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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 214

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 214 - May 2014

Launch of Integrative Health Education

Emma Lane, a leading holistic healthcare practitioner and educator has founded a new, independent healthcare training provider - INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION - IHE.

Integrated Health Education

Emma, a highly respected member of the holistic healthcare community, has over 25 years of experience to share and her training courses have been delivered around the world. Emma is qualified to practise across a wide range of natural health sciences including Naturopathy, Naturopathic Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Timeline Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Auricular Acupuncture, Functional Corrective Exercise, Sound Therapy and Energy Healing.

She has founded IHE with the aim of offering exceptional training opportunities to those working in the healthcare industry. Emma recently left her position as a senior faculty member of the C.H.E.K Institute to set up the new company and will be continuing her passion for teaching through her own courses, which focus on gastrointestinal health and parasitology. In addition IHE will also bring together the best health educators from around the world to present a comprehensive programme of training opportunities.

From marketing courses aimed at holistic practitioners to training in mindfulness and first aid skills, a wide variety of courses to aid professional development are on offer. The courses will help practitioners with their Continual Professional Development requirements. For example 16 CPD points will be achieved by taking the two-day Holistic Approaches To A Fully Functional Gut workshop.

There are currently more than ten different courses to choose from including:

  • Holistic Approaches To A Fully Functional Gut;
  • The World of Parasites, Fungus and Bacteria;
  • Creating Balance - An Introduction to Mindfulness;
  • Harnessing PR and Social Media To Grow Your Business;
  • The Art of Energy Healing;
  • Stress, Health and Wellbeing and Beyond Self Sabotage.

Thanks to Emma’s own international experience and contacts around the world, IHE will be offering courses in San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, Stockholm and Guernsey as well as in London and Wakefield.

Further Information

Please contact Integrative Health Education on Tel: 01924 242 851;


The Biochemistry of Stress: Getting to Grips with Fight Flight!

In conjunction with Allan Armstrong, author of Notes on Meditation and host of the , entertaining Lecturer & Bodywork Therapist; Austin Burn-Jones of BlueDog Seminars has designed a series of three lectures designed to demystify the complex world of the human stress response - Why our bodies react to situations in particular ways, what happens when everything goes right, when something goes wrong, and how we can help ourselves from blowing a gasket or in some cases, actually becoming seriously ill!

Imagier Stress Lectures Green

First Lecture: Getting to Grips with Fight Flight

Date: Saturday 17th May 2014, Time: 10.00 - 16.00, Price: £95.00

Breaking down this highly complex biochemical process into a few simple pieces - making it much easier to understand, and putting into practical usage.

Stress Part 2: Toxicity - Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll

Date: Saturday 14th June 2014,Time: 10.00 - 16.00, Price; £95.00

This lecture focuses on Toxic build up within our bodies from internal and external sources and how they affect our system in subtle (and not so subtle) ways. Amino Acids, and how we might use them in practice to combat the effect of Toxicity in our bodies.

Stress Part 3: Fat & Cholesterol - The Real Heroes

Date: Saturday 12th July 2014, Time: 10.00 - 16.00, Price: £95.00

Our relationship with Fat - physiologically, biochemically and culturally. We ask ourselves whether it is in fact the bad guy the medical and social world make it out to be.

Austin Burn-Jones is a Bowen practitioner and lecturer on human anatomy & biochemistry. His journey into a positive approach to health and his passion to instruct others on helping the body heal comes from a four year struggle with ME/Chronic Fatigue brought about by a combination of long term stress, heavy metal poisoning and formaldehyde! Austin’s unique style brings a bit of fun into this often dry subject, and injects it with life and visual spice.

Further Information

Venue: Swindon Weito School of Southern Chinese Boxing, 85 High Street, Haydon Wick, Swindon, SN25 1HU. For further information  Tel: 07811518351;


17th May | Swindon     14th June | Swindon     12th July | Swindon


Medicine Hands, Massage Therapy for People with Cancer

by Gayle MacDonald

Published by Findhorn Press. April 2014. £29.99 / $25.27. ISBN: 978-1-84409-639-8.

A practical book written for both health professionals and the layperson, this newly revised guide deconstructs common myths about the use of massage in cancer treatment. Reviewing literature that shows cancer to be caused by genetic mutation and the influence of hormones, the opening discussion emphasizes that mechanical action such as massage does not break tumours open or cause them to spread.

Medicine Hands Large

The book purports that the real medical issues for massage therapists centre on ameliorating the discomfort of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The topics covered include massage in hospitals, in respite care, for the dying, and for exhausted caregivers, with appendices summarizing research on oncology patients and massage. Charts for the adjustment of massage techniques according to the treatment a patient is undergoing are also included. The field of oncology massage is maturing into a discipline with a deeper and deeper body of knowledge.

