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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 203

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 203 - February 2013

Best Care Himalayan Crystal Salt

Himalayan crystal salt is the most beneficial, cleanest salt available on this planet, where the energy of the sun has dried up the original, primal sea, millions of years ago. This crystal salt is absolutely pristine and natural, identical to the ancient primal ocean. It contains all the elements found in our bodies.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

This special salt is only waiting for the moment to have its inherent, stored energy, its bio-photon content, set free, by adding water to it. Such crystalline sole is a pure ocean of energy.

Today, European Doctors and Alternative Therapists alike are successfully applying the ancient knowledge of "Sole" or brine water, derived from combining Original Himalayan Crystal Salt with good quality spring water. Their success is once again worthy of our attention and you can gain immediate access to the hidden power of these unparalleled natural salt crystals. This natural crystal salt has been exposed for millions of years to enormous pressure. This pressure was the cause of the formation of this crystal salt. The higher the compression, the more perfect the crystalline structure, with its inherent information/energy becomes, and these rock crystals have the most perfect geometric structure found.

Crystal salt floats in transparent, whitish, pinkish or reddish shiny veins in the salt mountain and crystallises in areas where sufficient pressure was available to form this perfect crystalline structure. The more geometrically perfect the cube shaped crystal is, the higher is the information content, similar to a diamond. In this crystal salt, the elements are available in such tiny particles that they can be easily absorbed by the human cells and metabolised. Crystal salt, in its perfect form, from a geological viewpoint, is also called halite.

Further Information

Please contact BestCare Products on Tel: 01342 410303;


Diploma in Āyurvedic Healthcare - College of Ayurveda (UK)


The College of Ayurveda offers a most comprehensive curriculum in the field of Āyurvedic medicine in the UK based on the advice of the Dept. of AYUSH, New Delhi, India.


The Diploma in Āyurvedic Healthcare is a 3-year self-paced distant learning programme based on a blended-learning approach, which involves both e-learning and class-room based face-to-face tutorials.  Students are allocated a named personal tutor who guides them throughout their studies and is accessible via the telephone, email or Skype.

Programme Structure

Year 1: (Level 3)

  • Applied Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology
  • History and Philosophy of Ayurveda and Sanskrit
  • Counselling and Therapeutic Skills
  • Theory and Practice of Āyurvedic Massage
  • Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda

Exit Qualification: Certificate in Āyurvedic Massage

Year 2: (Level 4)

  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Aetio-pathology
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • European Materia Medica
  • Modern Diagnostics

Exit Qualification: Certificate in Āyurvedic Nutrition

Year 3: (Level 5)

  • Research Methods in Healthcare
  • Āyurvedic Pharmacy and Alchemy
  • Management, Health & Safety and First Aid
  • Āyurvedic Therapeutics I (Kāyacikitsa)
  • Āyurvedic Therapeutics II (Pañcakarma)

Exit Qualification: Certificate in Pañcakarma

Clinical Internship:

Ten (10) weeks of Clinical Practice in India/Sri Lanka.

Exit Qualification: Diploma in Āyurvedic Healthcare

Further Information

For further details of this innovative programme please contact College of Ayurveda (UK) on 

Tel:  01908 664518;


The British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy - BIAET


Principal: Donald M Harrison BA (Hons Psych) BSc MR Pharm S


The British Institute was formed in January 1987 to bring together a group of Therapists who practise a unique system of allergy diagnosis and treatment, a system that had already been used very successfully for nearly ten years. The Institute's members are all qualified health professionals - both mainstream and complementary - with a keen interest in allergic conditions (such as Hayfever) and their causes.

Membership of the Institute is by way of its Diploma in Allergy & Environmental Therapy - Dip AET

The Course is written by practising therapists and is based on nearly 30 years of experience in the successful treatment of allergic conditions. It comprises 10 substantial distance-learning modules together with attendance on two occasions for practical instruction and lectures at the Institute's premises in Wales. All course materials are provided, together with text books.

