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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 205

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 205 - April 2013

Nicola Bradbury Holistic Cancer Support

Nicola J Bradbury BEd (Hons) MH MIIR, Medical Herbalist, Counsellor,  trained in bio-acoustic Sound Therapy, Reflexology and Touch for Health Kinesiology, offers specialist cancer advice and support, telephone consultations, cooking and dietary demonstrations, including overnight en-suite accommodation for people seeking holistic cancer support therapy regime alongside their conventional, orthodox treatments from their oncologist.


Uniquely qualified to assist people in recovering their health, due to her life experiences as patient and carer, many years ago Nicola sustained multiple injuries as a passenger in a motorway accident with a prognosis to be confined to a wheelchair. Her deep inner conviction that she would be able to walk again became her driving force to seek alternative ways to rebuild her health and regain her mobility. Her father’s death from cancer was her motivation to research into complementary support therapy for cancer patients for healing and quality of life alongside their orthodox protocols.

In 1999, Nicola was herself diagnosed with breast cancer. With the support of an understanding oncologist Nicola followed her own immune system therapy regime and holistic therapeutic approach which resulted in a significant reduction in her tumour which was surgically removed. Nicola regained full health. Today Nicola offers consultations to people wanting to follow the holistic cancer support therapy regime alongside their conventional, orthodox treatments from their oncologist.

Issues and Approaches Covered Include

  • Environmental changes to enhance the immune system;
  • Body care and household products to use to eliminate and avoid further chemical toxicity;
  • Emotional balancing programmes to reduce fear and vulnerability and to give a sense of empowerment and personal responsibility;
  • Immune system enhancing diets, nutritional and herbal regimes to increase strength and energy.

Nicola helps clients to look inside and rediscover the spark and passion for lost hopes and dreams. Inner happiness can bring about outer health. Nicola has written a short children’s story Sophie’s Rainbow  to help children to discover their own inner strength when ill or recovering from an accident which will be available in e-book format.

Further Information

Workshops and retreat breaks are available at a 17th century farmhouse in mid-Wales. Nicola can be contacted by telephone on Tel: 01691 648899 to book a phone consultation;


The ART of HVT CPD Osteopathy Courses: David Lintonbon DO PGCert(Clin Ed) with Jean Barnard-Hadley Osteopath

Professional Training Tailor Made Courses: CPD 7 hours Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses. Bookings are now accepted for the 2013 programme of CPD courses to be held at the London School of Osteopathy just south of Tower Bridge. Each course occupies a full day, with a one-hour lecture and six hours of practical application, carrying a credit for 7 hours CPD. The fee for each day is £140 per person, which includes a light lunch and practical hand outs. The aim is to work to a maximum of one tutor for every six attendees.

The ART of HVT

For these courses David Lintonbon DO PGCert(Clin Ed) is joined by Jean Barnard-Hadley, highly experienced in the subjects covered. She qualified at the European School of Osteopathy and the London School of Osteopathy and has practised in New Zealand and the UK. Jean continues to practise in Canonbury, North London.

The courses are listed below and at

  1. Pregnancy: dealing with the changes from the practitioner's perspective
    Sunday14th April 2013
  2. Sticking Your Neck Out: how to deal with dysfunction of the CSP & TOS
    Sunday 12th May 2013
  3. Management of the Shoulder and Impingement Syndrome
    Sunday 9th June 2013
  4. Management of the Sporting Elbow and Wrist, including RSI of the UEX
    Sunday 7th July 2013
  5. Management of Asthma: unlocking the thoracic cage, and how to improve the breath of life
    Sunday 4th August 2013
  6. Management of Low Back Pain and Associated Dysfunction
    Sunday 8th September 2013
  7. Management of Pelvic and Hip Dysfunction
    October 2013 - TBA
  8. Dealing with Knee Dysfunction through the years
    November 2013 - TBA
  9. Putting Your Right Foot Forward: dealing with gait and ankle dysfunction
    December 2013 - TBA

Courses in Dry Needling

Designed to give the practitioner or senior student the ability to use acupuncture needles for pain control in the clinical setting. The basic one or two day course teaches safe and effective techniques throughout the body to ease common painful conditions. You will be shown safe and effective needling techniques, giving you the ability to identify and treat alongside your own discipline.

