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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 244

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 244 - February 2018

The Cliffs of Moher Retreat

Love to practise yoga by the ocean? Want to connect with the wild nature? No need to travel to far-away countries – Irish top yoga destination, the Cliffs of Moher Retreat offers a stunning location by the ocean.

  • Ireland’s leading yoga retreat with world class yoga studio;
  • Practise yoga by the ocean, a stone’s throw away from home;
  • Connect with the wild nature and rejuvenate over a weekend of wellness.

yoga studio

The Cliffs of Moher Retreat is known for its world class yoga studio. The purpose-built venue is spacious, light and warm thanks to high end underfloor heating, and offers spectacular panoramic views over the Atlantic Ocean coast. Add to that mouth-watering vegetarian food, country-like style comfortable accommodation, hotel standard quality, coastal walks, lots of time and space to relax, a long soak outside in the wood fired hot tub after dinner, meditation, cooking classes, nurturing staff, peaceful and cozy atmosphere… these are just some of the things people like at the Cliffs of Moher retreat and come back again and again.

The Cliff of Moher Retreat is located on the West coast of Ireland and Europe, just about the mid-point of The Wild Atlantic Way. The Cliffs of Moher is an area of outstanding natural beauty and is virtually untouched. This is an idyllic getaway for those seeking to get away from it all and reconnect with nature. Cliffs of Moher run their own retreats with their resident teacher, Michelle Moroney  who has been teaching yoga full time since 2003. There are a number of retreats all year ranging from weekends to week long: from full yoga immersions to yoga & hiking and yoga & cooking.

The venue can accommodate up to 30 guests in 14 luxury bedrooms. Communal spaces include a beautifully renovated kitchen and a dining hall. There are four comfortable lounges for guest to while away the hours with stunning views of the Atlantic coast and open fires. Guests also have access to the lounge and living kitchen where you can see ferments, sprouts and kombuchas being made as well as having access to tea and coffee making facilities.

The retreat team grow much of their own vegetables within its Geodesic Dome and in the vegetable beds of its organic garden. The cuisine served at the retreat is contemporary vegetarian / vegan cuisine which is one of the top highlights of the retreat, praised by all its guests.

Further Information

For more information and to book your yoga retreat get in touch on Tel: +353 86 851 7710;


Behind The Seaweed Headlines

SB Ranger Founder Seaweed Health Foundation

If the benefits to health were as ubiquitous as the media would have us believe, ‘seaweed’ should be a staple. Heston Blumenthal advocated it instead of salt in hospital meals, followed by Jamie Oliver who called it the most nutritious vegetable in the world and attributed his remarkable weight loss of nearly 13 kilos to it. The Daily Mail has just reported that “eating seaweed can do everything from aiding weight loss to promoting heart health and even making the skin glow”.

Underwater seaweed with boy

So the myths proliferate, and consumers are munching everything from ‘seaweed spaghetti’ to ‘seaweed crisps’ imagining this to be a nutritional panacea. Truth is, that seaweed, like ‘vegetables’, is a generic term for a vast number of very different species, and the conditions under which these are grown, selected, harvested, processed and further distributed mean that seaweeds are by no means the same, a subject I addressed in Positive Health PH Online at about this time last year.

Most nutritious overall are the brown seaweed species, in particular the wild Wrack family with names like Bladder, Channel and Knotted Wrack. To add to the confusion, the food regulations require them to be identified on labels by their Latin names - in this example Fucus, Alaria, Pelvetia, and Ascophyllum. Today these species are available to nutrition and food product manufacturers and consumers, with certified compositional analysis, free from harmful contaminants and in the best examples, such as Seagreens® which over the past two decades has pioneered this field, are supported by extensive independent nutritional profiling and research.

A small number of other species are also of interest (because only a small number are so far available) such as the tasty and nutritious Winged Kelp - Latin Alaria esculenta - but are scarce or costly, more gourmet than a food ingredient for regular, preferably daily, use. An example is Dulse, sometimes called Red Dulse (Palmaria palmata), so enthusiastically consumed that it is already in short supply internationally. Its smoky, sweet flavour belies a nutritional profile inferior to the Wrack species, and coming as it does in small amounts from many different sources, should not be relied on to deliver consistent nutritional values or even food safety.

Finally, with the exception of Seageens in the UK, whose applied nutrition studies are on the complete seaweed, most research is on seaweed extracts, bearing little relation to what can be expected from eating natural seaweed in any variety of forms. A good example is the recent surge of research data on Fucoidan, often reported as ‘seaweed’ though it is in fact a polysaccharide fragment found in most brown seaweeds. A concentrated form is touted as beneficial in cancer, cardiovascular and other health conditions. Alginates, another extract, were hailed as the ‘cure for obesity’, but proved to have side effects including the binding of valuable minerals.

The growing media coverage is to be welcomed, and most of all properly informed. But professional application does require more than a peek behind the headlines!

Further Information

Please contact the Seaweed Health Foundation, The Warren, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6DX. Tel: 01444 400403;


The Naked Pharmacy Is Voted The Best Natural Pharmacy

The Naked Pharmacy has been voted Best Natural Pharmacy by the 260,000 strong healthcare organisation, 'Global Health and Pharmaceuticals'. To be voted best Natural Pharmacy is a significant achievement for the online Pharmacy which is pioneering the use of evidence-based natural medicines and food supplements.


