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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 219

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 219 - January 2015

Flavon Max Products - Outstanding Antioxidant Activity [ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) – Value] 

Flavonoids are bioactive compounds found in fruits, vegetables and other plant. There are over 4,000 different flavonoids found in foods. It is amazing how Mother Nature packages up nutrition for humans. Whole food antioxidants contain natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals and other elements where man-made synthetic supplements do not. For example fruits, which are higher in sugar, contains flavonoids that help your body metabolize the sugar you are consuming. This is the general reason why they help reduce the risk for type II diabetes.  And it helps to explain why it is damaging to consume large amounts of sugar without concurrent flavonoids.

Flavon Max Products

Flavonoids are gaining worldwide attention for their very diverse and unique range of powerful health benefits. Numerous research studies have revealed that flavonoids have an interesting effect on our bodies - rather than acting as antioxidants (the way vitamins C and E work), there is evidence they actually alter the way our cells function - that is, which chemicals the cells produce (or do not produce), and what signals they send to other parts of the body. Researchers term this “cell-signaling pathways;” for example, certain cells can release a powerful enzyme that serves to neutralize carcinogens, helping prevent cancer from starting. But something needs to ‘signal’ the cells to release this enzyme.

Based on the outstanding results of Flavon Max Products that have been measured for the antioxidant activity (ORAC) by world’s leading company, Brunswick Laboratories Inc, this proves the premium quality of their product and strengthens its position among the world’s leading antioxidant dietary supplements. The creator of Flavon Max products Prof. Dinya Zoltan says “ The Flavon products are a rarity on a global scale”.

“All ingredients in Flavon products work synergistically and are able to protect the body against detrimental diets. A few examples of its positive effects in cases that have been experienced and tested in studies and has been confirmed. We can say with certainty the following:

  • It protects the retina from degeneration and aids in the treatment of eye diseases;
  • It normalizes blood pressure;
  • It protects against haemorrhages, blood clotting and atherosclerosis (arterial plague);
  • It strengthens the immune system;
  • It helps prevent diabetes type II;
  • It helps prevent cancer;
  • It inhibits pathological processes. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

The Flavon Max products are perfect, unique and outstanding quality without competition which is why they have had so much success and won prestigious awards”

Further Information

For more information please contact Joanna Ozimek!online-shop/c1a3m


Altrient High Performance Liposomal Vitamin Formulations

Abundance & Health Ltd is the European distributer for LivOn Labs Altrient Liposomal formulations, was founded 6 years ago by Acupuncturist Jonathan Orchard and business partner Hiren Patel. Altrient Liposomal vitamins are a breakthrough in nutrient delivery, providing up to 98% bioavailability and intracellular delivery of the vitamins, which is what makes these preparations so exciting.

Abundabce & Health

Liposome encapsulation was originally developed by the pharmaceutical industry as a means of ensuring a very high degree of bioavailability for certain drugs. The principle is very simple, but making good quality liposomes is actually very difficult. The vitamins are mixed with essential phospholipids at great pressures to produce tiny capsules of the vitamin wrapped within the protective layer of essential phospholipid. The bubbles are so small they can be absorbed in the small intestine and then used directly by the body without the body having to expend any energy processing them. Both the phospholipid and vitamin can enter the cells directly and be utilised quickly and easily.

There is a myth on the internet that you can make your own liposomal vitamin C using an ultrasonic bath, vitamin c and lecithin. Although the principle is correct in theory, two independent studies on these home brew versions have confirmed almost zero liposomes are produced in this way, just a very good emulsion, which may have better absorption properties than normal vitamin C, but cannot come close to what true correctly sized liposomes can achieve. 

The director Jonathan Orchard explains how he came across them:

‘It was serendipity that I happened to discover Liposomal vitamin preparations almost before they were heard of in Europe or even in the USA, where they are manufactured. At the time, I was heavily researching the use of high dose and intravenous vitamin c for various health conditions. After several weeks of trawling the internet I eventually came across references by Dr Thomas Levy, one of the world’s leading experts on vitamin C, that in his experience the effect of one sachet of Liposomal Vitamin C was equivalent to 10g of intravenous vitamin C! I was astonished, as the implications of this are huge and knew I had to start trying the products out myself. The interest in these products has been phenomenal, mostly driven by word of mouth recommendations; we regularly hear wonderful stories from satisfied customers."

Nutrients that are poorly absorbed or peak rapidly in the body are good candidates are ideal candidates for liposomal encapsulation. There are currently 4 products in the Altrient range: Vitamin C, Reduced Glutathione, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid and a Multi B preparation. All ingredients are no GMO, and every batch is tested for quality and stability. The phospholipids used (mostly phosphatidylcholine) are extremely high grade and in their own right very beneficial for cellular health. The Altrient range by LivOn Labs is the world’s best and most trusted liposomal preparation.

Further Information

Please contact Abundance and Health on Tel: 020 3239 4907;  


Best Care Himalayan Salt and Seaweed Shaker

Himalayan Salt and Seaweed is a mixture of 20% Natural Organic Seagreens® seaweed and Himalayan Crystal Salt. We have put together this new product with the focus on both flavour and healthy nutrition.

Best Care Himalayan Salt

It has been known for many years that no other natural food has such a complete balance of minerals, trace elements and all the other micronutrients like Seaweed does. Similarly Himalayan crystal salt is an exceptionally mineral-rich whole food that is 100% natural, unrefined and unpolluted.

Through our research we found that we should use 1 gram of seaweed a day to allow for the nutrient imbalance in our daily diets. With our new seaweed and Himalayan salt you would be getting 1g of seaweed for every 5g of Himalayan Salt and Seaweed you use. Which is why this product is not only tasty but also exceptionally good value.

Sea vegetables have very interesting nutritional properties. They are virtually fat-free, low in calories and rich in essential minerals, vitamins and protein. The mineral content of sea vegetables is highly significant and is probably responsible for many of their health benefits.