Further Information

Please contact David Lintonbon DO PGCert(Clin Ed) on Mob: 07958 488784;


RAW Meal by Garden of Life Special Offer from  Blue Herbs

Garden of Life® RAW Meal is a USDA certified organic, vegan, snack or meal replacement that satisfies hunger, is naturally filling and provides energy by delivering the protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals that you would find in a healthy meal of raw foods. In one serving of RAW Meal you will find 26 RAW, organic superfoods composed of sprouts, seeds, greens and fruits plus live probiotics and enzymes for healthy digestion. RAW Meal supports healthy weight loss when used in place of a meal as part of a balanced diet plan.


An excellent source of complete protein, including all essential amino acids, RAW Meal provides sustained energy and support to build, maintain and repair lean muscle mass with 34g (68% of the Daily Value) of high quality protein from RAW, organic sprouts, featuring brown rice protein. The quality of the protein in RAW Meal is outstanding, this is accomplished by including the protein found in all three layers of each grain and seed (endosperm, germ and bran), resulting in an essential amino acid profile that is 97% correlated to whey protein and 98% correlated to mothers milk! It also is very well utilized by the body, with 98.2% Biological Value (BV).  Biological Value provides a measurement of how efficient the body utilizes the protein consumed in the diet. The Biological Value of RAW Meal compares very similarly to animal proteins, and is superior to other vegetarian proteins such as pea protein at 48% and soy protein at 57% BV.

RAW Meal is very satisfying because it is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fibre, providing between 9 and 16g per serving, which is up to 64% of the Daily Value! It also provides total support for your overall health and well-being with 20 whole food Vitamin Code vitamins and minerals providing at least 100% of the Daily Value of 16 key nutrients; and support for your immune and digestive systems from live probiotics and enzymes.

Organic RAW Meal is gluten-free, dairy-free, lactose-free and soy-free, making it suitable for vegetarians and vegans, good for those with sensitivities to milk, and the highest quality alternative to soy, whey and milk protein. It has no fillers, no synthetic nutrients, no artificial flavours or sweeteners, no preservatives and is Non-GMO verified! RAW Meal is versatile and easy to mix; it makes a tasty smoothie when mixed with almond milk and berries, and is also available in delicious Real RAW Chocolate Cacao, Real RAW Vanilla and Real RAW Vanilla Spiced Chai.

Further Information and Special Offer

Available from with £5 Off for only £34.99. Please contact Blue Herbs on Tel: 0203 488 3830;


BCNH Top Quality Nutritional Therapy Courses

BCNH is a small but exclusive college focused on offering top quality courses in Nutritional Therapy in central London. BCNH offers part-time BSc (Hons) programme in Nutritional Therapy, in partnership with the University of Greenwich, as well as Diploma courses.

BCNH Courses

The demand for Nutritional Therapy (NT) is rapidly growing and in an increasingly more competitive market, a BSc will give you an advantage - both in your professional practice and in the wider job market.  The degree has therefore been designed with flexibility in mind and can be completed over 4 - 5 year’s part-time (max. 7 years) Candidates will be able to set up their clinical practice on successful completion of BCNH Year 4 Clinical Practice and relevant university modules, while finishing their BSc modules with the University. The degree is awarded by the university and recognized internationally in countries that accept UK degrees.

BCNH course materials are based on the latest evidence-based discoveries and developments in the field of nutrition. BCNH courses are highly academic and suitable for candidates with intellectual and academic skills (or those who wish to develop these skills). The BSc programme is particularly designed to help enhance these skills, so you will be able to practise Functional Medicine with a more authoritative approach.

One’s diet and lifestyle can influence physical, mental and emotional well-being. Therefore the BCNH ethos is to emphasize food as ‘medicine’ and to use supplements with respect, thus encouraging long-term diet & lifestyle changes to promote and maintain optimum health. BCNH Clinical training starts in the first year of the courses and is based on Functional Medicine, with a strong emphasis on a holistic, albeit evidence-based approach. In addition to clinical skills, students are taught how to communicate with the medical profession in order to establish a mutually rewarding relationship.

Many successful graduates work with medical professionals and receive referrals from GPs and hospital specialists. Students come from all parts of the world - BCNH is a truly global college - BCNH courses are available on an attendance basis or online.. 