Pharmacist and founder Kevin Leivers commented; 

“We are absolutely delighted to have received our first major award which recognizes the rapid progress we have made. The Naked Pharmacy is pioneering and promoting the use of clinically tested natural medicines and highest strength food supplements for common health complaints. We supply products that make significant improvements to health and I think our growing list of testimonials support this approach. It’s also a significant endorsement for our work in growing a community of customers, practitioners and retailers supported by our team of wellbeing pharmacists who provide expert free advice by phone, e mail and our social media channels.”

The Naked Pharmacy is expanding its international retail distribution and is already distributing its premium range of supplements in the US and Asia. The website accepts orders in most currencies and uses premium international couriers with tracking. MD, Kevin Leivers, confirmed that there are 100 product formulations currently in Research & Development which will enable the company treat a wider range of health conditions. 

Kevin comments “every now and again, a new ‘superfood’ captures public awareness and becomes headline news. However, it is so important to understand the science behind the headlines. Recently turmeric hit the news, but what’s vital to know is the benefits must be activated by black pepper. There is also huge difference in the potency of products in the market place because of the variation in strengths and quality. We make sure the effective strength is used in every batch of our products. Saffron is another example - recently it has been hailed for improving mood and relieving anxiety. A strand of saffron - one of the world’s most expensive commodities - from the supermarket is probably 100th of what we put in one day’s dose of Saffrosun.”

Two of Naked Pharmacy’s most popular products in winter are the olive leaf and black garlic products which help boost the immune system, thanks to the power of Spanish olive leaf and fermented black garlic supplements.

Kevin has a strong pharmaceutical background, working as chief Pharmacist for a Swiss herbal company before consulting in food-based research. He comments, “I was amazed by the potential impact trials were showing. We’re only at the start and awareness will grow. We’ve seen some very impressive clinical trials published recently. Our passion is to make these safe and effective food-based medicines widely available to the public.”

Further Information

Please call the Naked Pharmacy on +44 (0)1483 685630; Order via the website


Altrient Acetyl L-Carnitine: Burns Fat, Increases Energy and Mental Alertness

If you’re looking to burn fat and reduce fatigue, Acetyl L-Carnitine could be a beneficial supplement for you. Altrient uses a cutting-edge liposomal delivery system to ensure maximum absorption of the product delivering intravenous impact in oral form. Carnitine is a naturally occurring substance derived from an amino acid and found in almost all cells in the body, particularly in the heart and muscles which utilise fat for energy.


It plays a crucial role in the production of energy in the mitochondria - the powerhouses of the cells - where it transports long-chain fatty acids to be burned or ‘oxidised’ to produce energy. If taken in the form of Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC) it also has the potential to optimise brain function, providing brain cell repair and regeneration, which may help to reduce cognitive deterioration and improve mental function. Research supports the use of carnitine for a number of health conditions:

  • May help to improve exercise performance, recovery and associated muscle soreness, hence its popularity with athletes;
  • May have positive effects on energy levels benefiting those with chronic fatigue;
  • Overweight or obese individuals may benefit from weight loss due to improved fat burning capacity;
  • May contribute to improved mental function in the elderly;
  • May help to increase sperm count and motility.

Altrient Acetyl-L Carnitine Supplementation – Who Needs It?

One of the most potent sources of Acetyl L-Carnitine is red meat but it is also found in pork, poultry, fish and in smaller amounts in avocadoes, asparagus, leafy greens and some fermented soy products like miso. Levels of Acetyl L-Carnitine increase naturally with exercise but if you are sedentary, obese, over 30 (levels decline with age) or have certain health problems, supplementation becomes important to produce optimal levels in the body. Vegetarians and vegans can also have a harder time getting enough Acetyl L-Carnitine. There is also some evidence that taking Acetyl L-Carnitine may be more effective in terms of weight loss when taken with other ingredients like green tea, caffeine and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Altrient Acetyl L-Carnitine is pure and potent, suitable for vegans, free from GMO ingredients, added, wheat, gluten, yeast, hexane, soy protein, artificial sweeteners, colours and flavours.

Further Information

Please Contact Abundance and Health on Tel: +44(0)20 3239 4907;


Intrigued about Hypnotherapy? Learn with Hypnotherapy Training International

Maybe you’ve heard claims about how powerful it is, and wondered if you could learn to use that power, to help yourself and others?

Our training program is designed and taught by celebrated and eminent hypnotherapist and teacher, Dr. John Butler, who has demonstrated hypnotherapy to many audiences of students internationally, and on live television for over 20 years, in psychological and medical applications.

Intrigued about hypnotherapy?

Our system of training is extremely effective, consisting of intensive small classes, expert tuition including live demonstrations in class and expert supervision of practical exercises so your skills work in real life, not just in theory.   Each course is 50 hours of intensive class instruction, purely on hypnotherapy.  Course materials are included in the course fee, and assistance is given with personal supplementary study.  A comprehensive accreditation process leads to our Diploma, which gives eligibility for most national and international professional registers – our training meets and exceeds the general standards and our graduates practise all over the world.

On our courses for 6 days, as our student you are immersed in the art of hypnotherapy.  We know that effective hypnotherapy is based on

  • Comprehensive training in hypnotic skills;
  • Deep and precise knowledge of the principles and science of hypnosis;
  • A mindset in the hypnotherapist which comes from self-understanding and commitment to self-development.

Many courses will promise to teach you a ‘tool-kit’ or equip you with a box of tricks, and/or to understand theories intellectually.  We know that many clients need much more than that from a therapist – they’re seeking a real, human partner in a therapist with specialist skills for transformative self-change.  Sometimes they won’t even know such level of change is possible.  Many clients say, “I didn’t know that a therapist could be so committed, care so much, and have all the necessary skills and knowledge to help me.”

