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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 217

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 217 - October 2014

Seminar on the Use of Mushroom Nutrition in Acupuncture and TCM

Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd has organized a full-day seminar on Saturday October 4th in central London The Use Of Mushroom Nutrition In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (TCM)

The venue location is: Hallam Conference Centre, 44 Hallam Street, London W1W 6JJ. Tel: 0207 706 7700 

Mushroom Nutrition Seminar

The invited speakers are from Portugal, Spain and the Czech Republic:

  • Professor Amin Karmali, a leading enzymologist based in Lisbon Portugal, will explain the importance of the beta-glucan, enzyme and secondary metabolite content in various mushrooms;
  • Dr Nuria Lorite PhD is a nutrition, pharmacist and TCM professor who will explain how the modern life impacts women´s health and how mushroom nutrition is beneficial in a series of situations;
  • Dr Zuzana Vančuříková  is an MD, acupuncturist and TCM Professor will explain the potential for the use of mushroom nutrition in viral based problems and the benefits of mushroom nutrition in select TCM syndromes;
  • Mr Karel Simonovsky is a TCM lecturer and mushroom nutrition author who will provide an introduction of the use of mushroom nutrition from a TCM perspective and also address the benefits of mushroom nutrition in select TCM syndromes. 

The seminar is limited to 70 participants

Certificates of Attendance will be issued by Mycology Research Laboratories, Ltd.

Price: £ 75 (VAT included) - Coffee and Buffet Lunch included                 

All Participants will receive Study Materials

To Register Email:

For More Information  Tel.: 0158 248 5209

To register Book Online at:   Tel. 020 8350 4607 / 07984 592626  - Steve Flood


Apricot Seeds from the Himalayas

It has been shown by various medical researchers that B17, found in apricot seeds, contains a form of cyanide which together with natural enzymes in the body breaks down the walls of cancer cells and also helps prevent cancer cells from forming.  Today many people are aware that our diet is often lacking in certain beneficial nutrients, especially those who eat mainly processed foods, such as readymade meals, sausages, ham etc.

Apricot Seeds from the Himalayas

Breaking open the kernels to remove the seeds

There are no nasty side effects from eating apricot seeds, but it is important to get organic seeds which have no fertilisers or pesticides used on the fruit trees.  The small seeds which grow at altitudes of over 6,000 feet in the Himalayas are found to be the most beneficial.   Here the apricots grow wild and are gathered by the local villagers. Then the fruit is either eaten or dried on walls.  The kernels are always saved and broken open to extract the seeds. In this way the local villagers can earn much needed extra income.

10-20 seeds can be taken during the day; they taste a little like bitter almonds. It is best to start with just a few seeds and build the quantity up slowly over a period of days. To help prevent cancer cells from forming, take 5-10 seeds a day.

Lifestyle and diet as well as other complementary therapies are also very important in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Further Reading

1. Dr Ernst Krebs, Sr MD and his sons Drs Ernst and Bryon Kerbs. Laetrile: The True Story Behind B-17 & Cancer Treatment. 1962.

2. Dr G Edward Griffin. World Without Cancer. American Media. 1997.

Further Information

Please contact Naturelle UK on Tel: 0800 374976 for seeds imported directly from the Himalayas or visit


The Practitioner's Encyclopedia of Flower Remedies: The Definitive Guide to All Flower Remedies, their Making and Uses

by Clare G. Harvey

Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 21 Oct 2014. Hardcover. £60. $95. ISBN-13: 978-1848191730; ISBN-10: 1848191731.

This comprehensive encyclopedia brings together flower essences gathered from all corners of the globe, from Hawaii and the Himalayas to America and the Australian Bush. It explains what flower remedies are, how they work and how to choose the right remedies for your clients' needs.


The properties of 33 families of flower essences and the benefits of over 2,000 remedies, combinations, mists and creams are described. An easy-to-use ailment chart pinpoints remedies for a wide range of physical and psychological conditions, from stress to hormonal imbalance and from allergy to depression.

The author provides instructions for prescribing, preparing and using flower remedies alongside illustrative patient case studies. This will be the definitive handbook for practitioners, therapists and students of complementary and alternative therapies working with flower essences and will be valuable reading for those wanting to learn more about how they can use flower essences in their practice.

About the Author

Clare G. Harvey is an internationally recognised authority on flower essences. She was originally trained by her grandmother, who was taught by Dr Edward Bach and Nora Weeks. Clare has been a Flower Essence Consultant since the 1990's, first at The Hale Clinic, London, and now in her own clinic at 103-105 Harley Street. A teacher and lecturer, Clare started the first International Flower Essence School for Practitioners, The International Federation for Vibrational Medicine, in 1988 which runs introductory and professional training courses. She is the founder of Floweressence CGH, which has been instrumental in establishing flower essences in the practitioner and retail market and is one of the major UK distributors of flower essences. Clare is also on the London Nutricentre's advisory board as their flower essence expert.

Further Information


Defend Yourself from Today's Toxic World with Blessed Herbs Natural Cleansing!

We are constantly exposed to toxins through the food we eat and the air we breathe. But, how do these toxins really affect our bodies?

Defend Yourself from Today's Toxic World with Blessed Herbs Natural Cleansing!

  • Mucosa wall breaks down leading to chronic inflammation;
  • Toxins colonize themselves and are stored in fatty tissues, slows down intestinal action, waste excretion, and nutrient absorption;
  • Blocks lymphatic drainage;
  • Weakens immune system;
  • Destroys useful bacteria;
  • Liver becomes overburdened and functions improperly - your liver needs a break!
  • Causes a Toxic Colon! If the waste is not being moved out of the Colon on a regular basis, it can accumulate and cause destruction and dehydration in the gut - just like your kitchen sink getting clogged up - you need to clean it so it does not cause any more issues.

Feel Lethargic Often?

We all get tired occasionally, but when occasional lethargy becomes a problem and recurs regularly, you need to look more deeper into the reasons why this lethargy is affecting you.

When you are dragged down by the content of a toxic colon, this can give rise to headaches, make you feel that you don’t have much energy and feel very irritable. Sound familiar?