"Every Licensed massage therapist should have this book. Why? Because a large portion of our population has had a journey with cancer. After they are released from the oncologist and finished with treatment, there may still be plenty of contra indications to consider. This book goes over them all clearly and fully." - S McLaughlin, Oncology massage therapist

Every chapter of the 3rd edition contains updated information and insights into massaging people affected by cancer. New chapters have been added to cover each stage of the cancer experience: treatment, recovery, survivorship, side effects from the disease, and end of life. These new chapters and organizational structure will make it easier for the reader to find the information needed to plan the massage session for a given client. In addition, a new chapter has been added that focuses on the Pressure / Site / Positioning framework. This is the clinical framework around which the massage session is planned.

About the Author

Gayle MacDonald MS LMT began her career as a teacher in 1973 and as a massage therapist in 1989. In 1991, she blended her two career paths. Since 1994, she has given massage to cancer patients and supervised massage therapists on the oncology units of Oregon Health and Science University. MacDonald is a frequent contributor to the three main US massage journals and travels the US teaching continuing education courses in oncology massage.

Further Information

Available from Findhorn Press and Amazon


Exploring the Microcosmos - New Paradigms from Microbial Communities

with Sandor Katz, Eva Bakkeslett, Stephan Harding and Philip Franses

Schumacher College: 26-30 May 2014

The New York Times recently described wild fermenter Sandor Katz (Wild Fermentation, The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved and The Art of Fermentation) as one of the unlikely rock stars of the American food scene. Much to the delight of UK followers, Sandor has teamed up with artist and fellow cultivator Eva Bakeslett (TEDx Tromso, Norway) and Philip Franses (Holistic Science Journal) at Schumacher College in Devon for a five-day educational exploration of the ‘micro-cosmos’.


This course is a unique chance to work in a small-group setting looking at how we can work with microbial communities, from compost to kefir, to cultivate more tasty, vibrant, sustainable and collaborative communities.

From the course you can expect to gain:

  • An insight into the history and developments of the ancient microbial world;
  • How humans and microbes are interlinked;
  • More about the ancient and transformative process of fermentation;
  • Practical skills in how to ferment vegetables, make yoghurt, kefir and viili, bake sourdough bread and ferment beverages and make compost;
  • Knowledge of the amazing abilities of microorganisms to transform, change and adapt, communicate, and collaborate;
  • How microbes and the process of fermentation can inspire medical research, artistic work and innovative design.

Further Information

Course Fees £795. Bursaries are available for this course, please click here for details on how to apply  All course fees include accommodation, food, field trips and all teaching sessions.

For further information please Tel: 01803 865934;


Sayer Complementary Health - Classroom and Distance Learning

Sayer Complementary Health based in Rayleigh, Essex is run by June Sayer - Homeopath, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Reiki Master/Teacher who has been practising complementary health for 22 years.

Sayer Homeopathy Banner

To complement her nutritional practice, June uses the Bio-Meridian Vantage System, an electronic meridian testing device combined with a Bio-Repertorization protocol based on Dr Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg’s 6-phase table of Homotoxicology (the study of human toxicity).   This system is used for health screening and to test for food sensitivities.

Homeopathy is an extremely popular system of medicine used by millions of people worldwide; 15% of the British population rely on its health benefits. It is gentle, safe, effective, non-toxic and non-addictive and suitable for all ages.

Courses in Homeopathy are available at Sayer Complementary Health.  If you are interested in learning how homeopathy can be used for a range of acute conditions the Introduction to Homeopathy course is ideal.  Should you want to study homeopathy in greater depth, the Practitioner course is the one to choose as successful completion leads to a Practitioner Diploma qualification and the opportunity to enrol on one of the major registering bodies in Homeopathy.

Reiki is a healing modality used for the reduction of stress, helps relaxation and promotes healing. Should you be interested in the learning Reiki it is a simple technique that is easy to learn.  Reiki level 1 (Shoden) is suitable for self-healing and promotes your sense of wellbeing.  Reiki level 2 (Okuden) is the practitioner level where you can work with clients and Reiki Master/Teacher (Shinpenden) enables you to teach others.

Further Information

For more details on June Sayer’s practice or training courses, please Tel: 01268 928 223;


The Migra-Cap® - Migraine Treatment for Migraine Relief

Migra-Cap®, combines cold therapy and complete darkness to give relief from the pain associated with a Migraine and most headaches. The Lycra cap covers the whole of the head area, and is filled with specially formulated gel packs strategically positioned to target the areas of the head affected by pain. A 'cut-away' in the material allows users with long hair to pull the hair through for maximum comfort. Migra-Cap can be stored in a domestic fridge or freezer and the specially formulated gels ensure that Migra-Cap will not freeze to a solid.


Typical Features of migraine?

People often use the word migraine to refer to headaches of many different types. So-called classical migraine attacks have several features:

  • Headaches that occur in bouts of between roughly 4 to 72 hours;
  • Headaches usually affect one side of the head at a time, although both sides may be affected in separate attacks;
  • Headaches are usually throbbing and worsened by normal physical activity nausea and/or vomiting;
  • Preceding symptoms, called the 'aura' that most often are visual, such as zigzag lines or flashing lights across or at the edges of the fields of vision;
  • Other symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, or non-visual aura such as a sensation of tingling in the body.

