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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 176
by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)
listed in product news, originally published in issue 176 - November 2010
Your Body Loves Linseed!
Linseed oil contains the essential fatty acid ALA, more commonly known as Omega 3. Whether you are watching your blood pressure or cholesterol, want clearer skin, shining hair and stronger nails, or are embarking upon a fitness regime to lose weight, build lean muscle or burn fat, Omega 3 from linseed could really benefit you.
Durwin Banks is the owner of High Barn Oils, suppliers of linseed oil from a family-owned farm in West Sussex which provides linseed pods and culinary linseed oil direct to customers. There is never any GM seed at High Barn Oils; their oil is cold pressed on the farm with no heat, solvents or additives, ensuring that its health giving properties remain intact.
Omega 3 can be obtained from fish oils also; however linseed actually contains three times as much Omega 3 as fish oils, and is also a strong source of Omega 6, Omega 9 and Vitamin E. Using linseed as a food ingredient can improve the function of all bodily systems; from pregnancy and infancy through to maturity and old age, linseed oil helps to sustain you as a healthy human being.
Benefits of Linseeds
- Omega 3 makes up 25% of every human cell membrane, (a balance of other oils and fats make up the rest). The balance of these cell builders are part of the very building blocks of life. Building cell membranes properly is a basic bodily function and part of a correctly functioning neuron propelled electrical system;
- Omega 3 from linseed has an anti-inflammatory property that can help to reduce inflammation naturally in many conditions;
- Omega 3 can help kick start your metabolism, and when combined with a good diet and regular exercise, can help you to lose weight, build lean muscle and burn fat;
- Omega 3 can help you to look good as well as feel good with healthy glowing skin, glossy hair and strong nails, especially when combined with other linseed oil properties, Omega 6, Omega 9 and Vitamin E;
- Recent studies have pointed to improved concentration levels in children when Omega 3 was introduced into their diets. Children love the taste of our linseed pods, and the culinary oil is brilliant for whizzing into their smoothies.
Please contact High Barn Oils on Tel: 01403 730 326; Fax: 01403 732 749;
info@highbarnoils.co.uk www.highbarnoils.co.uk
Speak - Supplement in Verbal Apraxia
Speak* Dietary SupplementSpeak is a dietary supplement (1,200 mg capsule) containing pharmaceutical grade Omega3 in combination with GLA and two specific types of Vitamin E and Vitamin K.*

Verbal Apraxia (VA)
- Many children with Verbal Apraxia |(VA) present with homogeneous symptoms of neurological dysfunction that affect coordination, muscle tone, and sensory issues, [1-4] in addition to expressive speech delay, suggesting a common underlying mechanism of disease;
- Vitamin E deficiency causes a constellation of symptoms[5-8] that overlap those of speech apraxia, limb dyspraxia, hypotonia, and sensory integration dysfunction (including abnormalities in proprioception, vestibular sensation and pain interpretation) that often occur in VA and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD);
- Low bioavailability of vitamin E will create an environment within the cell membrane where polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are vulnerable to lipid peroxidation and early destruction. This can lead to a functional PUFA deficiency and neurological sequelae that may be reversible through supplementation of vitamin E with PUFA;[9]
- Inflammation of the gastrointenstinal (GI) tract and malabsorption of nutrients such as vitamin E and carnitine may contribute to neurological abnormalities.[9]
Role of Essential Fatty Acids
Various studies have suggested that PUFAs with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA provided improvements in speech production and coordination in children with verbal apraxia.[2,10,11,12] In addition, PUFA supplementation increases utilization of vitamin E in the body.[13-16] These two supplements may have a synergistic effect at higher doses.Clinical Research
A total of 187 children with verbal apraxia received vitamin E+ polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation. Supplementation consisted of 280 mg DHA and 695 mg EPA per dose in liquid or capsule form, given with meal 1 to 3 times daily. A celiac panel, fat-soluble vitamin test and carnitine level were obtained in patients having blood analyzed.[9] The case series, published in the July/August 2009 edition of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,[9] represents the most comprehensive summary of children with apraxia to date. The study found that "Use of high-dose PUFA and vitamin E in children with a history of VA appeared to lead to rapid clinical improvement of many symptoms of this neurological condition in a large cohort."[9] References
1. Poster presented at American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Pittsburg, PA. November 18, 2004.2. Agin MC, Geng LF, Nicholl MJ, The Late Talker; What to Do If Your Child Isn´t Talking Yet, New York, NY: St. Martin´s Press. 2004.