Natural Colon Cleansing

helps purge your body of built-up waste, improving nutritional uptake while expelling toxins at the same time. The cleansing process helps support digestive health and optimises digestive function, but can also naturally revitalise and rejuvenate your liver, lungs, kidneys and other vital organ systems.

Ready to Explore Colon, Internal, and Parasite Cleansing?

Restoring your digestive health is the most important step to reasserting the natural internal balance necessary for improved nutrition, immune function and overall well-being.

Further Information

Blessed Herbs cleansing kits are registered organic with the Organic Food Federation (UK) and are available from Blue Herbs at or call them to discuss on Tel: 0203 4883830.


Cleanse for Health Retreats with Araura Berkeley

Come and experience a six day Life-Changing, Deep Cleansing in Somerset near Wells and Glastonbury, with Araura Berkeley. The program consists of three sessions of colon hydrotherapy, a 'bodywork' session every day - deep tissue massage, reflexology, acupuncture, sound therapy, nutritional advice as well as fresh organic vegetable juices and cleansing drinks, appropriate high quality supplements and essential fatty acids.

Cleanse for Health

All this will not only deeply cleanse our physical body but it will also affect the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our Whole Being, leading to major Life Changes and Wellbeing. The program consists of the following:

  • Removal of old impacted faecal matter/mucoidal plaque from the whole intestinal digestive tract;
  • Removal of parasites and unwanted fungal overgrowths e.g. candida;
  • Refloration of the intestinal tract with full spectrum probiotics, essential for the immune system and proper digestion/absorption of nutrients;
  • Organic vegetable juices boosting nutritional intake, as well as cleansing herbs, E.F.As (Essential Fatty Acids) and supplements;
  • Special cleansing drinks which stick to and rehydrate the ancient toxic matter, making it swell and come away from the intestinal walls;
  • Re-hydration and flushing of the cells with purified water;
  • Three sessions of colon hydrotherapy (colonics), one every other day;
  • 'Bodywork' daily:- combination whole body massage/ deep tissue massage/ reflexology/ acupuncture and Sound energy healing;
  • Skin brushing that stimulates the circulatory and the lymphatic systems, revitalising the skin which is our largest organ of elimination;
  • Nutritional advice and ‘tools’ for self- empowerment;
  • Liver/Gall bladder flush. (Not always suitable for every cleanser.);
  • Release of mental and emotional stress/blocks;
  • Kidney Cleanse Kits available on request (A 21 day easy process to do at home after the cleanse).

Further Information

Please Contact Araura Berkeley on Tel: 01749 939 694; Mob: 07717 855 581;


The Ilkley Complementary Medicine Festival, Kings Hall, Winter Gardens, Ilkley

Ilkley is the UK’s premier festival promoting natural remedies & related products.

Established in 1988, the twice yearly Complementary Medicine Festival attracts visitors, exhibitors and practitioners from all over the country.

Ilkley Festical


Held twice yearly in March and October.

The next event is the Autumn Complementary Medicine Festival

Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th  October 2014 from 10am to 5pm

Open to exhibitors from 8am

Exhibitors, Talks and demonstrations

Over 100 stands covering a wide range of Therapies, Services and Natural Products. Booking Form

Something to interest everyone including topics like Angelic Reiki and Crystal Energy to Stress Awareness and Kinesiology


£4.00 Adults, £3.50 Concessions

Children Free under 16 years of age

2 Day Pass £5.50


There is disabled access to the venue ( LIMITED ACCESS TO THE WORKSHOPS).

A range of foods including Vegetarian Refreshments are served over both days.


The King’s Hall, Winter Gardens is located in the heart of Ilkley, near Leeds and Bradford. The King’s Hall is directly opposite the railway and bus station. If you have sat. navigation on your car, the address is Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HB. There is plenty of on street car parking nearby.

Where to stay in Ilkley

We have compiled a list of places to stay in and around Ilkley. Please click HERE to see the list and phone numbers of hotels and B&B accommodation in and near Ilkley.

Further Information

To enquire about the festival or book a stand at the next event, please contact Michael Weaver on 01943 872387 or e-mail Mob 07939468822


Gates of Power: Actualize Your True Self

by Nomi Bachar

Published by Findhorn Press July 2014 £12.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-466-0.

“ I have learned that what gives us the most fulfilment and happiness is the ability to be who we are and grow into our true power. Being who we are, as simple as it sounds, is not that easy. It takes time, awareness, self-knowledge, and courage. It is a life-long process of learning to accept and express ourselves, to give of and to ourselves, and freely and confidently open up to receive and create happiness.”  - Nomi Bachar

Gates of Power

Nomi Bachar’s Gates of Power: Actualize Your True Self  is a unique and comprehensive curriculum for self-discovery and self-realization created by Ms Bachar.

Based on the author’s extensive 25-year experience as a psychotherapist, counsellor and coach, the book lays out a revolutionary method for opening ourselves up to inner power and the feeling “full aliveness.”

Cognizant that many of us feel we are “sometimes living alongside life, not really in it, as if there is a glass wall between us and life” Bachar has designed a step-by-step journey allowing the reader to find a path back to an open and expressive state of being. Her goal is to help reignite creativity, playfulness, open-heartedness and true fulfilment.

Simply laid out and practical the book outlines the seven Gates of Power; the gate of the body, of emotion, dialogue, creative expression, life path, silence and finally the Gate of knowledge. It is the identification and classification of the Gates of Power that sets this book apart.  Additionally, Bachar discusses her guiding principles for achieving an accelerated self-actualization through what she calls ‘The Four Commitments’. Throughout the book, Bachar draws on her wealth of experience with individual clients to give examples and explain her concepts in detail. The method unifies her knowledge of psychology, the creative process, the body and it’s energy, goal setting technology as well as spirituality.

