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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 233

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 233 - October 2016

Elementary - Superfood Supplement

Elementary - Superfood Supplement is a potent powdered blend of the highest quality superfoods rich in lignans, anthocyanins Omega 3, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, combined to promote digestive, immune system and cardiovascular health and overall vitality. The blend  is a source of protein and iron, is GMO and gluten free, suitable for vegans and diabetics with no added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Elementary includes gluten free oat bran, organic chia seed, ground golden flax seed (linseed), organic acai berry powder, and organic gelatinized maca root powder.

Elementary - Superfood Supplement

Combined with a healthy lifestyle, the ingredients in ELEMENTARY VITAL help to:

  • Lower cholesterol and reduce risk of diabetes;
  • Improve metabolism and weight management;
  • Improve cardiovascular health;
  • Reduce constipation and improve overall bowel health;
  • Lower cancer risk and support the immune system;
  • Increase energy & stamina;
  • Improve digestive health;
  • Lessen the impact of ageing.
  • Contribute to healthy hair & skin

Elementary Vital Ingredients

Gluten Free Oat Bran - British grown and produced on one of the few farms in Europe growing certified gluten-free oats;

Golden Flax Seed (Linseed) - grown in the UK and cold-milled to a fine flour-like consistency for fast and complete absorption;

Lignans - a family of more than 20 compounds found in plant fibre. The fibrous wild plants we evolved to eat were packed with these crucial compounds, but very few are found in the more succulent plants we favour today. Golden flax seed is the richest food source of lignans.

Organic Acai Berries - from the Acaizeiro palm tree indigenous to Brazil’s Amazon basin;  

Organic Chia Seed - (Salvia hispanica) in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. Chia seeds contain protein, essential fats and dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals and have high amounts of antioxidants, mainly phenolic compounds. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in chia are on average 60% Omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid and 20% Omega 6 linoleic acid. Ongoing research on chia shows positive effects on blood lipids, blood glucose, inflammation, body weight and cognitive performance;

Organic Maca Root Powder - Lepidium meyenii used by indigenous Andean populations for many years; they believe it enhances endurance, energy and hormonal balance. Maca is also known as Peruvian Ginseng due to the variety and density of its minerals: these include calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, silica and zinc.

Great health shines: when you feel good, you look good.

Further Information

For further information and to purchase Tel: 0207 0914399;


BCNH - High Quality Personalized Nutrition and Learning Experience

BCNH was formed at the dawn of the new century, in 2000, by its founder and Principal, Breda Gajsek, who is passionate about high quality education and a firm believer in the power of Nutritional Therapy. It all started with a medical check-up with Breda’s GP who said ‘If you are that passionate about nutrition, why don’t you open a college?....’ and that was the beginning of the journey….

Flexibility and Equal Learning Experience for Both Attendance and Distance Students

BCNH focuses on offering high quality courses in Nutritional Therapy. As many of our students are mature students who come from all parts of the world, we offer our courses with flexibility in mind. Students can attend our courses live online, on an attendance basis at UCL in London, or a combination of both. The technology we use for delivering lectures online allows students to watch and participate in lectures live, or watch them in their own time. The lecture and audio recordings are of high quality and receive excellent student feedback. 

BCNH Top Quality Nutrition Course

Personalized Nutrition and Personalized Learning Experience

At BCNH we emphasize food as ‘medicine’ and the use of supplements with caution, thus encouraging long-term diet and lifestyle changes to promote and maintain optimum health for every individual. Studying at BCNH is demanding, but enjoyable. Every student is treated as an individual and students appreciate both the academic support they receive and the quality of the educational materials.

BCNH and University of Greenwich Partnership

At BCNH we pride ourselves on a long (11 years) and fruitful relationship with the University of Greenwich (UG) who credit rate all our courses. This relationship allows our students to either graduate with a BSc (Hons) in Nutritional Therapy, or in the case of our Diploma students, gives them reassurance that their education is delivered at degree-level.

It is all about Mechanisms…

At BCNH, our aim is to provide the best possible academic and clinical standards for our students. We believe in a thorough education and an in-depth understanding of mechanisms (why and how nutrition influences our health) so that, on graduation, our students can practice with confidence.

Nutrition as an Evidence-Based Complementary Discipline 

We believe that Nutritional Therapy is not an ‘alternative medicine’ but a complementary discipline to the medical profession. Hence our teaching is based on the latest research and students are required to apply the latest research findings when seeing clients in a clinical setting. Our students say that Year 4 clinical practice is the most difficult yet most rewarding part of the course.

Further Information

To find out more about our courses or to arrange an interview, visit our website at


The Touch - Healing Miracles and Methods

by Doug Heyes MA

Published by Findhorn Press. 2016. Softback.£10.99 / $11.09. ISBN 978-1-84409-696-1.

“Doug Heyes doesn’t just believe in miracles; he experienced first-hand one of those extraordinary events that both upset the denier and uplift the believer. His inquiry into his healing, his miracle and himself are an inspiration to all of us as we seek miracles in our own lives.”