Drug Free Relief

Migra-Cap helps to relieve pain and suffering by limiting exposure to the key elements that can prolong or enhance a migraine attack. Aspirin, Paracetemol and Butalbital have side effects, consumption issues or may cause allergic reactions. More powerful painkillers e.g. Paramax, Migramax, Domperamol can require strict dosage guidelines and be expensive.

Sports Applications

Migra-Cap can help relieve pain and swelling caused by sports injuries and can aid in the treatment and relief of pain, blows to the head and concussions. The cooling effect can aid in the reduction of swelling and can help limit post-concussion swelling or brain injury.

Useful Applications

The Migra-Cap® can also be worn by children, providing all of the relief factors children can receive treatment for headaches, falls or fevers without the need to medicate. Migra-Cap has also proved successful in trials; over 81% of women found that it was an effective method of migraine relief. Migra-Cap can also assist in the relief of pregnancy and period pains.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap on Tel: +44(0)1685 387788;  


Life at The Dove Clinic

The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine was established in 2000 by Dr Julian Kenyon and lies in a leafy location just off the High Street in Twyford, Hampshire. Dr Kenyon and his nursing team offer a range of treatments to patients with a range of chronic and life threatening diseases. In addition and to some extent in stark contrast, Dr Kenyon also sees patients on Tuesdays at his Central London Clinic in Wimpole Street.


Dr Kenyon’s interest in complementary medicine began early in his medical career and was nurtured during his studies in China. This enabled him to introduced acupuncture as part of his treatment regime; he was Founder-Chairman of the British Medical Acupuncture Society in 1980. Since then he was also Founder/President of the British Society for Integrated Medicine and is an established authority in the field of complementary treatment approaches for a wide range of medical conditions.

Patients seeing Dr Kenyon can expect time to discuss their condition and a detailed follow up letter after their initial consultation. Dr Kenyon uses a regime of supplementation to improve body function, especially in the area of immune health. Clinical experience has shown the use of alpha and beta glucans (such as ImmiFlex, which contains Wellmune) has been beneficial to a large number of patients with a wide range of conditions. Where nursing treatments are recommended, these are discussed with the nursing team who independently determine the patient’s fitness for treatment.  Patients are also given a ‘cooling off’ period between treatment being discussed and commenced.  The Clinic offers intravenous infusions as well as treatments using light and ultrasound.

All nursing treatments are carried out at the Clinic’s treatment centre in Twyford, which is staffed by nurses who are all very experienced in the treatment regimens offered by the Clinic.  A large variety of blood tests are available as prescribed by the doctor and these are again administered by the nursing team. 

The Clinic is proud of its staff retention, with many members having been with the Clinic for over ten years. This helps greatly in the Clinic’s ability to provide continuity of care.  The Dove Clinic firmly believes in offering its patients options but in a controlled environment.  The Clinic was one of the early adopters of regulation in the independent/complementary medical area, having chosen to be regulated with the Health Care Commission before it was mandatory. This continues today with its registration under the Care Quality Commission. As well as external inspections, the management and nursing team regularly review the clinic documentation for continued compliance.

Further Information

To find out more about the Dove Clinic please Tel: 01962 718000; Fax: 01962 717060;


Born to Walk: Myofascial Efficiency and the Body in Movement

by James Earls

Published by Lotus Publishing. Softback. £19.99. ISBN:  978 1 905367 47 4.

The ability to walk upright on two legs is one of the major traits that define us as humans; yet, scientists still aren't sure why we evolved to walk as we do. In Born to Walk: Myofasical Efficiency and the Body in Movement, released April 2014, author James Earls explores the mystery of our evolution by describing in depth the mechanisms that allow us to be efficient in bipedal gait. Viewing the whole body as an interconnected unit, Earls explains how we can regain a flowing efficiency within our gait – which is part of our natural design.

Born to Walk

This book is designed for anyone with an interest in evolution and movement including Movement Therapy practitioners, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Massage therapists, and any Bodyworker wishing to help clients by incorporating an understanding of gait and its mechanics.

Drawing on recent research from paleoanthropology, sports science, and anatomy, Earls proposes a complete model of how the whole body cooperates in this three dimensional action. His work is based on Thomas Myers's Anatomy Trains model of human anatomy, a holistic view of the human body that emphasizes fascial and myofascial connections.

James Earls says, “Born to Walk looks at how we use the whole body to walk. All systems are interlinked: the pelvis and legs are assisted by the trunk and the arms. The whole body helps balance and movement by increasing and decreasing the forces moving through the soft tissue. The whole body also works to lessen the amount of distortion that reaches the head. We need to keep our eyes relatively level, and we certainly do not want the force of impact rattling our brains at each heel strike, so we require the trunk and shoulder girdles to constantly adapt to keep the head steady. Within the book I talk about many impacting factors affecting our ability to walk, particularly focusing on the fascial, muscular, and skeletal elements, but also taking into account neurological, visceral, emotional, cultural and structural factors too.”