3. Kent RD, Research on speech motor control and its disorders: a review and prospective. J. Commun Disord 33(5):391-427;quiz 428. 2000.
4. Nijland L, Maassen B, van der Meulen S. Evidence of motor programming deficits in children diagnosed with ASD. J Speech Lang Hear Res . 46(2):437-450. 2003.
5. Sokol RJ, Vitamin E and neurologic deficits. Adv Pediatr.37;119-148. 1990.
6. Sokol RJ. Vitamin E and neurologic function in man, Free Radic Biol Med 6(2):189-207. 1989.
7. Traber MG, Packer L, Vitamin E: beyound antioxidant function . Am J Clin Nutr. 62(6 Suppl):1501S-1509S. 1995.
8. Traber MG. How much vitamin E? ...Just enough! Am J Clin Nutr. 84(5):959-960. 2006.
9. Morris CR, Agin MC "Syndrome of Allergy, Apraxia and Malabsorption: Characterization of a Neurodevelopmental Phenotype that responds to Omega 3 and Vitamin E Supplementation" - Alternative Therapies Vol 15, No 4. July/Aug. 2009.
10. Agin M. Verbal apraxia and the role of essential fatty acids:the perspective of a developmental pediatrician. Paper presented at:Research Workshop on Fatty Acids in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (FAN 2001).Oxford UK. September 20-22, 2001.
11. Katz R, Agin M. Outcomes of essential fatty acid supplementation in verbal apraxia :an analysis of professional anecdotal reports. Paper presented at:Research Workshop on Fatty Acids in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (FAN 2001).Oxford UK. September 20-22, 2001.
12. Roth R, Agin M. Outcomes of essential fatty acid suppplementation in verbal apraxia: Paper presented at:Research Workshop on Fatty Acids in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (FAN 2001).Oxford UK. September 20-22, 2001.
13. Bourre JM, Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function on the nervous system: update on the requirements for brain. Part 1:micronutrients J Nutr Health Aging 10(5):377-385. 2006.
14. Virmani A. Gaetani F. Binienda Z. Effects of metabolic modifiers such as carnitines, coenzyme Q10, and PUFAs against different forms of neurotoxic insults: metabolic inhibitors, MPTP, and methamphetamines. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1053:183-191. Aug 2005.
15. Nakamura MT. Cho HP, Xu J. Tang Z, Clarke SD. Metabolism and functions of highly unsaturated fatty acids: an update Lipids :38(9)961-954. 2001.
16. Volk EE, Hornstra G. Relationship between Vitamin E requirement and polyunsaturated fatty acid intake in man: a review Int J Vitam Nutr Res.70(2):31-42. 2000.
*Speak is a patented formulation from CHRCO (Children`s Hospital and Research Center Oakland - USA).
Further Information:
Mycology Research Laboratories, Ltd. - Trading as ANEID; Tel. +44-158-248-5209;
info@mycologyresearch.com info@aneid.com www.aneid.com/speak.asp
Active School of Complementary Therapy
For the past ten years Active Recovery has provided therapeutic treatments and massage services to clients, businesses, sports teams and individuals. 
The Active School of Complementary Therapy (formerly the Loughborough School of Complementary Therapy) has been set up as the Training Division of Active Recovery Ltd. They have incorporated many of the techniques and modalities promoted in therapeutic practice into the current and future courses and workshops offered by ASCT. As they are also able to call on many external presenters, they will be able to offer new and informative workshops to both novice and experienced practitioners.
