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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 183

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 183 - June 2011

Graduate Certification: Medical Biomagnetist Level 1

Issued by Centro de Investigación de Biomagnetismo Medico, S. C.
1-5 November 2011, Madrid, Spain  Hotel Melia Avenida America

Dr Isaac Goiz Duran

Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran considers that most illness starts in two points in different parts of the body related to one another, having the same characteristics of bioenergy. We call it Par Biomagnetic. Dr. Goiz asserts that when the body is altered in one of them, acidification occurs; in the other is alkalinization, which causes one to accumulate viruses and the other pathogenic bacteria.

Dr. Goiz shows that it is simple enough to place two magnets on these points for viruses and bacteria; this may adversely affect the body and enable it to loosen their pathogenic ability. Doctor Goiz has located over 250 BMPs allowing magnets to deal with almost any disease; in many cases to achieve solving problems with one or very few sessions.

Program Syllabus

  • Biomagnetism. Theoretical foundations;
  • PH – concept and measurement;
  • Bioquimic Pair;
  • Biomagnetic Pair;
  • Axes biomagnetic human body;
  • Identification of trace points;
  • Biomagnetic Therapy;
  • Specials pairs and biomagnetic therapy;
  • Demonstrations of therapies with Biomagnetic Pair;
  • Synthesis and analysis of therapy with Biomagnetic Pair, present and future;
  • Questions and answers about first pairs discovered and systematized.

Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran is the only person authorized in Spain to teach courses on biomagnetic pair and they are guaranteed by the Mexican School of Medical Biomagnetism and the Univesity of Chapingo, Mexico.

Additional Information

Limited space, accepted in strict order of registration. The course is five full days from Nov 1 thru 5 inclusive. The Price of the course is 1,200 euros plus taxes. This includes: the course; a manual; a pair of magnetic devices; coffee breaks morning and afternoon, and buffet lunch. The course is in Spanish, translated into English simultaneously, though earphones provided, so translation is heard in real time.

Accommodation, is not included; however the Hotel Melia Avda America where the course is held provides accommodation. The price of rooms, 85 euros for a double room, plus taxes, with buffet breakfast included.

Further Information

For further information please contact Julia at Anuna, Natural Therapies on Tel:  0034 965 159837;



Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) International Aromatherapy Conference & Wellness Expo: The Future of Aromatics in Integrative Healthcare

September 29 - October 3, 2011. Minneapolis Marriott Southwest, Minnetonka, MN

With the theme, The Future of Aromatics in Integrative Healthcare, AIA is hosting an array of industry leaders who will be presenting on a variety of topics including the use of aromatherapy in clinical setting, spa, personal care and other integrative therapies, as well as aromatherapy research and natural perfumery.

Alliancce of International Aromatherapists


Mary Jo Kreitzer PhD RN FAAN Keynote Presenter. Integrative Health: Pathway to True Health Reform
Jane Buckle PhD RN Keynote Presenter, Aromatherapy in Hospitals, Post-Conference Presentation: M-Technique for Hands & Feet
Rhiannon Harris RGN MIFPA. Pre-Conference Presentation: Aromatherapy for Skin Integrity: A Clinical Challenge, Aromatherapy in Cancer and Palliative Care in the U.K.
Mindy Green MS AHG RA, Intuitive Methods of Oil Selection for Chakra Balancing
Raphael d'Angelo MD, Essential Oils and the Human Body
Kris Wrede Aromatherapist & Natural Perfumer, Aromatherapy Trends in Spa & Skin Care, Post-Conference Presentation: Advanced Perfumery
Debbie Freund RN CCAP, Pre-Conference Presentation: Scenting the Sacred Self, Demystifying Essential Oil Chemistry
Howard Freund PhD, Demystifying Essential Oil Chemistry
Linda Halcón PhD MPH RN RATC, Essential Oil Research: Strategies and Pitfalls
Sharon Tessier MA MS and Tanya Holtz,  Healing Transformation & Creative Expression
Pam Conrad RN BSN PGd CCAP, A Clinical Study: Reducing Anxiety and Depression in High Risk Post Partum Mothers
Cindy Black LAc, Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI): The Anatomy of the Body-Mind Connection, Bonus Lecture: Applying the Eight Principles of Chinese Medicine to Essential Oils
Nancy Cullen Graves BS MBA CA, Aromatic Kundalini Yoga
Bev Day MBA CFE RA, Business Stuff: It's Not That Hard!
Katharine Koeppen RA LMT NCTMB, Transforming Terrain: Essential Oils for Uncovering Your Client's True Nature
Lora Cantele RA CMAIA CSRT, The Future of AIA, Aromatherapy and You
Bill McGilvray, Essential Oils of Australia