The major minerals are instrumental in most of the life-sustaining activities in the body; for example, magnesium is crucial in calcium absorption, iodine in thyroid function, iron in blood oxygen exchange, and chromium in blood sugar regulation. Seaweeds provide all of the 56 minerals and trace minerals required for the body’s physiological functions.

Further Information

There is a discount code for Positive Health PH Online readers on the BestCare website: input the code PHSALT20 and receive 20% off the Seaweed and salt on the BestCare website. Please contact BestCare Products on Tel: 01342 410303;



The Dove Clinic

Since 2000 the Dove Clinic (, under the leadership of Dr Julian Kenyon, has been offering treatment options to its chronically ill patients including Chronic fatigue Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Dr Kenyon is assisted by a clinical, management and admin team, many of whom have been with him for more than ten years. A number of his patients have also retained his services over a similar period of time and a significant number of new patients come from word of mouth recommendation from existing patients.  The Dove Clinic’s objective is to offer options when traditional treatment options have run out or have stopped working. 

Julian Kenyon

Working in this area of medicine offers its own unique set of challenges.  Advertising rules severely limit what you can say about the type of cases you are treating and the means by which you are treating them.  What we can say is that the Clinic is regulated by The Care Quality Commission and the medicines and supplements which form part of the treatment regimens are sourced on the basis that these are the best formulations for the treatment regimes. 

In cases where new supplements are introduced, Dr Kenyon will audit the scientific evidence available to support these supplement's use.  In some cases the Dove Clinic has contributed to the studies and research to support the efficacy of the supplement.  One instance of this was the introduction of ImmiFlex, a 1,3-1,6 glucan featuring the Wellmune WGP ingredient.  There is a growing body of research to support Wellmune’s use and this is published on the Wellmune website -  The most recent research was published in June this year entitled “Yeast-Derived 1,3/1,6 Glucopolysaccharide to Prevent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection and Modulate Circulating Cytokines and Chemokines in Older Adults.”  This was published in the peer reviewed journal, Clinical Research.

The Dove Clinic has two operational bases - one in Twyford, Hampshire where the treatment programmes also take place and one in Wimpole Street, London which is used for consultation only.  Consultations must be booked in advance and this is undertaken via the Reception team based in Hampshire.  The Clinic is happy to take referrals from other medical professionals and will refer patients on to other professionals if that is deemed best for the treatment of the patient.

Further Information

For further information please contact Dove Clinic, on Tel: 01962 718000;


Anna Jeoffroy  Bach Flower and Reflexology Energy and Vibrational Therapies

Physician Heal thyself….Healing - begins at home!

As therapists, do we lead the way on health and vitality, or do we deplete ourselves emotionally and mentally as well as physically trying to make everyone else better? If you try to be in the former camp, then you will be inspired and revitalized by a day or two of meditations and inner contemplation while exploring the world of Bach Flower essences. The use of these wonderful essences will help you to release the patterns that work against you and enable you to address emotional responses before you start reacting in ways that do not serve you.  They are an incredibly effective tool to manage the emotional ups and downs that can get in our way.

Anna Jeoffroy Bach Flower

I have been teaching about Energy and Vibrational Therapies for 25 years and taught Reflexology (with my late husband Philip Salmon) as an energy therapy for over 20 years, and Bach Essences for nearly as long. We introduced Dr Bach’s Flower Remedies to our students as a self-development tool to deal with the fast track emotional development that accompanies the beginning of most therapy training but especially reflexology, as they are stimulating energy, particularly that of the 1st zone (thumb) which in turn affects to the throat chakra. As this chakra is linked to healing disturbance in our Ether pattern it can mean that any issues we are suppressing with will come up to be resolved.

I have always had the greatest faith in Dr Bach’s essences but no more so for the support and help they have afforded me through losing Phil in 2011. My work is now re-channelled, the essences are now my focus. My purpose is to inspire as many practitioners, therapists and carers to be able to use these essences, effectively, efficiently and to every ones benefit – including themselves and empower them to have the ability  and understanding to respond to problems, setbacks and the challenges that life throws at all of us.

Further Information

For a full list of Bach Flower and Reflexology courses / workshops, please contact Anna Jeoffroy via Energy Works... Training and Seminars on Tel: 07808 403059;


The Practitioner's Encyclopedia of Flower Remedies

by Clare G. Harvey

Published by Singing Dragon. 2014.Hardcover. £54 ISBN: 978-1-84819-173-0

Flower essences are a popular remedy with amongst A-listers with celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and Cate Blanchett promoting them. Actor Martin Shaw is even president of the Flower Remedies Association has described his relationship with flower essences as “An essential provider of emotional, mental, and physical balance.”

The Practitioner's Encyclopedia of Flower Remedies

It’s easy to understand why a natural health product that’s good for weight loss, stress and all sorts of common health problems would be popular. But Clare G Harvey, one of the world’s leading experts in flower remedies argues that “flower essences go further, highlighting the underlying patterns leading to emotional distress and its physical repercussions.” Flower essences are a more holistic approach to healing; treating both the cause and the symptom of an ailment alongside the emotional and physical impact of it. These more multi-levelled treatments have put flower remedies back on the map as a deeper and longer term medicine for illness.

Clare G Harvey’s latest book The Practitioner’s Encyclopedia of Flower Remedies is by far, the most comprehensive guide ever published on the subject.

  • Clare G Harvey was originally trained by her grandmother, who was taught by Dr Edward Bach;
  • Clare started the first International Flower Essence School for Practitioners;
  • She is the founder of Flower essence CGH A major UK distributor of flower essences.

Martin Shaw says “Clare G. Harvey has put a lifetime of study and personal experience into this wonderful book, which has arrived at a time when it is so needed. It's a rare combination of perfect research tool and a thing of beauty which will inspire any who wish to explore subtle healing. We now have the map; the journey is up to us.”