Tanya Milne - School Director
As a deep tissue massage practitioner Tanya has worked with a wide variety of clients, both individually and as part of National Sports Medicine teams. She has provided massage treatments, First Aid/Injury cover, training courses and workshops for numerous organisations. Through her clinic, she now provides massage for local sports, as well as treatments for non-sporting persons and NHS patients. Tanya trained with one of the world's foremost authorities in massage therapy, and through her training courses she successfully passes on her skills to many aspiring therapists. Some of her students have successfully practised massage therapy right through to elite level.Training Courses
ASCT recruits tutors and visiting presenters who are successful practitioners from various fields of Complementary Health, Fitness, Exercise, and Sport to teach students to the same professional standard they employ. ASCT provides a training environment where the emphasis is on self-development. Training courses and workshops emphasize the development of an holistic perspective with the aim to train students to work safely and effectively with clients from all walks of life. ASCT courses aim to create a complete practitioner with good career potential.Workshops
An Introduction to Massage Workshops - from 11 Sept 2010Courses
Thai Massage Workshops - in Loughborough to June 2011BTEC Sports & Remedial Massage Diploma (Level 5) - Starts 2nd October 2010
Further Information
Please Contact Active on Tel: 01509 556101; Mob: 07908 596673; admin@activetherapyschool.co.uk www.activetherapyschool.co.uk/
Yoga Music and Guided Meditation CD
Produced by California based composer Sandeep Khurana Yoga Music and Guided Meditations audio CD offers everything that a healing practitioner, yoga practitioner, spiritual seeker, learner or energy healer could ask for.
Heather Shaw's beautiful, and warm voice in the guided meditations has added an incredible healing touch to the meditation tracks. The album, 20th release by Sandeep Khurana is comprised of seven tracks, including music for relaxation and a track for dance meditation. It is a complete all in one audio CD for beginners as well as advanced practitioners.
Album Tracks
Track 1 A Simple Yoga Meditation is a complete guided meditation for anyone and everyone new or experienced in meditation and is meant to induce a state of calmness and tranquillity in the listener's mind;
Track 2 entitled Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation, is a complete guided meditation for healing and balancing of the seven major chakras;
Track 3 recommended for Reiki learners, channels and masters, called Reiki Guided Meditation, is designed to guide the listener through a complete Reiki healing meditation.
Track 4 entitled Pranayama Breathing Meditation, is a guided meditation using varying breathing patterns and different levels of breath control which helps focus and calm the mind with focus on breath.
Track 5 is titled Om Mantra Chanting Meditation. The Om chants generate healing vibrations and sound waves that have been known to heal the mind and the body. The listener can simultaneously chant the Om mantra while listening to the Om Mantra Meditation track, for augmented healing and improved results.
Track 6 Shiva Dance Meditation is for dynamic dance meditation. It has inherent rhythmic dance patterns for the listeners to follow and reach higher energy states. The drum patterns are designed to open the energy centres within the body, inducing a state of trance and hypnosis.
Track 7 is called Yoga Music for Relaxation and is a beautiful blend of nature sounds and healing music to help calm and soothe the mind and body. This track can be used to create a sound ambience of peace, serenity and tranquility and can be played in the background during a meditation or a healing session.
Further Information
Sandeep Khurana is a music composer and film maker based in San Francisco Bay Area and has more than 20 music albums to his credit, with genres ranging from New Age, Spiritual, Trance, Dance to World Music. He has composed for films and has produced documentaries for TV channels. The music album is available for downloads on iTunes and all major online stores.
For details, please visit http://sandeepkhurana.com
Power Health Launches First Beetroot Capsule
Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals as well as key ingredient Nitrate, known for reducing blood pressure!

This September, Power Health is one of the first health food distributors to launch the Beetroot capsule into the UK. The benefits of beetroot have been publicized; however for many the juice is an acquired taste. The capsules contains all the key nutrients of Beetroot juice, but are low calorie, time-saving and easy to take.
Packed full of goodness, including Vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and folic acid - beetroot is also a rich source of antioxidants. This is due to the pigment that gives beetroot its colour - Betacyanin having powerful antioxidant properties. It is also replete with minerals including magnesium, sodium, potassium and silica which aids the uptake of calcium and acts as a useful antidote to a diet too high in salt.
Beetroot's key ingredient Nitrate has been shown to reduce blood pressure, and the risk of heart diseases and strokes, thus this is not only a convenient alternative to juice products.
Beetroot capsules are an effective and low-cost way to combat the effects of the modern day living and its stresses by helping to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and normal blood pressure.