About the Author

Nomi Bachar is a self-actualization expert, coach and former psychotherapist. For the past 25 years she has been counselling, lecturing, leading workshops and working with groups.  She lives in New York, NY. You can read more about Nomi here

Further Information

Available from Amazon


Back Pain Show Trials reinforce the benefits of FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser

Continuous Passive Motion” [CPM] equipment is used clinically to prevent joint stiffness1  and provide stimulus to joint regeneration processes2. CPM has been used to treat low back pain with clinically significant results3. By creating a sideways oscillating motion through the spine, the flow of synovial fluid between the discs can be encouraged, helping to reduce inflammation and ease pain, as well as improving range of motion. The FlexxiCore® Passive Exerciser combines the therapeutic back care benefits of CPM with the energizing and calming effects of a simple exercise machine popularised by the Japanese. The user simply lies down, puts their feet up on a cushioned cradle, and lets the FlexxiCore’s robust motor do the work. The body’s natural response to the swinging of the feet is a pleasant goldfish-like motion from the hips up, releasing tension in back, neck and shoulders, deepening respiration, and boosting circulation.

Back Pain Show Trials reinforce the benefits of FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser

Research has shown that back pain can often be attributed to an inability to relax, physically and/or mentally4. A regular rocking motion is also known to help synchronize brain waves and calm the nervous system5. Another area of research has shown how cartilage production in degenerative joints can be stimulated by relatively small degrees of motion, thus allowing for better gliding of the joint surfaces without pain or restriction6. At the recent Back Pain Show at Olympia, 50 visitors were offered a 5-minute session on the FlexxiCore, with 84% reporting having experienced stiffness or pain in their Back / Neck / Shoulders (“BNS”) recently. Each reported on what they noticed during and after a 5-minute session: 72% reported feeling more relaxed / calmer; 54% noticed a reduction in tension; 40% said it had immediately helped BNS problems; 32% reported feeling more energetic; and 85% felt the session was of benefit for their condition, including 35 of the 42 (83.3%) who had recent BNS stiffness or pain.

Case studies from Practitioner Trials with over 200 healthcare professionals have previously confirmed the FlexxiCore’s benefits with a broad range of health conditions7. One practitioner’s client had back problems following removal of a benign tumour. After just 11 sessions she reported relief of tension in the back, increased mobility, better posture, and improved feelings of hope and courage for the future.8


1.  O'Driscoll, SA, Nicholas J. Giori, NJ. Continuous passive motion (CPM): Theory and principles of clinical application. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 37 (2): 179-88. Mar-Apr 2000.

2. Salter R. The biologic concept of continuous passive motion of synovial joints. The first 18 years of basic research and its clinical application. Clin Orthop Relat Res,;(242):12-25. May 1989.

3. Acosta-Rua AJ, Scuderi GJ, Levine SM, et al. Treatment of subacute low back pain with a novel device for continuous passive motion of the spine. Am J Ther 15(2):176-9. Mar-Apr 2008.

4. Lundberg U. Stress responses in low-status jobs and their relationship to health risks: musculoskeletal disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci 896:162-72.; also Lundberg U. 1999. Psychological stress and musculoskeletal disorders: psychobiological mechanisms. Lack of rest and recovery greater problem than workload. Lakartidningen 100(21):1892-5. 297. 2003..

5.  Bayer L., Constantinescu I., Perrig S., Vienne J., Vidal P.P., Mühlethaler M., Schwartz S. Rocking synchronizes brain waves during a short nap. Curr Biol. Jun 21;21(12):R461-2. 2011.

6. Viidik, A. Functional properties of collagenous tissue. Review of Connective Tissue Research 6:144–149 1970.

7. McDonald, H. Clinical Relief with Use of FlexxiCore Exerciser. Positive Health. Issue 141  November 2007.

8.  Tisserand, M. Supervised Use of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser in a Clinic Context. Positive Health. Issue 177. December 2010.

Further Information

To find out more Tel: 08456 120129;; to watch a video visit


Complexities of Misguided Medical Advice for ME/CFS

Readers have told me they wish they had had this book right from when they first got ill. Ramsay and Acheson were unequivocal: “Complete rest, from the beginning of the illness gives the best prognosis”.  And if the patient's circumstances didn't permit them to rest, the illness resulted in a permanent state of exhaustion.  The 25% of the severely ill would tell you that exhaustion is a very mild term for the suffering they endure, all day, every day.  Yet the influential psychiatrists who control both medical and public opinion about this illness insist that rest is damaging, and exercise is a 'safe and effective' treatment.

Complexities of Misguided Medical Advice for ME/CFS

I wrote The Beginner's Guide to ME/CFS because I was lucky enough to escape from the attentions of misguided medical advice, I was never forced into Guided Exercise Therapy (GET), and I am well enough to produce a book to help others escape from the idea that these practices are helpful, and hopefully, escape through resting, into a pathway towards improvement. It made me sad that one reviewer was so discouraged by the message of my book, because it felt like ‘just giving up’.  I hoped that maybe she did ‘just give up’, at least give up the exhausting efforts many patients make, going to doctor after doctor, appointment after appointment - when each visit sets them back another few weeks.  My reader wasn't apparently able to understand the whole message - which is 'give up, to get better'.  'Giving up' - that is, resting because the illness requires it, getting every physical aide possible, using a wheelchair as a useful tool - it is all about conserving muscular exertion. 

Because muscular exertion is what makes us worse, and conserving it is what allows our body to galvanize its own healing mechanisms.  ME is an autoimmune disease which usually follows a relatively minor viral infection.  Our immune system becomes very active, but can't find the culprit.  Medical researchers are still looking for the culprit, and there may be many.  In the meantime, we have, often suddenly, become extremely disabled - not by paralysis, but by the failure of our muscles to function after a very short time, and delayed and protracted exhaustion after exertion. 

Our cognitive abilities are also affected, with problems of short term memory, confusion, and inability to solve problems or follow stories.  Our endocrine regulatory system is out of whack, so sleep rhythms, temperature regulation, appetite are not working properly, we may have headaches, and we have an ongoing low fever, swollen and sensitive lymph glands and sore throat, all evidence of immune activation.  Les Simpson explains how haemorheology understand what is going on and how it can help.  But no one yet has a cure, and in the meantime, we are left with the resources of our own body.  Which, given a chance, can gradually give us some improvement, if not a complete recovery.  It's not expensive, we can all do it, we can all afford it, and conserving our resources is all that we've got, until more is learned.  I wish I could magically give a copy of my book to everyone who gets this illness, and if I could, I would.  In the meantime, all I can do is tell you about it.