-           Marianne Williamson, New York Times #1 Bestselling Author

Findhorn Press The Touch

In 2000, while working as a National Ski Patroller in Southern California (where he has served for two decades and led hundreds of rescues) Doug Heyes sustained a massive spinal cord injury from which he was initially paralysed from the neck down, unable to move, feel, or breathe. The story of his remarkable healing set the stage for his book "The Touch". It also awakened him to his own healing gifts and set off his total immersion in the healing arts – a journey which took him through a lineage of masters and teachers from various traditions, and back to school, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology.

The Touch centres on the practice of RAM Healing™ (Radiance Aesthesia Method™) - a powerful approach to healing, created and developed from a synthesis of interwoven principles and techniques from Qi Gong, T’ai Chi, Kung Fu, Breathwork, Prayer, Shamanic Wisdom, Eastern, Western and Botanical Medicine, Spiritual Psychology and Quantum Theory.

Despite its deep, wide-ranging roots, RAM Healing™ is simple, accessible and effective. It can be learned quickly and practiced immediately by anyone, both as a healing modality and as a dynamic pathway to radiant health, authentic empowerment, and Self-awakening. Heyes likens the learning curve to Chess: “You can learn the moves in an hour and spend a lifetime mastering the game,” Heyes writes, “When we first start doing this work, we tend to do a lot to achieve minimal results. As we advance, we find ourselves doing less and less to achieve more and more. Finally, as we become masters, we achieve our most dramatic results by doing nothing at all.”

Further Information

Available on Amazon


Nutrition Theatre Bigger and Better at this Year’s CAMEXPO

Full timetable now revealed!

Back, even bigger and better than last year, the Nutrition Theatre, sponsored by Wiley’s Finest, will offer 17 fantastic sessions where you can discover the very latest consumer trends, research, developments and products from the nutrition world. With over one hundred free CPD-accredited seminars across the show, camexpo is the the definitive source of practical information and advice for the natural health & wellbeing industry. World-class speakers taking to the stage in the Nutrition Theatre this year include:

CAM 2016 Logo + Nutrition Speakers

BOOK YOUR £8.50 ENTRY TICKET HERE AND SAVE 60%* - Please enter priority code CAMX587 when prompted for your £8.50 ticket saving £16.50

Your Ticket Gives You Access to the Seminar Programme for Free (Excludes Taster Workshops)

Topics covered in the Nutrition Theatre include Lyme disease, vitamin K2 deficiency, fermented foods, juicing for health, turmeric, sugar alternatives and much more. See the full timetable here and check out the full education programme here.

Supporting the Nutrition Theatre once again is the Nutrition Trail, a trail around camexpo where you can easily find the latest products emerging from the nutrition market.

With over 200 exhibitors and a vast array of nutrition products on the show floor - including nutritional supplements, functional food and drink, nutraceuticals, sports nutrition and more – camexpo will provide you with the opportunity to source, sample and try hundreds of new products and services.

Further Information

Book your £8.50 Ticket today for this September’s event, on Saturday 24 & Sunday 25th at Olympia, London. Tickets are valid for both days. Please enter priority code CAMX587 when prompted for your £8.50 ticket saving £16.50.


Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd MRL Product Range

Founded in April of 1998, Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd. (MRL),  manufactures over fourteen (14) different mushrooms in powder and tablet (500 mg) form for healthcare practitioners (including vets)  in over twenty (20)  countries. Founders (William Ahern, Tom Chapman, David Law and Malcolm Clark) bring a combination of skills that include proprietary mushroom cultivation expertise together with clinical research skills. 

Mycology Research Laboratories Ltd MRL Product Range


MRL mycological products are in the form of biomass cultivated on sterile (autoclaved) substrate, while rigidly conforming to conditions applied to the manufacture of conventional food grade standards. All cultivation is conducted in California. In comparison to extracts, biomass has the advantage of no unwanted shift of effect which happens with extracts or concentrates, including lyophilisation. MRL powder forms are certified organic.

Mushrooms spend more than 90% of their life cycle in the mycelium. Since mushrooms cannot produce their own energy through photosynthesis, the mycelium must be able to actively obtain or produce extracellular compounds and metabolites that promote the longevity and vitality of the living mushroom. MRL research has determined that mushroom biomass products not only contain important beta-glucan activity but also key enzymes with the following functions:

Enzymes that prevent oxidative stress:

  • Superoxide dismutase;
  • Lacasse.

Enzymes that prevent cellular growth:

  • Protease;
  • Glucoamylase.

Enzymes that promote detoxification:

  • Cytochrome P-450;
  • Peroxidase;
  • Glucose 2 oxidase.

The proprietary technology used in the cultivation process ensures that the resulting standardised biomass is free from contamination by other fungi and that pesticides are absent.

Clinical Research

The genesis of MRL was based on William Ahern´s experience as a pharmaceutical licensing director when he noted the efficacy of mushroom derived pharmaceutical products prescribed in Japan, Hong Kong and Korea. As licensing director he was offered combination herbal products derived from either Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Kampo Medicine (form of Japanese TCM). Since 1998, MRL has published over fourteen newsletters and many clinical papers directed to healthcare practitioners on the use of mushroom nutrition. Research by MRL has been conducted in areas where no pharmaceutical alternative exist; such as in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and LSIL HPV care. Recently MRL, in collaboration with the Schools of Medicine at the Italian Universities of Catania and Messines, is focusing on reducing brain inflammation. In this effort, MRL seeks to find a combination mushroom nutrition-based solution to reduce the progression of dementia (by reducing brain inflammation), until a pharmaceutical solution can be determined and approved. 