Subjects covered are:

  • Introduction and historical background in brief
  • Allergy and the Immune System
  • The Patient Interview
  • Testing for Allergens
  • The Muscle Test
  • Treatment of Allergies
  • Isopathic (Homoeopathic) Desensitisation
  • The Candida Connection
  • Food Intolerance
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • The Psychological Connection
  • Allergic Symptoms & Iatrogenic Illness
  • Allergic Conditions of the Respiratory Tract
  • Allergic Conditions of the Alimentary Tract
  • Allergic Conditions of the Skin
  • Conditions of the Skeletal System
  • Conditions of the Nervous System
  • Conditions of the Reproductive System
  • Dental Amalgam Problems
  • Hyperactivity - ADHD
  • Post Viral Syndrome - Myalgic Encephalmyelitis
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • The Role of Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses

Further Information

Please contact The British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy on Tel: 01974 241376; Fax: 01974 241795;


Advanced Certificate in Professional Practice of Holistic Healing


Association of Natural Medicines-accredited Advanced Level Professional Practice Training with Kay Zega MA qualified college lecturer / trainer, multi-therapist, counsellor, wellness and positive life change specialist with many years' experience operating as a professional complementary therapist.

28 & 29 January; 22 & 23 April; 29 & 30 July; 7 & 8 October 2013

Angelic Reiki

This ANM-accredited Advanced Certificate in Professional Practice of Holistic Healing qualification is an invaluable aid to those practising - or wishing to practise - holistic therapies (of which Angelic Reiki is one).  As detailed below, it involves intensive accredited training in how to operate successfully as a Professional Practitioner and includes the essentials of practising your complementary therapy(ies) legally, ethically, successfully to a high standard of professionalism, inspiring respect and trust.  It also covers setting up in business, marketing and managing your practice, plus much more.

Is this accredited Advanced Level Professional Practitioner Course for you?

Yes, if

  • You are already qualified to practitioner level in a complementary/holistic therapy and realise there are gaps in the practitioner training you've received that could be filled by this course;
  • It appeals to you to incorporate this well-respected ANM-accredited Advanced Certificate in Professional Practice of Holistic Healing qualification into the holistic therapy training you are undertaking with Kay Zega or someone else;
  • You choose to supplement your existing training by learning the essentials of practising your complementary therapy(ies) legally, ethically, successfully to a high standard of professionalism, inspiring trust/respect. Even if you feel your original training was not A1, your experience to date will be respected and valued;
  • Life has led you down different paths since qualifying as a practitioner and this course appeals as a refresher/skills update opportunity.  Your wisdom and experience will be respected and valued;
  • You see merit in acquiring this Advanced Level qualification.

Successful completion of this course, merits award of the ANM-accredited Advanced Certificate in Professional Practice of Holistic Healing plus a CPD certificate. This course can be combined with the Angelic Reiki Part 2 Professional Practitioner workshop.

Further Information

For further information and to book your place please contact Kay Zega on Tel: 01905 26002;


Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival (ICMF) celebrates its 25th birthday in March 2013

The event this year is running on Saturday 23 March and Sunday 24 March 2013. Doors open from 10am -5pm both days.

Ilkley Festival

It was first started by Beryl Fox, a local lady living in Ilkley who visited a Mind Body & Spirit event in London and having a keen interest in these events decided to hold the same at the Kings Hall in Ilkley. The venue of the Kings Hall and Winter Gardens in Ilkley is an ideal place to hold such an event.  Beryl first did the event annually but in 1990 went to twice yearly and that remains the same today. I joined Beryl in 1992 and Michael followed in 2000. It was with such sadness that Beryl had to give up the event due to ill health in March 2005 and Michael and I assured her that we would continue to help the event grow and remain as popular as ever. 

Each year we are able to introduce new exhibitors and the recommendations we receive with new enquiries is because they have heard ICMF is the best event in the North of England.

ICMF continues to support local traders who are stand holders over the weekend and who own businesses within the Yorkshire area whether they are practitioners or shop traders. We also have exhibitors who come from afar and supportive our event. The number of visitors to the event remains as popular as ever.

