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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 163
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 163 - October 2009
Be Successful and Happy Seminar
Success and happiness don't always go hand in hand; in today's multi-media age success often comes at the expense of happiness. Many of the world's most successful businessmen are unhappy.
Richard Farleigh, Robert Holden, Richard Bandler and Piers Morgan
They reach the top and suddenly disillusionment sets in; stressed, overworked and depressed, those who believed happiness was a destination they could enjoy once they reached the finishing line, find they've sacrificed happiness in the pursuit of it.
It's a familiar feeling for millions, but the good news is that there's a way to learn to be happy now, right now, not in the tomorrow that never comes.
Learn from the experts: NLP co-founder Richard Bandler, author Robert Holden, The Happiness Doctor, Piers Morgan and Richard Farleigh, at the one-day Be Successful And Happy seminar at Westminster's Central Hall on October 15.
NLP co-founder Richard Bandler and best-selling author and Psychologist Robert Holden share their expertise and give you tried and tested tools to take you beyond theory and into practice. NLP (neuro linguistic programming) is a highly effective system that seeks to change patterns of emotional and mental behaviour, showing how to educate yourself in effective communication and self-awareness and recognize behaviours you need to adapt.
Happiness Doctor Robert Holden is the author of fourteen best-selling self help guides on success and happiness, and founder of The Happiness Project for which he developed an eight-week course.
Further Information
Tickets start at £125; the seminar can be viewed live on-line for £30. To reserve your place call Tel: 0845 230 2022; www.theukco.com.
Magical Rainbows Children's CD
Magical Rainbows is a beautiful collection of children's relaxations written by Relaxation Therapist Lorraine Phillips. Children will enjoy listening to guided journeys to play and swim with a dolphin, ride on the back of a unicorn, discover hidden treasure on a pirate ship, play with mermaids, discover new worlds in a spaceship, and enter a magical forest, amongst other wonderful adventures..jpg)
There is something magical about being transported to an imaginary world, where anything is possible. These journeys give children the chance to take part in an adventure they could not otherwise enjoy. They can be a delightful alternative to the traditional bed time story. Children who are 'too old' for bedtime stories will enjoy listening to this CD before putting out the lights. Even adults are not too old to join in the magic!
Lorraine Phillips works as a Relaxation Therapist in a variety of schools and has seen the benefits of guided visualization, both with children and adults. Children can feel more relaxed, happy and positive. Their confidence and self esteem may also be improved. The relaxations can lead to a peaceful night's sleep, which is good for the parents! In the school setting, they can help children become more calm and relaxed, which is good for teachers!
Further Information
Lorraine Phillips may be contacted on Tel: 0161 283 6744; Mob: 07828 141271; lorrainephillips1@ntlworld.com
Music for the Soul – Sandeep Khurana
Music for the Soul is how Sandeep Khurana addresses and offers his music to the worldwide audience. With orientation in several spiritual and healing techniques e.g. Reiki, Yoga and Sacred Mantras, Sandeep, as a music composer, finds it very natural to apply the knowledge and compose some of the lilting and soul touching music using new age sounds.
Among the 12 music albums he has composed and released so far are:
Yoga MusicThe music has been produced using a series of natural as well as electronic sounds, mixed with beautiful sounds of nature e.g. sea waves, waterfall, and river, to create the sounds of serenity. The albums are available for downloads on iTunes, Napster, Amazon, Rhapsody, WashingtonBanglaRadio.com, Skivamusic, and several other stores.
Reiki Music
Nature Sounds
Music for Relaxation
Ethereal Chakra Sounds
Shiva, Sacred Chants
The music is also for Yoga practitioners, Energy Healers, Reiki healers, to create the sound ambience for meditation and healing.
Further Information
Please contact Sandeep Khurana, SK Infinity World Media on Mob/Cell: +1 408 390 7200; sk@skivamusic.com http://skivamusic.com/music-for-the-soul.htm
Chakra Balancing Creams
Sarah Williams of Organic-Aromatherapy Ltd has studied the interplay between our Chakras and our health for over 15 years is. Sarah suggests that we should listen to our body's 'whispers', or niggling aches and pains, before it has to 'shout' at us or even stop us in our tracks with severe pain and disease. Over the years Sarah has developed a range of Soul Harmony(tm) Chakra Balancing Creams that work by using essential oils that have balancing properties to the respective Chakras. By rubbing a little of the creams anywhere into your body, the oils are absorbed into the Chakra via the bloodstream, harmonising the imbalance which prevents as well as relieves problems.
The creams are available from the Organic-Aromatherapy Ltd website, www.organic-aromatherapy.co.uk, where further information is available on the problems and diseases that can be helped, as well as workshops that Sarah holds to teach people about the seven Chakras and how to harmonize them.
Further information
Please contact Organic-Aromatherapy on Tel: 01730 810437; Mob: 077641 83866; Corinne.hitching@btinternet.com
The Complete Guide to Manifesting with Crystals
by Marina CostelloePublished by Findhorn Press. 2009. Paperback. £7.99. ISBN: 978 1 84409 169 0

