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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 232

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 232 - August 2016

Abundance & Health present: ‘ALTRIENT’ Supercharged Liposomal Health Supplements 

Liposomal supplements have arrived in our health food shops at a time when high quality, good value and effective nutrients are much needed. Recent changes in the economy have found shoppers tightening their purse strings and supplements are now considered luxury items. Although there are a huge range of nutrients on the shelves today, the bioavailability of some is questionable. A number of dietary and physiological factors can influence the absorption of supplements. Poor quality ingredients, rapid metabolism, the rate of disintegration and excipients used are just a few of the issues affecting bioavailability. Overcoming these obstacles is tricky but can be avoided by utilising a delivery system that can carry the nutrients directly to the cells that need them, which is where liposomes steal the show……….

Abundance and Health

What are Liposomes?

Altrient supplements stand out from other comparable products because of their unique liposomal encapsulation technology (LET). Liposomes are tiny microscopic bubbles made up of an outer layer of essential phospholipids, which encapsulate the biologically active contents forming a protective membrane. This innovative delivery system offers protection from oxidation and degradation from digestive processes and allows the liposomal contents to be delivered intact to the exact target where the contents can be utilized by the body. Liposomes are able to achieve up to 98% bioavailability.

Abundance & Health - The Story Behind The Brand

Abundance & Health founder Jonathan Orchard discovered Altrient liposomal supplements in the USA, where they are manufactured by LIVON Labs - pioneers of liposomal forms of vitamins and the leading experts in this complex technology. He was so impressed with the exceptionally high levels of bioavailability that he decided to bring the Altrient brand to the UK and spread the word! He set up an importing business which has expanded so rapidly that Abundance & Health have become the EU distributor and retailer of a winning range of Altrient supplements. The Abundance & Health products include: Altrient C, Altrient GSH, Altrient R-ALA and Altrient B.

Convincing Research

Nutrients that are supported by research have a distinct advantage in the market place and Jonathan was determined to prove the outstanding benefits of his products. He enlisted the services of The Princeton Consumer Research Centre which looked specifically at the effects of Altrient CVitamin C on skin health and collagen production. Of the 41 women that took part ranging from 31 to 61 years old they found a staggering 61% increase in the skin’s firmness and elasticity and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on both face and body. Those given placebo treatment showed no change at all. These incredible results were achieved by taking just 3 sachets of Altrient C over a 16 week period. Standard skin care products simply can’t compare!

With results like these it’s no surprise that Altrient C has already received considerable press attention, featuring in Vogue, Grazia and Goop as Gwyneth Paltrow is an Altrient C fan. 

Further Information

For more information about Liposomes and our other formulations of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione and Altrient B, please contact Abundance and Health on Tel: +44 (0)20 3239 4907;  or visit 


EORC – IJCA – Botanica2016

Providing excellence in education and fostering rich exchanges between practitioners in the clinical aromatherapy and plant therapeutics world is the main focus and driving force of Essential Oil Resource Consultants (EORC Based in Provence, France, director of EORC Rhiannon Lewis has a longstanding worldwide reputation as clinical aromatherapist, educator, editor of the International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy (IJCA, and organiser of botanica2016, an international conference taking place at the University of Sussex, Brighton the 2-5th September 2016 (


Rhiannon has always believed that clinical aromatherapy is a branch of herbal medicine and is committed to forging closer connections between these two disciplines. She accomplished this through providing information, education and research via classes held in Provence, lecturing around the world, hosting biennial international conferences (Botanica) and publishing the IJCA.

Botanica2016 with its international speakers, conferences, workshops and trade show is set to welcome participants from over 40 different countries this September and is a unique independent event in the world of aromatherapy. In addition to the excellent education provided at botanica2016, plant growers, distillers, health care practitioners, researchers and scientists alike also come together to use the Botanica platform for rich exchanges, business contacts, ideas and inspiration. The full programme and reservation process is available on the botanica2016 website,

The International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy is the main sponsor of botanica2016. Published twice a year as an e-journal and running since 2004, the IJCA themes for 2016 revolve around the digestive system in health and disease. All articles are evidence-based, peer reviewed and practitioner-relevant and serve to expand knowledge and enhance therapeutic interventions. Back issues for all previous years are also available and the journal can be ordered online via the website,

A brand new and special extension of the IJCA that will be formally launched at botanica2016 is the establishment of the International Clinical Aromatherapy Network : a unique network for IJCA subscribers that assists practitioners worldwide establish and maintain close connections and exchanges with their peers as well as provide further information and education. More details will follow after botanica2016.

Further Information

Please contact Rhiannon and her team on


VIVAMAYR Altaussee - Sustainable Health

VIVAMAYR Altaussee is one of the world’s leading medical detoxification clinic centers. Spectacular Mountain and lake views abound from its tranquil location on the shores of beautiful Lake Altaussee, deep in the Austrian Alps. This highly specialized private health clinic opened in April 2015. Altaussee’s new medical director, Dr Sepp B Fegerl, and his team use the purity of Altaussee’s natural environment, local healing brine water and the application of advanced holistic medicine to increase energy and boost immunity. Utilizing oxygen therapies, delicious dietary treatment, clever physical exercise and various treatments in and with the local salt, the clinic will treat respiratory problems, skin ailments, arthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia and more….


All VIVAMAYR doctors specialize in Modern Mayr Medicine, based on the original F. X. Mayr cure - a revolutionary natural cure seeing the gut´s health as base of many inflammation related civilisation illnesses (diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, hypercholesterinaemia, …). Advanced modern university medicine combined with traditional healing methods, a tailor suited therapeutically program, development of an individual diet and sport scientific controlled exercise for each guest lead to an optimised physical and mental performance, a balanced digestive and immune system and increased energy levels of the clients.