So our training includes important elements for you to develop your “therapist self”, the vital personal therapist traits, to prepare for the incredibly exciting, rewarding work of helping people overcome profound life challenges.   Most hypnotherapy clients have a conflict of some kind going on inside – either they can’t get themselves to do something they want to do, or they can’t get themselves to stop doing something they don’t want to do.

We know from our own experience of many years of hypnotherapy, that no-one is a tickbox.  Clients need respect for their unique humanity and real understanding of their true power and potential and so does each student.  Our training is based on this.

Further Information

For more information contact us on


The Healthy Heart Campaign - Theragem with Rose Quartz loving the heart

According to the World Health Organization, in the past 20 years the number of people suffering from heart complaints has risen by 300%, while the world population grew only 40%. Recent studies confirm that diet often plays a larger role than all other risk factors (low activity, tobacco smoke, alcohol and drug abuse) included, a diet reflected in an unhealthy global food environment. These will lead in their turn to further reduction of quality of life in sleep, stress, emotional and mental wellness levels, let alone letting in possibilities that life can be fun, happy and joyful without pain in any area.

Research has also shown that the manipulation of brain waves with meditation, certain brain wave technologies and therapies do help to reduce stress significantly from daily rush to PTSD, enhance the creativity, repair of injuries (of damaged physical parts), and improve emotional state and (mental) health. Similar experience has shown that a session with the non-invasive Theragem™ Fusion Light technology standard Elation session draws out tiredness and fatigue allowing for positive change to take place. With improved sleep patterns as of the first session, the undeniable and positive easing into a calmness and restful state of mind allowing for the now responsive body to release hormones, such as serotonins and dopamine, to reduce stress levels, with anxiety dissolving.

Theragem Crystal Case Study 83-year old Man Figure 1 [left] and Figure 2 [right]

Theragem Crystal Case Study 83-year old Man Figure 1 [Before, Left] and Figure 2 [After, Right]

Shedding a little rosy light on the heart and how it responded to Theragem Crystal Light with specific protocols (a mixture of gems, colour, sound, metals, and frequencies) addressing and dissolving non-invasively allowing more and more people to step with ease and grace into their hearts optimum homeostasis. The case study of 83-year-old man with an extremely low heart rate variability, almost flat lining, following him on a four-day therapy using Theragem Crystal Light therapy with the basic settings of Elation (Sapphires on 75% intensity on balancing frequency), Spleen (Diamond/Carnelian - Energizing frequency - 50%) followed by Rose Quartz over the heart - Balancing frequency - 100% intensity 20 minutes each day.

Picture 1 shows the before test with HeartQuest - heart rate variability device supported by the man’s stressful physical, emotional, and mental balance demeanour. The heart rate variability testing over the days showed much improvement that was reflected in his lighter tired, brighter eyes, and rosy cheeks with uplifted mood and energy levels. His biological age improved from 93 to 87, his stress levels reduced with half the effort required to achieve balance, brain activity releasing the sleep walking state, more activity in brain cells, mineral and hormonal ratio more balance less chances of inflammation.

Most importantly, considering his age, the TCM meridian chart revealed the potential emotional cause behind his state, as Lung meridian blockages could be related to previously unfaced, unresolved sadness and grieving. The Chakra map showed his Heart chakra activated from 1% to 19% activity, hence his total bio-terrain could allow this flow of energy to start the rejoicing in life.

Further Information

For medical feedback and inspiration our website displays statements from medical specialists and their patients as they express their wellbeing in their own words. Visit  for general more information.


Araura Berkeley’s Spring 2018 Deep Cleanse Program

Araura Berkeley offers a six day Life-Changing, Deep Cleansing program in Somerset. What better time than Spring 2018 to receive the very best care and personal attention from Araura and her team of highly qualified therapists. The program, briefly, consists of colon hydrotherapy; bodywork every day; rural walks; nutritional advice as well as fresh organic vegetable juices; cleansing drinks; appropriate high quality supplements and EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids). This regimen not only deeply cleanses our physical body but also enhances the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our Whole Being, which can promote major Life Changes and Wellbeing.

Waterfall + Iris + Araura

The program consists of the following:

  • Removal of old impacted faecal matter/mucoidal plaque from the intestinal digestive tract;
  • Removal of parasites and unwanted fungal overgrowths e.g. candida;
  • Repopulation of the intestinal tract with full spectrum probiotics, essential for the immune system and proper digestion/absorption of nutrients;
  • Organic vegetable juices boosting nutritional intake, as well as cleansing herbs, EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) and supplements;
  • Special cleansing drinks which stick to and rehydrate the ancient toxic matter, making it swell and come away from the intestinal walls;
  • Re-hydration and flushing of the cells with purified water;
  • Three sessions of colon hydrotherapy (colonics), one every other day;
  • 'Bodywork' daily:- combination whole body massage/ deep tissue massage/ reflexology/ acupuncture and Sound energy healing;
  • Skin brushing that stimulates the circulatory and the lymphatic systems, revitalizing the skin which is our largest organ of elimination;
  • Nutritional advice and ‘tools’ for self- empowerment;
  • Liver/Gall bladder flush. (Not always suitable for every cleanser.);
  • Release of mental and emotional stress/blocks;
  • Kidney Cleanse Kits available on request (A 21 day easy process to do at home after the cleanse).

Further Information

Please Contact Araura Berkeley on Tel: 01749 939 694; Mob: 07717 855 581;


Emotional Reactions = Mental Illness? We must be Mad!!!