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing and Amazon


Turning Point Training: Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

Turning Point Training offers postgraduate courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology. Students come from a variety of backgrounds in conventional and holistic disciplines, enabling a rich exchange of information and expertise which enriches the learning experience.

Turning Point Training

Courses are mixture of leading edge, scientifically based theory and clinical and practical tuition. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their gifts and talents in bringing their unique experience to the disciplines taught and are thus empowered. Small groups help to facilitate this experience. Turning Point teachers are enthusiastic and experienced practising therapists who keep their knowledge up to date.

The philosophy of Turning Point encompasses the idea that medicine is an art informed by science, that the conventional materialist paradigm is very much out of date and that scientific knowledge has now reached a point where much of holistic medicine can incorporated into a new paradigm. Turning Point courses introduce the concepts of research and encourage students to critically evaluate current information.

Craniosacral therapy is based on the relation of the relationship between the structure and function of the body and health. Specific, gentle and skilled manipulation can restore the structure-function relationship supporting the patients’ own homeostatic mechanisms. This non-invasive and safe therapy can be used on patients of all ages from the newborn to the elderly.

The Level 1 Practitioner Course, taught by Jonathan Lawrence experienced teacher and Osteopath, consists of 7 modules over 8 days including practical tuition. In addition students have to complete a portfolio of cases and practical and written exam. This course is recognized by the CThA - (Complementary Therapists Association). More specialized workshops are available at level 2.

Homotoxicology is based on the idea that disease results from toxic load. In modern life we are subject to toxins from a variety of sources which has the effect of stressing the immune system, leading to ill health. Accurate prescribing can help the body to gently detoxify, aiding the restoration of homeostasis. The remedies used may be single potency homeopathic remedies or combinations of remedies to achieve a specific physiological response.

A Diploma Course in Homotoxicology and Bioregulatory medicine is offered in association with the Society of Homotoxicology. This course takes place over a year with 6 weekends tuition. 5 specialist tutors from Nutrition, Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine and Iridology and Homeopathy each teach on the weekends.

Further Information

Please contact Turning Point Training on Tel: 01769 574833 Mob: 07944 411681;


Diploma Course in Clinical Hypnotherapy - Scottish School of Hypnotherapy, Glendaruel

Scottish School Of Hypnotherapy open their doors and welcomes who would like to understand the powerful nature of hypnosis, especially as an effective intervention in ridding sufferers of unwanted behaviours and dis-ease; they offer a unique experience.

Scottish School of Hypnotherapy

The Diploma course commences with a period of practical, supervised, hands-on training in the use of hypnosis. This part of the course is run at the School and is a very intensive, immersion training opportunity. As a result, not only are skills and competencies required to practise hypnotherapy, absorbed; change at a personal level is also very profound. Out of the 14 days spent at the school, 13 are utilized for training and the normal schedule is for 12 hour days - but it doesn’t feel like that! During this period of training students learn how permanent change can be brought about, dealing with conditions as diverse as IBS, dermatitis, pain management, anxiety and phobias; and how people can be assisted, through the use hypnosis, to break difficult patterns of self-abuse, such as alcoholism or other addictions.

Students come from far and wide, national and international; lifelong friendships are often forged and supportive bonds created. Students are accommodated in warm, comfortable and fully equipped cottages, on campus, each individual having their own bedroom. For further information on accommodation see - 

Trainees wishing to expand their understanding and competence in the use of hypnosis in order to practise as a therapist can, thereafter, continue their study. The final 4 Parts of the course are home based and, if they successfully complete the distance learning part of the course, students earn a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy which will furnish them with the skills and confidence to practise as a competent clinical hypnotherapist.

Flexible and Distant Learning

All work, additional to the initial practical training, in order to earn the formal qualification, can be completed in a distance learning format making this course accessible for anyone, whether from abroad, within the UK or locally. All study, subsequent to the initial residential element is supported with telephone, Skype and email contact, with comprehensive feedback  given on all work completed. Assistance with travel arrangements can be provided where necessary.  Glendaruel may provide the tranquillity of a remote glen but is only 1¼ hour drive from the centre of Glasgow!

Students who simply want to learn more about the applications of hypnosis and training opportunities can opt to come on a ‘taster’ weekend course ‘Introduction to Hypnotherapy’ where there is the chance to learn about the applications of hypnosis and to practise simple relaxation techniques.   This does not lead to a practitioner qualification but a certificate of attendance is issued. For those who successfully complete the Diploma, postgraduate training weekends are also provided on a regular basis to meet the needs of ongoing professional development.