Further Information

For more information, healthcare practitioners are directed to register as practitioners on the following UK and USA sites  or


Understanding Time

by Jolyon Trimingham

Published by Imagier Publishing. 2016. Paperback. £12.50. ISBN-10: 1910216186.

Understanding Time by Jolyon Trimingham is a not only a well-informed discussion about the nature of 'time' - one of the great mysteries of human experience - it has the key feature of all great books - it is interesting!

Understanding Time

His book approaches time as a phenomenon which is not the property of any particular discipline, and moves towards an understanding of time that unites and transcends narrower perspectives. Philosophy, cosmology, physics, psychology, film, art, sex, mysticism, music and everyday life are all here and given equal value. In this manner it stands apart from most other books about Time. His objective, which to a large extent he achieves, is to describe a paradigm of time which is a synthesis of modern science, ancient wisdom and common sense.

Jolyon begins by discussing whether time exists independently of the mind or is it an internal property of human consciousness, examining and comparing time sensed internally and an external time which is perceived in space as ‘clock time’. He explores time as a unique and unrepeatable experience, an experience which cannot be reduced to universal scientific laws or to a fixed algorithmic function. He considers the effects of specific natural and cultural environments on time, in particular the effect of the rise to global dominance of our Western culture and technological achievements. This he reviews within the context of other global civilizations.

He then explores the role of time in Art, giving particular attention to two art forms. Firstly, music because it is the art form most removed from the domination of our spatial interpretations of time, and secondly, the cinema, which uses the temporal deception of the ‘moving picture’ and then adds visual techniques to create what Gilles Deleuze describes as “virtual time”.

A lot of attention is given to considering the new physics and objective knowledge, examining why science alone can never explain time. He explores the post-Einsteinian scientific treatment of time starting with Chaos theory, and then looks at time in quantum theory, describing the efforts by some quantum theorists to keep both consciousness and a dangerously subjective directional time from threatening to subvert the pure objectivity of physics.

Jolyon's warmth and enthusiasm is obvious in his writing style, which is both frank and engaging; he makes his subject accessible and enjoyable without disguising his profound understanding of the subject. 

Understanding Time is a brilliant contribution to the human dimension of modern physics.

Further Information

Please view Understanding Time at  Available to purchase on Amazon


Qi Gong - Embodied Awareness - Fri 07 Oct - Sun 09 Oct

Embodied Awareness

In this weekend we will absorb and practice the key principles of Qi Gong:  grounding, centring, settling, aligning; engaging with lightness and gravity.  Through this direct approach we will discover an energetic and embodied way of understanding the alchemic and transformational qualities of Qi Gong.  We will learn traditional Qi Gong forms - Standing Like a Tree, Aligning the Three Treasures, Dialogue with the Organs, Qi Lel, Qi Gong Breathing, Meditation and Visualization.

QiGong Embodied Awareness

We will explore ways of bringing this practice effortlessly into our daily lives.

This group is open to all whether you have done Qi Gong before or not.  Past students very welcome!  The experience is familiar - and always different! Bring loose, comfortable clothing.

Barbara Brown has been practising T’ai Chi and Qi Gong for over 35 years.  She has written a book on Qi Gong (Harpercollins) and is still in love with Han, the main character from her recent novel Han Returns to Earth.  The book has a strong Tai chi and Taoist theme. Barbara refers to her work as Body Tao - a combination of Qi Gong and therapy.

Registration between 4pm - 6pm. Course begins with supper at 6.30pm. The weekend ends with afternoon tea at 4.00pm and departure.

Previous participants said:

"A really good balance of energising and deeply restful.  A wonderful way to meet and be with oneself with gentleness, acceptance and compassion. The tutor showed great skill in being inclusive, non-judgemental, encouraging, supportive and imaginative, nourishing us via this work at many levels.  A very healing and pleasurable two days."

"Perfect - highly effective and inspiring,  life enhancing.  A wonderful tutor - very gentle and supportive and knows just the right thing to say. Could not have been better."

Further Information

Cost: single £260; shared £225; non-res £180. Please contact Hawkwood Collage Tel: 01453 759034;


Hypnotherapy - The Power To Change

by Dr John Butler

We all know how hard it is to make a real change in patterns in our lives that have got a strong grip on us. Most of the time, it’s not for lack of knowledge or ability - we know what we want to do and even how to do it, and we’re physically capable of carrying it out, we just don’t.

Modern neuroscience research provides strong evidence that there are separate parts of the brain that carry out different functions, and in addition there is the fact that the human brain takes about 25 years to mature fully.  So by the time it’s all in place, some of our most long-established patterns of behaviour have already sneaked in the door, before our full adult understanding was present.

Hypnotherapy - The Power To Change

The good news is, the very same means that creates the problem, also has the power to provide the solution.  Some of the parts of our brain that are present early in our lives are among the most powerful - our imagination and our emotions.

Hypnotherapy is the art of harnessing the imagination and the emotions, so that their enormous power in our brains is used in harmony with our mature, healthy goals.  This is hard for most of us to do for ourselves, particularly at first, and here another power can be harnessed - the power of human partnership, the ability to communicate at a profound emotional level, to guide the imagination of a client to reach out within their own brain, and integrate the different parts.