Further Information

Further information about The Beginner's Guide to ME/CFS here Available from the author and Amazon


New!  Water Re-Energizing Coaster

Water has amazing properties that make it different from all other liquids and drinking water that is full of energy gives us more energy, relieves aches and pains, enables our bodies to work more efficiently and just makes us feel better.   However,  we know that when water travels through straight pipes and is treated with chemicals it loses its’ energy until it becomes flat and its’ ability to carry information (which is vital for our bodies) diminishes.  So what can you do about it?  We can help water by filtering it and then enabling it to re-energise by using the new re-energising coaster!  Just stand a jug or glass of water on the coaster for at least 5 minutes and the information encoded into the design re-energises the water.

New!  Water Re-Energizing Coaster

Harness the Power of Quantum Physics and reap the health benefits!

A Flintshire Kinesiologist has been inspired to develop a water energising coaster that has the ability to enhance health and wellbeing in those who use it. The coaster has a specific design that uses information from quantum physics and water experts. It is made from glass which also creates a vibrational element and delivers the relevant energy to the water.

Peta Pendlebury, a therapist from Hope near Wrexham, plans to market the product across the UK and beyond through trade dealings and via one to one sales. Many of us will already be familiar with machines and jugs that have the ability to re energise water through magnetism or use of a vortex but this Water Re-Energising Coaster offers similar benefits but has the added bonus of being lightweight and compact and accessible to those with modest budgets and retails at just £9.99 plus p&p.

Victor Schauberger, a world renowned water researcher and ecologist said “When water travels through straight pipes and is treated with chemicals it loses its energy until it becomes flat and its ability to carry information (which is vital for our bodies) diminishes.” Peta sees herself as the facilitator for the product and the benefits it brings to others. She believes, like Victor Shauberger, that drinking water that is full of energy goes into our cells more easily and gives us more energy, relieves aches and pains, enables our bodies to work more efficiently and just makes us feel better.

The coaster has a specific design that uses information from quantum physics and water experts. It is made from glass which also creates a vibrational element.  The beauty of this product is that it can easily be carried in a handbag or purse and taken out for use as and when needed. You simply place a bottle, glass or jug of water on the coaster for 5 minutes to reap the benefits of use.

Further Information

Please contact Peta for more information about the coaster on Tel: 01978 760867;


The Concise Book of Trigger Points 3rd edition

by Simeon Niel-Asher

Published by Lotus Publishing. Softback. Aug 2014. £18.99 / $29.99 ISBN: 1905367511.

Since publication almost ten years ago, The Concise Book of Trigger Points has been translated into over 20 languages and become a best seller worldwide. This new edition has been completely updated and revamped, sharing current research, evidence, and advanced techniques for manual therapy practitioners, as well as simple self-help protocols that the layperson can do at home.

The Concise Book of Trigger Points 3rd edition

Containing full-colour illustrations, it is a compact reference guide, and explains how to treat chronic pain through trigger points; tender, painful nodules that form in muscle fibres and connective tissues. So much pain can be relieved quickly and efficiently with simple trigger point therapy.

The book is designed in an easy reference format to offer useful information about the trigger points relating to the main skeletal muscles, which are central to massage, bodywork, and physical therapy. The first six chapters provide a sound background to the physiology of trigger points, and the general methods of treatment. Chapters 7 to 12 are organized by muscle group, with the information about each muscle presented in a uniform style throughout. Each two-page spread gives detailed anatomical information, referred pain patterns, plus key trigger point information, practitioner protocols, and self-help information and drawings.

Author Simeon Niel-Asher said: “Many practitioners use trigger points every day in their work one way or another, even if they do not know it. Learning how to use them properly, through the information in The Concise Book of Trigger Points, increases the efficiency, speed, and efficacy of your treatments as a therapist.”

About Simeon Niel-Asher

Simeon is an acknowledged leader in the field of Osteopathic healthcare. Winner of the prestigious 2006 CAM award (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) for Outstanding Practice Simeon has also been named as one of the top 10 Osteopaths by the London (Evening Standard). He lectures around the world and is author of several books including, the best-selling The Concise Book of Trigger Points and Treat Your Own Frozen Shoulder. He practises at both his clinic in London as well as in Israel.

Further Information

Available from Amazon  


Super Greens by BodyMe

Health food experts BodyMe have created Super Greens, an organic mix of spirulina, wheatgrass, chlorella and barley grass to help you get a daily superfood boost.  Easily mixed in to smoothies, juices or water, BodyMe’s  Super Greens can also be obtained in powder and two capsule products, offering some of the highest quality organic superfoods available.

Super Greens by BodyMe

Super Greens contains four nutrient rich green superfoods…

  • Spirulina, a type of blue green algae that grows in fresh water, can be harvested and dried to form a powder high in certain vitamins and minerals. Studies1 have indicated it could help with certain aspects of the immune system through boosting anti-body production;
  • Chlorella, another kind of algae, also appears to be able to positively boost the immune system, especially, according to a recent study2, when it is supressed due to stress;
  • Wheatgrass is one of the most famed superfoods; studies show it may help support the liver3,4 - important if you’re thinking of having a few drinks over the festive period;
  • Barley grass, wheatgrass’ lesser known cousin, contains beta-glucan, which research5 has shown may also be able to modulate the immune system in a positive manner.

1.             J Diet Suppl. 2013 Sep;10(3):229-40. Effect of Spirulina (Arthrospira) supplementation on the immune response to tetanus toxoid vaccination in a mouse model.Chu WL1, Quynh le V, Radhakrishnan AK.

2.             Brain Behav Immun. 2013 Mar;29:39-50. Chlorella vulgaris treatment ameliorates the suppressive effects of single and repeated stressors on hematopoiesis. Queiroz Jde S1, Barbosa CM, Rocha MC, Bincoletto C, Paredes-Gamero EJ, Queiroz ML, Palermo Neto J.

3.             J Diet Suppl. 2014 Apr 3. Hepatoprotective Role of Wheatgrass on Alcohol and ΔPUFA-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats. Durairaj V1, Shakya G, Rajagopalan R.

4.             J Membr Biol. 2014 Jun;247(6):515-21. Effect of wheatgrass on membrane fatty acid composition during hepatotoxicity induced by alcohol and heated PUFA. Durairaj V1, Shakya G, Pajaniradje S, Rajagopalan R.