Further Information

Please contact Scottish School of Hypnotherapy on Tel: 01369-820172;


Bio-Energetics Training with Rene Naaccachian Founder of Acmos Method 

Acmos-SBJ is delighted to announce the latest Bio-energeticians Training Seminar from the 24th until the 28th of June 2014. The seminar will be led by Dr Rene Naccachian, and presented in English.

ACMOS Training Semina

Early Bird Rate Available Until May 31st 2014

  • Undertake a journey of discovery into the intelligence of the body’s deepest energy - the blueprint for your material body;
  • Learn to dialogue with this intelligence to release blocks, resolve energy leaks, reconnect lost areas and restore the energy to the resources so that self-management is optimized;
  • Learn how to check at each step of the balancing process that the body electric has changed and the energy is flowing better;
  • Follow the body’s instructions to allow it to restore harmony and maintain the energetic pressure on the cells to encourage cellular regeneration.

We look forward to welcoming old and new friends to explore the most recent advances in the Acmos Method as you learn the basics. The level 1 & 2 training will enable you to immediately balance your family and friends.

Practitioner status can be achieved by following this seminar in conjunction with the level 3 & 4 in November 2014 and by successfully completing the Acmos Method examination which will also be held in November.

PLACES LIMITED - book your place today

Further Information

Please contact Carol Robertson or the Acmos Team on Tél : (+33) 1 45260357; Fax : (+33) 1 48741437;  or


Smokin’! NEW Smoked Rapeseed Oil from Fussels Fine Foods

What do you get when you take a golden Somerset rapeseed oil and add a smoke infusion?  Answer: a match made in heaven. The team at Fussels Fine Foods has taken the award-winning Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil and gently smoked it to create a delicious oil, with a subtle smoky flavour and aroma which is perfect for roasting, frying, baking, marinating and dipping.

Fussels Smoked Rapeseed Oil

The full range of Fussels Fine Foods oils, dressings, flavoured oils, dips, marinades and mayonnaises are hand made in small batches and each recipe includes the golden oil which is freshly pressed each season and is completely natural - nothing at all is added.

Andy Fussell, owner and farmer at Fussels Fine Foods, says: “We were at a farmer’s market when we were given a piece of fabulous smoked cheese to try and then asked what we thought our oil would taste like if we smoked it. We had to try it and absolutely love the result - it’s fantastic rubbed on jacket potatoes or wedges, used in marinades for chicken or pulled pork and even in its simplest form, as a dip for crusty white bread!”

Also part of the Fussels range are Garlic Rapeseed Oil; Chilli Rapeseed Oil; Classic and Mint Mayonnaises; English Herb, Peppered Watercress and Quince and Cider Vinegar dressings and Beer and Horseradish Sauce.

Further Information

Fussels Smoked Rapeseed Oil is available nationwide from  - RRP from £3.50 for 250ml (exc. p&p). For further information about Fussels please contact on Tel: 01373 831286;


Thai Herbal Medicine: Traditional Recipes for Health and Harmony

by Nephyr Jacobsen and Dr C Pierce Salguero

Published by Findhorn Press. April 2014. £11.99/ $14.16. ISBN: 978-1-84409-004-4        

This new, updated second edition of the book offers a clear, authentic and usable guide to understanding and utilizing Thai herbs. Written by Dr C Pierce Salguero and Nephyr Jacobsen, both experts and practitioners, Thai Herbal Medicine: Traditional Recipes for Health and Harmony provides a thorough and practical application of this ancient healing art.  Fully researched the book offers historical information, rigorous theory and new recipes and formulas as well as an updated herbal compendium.  This book is a must-have for Thai herbal practitioners.

Thai Herbal Medicine

Thai herbs are a part of a vibrant culture of healing that has been practised and preserved over centuries in traditional medicine schools, Buddhist monasteries and village homes all over Thailand. The country’s Ministry for Public Health has recognized many of the ancient herbal traditions covered in the book. 

Revised and updated, the book provides an overview of traditional Thai medicine including the theory and practical application of Thai cuisine, bodywork and, of course, herbs. Intended for herbalists, massage therapists and practitioners in the fields of alternative and complementary medicine, the book offers information and insight to anyone interested in herbal remedies.

About the Authors

C Pierce Salguero PhD is the founder of Tao Mountain, a nonprofit association of Thai massage and herbal medicine instructors who support academic research and clinical trials to build bridges between Thai and modern Western medicine. He is the author of the Encyclopedia of Thai Massage, The Spiritual Healing of Traditional Thailand, and Thai Massage Workbook.

Nephyr Jacobsen is the founder and director of the Naga Center, School of Traditional Thai Massage and Medicine. She is a writer of articles and curriculum on Thai medicine and massage. She divides her time between Thailand and Portland, Oregon.

Further Information

Available from Findhorn Press and Amazon


The Massage Therapist’s Pocketbook of Pathology

by Su Fox

Published by Lotus Publishing.  Softback. £12.99/$13.06. ISBN:  978 1 905367 52 8.