BCNH also offers the following courses

  • Science Foundation Courses (attendance or distance learning)
  • BSc in Nutritional Therapy
  • Degree-level Diploma
  • BCNH Diploma in Nutrition & Health
  • Short courses for general public - ‘Nutrition For You and Your Family’
  • Various CPD lectures 

Further Information

For detailed information on all BCNH courses, please visit


Physiological Effects of Deuterium Depletion for Health Enhancement

Deuterium Depleted (DD) Water helps to preserve, enhance or restore health, wellness, beauty; prevents life-style ailments, enhances energy, life-span or longevity by cleansing, detoxifying body-cells in a completely natural, non-invasive therapeutic method just by drinking in order to reset the biological-clock for natural correction, at a sub-molecular level. DD-Water is scientifically tested; the medically investigated regimen was conceptualized by the Father of Vitamin C and Nobel Laurate, Albert  Szent-Gyorgyi , who said that life-style diseases and cancer must be looked at and treated at the molecular level.

Preventa 105 Bottle

Clinical, medical, scientific, pharmaceutical research and safety tests have been completed in the following categories:

  1. Cancer: Stomach/gastric, Breast, Prostate, Lung/Pulmonary, Skin/Cutaneous, Pancreas, Lymph, Larynx, Intestine, Uterus, Spiral marrow, Bone, Testicles, Nerves
  2. Diabetes: Diabetes Mellitus
  3. Anti-Ageing: Energy, Longevity, Rejuvenation
  4. Anti-Allergy: Pollen, Dust, Hay-fever
  5. Sports-Medicine: Endurance, Power, Speed-performance
  6. Male-libido: Potency Enhancement, Radiation alleviation, Blood-Pressure reduction
  7. Pet Health: Dog, Cat, Household Pet health protection
  8. Cosmetics: Skincare preparation, Sun-ray UV protection, Skin hydration builder
  9. Sleeping Disorder: Stress, Hypertension, Insomnia reduction

Most tests have been completed including Phase II in Clinical Trials; in addition to evidence regarding human wellness enhancement and disease prevention, one of DD-Water product categories has been approved and is in marketing as Pet-Medicine or Drugs through Veterinarians in Europe. It seems that Deuterium Depletion is effective on human organs by the natural help it offers to the cells to reverse the clock according to Bio-Scientists. Normal consumption of DD-Water has no known side effects, but it offers essential minerals . Deuterium Depletion is internationally patented in 3 continents.

Preventa® deuterium depleted drinking water. Preventa won 1st Prize at the New Food Innovation Contest for its outstanding health promoting research. Preventa is available with different D-contents; concentration varies between 125 and 65 ppm. Preventa®-125 product is  mainly targeted on health-conscious consumers and as a regular drinking water for diabetic patients. Preventa®-125 optimizes the function of the immune system  and slows down the processes of ageing, increases the energy resources of the body  and assists quick recovery after physical exertion, recommended  as a cancer preventive drinking cure.  Deuterium concentration of  Preventa-105-85-65  is  lower. These stronger water are consumed by  tumorous  patients  as a supportive remedy parallel with the conventional treatment modalities.

Further Information

For free personal advice and consultation please contact email us:

For Deuterium depleted products please visit :

For more information please visit :


The Dove Clinic - Consultation and Treatment in Hampshire

When Dr Julian Kenyon opened the Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine in November 2000, the Clinic was based at a converted stables building at Hockley Mill on the outskirts of Twyford, just off junction 11 of the M3.  By 2008, things started to get a bit cramped and there was a move to the larger Old Brewery site in Twyford.  The new building enabled the Dove to maintain its character in a roomier setting.  It is worth noting that since opening, nearly six thousand patients have registered to use the Clinic’s services.  The Clinic is nicely ‘tucked away’ in the centre of Twyford in a private setting.

Dove Clinic

Most patients have registered with The Dove Clinic because they have a chronic or life threatening condition.  Many have gone on to receive nursing treatments from the team based at The Old Brewery in Twyford.  The nursing team (in line with most departments within the Clinic) can boast about its staff retention.  The team are highly skilled in their areas of treatment and the fact that they have been ‘doing the job’ for a number of years adds to the confidence that patients can feel when they initially visit the clinic.