5.             Mol Nutr Food Res. 2012 May;56(5):822-33. β-Glucans are involved in immune-modulation of THP-1 macrophages. Chanput W1, Reitsma M, Kleinjans L, Mes JJ, Savelkoul HF, Wichers HJ.

Further Information

Available from  and independent health stores, prices start at just £6.99;   powders come in re-sealable pouches - with a donation made from each sale going to Healthy Planet ( ).

Available from BodyMe and Amazon


The Herbalist's Bible

by Julie Bruton-Seal and Matthew Seal

Published by Merlin Unwin Books. Sept 2014. Hardback. £25. ISBN: 978-1-906122-51-5.

In 1640 a London master apothecary, herbalist and gardener called John Parkinson published his life’s work on the healing ‘vertues’ of all the plants he had encountered. His lively and enquiring mind, combined with his expert herbalist skills, resulted in the surprisingly readable and informative text we can study today. It also shines a fascinating light on the health problems of 17th century Britain, in the days when infection often meant death, childbirth caused lifetime problems for women, and the plague, rabid dogs, a plethora of skin complaints, persistent coughs, fevers and stomach upsets challenged all, from King to pauper.

The Herbalist's Bible

Parkinson’s massive, 1,788 page book, has never been reprinted: perhaps it was simply too big. Today, Julie Bruton-Seal has used her extensive professional herbalist’s skills to write a modern commentary on Parkinson’s classic herbal. She and writer Matthew Seal have selected for this new book some of the most fascinating entries from the Stuart Theatrum Botanicum, rediscovering in the process many long-forgotten remedies, concurring with Parkinson’s theories which now seem so ahead of their time, and recommending new practical ways of interpreting Parkinson’s immense wisdom and learning for the 21st century. The result is an exciting new practical herbal, putting ancient wisdom into modern use.

Matthew Seal’s thoughtful introduction to The Herbalist’s Bible gathers together some fascinating research into the life, times and work of John Parkinson, Herbalist to King Charles I.  Herbalist to King Charles I, John Parkinson (1567-1650) was a master apothecary, herbalist and gardener. Famous in his own lifetime for his influential books, his magnum opus was published in 1640: the Theatrum Botanicum, which ran to 1,788 large pages. The sheer scope and size was perhaps to prove the book’s downfall because, while it was much revered and indeed plagiarized, it was never reprinted and now has the status of an extremely valuable rare book. Parkinson was writing at a time when Western herbalism was at its zenith and his skills as a plantsman (from his grounds in Covent Garden) combined perfectly with his passion for science, observation and historical scholarship.

In this editor’s selection, Julie and Matthew have printed Parkinson’s clear and lively description of a chosen plant’s ‘vertues’ or healing properties, adding their own modern commentary and a contemporary take on his almost-forgotten herbal recipes. Busy herbalists and keen amateurs will welcome this restoration and highlighting of Parkinson’s lost classic.

About The Authors

Julie Bruton-Seal is a practising medical herbalist, writer and photographer. She trained as a herbalist in the UK and USA and is a Council Member of the Association of Master Herbalists. Matthew Seal is an editor and writer. They are authors of the best-selling Hedgerow Medicine, Kitchen Medicine and Make Your Own Aphrodisiacs.

Further Information

Reviewed in Positive Health PH Online

Available from Amazon    


Rob Verkerk and ANH receive excellence awards from top US law firm

Jonathan Emord, lead counsel at Washington, DC constitutional and administrative law firm, Emord & Associates, is widely viewed as having made the single most important contribution toward triggering the expansion of the US natural health, integrative medicine and dietary supplement sector in the USA. This attribution is down to Emord’s remarkable series of successful court cases, which challenged attempts by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to restrict freedom of speech linked to claims for dietary supplements.  The seminal Pearson v Shalala case is so widely cited that it has over 1 million citations on Google.

ANH Robert Verkerk and Gretchen Debea

To celebrate the firm’s 20-year anniversary, the firm organised a spectacular 2-day event in the US city of Cambridge, Maryland.  There, ANH International, ANH-USA and their respective leaders, Rob Verkerk PhD and Gretchen DuBeau, were given excellence awards for their contributions by an awards committee of the Emord firm. Rob Verkerk was the sole recipient of the Free Speech Global Award and also received an award for Excellence in Integrative Medicine.  Both ANH International and ANH-USA were given awards for Freedom of Informed Choice.

From nominations received throughout 2013 and 2014, an awards committee of the Emord firm selected the following individuals to receive excellence awards in the following categories:

Excellence in Nutrition Science Award: Dr Sidney Stohs; Dr Mary Enig; Dr Melvyn Grovit; Dr Adrianne Bendich; Dr Charles B. Simone; Dr Jeffrey Bland; Dr Robert I-San Lin; Dr Harry G. Preuss; Dr Jeffrey Blumberg; Elwood Richard; Dr Jeanne Drisko; Dr Neal D. Barnard; Dr Stanley Dudrick; Michael Stroka; and Sally Fallon Morell.

Excellence in Integrative Medicine Award: Dr Martin P. Gallagher; Dr Dennis J. Courtney; Dr Jonathan V. Wright; Dr Julian M. Whitaker; Dr Warren Levin; Dr Charles B. Simone; Dr Aruna Bakhru; Dr Edmund Chein; Dr Stanley Dudrick; Dr Melvyn Grovit; Dr Robert Verkerk; Dr Harry G. Preuss; Dr Alan R. Gaby; Dr Gina Cushman; Dr David Perlmutter; Dr Joya Schoen; Dr Stephen T. Sinatra; Dr Carolyn Dean; Dr Sherri Tenpenny; Dr Sidney Stohs; Dr Neal D. Barnard; Dr Jonathan Collin; Dr John Abramson; Dr Ronald D. Hoffman; Dr Michael Schachter; Dr Andrew Weil; Dr W. Lee Cowden; Dr Joseph Mercola; Dr Mark Hyman; Dr Peter R. Holyk; Dr Garry Gordon; Dr Russell Jaffe; Dr Mayer Eisenstein; Dr Hyla Cass; Dr Allan Magaziner; Dr Bruce Shelton; Dr Sara Gottfried; and Dr Robban Sica.

