Lifestyle Management
Topics Include:
- Strengths and weaknesses of mainstream medical and CAM approaches to supporting individuals with cancer;
- Deconstructing and reframing the current model of cancer, philosophy and changing paradigms of health care;
- Cancer statistics, cancer research, and cancer options;
- Tumour biology, oxidative stress, detoxification, inflammation in immunology of cancer, endocrine and neuroendocrine mediators, psychoneuroimmunology and cancer;
- Data linking diet to cancer risk with a focus on mid-Victorian and Mediterranean diets, pharmacological properties of a range of foods, nutritional and herbal products associated with cancer protection and support;
- Practical implementation - Food Demonstration Workshop
Speakers Include:
Dr Paul Clayton
Dr Alexandra Concorde
Dr Sandra Goodman
Liz Butler
Christine Bailey
Kate Neil
Patricia Peat
Dates and Cost
3 and 4 Sept and 10 and 11 Oct: £50 per day, or all 4 days for £18026 and 27 Sept Landmark Seminar: £150
Further Information
Please contact Kate Neil at Centre for Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Management on Tel: 0118 979 8686; info@cnelm.co.uk www.cnelm.co.uk
Qigong Master Shen Chang: Harness Your Own Healing Power
Tuesday 1st September 2009 7-9.30 pmFriends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1
On September 1st Seminars.ie are bringing Master Shen Chang, one of the greatest living Qigong masters and healers in contemporary time with over 3 million followers in China, to London for an event at Friends House, Euston Road entitled 'Harness Your Own Healing Power'.

Master Shen Chang
Master Zhixing Wang, an Chinese Qigong Master Teacher from Beijing who lives in London, says of Master Shen Chang "Rarely has anyone treated so many people with such success".
During this session Master Chang will give a talk and a demonstration of his healing powers with real cases and verification by western doctors. Private sessions by appointment.
Seminars.ie is a Dublin based company founded in 1998 by Jane Stephenson, graduate of Trinity College Dublin. Seminars.ie brings international inspirational speakers to Dublin and London to create stimulating, thought provoking seminars to challenge, inspire and motivate.
Further information
For more information about this and other events and for telephone booking: Freefone 0800 404 7326; www.seminars.ie
New Course: Clinical Hypnosis for Pregnancy and Childbirth
London Saturday 6th / Sunday 7th February and Saturday 6th / Sunday 7th March 2010Cheshire Sat. 25th / Sunday 26th September and Sat. 23rd / Sunday 24th October 2010
This 4 day course, in association with Thames Medical Lectures, is run by Ursula James, a renowned hypnotherapy lecturer, practitioner, author and media personality.

Students who successfully complete the course are awarded a certificate to practise hypnotherapy in maternity care from Thames Medical Lectures. This course is distinctly different from other courses claiming to prepare professionals to practise 'hypnosis' for pregnancy and childbirth; Expectancy's course prepares midwives, doctors, health visitors, hypnotherapists, doulas, antenatal educators and complementary practitioners to make justifiable judgements about appropriate and safe hypnosis protocols for individual pregnant and labouring mothers. We are currently negotiating with the University of Greenwich for academic accreditation.
Pre-requisites: Midwifery, nursing or medical qualification OR subject to prior completion of Caring for Pregnant Clients course or Maternity Support Therapist programme. Please note: Hypnotherapists & psychotherapists who are not midwives will be required to complete the Caring for Pregnant Clients course (by distance learning – £150 if booked with Hypnosis course) or produce documentary evidence of recent academic study of pregnancy physiology and an understanding of the conventional maternity services. Fees: £550
Special Offer
20% discount for applications received and paid for in full before 31st July 2009: £440
Further Information
Please contact Expectancy on Tel: 08452 301 323; www.expectancy.co.uk
Essential Reprogramming with Attachment Release (Essential RAR)
Designed and perfected by Lou Palmer Adv Dip Hyp-CBT CP AMT of Essential Awareness over the last 6 years, Essential RAR draws upon various techniques including emotional freedom technique, emotrance, eye movement desensitisation reprogramming, theta healing, spirit release, neuro linguistic programming, cognitive behavioural therapy, and hypnosis.

Lou Palmer
Essential RAR is a highly effective therapy protocol incorporating the release of energetic attachments, and reprogramming of conditioning and belief systems through the subconscious mind. This new modality of therapy has revolutionized not only Lou's own private practice but many other therapists throughout the UK, Ireland and Australia.
Used in conjunction with other therapies or on its own, Essential RAR has helped hundreds of people find empowerment in their natural ability to release outdated belief systems that no longer serve, re-frame past conditioning, de-junking your inner cupboards, and providing a 'tool box' to expand and realize your birth right of divine potential.
All scripts are provided in the course manual for future use and reference. All who participate in the course will be given a full clearing using the above protocol.
Further Information
Please contact Lou Palmer on Tel: 01173 736 355; newsletter@essentialawareness.org www.essentialawareness.org/contact.php
The Wilbury School for Massage and Reflexology Training
The Wilbury School, based in Brighton, East Sussex, and founded in 1982, is the longest-established school of its kind in Sussex. Wilbury has successfully trained hundreds of people in Massage and Reflexology.