Further Information

This book is reviewed in Positive Health PH Online and is widely available from the author’s website, amazon and publishers websites:


Bowel Baddies - How to Spot the Signs

The Bug Boom

Rates of infectious and parasitic diseases have increased by 30% since 1990. However, parasites are an under reported and often overlooked cause of common health disorders. The common perception that parasites are only picked up during travel to exotic climes is a fallacy. People living with pets or who regularly eat out could be at risk and because parasites can be contacted via infected soil; even gardening could cause exposure.

Blood Fluke and Tapeworm

Life Cycle

During their life, parasitic organisms typically go through several developmental stages that involve changes not only in structure but also in biochemical and antigenic composition. Some of these infections can convert from a well-tolerated or asymptomatic condition to life-threatening disease.

Parasites signs

Like fungi infections, spotting bowel baddies like parasites can often be confused with symptoms of other illnesses; the question of parasites is often overlooked. Common Signs of Infection include:

  • Abdominal pain; Bloating; Colitis; Dysuria; Diarrhoea; Digestive disturbance; Flatulence;
  • Central nervous system impairment; Chest pain; Coughing; Chills; Cramping;
  • Chronic fatigue; Joint Pain; Insomnia; Dizziness; Fever; Headaches;
  • Enlargement of various organs; Vaginitis; Jaundice; Sweating; Lung congestion;
  • Weight loss due to malnutrition; Weakness; Immuno-deficiency;
  • Nausea/vomiting; Night sweats; Swelling of facial features; Muscle spasms
  • Ulcers; Rectal prolapse; Mental problems; Memory loss
  • Skin complains; Hair loss or thinning

Hard to Diagnose

In some people, intestinal worms do not cause any symptoms, or the symptoms may come and go. Some parasites also cause low red blood cell count (anaemia), and some travel from the lungs to the intestine, or from the intestine to the lungs and other parts of the body. Many other conditions can result in these symptoms, so laboratory tests are necessary to determine their cause. Plus some parasite infections can be misdiagnosed and it’s likely that the incorrect treatment protocol would then be given. Some examples of this include:

  • Trichinella - Can masquerade as many illnesses ranging from flu to generalised or specific aches and pains;
  • Filariasis (dog heartworm) on x-ray lesions can be mistaken for lung cancer;
  • Ascaris and Lung Fluke could be diagnosed as a peptic ulcer;
  • Liver fluke symptoms can be similar to hepatitis;
  • Cysticercosis (pork tapeworm) is often misdiagnosed as epilepsy or brain tumour;
  • Anisakas simplex shows similar symptoms to acute appendicitis, Crohn’s disease, gastric ulcers and gastrointestinal cancer.

So, accurate parasite testing is key, along with a thorough understanding of the parasite world. The Parasitology Center Incorporated in Arizona is led by the respected Parasitologist Dr Omar Amin and is considered to be a world leader in testing. Practitioners based in Europe can assess the testing procedures for their clients via PCI Europe.

How do we become Infected?

There are many aspects of our environment and lifestyle that can influence whether you may become a happy home for some unwanted guests! Poor lifestyle choices inadequate or excessive nutrition, poor digestion, stress and a challenged immune system can all create an open door for infection. Commercial or poor farming practices, poor personal hygiene, contamination of water, sex, international travel, multiple occupancy living conditions and the poor health of pets all increase the chances of infection. If your client complains of constant tiredness, is struggling to lose weight or troubled by niggling stomach problems that never go away, parasites or fungi could be the culprit.

Further Information

Emma Lane teaches healthcare practitioners about parasites and other pathogens in her course The World of Parasites Fungus and Bacteria. The two-day in-depth course explore these pathogens and how their presence can lead to gastrointestinal issues and poor immune function as well as causing tissue and organ damage and disease. Emma may also be contacted at Integrative Health Education on Tel: 01924 242 851;


Functional Anatomy of Yoga: A Guide for Practitioners and Teachers

by David Keil

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2014. Softback. £19.99. ISBN: 978-1-905367-46-7

Functional Anatomy of Yoga is a rare gem. This book enables both the casual reader and the seasoned practitioner to understand and implement the anatomical structure and function of the body in yoga. Written with a conversational tone, the book delivers the complex subject of human anatomy in a way that is both provocative and clear.

Functional Anatomy of Yoga

The underlying theme of the book is integration. David Keil outlines how yoga teachers and practitioners can utilize a deeper understanding of their anatomy as they approach the larger scheme of yoga. How do the supposed ‘parts and pieces’ of the body synchronize to support integrated movement? Finally, how do the various yoga postures interrelate from the perspective of functional anatomy.

Not only is David Keil an authority on the subject of anatomy, but he also has the wisdom and first-hand experience of a skilled yoga teacher and practitioner. He has been presenting the subject of anatomy in a way that is interesting, meaningful, and applicable to teachers and students alike since 2000.

Beautifully illustrated throughout with colour images and photographs to clearly explain the concepts and asanas, Functional Anatomy of Yoga will assist readers in reaching new heights in their yoga practice using the ‘laboratory’ of the body and the tools of yoga asana. Chapters include: The Basics of Functional Anatomy, Comparing the Upper and Lower Extremities and Anatomical Patterns in Asana among others.

Keil says: “After reading this book, you will be filled with information that inspires you to think critically. You will have the tools to hypothesize what’s going on in a student’s (or in your own) body and what to do about it. As you read, your understanding of what anatomy means will expand and you will begin to explore your body as an integrated whole; you will begin to experience asanas not as individual postures but as elements that are related to one another in the context of a greater whole. Functional Anatomy of Yoga aims to help both teachers and practitioners to merge your intellect with your physicality.”