We have so much in the public domain of the necessity of a good work life balance it is difficult to think that so many people still do not understand that by ignoring the signs of being emotionally stressed, like anxiety, lack of confidence, prevarication, feeling bad tempered and memory loss. These are just some of the warning signs. This is the first way the body is communicating with us that we need to take action.

When things happen in our  life – it impacts us emotionally, which then impacts our wider experiences. We have so much in the news at the moment about the rise in Mental Illness. Now please don’t think I am saying there is no problem! There obviously is, however a great number of problems come about because nobody is taught or encouraged to listen to the communication that their body is constantly having with them. No I am not referring to ‘hearing voices’ I am referring to the first communication system our body uses to talk to us – and that’s our emotional reactions to things. If we fail to take notice then the body will manifest physical problems to attract our attention.

Anna Jeoffroy + Sweet Chestnut Collage

Anna Jeoffroy-Salmon; Sweet Chestnut - helps us come to terms with loss;

So what could happen then? Could this scenario be the truth for many people?

When we have a negative emotional reaction our default is usually to push it down and pretend we don’t care, doesn’t make any difference to us, or think we are ok with it! We are in fact pushing those emotions down. After a while of reacting the same way we will begin to have embodied those reactions as a normal thing. Then we start to notice that we feel fearful, resentful or anxiety at times when there is no reason for it. 

When we experience serious problems in our lives, it may be the loss of a job, a loved one, being attacked or mugged or bullied; the emotional reactions we experience are there for a reason. They are telling us not only that we are vulnerable but also that we have damage that needs to be healed. It is giving us a reference to be able to process the emotions. Sometimes the response is so intense that we can get lost in that emotion. The usual response my clients have if they go to the Doctor, are unable to bear the pain of bereavement, loss or anxiety any longer, is to be given a prescription for a medication to suppress the feeling. This then puts them in the ‘Mental Illness’ zone!  When did Bereavement and other emotional responses become Mental Illness?

Bereavement like any loss or life changing event is a process that needs to be understood and integrated into our emotional, mental and physical states. NOT suppressed!

Dr Bach was ahead of his time when he understood that the seedbed for most disease is an imbalance in our emotional health. His very simple but extremely effective essences are the basis of the workshops we run at Energy Works. Our vision is to empower as many people as possible to know enough about the essences to be able to support and work through any emotional upheaval in their lives. Knowledge is power!  When you are able to change your emotional reactions you change your life and know that you are always able to help yourself, even through the hardest times!!

Further Information

Anna regularly runs courses for Therapy Organisations as CPD days. For further information on this or our courses at Ainsworths Homeopathic Pharmacy see our website  or call Anna on Mob: 07808 403059.


Migra-Cap Migraine Relief

Welcome to the future of migraine treatments: Migra-Cap®

A unique migraine solution also offering pain relief during pregnancy.

Developed by a Migraine Sufferer for Migraine Sufferers

The Migra Cap® is unique amongst migraine treatments as it combines cold therapy and complete darkness to provide relief from the pain associated with a migraine and most types of headaches. This 2-in-1 migraine solution is unique for any Migraine treatment product with the added benefit of being a one-off purchase. What’s more, this drug-free product is also ideal for pain relief during pregnancy.


What is a Migraine?

A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all ages. The cause of migraine is not known. During an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve endings near the affected blood vessels. These changes to the blood vessels are probably what cause the pain, but migraine headaches is a condition that is poorly understood.

What are the Typical Features of Migraine?

People often use the word migraine to refer to headaches of many different types. So-called classical migraine attacks have several features:

  • Headaches that occur in bouts of between roughly 4 to 72 hours;
  • Headaches usually affect one side of the head at a time, although both sides may be affected in separate attacks;
  • Headaches are usually throbbing and worsened by normal physical activity nausea and/or vomiting;
  • Preceding symptoms, called the 'aura' that most often are visual, such as zigzag lines or flashing lights across or at the edges of the fields of vision
  • Other symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, or non-visual aura such as a sensation of tingling in the body.

Drug Free Relief

Migra-Cap helps to relieve pain and suffering by limiting exposure to the key elements that can prolong or enhance a migraine attack, remedies that utilise drugs such as Aspirin, Paracetemol and Butalbital can have side effects, consumption issues or even produce allergic reactions. More powerful painkillers eg Paramax, Migramax, Domperamol can require strict dosage guidelines and are often expensive to purchase.

Sports Applications

Migra-Cap can help to relieve pain and swelling caused by nearly all types of sports injuries. The Migra-Cap® can aid with the treatment and relief of pain, blows to the head and concussions. The cooling effect can aid in the reduction of swelling and can help limit post concussion swelling or brain injury.

Further Information

Please contact Migra-Cap on Tel: +44(0)1685 387788;


Eleutherococcus senticosus - The best health product you’ve never heard of

It could lessen the impact on your body of alcohol and fatty foods, help prevent a number of diseases, aid recovery from fatigue, give you younger looking skin and even improve your sex life. Even if you’re a health food aficionado the chances are you won’t have heard of this amazing natural remedy however…

Sun Eleuthero

Part of the problem is the plant, Eleutherococcus senticosus (ES), which doesn’t exactly have the most marketable name. It’s also not easy to grow, found wild in mountain forests in East Asia, where it’s traditionally used in Chinese medicine to help alleviate a number of ailments. Following the publication of several exciting studies, ES could now be set for supplement stardom however as scientists have uncovered it may help with a long list of health issues.

