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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 164
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 164 - November 2009
Medical / Neuromuscular Taping: The Cure Tape Product Line
The Cure Tape Product line is used by physiotherapists and medical doctors in physical rehabilitation and in sports injuries. The basic methods of application (known as Medical Taping Concept or Neuromuscular Taping Method) is taught in a 15 hour course. 
Medical Taping
Objectives in the application of Cure Tape
- To raise the skin to enhance both blood and lymphatic circulation.
- To support muscles, ligaments and tendons during rehabilitation or recovery from sports injuries.
- Treatment of injuries
- Reducing inflammations or accumulations of fluid
- Correction of posture
- Treatment of symptoms caused by overuse (such as RSI, tennis or golf elbow).
- Neuro-reflexive manipulation, e.g. with headache
- Prophylactic taping.
- Basic : 31st / 1st November 28th / 29th November
- Sports Injuries : 16th / 17th January 27th / 28th February
- Advanced : 12th / 13th December
- Lymphatic Drainage : 20th / 21st February
- Paediatric Care : 23rd / 24th January
- Neurological : Scheduled for 2011
Please contact Aneid UK Ltd c/o Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd on Phone / Fax: 44-1582-485209; info@aneid.com www.aneid.com
Create a Natural Swimming Pool
Create your own green paradise at home with the new self-build guide for natural swimming pools from the renowned landscape designer Michael Littlewood.
The book will provide you with everything you need to know about constructing natural swimming pools, including building instructions and detailed information about water quality, plants and general maintenance. Using the guide for a self-build project will halve costs to around £10-£15,000 whereas a pool can cost between £35,000-45,000 to construct depending.
Natural swimming water is free of harmful substances because of the effective use of natural filters. Chlorinated water contains chemical compounds called trihalomethanes which are carcinogens and result from the combination of chlorine with organic compounds in the water. Chlorine is also known to aggravate conditions such as asthma and eczema.
Further Information
Natural Swimming Pools: A Guide for Building is available from Michael Littlewood on Tel: 01460 75515; Michael@ecodesignscape.co.uk www.ecodesignscape.co.uk and from www.amazon.co.uk
Jin Shin Jyutsu – The Feelgoodcentre London EC1
Jin Shin Jyutsu is the Art to Know oneself, the art of the Creator for Human Kind. This is a Japanese ancient art rediscovered by Jiro Murai and brought to the west by Mary Burmester to America.
Energy is constantly flowing, it can never be destroyed and it always has the desire to manifest. Energy circulates around the body as a main source, down the front and up the back, and divides into two streams, crossing both sides of the body – left and right – through 26 energy locks.
If energy cannot pass through the normal channels it diverts to other sides of the body and can cause symptoms and disturbances. Jin Shin Jyutsu is about harmonizing and rebalancing energy in the body.
The practitioner places his/her hands and holds certain points and functions like jumper cables for the energy flow. The client remains fully clothed as the points and parts of the body are touched by the practitioner over A cloth. A Jin Shin Jyutsu session is usually up to one hour.
Further Information
Regular courses in Self Help and Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions are available in the Feelgoodcentre, in London EC1 on Tel: 07946084848; www.feelgoodcentre.com
Omnitom Yoga Wear
We are delighted to inform you of the launch of OMNITOM yoga wear in September 2009. Our garments are made of pure organic cotton and that's why OMNITOM yoga wear is irresistibly soft to your skin, kind to nature and breathes with you as you breathe without restriction.

Our garments feel as if they weren't there, moulded over your body like a second skin. And at the same time, their bubbly yet subtle presence will enhance the energy of your practice.
The models that we have created incorporate the needs of a yogi – security and stability in the chest area and freedom of movement for the arms and shoulders. Let them accompany you on your path, discovering ever more depth, ever more fun and ever more love for yoga.
Further Information
OMNITOM yoga wear is available online at www.omnitom.com and in studios throughout Europe.