This is a powerful therapeutic method with tremendous potential for human benefit.  In-depth hypnotherapy, including a very wide range of trance inductions and trance management methods, reprogramming and motivational skills, analytical and regression techniques, requires dedication and personal development to learn.  Our training program provides much hands-on teaching with expert supervision and feedback in class, in 200 hours of classroom face-to-face tuition, together with a recommended 250 hours of personal study with selected study materials, and an in-depth individual assessment process.  We believe our dedicated students and their future clients deserve no less than our best. 

Because hypnosis, understood properly, is such a powerful method for activating and working with the resources of the human brain, it is possible to gain great benefits from even a relatively brief exposure to learning to use it.  For example, in our Hypnotherapy Skills for Life Change (HSLC) course you can learn not only effective self-hypnosis for many personal benefits, but also methods to help clients effectively, safely and ethically with many of the common problems such as, smoking, stress, lack of confidence and other issues that hypnotherapists see so often.

Further Information

For more information please contact HTI on Tel: +44(0)207 385 1166;


Beneficial use of Seaweed in Special Diets

by Simon Ranger, founder, Seaweed Health Foundation

In a conventional diet of mainly land-grown and manufactured foods, careful choice and variety is required to provide all the daily nutrients the body needs to maintain homeostasis and adequately perform many complex functions. This presents a particular challenge in special diets, whether in special needs children, sport, weight management, pregnancy, convalescence, the elderly, or in the treatment of serious health conditions.

Seagreens Pelvetia hanging from rocks

Certain varieties of ‘brown’ Wrack seaweeds of high food quality are readily available from the north Atlantic, providing a virtually complete nutrient profile with an outstanding balance of micronutrients. These are the same nutrient groups shown to be depleted in our foods, and especially in restricted diets. Since 2008 a British company Seagreens, has led applied research on these Wrack species. Two of their nutrition products combine 3 different species in well balanced forms for inclusion in everyday foods, yet with no unusual appearance or taste. They also contain natural glutamates which produce ‘umami’ flavour, shown to stimulate salivation and taste in the elderly, improving appetite, weight, and overall health.

It is as quick to add half a teaspoon to a soup, bread mix or a bowl of pasta as it is to blend it into a smoothie or fruit juice. There are also seaweed pieces which are briefly soaked for addition to normal vegetables and salads. The seaweed is certified allergen and contaminant free, organic, kosher, halal and  vegan and has an excellent track record in wide food and therapeutic use. This makes it particularly easy to replace nutrient sources that might otherwise be problematic. For example vitamin E with all its isomers avoiding grains like wheat germ; Omega fatty acids 3, 6, and 9 without eating fish; all the B vitamins without dairy or meat, and important mineral trace elements depleted in land grown foods like zinc, selenium, iron, and magnesium. Among hundreds of seaweed species the composition and availability of wild Wrack is outstanding.

Recent research shows that very small amounts between 1 and 4 grams (a teaspoon) not only fill the dietary gaps, but includes significant levels of nutrient groups such as polyphenols, antioxidants and polysaccharides which aid digestion, intestinal healing, and detoxification, as well as well-assimilated nutrients like iodine and its co-factors for thyroid hormone production. Even these small amounts provide more soluble dietary fibre than 100g of wholemeal bread, brown rice or even lentils. As a natural, effective prebiotic the seaweed prolongs the release of sugars to the blood and lowers the glycemic index of foods which have appeal particularly in children with special needs, in obesity and diabetes. Studies have shown that it stimulates the secretion of pancreatic and digestive enzymes and beneficially inhibits others. Its antioxidant capacity appears to remain high throughout the initial stages of digestion, surviving into the gut lumen where it provides protection from oxidative stress and damage to the gut wall . As a rich and balanced source of all the minerals it is alkalizing in the blood and re-nutrifies circulation.

A clinical nutritionist, speaking at an autism conference 10 years ago, found these seaweeds provided ‘optimum all-rounder nutrition’. “I see many abnormalities on the autistic spectrum: poor metabolism, hypothyroidism, heavy metals toxicity, elevated acid to alkaline, low levels of essential fatty and amino acids, poor electrolyte balance and low essential mineral elements”. A profound insight, given what all the latest studies show.

Further Information

For further information please visit  and


Continuing Professional Development – Its importance and relevance to you!

By Claire Squire of Balens Specialist Insurance Brokers

Continuing Professional Development or CPD for short has been defined as ‘a structured approach to learning to help ensure competence to practice, taking in knowledge, skills and practical experience.  CPD can involve any relevant learning activity, whether formal and structured or informal and self-directed.’*

There is a risk that CPD can be viewed as onerous and time consuming, however in reality it is just the name that is given to ‘lifetime learning’.  The continuing strive to ensure that you keep up to date both with changes within your own therapeutic modality and with regards to your business skills. 

Continuing Professional Development – Its importance and relevance to you!

In this current economic climate, clients are increasingly conscious of where and with whom they spend their money and any areas in which you can increase your knowledge can only help to give you a competitive advantage that may ultimately make the difference between the success and failure of your business.

Do you, for example –

  • Know how to use Social media to increase your client reach?
  • Know the rules of the Advertising Standards Agency regarding claims that you make on your website?
  • Know what information you need to keep on your client records, in order to defend any claims they may make against you?