One study[1] highlighted the potential of ES to aid recovery from fatigue after strenuous exercise, whilst of particular interest to those striving to look a few years younger will be published findings[2] showing extracts from the plant appear able to increase the production of collagen in skin cells (thought to help prevent wrinkles). A serious study[3] showed people had fewer hangover symptoms when taking extracts of ES and there are a range of papers looking at how ES extracts could help with a number of more serious medical conditions.[4] Another study[5] has shown that a natural substance found in ES could be helpful for boosting flagging libido. What stands ES out from the crowd is not just the number of conditions claimed it could help with, but that many of these claims are supported by both traditional use and published scientific studies. The main mystery is why we haven’t heard of this incredible plant sooner.

Please note: Pregnant and breast feeding women should seek advice from their doctors before using herbal extracts. Do not use if suffering from any heart condition or high blood pressure. Seek advice before use if suffering from any other medical condition.


1.         Nat Prod J. 2016 Mar;6(1):49-55. Effects of Eleutherococcus senticosus Cortex on Recovery from the Forced Swimming Test and Fatty Acid β-Oxidation in the Liver and Skeletal Muscle of mice. Sumiyoshi M1, Kimura Y1.

2.         Oxid Med Cell Longev.  2016 Mar 6. Phlorizin, an Active Ingredient of Eleutherococcus senticosus, Increases Proliferative Potential of Keratinocytes with Inhibition of MiR135b and Increased Expression of Type IV Collagen.

3.         Pharmazie. 2015 Apr;70(4):269-73. Clinical effect of a polysaccharide-rich extract of Acanthopanax senticosus on alcohol hangover. Bang JS, Chung YH, Chung SJ, Lee HS, Song EH, Shin YK, Lee YJ, Kim HC, Nam Y, Jeong JH.

4.         Pak J Pharm Sci. 2015 Jan;28(1 Suppl):313-8. Quantitative proteomics analysis for effect of Acanthopanax senticosus extract on neuroinflammation. Jiang T1, Wang Z2, Shenren3, Xia T1, Zhao X1, Jiang L1, Teng L1.

5.         The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy 39(3), 238-242, 1985. Effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus and Its Components on Sex- and Learning-Behaviours and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activities of Adrenal Gland and Hypothalamic Regions in Chronic Stressed Mice

Further Information

The herb is available in supplement form as SUN ELEUTHERO®, which uses ES from wild plants, grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides, and comes in easy to swallow tablets.

One packet contains over three weeks’ worth of tablets and costs just £21.95 from


Fascial Fitness Through Yoga

by Katharina Brinkmann

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2018. Paperback. £14.99. ISBN 978 1 905367 83 2.

This book is an innovative combination of two major fitness trends - yoga and fascia training.

If you want to live a healthy, mobile and pain-free life, it is essential that you take good care of your fascia.  If not, it will become matted and stick together; as you age and as a result of repetitive one-sided stressors you’ll become immobile and stiff. 

Cover Fascial Fitness Through Yoga

Yoga is an ideal form of fascia training, and renowned author and sports therapist Katharina Brinkmann has provided a dynamic, invigorating approach to it. The exercises in this book help to strengthen and stabilise the core, which is a central element in yoga.  This improves posture and eliminates back pain.

This fully illustrated book contains a comprehensive catalogue of exercises and a sun salutation specially adapted for fascia - the fascia salutation. Fascial Fitness Through Yoga is the ideal companion for anyone who wants to practise yoga and also stay supple, mobile and pain-free throughout their life.

About the Author

Katharina Brinkmann is the founder of YOU Personal Training. In addition to being a yoga instructor and personal trainer, she is also a sports therapist. Amongst other things, her work focuses on fascia and mobility training, which she successfully combines in this book.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing and Amazon


Statin Nation - The Ill-Founded War on Cholesterol, What Really Causes Heart Disease,

and the Truth About the Most Overprescribed Drugs in the World

by Justin Smith

Published by Chelsea Green Publishing. 2018. Paperback. £10.48/$19.95. ISBN 1603587535.

An in-depth investigation into the mass over-prescription of cholesterol-lowering medications  and the pharmaceutical companies benefitting. Reviewed in Positive Health PH Online.

Cover Statin Nation

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. For decades, health authorities have promoted the idea that it is caused by dietary fat and cholesterol ‘clogging up the arteries’. Based on this outdated hypothesis and the results of various cardiovascular disease risk calculators, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs have become the most prescribed medication in the world. But the risk calculator in current use serves the purposes of the pharmaceutical companies by focusing on suggested risk factors medications exist to modify. Here are some facts revealing Big Pharma’s influence:

  • Estimates suggest around 100 million people are currently taking statins, and one billion people are eligible for the medication;
  • According to a US survey, 94 percent of doctors have some kind of link with the pharmaceutical industry;
  • Clinical drug trials are almost always conducted by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Unsurprisingly, studies have found that the results of company-sponsored research are considerably more likely to show the drug in a favourable light, and clinical trials that show favourable results are more likely to be published;
  • These clinical trial reports do not accurately represent the real-life populations who are expected to take the medications. In fact, when researchers look retrospectively at the benefits of statins, the drug appears to be having no positive impact.

In Statin Nation, author Justin Smith synthesizes the current research and explores a completely different way of thinking about heart disease. He argues that lowering cholesterol is actually detrimental to health and cites new research that it may actually help prevent heart disease. Rather than waging a war against cholesterol, medical professionals should be looking deeper into the root cause of heart disease, including factors like stress and diet (specifically nutrient intake). Studies have shown some nutritional interventions to be at least six times more effective than statin medications, and stress reduction could be as much as eleven times more effective than statins. Armed with information like this, Smith empowers readers to have more detailed discussions with their doctors and to make informed decisions about their own health.