About the Author

David Keil was introduced to yoga in 1989 by his Tai Chi Chuan teacher; at 17 Keil had begun his life-long journey into his own mind-body connections.  Keil teaches anatomy and yoga workshops worldwide. He is one of a small number of people worldwide who are authorized to teach the Ashtanga yoga system as taught by Sri K Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India, where he has travelled numerous times to study. Originating from the US, David has practised yoga, and taught anatomy workshops, overseas for the past thirteen years. 

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing and Amazon



Freeing your Power Within - Sally Stubbs Rapha™ Audio Therapy Courses

Because of my own personal crisis in the late 1970s - the fears and nervousness, anxiety, not speaking up for myself - not sleeping - hiding away from life - weight gain - YIKES! - really not living life - I set upon my own Quest to discover which Therapeutic Methods do and do not work authentically and lastingly.

Sally Stubbs

I studied and qualified in 1982 and my rigorous research has continued. In the past 10 years I’ve put all my research and accumulated experience together as my RAPHA™ courses - on CD’s, MP3’s – and now, wonderfully, on Flash Drives. My RAPHA Audio Therapy takes you on a comprehensive, fun, interesting inner journey, half an hour a day for 40 Days. It isn’t ‘Fast Food Therapy’ - it is nourishing and sustaining of your self – successfully healing mind-emotional problems – such as the fears, nervousness, stressing, not sleeping – weight gain…….. Guaranteeing you Success – and mobilising, and freeing your inner dormant strengths and resources.

How the Forty Days are Organized

I guide and teach you to the four main qualities that all successful people have in common!

  1. They know in detail what they want.
  2. Day 1 - Day 10: For around 10 minutes a day you HONE your Goal - determine exactly what you want to achieve.
  3. To make this happen there is a 20 minute metaphorical teaching process track.
  4. They are thoroughly motivated.
  5. Day 11 - Day 20:  10 minutes a day to truly & authentically ‘up’ your motivation.
  6. To make this happen there is a second 20 minute metaphorical teaching process track.
  7. They have 100% belief that they will be successful.
  8. Day 21-30 around 10 minutes a day to deconstruct your own negative self-beliefs – and gain solid positive self-beliefs.
  9. To make this happen there is a third 20 minute metaphorical teaching process track.
  10. They experience – visually, auditory and kinesthetically (feelings) their future Goal in the present time.
  11. Day 31-40: Again around 10 minutes a day for these 10 days - to fully feel and know your Goal – in the present. Fears, weight, stressing - gone - forever - This is a really fun and invigorating part of your journey.
  12. To make this happen there is a fourth 20 minute metaphorical teaching process track.

Why Metaphorical Process

Because All our mind-emotional problems are Unconsciously Driven.

Obviously, consciously we don’t want to ‘suffer’.

Metaphors enable our conscious mind to communicate deeply and elegantly with our unconscious mind - bringing about the exact right kind of healing and freeing we seek. Because I want your Authentic & Lasting Success as much as you do – I’ve added four different Mind Relaxation Tracks – to calm and free your mind. Plus three further Metaphorical Processes to support you in your Success.

Further Information

Now Available For You On Convenient Flash Drive. Any Questions? I am here and delighted to help you – my confidential email:



Gemstone Healing - How to choose and use the right crystal and healing technique

by Michael Gienger

Published by  Findhorn Press. 2014. Softback. £9.99. ISBN: 978-1-84409-646-6.  

Distributed by Deep Books

Gemstones have been our constant companions for millennia. Their beauty enhances our jewellery and ornaments, their shapes and colours inspire science and art and their hidden powers bring healing and protection. Modern studies have shown that the healing power of crystals follow simple principles and are easy to apply.

Gemstone Healing

Just as vitamins and minerals are important for a healthy lifestyle, forms of invisible energy can be used to stimulate and aid our mental, spiritual, and physical wellbeing. Gemstones have traditionally been used as a potent source of these invisible energies.

Worn as jewellery, in cosmetics, as gemstone water, placed under your pillow to work as you sleep, used as part of your meditation or in a massage, the gemstones promote strength and wellbeing. Crystal healing expert Michael Gienger explains how healing stones can exert their beneficial and healthy effects on the body, mind and soul. For example: rock crystal acts as antipyretic, malachite promotes detoxification, aquamarine helps to combat allergies, amber improves sleep and amethyst promotes clear thinking.

Gemstone Healing is the perfect companion for beginners and more experienced crystal users alike. With full colour illustrations throughout and stunning photographs of each of the 36 crystals, this guide is a visual delight as well a source of great information.

Gemstone Healing is the first guide to list the full range of applications for 36 crystals and will provide all the information you need to treat yourself, your family and friends. The reader will come to understand the effects of the crystals and learn how to choose, use and look after them properly.

Further Information

Available from Findhorn Press, Amazon and other Quality Retailers


Oratio - Contemporary Celtic Poems

It is a collection of 30 spiritually evocative poems composed over the years by members of the Order of Dionysis & Paul, a religious order within the Holy Celtic Church living the contemplative life whilst dwelling in the secular world.


The poems contained within this album are a wonderful distillation of spiritual memories, dreams and reflections concerning the path of Christian spirituality. Read by their authors, these remarkable poems have been set to music and recorded by Juan Jose Lopez at the Utopia Studio. Read by their authors, these remarkable poems have been set to music and recorded by Juan Jose Lopez at the Utopia Studio.

Snippets of the poems may be heard at these sites and I am convinced that you will like them, even if you’re not that religious, sufficiently to pay the few dollars they are asking to acquire your very own copy, and support our noble cause.

Further Information

ORATIO is available from online digital music stores including iTunes and Amazon:

Oratio: Contemporary Celtic Poems by The Order of Dionysis and Paul

If you wish to know more about this order and its work see:

You might want to look at the Facebook page: and if you like it then please share it

You may also contact Allan Armstrong of Imagier Publishing on Tel: 07770 810941;



Living Nature’s Super Oil - Protect Against the Cold

Winter; the time of year when it not only feels cold but we’re prone to catching colds too! The freezing, wet, windy weather of winter dries and damages our skin; it also chills us to the bone. As the temperature drops, it also heralds the arrival of the ‘flu’ season, when ‘bugs’ are prevalent and few of us escape catching nasty cough or cold. Living Nature’s Vitality Body Oil,  with its unique, warming blend of the finest Antipodean and certified natural ingredients, will help protect you against the cold and colds this winter.