Meditation Conquers Stress
The effects and benefits meditation can have during times of recession have rarely been more acutely in evidence than right now in the West. A new CD features a guided meditation for all those who are financially stressed by the current credit crunch, feel lost and in despair and don't know what to do. This probably applies to most adults in the UK today. There could not be a more appropriate time for film producer and author Mark Forstater to launch his revitalising new audio CD The Age of Anxiety.

Mark Forstater. Film, TV, Radio and Audio Producer has produced many films including Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Mark's interest in spiritual matters began in the 1970s when he was introduced to the works of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. His self-cultivation practices include meditation, yoga and tai chi.
Further Information
The Age of Anxiety: A Guided Meditation for the Financially Stressed is available to download from www.theageofanxiety.com
Hypnotherapy and Depression
Most people feel sad or low sometimes, and after a while this usually lifts. But when it doesn't lift – even when something really great happens, there may be cause for concern. Typically, symptoms of depression include one or more of the following: - Feeling tired with no energy
- Feeling persistently sad and low
- Loss of confidence and self esteem
- Having a sense of helplessness and hopelessness
- Avoiding things you enjoy – especially if these involve other people
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty sleeping
- Feeling guilty or worthless, frightened or anxious
- Losing interest in food, or sex
- Eating for comfort, aches and pains, or other physical symptoms.

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective way to treat depression, because it can, if appropriate, get to the core reason why you feel so bad and enable you to make real changes for the better – quickly. The therapist can talk to your subconscious, the place where all the information is filed away, and then find the right information to fix the problem.
Further Information
Caroline Carr Adv Dip Hyp Dip LC BA (Hons) is the author of several self-help books published by White Ladder Press which are available in good bookshops. Caroline may be contacted on Tel: 01202 731385; Mob: 07846208378; caroline@carolinecarr.com www.carolinecarr.com Read sections at www.amazon.co.uk
Acupuncture: The Limericks
by Cornelia Davies2009. ISBN: 978-0-9563142-0-8.
Acupuncture's old theories, sublime,Acupuncture: The Limericks is a funny and informative book on a subject that is both popular and intriguing. It's a marriage of the author's skills as a professional acupuncturist and writer. Patients and the curious can learn everything they need to know in an accessible, unforgettable way.
Have survived all the tough tests of time-
Upsets major and minor,
In far distant China-
And now it's surviving in rhyme!

Limericks interspersed with clearly written, informative prose will encourage the reader to pick this up and be reluctant to put it down again. Read, learn and laugh-therapy in itself.
There's general background and there are more detailed sections. For instance, remember seeing those newspaper pictures of Gwyneth Paltrow with cupping marks on her back?
A young person had reason for sneezingFurther Information
With cold (she was practically freezing).
Some cups on her back
Helped repel the attack:
Now her wheezing is easing... how pleasing!
Available from Golden Barn Publishing on Tel: 01548 550251 info@acupuncturekingsbridge.co.uk www.acupuncturekingsbridge.co.uk
Pukka Herbs Christmas Gift Pack
Organic herbal expert Pukka Herbs is introducing a special Christmas gift pack, combining its beautiful organic Rosewater spray with heart warming Love tea. 
A gentle spritz of Pukka's exceptionally pure Rosewater leaves skin feeling radiant whilst helping you to feel instantly uplifted and refreshed. Use as a natural facial cleanser, toner and for gently removing make up.
Love tea, blended by Pukka's herbalist, Sebastian Pole, is a delicate infusion of rose, chamomile and lavender. The soothing properties of this irresistible blend will help you to feel delightfully relaxed and cherished.
Beautifully designed in true Pukka style and wonderful for both body and soul, the special pack makes a perfect Christmas gift for those you love and is available online at just £12.95.
Further Information
Selected lines are stocked by leading retailers. The complete range is available online at www.pukkaherbs.com
New Inexpensive Light From Lumie Lightens Up Winter
According to latest figures released by light therapy expert, Lumie, one in four people in the UK are thought to suffer from either Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the winter blues. To help provide relief to such conditions, Lumie is launching Arabica, a new affordable light priced under £100.