The nursing team, under Dr Kenyon’s prescription, deliver a number of intravenous treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS and often referred to as ME) and life threatening illness. Increasing in popularity has been the clinic’s Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) programme for the treatment of allergy.

For Low Dose Immunotherapy, the patient will usually attend the clinic for half a day in the testing phase of the treatment programme, where the nursing team will ascertain the trigger point for the allergens for which the patient is being tested.  Specific vaccines are then produced by our clinical partner, which the patient self administers.  An oral option is also available for vaccine administration and patients return to the Dove at an agreed timescale to ensure that the programme is responding as expected.

In addition to its Twyford centre, the Dove Clinic also offers a one day a week (Tuesday) clinic from its Wimpole Street consulting rooms in London. The team at the Clinic pride themselves on being a friendly and professional group who are willing to go that extra mile to help patients who find themselves in challenging circumstances.

Further Information

For further information contact  or visit


Accredited Massage Courses in Sports (and Remedial) Massage

Sports and remedial massage therapy has been developed and refined since the 1980s.  Sports massage has gained a good reputation for providing effective therapy for the musculoskeletal system - both to maintain it when it’s functioning well and to help it recover when it’s not.  We can therefore separate Sports Massage and Remedial Massage, although that separation can belie the fact that, as with any homeostatic control system, we are trying to maintain a dynamic equilibrium rather than lurching from one extreme to the other.

Accredited Massage

Sports Massage

You don’t have to play sports to benefit from sports massage which can benefit anyone at all levels of activity.  The focus of sports massage is to maintain the body’s soft tissue to avoid injury to begin with.  Practitioners often work on healthy tissue, identifying problems early on and working to prevent subsequent injury.

As well as well-recognized massage techniques that stimulate the flow of blood and other fluids, sports masseurs use other well recognized techniques: cross-fibre massage, muscle energy technique, assisted stretches, myofascial release and soft tissue release. Different techniques are used at different times - pre-event, post-event, regular maintenance, etc.  Sports people at every level therefore incorporate sports massage into their programme of training and competing.

Remedial Massage

For therapists trained in sports massage but who don’t work regularly with sports teams, remedial massage is what they do most.  Good sports massage training provides a knowledge of anatomy which enables the therapist to identify fairly precisely where a problem might lie.  It also means that the therapist is more likely to know what they can’t treat, as well as what they can, and therefore when to refer a patient to a doctor.  Equally, although GPs can’t generally refer patients to sports/remedial masseurs directly, many doctors recognize the benefits of and ease of access to massage treatment in comparison to NHS waiting lists for physiotherapy.

Level 4 Courses

Accredited Massage Courses offers the ITEC Level 4 course in Sports Massage.  Classes are small (maximum of 8); teachers are all working sports masseurs who spend most of their time treating patients, as well as keeping abreast of developments in the field of Sports Massage.  The next course starts on Monday 22 April 2013 in north London.

Further Information

Please contact Justin Johnson Teacher and Sports Masseur at Accredited Massage Courses on Tel: 020 8340 7041;

To go direct to our the page for our Sports Massage course, please follow this link:


Rayonex Bioreonance Energy Medicine Devices

Conventional thinking often dismisses energy medicine, but consider when a person is on life support and showing no visible signs of life, how does a doctor check for the presence of life before perhaps switching off life support? By using an electroencephalogram or electrocardiogram to check for electrical frequencies, brain waves, heart energies. Yes electrical energy means life; this is known and accepted. Energy medicine is actually very old going back to Chinese acupuncture, various manipulation techniques such as Reiki, Reflexology, and in more recent time Homeopathy. The use of bioresonance devices spans the last 100 years or so and of course modern computing has greatly enhanced the possibilities.


Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar

Rayonex in Germany continue to expand the knowledge and application of bioresonance therapy. The Rayonex Analysis & Harmonising module is a professional system containing over 1520 separate programs for physiology and pathology. It is possible to check each body system, organ, even detailed parts of organs. There are separate sections to check and harmonize against about 500 pathogens, there hundreds of toxic agents which can be found such as heavy metals, environmental chemicals and dental materials. The list of body enzymes runs to over 100. It is possible for instance, to check the heart, find out if there is an energy disturbance in the valves, chambers, arteries and so forth, then pinpoint exactly where the disharmony is. There is a linked function to check which pathogenic agents are present and what the pathology is, all within minutes in an entirely reliable and repeatable way.

