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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 191

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 191 - February 2012


The UK Centre for Living Foods  

Founder and Director Elaine Bruce

Taught and inspired by the pioneer Dr Ann Wigmore  Elaine Bruce is the only fully qualified Naturopathic Practitioner offering the authentic Living Foods Programme in the UK at The UK Centre for Living Foods.


Elaine Bruce spread


A long standing Homoeopathic and Naturopathic consultant and former Sociology lecturer,  specializing in tutoring small groups, she now welcomes you to her own home.  In the dedicated Living Foods Kitchen and long established organic permaculture garden, you will find the ideal setting for your own journey to better health.

Spring Detox Retreats: 13-17 Feb;  12-17 March 2012

Workshops:  22-23 Feb; 21-22 March 2012

Certified Practitioner Training: 12-27 April 2012

Described as the Detox Retreats which reach the parts other retreats only aim for, these courses take care of you as an individual, recognizing your starting point and respecting your goals.  Apart from good basic guidelines, there is no such thing as one size fits all in the raw health world. Training and experience are needed to give you the best personal guidance, always firmly based in naturopathic principles.  Like Dr Ann Wigmore before her, Elaine Bruce includes all aspects of health, from food to personal cleansing to emotional balance. She  aims to send you away lighter, cleaner,  encouraged and supported in your health goals, very much better informed, and with a realistic personal agenda. She is always available for former guests when they need her.

Detox Retreats, Short Workshops,and Certificated Practitioner Training are scheduled throughout the year.  In all of these Elaine takes most of the classes herself. She is very proud of her Practitioners, who are teaching the Programme throughout the UK and Europe.  Detox retreats and short workshops are held most months of the year,  Training courses are held in April and August, and personal advice consultations may be arranged at any time.

Further Information

Please contact Elaine Bruce on Tel: 01584 875 308;



The Listening Centre London


The Listening (Voice, Music and Language) Centre, London, established by Ella Williams in 2001, is now in its 11th year of operation.


The UK Centre for Living Foods

This client learns to sing with the full frequency of his voice.


Situated in North London, The Listening Centre offers Listening Therapy as based on the published works of Professor Alfred A Tomatis, who as long ago as 1957 was honoured by the French Academy of Science with the acknowledgement of the ‘Tomatis Effect’, which reduced to a nutshell is – you can only produce sounds that you are able to hear.  This means that any change in our listening patterns leads to an immediate change in our speech, musical production and related communication skills.

The change in listening pattern is brought about by a course of therapy using the electronic ear, a patented device which filters selected frequencies of sounds. This gives exercise to the muscles within the middle ear that may have lost their responsiveness to certain sounds and patterns. Returning these muscles to peak condition the ear becomes more receptive and following this our production of sound alters as well. The course is intensive and the results can be life-changing.

Unlike vocal coaching and other formal teaching the therapy is not geared towards learning a technique or method, but works gently and without rote learning of any sort. During the sessions clients listen to the music of Mozart and Gregorian chant. Later on clients will chant, sing and speak with their own voice filtered back to them through the electronic ear, and so come to naturally project the fuller sounds that they now perceiving.

Listening therapy has been found to help with learning difficulties that are based in auditory processing and communication – especially dyslexia, dyspraxia, delayed speech, autism and ADHD. Gerard Depardieu has given testimony to Professor Tomatis in helping him overcome stammering and challenging behaviour as a teenager; and as an adult with attention and memory improvement – indeed he credits Tomatis with giving him language. 

Further Information

Please contact Ella Williams on Tel: 020 7359 5268;



Remote Healthcare: Masters and Graduate Diploma


This Masters Programme, at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, is the only one offered in the UK! The course is predominantly delivered via distance learning except for the first module which is delivered face to face over 5 consecutive days in Plymouth.