Justin Smith is the producer, director and writer of the documentaries Statin Nation I and II. He was formerly a personal trainer, sports massage therapist and nutrition coach. The documentaries arose from a general-nutrition book. He originally hoped to write one chapter on cholesterol but rerouted the project once the overwhelming evidence disillusioned his notions of heart disease.

Further Information

Available from Chelsea Green Publishing and Amazon


Moringa Tea - Miracle, Drumstick Tree

If you really want to feel good this winter, ensure you have some ‘drumstick tree’ to hand… Known as the ‘miracle’ or ‘drumstick tree’, the leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds, and roots of moringa are all used traditionally throughout Asia for a host of claimed health benefits.


New research[1,2] has uncovered that on top of moringa’s traditional uses it could also help our bodies and livers better protect themselves from the onslaught of ‘poisons’. In the studies scientists looked at the effect on animal livers of moringa extracts when exposed to poison. Under normal circumstances the liver helps filter toxins from the body, but excess exposure over time can cause lasting damage to the organ and prevent it from working efficiently.

In both studies, scientists found that including moringa extracts in the diet helped reduce makers of liver damage and improve the condition of the liver’s cells when exposed to poison, indicating the plant somehow has a protective effect on the body.

How to Include Moringa in your Diet this Winter

Start your day with a mug of Natur Boutique’s organic moringa tea, which offers one of the easiest and tastiest ways to feel the benefits of the plant. The tea is one of the only organic versions available and uses the leaves of the moringa tree to create a drink that is 100% pure and free of additives, flavourings or preservatives. With a robust rich flavour, the tea offers a great way to give yourself a natural and beneficial boost.

Sweeten as desired with honey, natural sweetener or sugar.


1.         Oluyomi SA1, Cincin SA1, Musbau AA2. Moringa oleifera-based diet protects against nickel-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. J Biomed Res. doi: 10.7555/JBR.31.20160051. June 20 2017.

2.         Abarikwu SO1, Benjamin S1, Ebah SG1, Obilor G1, Agbam G1. Protective effect of Moringa oleifera oil against HgCl2-induced hepato- and nephro-toxicity in rats. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol.;28(4):337-345. July 26 2017.

Further Information

Available from  or leading health stores.


The Setup: How Corporate Greed Damaged Thousands of Children and Censored Andrew Wakefield

Hardcover – 12 Apr 2018

by Martin J. Walker

Published by Skyhorse Publishing. 2018. Hardcover.£16.99 ISBN 1510733361.

In 1988, the British government launched the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, even though central figures knew that the vaccine could cause brain damage, autism, and other problems.

Cover The Setup

The Setup traces the extended efforts made by drug companies, with help from the British government, to cover up their responsibility for putting a vaccine known to be damaging on the market. It details the way public relations companies, social media, legal teams, judges, and reporters all utilized covert media tactics and public statements to deceive, ultimately leading to the British General Medical Council (GMC) initiating the famous trial against Andrew Wakefield, Professor Walker-Smith, and Dr. Simon Murch. The vaccine was on the market for over four years, but the parents of the nearly 1,600 affected were not only excluded from that trial but are still awaiting their day in court. Instead, they have all had to shoulder an immense financial burden and many have become the subject of court actions over spurious charges. The trial also destroyed Wakefield’s reputation―despite the fact that within months, a high court judge declared Walker-Smith innocent on the grounds that the GMC panel, acting as jury, had misunderstood the evidence.

Any parent whose child has become sick after a vaccine will appreciate the dedication of investigator Martin J. Walker, and his exposure of a cover-up the British government and pharmaceutical companies hoped to hide forever.

Further Information

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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes 244


    Maryon Stewart New Year Honour

    Maryon Stewart has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the 2018 New Year’s Honours list for her services to charity. She received the honour for her work with the Angelus Foundation, which she founded after her 21 year old daughter Hester died from a legal high in 2009. She campaigned for 7 years against the open sale of the legal highs, finally succeeding on 26 May 2016, when The Psychoactive Substances Act came into effect.


    Further information:


    Health Leads UK Pure Vitamin D

    When the sun is at its peak, our bodies can easily create vitamin D from direct sunlight, but in the winter season, it is harder to keep our levels of vitamin D high. Health Leads UK provide pure and natural vitamin D supplements as well as a variety of other vitamin products.

    Further information:


    Regenerative Health Holiday

    Dr Rosy Daniel and Health Creation team invite you to join them for a nurturing, fun regenerative health holiday in Monastère de Ségries, France in May 2018. The aim of this holiday is for you to take time in peace and great natural beauty to rest, revive and re-connect with yourself and what is really true for you at this time in your life.


    Further information Tel: 07769 964 441;


    Menopause Matters New Book

    Menopause Matters: How to Master the Menopause. Survive, Thrive and Feel Alive by Shelley Chapman describes how she dealt positively with the menopause experience. According to Shelley, the way you view the menopause really can have a positive or negative effect, not only on you, but even more so on your symptoms.


    Further information:

    How To Sleep When It’s Cold

    Sealy UK, the leading bed brand, has compiled some top tips for sleeping when it’s cold. Tips include: taking a bath, exercising before bed, getting the right duvet, wrapping up warmly, take a hot water bottle to bed with you, keep your bedroom free from draughts and breezes, share body heat with your partner and have a hot drink before you go to bed.