There is a time saving function called Test Protocol which at present contains around 40 conditions. This automated feature presents a list of associated frequencies to check, for instance in the case of tinnitus, cystitis and so on. Each resonant frequency can then be harmonized in sequence. New devices such as Duplex IV continue to be developed to protect against geopathic stress. The new HF Rayonator contains 10 dipole antennae to protect against high frequency communication devices such as DECT phones, mobile devices, masts, WiFi and so on.

The increasing prevalence of diseases of civilization indicate that there is much wrong with modern life. Surely we need to learn why this is so, find out what we can do for ourselves and make informed choices. Why not contact Rayonex UK Ltd and ask about a free trail or demonstration of a Rayocomp device? The Rayonex products are registered as class 2A medical devices allowing medical claims in respect of pain relief. This does not replace orthodox medical treatment. To be used for research and experimental purposes.

Further Information

Please contact John Doyle, Managing Director Rayonex UK Ltd on Tel: 01559 364 711; Fax: 01559 364 043;


Bowen Unravelled: A Journey into the Fascial Understanding of the Bowen Technique

by Julian Baker

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2013. Softback. £16.99. ISBN: 978-1-905367-40-5.

One of the fastest-growing therapies in the world, the Bowen Technique is currently used by body-workers and health professionals across a range of disciplines. Using powerful evidence, this book explains how and why Bowen works the way that it does, and offers evidence to support its subtle approach to fascia and connective tissue. Every aspect of the Bowen Technique is explored and, using grounded reasoning based on current scientific thinking, presented for each of the techniques most commonly used by Bowen therapists around the world.

Bowen Unravelled

This book breaks down the concepts of The Bowen Technique and develops an understanding of what is going on during a treatment, including explanations of why things happen the way that they do. Featuring the entire range of classical Bowen procedures, each move is explained in depth, covering such topics as the importance of understanding fascia and connective tissue and its key role in bodywork.  The original work of Tom Bowen, the founder of the Bowen Technique, is enshrined throughout the book, an attempt to finally understand just what is going on when a Bowen move is performed. The book explains clearly why deep pressure is considered detrimental to intelligent bodywork approaches and how every structure can be accessed without the need for pain for the client or tension from the therapist.

About the Author

Julian Baker is one of the world’s leading teachers of the Bowen Technique, having been involved with the technique since 1988, with over 20 years’ experience. His role in teaching functional fascial dissection workshops to bodyworkers of all disciplines has equipped him with a deep understanding of how connective tissues respond to different types of treatment. As well as teaching the Bowen technique, he leads fascial dissection courses throughout the UK and is one of the country’s leading teachers on functional movement and fascial theory. Originally from London, Julian spent five years in Australia and now lives in Bath.

Further Information

Available from Amazon


Heal the Hidden Cause Using the 5-Step Mind Detox Method

by Sandy Newbigging

Published by Findhorn Press. Softback. May 2013. £9.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-614-5.

“The Mind Detox Method includes a simple yet highly effective approach, so that peace, health and happiness are attainable states for us all.”

Yoga Magazine

Healthe Hidden Cause

Sandy C Newbigging is recognized as one of the most effective meditation and holistic therapists of the decade. In his new book, Heal the Hidden Cause: Using the 5-Step Mind Detox Method,  he reveals a remarkable technique for identifying the past emotional events that may have created current health issues or personal stumbling blocks to success. He has used the Mind Detox Method (MDM) with hundreds of clients and has seen chronic pain disappear, skin conditions clear up and digestion problems resolve as well as other substantial results.

The book is divided into three parts: The Healing Mindset, Discover the Hidden Cause and

Heal the Hidden Cause, and is easy to follow. Convincingly written with real life examples,

useful illustrations and step-by-step tools, Newbigging demonstrates the power of the mind,

including the mind’s ability to heal the body. Significantly, he reveals twenty of the top

unhealthy beliefs that contaminate the mind and lay behind a myriad issues. While you may

think ‘detox’ is only for drug addicts and alcoholics, Sandy demonstrates that using his 5

simple steps you can identify and alter those beliefs and literally cleanse your mind, let go of

emotional baggage and clear a path to reaching your goals. Heal the Hidden Cause is also useful for practitioners who want to support a deeper healing

journey in their clients.