Open wastes


Programme Overview

The programme aims to develop evidence-based remote healthcare practitioners with specialist knowledge, skills and understanding of current issues influencing the organization, delivery and leadership of remote healthcare practice, and the challenges of expedition planning and the use of remote information sources such as telemedicine; and to equip them with the advanced skills necessary to critically analyse and synthesise a range of information in order to make safe and effective decisions in complex, unpredictable and remote situations.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Remote Healthcare (60 Masters credits) of the two modules for the Postgraduate Diploma plus two further modules:

  • Remote Practitioner (Module One)
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience (Module Two)

The Postgraduate Diploma in Remote Healthcare (120 Masters credits) consists of the two modules for the Postgraduate Diploma plus two further modules:

  • Remote Practitioner (Module One)
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience (Module Two)

The Masters in Remote Healthcare (180 Masters credits) comprises of the four modules for the Postgraduate Diploma plus the Dissertation module (60 Masters credits).

Further Information

If you have any queries regarding this course, please speak to a member of the Admissions team on Tel: 01752 437333; 



Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice

For 20 years the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) has been the global leader in functional medicine education. Our foundational course, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP), now in its 15th year, has constantly evolved to meet and exceed practitioners' expectations.


Institute for Functional Medicine logo


For only the second time this course is being run outside of the USA, and it will be the only time it will be running in the UK this year. We are pleased to announce that once again, in conjunction with our UK Lead Sponsor, Nutri-Link Ltd, and the co-organizer - Clinical Education, we will present the course in London. It will adhere to the same rigorous standards as in the USA, with minor adjustments in topics such as laboratory profiles, tests, etc., to make it directly relevant to UK and EU practitioners.

Course: 5 day intensive training course: Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice

Date: April 30th - May 4th 2012

Venue:  Hilton Metropole, London


Our faculty team for this program includes exceptionally talented clinicians with extensive experience not only in their own specialties, but also in using functional medicine in a clinical setting. Speakers include Patrick Hanaway MD, Bethany Hays MD FACOG, Kristi Hughes ND; Dan Lukaczer ND, Robert Rountree MD; and Michael Ash BSc (Hons) DO ND F Dip ION.

Special Offer Discount for BANT and IFM Members

The British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) and The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) members receive a 10% discount in addition to the early-bird discount which is available to all attendees who book before the cut-off date. (The additional 10% discount applies to currently registered members of either nominated organization; proof of current membership must be provided at the time of the booking. This 10% is applicable only once; joint members of the two organizations do NOT receive a 20% discount.) The 10% membership discount is applicable at all times to the cost of the course even after the early-bird booking dates have passed.

Further Information

To find out more about this exciting opportunity, please Tel: 08450 760 402; 



Pekana Homeopathic - Spagyric Medications


Pekana Remedies from Germany are a unique brand of homoeopathic and herbal remedies made by the ancient Spagyric method. The firm's founder, Dr Peter Beyersdorf, travelled all over Germany to assemble these formulas from famous herbal and homoeopathic practitioners. The remedies are also based on Dr Beyersdorf's life-time of study and research and consultation with the leading German medical homoeopaths.




The remedies have an amazingly strong shown by Kirlian photographs of the energy fields of the remedies. We found these remedies very effective in the treatment of chronic fatigue, tiredness, convalescence, recovery from illnesses, accidents, prolonged stress. Dr Beyersdorf  lavished care on the production of these ancient formulae.

Clinical Experience...

  • Restore the breaks in the patient's aura
  • Augment the person's overall energy
  • Restore the colours of the traumatised aura to beautiful hues of health
  • Heal a surprising number of ailments, particularly chronic fatigue, stress induced illness, digestive problems, arthritis, depression, hormonal imbalance, endocrine imbalance, skin conditions and many others problems.

The list of remedies presented is the updated and  full list of available remedies. Some remedies are discontinued due to new EU regulations restricting herbal ingredients. If you don't see it on the list, you cannot order it. Practitioners may contact us regarding still-existing stocks of older remedies, which we can sell until run out.

Further Information

For further information, please contact Ronnie Turner on Tel: 003531 2893147; Available from



African Spiritual Healer Professor Sheik Imam


Best Healer Black Eraser


Professor Imam, professional leading African Healer has 20 years experience in the field of African traditional healing and can help advise in areas including marriage problems, jobs, business, court cases, bad luck, alcoholism, exam worries, etc. Professor Imam is fluent in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.

Typical problems Professor Imam can help you with:

  • Marriage Problems
  • Jobs
  • Business
  • Bad luck
  • Nightmares
  • Alcoholism
  • Court cases
  • Smoking
  • Family Ties
  • Exams and many more.