Further Information

Attendees may receive up to 30 contact hours for fully attending the conference. For further information and to book contact AIA on Tel: +1 303-531-6377;  Fax +1 303-979-7135;



Alliance of Crystal Practitioners and Healers (ACPH)

The aim of ACPH is to act as a democratic umbrella body which provides a network of support and guidance for crystal therapy schools and colleges, their graduates and students. In addition, to promote the minimum standards of training and assessment necessary for good practice.

Alliance of Crystal Practitioners and Healers (ACPH)

Earlier this year, four colleges, specializing in teaching Crystal Therapy, came together with a single aim, i.e. to further public awareness that Crystal Therapy has an important contribution to make to the complementary therapy field.  All these schools teach crystal therapy to the highest standard, with similar aspirations and great enthusiasm. 

  • Crystalline College
  • The Phoenix College of Crystal Therapy
  • The IIHTVH (International Institute for Holistic Therapies & Vibrational Healing)
  • Vantol College of Crystal Therapy

Thus, this new umbrella body came into being. We named  it:  Alliance of Crystal Practitioners and Healers (ACPH).  The name ‘Alliance’ was specifically chosen with a view to actively  work together and support our students, whilst upholding  the highest standards in crystal healing. 

At the same time we want to spread the knowledge of the true healing power of crystals when applied by accredited Crystal Therapists,  who have undergone a thorough training of  at least two years. 

Further Information

To contact ACPH please select the relevant person below to email:
Chair: Linda Priest -
Treasurer: Ann Foster -
Secretary: Kathy Tompsett -
Education and Standards Officer: Pauline Wilkie -
Publicity Officer: Nicola Leslie-Gallagher -
News Editor: Anna Mandala -

Please contact Linda Priest on Tel: 01488-683794;



The Photographic Atlas of Acupuncture
by Dr Antoine Bereder MD
Published by Findhorn Press. 2011. Hardback. £99. ISBN 978 1 84409 5384.

An exceptional and unique reference book to last a lifetime

Photographic Atlas of Acupuncure

Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Chinese medical doctors and therapists working in Complementary Medicine will have a book to last a lifetime with The Photographic Atlas of Acupuncture by Dr Bereder. This 580 page, full colour reference book with strong stitched bindings to withstand daily consultation use, provides an ideal working companion.

Created to highlight the main meridians, the secondary circuits, internal branches, Jing Jin and Jing Bie circuits using real photographs rather than sketches, the 600 images in this high quality book make it easier to understand the overall energy network in three dimensions, and help the user to find the precise location of acupuncture points.

For ease of use during consultations the atlas is based on three practical sections:

The first section provides an overall introduction to the network of meridians, vessels and chakras. The middle section looks at the same meridians within their anatomical zones, while the final section provides a highly detailed index to find any point or meridian quickly.

Whether referenced in a classroom or during a consultation, this guide, which has been approved by the College of Chinese Medicine, is the resource for the study and practice of this healing art.

About the Author
Dr Antoine Bereder is a fully trained Medical Doctor as well as Acupuncturist.

Further Information
Available from Findhorn Press  and from Amazon



New Hot Stone Massage Bag from Vulsini

Launched April 2011 at the Cosmoprof  International Trade show in Italy, the Vulsini Bag is a groundbreaking new product for anyone involved in Hot Stone therapies.

The bag heats basalt stones for hot stone massage without using water, eliminating the need for a bulky, impractical heater.

Hot Stone Massage Bag

Thanks to years of trade links with hundreds of therapists, Vulsini have been able to make Hot Stone therapies truly mobile, for the first time ever. Listening to these therapists, in-house designers together with manufacturers and electrical engineers, have spent two years developing the bag, creating the first and only Mobile Stone Therapy solution. For the first time, therapists will be able to carry out a hot stone massage anywhere they can dream of, with ease.