Detoxification is the core element of any treatment program at VIVAMAYR with an emphasis on rest, strict cleansing of the digestive system and re-education of eating habits (e.g. learning to focus and chew food properly to encourage complete digestion and prevent malabsorption and bacterial fermentation.

The healing and purifying power of Altaussee’s Glauber salt spring is used at Altaussee to cleanse and soothe your digestive system.

As you would expect all food is prepared to extremely high standards, with a focus on sourcing locally produced and organic food. Martin Stein head chef at VIVAMAYR creates mouth-watering, beautifully presented dishes with a high nutritional content, individually made according to each guests diet plan.

VIVAMAYR Altaussee is set in a stunning new 11,000 m2 purpose built hotel with a vast medical department spanning 1,500 m2. 60 bedrooms give panoramic views of majestic mountains and alluring Lake Altaussee. The building is a charming example of the versatility of local wood, natural slate, glass and other local materials.

Laid-back luxury furnishings have been carefully selected to reflect the region’s specific features and traditions. We’ve captured the extraordinary beauty of Altaussee’s grandiose peaks and crystalline waters, magic of fresh mountain air, abundant nature and healing mineral spring, can only be experienced by visiting Altaussee in person.

For further information please visit


Clinical Homeopathy: the Evidence-based face of Homeopathy

Dr Tasos Vartholomaios MD PhD MFHom

Clinical homeopathy evaluates both the clinical picture and the underlying pathology and prescribes homeopathic remedies on the basis of this evaluation of the clinic-pathologic condition of the patient. Essentially, Clinical Homeopathy is the most original and traditional form of classical homeopathic approach, according to Hippocratic and Hahnemannian principles and practice, developed especially by Hughes, Clarke, Burnett, Boericke, Reckeweg, Vannier et al. The concept of an idealistic and romantic “Classical Homeopathy” established by JT Kent and its followers should be only a complement or aspect of the totality of the modern Homeopathic approach to health and disease and never the measure of how much ‘classic’ or ‘orthodox’ is the Homeopathy applied.

Dr Tasos Vartholomaios

All modern published articles of Homeopathic research - basic and applied - are founded almost exclusively on clinical homeopathic methodology, including certainly the statistical analysis, which cannot be employed in any effort to make Kentian conception-based Homeopathic research. The methodology and analysis of the following representative article in a peer reviewed medical journal confirms the fact that Clinical Homeopathic approach should be the primary, if not the exclusive, concern of any Medical Homeopath:

Title: Anti-proliferative effects of homeopathic medicines on human kidney, colon and breast cancer cells.[3]

Methodology-Analysis: The study assessed the cytotoxic activity of selected homeopathic medicines in mother tincture (MT), and ultramolecular dilution (30C, 200C, 1M and 10M) against cell lines deriving from tumours of particular organs, Sarsaparilla (Sars) on ACHN cells (human renal adenocarcinoma), Ruta graveolens (Ruta) on COLO-205 (human colorectal carcinoma), and Phytolacca decandra (Phyto) on MCF-7 (human breast carcinoma). Sars was also tested against Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (a non-malignant cell line). Cytotoxicity was measured using the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) method, anti-proliferative activity by trypan blue exclusion assay, apoptosis determined by dual staining the cells with ethidium bromide (EB) and acridine orange (AO) dyes. MTs and ultra-diluted preparations of the three homeopathic medicines had highly significant effects in the respective cancer cell lines, producing cytotoxicity and a decrease in cell proliferation. The effects were greatest with the MTs, but in all cases and persisted, although to a lesser degree in the ultra-diluted molecular preparations. Sars showed no effect on MDCK cells. In the homeopathic medicine treated cultures, hallmarks of apoptosis were evident, including cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation.

Conclusion: This study provides preliminary laboratory evidence indicating the ability of homeopathic medicines as anticancer agents. Further studies of the action of these homeopathic remedies are warranted.


1. Tasos A Vartholomaios. Complementary Medicine: Theory and Clinical Practice. University Studio Press. .ISBN 960-12-1240-X. 2003.

2. Tasos A Vartholomaios. Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Pyrinos Cosmos Pub.Co. ISBN 960-430-266-3. 2005.

3. Arora S1, Aggarwal A, Singla P, Jyoti S and Tandon S. Anti-proliferative effects of homeopathic medicines on human kidney, colon and breast cancer cells. Homeopathy 102(4):274-82. Oct 2013.

Further Information

For further information please email  or


Waveform - Connecting with the Universe

an experiential journey into energetic perception and its application

Sun 23 Oct, Mon 24 Oct, Wed 26 Oct, Thurs 27 Oct:@ 10:00 am-5:00 pm

Waveform A: 4-day workshop in two parts; Sunday/Monday, Wednesday/Thursday

Cost: £450. Venue: St. Lukes Therapy Centre in Stroud

Life and the Energetic Field

Waveform has always been about exploring the Energetic Matrix/field of which we are a closely integrated part. Understanding how we are connected to the Universe and what we can do to function optimally within it is therefore a vital part of understanding and voyaging within the Energetic field.

Waveform - Connecting with the Universe

Within the field, time and distance are only illusions, and the field is accessible in a number of dimensions as our students experience for themselves. That we are so much a part of the field means that we as human beings are open and accessible on many levels.

To be used for the greater good, this level of perception and expertise requires integrity of purpose; the moral and ethical considerations and the implications of any action taken in the energy field.

When used in conjunction with healing, Waveform transcends the tools and dogma of healing disciplines by directly accessing the source of each - the energetic matrix.

When the principles of energetic change are understood and applied, everything becomes easy.

Part A Module 1 - Perceiving Universal energy - Acquiring the Energetic tool of Receptors

This first practical module clearly demonstrates the tangibility of the energetic environment and demonstrates that you can create significant changes in the energy field that someone else can feel. Our coaches will help you move beyond your own personal programming to acquiring the sensory tool of Receptors, which provide direct and immediate access to changes in the energy field anywhere, in any situation.