About the Author

Sandy Newbigging is the creator of the Mind Detox Method, a meditation teacher and author of several books. Yoga Magazine recently described him as being “one of the best meditation teachers around”. He runs courses and residential retreats internationally and trains Mind Detox Practitioners via his Academy. In 2012 he received the Federation of Holistic Therapists Tutor of the Year Award.

Further Information

Available on Amazon


Bio-Kult High-Quality Probiotic Supplements

Two high-quality research-based probiotic supplements from Bio-Kult help prevent the occurrence of Candida and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). It is estimated that half of all women in the UK will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime, with 25% having recurrent episodes. Moreover, 75% of women will develop Candida at some point, with a 50% chance of these infections reoccurring.

Bio-Kult RANGE

Manufacturer Protexin Healthcare has applied its experience and research findings to develop Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan and Bio-Kult Candéa to help women maintain normal, healthy levels of bacteria in the gut and vagina. These probiotic supplements contain friendly bacteria to strengthen the body’s natural defences against Candida and UTIs respectively.

The summer months often mean increased visits to the GP for women suffering from UTIs[1] and Candida infections. Although stress, lifestyle and hormonal changes can influence such infections, additional factors can also aggravate and increase the risk of suffering at this time of year.  Dehydration and increased alcohol consumption can lead to more concentrated urine and less frequent toilet trips; giving bacteria the opportunity to attach and flourish in the urinary tract.[1] Moreover, sexual activity is known to be higher in the summer months[1,2,] and regular sexual intercourse or a change in sexual partner are said to account for up to 60% of recurrent cystitis.[3] The hot weather may also lead to a warmer and moister genital environment which could allow bacteria to thrive.[1] Additionally, frequent swimming and sitting in wet swimming costumes could aggravate the delicate genital environment possibly leading to Candida based infections.

Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan is an advanced triple action formula. Each two capsules of Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan contain cranberry extract standardized to give a minimum of 36mg of Proanthocyanidins (PACs). Pro-Cyan also contains two specifically selected probiotic strains and Vitamin A which contributes to the normal function of the immune system and the maintenance of mucous membranes which can be found lining the urinary tract. Bio-Kult Candéa is a scientifically developed, 7 strain probiotic with garlic and grapefruit seed extract. Containing 7 strains of probiotic bacteria that can be found naturally in the digestive system, and are proven to survive the high acidity of the stomach.


1. Anderson JE. Seasonality of symptomatic bacterial urinary infections in women. J Epidemiol Community Health.Dec;37(4):286-90. 1983.

2.Steensberg J, Bartels ED, Bay-Nielsen H, Fanoe E, Hede T. Epidemiology of urinary tract diseases in general practice. Br Med J. Nov 15; 4(5680):390-4. 1969.

3.Bohbot J-M. Results of a randomized, double-blind study on the prevention of recurrent cystitis with GynDelta®. The gynaecologists’ and obstetricians’ journal. January 2007.

Further Information

Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan and Bio-Kult Candéa both retail for £14.95 and are widely available in Independent Pharmacies, health food stores and  or

For more information visit


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    College of Naturopathic Medicine Diary Dates

    The College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) has got some brilliant speakers lined up for health talks at CNM colleges. Speakers include Jan de Vries in Edinburgh on 20 March and his talk Best Health Recipes, Dr Brian Clement in London on 20 June with Raw Food and Cancer and Patrick Holford in London on 9 July with Burn Fat Fast.  You can ask about fast tracking your studies by joining the CNM Summer School in London, Manchester and Bristol.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 505;


    How Farmers Can Boost Your Omega-3

    A Sussex farmer will use this week’s Vitality Show to launch what is believed to be the world’s first trial comparing the benefits of omega-3-rich linseed with best-selling fish oil supplements. Horsham linseed grower Durwin Banks from High Barn Oils questions why people continue to spend billions of pounds a year popping fish oil pills when they could be getting the same, or more benefit from having Omega 3 plant oils in their diet. Durwin, who has been turning home-grown linseed into tasty ground meal and culinary oil for more than 10 years, hopes evidence from 500 volunteers who switched from taking fish oil supplements to eating linseed, will stimulate further research into the plant’s health-giving properties.