Your productivity as a Therapist is not solely related to how you practice your therapy, it is also closely tied in with how you manage your client relationships, how you handle any complaint or communication of dissatisfaction and how you manage your paperwork.  If these are areas that you struggle with, you would be well placed to spend time focusing on increasing your skills and knowledge, it will save you hugely in the long run. 

CPD may take the form of group learning i.e. attending structured courses, workshops or conferences.  These can be expensive, but do have the added advantage of giving the opportunity to meet with peers and colleagues.  Often we gain a huge amount of support and confidence in our own abilities by recognising that situations we face in our practice are common to many.  CPD may equally take the form of individual learning - reading (magazines, books or online information).  There is a wealth of free online information these days, many such as the TED and TEDX talks are from experts in their fields discussing the latest thinking and research. 

At Balens we are extremely keen on learning and development, hold regular CPD Conferences with topics we believe to be relevant to our clients.  Lectures available online after the events and topics include the ASA, marketing, managing difficult client relationships, complaint handling and general business development.  Please see 

There is no doubt that there are both tangible and intangible benefits involving a reinforcement of ones’ professionalism by embracing and including CPD in a busy practitioner’s life.  Happy learning. 

* Sources:

Further Information

Balens Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. For further information and advice on what Balens can offer Tel: 01684 893 006;


Exertion and Exercise Controversy in ME/CFS

“The degree of physical incapacity varies greatly, but the dominant clinical feature of profound fatigue is directly related to the length of time the patient persists in physical effort after its onset; put in another way, those patients who are given a period of enforced rest from the onset have the best prognosis.”
“…in those patients whose dynamic or conscientious temperament urge them to continue effort despite profound malaise or in those who, on the false assumption of ‘neurosis’, have been exhorted to ‘snap out of it’ and ‘ take plenty of exercise’ the condition finally results in a state of constant exhaustion.” [1]

Cover Beginners Guide to ME-CFS

My little book tells you, the one who suspects, or knows that your range of disabling symptoms means you have ME/CFS, and your family, and your carers, that you need to rest...that the only way to 'fight' this illness is stop fighting.

I wrote “Exercise will make you worse.  More exercise will make you much worse.  Even more exercise can have you in bed for the next 20 years, or until you die”.

I wondered if that was being too extreme.

After all, the psychiatrists, the neurologists, the guidelines and manuals for the treatment of ME/CFS insist that, though you mustn't be told that it's 'all in your head', still, the problem is that you had a little viral thing, got worried about exertion, and are now anxiously avoiding exertion, which is making your symptoms worse.  The treatment for your 'false beliefs' that you have a serious medical disease and that exercise will make you worse is to give you Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, to talk you out of it, and Graded Exercise Therapy, to get you moving again.  Too much resting is bad for you.

In my book, I accuse the psychiatrists of having 'false beliefs', and insist that Ramsay and Acheson, who both stated that complete rest gave the best prognosis, were right.

But is this too extreme?

In February, 2015, the US Institute of Medicine Committee, who had been asked to look at all the evidence concerning ME/CFS, made the following statement:

“the committee recommends that the disorder described in this report be named ‘systemic exertion intolerance disease’ (SEID). “Systemic exertion intolerance” captures the fact that exertion of any sort - physical, cognitive, emotional - can adversely affect these patients in many organ systems and in many aspects of their lives. The committee intends for this name to convey the complexity and severity of this disorder.” [2]

It seems that we do have a disease which is complex and severe, and in which exertion, of any sort can 'adversely affect' us “in many organ systems”.

Ramsay was right...resting is our best hope. In this age of antibiotics and remedies to stop the symptoms, we forget that it is our immune system that has to do the fighting, It needs every bit of our energy to do that. The old-fashioned wisdom that when we were sick, we stayed in bed until we got better is the most effective treatment of all.

Not too extreme, after all. I wish the advice in my little book could become available to everyone who learns or suspects that what they are suffering from is ME/CFS.


1. Melvin Ramsay. . [Online] [Cited: 3 October 2013.

2.,  Page 11.

Further Information

Further information about The Beginner's Guide to ME/CFS here. Available from the author and Amazon


The Gym Journal

by Ashley Kalym

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2016. Softback. £9.99. ISBN 978 1 905367 73 3

Whether your goal is to get stronger, faster, lose body fat, increase cardiovascular fitness, or prepare for a sport, The Gym Journal makes it incredibly easy to keep a record of every aspect of your training. With enough room to record five sessions per week for six months, The Gym Journal is the last workout diary you will ever need.

Cover The Gym Journal

Features include

  • Weight conversion table with figures for pounds and kilograms;
  • Starting stats page, for height, weight, body fat %, and personal records;
  • Goal setting process, with room to fill out SMART goals;
  • Fluid intake chart giving your recommended water intake;
  • Nutritional information on foods, including protein, fats, carbs and calories;
  • One-rep max calculator to help you work out your 1RM for any exercise;
  • One-rep max % tables to help you correctly periodize your workout;
  • Record strength exercise information, including sets, reps, weight, and rest;
  • Record cardiovascular information, including sets, reps, distance and time;
  • Record information for six meals, including protein, fats, carbs and calories;
  • Record water intake to help you stay hydrated;
  • Record your finishing stats, to show how far you have progressed;
  • ….and much, much more.