Part A Module 2 – Integration into Life

Acquiring the energetic tool of Resonances (applying your Energetic Skills and identifying information from your subconscious) – This workshop has two outcomes;

  1. Applying your energetic skills in a practical way in relationships, business and life in general, and recognising what you really want out of life.
  1. Accessing emotional changes, and the information it imparts to you, externally in life and work, but also internally in your personal relationship with the universe.

Further Information

For further information and to book your place, please contact Stella Webster and Miriam Luckhurst on Tel: 01389 751502; 07950 737323


Sayer Complementary Health - Nutrition, Homeopathy, Reiki

Are you looking for a natural approach to your health problems and would like to avoid any possible negative effects from conventional medicine, then June Sayer who has expertise in homeopathy, nutrition, iridology and reiki could be the person to help you achieve a positive outcome towards improved health.

Sayer Complementary Health - Nutrition, Homeopathy, Reiki

June, the owner of Sayer Complementary Health, based in Rayleigh, Essex has been in practice for over 22 years and will guide you in selecting the best method most suited to your individual needs.

Since training as a CEASE (Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression) practitioner June has been contacted by parents who noted a change in their child’s behaviour following a reaction to vaccine.    Some of the symptoms range from non-verbalising to hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorder or other behavioural issues that come under the umbrella of autism spectrum expression. Encompassing both homeopathy and nutrition as part of their individualised programme parents have reported major improvements in their child’s overall wellbeing and behaviour. 

Homeopathy is a fascinating subject and one the remedies prescribed are non-toxic, non-addictive and safe for all ages.  Introductory first-aid courses in homeopathy are available to help you select remedies for minor ailments before having to visit your GP.  Practitioner Diploma courses, spread over three years are also available and these are suitable for people wishing to undertake a new venture or career path. 

Good nutrition is important for your health and to help you discover areas of your body that might need additional nutritional support or to identify food intolerances June uses the non-invasive Bio-Meridian Vantage Health Screening system. At the end of the screening you will be handed a colour-coded report to take away with you and be given nutritional advice and support.

Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master/Teacher level courses are also offered.

All courses are kept to a minimum number and often take place on a one-to-one teaching schedule to ensure that you get the best possibly tuition.

Further Information

For more information or to book your place on the next course please contact June on Tel: 01268 928 223;   Please mention Positive Health when calling.


Starting a Healthcare Revolution

Kevin Leivers MR Pharm S

With over 30 years’ experience in both the conventional and natural pharmaceutical industry with Boots Pharmaceuticals, Upjohn and Weleda. I have witnessed the strengths and weaknesses of both the conventional and natural sectors, from the inside and out. I created The Naked Pharmacy because I believe there is a significant shift in the healthcare systems driven by improved awareness and information. In my opinion, we will always require acute hospitals to deal with accidents and emergencies. However, the nature of healthcare in the community will change significantly. Our doctors and related professionals remain too restricted by the inflexible structure and rules of the National Health Service. For instance the General Practice Doctors have a restricted list of only conventional medicines and services to offer to their patients. Why not offer them the best of both worlds so they can make an informed choice?

Naked Pharmacy Product Range

The Naked Pharmacy is part of a new integrated healthcare system which will:

  • Fully integrate clinically tested natural medicines and supplements with conventional medicines; 
  • Provide the best clinically tested natural options to prevent and treat illness;
  • Empower the customer to select their best options based on clear and transparent advice;
  • Ensure that not all of the solutions will be pill based!
  • Avoid if possible the need to keep them customers on medication longer term;
  • Guide the customer to the best registered natural, conventional or integrated practitioners for further investigations /treatments

In future we will see greater use of monitoring devices for heart, breathing, blood pressure on watches and earphones etc. Consultations will shift from GP practices into homes and businesses using face to face communications via Skype etc. We will still need the general practices and pharmacies but these will connect and integrate better to the people and communities they serve. Pharmacists will move away from their dispensing practices towards providing prevention, monitoring and expert advice both inside and outside their registered premises. More importantly,  natural health practices will be accepted and integrated with the NHS as part of new public / private services and treatments available to all. Further accreditation of natural health practitioner qualifications will take place to facilitate this.

Our intention is for The Naked Pharmacy to lead the way in this revolution and provide fully integrated services, utilizing new technology wherever possible without losing the expert, personal and caring touch. In addition to providing all test data on our products via our website we will be working with monitoring companies to assess the effectiveness of our products in real time. For instance our Aged Black Garlic 10X can lower systolic blood pressure by 10-15mm Hg; we can show our customers the effectiveness of our products by using their own monitoring systems. Likewise Saffrosun will demonstrate significant changes to monitored blood pressure and the breathing rate / pulse rate ratio to show its benefits for the nervous system. There are many simple, effective and natural health solutions available; it is part of our mission to ensure our customers are aware of these options and help them to improve their health.

Further Information

Please contact The Naked Pharmacy on Tel: 0845 949 0144;


CHP - Complementary Health Professionals CPD Training

Complementary Health Professionals are a professional association and training organisation for therapists who practice one or more forms of complementary therapy.  We are a verifying organisation for the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council and members of the Aromatherapy Council and Reflexology Forum.

Our mission is to support and develop thinking therapists by providing an exciting and relevant range of membership benefits, ground breaking CPD workshops and high quality diploma courses.

CHP - Complementary Health Professionals CPD Training

Successful graduates from CHP accredited training organization Morley College with Julie Quinn CHP Director 3rd from right

Premier members’ benefits include an annual conference (worth 6 CPD points), a quarterly newsletter and free subscription to Holistic Therapist Magazine, 10% discount on two CPD workshops, London Special Treatments Licence exemption and a review of your marketing materials.  You will also gain access to a range of schemes from other companies such as income protection, group insurance, discounted accountancy and CNHC registration.  Finally, there is always expert, friendly advice available by phone and email and in the event of a complaint we will fully support you.