Living Nature Super Oil

As you massage Living Nature’s Vitality Body Oil onto your skin, you’ll feel warmed and comforted. Harnessing the curative properties of Arnica and combining it with essential oils of Peppermint, Juniper and new super-ingredient Kunzea oil, this therapeutic oil blend helps stimulate the body’s natural repair and renewal processes. It stimulates lymphatic drainage, bringing fresh oxygenated blood to assist in healing whilst helping to rid the body of harmful toxins.  It also delivers powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. If you suffer from aches and pain, including arthritis or rheumatism, and the cold winter is exacerbating your discomfort, the strong, active nature of Vitality Body Oil provides welcome relief,.

Living Nature’s Vitality Body Oil also helps relieve flu symptoms. The secret to this oil’s success is the inclusion of Kunzea, sourced from young branches of sustainable wild-growing plants in North-East Tasmania. Kunzea oil possesses potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and anti-microbial properties, which the University of Tasmania Aquahealth testing laboratory has found effective at killing bacteria that is life-threatening to humans and resistant to antibiotics. It is also approved by TGA (Australia) for therapeutic claims of bringing relief to symptoms of influenza, as well as temporary relief of the pain of arthritis and rheumatism and relief of muscular aches and pains, amongst other things.

With a pleasing mild Juniper Berry and Lemon Pepper fragrance, Vitality Body Oil will also comfort your senses, whether applied to soothe a sore spot, rubbed over the neck and chest if you’re suffering from a cold, massaged all over to ease muscular or joint aches and pains or added to bath water for a revitalising soak. Vitality Body Oil can even be used for steam inhalation to relieve nasal congestion. Vitality Body Oil will also help heal, nourish and protect your skin if it’s dry or damaged. So if you want to protect against the cold, and colds, this winter, let Living Nature’s ‘super oil’ come to the rescue!

Vitality Body Oil has only certified natural preservatives, fragrances and ingredients and is certified natural by BDIH Germany. Living Nature has one of the lowest, safest ratings on the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database; the range is endorsed by Breast Cancer Network New Zealand.

Further Information

Available from a nationwide network of salons, pharmacies and health stores and online from and other online retailers including My Pure, Naturisimo, Lovelula and Feel Unique. Please contact Botanical Brands, sole UK distributor for the Living Nature range, on Tel: 0845 250 8455;



Crystal Prescriptions series. Crystal solutions to electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress. An A-Z guide. Volume III

by Judy Hall

Published by O Books - imprint of John Hunt Publishing. 2014. Paperback: £8.99/$14.95. ISBN: 978-1-78279-791-3 eBook: £6.99 $9.99. EISBN: 978-1-78279-790-6.

Crystal Prescriptions

This third A–Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles explores the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution and geopathic stress (GS) on health and well-being, and the dis-eases and healing crystals associated with them. Including 20 crystal portraits, the directory assists in identifying the right crystal for your needs whether it is for personal energetic support and healing for EMF and GS effects, or environmental protection against electromagnetic and geopathic stress. With practical applications, the directory also includes essential information on keeping your crystals working for you.

"This is really awesome. Wonderful tool. I can't wait till it comes and out I can buy heaps to pass on to customers. Give it a try. The ‘ripple’ effect will be amazing!"

Nicky Crocker, geomancer and earth healer

About the Author

Judy Hall, expert and worldwide bestseller of crystal books, is an internationally known author, astrologer, psychic, healer and workshop leader. Judy has been a karmic counsellor for over forty years.  Her books have been translated into fifteen languages.  Her first novel Torn Clouds was published by (O Books), February 2005. O Books also publish Crystal Prescriptions Volumes I and II.

Further Information

Available from O-Books, Amazon and good retailers.


Primrose's Kitchen Eco-friendly Christmas Hamper

For the first time this Christmas, Primrose's Kitchen is offering a luxury Christmas Hamper, full of delicious goodies, fit for the most health-conscious among us. The hamper includes a trio of Raw Nut Butters: Organic Raw Almond and Hemp butter, Organic Raw Almond and Chia butter and Organic Raw 5 Seed Butter. Also included are the award-winning Raw Vegetable Muesli’s, Raw Carrot, Apple and Cinnamon Muesli and Raw Beetroot and Ginger Muesli, perfect for a healthy Christmas morning. The hamper is made from recycled cardboard and the stuffing is recycled shredded paper – an eco-friendly hamper.

Primrose Kitchen

Primrose Kitchen creates natural food products following the naturopathic principles: be natural, eat natural, live natural. With increased awareness of the chemicals and preservatives added to many foods in this day and age, Primrose’s Kitchen offers a natural alternative that doesn’t compromise on taste! Naturopathic Nutrition stresses the use of whole and organic foods as medicine - an integral concept of healing in many indigenous societies. Today, we see that a return to chemical-free foods, along with other dietary measures, is an effective answer to many health complaints and common conditions.

Primrose Matheson, founder of Primrose’s Kitchen, has a background in Naturopathic and Complementary health studies and uses her knowledge of a balanced body to design natural and wholesome food.