About the Author

Ashley Kalym is the author of the best-selling Complete Calisthenics: The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Exercise.

Further Information

Available from Amazon


Tomatis Listening Therapy - You can measure listening! 

Listening as Dr Alfred Tomatis wrote is “Our royal route to the divine”. It encompasses everything that we engage with in our daily lives. It determines our awareness - motoric, physical, psychological  responses, and our ability to use them with efficiency and harmony. Listening is a life enhancing skill; it is far more than the assumption of paying due attention to somebody whilst they are speaking. Not many people know that listening can be measured. A listening assessment will show how a client is using the different parameters of listening such as bone conduction, air conducted perception, which ear is dominant (it should always be the right because this is the quickest way of getting information to the language hemisphere of the brain.) and whether or not they have blocked and thus clouded their frequency range to high, middle or lower frequencies. This psychological response to sound is what Tomatis calls the ‘curtain of anxiety’ and generally means that if certain areas of our frequency spectrum are confused, it will have a profound effect on learning and our being.

Tomatis Listening Therapy- You can measure listening

When high frequencies are perceived incorrectly then the maternal acceptance has been compromised. Perceiving high frequencies correctly give a great deal of energy to brain. During the 16 years consultancy at my centre, I have observed that when people claim back this open perception they experience a great sense of joy and calm. They witness to a greater comprehension and self-knowing, as if a very obscured lens on their lives has been cleaned, brightened and enhanced. Many liken it to a permanent state of  heightened awareness - rather like the after effects of being in a deep meditation, only this state does not wear off, after all it is our birthright! We have just closed it down and now it is opened to a world we couldn’t perceive. 
Middle range frequencies which cover the area of attention, memory and concentration, self-confidence and singing in tune are known as the language frequencies. They pertain to the father figure and it is from him that our communication is nurtured. In a listening test when there is a scotoma in this area the above mentioned skills will be effected. 
Lower frequency sounds provide the body with stimulus for maintaining balance, proprioception and motoric coordination. Poor lower frequency response which can also be an over reliance and flooding of this area of perception, at the expense of the middle and higher frequencies. This when out of balance could leave the person clumsy, sluggish, unfocused, fidgety and ungrounded. 

Further Information

Habitual listening responses which do not serve us can be transformed by undergoing a course of Tomatis Listening Therapy. The first step is to undergo a listening assessment, which takes 90 minutes  and can be arranged by contacting Ella Williams on Tel: 0207339 5268;    


No WIFI In Schools – Geovital Campaign

A Businessman is on a mission to make people aware of an invisible health danger. Geovital helped support this worldwide poster campaign, and put up many posters in the Braintree & Witham Essex area.

No WIFI In Schools – Geovital Campaign

DANGER: Martin Kingsbury wants Wifi in schools to be banned

Photo courtesy of Braintree and Witham Times 11 Aug 2016

Thank you Braintree & Witham Times for reporting our campaign, we would have liked to have seen a greater in depth report covering the numerous linked symptoms of this health risk to our children.

This picture was taken in the offices of the Braintree & Witham Times, the meter clearly displays the level of high frequency radiation in my body at that point of time, the papers staff are unknowingly exposed to this high level of radiation for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and their bodies are having to constantly defend against this unnatural radiation.

Parents the time is now to do a little research and to be aware of the dangers, there are many small life changes you can make to reduce radiation exposure. We at Geovital help people every day who are very ill, and the numbers are growing fast. EHS is horrid condition to live with, and it does not go away by taking a pill.

Further Information


Organic Coconut Vinegar - the Queen of Coconuts

With so much hype surrounding coconut products at present it takes something special to stand out from the crowd, but that’s exactly what The Coconut Company’s new Organic Coconut Vinegar with Mother of Vinegar is doing. Having just won the Best New Dressing in the Healthy Food Guide’s Food & Drink Awards, the vinegar is receiving rave reviews for both its taste and health benefits…

Organic Coconut Vinegar - the Queen of Coconuts

The unique vinegar is made by fermenting organic coconut sap, its sole ingredient, to produce a tangy aromatic vinegar with a slightly sweet taste. It really comes into its own however for the fact it still contains the Mother of Vinegar, the substance (a combination of ‘good’ bacteria and cellulose) that naturally converts barley malt or fruit into vinegar. This allows the vinegar to continue fermenting whilst in the bottle, not only creating a more intense flavour but also meaning the product is still ‘live’, thus adding to its health benefits.

Being sweeter and less harsh than an apple cider equivalent, the vinegar lends itself perfectly to creating dressings or use in marinades and even works well as a dipping vinegar.

The vinegar is becoming popular for more than just its taste however. Over the last few years apple cider vinegar has shot to stardom for its claimed health benefits, with legions of fans taking a daily shot to purportedly help with everything from digestion to weight loss.

Organic Coconut Vinegar with Mother of Vinegar takes things to another level. Not only does its milder flavour make it tastier and more palatable (the company suggest mixing a tablespoon in a glass of water or fruit juice and then drinking) than apple cider vinegar, but because it contains the Mother of Vinegar it is jam packed full of live enzymes. Furthermore, a comparison of nutritional data from apples and coconut sap shows the latter has much higher levels of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, making it clear that if you’re looking for a natural vinegar to use as a healthy tonic there’s only one winner!