Exhibitors always say they “are coming home” when they return to Ilkley. We have a fabulous team of helpers who have been with us for many years. Whether you are a new exhibitor or old one, there will be a cup of Yorkshire tea/coffee waiting for you on arrival. Help is at hand to get your goods into the venue and the same applies on the Sunday when you leave. We serve good home made food at the event and even the cakes are popular.

As the present Festival Organisers our goals are to continue to make Beryl’s dream a reality and our thanks go to her for having the initiative to started Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival in March 1985.

Happy Birthday ICMF

Further Information

Ilkley Festival is located at 13 Silverdale Road, Guiseley, Leeds LS20 8AZ. Please contact

To enquire about the festival or book a stand at the next event, please contact Michael Weaver on Tel: 01943 872387; Mob: 07939468822


Seagreens® Seaweed for Weight Regulation


2012 saw the publication of some independent, groundbreaking peer-reviewed research conducted by the Centre for Food Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University. It was the first time that the efficacy of whole food seaweed had been scientifically tested as potentially useful in the treatment of obesity.


A teaspoon of Seagreens® human food qualityTM seaweed was fed to a group of overweight but otherwise healthy men, as an ingredient in an otherwise normal breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. After eating the breakfast, the men who ate the seaweed consumed an average 179 less calories per day than the control group - significant, because a daily reduction of 100 calories is already known to be sufficient to prevent weight gain. The trial subjects had no idea that the bread they were eating contained Seagreens. The Seagreens bread and the control bread were thoroughly tested for taste acceptability prior to this single blind crossover trial.

Seagreens are high in specific phenols, which naturally inhibit the carbohydrate digesting enzymes a-amylase and a-glucosidase, and therefore slow the release of sugar into the blood, effectively making us feel fuller for longer. This is similar to the effect of eating lower GI (Glycemic Index) foods.

In obesity there is often inflammation and an acidic system. The wild wrack seaweed harvested by Seagreens is a natural anti-inflammatory, and it is some 7 times more alkalizing than apples! With a pH between 8 and 10, it is one of the most alkalizing of all foods.

Overall, certain seaweeds are an unparalleled source of organic minerals and trace elements - in fact all the naturally occurring micronutrients which are often depleted in our soils and

deficient in manufactured foods.

You can watch a video about Seagreens:

Further Information

For more information, please contact Seagreens on Tel: 0845 064 0040; 01444 401207;


Acceptance of Bioresonance with Rayonex - Health Leads UK


Rayonex and the acceptance of bioresonance are enjoying some exciting times. Playing a large part are prestigious research facilities such as the University of Marburg and the Fraunhofer Institute in Dresden where a study was conducted in 2012. The Institute developed a method by which cell complexes are systematically damaged. If a defined degree of damage then exists, it can be assessed to determine if a therapeutic approach, e.g., bioresonance therapy is effective. This study also ruled out placebo effect.


To quote their findings - ‘Rayonex devices increase the metabolic activity of fibroblasts up to 8 %.’ - ‘The results obtained with Keratinocytes are particularly interesting. Damaged cells show significantly high activities in the normal cell division phase. This applies, in particular, to the PS 1000 with 40 % increased activity.’

Nearly 2000 automatic treatment programs can be run on the device and the possibilities of analysis are infinite. With this device it is possible for instance to pinpoint an energetic dysregulation of the heart; determine if it is a valve, chamber, artery etc. It’s possible to determine pathology such as angina; decipher which pathogens are involved and much more. This can be achieved in minutes. Even though the Rayocomps are class 2a medical devices, analysis is strictly for research and experimentation.

It is heartening to receive positive reports from those who accept that the future lies with energy medicine and take steps to protect their own health and that of patients avoiding negative environmental influences modern life presents.

Bioresonance devices are a development of established therapies such as homeopathy and acupuncture which date back 2 to 3000 years. Likewise reflexology, shiatsu, chi-gong, are all forms of energy medicine. It seems our ancestors knew there was more to life than chemical processes.

Acknowledging that we are controlled primarily by energies and secondly by chemicals it follows that energetic fields should exert an influence on body and regulatory mechanisms.