Hamper Goodies Natural Ingredients

  • Primrose’s Kitchen Organic Raw 5 Seed Butter -  a delicious, organic, raw seed butter with pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, chia and hemp. Gluten free, Sesame free and Dairy free;
  • Organic Raw Almond and Hemp butter + Organic Raw Almond and Chia butter – created  for using in baking, adding to dressings or to be spread on toast. Almonds are alkalising in your body and combined with hemp or chia seeds make the perfect high protein snack rich in minerals such as magnesium and calcium;
  • Raw Carrot, Apple and Cinnamon Muesli 400g- Gold Star winner Great Taste Awards 2013 -
  • gluten free oats with fresh carrot and balancing cinnamon together with a balanced combination of nuts and seeds as well as extra love in the form of chia seeds and psyllium husks. Allergy Information: Contains nuts, wheat and gluten free, suitable for vegans;
  • Raw Beetroot and Ginger Muesli 400g - Gold winner at Taste of the West Awards 2012; Gold Star winner at Great Taste 2013 - gluten free oats with fresh beetroot and zingy ginger together with a balanced combination of nuts and seeds as well as milk thistle seeds, and hemp. Allergy Information: Contains nuts, wheat and gluten free, suitable for vegans. The muesli is slowly dehydrated at low temperatures to maintain every bit of goodness.

Further Information

Hamper Goodies: £25 + £3.99 P+P. Primrose’s Kitchen is based in Eden Park, Buckland Newton in Dorset. Primrose’s Kitchen were awarded two gold stars at 2013 Great Taste Awards for their Carrot, apple and Cinnamon Muesli and their Beetroot and Ginger Muesli. More information about Primrose’s Kitchen and its services are available at


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  • Brief Takes


    Advertising Certification GRCCT

    The General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies – GRCCT - have announced the roll-out of Advertising Certification for online advertising of Complementary Therapy disciplines in the UK. Due to the number of submissions being received, the processing schedule for certification by the GRCCT, is to be extended. With effect from 3 November, the processing time for new submissions is to be extended from 10 working days to 15 working days. Applicants who have already submitted sites for Certification will be advised individually of any changes to their schedule for completion.

    Further information Tel: 0870 314 4031;


    Twitter Lifeline for Chronically Ill

    Painstaking analysis of hundreds of thousands of tweets by a Researcher from the University of Warwick has revealed how Twitter is acting as a lifeline for those with gut-related chronic illness. Sam Martin, a PhD student from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM), has used big data mining techniques to reveal a previously unobserved online network of people with Coeliac disease. She presented her doctoral research at the British Sociological Society’s Ageing, Body and Society Study Group Conference in London on Friday 28 November 2014.

    Further information Tel: 02476 574 255; Mob: 07920 531 221


    Care and Compassion at End of Life

    Living with Dying: Finding Care and Compassion at the End of Life by Margaret McCartney takes a balanced look at the way we handle end of life care. The book is aimed at relatives, friends and carers of older people and people with terminal illness, healthcare professionals and professional carers. Margaret McCartney is a GP in Glasgow and mother of three, who started work for the press after being infuriated by an article in a newspaper, which claimed the CT body screening was the way to stay well.

    Further information: Living with Dying is available from all good bookshops, internet retailers and directly from the publishers at


    HIV/AIDS Anniversary Book, Film

    Sixteen years ago in London, award-winning investigative journalist Joan Shenton wrote a painstakingly researched exposé, Positively False - Exposing the Myths around HIV and AIDS. Her book turned commonly held views of HIV and AIDS upside-down. February 2015 will see the publication of a thoroughly updated anniversary edition. The original Positively False was riveting, not only for its startling content, but also for the way it carries the reader through the author’s investigation. The book may have reached uncomfortable conclusions, but it was journalism of a high calibre The new anniversary edition features the original text, updates and contributions from 20 journalists, writers, renowned  scientists and clinicians.

    Further information Tel: 020-7727 6301,


    Vitamin D Rosehip Syrup

    When the buzz of New Year fades away, it is understandable that may people feel a little down in the dumps, but if you are one of the estimated half a million people in the UK, thought to suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), there can be more to your mood than just missing Christmas. Some research has indicated the lack of vitamin D may play a role. belle+ Vitamin D is innovative health syrup created by natural health experts Phytacol. One teaspoon of belle+ Vitamin D provides 100% of the RDA of vitamin D, whilst combining it with rosehip extracts to help you maintain a good immune system as well as a good mood.

    Further information:


    Breakthrough for Joint Pain

    Clinic research has proved the efficacy of new Litozin+ with Rosenoids in drastically reducing the discomfort of joint pain by taking just three Litozin+ capsules a day. Compared to the significant higher dose that would be required of other products which do not contain Rosenoids, this marks a major breakthrough in the battle against joint discomfort.

    Further information: Litozin+ is available from Holland and Barrett and Amazon  


    Anamaya Meditation App

    Meditation app was launched offering scientifically-proven long-term change to thoughts and emotions. Created by the founders of Anamaya Centre, the revolutionary app offers advanced meditation techniques which specifically address the sources of people’s unhappiness. The Anamaya mobile application, has been carefully developed by mind and body specialist and Centre co-founder, Graham Doke, alongside seven-year Apple veteran, Jonathan Koch. This unique partnership has created a beautifully serene meditation course, founded on rigorous medical research and extensive clinical experience at the centre.

    Further information:


    Coconoil Skin Care

    2015 marks 10 years since the birth of Coconoil, in the aftermath of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. The brand was created to help Sri Lankans get their livelihoods back on track after the disaster and uses coconuts from local farmers and individuals on the island. A decade on and Coconoil , who now help employ 200 people in Sri Lanka, have recently set up a new project with 200 smallholders from five villages in Ghana and hope to replicate their previous success. Coconoil is a powerful moisturiser, bursting with essential fatty acids, important building blocks for healthy skin, making it one of nature’s most effective tools to gain a glowing complexion and beat dry skin.

    Further information:


    Yoga for PMSD and Menopause

    More women in their 50s are taking up Yoga than ever before, to help keep fit and ease the symptoms associated with the menopause. YogaBellies, founded by Cheryl MacDonald, is a Yoga company which runs courses specifically for women to help them cope with hormonal fluctuations. Cheryl has noticed a lot more women in their 50s and 60s coming along to help ease the troubles associated with the menopause. Many women do not know the natural benefits of Yoga - the asanas and pranayama help balance the hormones, alleviate pain and reduce the symptoms of low mood and anxiety.