Further Information

Please contact Prof Sheik Imam on Tel: 02085484999; Mob: 07985691335;



Curing IBS ~ Curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Using Natural Holistic Therapies

by Christine Fadhley LicAc MBAcC

Format: PDF: 46 pages

  • Do you know the location of every bathroom in town when you go out?
  • Are you avoiding life for fear of an Irritable Bowel Syndrome attack?
  • If so, you owe it to yourself to arm yourself with the important information share in this Curing IBS ebook. Not only will it deepen your understanding of Irritable Bowel Syndrome but it also provides solutions and a way back to health holistically!




Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for IBS can produce unpleasant side effects; furthermore, these drugs only address the symptoms not the root cause of the syndrome. You are invited to be an active participant in your own healing. The first step is to empower yourself with knowledge, then formulate a plan for action and implement it.

Author and holistic healer Christine Fadhley shares her own healing story with this challenging syndrome and the devastating toll it had on her overall health while left untreated or mistreated with incorrect supplements. But most importantly, she shares healing solutions that literally took her years to uncover! She clearly and concisely explains the steps she discovered to completely cure herself of IBS.

In this informative Curing IBS ebook, you will discover:

  • A Way Back to Full Health
  • Her Four Pronged Attack for Healing
  • An IBS Action Plan

About the Author

Christine Fadhley LicAc MBAcC  has worked in the holistic health and healing field for over a decade. She trained in Acupuncture at the London School of Five Element Acupuncture, studied Kinesiology, Christian spiritual healing, Counselling, and is a Reiki III practitioner. Christine has worked at Alt Medic Holistic Therapies and the Marjorie Centre for Complementary Health over the past decade and now works from her own private clinic rooms. She has successfully helped many people suffering from food intolerances, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and its associated condition Leaky Gut Syndrome using alternative natural healing methods.

Further Information

Christine may be contacted on Tel: 01283 703316;  and to purchase  this e-book visit



IncoStress for Stress Incontinence


Recent statistics show that around 20% of women in the UK will suffer from some sort of pelvic prolapse in their lives but in reality this figure could be shockingly higher.




  • Incostress is designed by women for women is the perfect product help control those embarrassing leaks due to the involuntary loss of urine.
  • Incostress is a dual use medical device.
  • Incostress can be used as a device to control stress incontinence.
  • Incostress can be used to help you identify the pelvic floor muscles and help you naturally strengthen your pelvic floor.
  • It is the only pelvic floor exerciser which you can use all day and night.
  • Clinically trialed at Singleton Hospital Swansea UK with favourable results.

Incostress is a product which can be used in conjunction with any physiotherapy treatment you are receiving.

  • Made from medical grade silicone.
  • Latex free
  • No drugs
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to clean
  • Use day/night or when required
  • Effective

Further information

Please contact Gaynor Morgan on 0871 218 1233;  to buy the product visit



Women’s Wisdom: Natural Wellness Strategies for the Menopause Years

by Laurel Alexander

Published by Findhorn Press. March 2012. £7.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-566-7.

Shifts in the mind, body, and spiritual energy can be as much of an opportunity as a challenge; this self-help guide offers sage advice to menopausal women. Erasing the stigma that is often attached to this transitional period, experiences of the Dark Goddess are explored and embraced.


Natural Wellness Strategies for the Menopause Cover


Alexander highlights an exhaustive list of helpful strategies, including nutrition and herbs, meditations and imagery, flower essences, vibrational healing through quartz crystals, reflexology, and more. Celebrating a reconnection with natural life cycles, thought-provoking suggestions are explored for envisioning this profound change as a rite of passage, and not something to fear.

Alexander guides the reader through the three stages of the menopause: peri-menopause, menopause and post menopause, with clear advice and Wise Women Ways.

“Anxiety, depression, sadness, difficulty concentrating, overreacting to minor upsets, anger, irritability, panic attacks, forgetfulness, and mood swings are all typical of the psychological issues we may face during the menopause years. Some symptoms will be hormone-related, while others are due to the changes in a woman’s life around that time.