    Further information Tel: 01403 730 326;


    Australian Bush Flower Essences for Pets

    Australian Bush Flower Essences are in a form of vibrational medicine that can be easily purchased in health food shops or online. There is a significant connection between the emotions and the physical body and by dealing with the emotions, the Bush essences can help the body to heal itself. The author explains how to use the existing 17 combination and 69 single essences and along with case studies, there is a list of symptoms and which Bush Flower Essence to use on your pet. Published by Findhorn Press, the book Animal Healing by Marie Matthews is carefully researched and comprehensive. She emphasizes the common problem areas with animal owners with thorough explanations from the animal’s point of view.

    Further information: ISBN: 9781844096107, Tel: 0131-777 2711


    Polar Frost® for Pain Relief

    If you have experienced stress injuries and muscle tension as a result of sports or outdoor activities, Frost® Cold Gel comes to the rescue with cooling, pain relief that lasts for up to 2-4 hours and helps increase mobility for many sufferers. Polar Frost® was originally created in the icy cold of the Arctic Circle. The unique formulation has helped Finnish Olympics teams to perform at their best for the last 15 years. The range of products provide fast and easy treatments for both acute and chronic care and is formulated with natural active ingredients, Menthol and Aloe Vera. Safe to used during pregnancy and breast feeding and is safe for children over 3 years old and the elderly

    Further information: Polar Frost® is available from selected pharmacies nationwide and at


    Himalayan Crystal Salt

    Himalayan Crystal Salt is more than sodium and chloride; it can actually be viewed as food. The salt is in its original form: holistic, wholesome, unaltered natural salt as it has crystallized in the Earth over millions of years. Himalayan Crystal Salt contains all the elements from which the human body is comprised. From the periodic table of elements, we are familiar with 94 natural elements (stable as well as unstable). Apart from inert gases, all of these elements can be found in crystal salt.  For thousands of years, salt has been known as a panacea. Alchemists called it the ‘fifth element’ besides earth, fire, air and water. The healing properties of salt are also known in allopathic medicine.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303;


    Tisserand Menthol Breathe Aromatherapy Roller Ball

    Tisserand Aromatherapy has received the BizzieBaby Silver Award for its Menthol Breathe Aromatherapy Roller Ball. The Roller Ball features an essential oil blend of eucalyptus, peppermint and tea tree, all of which are renowned for their mentally enhancing properties to help refresh and rejuvenate the mind as well as clear blocked airways. The Menthol Breathe Aromatherapy Roller Ball is part of the Tisserand’s creative Aromatherapy range of products designed to make Aromatherapy available to all. Tisserand has seven other Aromatherapy Roller Balls: De-Stress, Sweet Dreams, Energy, Head Clear, Travel, Focus and Diet Aid. It also has two Essential Oil Roller Balls available in Lavender and Tea Tree.

    Further information:  to see the full list of tester reviews visit:


    Principles of Reflexology

    Principles of Reflexology a new book by Nicola Hall, published by Singing Dragon, is an introductory guide to Reflexology. It covers the theory on which Reflexology is based, as well as its history and the principles of practice. The author includes a description of how treatment works and how it is given, a guide to the reflex areas and their relationship to the rest of the body, effective Reflexology treatments and case studies, Reflexology as a preventative therapy and how to find a reliable Reflexologist.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;


    Regrowing Hair Naturally

    Regrowing Hair Naturally by Vera Peiffer is published by Singing Dragon and contains effective remedies and natural treatments for men and women with alopecia areata, alopecia androgenetica, telogen effluvium and other hair loss problems. Regrowing hair can be as simple as allowing your body to detoxify and rebalance itself. Vera Peiffer is a leading expert in Kinesiology and Hydrotherapy and her long-awaited guide to natural treatment for hair loss includes Nutrition, Hypnotherapy, Detoxification and Bodywork exercises which she has used successfully on herself and her patients.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307; 


    Manuka Honey Lip Balm

    Honey is one of nature’s natural wonders. The natural powers of honey are backed by scientific research. Living Nature’s certified natural Manuka Honey Lip Balm is packed full of the natural goodness of Active Manuka Honey, a honey unique to New Zealand, which has been used by the Maori for centuries for its curative benefits. One of Living Nature’s hero ingredients, Active Manuka Honey not only acts as a natural humectant, helping to seal in moisture to prevent dehydration, but also possesses potent antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate the body’s natural repair processes.