The creation of the Vulsini bag means therapists can maximize their time, meaning that more treatments can be performed in quick succession than ever before and the need to take a water heater to the client eliminated. Simply arrange the stones inside the bag and plug it in to any UK or EU socket to heat the stones. The temperature of the stones inside can be regulated by a built in digital thermostat, and the handy thermometer on the front.

Whilst traveling to a client, the bag can be plugged into a 12v lighter socket in your car, to maintain the temperature of the stones. Both mains and car adapter sockets are fitted to the bag and are stored in individual pockets on the front. In addition, risk factors are vastly reduced as there is no water around any electrical outlets and no need to carry and empty 10 litres of hot water!

With its reinforced side wall and shoulder strap, the bag is structurally supported from the bottom up. Made with 'wipe clean' fabrics and comes complete with a reusable stones bag for collecting and containing the used stones. The Vulsini Bag has been designed to have a minimum impact on the environment, using less power to heat the stones, no water and manufactured using the best quality materials, with minimum plastic and metal parts. Its sleek design reduces storage space at home or in the salon/spa and is a professional accessory for the modern mobile therapist.
A simple alternative to the traditional Hot Stone heater, The Vulsini Bag, with built in power cables, wipe clean fabrics and a strong, lightweight and stylish design, is a genuine innovation in mobile hot stone massage therapy.

Further Information
Please contact Jason Wong on Tel: 0207 801 9620;

Anni's Cancer Companion: An A-Z of Treatments, Therapies and Healing
by Anni Matthews; Foreword by Professor Karol Sikora
Published by Singing Dragon. 2011. Paperback. £9.99 / $15.95. ISBN: 978-1-84819-067-2,
When Anni Matthews was diagnosed with cancer, she decided to do something really valuable with the experience: she produced a book that is a friendly companion for those who must face the disease.

Anni's Cancer Companion

Of huge practical help to anyone diagnosed with cancer and those who care for them, this book is a one-stop guide to making sense and use of the orthodox treatments, complementary therapies, and psychological, spiritual and holistic options available. Subjects ranging from the most current major advances in treatments and diagnosis, to the small but effective ways of relieving the side-effects are explained clearly and concisely, often with humour and always with warmth.

Written by a bright, articulate woman, who was determined to have an informed say in what happened to her, Anni's Cancer Companion marks a new generation of books about cancer. It is that rare thing: a reference book that is human.

The book title is Anni's Cancer Companion, written by the late Anni Matthews, a city executive who previously ran a busy property development company in London. When she was diagnosed with cancer she decided to do something really valuable with the experience. She researched every possible therapy that she believed would help her chances and recorded the effectiveness and side effects that many of the therapies had on her. This book is Anni's gift to those who follow after her, a friendly A-Z guide for fellow cancer sufferers and their friends and family.
The book has been edited by medical professionals and endorsed by leading oncologist Professor Karol Sikora and Penny Brohn Cancer Care (formerly Bristol Cancer Help Centre).
Further Information
Please contact  Jessica Kingsley Publishers on Tel: +44 (0)20 7833 2307; Fax: +44 (0)20 7837 2917; and Jessica Kingsley Publishers Inc. USA on Tel: +1 215 922 1161; Fax: +1 215 922 1474;  
Available from Jessica Kingsley Publishers and from Amazon

Buteyko Meets Dr Mew
by Patrick McKeown
Published by Buteyko, imprint of Asthma Care.  2010.  Paperback. £9.99. ISBN: 978-095668230-7

Buteyko Meets Dr Mew

Children and teenagers learn the importance of correct breathing and swallowing for the development of their teeth, face and health.

170 page full colour story book detailing how to apply the Buteyko Method and Dr Mews observations as an internationally respected orthodontist. This book is in three parts. Comic self-help book for teenagers, children's story book and parents section with medical references to support the basis of the method.

Buteyko meets Dr Mew encompasses the work of two highly respected pioneers in their fields. Both began their life's work in different parts of the world during the 1950s. Both witnessed and researched the detrimental effects of incorrect breathing habits; Buteyko from a physiological viewpoint and Mew from an orthodontic and facial appearance perspective.

Personal Story
As a small child I was constantly berated if I did not "Stand up Straight" and "Keep My Mouth Shut" and at school the headmaster had a plywood cut out of a camel which was pointed at any child who sat with their back bent. Nowadays few children suffer this ignominy but the ratio of four year olds that spend the majority of the time with their mouths open, exceeds eighty percent.