The Massage Therapist’s Pocketbook of Pathology, released March 2014, is the perfect companion for anyone with a keen interest in massage, including students and the recently and long-term qualified, as well as others in bodywork. It clearly and concisely outlines a whole host of pathologies massage therapists might come across in their day-to-day dealings.

The Massage Therapists Pocketbook of Pathology

Author Su Fox says: “The Pocketbook is the perfect quick reference guide for massage therapists, which can easily be dipped into, and covers a whole manner of different ailments. A keen understanding of pathologies is the foundation for any good practitioner and in many cases can be the defining factor in becoming an outstanding therapist.”

Understanding a range of pathologies means practitioners can make sense of medical information from the client in terms of which body systems are involved and the likely effects on the relevant body tissues and areas. The book covers how further questioning about the condition (such as what medication is being taken, and how the condition affects that particular person) can then help the practitioner decide how to adapt the session for that client’s needs including practical issues, such as the kinds of supports needed, the temperature of the room, the use of oil or cream, whether to remove clothes or not, or whether to lie down or not. Knowledge of various pathologies can inform decisions about the treatment itself: where to focus, where to be careful, where to avoid, and the depth, speed and rhythm of strokes.

The book covers a host of important topics such as: liaising with doctors and healthcare professionals, medication, common medical procedures, indications and contraindications, musculoskeletal disorders, skin disorders, cardiovascular disorders and much, much more.

About the Author

Su Fox was a founder member of, and for many years a senior tutor and assessor for the Massage Training Institute, and has written and number of books relevant to massage before releasing A Massage Therapist's Pocketbook of Pathologies. She is also a Craniosacral therapist and Psychotherapist in private practice in London.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing and Amazon:


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    ASA the Truth

    The Advertising Standards Authority is attacking natural health and qualified Practitioners in the UK. Dr Alyssa Burns-Hill, Hormone Health Specialist and Author was singled out for investigation by the ASA. As a result of an ‘adjudication’ there are attempts to destroy the individual’s (or company’s) reputation through the online promotion of unbalanced or prejudiced rulings by this Private Limited Company no different from Boots or Tesco. Dr Burns-Hill is seeking a properly set up ASA, one with real regulatory power, not funded by organisations with an agenda to bring disrepute upon established and accepted science. If you are a UK citizen, please give your support to the campaign.


    Further information Tel: 01534 522 151 Mob: 07781 199 199  to sign the e-petition and to watch the movie.


    Bakewell Soap Foot Soother

    The Bakewell Soap Company’s Foot Soother has been shortlisted in the 2014 Freefrom Skincare Awards. Made from 99% natural ingredients, it is kind to the skin and first aid for cracked heels and feet. It is highly soothing on bruised or sore soles, dry irritable skin and cracked heels. This balm uses light oils to deliver active ingredients of Cineol (soothes muscles) and anti-inflammatory Sesquiterpene, peppermint oil which helps cool and revitalize while lavender helps relax weary feet.


    Further information:


    Unbeelievable for Hay Fever

    The UK has one of the highest rates of hay fever in Europe. Bee Prepared Daily Defence immune support contains a combination of natural ingredients to help maintain a healthy immune system. Bee Prepared MAX Strength - a more concentrated version  also includes Astaxanthin and Reishi mushrooms for an extra boost. The ingredients in the formula are sourced from hives, farms and forests; each with natural antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions to support immune function.


    Further information: Available in Holland & Barrett & independent health stores. /


    Human Givens Online Course

    2014 launches two online course: the first series, Delving Deeper with Human Givens has  opened with Exploring Consciousness. Delving Deeper courses explore in depth, new insights and ideas from neuroscience and other areas - concepts about the mind and pattern-matching  derived from Human Givens Psychology. The first live course Exploring Consciousness and Your Relationship to Reality explores fundamental questions about the nature and existence and the universe around us. The second course covers key areas of mental health and brief psychotherapy from the Human Givens College’s prospectus.


    Further information Tel: 01323 811 662


    Harmonize Wi-Fi Routers Frequencies

    Wi-fi routers and mobile phone base stations are transmitters of radio frequency radiation which can affect the health of you and your family. The wi-fiDOT from Phi Harmonics is programmed to harmonize these frequencies to be more compatible with the natural environment, thereby reducing the potentially damaging toxic effects. The wi-fiDOT is simple to use, sticking easily and securely to equipment without affecting functionality. It can be used at home or in the work place or any public hotspot location.


    Further information Tel: 01803 782 008


    Chocolates for PMT

    New hand-made herbal Lunar chocolates from Botanica Medica help to rebalance the female hormones with Vitex agnus castus and rose geranium. If you suffer from PMT, feel low, anxious, tearful and irrational every month, Lunar chocolates may be for you. Each chocolate contains the correct herbal dosage, so in effect, they are medicine. Created by Jo Dunbar, Medical Herbalist, who runs Botanica Medica, the chocolates satisfy your chocolate craving and you might even lose weight.