Our CPD workshops are carefully designed to pass on skills and knowledge that practitioners can utilise immediately.  In the Introduction to Crystal Healing, participants learn the essentials of working with quartz crystals to augment treatments and improve your space for both you and your clients. This is the perfect way to explore whether you want to study this discipline at diploma level.  Other CPD workshops coming up include Foot Reading for Reflexologists, Advanced Massage Techniques, Facial Rejuvenation, Postural Analysis and Palpation Skills to name but a few.  Full details can be found on our website (

If you have been thinking about training to become a therapist we have the perfect solution for you.  Our diploma courses make full use of online learning technology so that the time you spend with us in the classroom can be devoted to honing your practical skills.  That doesn’t mean you are by yourself when learning the theory; you will have your own personal tutor to guide you through the course.  A key feature of these courses is that you can learn at your own pace and pay as you go.  So long as you complete the course within two years it is up to you how you organise your study time. All of our diploma courses (massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, neuroskeletal realignment therapy, crystal healing and sports massage) comply with national occupational standards and core curricula.

So if you are looking to join a professional multi-disciplinary association run by therapists for therapists, with high standards and expectations of ourselves and our members, or if you want to train as a therapist, we would love to hear from you!  Please either give us a call on 0333 5773340 or send an email to  If you’d like to chat to us in person we will be at CAMExpo on 24-25 September 2016 at Olympia.

Further Information

Please contact CHP on Tel: 0333 577 3340;


Migra-Cap® Migraine Relief

The Migra Cap® is unique amongst migraine treatments as it combines cold therapy and complete darkness to provide relief from the pain associated with a migraine and most types of headaches. Another first for a Migraine relief product; Migra-Cap can be stored in a domestic fridge or freezer and the specially formulated gels ensure that Migra-Cap will not freeze to a solid.

Migra-Cap® Migraine Relief

Migra-Cap has been developed by a Migraine sufferer for Migraine sufferers. The migra-Cap combines cold therapy and complete darkness to give relief from the pain associated with a Migraine and most types of headaches.

  • Welcome to the future of migraine treatments: Migra-Cap®
  • A unique migraine solution also offering pain relief during pregnancy.
  • Developed by a Migraine sufferer for Migraine sufferers.

As seen on TV, this migraine relief solution is one of the most innovative migraine treatments on the market - offering headache relief, soothing sports injuries and concussions, and providing pain relief during pregnancy. This 2-in-1 migraine solution is unique for any Migraine treatment product with the added benefit of being a one-off purchase. What's more, this drug-free product is also ideal for pain relief during pregnancy.

This 2-in-1 solution is unique and any Migraine relief product with the added benefit of being a one-off purchase. The Lycra cap covers the whole of the head area, and is filled with specially formulated gel packs strategically positioned to target the areas of the head affected by pain. Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort the breathable, flexible Lycra material enables the cap to fit all head shapes. A 'cut-away' in the material allows users with long hair to pull the hair through for maximum comfort.

Quick and Simple Relief From Migraine Headache

Developed by a migraine sufferer, Migra-cap offers instant relief from the stress of a migraine headache offering medication free relief from migraine and the intense pain associated with migraine. The Migra-Cap is also suitable for sports injuries and can be used, as a safe alternative to drugs, during pregnancy.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap on Tel: +44(0)1685 387788;


The BackCare Clinic

Irene Phillips at the BackCare Clinic in Surrey was the first osteopath in the world to use the Theraflex spinal mobilizing system. In 1997 it was called PAMM (Power Assisted Micro-manipulation.

The BackCare Clinic

The system consists of a bionic hand which has four ‘fingers’ to massage, stimulate the spinal nerves and mobilize a pair of vertebrae. Our oldest patient is 81 so it is safe and does not involve any cracking of joints. It runs off of compressed air and is safe with pacemakers. The average number of treatments is 3,  with six monthly MOTs.  If you have had lots of treatments you should try something different. Irene has been featured in the national press, health magazines an national TV demonstrating the effectiveness of the treatment.  Irene also may combine treatment with electrotherapy such as the PER 2000 (Pulsed Energy Replenisher), ultrasound or dry needling.

Theraflex treatment is suitable for chronic as well as acute low back pain, scoliosis, whiplash injuries, prolapsed and bulging discs and usually helps patients improve sports performance. Irene can almost guarantee that, for example, a golfer’s drive will be further following treatment.

Cost of treatment is £45 per session or a course of 3 sessions is £120.   Under 16s are £25 per session. Payment may be made by credit/debit cards.

Further Information

For more information or to book your Theraflex session today, please contact The BackCare Clinic today on Tel: 0208 335 3787;


Sports Massage Works Best in Conjunction with other Disciplines

Sports Massage covers many different modalities. Sometimes called orthopaedic massage or remedial massage, Sports Massage should be for everyone not just sports people. It is true that sports people are more prone to injury, usually because they are pushing their physical boundaries. However, often sports movements are an extension of functional muscular movements and thus anyone can suffer an injury.

Sports Massage Works Best in Conjunction with other Disciplines

Robert Donkers, Sports Massage Therapist & Teacher, Accredited Massage Courses 

Sports Massage applies a plethora of advanced massage techniques to help recovery. Sports Massage can be used to maintain musculo-skeletal health and therefore work as a preventative measure. Ideally Sports Massage should not be regarded as a luxury but as something which should be part of everyone’s lives as a regular treatment.

How often do we need to treat a client? This largely depends on them. Is the client active or sedentary? Is the client injured? Does the client have an acute or chronic condition? How old is the client? Is there a major sporting event on the horizon? These factors must be taken into consideration in determining how often to treat each individual.