Further Information
Power Health's Beetroot Capsules (£3.99 for 30 capsules) are available from all good health stores and online at www.powerhealth.co.uk
Naqi Advanced Sports Massage Course
The next UK Naqi Advanced Sports Massage Course takes place on Wednesday 3rd November 2010 at the SIMTR Conference Centre in Solihull, West Midlands. The full-day course costs just £99 including VAT, lunch and £60 worth of FREE Naqi Sports Massage products. 
Sports massage experts Naqi are giving £60 worth of their sports massage products to all attendees of their Advanced Sports Massage Course. Naqi, a long established European brand, have been distributing their sports massage products in the UK for over 10 years. In order to showcase their professional expertise, Naqi have also developed their acclaimed Advanced Sports Massage Courses for UK physiotherapists.
The workshops are designed to aid experienced physiotherapists and qualified sports massage
professionals in their professional development. They will be led by former amateur cycling world champion and physiotherapist Paul Van Loon who has the Belgian and Dutch national cycling teams, speed skating world champions and the Tour De France Rabobank Team amongst his high profile client list.
The Advanced Sports Massage Course includes an in-depth analysis of techniques and positioning
to solve a multitude of common sports injuries. It is split into 10% theory teaching by Paul Van Loon followed by 90% practical hands-on learning in order to ensure that each attendee can master their new skills on the day.
Further Information
Places are limited to 40 delegates to ensure that everyone who attends gets the time and attention necessary to improve their skills and are selling out fast. To ensure that you do not miss out on your place at the Naqi Advanced Sports Massage Course please contact your nearest Naqi retailer. See
www.simtr.co.uk/naqi for further details.
Natural Bach Essences Calmdown!(tm) and Peace™
Balancing Blooms® Calmdown!™ and Peace™, two unique Bach Flower Essences are pre-prepared, ready to use natural essence combinations designed to tackle the moods associated with life's ups and downs. They are prepared according to the original written instructions of herbalist Edward Bach who discovered the benefits of English flower essences in the 1930s. Edward Bach believed his essences captured the positive mood of each flower as he personally perceived it to be.![]() |
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Ask many people the adjective they would use to describe Christmas and the typical answer is usually 'stressful' explains Simon Turner, Managing Director of Balancing Blooms®. "The festive season does bring with it a host of pressures that can lead to anxiety, sleep disturbances, and the feeling that everything is getting on top of you. Research conducted by MORI for www.argos.co.uk revealed that half of the population (49%) find Christmas shopping stressful. A British Heart Foundation study also placed festive present buying as the number one stressor."
Calmdown!™ and Peace™ come in an artistically designed box that fits perfectly into a bag or drawer. The essences come in a handy 20ml bottle and can be enjoyed by placing four drops directly on the tongue from the enclosed pipette, or mixing with water, so no matter where you are you can benefit from the mood blossoming affect.
Further Information
Available at 900 selected Boots stores nationwide, from independent chemists and health food stores or via Balancing Blooms® online shopping portal www.balancingblooms.com
Vital Signs for Cancer - Protect Yourself from the Onset or Recurrence of Cancer
by Xandria WilliamsPublished by Piatkus. 2010. Paperback £14.99. ISBN: 0749952474.
Although it is acknowledged that 50 per cent of cancers could be prevented if diet and lifestyle are modified early enough, someone is diagnosed with cancer every two minutes in the UK meaning that you have a greater than 35 per cent chance of developing cancer at some stage in your life.

A tumour can take up to ten years to develop; in Vital Signs for Cancer, Xandria Williams offers a proactive approach to prevention by explaining:
- The cancer process and important predisposing factors;
- How to detect the early signs of cancer using a wide range of cutting-edge tests that can indicate which part of the body is at risk;
- How to combine drug-free complementary treatment with orthodox medical approaches;
- The foods and supplements that can help set you on the path to optimum health;
- The key steps to help prevent cancer recurring.
Further Information
Available on Amazon
Golden Emu and Poppy Seed Bath Oil
When stressed and tired, there is nothing better than a long hot bath with essentials oils to lighten the mood, relax the body and mind, and help sooth away the problems of the day....and now you can do that while helping others. 