“Situations and life events that tend to crowd into a woman’s life in her late 40s and 50s include having to deal with caring for and/or the death of elderly parents, birth of grandchildren, children leaving home, divorce, retirement of self or partner, widowhood, and altered self-image due to aging. Other psychological challenges can include beliefs about no longer being useful, distorted body image, fear of death, feeling unemployable, low self-worth, and a sense of loss related to the end of fertility.”

from Natural Wellness Strategies for the Menopause Years.

Further Information

Available from Amazon and Findhorn Press



Honegar Original Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey


Honegar Original blends the finest apple cider vinegar with pure honey to create a delectably drinkable tonic reputed to have many health boosting benefits, including the relief of joint related pains and symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as assisting with digestion, promoting weight loss and maintaining the body’s natural balance.


Honegar Low Res


Based on a traditional folk recipe passed from generation to generation, the unique honey-based formulation was discovered by the late Dr DeForest Clinton Jarvis, an American physician best known for his work in the area of folk medicine, who became convinced of the remedy’s health benefits while working among farming communities in Vermont, USA.

His observations led to the preparation of the original Honegar recipe, following which Dr Jarvis devoted his work to investigating the uses for Honegar, and researching its benefits for promoting good health and wellbeing. More than 50 years on, Honegar has an international following, with devotees including Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who swears by the preparation to keep arthritis at bay.

Renowned for its natural antiseptic, soothing and cleansing properties, and packed with amino acids, trace elements, calcium, potassium and iron, honey has long been popular as a high energy health food.  Cider vinegar has been valued for its medicinal properties since 3000BC, when the Egyptians reputedly used it to treat a variety of health ailments, and as a tonic to aid weight loss.

Further Information

Honegar Original is available from Holland & Barratt, all good health food stores in the High Street and online health retailers.



Make Your Own Aphrodisiacs

by Julie Bruton Seal & Matthew Seal

Published by Merlin Unwin Books. 2012. Hardback. £7.99. ISBN: 978 1 906122 33 1.


Cover Make your own Aphrodisiacs


Aphrodisiacs take their name from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. They have been used to stimulate desire for millennia, concocted from spices, herbs, fruit and flowers by poets, lovers, Queens and warriors from every corner of the globe.

Authors Julie and Matthew Bruton-Seal, experienced professional herbalists, have written self-help bestsellers Kitchen Medicine and Hedgerow Medicine – now they turn their thoughts to romance.

Here are their beautifully-photographed recipes for        

  • Erotic food
  • Sensual oils and potions
  • Seductive scents and
  • Desirous drinks

The book covers plant medicine in great detail and includes herbs from all over the world.  It is fascinating to read about local favourite remedies in different cultures and also how traditional dessert recipes for romantic dinners are based on their aphrodisiac qualities.  It seems we’ve been onto something for a long time with the wide popularity of chocolate, almonds, figs, and vanilla.  Savoury recipes are not excluded either and there are lots of good ideas on how to include chilli, cardamom, nutmeg and oats in both food and drink.

Aromatherapists are well aware of the complex, sensual and powerful effects of the absolute oils of rose, jasmine and neroli and these are looked at in some detail with lovely ideas for recipes and massage blends.

Further Information

Available from Amazon and Merlin Unwin books.  


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    Turning Point Training

    Turning Point Training are offering Level 1 Courses in Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner Training level 1 2012. The spring course takes place in South Molton, Devon on 17-18 March, 14-15 April, 12-13 May, 9-10 June with the exam on 30 June. Course code: ND/3/12

    The Autumn course takes place in the Martinsell Centre, Marlborough, Wiltshire on 7-9 September, 12-14 October and 9-10 November with the exam on 11 November. Course Code: MB/9/12. Complementary Therapists' Association Approved

    Further information Tel: 01769 579079 Mob: 07944 411681;


    Evidence-Based CAM Conference

    The 4th Annual Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference organised by the Annie Appleseed Project was one of the best organized and informative conferences according to one of the attendees. The 5th conference will take place at the (former Crowne Plaza Hotel) Embassy Suites, West Palm Beach, Florida. Registration is now open. Join 300 participants, patients, advocates, caregivers and professionals of all kinds (CEUs and CNEs available as they listen, laugh, learn and eat organic food. Speakers are coming from Mexico and Germany as well as all over the USA. Exhibits, give-aways, great weather, networking and much more.