The dangers of electro-smog from household appliances and high frequency devices are widely acknowledged; even the WHO classifies wireless devices as potential carcinogens. Surrounded by high frequency radiation it’s vital to know how to practice avoidance, shield and protect ourselves. We have no senses for these energies but many animals do. Our 7 chickens have Mini-Rayonex devices in their hutches and we have seen a marked difference in their wellbeing. They are aware of these devices, often they can be seen standing by them; perhaps they know what helps. Humans who search beyond the ‘accepted’ can too.

Rayonex is a very ethical eco company; they live by their philosophy.  The office pyramids use geothermal heating and esmog is infinitesimal yet the buildings use high Technology and seem futuristic while merging smoothly with ancient wisdom. The complex including Science Park are a delight to visit, many thousands do so annually.

Further Information

Please contact Rayonex UK Ltd - Health Leads on Tel: 01559 364 711; Fax: 01559 364 043;


Are you losing your Hair?

Did you know there’s a Natural Solution?

The Unique Irene Royal Jelly Formulation

Irene Stein Hair Loss Products

Irene Stein has over 40 years experience with her Unique Formulation

There are thousands of people throughout the world who have reversed their Hair Loss, as well as prevented and reversed the greying process naturally

Discover more information re: Hair and many other Health Conditions at

For further information

contact - Irene Stein Tel: 07831 641199  -  Email:


Get Yourself Soy Slim in 2013


A new study, published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine, has shown that simply replacing a glass of cow’s milk a day with soya milk could be enough to help significantly reduce your waist line. The study looked at 24 women in a trial in which for four weeks they drank cow’s milk and then, after a two week gap, they swapped to soya milk, drinking one glass a day, for a further four weeks.

Vive Soy

The results showed that there was a significant different in the size the women dropped off the waistlines dependent on which type of milk they drank, and that when the women consumed soya milk they dropped an average of 3.79% (+/- 0.51) off their waistlines. That’s one and a quarter inches off the waistline of the average woman in the UK, just from swapping one glass of milk!

Whilst the researchers didn’t look in detail at how soya milk resulted in the decrease in waist circumference, they thought it might be related to soy milk phytoestrogen (a plant chemical that acts like the hormone oestrogen) content and soy milk protein which may play an important role on reducing fat accumulation.

The Tastiest Way to Benefit from Soya Milk

Whilst the various benefits of soya milk have been well publicized, those wanting to give it a go to see if they can drop a few inches off their waists, will be pleased to know that there’s a new soya brand launching in Tesco in January that promises to put soya milk on the map for its taste and not just its health attributes.

Vive Soy is the leading soya milk brand in Spain and for good reason. They produce delicious soy milks and shakes that are renowned for their flavour and have become a firm favourite in households around Europe, beating other leading brands in taste tests. Now for the first time they have arrived in the UK and hope to show shoppers why 2013 is the time to give soya milk a go.

Further Information

For more information on Vive Soy and their range please visit


American Heart Association Scientific Sessions and The Journal of Urology® Studies Further Validate Whole Body Health Benefits of Cranberries

New studies link cranberry juice consumption with improvements in blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors in adults and urinary tract health in children. Four new studies have joined the growing body of research reinforcing the cranberry’s well-documented health benefits, dense nutrients, and polyphenol antioxidants. Among the studies is recently presented data from the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions, which correlates low-calorie cranberry juice consumption with improved blood pressure and reduced cardiovascular risk factors in adults. This, in conjunction with two new urinary tract health studies published by The Journal of Urology (Official Journal of the American Urological Association) and the Archives of Internal Medicine, joins the latest group of scientific studies that add to the cranberry’s whole body health credentials.


Cranberries and Heart Health

A new study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions in Los Angeles has found further evidence of the cranberry’s ability to reduce cardiovascular risk factors in adults due to the wealth of polyphenol antioxidant compounds found in cranberries. Conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s in-house research arm Agricultural Research Service, the study found that participants who drank cranberry juice as part of a typical American diet had lower triglyceride and C-reactive protein levels, an indicator of inflammation, than those who did not.