    Further information:


    The Mindfulness Diet

    The Mindfulness Diet by Patrizia Collard and Helen Stephenson is due to be published in January 2015 by Hamlyn. The authors advocate that you can heal your relationship with food, eat in the now and be the perfect weight for life with mindfulness practices, techniques and recipes. Mindfulness is the new attitude to living. Taking an attitude of mindful awareness to eating, will not only help you to appreciate every mouthful, but reward you with a whole new way to eat, which banishes any former food issues.

    Further information Tel: 020-7632 5488;


    Yoghurt Keeps Diabetes Away

    A high intake of yoghurt has been found to be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to research published in open access journal BMC Medicine. This highlights the importance of having yoghurt as part of a healthy diet. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the body’s cells develop resistance to insulin.

    Further information:     


    Resilience & Wellbeing

    Best-selling Author and behavioural skills specialist, Liggy Webb, has written a range of books on topics including: Happiness, Positivity, Resilience, Wellbeing and Gratitude. These books make a memorable, inspiring and sustainable gift for everyone and will certainly motivate people to embrace 2015 in a positive, healthy and happy way.

    Further information:


    Green Superfood

    Amazing Grass have brought out  two tasty brand new green superfood products; Tangerine Immunity & Energy Watermelon. These naturally detoxifies and boosts your immune system, probiotics and enzymes to aid digestion and absorption, is a complete raw food with powerful antioxidants, contains alkaline green plant foods, which balance acidic pH levels and is nitrogen packed for freshness.

    Further information:


    The Journey To Inner Power

    The Journey To Inner Power: Self-Liberation Through Power Psychology is a new book by Shai Tubali, published by Changemakers Books. Shai Tubali realized that it was power that drove the human psyche - the primal urge for power, the loss of power and the entangled and confused desires to regain power in our lives. He created psycho-transformative processes to enable the men and women he worked with to uncover these hardest, hidden and most denied parts of the self and then guided them to transform these parts into a source of true, revitalizing inner power.

    Further information:   


    Prebiotic for the Overweight

    Recent headlines have reported that gut bacteria can be linked to obesity through genes. Bimuno is a second generation prebiotic, a special food ingredient that triggers the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. A study by the University of Reading found that Bimuno resets the gut microflora, which creates an active increase in good bacteria, whilst reducing bad bacteria, resulting in a positive bacteria balance similar to that of individuals with a health body mass index.

    Further information:


    Obesity in Autoimmune Disease

    A Tel Aviv University study suggest that obesity is a primary environmental factor sparking disorders such as Crohn’s Disease and multiple sclerosis, in which the immune system attacks its own body rather than predatory invaders. This affects 5-20% of the global community. A study published recently in Autoimmunity Reviews by Prof. Yehuda Shoefeld, the Laura Schwarz-Kipp Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine, points to the major role obesity plays in triggering and prolonging these autoimmune diseases.

    Further information Tel: 212.889.0808 ext 170,


    Importance of Emotional Wellbeing

    An incredible 89% of people feel their emotional wellbeing is now just as important as their physical wellbeing according to a new survey by Bach™ Original Flower Remedies. Unfortunately, 25-35 year olds are most likely to report they have feelings of poor self-image or to feel ashamed of their appearance physically. Bach™ recommends you accept yourself with Bach Original Flower Remedy Crab Apple when you dislike something about yourself. They suggest Bach Original Flower Remedy Larch by your side for when you lack confidence in your abilities.

    Further information: Bach™ Original Flower Remedies are available from most independent Pharmacies, Health Food Stores and , ,  and


    S14G Alzheimer’s and Diabetes

    Humanin, discovered around the turn of the 21st Century, has been viewed by scientists as a potentially effective therapy for Alzheimer’s, diabetes and other neuropathic conditions. Advantage Impex Co UK Ltd, specialist manufacturer of anti-ageing supplement products, operate as the MacKenzie Protocol and 21st Century Alternatives. A new dietary supplement spray called NeuroPep (UK)™, contains humanin S14G, a synthesized peptide found in the human body. Products offered only to their own co-researcher club members and not the general public; free membership for non-consumers expressing a genuine desire to research and test the supplement; a reseller club is available for quantity purchasers interested in handling products at a discount.

    Further information Tel: 01293 565 813;


    Organic Artichoke Tea for IBS

    A recent study carried out at the University College, London suggests that many probiotic drinks may not represent best value, as only a small amount of their beneficial bacteria actually reach the most useful area of the gut. A study from the University of Reading showed that 96% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) rated artichoke leaf extract as better than, or equal to previous therapies administered for their IBS symptoms. An effective way to enjoy artichokes is with Natur Boutique’s Organic Artichoke Tea, now available from Holland and Barrett stores nationwide.

    Further Information

    Natur Boutique’s Organic Artichoke Tea is now available from Holland and Barrett stores nationwide and online:


    Smashing Depression

    Smashing Depression, Escaping the Prison and Finding a Life by Terence Watts, can help sufferers of mild to moderate depression overcome the biggest hurdles to emotional health - negative belief and poor self-worth. These two processes generate the debilitating idea that there is no hope for a brighter future or the sort of life others might call normal. The book presents a structured program for the reader to discover and eliminate subtle subconscious processes which lock depression in place and find their true self locked away for years.

    Further information:


    Joint Complex Supplement Drink

    New Revive Active Joint Complex, is a health drink supplement which promises to deliver high doses of essential and specific joint health ingredients in a delicious daily supplement. It contains hyaluronic acid, marine collagen, MSM, Glucosamine Sulphate, Vitamin C, Manganese Citrate, Boron and copper gluconate. Revive Active Joint Complex is formulated to help with reducing pain, increasing mobility and repairing cartilage.