    Further information and to register:  Tel: 001 (561) 749-0084; Fax: 001 (561 499 6424;


    High Risk Oesophageal Cancer Gene Discovered

    New research from Queen Mary, University of London has uncovered a gene which plays a key role in the development of oesophageal cancer. The researchers studied families who suffer a rare inherited condition making them highly susceptible to the disease and found that a fault in a single gene was responsible. Initial studies suggest that the gene could play a role in the more common, non-inherited form of the disease, revealing a new target for treating this aggressive type of cancer. Oesophageal cancer affects more than 8,000 people each year in the UK and rates are rising.  It is more common in the UK than anywhere else in Europe.

    Further information: Tel: 020-7882 7943


    Women in Europe for a Common Future

    A French study has confirmed correlation between increased incidence of child leukaemia and the vicinity of nuclear power plants. The International Journal on Cancer published in its January magazine, a new study from France, confirming an earlier German study that the incidence of child leukaemia more than doubles near nuclear power plants for children below the age of 5 living within a 5km radius of nuclear power plants compared to children living further than 20km from a nuclear power plant. The nationwide study was carried out in cooperation with the national child cancer registry of Villejuif, including 2,753 child leukaemia cases diagnosed between 2002 and 2007 and a control group of 30,000. The addresses were geocoded around 19 nuclear power plants.

    Further information Tel: 0031-6.2812.9992 (Mobile)  +31 (30) 23 10 300 (Netherlands)  +49 (89) 23 23 93 80 (Germany).


    Interactive Asthma Animation

    A new interactive asthma animation provides a comprehensive overview of asthma as a critical starting point for individuals and/or their loved ones. All information has been reviewed for medical accuracy by an MD.

    Further information: http://www/


    NLP Life and The Best You Can Be

    This year’s NLP Life and The Best You Can Be Events Calendar is shaping up to be the greatest ever with something for everyone in 2012. Seminars include: Peter Thompson’s Production Creation Goldmine. Peter Thompson will be holding seminars in Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and London and is the UK’s most prolific information product creator; Dr John Demartini’s Wealth & Finance in the Time of Crisis The Best You Can Be will present high-profile Dr John Demartini, on the teachers on The Secret video, at a special London seminar in March; Richard Bandler will return to London in May 2012 and discounted spots at his internationally-acclaimed Licensed Practitioner of NLP Course are on offer; Tony Robin’s Unleash The Power Within in London in May have now sold out, but there are still opportunities to attend the self-help powerhouse’s iconic four-day seminar in May. They have recently discounted the price of the Bridal Coach DVD for brides-to-be and their loved ones.

    Further information Tel: 020-7927 6506;


    Award for Professor in Japan

    Professor Masao Matsuoko, from the Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University, Japan, has been announced as the recipient of the 2011 M Jeang Retrovirology Prize. The annual prize, partly sponsored by the Ming K Jeang Foundation, celebrates groundbreaking research from retrovirologists aged between 45 and 60. Professor Matsuoka graduated from Kumamoto University Medical School in 1982, before returning to study at the Graduate School there in 1984. The award recognizes the exceptional work he has conducted which clearly demonstrated the significance of HBZ genes in the pathogenesis of HTLV-1 associated diseases and showed that HBZ promoted proliferation of T cells and induced both T- cell lymphomas and inflammations.

    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2216


    Arthritis Research

    Research published in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy shows that cells from osteoarthritic knees have abnormally shortened telomeres and that the percentage of cells with ultra short telomeres increases the closer to the damaged region within the joint. Telomeres, the very ends of chromosomes become shorter as we age. When a cell divides, it first duplicates its DNA and because the DNA replication machinery fails to get all the way to the end, with each successive cell division, a little bit more is missed. New research is published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Arthritis Research and Therapy.

    Further information Tel: 020 3192 2370;  0778 698 1967


    Happiness Project News

    New courses by The Happiness Project have been announced for 2012. Love Changes Everything? London and Live Stream! 4 February 2012. Join Robert and Nick Davis for their annual dedication to love, which is available via live streaming wherever you are in the world. Attend in person or via the live stream. Authentic Success? Alternatives – London 6 February 2012. Our modern lifestyles are often more manic, busy and hyper than ever. Robert will be talking at Alternatives in the beautiful St James Church in Piccadilly, London. Real Leadership? in London on 16 March 2012, brings together Ben Renshaw’s, Co-Director of Success Intelligence, latest insights on essential principles for taking the next steps in your work and life.