The study, an eight-week randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial led by USDA research physiologist Dr. Janet Novotny, looked at the effect of daily consumption of a low-calorie cranberry juice drink on risk factors of cardiovascular disease in normal-weight adults age 50 and over. After eight weeks, volunteers who consumed cranberry juice were found to have significantly lower triglyceride levels, a risk factor for heart disease, than those who consumed the placebo beverage. Volunteers who consumed cranberry juice also experienced significant lowering of C-reactive protein, a measure of inflammation that plays a role in heart attack and stroke.

Further Information

For more information on how cranberries and cranberry juice contribute to whole-body health and abstracts of the studies summarised above, please visit .


Ubiquinol and Glavonoid™ - Natural Efficiency and Safety


Kaneka Pharma Europe in Nov 2012 highlighted new application forms for its scientifically-backed ingredients: Ubiquinol, the active form of coenzyme Q10 with higher bioavailability, and the licorice extract Glavonoid™, which helps to reduce visceral fat. The vitamin-like Ubiquinol is important for the body’s energy production and furthermore protects cells from oxidative damage. Both ingredients are produced in a natural way, using special, patented methods.

Kaneka Q10

As one of its basic components, Ubiquinol supports the body’s respiratory chain. This vital process produces more than 95 percent of the energy and supplies it to the heart, brain, muscles and everywhere else that energy is needed. Ubiquinol is therefore essential for high level performance - mentally as well as physically. Since it does not have to be converted into an active form before the body can use it, Ubiquinol has a more rapid and better effect than coenzyme Q10.

The company also presented its Novel Food-approved licorice extract Glavonoid™. Derived from licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), it offers unique dual help in fighting visceral fat, thanks to its ability to activate the body’s fat metabolism and suppress fat synthesis. Studies have confirmed that an intake of 100 mg Glavonoid™ per day burns 130 kcal of body fat daily. A recent trial has shown that, in combination with exercise, a single dose of 600 mg Glavonoid™ leads to increased lipolysis in the body by accelerating fat metabolism. The extract can be used for weight management in food supplements and beverages based on milk, yoghurt, fruit and vegetables. It can also be included in products aimed at the sports and fitness market, as well as healthy ageing.

About Kaneka Pharma Europe

Kaneka Pharma Europe is based in Brussels. It is a full subsidiary of Kaneka Japan, the world’s leading supplier of coenzyme Q10 and the only supplier of Ubiquinol (the active form of CoQ10).  Most recently, Kaneka developed the licorice root extract Glavonoid™, which supports the reduction of visceral fat.

Further Information

For further information please visit


  1. Sally Neish said..

    Re Vive Soy.... I would have thought that by now EVERYONE must be aware of the detrimental effects of non-fermented soy products. They are just over processed, over hyped rubbish that can have a disasterous effect on the thyroid and unless labelled specifically as organic, more than likely are made from GM soy. And by the way.... a study with 24 women??? and no double blind??? A singularly useless study I would say, and conducted by Vive Soy no doubt. Be careful, Positive Health, who you take your advertising sheckles from!!

  2. Sandra Goodman PhD, Editor said..

    Sally, I am very grateful for your informative comment regarding non-fermented soy products. A useful web page which discusses this fairly comprehensively is
    I have today requested a response from Vive Soy - incidentally the Short Features are not paid advertising, but are promotional editorials about products, services and courses which are of interest to the Positive Health PH Online readership.
    As with many issues, soy is complex, and I think that your comments as well as the anticipated Vive Soy comments would be more instructive than to remove the Short Feature.