    Further information: ,  ,


    Core Awareness - Quieting Psoas

    Learning the art of quieting the psoas is essential for healthy movement in life. It does not involve girdling, suppression, or control of any kind, rather it takes conscious awareness, listening and then discernment. Learn through experience how your psoas muscle affects skeletal integrity, joint rotation, muscular tension, breathing, emotions and organ functioning. Guinea Pig Publications and Core Awareness is moving to San Jose and will be up and running by the second week of January.

    Further information: Please view workshops for 2015 at


    High pH Success Cancer Treatment

    Vernon Johnson made an incredible discovery. Diagnosed with late-stage prostate cancer, Vernon acted quickly to do something on his own. When supplements he was awaiting in the mail didn’t show up, he decided to improvise. He started taking molasses and baking soda twice a day and took his pH above normal. The cancer cells could not survive in a high pH environment and died off. In 11 days, Vernon was cancer free. Many others are also having success with other types of cancers and are also getting fast results. There was nothing to buy, just a box of baking soda and a container of molasses.

    Read some testimonies which have been sent to Vernon on


    Breast Cancer Journal of Survival

    What a Blip: A Breast Cancer Journal of Survival and Finding Wisdom by Alicia Garey describes her trauma of breast cancer and share her experience and how she restored her balance. Facing the challenges of motherhood, running an interior design business while also being a wife, daughter, sister and friend, Alicia celebrates the gift of life through a new lens and finds the joy by seeing the light in her darkest hours.

    Further information:


    Kristina Rihanoff Wheat, Dairy

    Strictly star, Kristina Rihanoff has revealed that she once suffered from fatigue, bloating, headaches and a weak immune system. She swapped cow’s milk for almond or hemp milk and stopped eating wheat. To ensure you aren’t getting caught out by food intolerance, you can test yourself from home, by ordering the YorkTest FirstStep Test, a simple finger-prick, home blood test which you can then post to the YorkTest laboratory for analysis. It’s a personal service which is unique to your individual requirements, giving you all the facts you need to keep your body looking and feeling great.

    Further information Tel: 0800 074 6185


    Tea, Citrus Ovarian Cancer Risk

    Tea and citrus fruits and juices are associated with a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Researchers studied the dietary habits of 171,940 women aged between 25 and 55 for more than three decades. The team found that those who consumed food and drinks high in flavonols found in tea, red wine, apples and grapes, and flavanones, found in citrus fruit and juices, were less likely to develop the disease. Ovarian cancer affects more than 6,500 women in the UK each year.

    Further information:


    Becoming Vegan

    Becoming Vegan by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina, is fully referenced and applicable for university study. It compares the health benefits of vegan diets to other dietary choices and provides nutritional guidelines for people of all ages and has a special section on eating disorders. With over 600 pages of in-depth science on Vegan nutrition, it is more than a book about becoming vegan, it is a primary and comprehensive text book on nutritional science, which should be studied by all health professionals.

    Further information:


    Oats Lower Cholesterol

    A new meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that daily consumption of at least 3g of oat beta-glucan, reduces cholesterol levels. This effect was observe in lean, overweight and obese male and female adults, with and without type 2 diabetes across randomized, controlled trials. The authors review a number of studies using OatWell, which demonstrate high viscosity oat beta-glucan. Only 11g of OatWell is required to achieve the same effect as three portions (up to 90g) of oats.

    Further information Tel: 0161 925 4700


    Breast Cancer Survival

    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is releasing the Continuous International Project (CUP) report Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Survivors in the US. This report is the most rigorous, in-depth systematic global review to date of the scientific research currently available on breast cancer survivors and the lifestyle factors affecting their survival. In partnership with the AICR, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) International has published this Continuous Update Project report, which found indications of links between survival and a healthy body weight, being physically active, eating foods containing fibre and soy, a lower intake of fat and particularly saturated fat.

    Further information Tel: (800) 843-8114


    Low Immunity, Diet and Lifestyle

    Common reason for a person to have low immunity includes stress levels, lifestyle habits and nutritional status. Diet and lifestyle play major roles in the immune status. Lack of sleep can greatly lower immune function and put your body into a stress state. Lack of exercise can weaken the immune system. Propolis is a resin collected by bees, it is naturally antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Elderberry contains Vitamin C and other phytonutrients which have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant actions. Beta glucan creates antibodies to fungal and bacterial infection. Olive leaf is a powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant agent p and vitamin D is essential to immune function.

    Further information:


    Yoga Kids

    Magnificent Me, Magnificent You - The Grand Canyon is a book by Angela Cutler. The book share many of the ancient exercises observed thousands of years ago by ancient wise men called Yogis, sat and observed the world around them and developed a range of exercises based around the natural world we live in. The activity book shares many of these exercises through the exciting adventures of twins Crystal and Leo. In the book, Crystal and Leo are transported b their unique wishing mirror to the magnificent Grand Canyon, where they embark upon a treasure filled journey.

    Further information: Printed by Our Street Books (An imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd)


    Breast Cancer Emotional Support

    Emotional Support Through Breast Cancer is helping women all around the world to stop suffering in silence. Dr Galgut stresses the importance of emotional support through cancer. Dr Galgut is a practising Psychologist who was diagnosed with breast cancer nine years ago. She is offering a different perspective on the emotional effects of breast cancer, whilst sharing ideas to help support patient s in a concise, easy-to-read and personable tone.

    Further information:

  • Seaweed as Superfood

    Comprehensive nutrient balance found in no other natural food but seaweed: colon health, weight loss

  • Flower essences online

    Fine quality flower essences international ranges to help promote vitality and emotional well-being.

  • nutrition and cancer

    by Sandra Goodman PhD The latest scientific research regarding Nutrition and Cancer. Full details at

  • Liposomal Nutrients

    Optimum system for nutrient delivery to cells - fully bioavailable vitamins absorbed and metabolised

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