Few parents realize the true extent that their child's health can be damaged by such simple factors. As a surgeon it used to upset me to realize that just for the lack of this knowledge many attractive kids would grow up with plain faces and chronic health problems.

Patrick McKeown is doing his best to redress this in his colourful and tactful way and I would like to give him every encouragement. My orthodontic education was both strict and restrictive; extractions were considered inevitable and the possibilities of changing the growth of the face very limited. It was many years later that I discovered that much can be done by both treatment and especially persuasion to encourage children to create their own future.
Dr John Mew Orthodontist

Imaginatively illustrated with cartoon-style instructions - Irish Independent 11th April 2011.

Further Information
Available from Buteyko Clinic  and from Amazon   

Beautiful, Relaxation Music on CD

Sounds Relaxing (formerly September Studio) has been producing high quality, original relaxation music for over 15 years. Supplying Yoga instructors, Hypnotherapists, Aromatherapists and many others along the way, all have benefited from the soft, calming backdrop that these CDs effortlessly create.

Sounds Relaxing Music on CD

With many titles to choose from, there is sure to be one that will suit your specific requirements, and with high quality online samples available for every disc, you can be sure of what you are buying.

As well as the soft melodies, harmonies and natural sounds which are to be found on these CDs, what really helps to set them apart from the rest is the way the tracks are continuous - ranging from 1/2 an hour to an hour in length - perfect for insomniacs, perfect for therapists to time their sessions to, and perfect for general, unobtrusive music to have on at any time and for any occasion.

To complement this range of relaxation CDs, Sounds Relaxing can also offer a range of DVDs which feature beautifully relaxing scenery, set to music taken from various CDs across the range.
Further Information
Please contact Mark Sherriff at Sounds Relaxing via


Artichoke Tea for Healthy Gut

A new human study[1] shows the humble artichoke, which originates from the Mediterranean, could be a fast and effective way to achieving a healthy gut and comes after a previous study which showed that 96% of patients with IBS rated artichoke leaf extracts as better than or equal to previous therapies administered for their symptoms.

Artichoke Tea for Healthy Gut

The new study[1] helps explain why artichoke can be so effective at helping with conditions such as IBS and shows that a probiotic bacterial strain found in artichokes successfully colonized the human gut and positively influenced faecal bacteria, fatty acid concentrations and enzyme activity.  What's more the study was carried out over two 15 day periods, with the main affects being seen after just 15 days.

These results are of particular importance as many probiotic products have been criticized for not containing enough bacteria to affect your gut flora, whereas this study shows that artichoke can and does in a significant manner. The results of the study suggest that artichokes could help improve your gut's microbial balance, and therefore could help with the alleviation of intestinal ailments, like IBS. Furthermore, improved enzyme activity could help improve overall digestion of other foods sorts, meaning your body is better placed to absorb important minerals and nutrients.
Artichoke Tea
Artichokes can be difficult to get hold of in the UK and even harder to know what to do with once you do have them, but a company called Natur Boutique have recently launched one of the UK's first artichoke teas. A herbal tea with a twist, Artichoke tea is a tasty alternative to tea or coffee. Furthermore artichoke has been seen to have other health benefits and studies have shown it may help maintain a healthy liver,[2] detox[3] and reduce cholesterol.[4]

1.    Valerio F, de Candia S, Lonigro SL, Russo F, Riezzo G, Orlando A, De Bellis P, Sisto A, Lavermicocca P. Role of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus paracasei LMGP22043 carried by artichokes in influencing faecal bacteria and biochemical parameters in human subjects. Institute of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council, Bari, Italy  Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry, I.R.C.C.S. 'Saverio de Bellis', National Institute of Digestive Diseases, Castellana Grotte (Ba), Italy  Laboratory of Experimental Pathophysiology, I.R.C.C.S. 'Saverio de Bellis', National Institute of Digestive Diseases, Castellana Grotte (Ba), Italy. Mar 29 2011.
2.    Held C: Artischocke bei Gallenwegsdyskinesien. Neue Aspekte zur Therapie mit Choleretika. Z. Klin. Med. 47:92. 1992.
3.    3. Maros T et al.: Wirkungen der Cynara scolymnus-Extrakte auf die Regeneration der Rattenleber. Arzneim-Forsch/(Drug Res) 18: 184. 1966.
4.    Arzneimittelforschung. 50 (3):260-5. Efficacy of Artichoke dry extract in patients with hyperlipoproteinemia. Englisch W, Beckers C, Unkauf M, Ruepp M, Zinserling V. Mar 2000.