    Further information:


    Knead Bakery New Website

    Knead Bakery specialists in allergy friendly fare will launch a new website this year. Having started out just 9 months ago as a one woman band, Knead Bakery has enjoyed much success already which has prompted the development of a new website and photo shoot. Offering a range of products that are all gluten, dairy and cane sugar-free is what has set them apart from the rest of the free-from market appealing to not just allergy suffers and the health conscious, but to diabetics and anyone wanting to control their sugar intake too. The launch site which is planned for February will coincide with the products being made more readily available in shops around the country as Knead Bakery starts to work with distributors this year.

    Further information Tel: 07920 102284


    Natural Alternative to HRT at Grayshott Spa

    Grayshott Spa is delighted to be working with Maryon Steward, internationally renowned women’s health expert, bestselling author and pioneer of the Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service and Natural Health Advisory Service. Where HRT may not always be the right solution, this retreat offers a proven, scientific and natural alternative. In conjunction with Natural Menopause Plan™, they will show how food, exercise, supplements and herbal remedies as well as supportive spa treatments can offer the best alternative to managing your menopause and ensuring long term health of your heart, bones and total body.

    Further information:  or


    New Degree to Address Links between Diet and Disease

    A new University of Aberdeen degree is set to deliver a fresh breed of scientists to address the links between diet and diseases including cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Nutri-genomics is an emerging area of scientific research which looks at the relationship between what we eat, disease and our own individual genetic make-up. The one year programme will be based at the University’s Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health and its Foresterhill campus.

    Further information Tel: 01224 437020


    College of Body Science

    The College of Body Science is running some new courses in 2012. Inside the Cranium 7-9 February 2012 at London Bridge -  work with a real skull for two days and then spend a day in the dissection lab.  Pathology 27-28 February and 27 March at London Bridge. A 3-day wiz through the basic pathologies you may come across in Practice which are useful to know about. Know Your Viscera 17-18 July in Launceston, Cornwall. How is your knowledge of your organs? Brush up your knowledge and fill in a few more missing pieces. Certificate in Body Science – Intensive 18-20 September, 16-18 October and 13-15 November 2012 in Axbridge, Somerset. If you have the desire, motivation and energy to put into learning (or re-covering) the basics of our anatomy, physiology and pathology.

    Further information Tel: 0845 108 1088


    Stem Cell Therapy Reverses Diabetes

    Type 1 diabetes is caused by the body’s own immune system attacking its pancreatic islet beta cells and requires daily injections of insulin to regulate the patient’s blood glucose levels. Stem Cell Educator Therapy slowly passes lymphocytes separated from a patient’s blood over immobilized cord blood stem cells (CBSC) from healthy donors. After two to three hours in the device, the re-educated lymphocytes are returned to the patient. The progress of the patients was checked at 4, 12, 24 and 40 weeks after therapy. By 12 weeks after the treatment, all patients who had received the therapy had improved levels of C peptide, a protein fragment made as a by-product of insulin manufacture and can be used to determine how well beta cells are working.

    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2370


    Rescue Remedy and The Stress Management Society

    Rescue Remedy has teamed up with The Stress Management Society to help people who might be suffering from Smartphone Stress Syndrome. If you received a Blackberry or iPhone for Christmas or have had one for a while, you might be interested to find out if it’s affecting your stress levels. 46% of mobile users in the UK own a Smartphone, which means we are carrying around a constant work inbox, personal emails, Facebook and Twitter at all times. A handbag handy Rescue Remedy can help when it all gets too much. Rescue Remedy is a combination of five Bach™ Flower Remedies specially blended to comfort and provide relief in those Smartphone-related situations.

    Further information: or available from Boots, Lloyds pharmacy, independent pharmacies, health food stores and grocery stores nationwide.