In case of non-sports people who come to the clinic it is very important to instil into them the idea of taking responsibility for their injuries. Non-sporty people may become injured due to weak muscles. I have had a client who pulled a muscle while running for a bus, which equates to a running exercise. One hurt her shoulders when lifting a watering can, equating to lifting weights. Another pulled a muscle walking down the escalator in the underground, rather like an injury in a step class.

As Sports Massage Therapists, we can help clients overcome injury. However, it is important for them to strengthen their muscles and take responsibility for maintaining a healthy constitution. We should advise them to go to the gym and perhaps work with a personal trainer. They will still come back for regular maintenance sports massage and they will hopefully be much happier if they are fitter and without pain.

To be a successful Sports Massage Therapist, we need to develop a good network of supporting and complementary therapists. Personally, I often send my clients to a Personal Trainer or an Osteopath, who in turn cross refer their clients to me. In this way clients feels well supported and trust the service you provide.

Like everyone who works in healthcare, Sports Massage Therapists have to continue developing their skills. By attending CPD courses which are as much to do with other disciplines as your own, you become a more rounded, as well as a more skilled, therapist and making your treatments more targeted and successful.

Further Information

Please contact Accredited Massage Courses Ltd on Tel: 020 8340 7041; 


What is the Alexander Technique

Some people move with grace and ease and seem to have good posture, freedom of movement and general well-being. Some of us, on the other hand, use ourselves very badly - collapsing, tensing, distorting ourselves in almost every moment of our lives. We could call this ‘poor use’. Such poor use is a cause of much of our physical and mental unease. The Alexander Technique helps us to understand and change such bad habits and restore our natural good use.

The Alexander Technique improves the way we use ourselves in everyday activity. The Technique helps us to prevent unnecessary reaction/habit patterns and restore our natural 'good use' of ourselves.

How the Technique Came About

FM Alexander was an aspiring actor who began to have problems with his voice. He found that when he was performing he became hoarse and eventually lost his voice. Eventually it occurred to him there was nothing wrong with his voice but with the way that he was using it.

Alexander provides a fascinating account of his search for the answer in his book, The Use of the Self. At first he could see nothing wrong. But then he began to notice that, when he went to speak, he stiffened his neck and pulled his head back. This tightened his larynx and caused him to become hoarse. If he could prevent the pulling back of his head then the hoarseness did not come about. At first he thought he was home and dry, but then he began to realize that he wasn’t sure whether he was pulling his head back or not. He began to understand that what we feel is often inaccurate. He practised doing nothing when he thought of speaking and then, before proceeding to speak, he gave himself new instructions in line with his ideas about how he wanted to perform the act of speaking. This is the essence of the Alexander Technique: learn to stop rather than react when you think of doing something, then, before you proceed, give yourself a series of instructions or ‘directions’ as to how you wish to act.

Natacha Osorio

Natacha Osorio

Individual Lessons

The best way to learn the Alexander Technique is by taking individual one to one lessons with a qualified teacher. By using verbal instruction and skilled hand guidance, the teacher will take you through the practical experience of learning the Technique. During the course of a first or introductory lesson, the teacher will discuss with you your reasons for wanting to learn the Technique, including any health concerns or medical conditions that may have prompted you to seek the help of the technique. At the end of the session the teacher will discuss with you the number and frequency of lessons that might be appropriate for you. Then will begin a course of lessons during which you will experience practical work with the teacher and be given guidance as to how to apply the Technique between lessons.

1 Hour introductory lessons £65

45 minute lessons £55

30 minute lessons £45

Further Information 

To make an appointment to start one-to-one lessons please Tel: 020 7404 5348;



The Kinesiometer for Bio-Resonance

The Kinesiometer for Bio-Resonance

The Kinesiometer System consists of a guiding wizard software program and a small separate USB Interface with the Sensor Pad on it. This turns your computer into a powerful Radionics Device, managed by an on-screen Control Panel. All procedures are logically and easily guided by your Desktop Control Panel. But Practitioners can also choose to use any other test method, including kinesiology, pendulum, divination rod, ‘bobber’, and ‘sensor’ etc. to do their analysis, while still using The Kinesiometer Software on the computer. The system makes available to practitioners the following:

  • The formidable energy technology discovered by the developers of radionics.
  • The well proven, official homoeopathic system devised by German medical homoeopaths and new healing energy technologies developed by pioneers in quantum healing.
  • An Interface and Computer program which analyses health and well-being and identifying:
    • Vital Energy,
    • Emotional Blockages,
    • Degree of Allergy and Sensitivity,
    • Degree of Nutritional Deficiency,
    • Misalignment of Joints

So What are we Testing For? N.B. The Kinesiometer is not for medical diagnosis.

You always start your test by testing to see what the person’s Vitality level is.

  • The general vitality of the person on a scale of 1 to 10. This reflects the physical aspects and the toxicity level;
  • The degree of Nutritional Deficiency as a factor, on a scale of 1 to 10;
  • The degree of Blockage on the Mental and Emotional side, on a scale of 1 to 10. Most people are sick because of trapped emotions from old unresolved traumas;
  • The degree of Allergy as a general concept, on a scale of 1 to 10.

For Example, the Question: How Healthy Are You Really?

You can only test the body’s energy fields, much as an acupuncturist checks the pulses or looks at the bodily signs as in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  • Right away, you can tell exactly how healthy your subject REALLY IS by using the Vitality Meter, available to you on your desktop. So your first reading is an assessment of the person’s physical energy field, on a scale of 1 to 10;
  • Then you start to PRIORITISE, like proceeding down a  flowchart;
  • EMOTIONAL: You get a percentage reading for the amount of Blockage on the Mental and Emotional Level (M is the code);
  • NUTRITIONAL: the Nutritional Deficiency Factor on a scale of 1 to 10 or a percentage. (N is the code);
  • ALLERGIES: The food sensitivity or general Allergy Factor (A is the code). Then you address these main issues in their order of importance;
  • REMEDY TESTING: The program will lead you through a well-proven system of homoeopathic Remedy testing, to produce the exact prescription the patient needs. You go over a test set of homoeopathic remedies by tipping them (bringing them into the circuit); you get a blip from The Kinesiometer when you find the correct remedy.