Further Information
Available from most health stores and


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes

    Train as a Craniosacral Therapist

    Train as a Craniosacral Therapist with Turning Point Training. Practitioner Qualification at Level 1 – the course is designed for professionals in conventional and complementary medicines. Dentists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Holistic Therapists have all trained on the course. Turning Point are also holding Taster Days in Marlow, Bucks on Sunday 26 June 2011 and in Cheltenham, Glos on Saturday 16 July 2011 which count as 6 hours CPD.

    Further information Tel: 01769 579079  Mob: 07944 411681

    Tai Chi Nation

    The Big Chi (Tai Chi, Qigong and Ancient Wisdom) is a long weekend event on 8-11 July 2011. The weekend includes: Wisdom from Taoism and Native American culture; Hands-on Shiatsu workshop; camp fire space; swimming pool; residential and camping places; non-residential day tickets; practical exercises to enhance well-being ; superb food and free transfer from Totnes station. The event will take place at Tai Chi Nation Ltd, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EN.

    Further information Tel: 0845 257 2142  Mob: 07717 172 691

    Free Homeopathic Event

    The School of Homeopathy is holding a free online Homeopathic event with many of the world’s leading Homeopaths to celebrate its 30th birthday on 2 July 2011. The event is set in two parts: World Class Event where Homeopaths are invited to join the School online for a day of free web-based presentations with their Patrons and other guests. The event takes place on Saturday 2 July, 10am-6pm.

    There are still some places available to attend the full 3-day event on 1-3 July at the School in Stroud, Glos.

    Further information Tel: 01453 765 956

    Magnolia: Relief from Allergies

    A Chinese medicine derived from magnolia flowers has been shown to provide relief for people with allergies. Patients with allergies to house dust mites, pets or fungal spores (perennial allergic rhinitis) were given capsules consisting of nine types of herbs, including dried magnolia flower, three times a day. The study, published in the journal International Immunopharmacology found that sneezing and nasal congestion were reduced. The mixture of herbs is called Xin Yi San (magnolia flower powder) and is now available to be prescribed by a Herbal Practitioner.

    Further information Tel: 01453 790821  Mob: 07788 154 753

    Free Advice during Homeopathy Awareness Week

    Nelsons Homeopaths are available every day during Homeopathy Awareness Week to provide free Homeopathic advice on healthcare queries. Email your query to The theme for this year’s Homeopathy Awareness Week is sleeplessness. A recent YouGov survey commissioned by Nelsons, highlighted that a staggering 77% of the 2108 surveyed experienced sleeplessness at some time. Homeopathy Awareness Week takes place from 14-21 June 2011.

    Further information Tel: 020-7079 1288

    How to Prevent Alzheimer’s

    Launched this week is the first free online Cognitive Function Test, developed by British leading Mental Health Experts to accurately assess your risk of memory decline and possibly Alzheimer’s. The online test tells you how to delay memory decline and possibly reduce Alzheimer’s risk, based on research of people with mild cognitive impairment, the stage before Alzheimer’s by Oxford University experts Professor David Smith and Dr Celeste de Jager.

    Further information:

    Review of Reiki Practitioner Training

    The UK Reiki Federation is pleased to be able to provide a review of a Reiki Practitioner’s existing training against the 2009 National Occupational Standards for Reiki and the recommendations of the Reiki Council. This may be of interest to Practitioners who would like to check their training is up-to-date, but may also be used towards formal application for national registration with regulatory bodies. The UK Reiki Federation will arrange for a qualified Assessor to evaluate the training and experience of the Practitioner.

    Further information

    Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine

    Illustrated Treatment for Migraine Using Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Tuina Massage  is a book by Cui Chengbin and Xing Xiaomin, published by Singing Dragon. Migraine is a condition that Western medicine finds notoriously difficult to treat and Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Tuina Massage can be effective methods of bringing about relief. This book is a clear and comprehensive guide to help Practitioners to carry out treatment and significantly ease symptoms and suffering.