Excellence in Medical Research Award: Dr Stanislaw Burzynski; Dr Charles B. Simone; Dr Charles B. Simone II; Dr Nicole Simone; Dr Neal D. Barnard; Dr Harry G. Preuss; Dr Alan R. Gaby; Bastyr University; and the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

First Amendment Hall of Fame Award: Durk Pearson; Sandy Shaw; Dr Julian M. Whitaker; Dr Joel D. Wallach; Ray Hamel; Peter Hamel; Gretchen DuBeau; Dr Alexander Schauss; and Dr Richard Kleinberger.

Free Speech Global Award: Dr Robert Verkerk.

Sacred Fire of Liberty Award: Donald E. Washkewicz; Paul F. Glenn; Hunter Lewis; NOW Foods; Berkley Bedell; William Faloon; Ben Suarez; Dr Julian M. Whitaker; Julie Whitman Kline; and Dr Joseph Mercola.

Freedom of Informed Choice Award: Alliance for Natural Health-USA (Gretchen DuBeau); Alliance for Natural Health-International (Dr Rob Verkerk); Life Extension Foundation; Institute for Responsible Technology; Bert Schwitters; Citizens Council for Health Freedom; Campaign for Liberty; Dr John Abramson; Sheila Matthews-Gallo; Dr Joseph Mercola; Mary Jo Siegel; Richard DeSylva; Dr Jane Orient; Donna Navarro; Barbara Loe Fisher; and Doris Wood.

Excellence in Health Product Innovation Award: Dr Mark Whitacre; Brian W. Shilhavy; Dr Nicholas Perricone; Jerry Smith; Dr Charles B. Simone; Dr Patricia Bragg; Dr Reginald McDaniel; Dr Joel D. Wallach; Will Block; Dan Caudill; Dr Luke Bucci; Corey Anderson; Janet Cherry; Frank Key; Scott Henderson; James Komorowski; Stan Soper; Durk Pearson; Sandy Shaw; Roland Jerch; and Elwood Richard.

Excellence in Health Journalism Award: James Gormley; William Skinner; Shane Starling; Robert Scott Bell; Dennis J. Courtney; John Rappoport; Bob Swientok; Frankie Boyer; Paul Rothfuss; Elaine Watson; Ron Waldman; Peter Starr; Vaishali; Dr Ronald D. Hoffman; Deborah A. Ray; Dr Joseph Mercola; Dr Stephen T. Sinatra; Dr Jonathan Collin; Joe Cosgrove; Dennis McCuistian; William Faloon; and Dr Neal D. Barnard.


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes


    ACMOS Bioenergetics Training

    Only four places remain on the Acmos Energy Balancing, Levels 1 & 2 on 22-24 September 2014. You can learn how to accurately measure and balance energetic problems in: your home and workplace, your own body, your family and friends, your pets, your garden, your jewellery and the food you eat. The course takes place in Ballock, by Inverness. The next course with an exam is running in Paris on 19-22 November 2014. The 'Introduction to ACMOS' recording is still available Here

    Further information Tel: 01463 794 582


    Survival in a Post-Antibiotic World

    The conference Your Health - Seven Keys to Survival in a Post-Antibiotic World, takes place  Sunday 2nd November 2014, at The Ramada Birmingham-Sutton Coldfield Hotel. Research shows there is a maximum of seven years before antibiotics fail completely. Leaders in scientific natural solutions will detail how you can effectively treat infection. Speakers include Vitamin C world expert Dr Tom Levy - Stopping infections with Vitamin C, Dr Lyn Hanshew - Modern use of silver for infection control, bioresonance technology expert Dr George Georgiou and Editor Health Freedom News Scott Tips - Health Legislation Hidden in Plain Sight.

    Further Information and booking  Seven Keys to Survival in a Post-Antibiotic World


    BIOLAB & Great Plains Laboratory Conference

    BIOLAB and The Great Plains Laboratory are pleased to extend an invitation to their conference Gut Function, Dysbiosis & Mental Health International Conference on 15-16 November 2014 at the Holiday Inn, London Regent’s Park. The main focus of the conference is to present ways to improve the quality of life of individuals with mental health and/or gut function disorders by presenting the most up-to-date, comprehensive, biomedical treatments, the benefits of alternative therapies and the most recent research.

    Further information Tel: 020-7636 5959/5905;


    Butterfly and Sea Essence Courses

    A unique opportunity to learn about and use Butterfly and Sea Essences. The courses in Malaysia have been updated to give you a full picture and experience of the New Dolphin and Whale Essences and Combination Essences. These are brand new and represent a huge step towards a peaceful, harmonious and loving world as we can work with and benefit from our ocean brothers and sisters to make this world into a much better place. These essences could be the finest step you have taken towards greater personal and planetary well-being.

    Further information:


    Death of BKS Iyengar

    It is with great sadness that Yogamatters shares the news that BKS Iyengar died on 20 August 2014 in a hospital in Pune, India. One of the greatest Yogis of the modern age, he revolutionized the practice and teaching of Yoga throughout the world. “When I practice, I am a philosopher, When I teach, I am a scientist, When I demonstrate, I am an artist.” BKS Iyengar.

    Further information Tel: 020 8888 8588;


    Bee Prepared to Beat Back to School Bugs

    Karen Newby, in-house Nutritional Therapist at UnBEElievable Health, offers advice to help children’s’ health. She recommends you keep up on their vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and green veg, to help reduce cold symptoms. Boost immunity by feeding the children gut-healthy foods such as rice, vegetables, oily fish and fruit as well as Bee Prepared immune support capsules. Make sure there is quality protein in their diets e.g. home-made chicken soup. Keep hydrated and keep sugar to a minimum. Bee Prepared formulas are sourced from hives, farms and forests, but are not usually found on your plate.

    Further information:


    bioDOT Rebalancing Your Energy

    EMF’s electromagnetic frequencies are all around us. The bioDOT is designed to be worn, or be near you all the time and can be attached to the back of a watch, favourite item of jewellery or in your wallet. It is a good idea to place it under your pillow at night. The bioDOT is programmed with powerful resonant Phi Technology®. The natural frequencies used in this programming harmonize your biofield, prompting its optional functioning state, making it more coherent and resilient - recharging your battery, restoring and rebalancing your energy.