  3. Sandra Goodman PhD, Editor said..

    This is the response from Vivesoy to Sally Neish's Comments:
    “Dear Sandra, many thanks for giving us the opportunity to respond to the comments on your website. We very much appreciate Sally’s observations as it is always good to hear people’s viewpoints on soy. Three of her points are very easy to address. First and foremost I’d like to reiterate that we are in no way commercially connected to Positive Health and have never paid for any advertising. Secondly I can confirm that Vivesoy NEVER use any GM soy. Thirdly the study referred to in the piece has NO connection at all to Vivesoy, we just thought it showed some interesting results. Sally’s other points are a little more complicated. We agree that the study is the not the most comprehensive one, but we brought it to your attention because we thought it showed some interesting ‘initial’ results, which would be relevant to those with an interest in natural products and their possible benefits. Why we thought this was of particular interest is that the results showed a reduction in waist width ‘without’ a reduction in weight, highlighting that the results are probably the result of isoflavones acting like oestrogen. Isoflavones are said to be responsible for most of soy’s purported benefits and so to see them potentially acting in this way would be relevant to anyone with a passing interest in soy.

    "There has been a lot of research around soy and its benefits and also some potential negative effects. We are not in a position to make specific health claims given the new European laws, but I would encourage everyone interested in this topic to do their own reading. I think it is very fair to say that you cannot come to the conclusion that soy may have some negative effects in certain areas of the population without concluding it also certainly has some very positive effects. I hope this addresses Sally’s concerns in a satisfactory and complete manner.”

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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    Natural Solution  for Losing your Hair?

    The Unique Irene Royal Jelly Formulation, Irene Stein Hair Loss Products. Irene Stein has over 40 years experience with her Unique Formulation. There are thousands of people throughout the world who have reversed their Hair Loss, as well as prevented and reversed the greying process naturally. Discover more information re: Hair and many other Health Conditions

    Further information

    Irene Stein Tel: 07831 641199;


    Natural Relief for Cold Weather Aches and Pains

    Kiwiherb’s Comfrey Ointment is ideal if you suffer from arthritis, backache, a sports injury or other persistent aches and pains which are exacerbated by the cold weather, making you feel more stiff, less mobile and increasing your levels of discomfort. Kiwiherb Organic Comfrey Ointment can help at times like these, providing a highly effective natural, soothing alternative to synthetic or pharmaceutical applications as well as those products that use the increasingly endangered Arnica flowers.

    Further information: Kiwiherb Organic Comfrey Ointment is available from health stores nationwide. Tel: 01455 556281


    A Glass of Milk for Sleep Disorders

    Milk contains the hormone melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythm. Nachtmilchkristalle which is made from milk collected at night contains 100 times more melatonin than regular milk. A Munich based start-up company has succeeded in making available natural, non-synthetic melatonin for the first time. Milchkristalle Ltd had developed Nachtmilchkristalle, which can be stirred into milk or yoghurt before going to bed to help with sleep disorders, jetlag or anti-aging.

    Further information Tel:  or


    Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps

    Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps have a similar effect to ionisers. The Lamps are neutralisers of electro-smog that we are exposed to in our modern world. The presence of electrical goods in our environment seems to be multiplying and this is increasing the exposure of our bodies to high and unnatural electromagnetic frequencies. The light that is emitted from the lamps can also have positive effects of the body. Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps are getting fantastic results and can add to a room’s ambience and beauty without disturbing your decor.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410303


    Food Tank: The Food Think Tank

    Ellen Gustafson and Danielle Nierenberg have launched Food Tank: The Food Think Tank, a bold new voice in the fight for health-based agriculture, alleviating hunger and poverty, stemming the tide of obesity and improving nutrition and environmental sustainability. The co-founders of Food Tank have a vast network of followers and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to Food Tank: The Food Think Tank. Their highly anticipated and latest endeavour has been marked with the launch of their website. The site is a heavily interactive global resource for food and agriculture-related issues and a home base for connecting those involved in the food system, from producers and consumers to policy-makers and activists.

    Further information Tel: +1 202-590-1037;


    The Happiness Project News

    Robert Holden, Ben Renshaw and Avril Carson are running their annual ‘start the year’ event on 25 January. The theme of the workshop is Making 2013 Your Best Year Yet! Robert and Nick Davis will bring you an event focussed on A Course in Miracles on 2 February. This year they will be teaching about how to work harmoniously with the Holy Spirit in normal everyday activities on a course called The Eternal Sunshine of Spiritual Purpose. Love & The Enneagram will take place on 8-10 February and Coaching Happiness will take place in New York on 22-26 May a certified program in San Diego. Developing Leaders with Ben Renshaw takes place on 22 May and is based on Ben’s extensive experience running senior leadership development.