    Further information: 2011, ISBN: 978-1-84819-061-0, 208 pages, paperback, £19.99/US £29.95 by Singing Dragon Tel: 020-7833 2307

    Reclaim your Health New Book

    Blinded by Science by Matthew Silverstone is a new book which explains how nature can help you to reclaim your health and well-being and uncovers new evidence to show that there are many ways in the world we live to damage your health. Yet with a greater understanding of how nature behaves, we can start to limit these effects. Silverstone tells us how trees, plants, water, the sun and the moon can all play a part on how we feel on a daily basis.

    Further information Tel: 07795 400 146

    A Relaxing Break by the Sea

    Two Yoga, Pilates and Meditation breaks are available on the West Coast of Sweden in 2011 in a 5 Star beach hotel with a luxury spa. The breaks are suitable for all levels including complete beginners.

    The first break, Summer Solstice Yoga and Pilates is 19-23 June 2011 and is 5 days and 4 nights at Asia Spa, Varberg, Sweden. The second break, Yoga on the Water is 18-22 July 2011 and is 5 days and 4 nights of energizing and healing Yoga, stillness, meditation and deep relaxation at the Gullmarstrand Beach Hotel, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden.

    Further information: Tel: 01622 715576

    Kiwiherb Comfrey for Bruises

    Phil Rasmussen, New Zealand Medical Herbalist and creator of the Kiwiherb Herbal Remedy range advises us to use Kiwiherb Comfrey to soothe the discomfort of bruising, ease any swelling and aid repair of the damaged tissue. It can also be used to help those suffering from a variety of joint, bone and muscle problems.

    Further information: Kiwiherb Comfrey Ointment is available from health stores or Tel: 01455 556281

    Alexander Lowen European Tour

    The Alexander Lowen Foundation’s yearlong celebration of Dr Lowen’s life and work continues with their first European Tour, which includes workshops in Croatia, Greece and Belgium. The workshops pay tribute to Dr Lowen’s original approach and include both theoretical presentations and experiential exercises focusing on the three basic principles of Bioenergetics – breathing, grounding and vibration.

    The IIBA International Conference of Bioenergetics takes place in San Diego, CA on 26-30 October 2011. 

    Further information  Tel: +1 203 966 3474;

    Diabetes Advice

    Diabetes UK, the leading charity for people with diabetes, has released their position statement on low carbohydrate diets for people with Type 2 diabetes. This was needed as they have not previously given specific recommendations on this topic and low carbohydrate diets continue to be a very popular method of weight loss. Diabetes UK recommend that a person wanting to lose weight on a low carbohydrate diet, discuss this with their Dietician and that they are aware of possible side-effects. They stress that glucose levels should be closely monitored and medications adjusted where necessary.

    Further information:

    Confused over Herbal Remedies?

    New legislation, which came into effect earlier this month, now dictates that all herbal medicines sold should be fully licensed as safe. Most licensed herbal medicines on sale in the UK will now carry the THR stamp, and whilst this shows that they have been approved as safe, this doesn’t necessarily act as proof they are effective. The Right to Choose Your Medicine Campaign is spearheaded by Dr Pixie McKenna, the face of Channel 4s Embarrassing Bodies, involves raising awareness of what the new Herbal Medicines legislation means and consumers’ desire for more information from their GPs on Herbal Medicines.

    Further information:

    Living Mindfully Tackles Stress and Anxiety

    A North-East organisation is giving peace of mind to people dealing with stress and anxiety by introducing them to a new way of thinking. Living Mindfully, a Conseet-based community interest company, is working with individuals and groups throughout the region to ease the strains of modern life with a range of courses focused on living in the moment. The courses, which incorporate meditation and individually tailored instruction, are aimed at providing new skills to cope with stress and anxiety and can also result in increased energy and enthusiasm for life, improved sleep patterns and more ability to relax.

    Further information Tel: 01207 693909

    Research that Coffee Reduces Breast Cancer Risk


    Recently published research shows that coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of cancer. More detailed research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Breast Cancer Research shows that drinking coffee specifically reduces the risk of antiestrogen-resistant estrogen-receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer.