    Further information: Tel: 01803 782008;


    Super Greens

    If you want to avoid the damaging effects of alcohol, wheatgrass is easily mixed into smoothies, juices or water. BodyMe’s wheatgrass is also available in capsule form and offers some of the highest quality organic wheatgrass available, produced from the whole leaf. The powders come in re-sealable pouches with a donation made from each sale to Health Planet, so you know you are not only improving your health, but also that of the planet.

    Further information:


    Vitamin D does not Stop Heart Attacks or Stroke

    Recent studies have shown a link between low vitamin D levels and an increasing number of conditions including MS, diabetes, schizophrenia and asthma. Previous research found that people with low vitamin D are more likely to have cardiovascular disease. New research reveals that taking vitamin D supplements does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, however, there is a chance that it could protect against heart failure in older people.

    Further Information: The report is available from the following drop box link:
    and will be published in the September edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


    camexpo 2014 Show and Conference

    The camexpo Exhibition takes place in Olympia, London on 4-5 October 2014. Keynote speaker is Professor Ben Pfeifer who will talk about An Integrative treatment Approach to Metastatic Cancer. Professor Pfeifer is a widely published Clinician and Scientist with over 40 years experience, he is one of the pioneers in integrative oncology. He developed effective treatments for patient s with metastatic cancer and is heading an international medial consultancy team of Oncologists and Immunologists out of Switzerland United under the name Aeskulap-International.

    Further information:


    Natural Birthing Range

    After helping thousands of new mothers, Jane Mason and Theresa Mounsey, midwives from Nottingham have set up the Natural Birthing Company with products to help women in pregnancy and birth. The products include a perineal massage oil to help increase the flexibility of your skin down below, a breast feeding survival kit to help with sore nipples and engorged breasts and a cooling facial spray to help beat back waves of nausea.

    Further information:


    VegfestUK London

    With all the recent publicity about the health and environmental benefits of reducing one’s meat and dairy consumption, you need look no further for ideas than VegfestUK, London, the UKs biggest vegan event. Vegan celebrities will be present to meat from TV presenters to athletes and musicians. The event is taking place at Kensington Olympia (West Halls) in the West End of London on 27 September 2014.

    Further information:


    Eat to Get Younger

    Eat to Get Younger by Lorraine Nicolle and Christine Bailey, award winning Nutritionists, shows you how to manipulate your diet, supplements and lifestyle to strengthen the body systems which are essential to extending your healthy years - inflammation, detoxification, carbohydrate metabolism and the stress response. It includes action plans to help you focus on your own individual goals, whether this is reducing pain, improving bones and joints, easing the menopause, losing weight, revitalizing your skin or reducing chronic internal inflammation which is the precursor to most age-related disease.

    Further information: Singing Dragon Tel: 020-7833 2307;


    True Weight - Missing Link

    Gerry Pyves founder and creator of NO HANDS Massage, with 25 years of experience, has discovered that all the strokes and techniques taught to deal with your clients’ structural problems are missing a key ingredient. The missing ingredient is weight. The problem for the Practitioner however, is that using full body weight, is likely to result in injury; this is why his new approaches teaches, not just how to use weight in all your treatments, but how to do it with no strain. Learn NO HANDS therapy at one of Gerry’s courses. London, Heathrow: 3-5 October, Morecambe, Lancashire 31 October-2 November.

    Further information Tel: 01524 415345;


    Ubiquinol from Kaneka

    Ubiquinol is found in every human cell and is an essential part of the respiratory chain, which produces more than 95% of the energy the body needs to sustain its vital functions. One example of where you can get Ubiquinol, is Ubiquinol Omega-3 Aktiv-Formula capsules from the Biogenal. Kaneka QH™ Ubiquinol is suitable for use in soft gel capsules, pellets and sticks as well as in foodstuffs.

    Further information Tel: +32 2 663 03 48;


    Body Intelligence Meditation

    Body Intelligence Meditation - Finding Presence through Embodiment by Ged Sumner introduces a series of Body Intelligence meditations, which create a deeply felt connection with the physical body. The exercises and meditations encourage Practitioners to tune in to subtle states of life that lie within the body; pathways are provided to access different levels of connections, from the powerful collective wholeness of the diaphragm to the calmness and flow of the fluid body.

    Further information Tel: 020-7833 2307;


    Primrose’s Kitchen Launches the Eden Park Holistic Lifestyle Fair

    The Eden Park Holistic Lifestyle Fair, which takes place on Saturday 4 October, is the brainchild of Primrose’s Kitchen Founder Primrose Matheson. The event, held at Eden Park, Buckland Newton, aims to promote holistic therapists, natural food producers and natural lifestyle products based in the South West. With many stalls and pitches already booked, the Eden Park Holistic Park Holistic Lifestyle Fair will act as a business networking forum for professionals in the natural and holistic sectors where participants can share advice and guidance and comment on key issues such as the environment and animal welfare.

    Further information  Tel: 07970 441 046;


    Mexican Aztec Healing

    A crowd funding initiative to finalize  studies in the traditional Mexican Aztec healing, Mexihka Pactli is set to begin on the 20 October 2014 in Mexico. This work is meant to enrich you before you give. It has been a journey bringing this crowd funding project together, and it still is a journey to know what you want, to let go, to give and to receive. It is with hope to share and you can share it with others. All supporters will be honoured with a gift from Mexico. Mexihka Pactli is a message, a treatment, an art piece, and a way to make things happen.

    Further information: Tel: 079 4608 4848;


    Proton Therapy UK Briefs Results

    Launched in December 2012, the Proton Therapy Centre in Prague, is a private facility providing proton therapy to treat cancer patients. Proton Therapy UK is the facility’s UK division, dedicated to looking after UK patient enquires and assisting UK clients undergoing treatment at the Proton Therapy Centre.