    Further information:


    Painful Bladder Syndrome - PBS

    Painful Bladder Syndrome by Philip Weeks is a new book published by Singing Dragon. With holistic medical perspectives on the causes of PBS, as well as clear explanations of specific holistic methods and techniques for bringing symptoms under control, this book will empower those with PBS to achieve greater physical and emotional wellbeing. The book also looks in a holistic way at effective natural treatments for common, co-existing conditions, including allergies, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307  


    Cancer Vaccine Institute

    Cancer Vaccine Institute is an independent charity that funds research into the use of vaccines for cancer treatment. They have experts on: Cancer treatments - specifically vaccines and Cancer Immunotherapy  (stimulating one’s immune system to help treat cancer); the link between one’s immune system and the treatment of cancer; how vaccines can successfully work in conjunction with current therapies e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy to improve cancer treatment; General advice on cancer prevention.

    Further information: 020 7498 8263 / 0845 602 0662


    The Grayshott Programme

    With 50 years experience in the serious health spa business, 2013 will see Grayshott launching The Grayshott Programme, developed by Elaine Williams, Director of Natural Therapies and Stephanie Moore, Grayshott’s Clinical Nutritionist. The Grayshott programme works on naturopathic principles underlined by the premise that optimum health must go hand-in-hand with a healthy, fully-functioning digestive system. The programme has been rigorously tested and is a strict and precise programme and a minimum 7-day commitment is required.

    Further information Tel: Reservations 01428 602020; Treatments 01428 602031;


    Canary Coaching Tips

    The top ten resolutions for 2012 were 1. Lose weight, 2. Get fit, 3. Eat more healthily, 4. Save money / spend less, 5. Get a new job, 6. Spend more time with people who matter, 7. Try out new experiences, 8. Get out of a rut, 9. Visit a new country, 10. Read more. Many New Year resolutions are broken fairly early and the advice from Canary Coaching is to make sure your resolution is an achievable goal. Be positive. Talk in terms of what you want rather than what you want to give up. Evidence: you will see and hear evidence of what you have achieved, list as many of them as you can. Context: Frame the context in which you want to have these things. If you are relying on the behaviour of someone else to get your achievement and so don’t have control, e.g. “I want to have a published novel” think instead “I want to have finished writing my novel.”

    Further information Tel: 07515 137 564;


    Irena Gray has just launched a new business about an alternative approach to tackling the problem of tiredness. Her business is about helping people to tackle tiredness with Energy Foods, or superfoods. You will find out that two major causes of unexplained tiredness are toxins in the body and vitamin deficiency. Well, the magic of many superfoods is that they are, on the one hand, great detoxifiers and, on the other hand, powerhouses of healthy nutrition.

    Further information:


    Beat the New Year Bloat

    We have all been there and suffered the consequences of a bloated belly and stomach ache as a result of us eating, drinking and generally over indulging during the festive season. According to an article published in the Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, help may be at hand for beating the bloat this year. The article entitled Functional Foods with Digestion-Enhancing Properties, which lists a number of plant extracts that can help you avoid that bloated feeling after dinner. Among the more unusual plant extracts was artichoke. Artichoke tea is a tasty way to start your day and is now available at Natur Boutique and has proved in a study in the UK that it works as well or better than therapies administered for IBS symptoms.

    Further information Tel:  020 89783740


    Yakult’s 7th International Symposium

    Yakult’s 7th International Symposium takes place in London on 22-23 April 2013. The popular event will be held at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. An international panel of expert speakers will give an update on the latest findings relating to the gut microbiota and its influence on health and disease risk. This also offers an excellent opportunity to network with researchers from the UK and the rest of Europe.