Golden Emu & Poppy Seed Bath Oil goes beyond just helping you relax; its two main active ingredients, Golden Emu Oil and Poppy seed oil will leave you both feeling great and looking amazing. You don't have to feel guilty about indulging yourself either, as a percentage of the sale of the Bath Oil goes directly to help The Royal British Legion's 'year round' poppy appeal.
Their new Bath Oil is just one of the many Royal British Legion sponsored products that are available via their new web store www.poppyshop.org.uk which has been created to help raise funds all year round for their important work.
Poppy seed oil is one of nature's best moisturisers and you'll leave the bath with your skin feeling renewed and refreshed. It's also replete with omegas and fatty acids that act as vital building blocks for healthy skin.
Golden Emu Oil also acts as a powerful moisturiser, with studies showing it could be a genuine and natural elixir to give you younger looking skin. Perhaps emu oil is best known for its claimed anti-inflammatory properties; however studies have shown it is also one of the best muscle and joint rubs available, so you'll towel down with all your aches and pains soothed.
It's not just your muscles and joints that will be refreshed, as camomile and lavender oils combine to help relax your mind. Together these ingredients make for a luxurious bath oil that is unlike anything else out there - leaving you with soft skin, mind relaxed and muscles soothed. And, for every sale made a donation goes to The Royal British Legion's 'year round' poppy appeal.
Further Information
To buy a bottle of Golden Emu Oil and Poppy Seed Bath Oil visit www.shopforhealth.co.uk or www.poppyshop.org.uk
Feminine Shoes for Swollen Feet
If you suffer with swollen feet but prefer feminine-looking footwear, Cosyfeet's new Daisy style could be the answer. 
This lightweight leather shoe has fine stitching detail and an elegant, scooped wedge heel. It's dainty appearance disguises an extra-roomy EEEEE+ width fitting which can accommodate serious swelling.
Designed for comfort, the Daisy has a seam-free toe area to protect vulnerable toes, and a padded collar for cushioning around the heel. Made to be soft yet supportive, the Daisy has a touch-fastening strap for a flexible fit.
The Daisy shoe is priced at £60.00, or £51.06 if you qualify for VAT relief due to a chronic medical condition. It comes in a range of six colours, and is available in sizes 3 to 9 including half sizes.
Further Information
Please contact Cosyfeet on Tel: 01458 447275; www.cosyfeet.com
Lifeplan Pumpkin Seed Extract for Urinary Problems
More people than one might first think suffer difficulties passing urine, such as the embarrassment and uncertainty of incontinence, the desire to pass urine more frequently than normal throughout the day and at night, and those with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urinary Problems include difficulties passing urine, experiencing the need to visit the toilet regularly, either during the day or throughout the night, frequent urination due to an enlarged prostate, and incontinence caused by weak bladder muscles.
Lifeplan Pumpkin Seed Extract
Each high-strength tablet provides 30mg of pumpkin seed extract, equivalent to 300mg of fresh pumpkin seeds, a supplement formulated specifically to bring relief and rescue, to all those experiencing urinary problems, whether male or female. 
The use of pumpkin seeds as a health-promoting food and as a natural diuretic aid is not new. Essentially, pumpkin seeds are classed as a superfood, as they contains high levels of amino acids, beta carotene, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, copper, and manganese. These nutritious seeds are also rich in Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, and phytosterols.
Pumpkin seeds also contain curbicin, a substance structurally similar to testosterone, and oestrogen, which research shows helps strengthen bladder muscles, promote healthy urine flow, and reduce nocturia, regular night-time urination; it may also help shrink the prostate epithelium when taken long-term.
Lifeplan's new Pumpkin Seed Extract is therefore a natural, highly efficacious solution to many a urine problem and benefits from being registered with the Vegan Society. They also contain no refined sugar, salt, starch, lactose, gluten, yeast, or animal derivatives, and in so doing, are suitable for most dietary requirements.
Further Information
Lifeplan's new Pumpkin Seed Extract (rrp £6.99 for 60 tablets) is available from independent health food stores and by mail order. For further information and to ask health-related questions of the company's trained nutritionists, contact Lifeplan Products Ltd on Tel: 01455 556281; enquiries@lifeplan.co.uk www.lifeplan.co.uk
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