Arabica will offer inexpensive treatment to SAD sufferers and is the first budget light of its kind to have medical device certification.
With a modern, contemporary and stylish appearance, Arabica has been designed to provide treatment at home and because of its size, can be stored away easily. Emitting 10,000lux at a practical distance (around 20cm), Arabica produces the same intensity of light as a bright spring morning and is around 20 times brighter than a well-lit office. Extensive research has shown that light therapy of this brightness is proven to help alleviate symptoms of SAD.
Recognised by the World Health Organisation, SAD is a medical condition that affects people between the months of September and October through to March and April. It is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the brain and stems from the lack of natural light available in winter.
Further Information
Please contact Lumie on Tel: 01954 780500; Lindsay@lumie.com www.lumie.com
Mental Ill-Health Get Well Soon Cards
To coincide with World Mental Health Day, the Royal College of Psychiatrists has produced the first 'Get Well Soon' cards specially designed to send to people who are unwell with mental ill-health.![]() |
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Research has shown that people who are admitted to mental health in-patient units receive far fewer cards and messages of support than people who are admitted to hospital with a physical health problem. Just over half (51%) of the survey respondents said they had received a 'Get Well Soon' card the last time they were physically ill – but only 31% received a card when they were last unwell with a mental health problem. Over half (52%) said they did not receive any cards, flowers or gifts when they were last mentally ill – compared with 36% the last time they were physically ill.
More than 8 out of 10 (81%) of people surveyed said receiving a 'Get Well Soon' card would help their recovery. Almost half of these (46%) thought it would help their recovery 'a lot'.
The cards come in two striking and colourful designs. The greeting inside the card reads: "Thinking of you at this time. Hope things improve soon." The cards form part of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' three-year Fair Deal campaign, and promote the concept of recovery from mental ill health.
Further Information
Cards come in a choice of two designs – 'Flowers' and 'Grapes'. A single card and envelope costs £2.25 (incl. p&p). Discounts are available for larger orders. www.rcpsych.ac.uk/getwellsooncards
Mushrooms for a Healthier New Year
If your New Year resolution is to follow a healthy diet, then make sure you pop a pack or two of mushrooms in your shopping basket. 
Being low in calories and virtually fat and sugar free, whilst having a high water and fibre content that helps keep you feeling fuller for longer, mushrooms are the ideal slimming ingredient, as well as being a natural superfood. Their delicious meaty flavour and texture makes them a fantastic meat substitute in a number of classic dishes such as Chilli Con Carne, Chicken Stir Fry, Beef Bourguignon and Chicken Korma. In fact, last year 10 volunteers who followed just such a diet over five weeks managed to lose an average of 12.7 pounds each, with the top dieter shedding a stone and half.
Mushrooms are also great for maintaining good health. They are brimming with the five B vitamins thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6) and folate and also contain the essential minerals potassium, selenium, copper, phosphorous and small, but nutritionally important, amounts of iron. They are one of the highest antioxidant vegetables in the world, in the same league as the red pepper and spinach.
Greek Style Roasted Mushrooms
Preparation time: 5mins
Cooking time: 15mins
Serves 4
6 large flat mushroomsMethod:
3 ripe tomatoes, chopped
1 small red onion, chopped
1 small clove garlic, chopped
75g/3oz reduced fat feta cheese, crumbled
50g/2oz pitted black olives, halved
45ml/3tbsp chopped fresh parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper
15ml/1tbsp olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6. Brush a little oil over each mushroom and place stalk up on a roasting tray.
- Mix the tomatoes, onion, garlic, cheese, olives and parsley and season to taste. Heap the tomato mixture on top of the mushrooms. Bake for 15mins or until the mushrooms are tender. Serve hot or warm with a crisp salad.
To find out more about the mushroom for meat replacement healthy eating plan, visit www.mushroom-uk.com/health/slimming.htm
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