Further Information

Please contact Turner Clinic of Advanced Alternative Medicine at


Be your Best Throughout the Summer with B.Fresh

The team at B.fresh live in the rolling countryside on their farm in Shropshire and they are passionate about blending vegetables with fruit and leafy greens to create the perfect mix to tickle the taste buds. Wherever possible the team grow their own vegetables and fruit on the farm, but sometimes seasonality can be limiting therefore if they can’t grow it themselves, they know the farmer who does, ensuring they have the highest quality, fresh produce twelve months of the year. They also have their very own B.fresh juicery, so they can pick, cold press and high pressure process (HPP) and send direct to your doorstep or the supermarket. HPP is a non-thermal food processing technology that allows juices made with vegetables and fruit to obtain a longer shelf life, ensuring it arrives to you fresh and still bursting with all of its nutrients.

Be your Best Throughout the Summer with B.Fresh

B.fresh believe in a healthy balanced diet combining juices which are bursting with goodness with a fresh and varied meal plan to keep your body clean and healthy. Each juice is 90 calories or less and contains naturally less sugar due to our healthy and delicious combination of whole cold pressed fruit and vegetables.  Summer is a time when we want to feel good inside and out, and B.fresh has a range of cold pressed juices that will refresh and recharge, all available from for £2.50:

#sweetgreens: An apple a day keeps the doctor away and this juice contains predominately apples, combined with spinach, kale and a hint of lemon, to deliver a well-rounded sweet yet zingy flavour and bursting full of vitamins such as K and A;

#greenwarrior: When you need a natural boost, this juice is up for the battle. With spinach and kale contributing to over a third of the juice, it’s balanced with the sweetness of apple, the tang of lime and the fiery edge of ginger;

#theorangeone: This bright and vitamin packed juice blends the Mediterranean taste of Valencia oranges with our home grown carrots, creating a European flavour fusion reminiscent of those summer holiday’s abroad. Carrots are bursting with healthy goodness, whilst simultaneously lowering the natural sugar level of the juice;

#easybeet: A true hydrating energy boost, for after your workout in the sunshine. With a vivid red-violet colour #easybeet is an entry level into the world of beetroot enriched juices with hints of apple, carrot and a dash of lemon to create a rich, yet light flavour. Beetroot is known to increase not only blood flow but also stamina, making it a perfect summer workout refresher;

#carrotkick: The juice to give you a healthy glow as its 60% carrot juice, so its rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants, which promote radiant and rosy skin. The addition of apple and orange gives the juice a deliciously sweet and zesty kick.

Further Information

Please contact B.Fresh on Tel: 0800 288 8713;


Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis and the Sacroiliac Joint: A Practical Guide

by John Gibbons

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2016. Paperback. £24.99 / $21.73. ISBN: 978 1 905367 66 5.

Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis and the Sacroiliac Joint: A Practical Guide

This book focuses on one of the most important areas of the body: the pelvis and the sacroiliac joint. Readers embark on a fascinating journey of enlightenment, teaching them to recognize pain and dysfunctional patterns that arise from the pelvic girdle. Gibbons addresses key issues such as:

  • The walking/gait cycle and its relationship to the pelvis;
  • Leg length discrepancy and its relationship to the kinetic chain and the pelvis;       
  • The laws of spinal mechanics;
  • The relationship of the hip joint, gluteal muscles, lumbar spine to the pelvis;
  • Sacroiliac joint screening.

In addition, he provides step-by-step techniques to identify and correct a number of impaired patterns as well as functional exercises for the pelvis that promote recovery.

About the Author

John Gibbons is a registered osteopath, author, and lecturer for the Bodymaster Method®.  He specializes in the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries for the University of Oxford sports teams. John Gibbons delivers advanced therapy training to qualified professionals throughout the UK and internationally.

Other books by John Gibbons: Muscle Energy Techniques: A Practical Handbook for Physical Therapists, The Vital Glutes: Connecting the Gait Cycle to Pain and Dysfunction, A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping.

Further Information

Available from Amazon


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    Brief Takes


    CamExpo 2016 Dr Sarah Brewer Keynote

    CamExpo has announced that Dr Sarah Brewer will host a keynote on Sunday 25 September 2016 at 1pm entitled Do you need more vitamin D. Dr Sarah Brewer will share the latest findings on why you need vitamin D and the symptoms that may mean you need to increase your dietary intake. Vitamin D is needed for more than just healthy bones. There is growing recognition that it plays important roles in regulating immunity, blood pressure, circulatory health and mood. CamExpo takes place on 24-25 September 2016 at Olympia, London.


    Further information:


    Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation Partners with Healing Quest

    The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation is pleased to announce a partnership with Healing Quest to preserve and promote the brilliant work of Dr Nicholas Gonzalez for generations to come. Healing Quest is offering a special 2-DVD Tribute to Nicholas Gonzalez MD, including interviews with Dr Gonzalez from 2015 and 2011, as seen on Healing quest on PBS Stations Nationwide; 50% of proceeds will go to non-profit The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation.


    Further information and to order:


    100 Days to Save Homeopathic Hospital!

    Health Board threatens to close in-patient ward at the Centre for Integrative Care (Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital) supporting some of the most seriously ill people in Scotland and further afield who have exhausted all other NHS options. These patients will have nowhere else to go should this hospital ward close. Please write urgently to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the Cabinet Secretary for Health with the authority to call a moratorium or actively intervene and secure the hospital’s long-term future.