The Complete Guide to Manifesting with Crystals guides the reader in the use of crystals to create the life they choose. Crystal energy, combined with positive affirmations and attraction, provide the confidence you need to move forward in your life.
Work with crystal energy to focus your intentions, manifest your goals, support your soul journey and attract abundance into your life. Relationships, health, well-being, career – all can be improved with crystal awareness. Crystals magnify your highest energy; crystals help you re-think who you are and what you want to be.
Benefits of this Book
- A personal guide for understanding crystal energy and how it links happiness, love and prosperity manifesting a heart soul energy awareness.
- Helps people understand aesthetics beauty and love are interdependent vital for happiness and free
- Using crystals help in the personal ascension process by supplying a useable framework to raise intention energy, divine love, and to realise full potential and positive life path
Available from www.amazon.co.uk www.amazon.com and www.findhornpress.com
Pukka Herbs Holistic Menopause Approach
According to Ayurveda, symptoms of menopause are best treated holistically and without using synthetic hormones. Ayurveda looks at treating the cause first which consequently relieves the symptoms. To help guide women through this sometimes difficult part of their lives, Pukka Herbs has devised a free factsheet containing many helpful herbal hints.

Dealing effectively with stress, eating the right food, exercising regularly and enjoying life are all fundamental to women's health and there are also a number of very effective natural treatments that can help to regulate it:
- Shatavari Root
- Organic Aloe Vera Juice
- Fibre Plus Organic Bio Nutrient
- Vitalise Organic Bio Nutrient
- Organic Hemp Seed Oil
- Harmonise Tea
- Organic Rosewater Spray
Selected lines are stocked by leading retailers and independent health stores. The complete range is available online at www.pukkaherbs.com For additional information and advice please call for the free guide on Tel: 0845 375 1744; enquiry@pukkaherbs.com.
Breast Cancer Haven
Breast cancer is now the most common cancer in the UK and almost 46,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. Being diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing treatment affects you both physically and emotionally. Breast Cancer Haven offers free support, information and complementary therapies to anyone affected by breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Haven offers counselling a wide range of one-on-one and group sessions of services and therapies including Counselling Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Creative Writing Nutritional Advice, Kinesiology, Yoga, Qi Gong, Reiki, Massage, Mindfulness Stress Reduction and hair and beauty classes.
The Haven programme of care offers:
- An individual consultation with a senior therapist to agree a personalised programme of care;
- An introduction day gives a chance to learn about what's available and to meet others;
- Individual complementary therapy sessions to alleviate the side effects of medical treatment;
- Seminars, groups and classes for visitors, their family and friends;
- Regular reviews with a senior therapist to ensure individual needs are being me;
- Support for those who can't reach a Haven via Breast Cancer Haven at Home DVD, audio CD and web based information. To order your free copy, please email havenathome@breastcancerhaven.org.uk
More information is available online www.breastcancerhaven.org or you can order a leaflet or short DVD by emailing info@breastcancerhaven.org.uk
Experiencing Inner Power and Protection
How can you develop inner power and how can this give you the sense of protection you need in a world that is full of challenges? It was a topic that was addressed at a special event hosted by the Brahma Kumaris at their Global Co-operation House premises in northwest London.