    Further information Tel: 0113 4304 160;


    Online Detox Webinar

    If you are a midlife woman struggling with weight, moods, hot flashes or sugar/carb cravings, join this small group class led by an expert in holistic health for middle-aged women. You can participate from home via video conferencing and the program includes a private session with Anasuya.


    Further information:


    School of Energetics & Shamanic Herbalism

    The School of Energetics & Shamanic Herbalism Vibration, Energy and Herbal Studies has upcoming classes for 2018. Earth Wisdom Beginning Energetics, The Plants – Making a Herbal Apothecary and Earth Wisdom Intermediate Energetics, Shamanic Healing & Geopathics.


    Further information:


    Biodynamic Craniosacral Classes

    Biodynamic Craniosacral Foundations & Practices presents a series of 3 Classes. Breath of Life - 19-22 April, covers philosophical and practical foundations of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy; Healing with Ease - 26-29 July – States of Balance and Fluid Dynamics; Restoring Resilience in the Nervous System - 1-4 November – A Biodynamic Approach. Learn to be a more effective, efficient and gentle practitioner. Small classes of 6-10 students led by Susan Javery and assisted by Rowena Duncan.


    Further information:


    Lotus Guide Northern California

    Lotus Guide’s next issue will remind us to maintain our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Too often people put all their efforts into one aspect of their being and end up being a healthy and muscular non-thinking being or a mental idiot that lacks the wisdom of spirit. Be sure to balance this out because all the past Masters such as Gurdjieff & Ouspensky say that balance is the key and it is called the “Fourth Way” to enlightenment. Everything published in the Lotus Guide magazine is to do with this balance.


    Further information Tel: +1 530-894 8433 (89-GUIDE),

  2018 Wellness Breaks

    Partnering with wellness retreats specialist White Calm Retreats,’s new health retreats focus on the menopause. Women’s Wellness Retreat, aimed at helping women over the age of 35 with health issues, 25-28 January, Devon. Nourish and Flourish Retreat, Essex, focusing on learning the skill of meditation and mindfulness, 10-13 May, 5-8 July, 16-19 Aug, 11-14 Oct, 6-9 Dec. Introductory Yoga Retreat, regular dates between Feb and Oct, Essex Yoga and Meditation Retreat in Ibiza, and  Health and Wellness Retreat in Ibiza.


    Further information Tel: 0800 043 6600;



    FIT DELIS enter into the Veganuary 2018 spirit with the launch of a 100% plant powered supplement  range. The ingredients of FIT DELIS are yucca root, acai baobab and sumac. The main product THE DAILY is packed full of vitamins with 16g of pea and hemp protein and comes in chocolate and vanilla flavour. It includes glucomannan, a renowned weight loss aid. It also contains wheat grass, spirulina and chlorella, broccoli, avocado, spinach, kale and match green tea.


    Further information:


    AIHM Annual Conference 2018

    The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) Annual Conference is where our community of more than 1,000 clinicians, researchers and academics come together to learn from each other, create meaningful connections and develop true inter-professional collaboration. The AIHM encourages you to contribute to the Annual Conference by submitting an education session proposal that addresses the importance of treating the whole person and explores the role of evidence-based medicine in health creation.


    Further information:


    Strong Immune System Omega-3

    Babi Chana, Nutritionist and Biochemist for Wiley’s Finest has explained why Omega-3 is the essential nutrient to help our immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids help our immune system and fight infections such as colds and flu. They build healthy mucous membranes - the delicate skin that lines the airways and digestive systems, which act as a fine line barrier guarding against entry of germs into the body. Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil contains a good balance of vegetable and fish oils and omega-3.


    Further information Tel: 020-7940 7173; 020-7940 7192; ;  


    Freda Launch

    Why are periods still taboo in 2018? Freda is the first truly organic, eco-friendly period care range that is rebooting femcare for the 21st Century and is on a mission to de-stigmatize periods and end period poverty. Freda was created by women for women and gives back to women and a portion of every purchase is donated to initiatives worldwide tackling period poverty.


    Further information Tel: 020-7607 2413;


    Rude Health Naked Barley Porridge

    Naked Barley, Rude Health’s newest (but oldest) porridge. Naked barley used to be harvested and threshed by hand. It was so carefully cared for that the husks would come away easily and leave a single naked grain. Rude Health is bringing back this ancient grain. Naked barley is packed full of fibre and contains a higher beta glucan content that oats. British grown and wheat-free with no added sugar.


    Further information: Available from Ocado, Wholefoods, Independents and


    Carun Active Hemp

    Carun’s new Active Hemp Soap effectively combines cannabinoids in Cannabis Sativa plant extract and curcuminoids in turmeric to provide a luxuriously rich but gentle cleansing bar which is naturally anti-inflammatory and protective for sensitive skin. Carun Active Hemp is a skincare and supplement brand that boasts being 100% natural. Containing no synthetic fragrances or artificial preservatives.


    Further information and for more natural products Tel: 020-8544 6914;


    The Mindful Man

    The Mindful Man by Caspar Walsh embraces a positive approach to holistic growth for men and shares enlightening insights into modern day masculinity. Through meditative exercises rooted in wild nature and creative writing, Caspar Walsh offers a unique understanding of the ways every man can cultivate a naturally joyful and instinctive awareness; he guides the reader towards consciousness and community.


    Further information: The Mindful Man available April 2018 from Leaping Hare Press, part of The Quarto Group. ISBN: 9781782405054.