    Nicola Sturgeon: First Minister:
    Shona Robison: Cabinet Secretary for Health:
    Aileen Campbell: Public Health Minister:
    Anas Sarwar Labour Party Health Spokesperson
    Donald Cameron Conservative Health Spokesperson
    Miles Briggs Conservative Party Public Health Spokesperson
    Alex-Cole Hamilton Lib-Dem Health Spokesperson
    Alison Johnstone Green Party Health Spokesperson
    Health Board website:
    Take a virtual tour of the hospital:


    Further Information


    Online Survey Understanding Health Risks

    Dr Jonathan Rolison, Psychology Department, University of Essex is running an online survey study of the general public's understanding of health risks. The study has full ethical approval from our University ethics committee and invites you to participate in a study of people's understanding of health risks. As compensation, you will be provided with instant personal feedback about your understanding of health risks and your attitude towards health related information. You will also be entered into a raffle to win a prize of £250. The study lasts around 15 minutes. To take part, please click on the study link below or paste it into your internet browser.


    Further Information: Please contact Dr Jonathan Rolison ;


    Betonica Herbal Apprenticeship

    The Betonica herbal apprenticeship programme is a four year course combining traditional knowledge and modern science. The main aim of the course is to create an alternative learning experience in herbal medicine, combining community, sustainability and organic principles. The apprenticeship programme, on completion of the final exam, will allow you to practise as a Medical Herbalist with full insurance and the ability to join a professional association if you wish.


    Further information:



    Overpowered by Martin Blank PhD can be obtained from Health Leads UK Ltd. In 2008, the Parliament of the EU agreed that electromagnetic radiation (EMF) safety standards were obsolete and must be reviewed. Since then the safety standards have remained unchanged and the dangers from EMF has grown. Written in 2014, Overpowered gives a clear and simple yet scientific explanation of what electromagnetic fields are. Being right up to date, the book explains how EMF surrounds us virtually all the time and the effects they have on the human body, including our DNA.


    Further information and to purchase: Tel: 01559 364 711;


    BIOLAB & Great Plains Laboratory Conference

    BIOLAB & Great Plains Laboratory Conference 2016 takes place in London on 14-15 October. Bringing a child into today’s world is a difficult challenge; toxic chemicals can diminish fertility for couples who want to conceive, as well as increase the rate of mutations in the parents and in the conceived child. The international group of speakers is composed of Physicians, Scientific Researchers, Nutritionists and Therapists. The Conference will cover: Clinician registry eligibility, 2 days of educational sessions, expert faculty on preconceptional and pregnancy care, nutritional and environmental medicine and genetics and more. Early Bird registration offer expires 1 Sept 2016.


    Further information Tel: 020-7636 5959/5905;


    IJHC International Journal of Healing and Caring Conference

    The International Journal of Healing and Caring (IJHC) Main conference takes place on 16-18 September 2016. Organized by Daniel Benor MD, Editor of IJHC in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Choose from 5 one-day pre-conference workshops on 15 September before the Conference, including workshops on Freud and Heart Assisted Therapy, Callahan Techniques: Thought Field Therapy Approved Algorithm, How to be a Master of Monumental Group Engagement.


    Further information and to Register:  Tel: +1 519 265 0698;  US +1 609-714-1885;     


    Low-FODMAP and Vegan

    Low-FODMAP and Vegan by Jo Stepaniak MSED explains what to eat when you can’t eat anything. FoDMAPs, a broad variety of naturally occurring carbohydrates found in many plant-based foods, can wreak havoc on sensitive digestive systems, especially in people who have irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic bowel disorders. Pinpointing and eliminating FODMAPs while maintaining nutritional excellence can be especially challenging for vegans, because FODMAOPS are found in an extensive range of common vegan foods and ingredients.


    Further information:


    World of Learning Conference & Exhibition

    The World of Learning Conference & Exhibition takes place on 19-20 October 2016 in the NEC Birmingham. Matthew Syed, best-selling author of Bounce and Black Box Thinking, will deliver a keynote speech on Driving Learner Motivation - The Positive Business Effects at World of Learning Conference. A visit to the World of Learning presents learning and Development (L&D) professionals with an invaluable time and cost-efficient opportunity to share experiences and learn from others how to best overcome the hurdles and ensure you are delivering the solutions the business needs to stay ahead.

    Further information:


    Maha Yoga

    Join Katy at the Summer’s Embers weekend retreat on 9-11 September at the Quadrangle Farmstead, Kent where you will look to the English countryside as it prepares for change, observing the textures of the inner and outer world, helped with transformational Yoga, restorative massage, seasonal local food and a schedule to help you reconnect with your inner wilderness.


    Further information Tel: Katy Robinson: 07748 849 829;;  Steve Taylor: 07598 278 130;


    Nelson’s Pollenna™ for Hayfever

    With the summer heat, high levels of pollen are often the case, but don’t let hay fever spoil your summer. Nelsons Pollenna™ is a homeopathic medicinal product used within the homeopathic tradition for the symptomatic relief of hay fever and other symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing, itchy eyes, blocked and runny nose. It is non-drowsy and suitable for anyone over 12 years.


    Further information: Nelsons™ is available from Holland & Barrett, Amazon or from Laura Crichton at Nelsons on Tel: 020 8780 4273;  


    Mushrooms for Vitamin D Deficiency

    Vitamin D deficiency is a world-wide epidemic, with over one billion people at risk from associated diseases from vitamin D deficiency. Increased use of sunscreen which effectively blocks the body from absorbing UVB rays, in turn preventing the body from making its own Vitamin D. It has long been known that edible fungi such as the white button mushroom are abundant in vitamin D. Minvita Mushroom Powder is high in vitamin D2, it also provides a host of anti-oxidants, riboflavin, niacin and copper in a totally vegan-friendly, natural organic product.