Whilst they don’t contain the Mother of Vinegar, there’s also a range of other exciting coconut vinegars in The Coconut Company’s range - Classic, with Coconut Nectar, Balsamic Style, with Garlic, and with Chilli & Ginger varieties. All are organic, naturally fermented, unpasteurised and unfiltered, and, just like the Mother of Vinegar variety, contain no preservatives, additives or flavourings.

Further Information

For more information or to buy visit  where each is priced at £4.99. 


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge



    Brief Takes


    Nicholas Gonzalez Conquering Cancer: Volume One

    Conquering Cancer: Volume One with 50 Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Patients on the Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol was almost completed at the time of Dr Gonzalez’s unexpected death in July 2015. Pre-orders via Paypal for $49.95 are now being accepted on the edited edition with several patient updates from his patient files. Volume one will be shipping in mid-October 2016. Conquering Cancer: Volume Two will include an additional 50 patients with 16 different types of cancer treated successfully on The Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol and is expected to be available at the end of 2016.


    Further information:


    Annual Conference The Laurence Society of Holistic Medicine

    The Laurence Society of Holistic Medicine Annual Conference takes place on 8 October 2016 at Regents University, London NW1 4NS. Speakers include Professor Ervin Laszlo (Italy) on From The Cutting Edge of 21st Century Science: The new Map of Consciousness and its Relevance to Health and Healing, Dr Lloyd Jenkins PhD, EFT (Spain) on Dr Budwig’s Work in Supporting Patients with Cancer and Dr Patrick Quanten MD (UK) on How Do I Fix Somebody’s Health?


    Further information Tel: 01233 750 363


    Udo’s Choice: The Power of Greens

    Udo’s Choice recently launched a new formula of their Beyond Greens - a blend of certified organic greens, which includes fermented grasses, green vegetables, superfood algae and sea greens including: spirulina and chlorella. The greens powder can be taken with a meal, between meals as a snack or drink at any time except a few hours before bedtime as it may hinder sleep.


    Further information: Available at selected department stores, health stores nationwide and online at 


    American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) 25th Research Conference

    The 2016 AICR Research Conference on Nutrition, Physical Activity, Obesity and Cancer, will be held 14-16 November 2016 at the Marriott Bethesda North Hotel and Conference Center in North Bethesda, MD.


    Further information Tel: (800) 843-8114, FREE (202) 328-7744 in DC,


    Spicy Solution for Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and a third of those over 45 seek treatment for the painful condition, rising to nearly 50% of those over 75. A new study has looked into the effect of ginger supplementation in a group of 120 people suffering from osteoarthritis in their knees. At the end of three months, the group who had taken ginger had less inflammation than the placebo group. One way to get a daily ginger hit is Natur Boutique’s Organic Ginger Tea, which is made from 100% pure organic ginger and is renowned for its sweet, non-bitter taste.


    Further information:  or at local health food stores.


    Nelsons Remedies for Summer Sniffles

    Nelsons Coldenza is a Homeopathic medicinal product used within the homeopathic tradition for the symptomatic relief of colds and related flu-like symptoms. It contains a 6c homeopathic potency of natural Gelsemium sempervirens and is suitable for anyone over 12 years old.


    Further information: Nelsons Coldenza is available from Holland & Barrett, Amazon or online at


    The Coconut Company - Flour Power

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    Further information:


    Become Your Own Doctor

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    Further information:


    Pukka Ginseng Matcha Green Tea

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    Further information:


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    Further information: The results of the study are published in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility. The paper can be viewed at


    Sealy Tips to Beat the Heat

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    Further information:


    Office Yoga and Meditation - Regain Love Life

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    Further information:


    The Science of Stress

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    Further information:


    Integrative Health and Medicine Conference

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    Further information:


    Fish Oil Pills Reverse Fatty Diet Effects

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    Further information:


    I Sea Pasta

    Seaweed pasta from Seamore is a healthier, richer alternative to traditional pasta, grown in the pure waters of the Irish coastline. The 100% natural and organic pasta is packed full of goodness. It is gluten free, vegan and vegetarian friendly, 1 serving of I Sea pasta contains more omega-3 than what is needed in your daily diet, twice as much iron as spinach and has 85% less calories per plate than regular wheat pasta. It is high in iodine, sodium, antioxidants, protein, vitamins and minerals with no carbs, so no calories.


    Further information:


    Cannabis Extract Turns Any Food Into Comfort Food

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    Further information:


    Tel Aviv University Researcher Awarded 2016 MetLife Foundation Prize

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    Further information:


    Diploma in Anger, Stress, Trauma and Mindfulness

    The British Association of Anger Management (BAAM), in affiliation with the Anger Academy is now offering its latest Diploma in Anger, Stress, Trauma and Mindfulness starting in December 2016. BAAM is the UK’s leading centre of expertise for all aspects of anger and conflict management, delivering support, programmes and training to practitioners and the general public. The Diploma will enhance your existing professional skills and allow you to provide specialist support to more clients.


    Further information Tel: 03451 300 286


    Resilience Masterclass

    Liggy Webb, author of the highly acclaimed book Resilience - How to Cope When Everything Around You Keeps Changing is running the Resilience Masterclass on 27 October and 16 November in London. The class runs from 9:00 to 4:00 and includes refreshments and lunch.  The class will help you to develop personal resilience and agility, cope better with challenges and change, think more positively and optimistically, manage responses, emotions and stress levels and create a positive and effective personal vision.