    January Sleep Yourself Thin

    New research has shown that a good night’s sleep can make you significantly healthier and more energized.  It revealed a number of key findings including: a correlation between poor quality sleep and a heavier body weight, a connection between those who wake early, and those with a healthy body weight. Those who wake up early are much more likely to feel refreshed, well-rested and full of energy in the day ahead. Sealy’s sleep experts, Neil Robinson also recommends you maintain a regular bedtime and 8 hours sleep a day, ensure your mattress and pillows are comfy, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, have a tech-free hour before bed, keep active during the day, drink plenty of water and ban bedtime snacks.


    Further information:


    Women Seasonal Depressive Symptoms More Common

    Women, but not men, experience seasonal changes in their mood across the year, including more depressive symptoms in winter, a new study from the University of Glasgow has found. The research form the University’s Institute of Health and Wellbeing and published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, showed low mood, tiredness and anhedonia (the inability to experience pleasure from experiences usually found enjoyable).


    Further information Tel: 0141 330 4831; 0141 330 6557;


    Udo’s Choice

    Whether you are looking to scrap coffee and find a more natural way to stay energized, support muscle recovery with new workouts or just generally rebalance your digestive health following a month of overindulging, Udo’s Choice Digestive Enzymes, Super 8s and Ultimate Oil Blend work hard to maintain overall gut health and increase your dose of essential fatty acids often lacking in western diets.


    Further information Tel: 08451 262 726;


    Ozone Therapies Conference

    Ozone Without Borders, a new Ozone Society and NGO (non-governmental organisation) proudly present The Aruba Conference 6-8 April 2018. This conference will be held on a spectacular, exotic and fun island in the Caribbean with world renowned guest speakers and trainers at the Xavier School of Medicine, for beginners and veterans of ozone therapies.


    Further information:


    Pukka Herbs Turmeric Tea

    Pukka Herbs is launching a new tea, Turmeric Active, an exciting new addition to its turmeric-based organic herbal tea and supplement range. Turmeric Active is blended using medicinal-grade herbs including turmeric, ginger, galangal and nettle. These super-herbs are used to treat inflammation, alleviate pain and support the joints. The result is warm, spicy and invigorating blend with sweet hints of orange.


    Further information Tel: 0117 203 3644/ 0770 2106220; 0117 301 5477; 07388 992 040; 07912 208 645;


    Sri Lanka New Ayurveda Resort

    One of the world’s most popular and oldest Ayurvedic retreats, Barberyn Ayurveda Resorts in Sri Lanka have announced the opening of its new beach front property, Barberyn Sands. The third resort in the Barberyn’s family, this new destination is set on a protected natural sight, a beautiful piece of land between the river and the ocean in Bentota, Sri Lanka and offers authentic Ayurveda experience at affordable prices.


    Further information Tel: 078 7349 9812;


    CoreAwareness Calendar

    CoreAwareness workshop calendar has been released, with 12-hr Psoas Workshops, Core Defence Classes, Stalking the Wild Psoas, Advanced course for Professions and more in America, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Denmark, Italy, Holland and Portugal


    Further information Tel: 1+831.335.1851;


    Pretty Clever Pants

    Pretty Clever Pants, by Carol Smillie are a range of protective underwear with a concealed waterproof layer which offers women that extra peace of mind and comfort. Just like any other pants, they are soft, comfortable, machine washable and are amazing for those suffering from incontinence as well as those who experience heavy periods.


    Further information:


    Heart-Related Conditions Death Risk

    New research published in Nutrients Journal has highlighted a strong link between low vitamin K status and cardiovascular mortality.  Natural health experts BetterYou have developed a brand new optimal strength (180µg) Vitamin K2 Oral spray, which is fast absorbing, not reliant on foot or water to take and is easy to use on the go. Recent Clinical studies suggest that K2 taken at this dosage helps to reduce bone loss and improves cardiovascular health through the reduction of arterial stiffness.


    Further information Tel: 01226 814 034;


    Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation

    The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation is pleased to announce the new Dr Nicholas Gonzalez Video Library. After researching  Dr Gonzalez’s past lectures, interviews and tributes to him, the foundation has gathered the best of them in one place to make it easier for you to learn about his work and The Gonzalez Protocol™.


    Further information:


    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Alzheimer’s

    A new Tel Aviv University study reveals that hyperbaric oxygen treatments may ameliorate symptoms experienced by patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The research was conducted by PhD student Ronit Shapira of TAU’s Faculty of Life Sciences, Prof Beka Solomon and Dan Frenkel of TAU’s Sagol School of Neuroscience and Faculty of Life Sciences and Prof Shai Efrati of TAU’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Sagol School of Neuroscience and Assaf-Harofen Medical Center. It was published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.


    Further Information:


    Teaching & Research Food & Nutrition Award

    The University of Surry has been awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for its teaching and research in food and nutrition. The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education is the highest accolade for any academic institution. The award was announced at a ceremony at St James’ Palace in London on 30 November.

    Further information:


    Organic Lemon Grass Tea

    Lemongrass tea has a long history of use in parts of Asia, where it is not only drunk for its taste, but also to aid relaxation. Natur Boutique, experts in herbal tea blends, ensure only the highest quality organic lemongrass, grown without pesticides or fertilizers, is picked for their train.  With only one natural ingredient and no fillers or additives.


    Further information: available from, health stores and


    Vitamin D Spray for Inflammation

    New findings published in the Journal of Autoimmunity found that vitamin D can suppress inflammation in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and that patients with the condition are frequently vitamin D deficient. BetterYou has produced DLux3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray, and one spray of this provides an optimal level (3000IU) of the sunshine vitamin.


    Further information: The DLux range is available from Holland & Barratt, health stores and . Vitamin D home test kits are also available from  

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