    Further information 020 80842 7600;


    Vitamin D Supplement

    According to researchers we are not getting enough of the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D. Belle+ Vitamin D is a unique vitamin D syrup and provides 100% of your RDA of vitamin D in each spoonful. It also contains rosehips which adds vitamin C and further health benefits with studies confirming that the fruit contains an extremely powerful class of anti-oxidants called polyphenols, and seems capable of giving the body a serious boost. Strong evidence suggest that fruit extracts have anti-inflammatory properties with researchers suggesting it could play a role in helping with inflammatory conditions. For children there is Belrosa, which is similar to Belle+, but with added vitamin C.

    Further information:


    Monsoon Beauty Ayurvedic Face Cream

    Inspired by the ancient art of Ayurveda, Monsoon Beauty has created 2 new face creams which combine millennia of natural medical knowledge with the wonders of modern science. Tree of Life Naturally Anti-Ageing Daily Moisturiser is a natural anti-ageing moisturiser which contains a clinically tested standardised extract from the bark of the Arjun tree, known to enhance skin nutrition through increased microcirculation and improves skin resilience and thickness. Eastern Secrets Naturally Balanced Daily Moisturiser is a naturally balanced moisturiser perfect for all dry skin types. With no chemicals, it contains Cassia angustifolia, a natural equivalent to hyaluronic acid clinically proven to offer a long term effect through the fixation of water in the skin’s outer layer.

    Further information Tel: 0844 811 0069


    Help Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer with Lycopene

    New research has revealed that lycopene has a more pronounced effect than several other carotenoids in reducing women’s risk of developing breast cancer. Lyc-O-Mato® is valued as a dietary supplement and functional food ingredient because it provides a full complement of tomato carotenoids and other nutrients to benefit good health. The synergy of the natural tomato lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene, beta-carotene, phytosterois and vitamin E results in enhanced activity and this means greater health benefits for you. Lyc-O-Mato® uses natural tomato lycopene from a strain of non-genetically modified tomatoes which are very rich in lycopene with up to 4 times the amount found in regular tomatoes.

    Further information: Lyc-O-Mato® is available from Boots, Holland & Barrett, Nature’s Way, GNC, Revital, Vita Healthcare UK Tel: 020-7372 8146  and independent health stores and pharmacies.


    Get Him To Gargle For It

    With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s the time of year when panic grips the male half of the nation as our men stress about finding the perfect gift to spoil their partner. A study suggests that love lives up and down the country are struggling as a quarter of us now sleep in separate bedrooms to our partner because of problems with snoring. Helps Stop Snoring Throat Rinse is used like any other mouth wash before bed and has the similar anti-bacterial and breath freshening properties, but where it differs is that it also contains a blend of essential oils that work to tone the soft tissues of the back of the throat. Snoring often occurs when these soft tissues relax and vibrate as we breathe during sleeping.

    Further information: Helps Stop Snoring is available from Boots and Sainsbury and from


    How to Eat Well When You Have Cancer

    How to Eat Well When You Have Cancer is a book by Jane Freeman, a Nutritionist at the London Oncology Clinic. If you have cancer, eating well is one of the most important contributions you can make towards your own treatment. The book helps put the flavour back into food at a time when eating may seem like a chore, with meals that will nourish and comfort you. There are no fad diets or special foods, just delicious tips to help strengthen and boost you. It suggests practical ways to maintain your weight and nutrient intake while battling treatment side-effects such as nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite, taste changes and dry or sore mouth. Jane is donating the profits of the book to The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

    Further information:

  • June Sayer Homeopathy

    Training Academy Homeopathy Nutrition Reiki, Distant Learning. Diet, Health Screening, Detox, Stress

  • Seaweed as Superfood

    Comprehensive nutrient balance found in no other natural food but seaweed: colon health, weight loss

  • Liposomal Nutrients

    Optimum system for nutrient delivery to cells - fully bioavailable vitamins absorbed and metabolised

  • Water for Health

    Specialist online health store focused on hydration, body pH balance and quality nutrition.

  • nutrition and cancer

    by Sandra Goodman PhD The latest scientific research regarding Nutrition and Cancer. Full details at

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