The event focused on a discussion between Sir Gulam Noon, prominent British businessman and Sister Jayanti, Director of the Brahma Kumaris in Europe. It was chaired by Emily Buchanan, world affairs correspondent and presenter for the BBC.
Emily asked Sister Jayanti to explain the purpose behind the Brahma Kumaris Inner Power and Protection project.
Sister Jayanti said: "People have lost the inner sense of security and comfort and faith in knowing there is a protection coming from above. So our contribution is to make people aware that there is an inner resource and strength that they can draw upon in life."
Turning to Sir Gulam Noon Emily asked him to share his experiences of being one of the hotel guests caught up in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last year [2008]. He said that there were three separate occasions when he could have been shot, but in his heart, he knew he would survive: "I just kept the thought that I must do my level best to survive. When you are a spiritual person there is clarity."
Further Information
For more information on the Inner Power and Protection project and events around the UK and rest of the world, visit: www.powerandprotection.org
Anti-Water Express Balm
At a time when using paraben-free skincare has become a reflex for so many of us, SoNature by Jean D'Estrees creates a splash with the new Spa Fitness programme. For the first time, nature offers the best of its effectiveness in 4 exceptional care products.
This body care relaxes and eases the most tired bodies. This refreshing product provides an immediate sensation of lightness and well-being. The body is freed of its toxins. It feels light and rested. This ultra-refreshing and relaxing body care acts on several levels:
- Ruscus reactivates the skin's microcirculation (up 42% after 4 weeks of twicedaily use).
- Elderberry, lemon and solidago help prevent water retention by draining the tissues.
- Sambucus nigra has anti-inflammatory and anti-oedema properties.
Further Information
The range is available from Tel: 020 8213 3130; www.screenglam.com
Evolife Range Benefits Chemo And Radiotherapy Patients
Trial reports of the Evolife range of products in France have pointed to significant benefits and enhanced quality of life for cancer patients who use the products before, during and after chemo or radiotherapy treatment. Evolife is a natural range of cosmetics that is 100% dedicated to the support care of cancer patients.

The information comes soon after Feel Better Ltd launched the product range in the UK and Ireland which helps relieve painful skin, nails and other debilitating cutaneous side-effects of anti-cancer treatment.
Although British trials are in their early stages, the products have been used in France since 2006 by a number of oncologists, nurses, clinics, hospitals and patients. The range has also been launched in 16 other countries around the world.
In the UK the brand is already beginning to stock clinics, such as the Harley St Cancer Clinic, and is providing samples for cancer patient makeovers organised by charities such as Look Good Feel Better and Caroline's Campaign.
Evolife provides solutions to problems that previously had few answers. These include cracked and broken nails (Evonail); flaking and broken skin (Evoskin); mouth ulcers (Evomucy), dry mouth (Evodry) and body odour (Evodeo), to name but a few.
Further Information
The range is currently available in the UK and Republic of Ireland through Feel Better Ltd's website: www.feelbetterduringchemo.com
The Ultimate Thai Massage Video DVD Series
Dr Anthony James CMT ND MDAM is the top recognized master outside of Thailand for authentic Thai massage. Having taught and certified over 6000 practitioners since 1984, including many well-known teachers, he is the founder of the famous SomaVeda(tm) Institute, a residential training facility in Florida, home to The Thai Yoga Center and the International Thai Therapists Association (ITTA), and host to the National Thai Yoga, Massage and Bodywork Certification Board (NTYMBCB) examinations. He has authored various publications, including the first Thai massage book in English. 
Dr James is also the featured expert in Aesthetic VideoSource's new four-part The Ultimate Thai Massage Video instructional DVD series that covers it all: basic and advanced techniques for the traditional mat, and basic and advanced techniques adapted for the 'modern' massage table.
In each DVD, Dr. James walks you step-by-step through the therapeutic techniques comprising a complete Thai massage session. Throughout, he addresses balance vs. structural corrections; steps emulating energy flow; 10 key points for balance; attitudes/postures, relationship, and transition; and, breath, emphasis, and pressure.
Further Information
The DVDs can each be ordered for $49.95 plus shipping, by calling 1-800-414-2434 or visiting www.VideoShelf.com. The complete set can be purchased for $160.00, at a savings of 20%.
Beautiful Babies, Fabulous Families, Wonderful World
by Belinda BarnesPublished by Foresight Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care. 2009. £12.99. ISBN: 0954593367.

This is a wonderful book for those who wish to have healthy pregnancies and healthy children. For the past 30 years 'Nim' Barnes has been running Foresight, the organisation she founded to help parents. In a practical, chatty, accessible style this book conveys her enthusiasm, passion and experience. While soundly based on nutrition, the book explores other areas like hidden infection and electromagnetic pollution. It is 'Nim's' fervent wish and one I share, that all adults have this knowledge and know how to check their nutritional status and correct it before conception.
Originally founded in 1978, Foresight's programme is based on the premise that most unfavourable outcomes of pregnancy can be avoided if both parents make proper preparation, ideally beginning at least six months prior to a planned conception. Today's world of increasing environmental chemical pollution and commercial food processing, subtle chemical toxicities and nutritional deficiencies places many pregnancies at a disadvantage from their onsets.
Further Information
Available from www.amazon.co.uk and from Foresight on Tel: 01243 868001; Fax: 01243 868180; www.foresight-preconception.org.uk
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