    Nature’s Plus Whole-Body Acai Cleanse

    Nature’s Plus Whole Food Body Cleanse with Acai and Exotic Superfruits is an ultimate whole body cleansing formula for weight loss and total wellbeing. The ingredients in this unique formula including 500mg of powerful acai berry, cleanse your body, yielding greater energy and improved metabolism. Also containing Spectra-Cleanse (115 whole foods), rice, oats, prune and beet fibre, psyllium Ayurvedic triphala, cascara, pectins and more. This whole body acai cleansing formula helps rid your intestinal tract of accumulated impurities and toxins.

    Further information: and available from health food stores nationwide.


    The Alchemy of Voice

    Stewart Pearce has created the most amazing mp3 entitled The Alchemy of Voice – Incantation. The recording holds three tracks, each produced by Stewart’s richly resonant voice, spoken in a state of profound devotion to the Source along with music by Ali Calderwood. The three tracks are The Twelve Angelic Codes in Hebrew, The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, and The Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit. Stewart and Findhorn Press are offering the mps as a free download to empower and inspire all who listen to the recording.

    To download please go to:


    Detox/Anti-Fatigue Supplements

    Unless we eat a varied amount of raw fruit and vegetables every day, our bodies will not get the enzymes required to recover and recuperate after the excesses of Christmas and the New Year. Detox/Anti-Fatigue contains a blend of enzyme we need to extract energy and nutrients from food. Each capsule contains a formula made from 10 vital ingredients, all of which give our bodies the very best chance of detoxing safely, more effectively and without feeling lethargic and bloated. Detox/Anti-Fatigue contains: beetroot fibre, amylase, papain, lipase, cellulose, milk thistle, bromelain, fennel powder and CoQ10. Atone recommends taking one capsule within an hour before a main meal. The Atone range consists of 6 products. All products offer something different and can be taken simultaneously. Suitable for vegetarians.

    Further information: Atone is now available in The Grocery, Shoreditch and Whole Foods Markets in London or from


    Anxiety Research

    Many people use ‘anxious’ as a synonym for ‘hypersensitive.’ Now a Tel Aviv University researcher studying neuronal activity has found that their anxiety may actually spring from insensitivity to changes in their environment. Tahl Frenkel, a Ph.D candidate at TAU’s School of Psychological Sciences discovered that anxious study participants weren’t as physiologically sensitive to subtle changes in their environment as less fearful individuals. She reasons that anxious people could have a deficit in their threat evaluation capacities, which are necessary for effective decision-making and fear regulation.

    Further information Tel: 212.742.9070 ext 117


    MS Study

    A new study form researchers at Queen Mary, University of London shows how a particular virus tricks the immune system into triggering inflammation and nerve cell damage in the brain which is known to cause MS. The new study proves the virus is involved in a manner more sophisticated and subtle than previously imagined and may offer new ways to treat or prevent the disease. MS is a neurological condition that affects around 100,000 people in the UK. It can cause vision problems, difficulties walking and fatigue and tends to strike mainly young and middle aged women.

    Further information Tel: 020-7882 7910;  Mob: 07528 771 332;


    Weather Forecasting Data to Help Brain Tumour Spread

    An innovative new study published in Biology Direct shows that the mathematical methodology used to assimilate data for weather forecasting could be used to predict the spread of brain tumours. The authors from the Arizona State University and the Barrow Neurological Institute, Arizona, USA wanted to prove that mathematical methods used in weather prediction could be useful in clinical situations, not only with brain cancer, but with other cancers and diseases as well.

    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2370;  Mob: 07786 981 967;


    Safer Endoscopic Procedures

    Common endoscopic procedures are very invasive, requiring sedatives and recover time. Now a Tel Aviv University researcher is using the strong magnetic force of an MRI machine to provide a more precise, deliberate and safer procedure. Dr Gabor Kosa of TAU’s School of Mechanical Engineering, has devised a method to guide endoscopic ‘capsules’ on a more precise course through the small intestine to detect difficult to diagnose tumours or wounds, or allow for biopsies or drug delivery. The ability to manipulate the capsule he says, will not only lead to better diagnosis capabilities, but a less invasive and quicker procedure as well.

    Further information Tel: 212.742.9070 ext 117;

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    Supercoherence master code can restore each human to their pristine pure state at the speed of light

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