    Further information call Botanical Brands Limited on Tel: 0845 250 8455;


    Iron Out Fatigue

    A new range of natural health supplements designed especially for women, hopes to help iron out fatigue and give energy levels a boost. The Belle+ syrups are a range of rosehip syrups that harness the health benefits of the hedgerow fruit, which has been found to be rich in vitamin C and studies have confirmed contains an extremely powerful class of antioxidant called polyphenols, that seem capable of giving the body a serious boost. Each of the syrups in the range has an added benefit and of particular interest to women will be Belle+ with iron. Iron plays a key role in many body functions including energy production, muscle contraction and brain function and low levels of it have been linked to fatigue.

    Further information:


    Heal Yourself

    Heal Yourself by Max Corradi, published by Ayni Books includes two different healing approaches using the subconscious mind and natural medicine. Part one offers a complete list of healing methods using the most powerful of all human resources, the subconscious mind. You will learn how to work with those natural and fundamental laws of mind and nature, including the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Vibration. In part two, the book provides information about natural medicine like Phytotherapy, Homeopathy, advanced complex Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, Micotherapy, Nutrition and Low Dose Embryo Therapy for cancer.

    Further information:


    How Do You Deal With Cancer?

    Paul’s Cancer Support Centre offers free support to people interested in learning relaxation and coping skills. The course is led by Ella Titman, a trained Counsellor and Yoga Teacher, supported by a team of four other people including a Hypnotherapist and Cancer Information Nurse. Professor Alastair Cunningham, developer of the course’s content, began work as a Cancer-Related Cell Biologist and later re-trained as a Clinical Psychologist, as he felt he could be more helpful to people with cancer in the Psychological Sphere. Participants can access the course online from home through webinars. Only basic computer skills are needed and technical support is available.

    Further information:


    American Institute for Cancer Research Annual Research Conference

    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is holding its Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer. The conference will be held on 7-8 November 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda near Washington DC. Important dates: 5 June: Early bird registration opens and hotel reservation opens. 19 June: Poster abstract submissions open and conference applications open.

    Further information Tel: +1 800-843-8114;


    Knead Bakery

    Knead Bakery will launch two highly anticipated fresh free from breads to sit alongside their range of sweet baked goods including cookies and brownies this March, after customers calling for a bread that could cater for multiple allergies and intolerances. Knead bakery rose to the challenge of providing customers with a daily staple that could meet their increasing needs for a truly free from range. What makes the Knead Bakery range so different to current free from offerings, is that all of the products are free from not just one, but multiple allergens.

    Further information Tel: 0843 289 5024 / 07920 102284;


    Sweetness Can Be a Weakness

    Non nutritive sweeteners are those that contain zero calories and they are effectively not absorbed by the body. In principle, this sounds fantastic and allows us to add sweetness to foods and drinks without having to worry about adding the extra inches to our waistlines. Research is starting to show, that when our bodies taste sweet food, they expect to get calories, so they respond like they are going to, releasing the relevant hormones and nervous signals that prepare us for the energy intake. When this doesn’t arrive however, we are left feeling hungry and unsatisfied and end up snacking and putting on weight. Some sweeteners however do help with weight loss. Studies carried out on Xylitol, which does contain calories, but 40% less than sugar, show those that eat foods sweetened with the natural sugar alternative, go on to eat less, later in the day. This is thought to be down to the fact that Xylitols calories are released slowly.

    Further information Tel: 01522 536 908 / 07854 716 566;


    Vitamin C Can Help Sports People and Fitness Fanatics Halve Cold Risk

    A new study carried out by the Department of Public Health at The University of Helsinki has found that taking vitamin C in supplement form can halve the risk of developing a cold for individuals who take physical exercise. Leading Finnish Scientist Harri Hamila, who carried out the research, discovered in 5 trials with 598 participants exposed to short periods of extreme physical stress (including marathon runners and skiers) vitamin C halved the common cold risk. BioCare’s® recently launched Informed Sport approved Vitamin C 1000 supports the immune system, capillary and connective tissue integrity and contains Magnesium Ascorbate, Bilberry and Grapeseed extract to aid bio-availability.

    Further information: Biocare’s® Vitamin C 1000 is available from independent health shops and online at

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