    Further information Tel: 01242 700 027;


    World of Learning Conference and Exhibition

    The World of Learning Conference and Exhibition takes place at the NEC Birmingham on 19-20 October 2016. Fringe seminars taking place will focus on a variety of specialist topics such as: Keynote: Are we ready for the future of learning? Will micro-learning save e-learning, Panel discussion: Industry knowledge v Institutional knowledge, Using neuroscience to develop your leaders and the closing keynote: The stress advantage.


    Further information: Fringe seminars are free to attend and booking is required


    Psychological Support Techniques for Cancer

    The University of Chester and Maggie’s – a cancer support charity with centres across the UK – have been working together to provide staff at the charity with psychological support techniques, based on cutting-edge research. Professor Nick Hulbert-Williams and Dr Lee Hulbert-Williams of the University of Chester’s Department of Psychology have recently completed the delivery of the training in which centre managers and cancer support specialists from across the country learned about Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT).


    Further information:


    All Natural Beauty - Organic and Homemade Beauty Products

    All Natural Beauty – Organic and Homemade Beauty Products by Karin Berndl and Nici Hofer will be published by Hardie Grant on 22 September. The book explores the world of herbs, fruits, seeds and natural oils to bring a collection of homemade recipes which will nourish the skin and taste good. Recipes for Energy-Boosting Coffee Body Scrub or  Chocolate Mousse Body Cream are just some of the homemade products in the book.


    Further information:


    HerbFest 2017 Now Open For Bookings

    HerbFest is going to be returning to the stunning surroundings of Monte Mariposa in the Argarve for the 2017 conference, entitled Bringing People and Plants Together. There is an exciting line up of speakers, including Satish Kumar, former monk, peace activist and editor of Resurgence and Ecologist, Polly Higgins, International lawyer, UK-based barrister and award-winning author, Robin Harford, Forager and ethnobotanist, specialising in wild edible plants and co-director of Plants & Healers International and Anne McIntyre. Western Herbalist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, gardener, lecturer and author. Early bird prices will hold until the end of November.


    Further information:


    BIOLAB and Great Plains Laboratory Conference

    BIOLAB and Great Plains Laboratory Conference takes place in London on 14-15 October 2016. Bringing a child into today’s world is a difficult challenge. Toxic chemicals diminish fertility for couples who want to conceive as well as increase the rate of mutations in the parents and conceived child. The focus of the conference is to provide Physicians, Nutritionists and other Clinicians with a road map to navigate through the current challenging environment. The international group of speakers is composed of Physicians, Scientific Researchers, Nutritionists and Therapists.


    Further information Tel: 020-7636 5959/5905;


    NatraSan for Psoriasis

    World Psoriasis Day is on 29 October and aims to raise awareness’ about this irritating and often aggressive immune condition. Top tips for dealing with psoriasis include: drink chamomile tea to calm you and relieve psoriasis flair-ups, Nutritionists recommend an omega-rich diet and get a lot of sunlight, or take vitamin D supplements and try NatraSan, an over-the-counter product for psoriasis, particularly on the scalp, especially as it is non-greasy and soothes irritation. Hypochlorous acid speeds up the body’s healing process and so can help with any cracked, sore areas and is safe enough to use around the eyes, ears and mouth and on babies.


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    Gourmet Fresh Macro Meals for Busy Professionals

    UK nutrition brand  has launched a new range of freshly prepared Gourmet Macro Meals for individuals wanting to keep dishes nutritionally balanced, despite leading busy lives. There are 8 meals to choose from including: Mojito Lime Mint Chicken, Seared Soy Ginger Beef, BBQ Pulled Pork, Roast Citrus Salmon, Honey Mustard Lean Pork Sausage and Mango Chilli Chicken. All recipes have been developed by executive chefs and are made fresh in the GoNutrition kitchen every Tuesday and Thursday ready for next day delivery.


    Further Information:


    Vitamin D Supplements Limited Success Unless Other Nutritional Problems Tackled

    An expert at a leading health and nutrition company has said that the success of new public health advice that people should take vitamin D supplements during winter months could be limited because of other widespread nutritional deficiencies. Cellnutrition Head of Science, Roger Meacock has said that the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements to support healthy bones, teeth and muscles will be restricted if people have insufficient levels of important minerals in their bodies. Cellnutrition’s Quinton Complete Isotonic Mineral Supplements could be the answer as it is has 78 minerals and trace elements, is 100% bioavailable and contains mineral-rich seawater.


    Further information:


    Massage Gel for Aching Muscles

    Pernaton Gel Forte is ideal for all active people, including sports enthusiasts and those who experience muscle and joint discomfort and stiffness and is good for use when warming up or for relief following strenuous exercise. The gel provides an instant, long-lasting warming sensation which stimulates muscles and increases circulation when massaged into the skin. It can be used alongside pain-relief medications if necessary. Penaton Gel Forte uses 100% Perna extract sourced from the purest Green Lipped Mussels, Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and Omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains cayenne pepper extract and active essential oils.


    Further information: Pernaton is available from Amazon, Holland & Barrett and all good Health Stores as well as from  and

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