    Further information:


    In Love With Death

    In Love With Death by Satish Modi, balances Modi’s own musings on life with a careful selection of stories. The book takes readers on a journey through the challenges of everyday life and suggests ways we can appreciate the world in which we live and make the most of our lives. Satish Modi and his wife Abha established the International Institute of Fine Arts ( in 2000 and in 2010 Modi also launched Arts for India, a charity to raise funds to support underprivileged, yet talented artists from India.


    Further information Tel: 020-7399 2437


    School of Bodywork

    Respect in the Park is an Exeter based festival which will take place on 31 May and 1 June;   School of Bodywork are looking for past and present students to represent the School of Bodywork, give mini treatments (for which you keep the money charged) and promote your business.  Free massage available with students at the School who need practice. Upcoming workshops are: Injury Management 14 May, Myofascial Release Intermediate Level 20-22 May, Advanced Techniques 28 May to include muscle energy technique (MET), Stretch and Mobilisations, Soft Tissue Release (STR) and Neuromuscular techniques (NMT).


    Further information Tel: 07711 656 011


    Read / Interpret Lab Test Results

    When to Refer Patients for Lab Tests and How to Read and Interpret the Results by Partha Banerjee MD and Christina Captain, published by Singing Dragon is a book for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners who need to have an understanding of Western medical testing to recognize when laboratory tests are required and to interpret test results which are brought to them by patients. This book is an essential reference that teaches how to use and understand conventional lab testing in the treatment and referral of patients.


    Further information Tel: 020 7833 2307


    Summer of Love 2014

    The Mind Body Spirit London Wellbeing Festival is happening in London 23-26 May 2014: a four day festival celebration of self-exploration, self-expression, music, workshops and community. A gathering of a global tribe, all looking to lead a better, healthier, empowered lifestyle. This year’s Festival will feature some of the most inspirational, motivational speakers, musicians, artists and performers from around the world as well as a host of exhibitors presenting wellbeing products, organic food, lifestyle choices, therapies, jewellery, holistic retreats, treatments, divinations, Yoga, Meditation, Supplements and healing.


    Further information:


    Healing Spiritual Lecture Series

    Physicians of the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends will speak about Healing on the Spiritual Path - Medically Verifiable. This lecture is part of an international public lecture series taking place 16-18 May 2014 in London, Norwich, Cambridge, Bristol, Plymouth, Southampton, Oxford, Cardiff, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Manchester, Preston, Leeds, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, Newcastle and Glasgow. Admission is free although a donation is appreciated.


    Further information Tel: 07787 812 120


    Arnica Helps Sports Injuries

    Richard Tidmarsh, one of the UK’s leading Strength and Conditioning Coaches offers hints and tips for the third of Brits who have suffered an injury through sports and hobbies. If you are one of the 40% of people who bruise themselves during sport or their hobbies or have started a new training regime, then you could consider Nelsons Arnicare® arnica 30c pillules. A Homeopathic medicinal product used within the Homeopathic tradition or the symptomatic relief of sprains, muscular aches and bruising or swelling after contusions. Contains Arnica Montana.


    Further information:



    TheraPearl cold packs are an innovative, effective, high-tech, easy to use and non-messy pain relief option. TheraPearl utilizes a proprietary innovation known as Pearl Technology™ which comprises non-toxic, tiny pearls incorporated within a range of specially designed knee wraps, shin wraps, neck wraps, contour packs, back wraps and eye masks. TheraPearl products stay cold for a doctor-recommended 20 minutes. It is recommended that even if do not have an injury, ice should be applied after any physical activity to lessen the effects of wear and tear on the body.


    Further information Available from Boots. Tel: 1-877-732-7509


    Sleep Helps Pain Sufferers

    New research suggests that chronic pain sufferers could be kept physically active by improving the quality of their sleep. The study by the University of Warwick’s Department of Psychology, published in PLoS One, found that sleep was a worthy target for treating chronic pain and not only as an answer to pain-related insomnia.


    Further information Tel: 024-765 50556  024-765 51354;  024-765 75910;


    Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital has written to Louise McLean of Homeopathy Heals Me! Giving her the option of re-opening the petition to keep Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital open. So far, they have 25,610 signatures. Since the outcome of the fate of the hospital has not fully been decided due to the option of it being turned into a pain management centre (possibly for conventional medicine only), therefore keeping the petition going is excellent news.


    Further information:


    Microwave Pressure Cooker

    Fast food just got a whole lot healthier and tastier, thanks to the Prestige Microchef microwave pressure cooker. Dishwasher-safe, this time and energy-saving device, which cooks 40% faster than an open container in the microwave, is now available from the UK’s leading online Indian grocery store, Spices of India. Whether cooking a one-pot casserole or a dish with many separate elements such as curry, rice and vegetables, the Prestige Microchef microwave pressure cooker comes with removable compartments so that everything can be cooked individually at the same time.