    Further information:


    Dr Kelly Brogan Visits the UK

    The UK’s mental well-being is in a state of crisis - Psychiatric drugs are over-prescribed and the causes of depression and anxiety oversimplified as a genetic and brain malfunction. One in four women in their 40s are prescribed antidepressant drugs; however depression may be a sign of malfunction of the body, not the brain and may be treated with simple lifestyle changes. Dr Bogan is board certified in Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Functional Medicine and has studied cognitive neuroscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) before receiving her MD from Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr Brogan will host two full day events while she is in the UK.


    Further information:


    A Mind of Your Own

    A Mind of Your Own by Dr Kelly Brogan MD, debunks the myths and sets out a natural cure for depression, proving that low serotonin levels are not the primary cause of depression, but that inflammation is the root cause and this can be treated by way of lifestyle changes. The book explores the truth about depression, laced with compelling scientific proof about how our genes express themselves through the food choices we make.


    Further information:


    Work Smart

    Penclic has taken the keyboard and touch pad to a new level, combining contemporary Scandinavian design, function and ergonomics without sacrificing comfort for size. The Penclic Wireless Mini Keyboard K2’s small size allows you to centralize your work position, creating better focus and maximizes desk space. Its optimal 5mm profile and ergonomic design decreases strain on the wrists, which also serves to counteract and reduce RSI. Quiet-touch keys reduce noise and offer great tactile feelings, allowing us to utilise small keystrokes and minimal pressure when typing, leading to quicker results and productivity.


    Further information: Tel: 0345 345 0010;


    Integrative Health and Medicine Conference of the Year

    The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) Annual Conference, People, Planet, Purpose for global practitioners united in health and healing takes place on 30 October-3 November at Paradise Point Hotel. There are option pre-conferences and CHI post-conference on 4 November co-sponsored by the Consciousness  and Healing Initiative (CHI) and AIHM, where scientists, healers, artists and social entrepreneurs will share their research, clinical perspectives and innovations in consciousness and healing from cells to communities.


    Further information:   


    School of Bodywork Autumn Term

    The School of Bodywork starts its Autumn term in September with Myofascial Release Foundation Level, 12-14 Sept, New Introduction to Massage Oils, 15 Sept, The Complete Bodyworker Diploma, begins 1 Oct, Special Needs Massage, 4 Oct, Updated Thai Massage Techniques for the Table, Module 1: 4-5 Nov, Module 2, 25 Nov.


    Further information Tel: 07711 656011; ;


    Bioenergetics Training Program

    The Florida Society for Bioenergetics is presenting the 2016-2017 Bioenergetics Training Programme which begins on 22 September 2016 in Alachua, Fl. For those professionals seeking continuing education credits, The Florida Society for Bioenergetics offers 24 State of Florida CE credit to Mental Health Counsellors, Marriage and Family Therapists and licensed Clinical Social Workers.


    Further information Tel: +1 386-462-5155 (United States),


    Blackcurrant Research Update

    A study has shown that New Zealand Blackcurrant extract increases cardiovascular responses. Short-duration supplementation with New Zealand blackcurrant extract increases blood volume pumped by 27.5% and boosts circulation by 20.2%. Its effect on blood volume pumped may enhance post-exercise recovery in athletes and may be beneficial for clinical populations affected by impaired circulation. Experts have confirmed the study’s impressive findings. CurraNZ is the only high-potency New Zealand blackcurrant anthocyanin supplement available in the UK and is retailed exclusively by Health Currency Ltd.


    Further information:


    Standard Cures High-Tech Health Treatments

    To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the legendary Standard Spa, Miami Beach. The Standard has introduced Standard CURES, bringing the spa’s holistic spirit to Los Angeles, New York East Village, New York High Line and to boost happiness and relaxation, aid recovery from jet lag and stimulate the mind while enjoying a city break. Highlights include nutrient drips, infrared therapy and cryofacials popping up at Future Spa at the Standard, East Village. The Autumn Astrology Immersion Retreat at the Standard Spa, Miami Beach will take place on 21-23 October and the Standard Shop has added its selection of hand-picked products.


    Further information:


    Defeating Teenage Depression - Getting There Together

    Defeating Teenage Depression - Getting There Together by Dr Roslyn Law is a practical guide, using techniques based on Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A). IPT-A is a therapeutic approach being adopted by the government’s nationwide Improved Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme, alongside Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. IPT-A tailors the therapy to young people. You learn who you can call on to help, even when depression tries to tell you that no-one is interested.


    Further information:


    Artichoke - Trick Your Brain into Skipping Sugar?

    Artichokes contain a natural substance called cynarin, which has the odd ability to be able to bind to the sweet receptors on our tongues without actually activating them. The cynarin can stay bound to sweet receptors for some time, but next time we drink or eat, the cynarin is removed and the sweet receptors are fired up again. This sudden re-activation of the receptors cause a phantom sweet taste message to our brains, which mean things can taste sweet, even if they are not.


    Further Information: Natur Boutique’s Organic Artichoke Tea is available nationwide in Holland and Barrett stores and from


    New Finding from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab

    A new study published online in Eating & Weight Disorders is titled Don’t Eat So Much: How Parent comments Relate to Female Weight Satisfaction by Brian Wansink PhD Director of Cornell Food and Brand Lab, Lara Latimer PhD of the University of Texas and Lizzy Pope PhD of the University of Vermont. These new findings show that women who recall their parents commenting on their weight are more prone to being overweight and are less satisfied with their weight as adults.


    Further information:’s-weight


    Feel Great: BE The Best You Can Be

    Feel Great: BE The Best You Can Be is the second book by Oliver Gray, following UK best-selling Energise You. It contains more than 100 habits to achieve great sleep, maximize creativity and performance at work, relax, nurture more positive relationships and generally feel well and happy.


    Further information:


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