    Further information Tel: 0044 1268 923 499;


    MicrOrganics Hawaiian Spirulina

    Hawaiian Spirulina contains a total of 9 important vitamins and 14 minerals which are bonded to Hawaiian Spirulina’s eight essential amino acids and omega-6. It is also one of the richest sources of GLA, which is three times richer than evening primrose oil. It contains a rich spectrum of available proteins and 25 times more beta-carotene than that of raw carrots. MicrOrganics products are available as tablets or powder.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303;



    Seiki is a hands-on Ki-therapy, a form of Shiatsu and method of self-development, founded by Zen Shiatsu Teacher, Akinobu Kishi in the early 1980s. At Developing Resonance & Mindfulness in Healing & Movement 25-26 Oct, you will be invited to explore working with Ki sensitivity though practices of breathing and abdomen-centred awareness exercises, spontaneous and guided movement and sound and bodywork with Daniela Coronelli at ‘Wayfaring’, Dartington, Totnes, Devon. Open for all with an interest for Shiatsu and other bodywork practitioners, this workshop is an opportunity to develop your CPD.

    Further information Tel: 01803 862 653; (Advance booking is essential),


    Depression, Understanding the Black Dog

    Depression, Understanding the Black Dog by Stephanie Sorrell, published by Psyche Books (imprint of John Hunt Publishing)  is to be published on 31 September 2014. Having suffered from major depression for much of her life, Stephanie Sorrell has learned to work with the disease rather than against it. Where so many mental-health books feature fighting and overcoming depression, her experience and understanding have enabled her to see the value of the condition rather than what it can take away.

    Further information:


    Slim by Design

    Slim by Design - Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life by Brian Wansink PhD is a book which uses cutting-edge, never-before-seen research (interweaving drawings, charts, floor plans, report cards for the kitchen, workplace and more). Dr Wansink reveals how schools can nudge kids to take an apple instead of a biscuit, how restaurants can increase profits by selling half-size portions, how supermarkets can double the amount of fruit and vegetables they sell and how anyone can cut plate refills at home by more than a third.

    Further information:


    Himalayan Salt on Sale

    Himalayan Crystal Salt is mined deep below the famous mountains and in addition to sodium chloride, contains 84 minerals and trace elements. Himalayan Crystal Salt is among the most efficient natural remedies. One of the best ways of experiencing its  remarkable cleansing properties is to drink Sole (pronounced Solay). Sole is a 1% water/salt solution as found in our blood and tears. One glass of Sole every morning brings amazing benefits.

    Further information Tel: 01342 410 303;


    The Case of the Disappearing Cancer

    The Case of the Disappearing Cancer and Other Stories of Illness and Healing, Life and Death by Louis Heyse-Moore is published by Ayni Books, imprint of John Hunt. The author believes healing is much more than just physical cure. Over the many years he has worked with ill people, it has become obvious to him that body, mind and spirit are all affected when they are healing. Dr Louis Heyne-Moore is a retired Consultant Physician in palliative medicine, who currently works as a Psychosynthesis Counsellor and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapist.

    Further information:


    Amazing Grass New Berry Products

    Amazing Grass is dedicated to creating superlative organic green foods on the market, made from the finest ingredients; they offer a variety of healthy and delicious superfood which is raw, vegan and gluten free. ORAC 40,000 Green SuperFood contains peroxyl, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, super oxide anion and singlet oxygen. ORAC is an acronym for Oxygen Radial Absorbency Capacity and is a complete raw food with powerful antioxidants, contains 3985mg of alkalizing greens and alkaline green plant food balance acid pH levels. Berry Raw Reserve Green SuperFood features some of the most delicious antioxidant-rich berries on the planet. On their family-run farm in Kansas, Amazing Grass have devoted hundreds of years to growing the most nutrient dense cereals grasses.

    Further information:


    bioBAND for bioDOT

    The bioBAND contains a bioDOT, designed to be worn all the time. Power comes from the bioDOT radiating the phi energy signature known as phi technology, which retunes and revives the human energy field. The bioDOT is programmed with powerful Phi Technology®. The natural frequencies used in this programming harmonize your own biofield and remind it biofield of its optimal functioning state, making it more coherent and resilient.

    Further information:


    Scientists Unlock Key to Blood Vessel Formation

    Scientists from the University of Leeds have discovered a gene which plays a vital role in blood vessel formation, research which adds to our knowledge of how early life develops. The discovery could also lead to greater understanding of how to treat cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The research team is planning to study the effects of manipulating this gene on cancers, which require a blood supply to grow, as well as in heart diseases such as atherosclerosis, where plaques form in parts of blood vessels with disturbed blood flow.

    Further information Tel: 0113 243 1751;  0113 343 8059;  


    World of Learning Conference and Exhibition

    The World of Learning Conference and Exhibition takes place at the NEC Birmingham on 30 September-1 October 2014. Visitors to the World of Learning Conference and Exhibition, can explore the latest innovations at the Technology Test Drive Zone.

    Further information:


    Immulina™  - Immune System Workout

    Doctors are prescribing more antibiotics, despite warnings about the dangers of antibiotic resistance caused by overuse. One capsule a day of Immulina™, gives your immune system an intense workout, contains Spirulina, preserves the body’s natural resistance, is 100% natural and safe and is 40 times more effective in maintaining overall wellbeing than Echinacea. Immulina™ is a natural food supplement, which when taken daily, has been scientifically proven by maintaining the function of the immune system cells.

    Further information:  Available from Vital Life International  Tel: 020 7720 1441;

  • Ultimate Body Detox

    Immune system support & heavy metal detox - 3 powerful products: ACS 200, ACZ Nano & ACG Glutathione

  • Water for Health

    Specialist online health store focused on hydration, body pH balance and quality nutrition.

  • health & fitness books

    Massage, sports injury, holistic, healthcare and specialists books written by leaders in their field

  • Liposomal Nutrients

    Optimum system for nutrient delivery to cells - fully bioavailable vitamins absorbed and metabolised


    The FLEXXICORE exercise revolution: transform your fitness regime with 2 exhilarating exercisers

  • nutrition and cancer

    by Sandra Goodman PhD The latest scientific research regarding Nutrition and Cancer. Full details at

  • June Sayer Homeopathy

    Training Academy Homeopathy Nutrition Reiki, Distant Learning. Diet, Health Screening, Detox, Stress

  • Seaweed as Superfood

    Comprehensive nutrient balance found in no other natural food but seaweed: colon health, weight loss

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