    Further information Tel: 01202 877340


    OliveOilWorld News

    Olive oil is rich in various antioxidants (vitamin E, polyphenols) which play a positive, biological role in eliminating free radicals, the molecules involved in some chronic diseases and aging and in extending life expectancy, which has been demonstrated in several epidemiological studies. Many ageing-related diseases are influenced by diet, in particular osteoporosis and deteriorated cognitive function. Olive oils appears to have a favourable effect on boner calcification and bone mineralisation is better the more olive oil is consumed.


    Join the Campaign #dietfreerevolution

    85% of people who diet, weigh more a year later than before they started dieting. is a new, comprehensive online resource and 12-week programme for women struggling to achieve and maintain healthy weight loss. Launched by leading weight loss expert, Dr Sally Norton, the site draws on a panel of industry experts and offers a scientific response to diet failure and most importantly, an achievable, sustainable and healthy weight-loss solution.


    Further information:


    Women’s Bodies Labour

    Author Margaret Jowitt argues that unnatural positions make birth more painful and difficult for modern women than it was for their ancestors in the new title Dynamic Positions in Birth: A Fresh Look at How Women’s Bodies Work in Labour. Despite research showing the benefit of upright positions in labour and birth, most women in the UK still give birth in the semi-reclined position, pushing their baby out against the forces of gravity. How did we come to put the needs of care-givers above those of the labouring women? Is there anything that can be done? Available in all good bookshops.


    Further information Tel: 07977 483 920, 020-7737 6868


    I Am Your Mirror

    You will now be able to present a positive, happy and confident persona that would positively affect the people you come in contract with. Consequently, your personal, interpersonal and business relationships would be greatly enriched. I Am Your Mirror, Mirror, Neutrons and Empathy by Matteo Rizzato and Davide Done published by Blossoming Books is recommended by Giacomo Rizzolatti, one of the world’s greatest Neuroscientists. I Am Your Mirror is a simple, yet scientifically proven way to improve yourself and your relationships.


    Further information:  


    NaturVits™ Chewable Supplements

    NaturVits™ produced by Ayanda, a highly respected Norwegian manufacturer or quality fish oil supplements, is new to the UK. NaturVits™ contains only the purest and freshest ingredients available and fish oils from some of the clearest and most nutritious waters of the world. Now available from Holland & Barrett nationwide. NaturVits™ comes as chewable, soft jelly drops, 100% sugar free, natural ingredients including 100% natural flavours, no water required, delicious taste, kids favourite, omega-3 and vitamins in one, no fishy aftertaste and superior bio-availability.


    Further information:


    ‘Miracle Matcha’ for Better Health

    Miracle Match helps boost immunity thanks to the highest recorded levels of Polyphenol and Catechins antioxidants. Miracle Matcha is a new superfood which offers a range of health-food products and supplements to boost energy, provide protein and more natural goodness than ten oranges. Miracle Matcha products are all based around  their exclusive Kenyan White Tea Matcha.


    Further information Tel: 020-3151 2530


    Rosehips Super Antioxidant

    Blueberries been touted as a superfood because of their high antioxidant levels; however a new study published in Food Chemistry shows they come a distant second to a common British hedgerow fruit. Researchers looked at the antioxidant capacities of various fruits including blackcurrants and blueberries. They used three tests to measure the levels of antioxidants; the superfood which came out top was rosehips. Thanks to Phytacol, one of the UKs leading producers of rosehip products, you do not have to scour the hedgerows. They  produce rosehip syrups, called Belle+, which have been specifically formulated for women and come with added iron, omega-3 or vitamin D.


    Further information:


    Bodhi Detox Salt Scrub Award

    British eco-luxury skincare brand Bodhi, is proud to announce Rosemary Chi Himalayan Detox Salt Scrub is the winner of Best Aromatherapy Product in The Beauty Shortlist Awards 2014. The Beauty Shortlist Awards sets out to recognize and celebrate the best of beauty with an emphasis on natural, organic and eco-luxury skincare. Bodhi Rosemary Chi Himalayan Detox Salt Scrub is a unique fusion of Himalayan Salt Crystals, nourishing butters and aromatic botanical oils.


    Further information Tel: 0800 987 5968;


    Living Nature’s Vitalising Exfoliant

    Living Nature’s Certified Natural Vitalising Exfoliant revitalzses the complexion and is now listed in The Good Scrub Guide. Living Nature’s Vitalising Exfoliant provides a gentle, effective and natural way to remove dead skin  cells, dirt and impurities from the complexion and stimulate cell renewal. The beauty of using Vitalising Exfoliant is that there is no scrubbing. Just the natural exfoliating and purifying action of lactic acid provided by Living Nature hero ingredient Active Manuka Honey.


    Further information Tel Botanical Brands Limited on: 0845 250 8455; Further information about The Good Scrub Guide

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