Wilbury's Core Training comprises ITEC diploma courses in holistic massage and reflexology. These both include a study of anatomy and physiology, practice management and all aspects of self-development relevant to becoming a practising therapist.
Courses are open to people from all walks of life; no prior knowledge is required. Diploma exam pass rates are excellent; equal importance is given to developing students as caring and knowledgeable practitioners. All tutors are practising therapists who are available to give students advice and support.
For practitioners trained in massage or reflexology, Wilbury offers an exciting range of advanced short courses, plus Diploma courses in Sports Massage and Aromatherapy
All courses take place at Wilbury's clinic premises, which has a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.
Further Information
Please contact The Wilbury School of Natural Therapy on Tel: 01273 552 766; courses@wilburyschool.eclipse.co.uk www.wilburyschool.co.uk
Camexpo 2009: Impressive Speaker Line-Up
The organisers of camexpo 2009 today announced the final line-up of its 7th annual FREE Keynote Seminar programme, which is being held over 24-25 October during the complementary healthcare show at Earls Court, London.
CAM Expo Show
camexpo is where 1000s of CAM professionals converge to share learning and invest vital time in their own training and development. This year's speakers, some of the most influential scientists, authors and practitioners in the industry, include: Jayney Goddard, Jan de Vries, Dr Rosy Daniel, Patrick Holford, Dr Marilyn Glenville, Dr Robert Verkerk, and Dr Mark Atkinson.
All 26 seminars offer attendees CPPD points, as do camexpo's ever-popular Taster Workshops. With 48 to choose from, qualified or aspiring practitioners gain the chance to enjoy hands-on experience of an array of exciting new therapies before committing both time and money to a full-time course.
Last year's show enjoyed record attendance, and was hailed "the best yet" by impressed visitors – camexpo 2009 is sure to prove even more 'essential' to the 1000s of practitioners, therapists, students, and healthcare professionals set to attend.
No other UK show boasts such an all-encompassing array of CAM products and services or provides as many networking and training opportunities. The show's 150 exhibitors comprise representatives from all the major associations, all the leading educational organisations, plus many of the industry's key suppliers and manufacturers, including A Vogel, BioCare, Good Health Naturally, Higher Nature, Inspire Massage Workshops, and The Nutri Centre amongst others.
Further Information
£5 Early Bird tickets available before 24 September; to book please Tel: 01923 690696; http://www.exporeg.co.uk/reg/camex09/login.asp Please quote camex068
Biona Organic Juices
One of the easiest, healthiest ways of putting more fruit and vegetables in your diet is by drinking pure organic juice. Biona Organic's pure, pressed and super fruit juices allow you to enjoy the full flavour and full benefits of these good health essentials without the mental barrier of lots of peeling and fuss.