    Coffee consumption modifies risk of estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer.
    Jingmei Li, Petra Seibold, Jenny Chang-Claude, Dieter Flesch-Janys, Jianjun Liu, Kamila Czene, Keith Humphreys and Per Hall. Breast Cancer Research (in press)

    Arthritis Drug Could Help Beat Melanoma Skin Cancer


    A breakthrough discover by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Children’s Hospital Boston promises an effective new treatment for one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Reporting in the journal Nature, researchers found that Leflunomide, a drug commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, also inhibits the growth of malignant melanoma. UEA scientists Dr Grant Wheeler and Dr Matt Tomlinson conducted a rigorous screen of thousands of compounds looking for those that affect the development of pigment cells in tadpoles, identified a number of compounds that affected cell development and have now shown with their US collaborators at Children’s University Boston that Leflunomide significantly restricts tumour growth in mouse models.

    Further information Tel: 01603 592203  Tel: +1 617-919-2009;

    Getting Yourself Grounded Is the Key to Sweet Dreams


    Innovative products based on the concept of earthing, could turn out to be the ideal solution for people who have trouble sleeping. New research from the Mental Health Foundation has highlighted the massive impact that a lack of sleep has on people and the way they perform. Earth Connexions, based in Alvechurch, Worcestershire, is encouraging people to look at products which use earthing as a way of normalizing their body clocks and getting a good night’s sleep. By using the company’s earthing sheets, half-sheets made of cotton with silver filaments criss-crossing the material, users benefit from having contact with the material which is connected to the earth outside or the earthing circuit of your house. The sheets can be laundered using a normal washing machine.

    Further information Tel: 0121-288 1059;

    Broccoli’s Cancer-Fighting Ability


    An article published in The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry shows that Scientists are reporting discovery of a potential biochemical basis for the apparent cancer-fighting ability of broccoli and its veggie cousins. They found for the first time that certain substances in the vegetables appear to target and block a defective gene associated with cancer. The report, which could lead to new strategies for preventing and treating cancer, appears in ACS’ Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

    Further information Tel: +1 202-687-3021;

    Mindful Eating, Mindful Life


    Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, written by world-renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and Nutritionist Lilian Cheung, shows us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all. Offering practical tools, including personalized goal setting, a detailed nutrition guide and a mindful living guide, the Authors help us to uncover the roots of our habits and then guide us as we transform our actions. This unique book teaches us how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise and all facets of our daily life.

    Further information:

    Get Started in Reflexology


    This is Chris Stromer’s 6th publication and one of her best on Reflexology. It is filled with fascinating information, the background and principles of Reflexology as well as insights into the emotional and spiritual aspects of health and disease. Each chapter has Author insights and there is a questionnaire at the end of each chapter with answers at the back of the book and a summary of pertinent information. The guide to the actual application of Reflexology is meaningful and there are clear diagrams showing what to do. This book is a useful guide for everybody, whether a Reflexology Practitioner or someone who has never tried Reflexology before. Published by Hodder and Stoughton, London.

    Further information:

    Self-Massage Becomes a Daily Pleasure with the Kneader


    The Kneader is a new, beautifully designed Massage tool created by a professional Therapist who is on a mission to make massage a regular part of everyone’s life. Designed for personal Massage, The Kneader launched in the UK in March. Una Tucker, who has been a professional Massage Therapist for more than nine years, came up with the idea of The Kneader after failing to find a simple, affordable hand-held massage tool that would enable her clients to massage regularly and effectively between their professional sessions.

    Further information:

    American Institute for Cancer Research Conference 2011


    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is holding its Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer on 3 & 4 November 2011 at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington DC. Visit the website to view last year’s program and PDFs of the speakers’ presentation. This has become the premier scientific forum on food, nutrition and physical activity as they relate to cancer prevention, treatment and survival.

    Further information Tel: +1 800 843-8114

  • Flower essences online

    Fine quality flower essences international ranges to help promote vitality and emotional well-being.

  • nutrition and cancer

    by Sandra Goodman PhD The latest scientific research regarding Nutrition and Cancer. Full details at

  • June Sayer Homeopathy

    Training Academy Homeopathy Nutrition Reiki, Distant Learning. Diet, Health Screening, Detox, Stress

  • Liposomal Nutrients

    Optimum system for nutrient delivery to cells - fully bioavailable vitamins absorbed and metabolised

  • Water for Health

    Specialist online health store focused on hydration, body pH balance and quality nutrition.

  • Ultimate Body Detox

    Immune system support & heavy metal detox - 3 powerful products: ACS 200, ACZ Nano & ACG Glutathione

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