Biona Organic's pure juices are made from the highest quality ingredients available, simply pressed into a delicious juice. And there's plenty of variety to choose from: cloudy apple, orange, red grape, tomato, carrot, vegetable, acerola cherry, blueberry, cranberry and pomegranate.
Some juices are known for their health benefits, and juices enjoyed in their purest form are therefore able to deliver the greatest benefits, for example:
- Pomegranate juice contains the highest antioxidant capacity compared to other juices;
- Cloudy Apple Juice has natural cholesterol lowering properties;
- Orange, Carrot or Acerola Cherry Juices are high in vitamin C.
Further Information
Biona Organic Juices Available from health food stores, delicatessens and Biona Organic Super Juices also available from Waitrose. For further enquiries please Tel: 020 8547 2775; www.windmillorganics.com
Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure
help: blood pressure from Works With Water Nutraceuticals is a proprietary formulation incorporating dairy peptides (milk protein) which naturally occur in dairy foods and are clinically proven to help maintain healthy blood pressure by preventing the constriction of blood vessels.[1] 
Studies have shown that 0.75g per day of hydrolysed milk protein is sufficient to show clinically relevant effects in both hypertensives and mild hypertensives. Each 4g sachet of help: blood pressure contains 0.38g of Dairy Peptides which contributes half of the required daily dose. It is recommended that help: blood pressure is consumed twice a day for a minimum of four weeks in conjunction with a healthy diet and a reduced salt intake.
The majority of us will suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) at some point during our lifetime. There are many factors that can lead to elevated blood pressure levels such as poor lifestyle or simply genetic predisposition, but one of the most common is the restriction of blood vessels triggered by the hormone angiontensin 11. ACE[2] causes blood vessels to constrict and narrow, effectively raising blood pressure.
Developed specifically for those with mild hypertension, help: blood pressure acts as a natural blocker of this reaction. When the restriction is inhibited, elevation of blood pressure can be prevented and kept at a healthy level.
Available in a flavourless soluble powder that can be added to any hot or cold drink or soft food of choice, help: blood pressure is free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives and is suitable for vegetarians, diabetics and those who are lactose intolerant.
help: blood pressure contains only naturally derived, non-prescription ingredients; dairy peptides (0.38g) and Oligofructose (3.62g), which is a natural source of soluble fibre.
help: blood pressure is not intended for use as a replacement for medication that is prescribed in hypertension treatment. There are no adverse side effects and whilst it is effective in helping control elevated blood pressure it does not adversely affect normal blood pressure.
Further Information
Please call the customer Helpline on Tel: 0844 415 4423; www.workswithwater.co.uk
1. Dairy peptides have been evaluated in more than 20 clinical studies which cited that the ingredient is effective in lowering elevated blood pressure and maintaining it at healthy levels.
2. Angiotensin converting reaction – 'ACE'
2nd Biennial International Aromatherapy Conference and Wellness Expo
October 15-19 2009 – Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, Chicago Area
The Alliance of International Aromatherapists announces their 2nd Biennial International Aromatherapy Conference and Wellness Expo to be held October 15-19, 2009 at the Crystal Lake Holiday Inn in the Chicago area.

Leaders in their field will be presenting on a variety of topics including the use of Aromatherapy with MRSA, Cancer, Palliative Care, Psychiatric Care, Pain Management, Chronic Illness, Weight Loss and Dementia. The conference will also focus on Legislative and Business Issues facing natural health care providers and Aromatherapists in particular.
Among the featured speakers are: Dr H Rudolfo Juliani, Rutgers University, Dr Alan Hirsch, Founder the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, and Mindy Green, former Clinical Aromatherapist Aveda Corporation. Clinical topics presented will include: Essential Oils & Weight Loss, Using Essential Oils in Cancer & Palliative Care Environments, Psychiatric Aromatherapy, Establishing an Obstetrics Clinical Aromatherapy Program, Real Life, Real Results, A MRSA study and Ayurvedic Aromatherapy for Chronic Illness.
There are four half-day, and two one and a half day post-conference workshops offered immediately after the conference. These include: Using Flower Essences in your Aromatherapy Business, Intuitive Aromatherapy, the Effects of Aromatherapy on Empathy and other research; Ayurvedic Aromatherapy Treatments and Effective Pain Management with Essential Oils.
Further Information
Please contact Lora Cantele, President Alliance of International Aromatherapists on Tel: 001 815-814-1444; loracantele@alliance-aromatherapists.org www.alliance-aromatherapists.org
The Association for Meridian & Energy Therapies (The AMT)
Life Without Panic Attacks
by Nicola Quinn
Published by Dragon Rising. 2008. Softback. £16.10. ISBN: 1-873483-95-3

Members of The AMT (Association for Meridian & Energy Therapies – http://TheAmt.com) in the UK have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of clients attending therapy sessions because of anxiety, stress and in more severe cases, Panic Attacks. This has been directly related to the Credit Crunch and personal money worries.
Nicola Quinn, author of Life Without Panic Attacks and a Director of The AMT explains "For sufferers of panic attacks, the focus is always on the future. And now with the economic uncertainties there are new What Ifs to add to the pot. What if I can't keep up my house repayments, what if I lose my job, what if I can't afford to feed my children, what if my electricity is cut off. Fearing the future will not stop it happening. In fact the more fear you have the more stressed you will be which makes clear thinking and good decision making impossible."
The book chronicles Nicola's steps that she took to overcome 15 years of panic attacks and can be used to help sufferers to change their lives for the better. An estimated 12 million people in the UK suffer from panic attacks, a number that has continued to grow in this recession.
AMT Practitioners can be found in 21 countries around the world. EFT, the most popular Energy treatment for panic attacks works just like acupuncture, but instead of needles you 'tap' with your fingers on the meridian energy points.
Further Information
To learn more about The AMT, visit http://TheAMT.com/ . Life Without Panic Attacks is published by DragonRising (http://DragonRising.com/ ) and is available from the publishers website as well as all good bookshops and Amazon (http://Amazon.co.uk/ ). Please contact Dragon Rising on Tel: 01323) 700 123; Josh@TheAMT.com
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