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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 247

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 247 - July 2018

Flower Essences Cope with Life’s Roller Coaster of Emotions 

I do sometimes wonder at the way the messages and understanding of so many of our enlightened Drs in the first part of the 1900s, in particular the 1930s have such resistance from main stream medicine. Dr Bach in particular had 2 pillars of belief: 

1. That the cure of all ills is to found in nature (NOT to be taken out of nature and denatured!);

2. That everyone should know how to choose flowers and plants and tune into them to help their emotions and therefore negate the need for the body to shout at us with mental and physical symptoms!

Bach Flower Remedies Book, Anna Jeoffroy-Salmon, Mimulous for overcoming fear

Bach Flower Remedies Book, Anna Jeoffroy-Salmon, Mimulous for overcoming fear 

At Energy Works our message and our journey is simple - to empower those who want to learn a simple safe and effective way to release fear, connect with courage and faith and take responsibility for their lives. Remember responsibility means - the ability to respond. Knowing a little about the Bach Flower Remedies means you can always respond rather than react, so has the potential to change your life, 

When we have tools to deal with the roller coaster of emotions that events and challenges bring it amazing how much better we cope and deal with life. We then replace FEAR, ANXIETY and OVERWHELM with JOY HAPPINESS and LOVE.

Summer Workshops 2018

We have workshops this summer in Salisbury and Newcastle as well as at Ainsworths in London.

Salisbury workshops are 7 and 8th July for the 'Getting to Know you' workshop which is the 1st Level in the trainings;

14th and 15th July is the Emotional Healing Workshop

Further Information

For more information on courses or to organize a seminar or workshop for your organization or for a local group please contact Anna Jeoffroy-Salmon on Tel: 07808 493059;



Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking – a Place to Grow, Create, for Conversation

Creativity, social contact, rest and renewal are essential to wellbeing; Hawkwood has been successfully offering courses and retreats since 1948. The independent charity is set in 42 acres of beautiful, tranquil grounds with lovely views and gardens.  All the meals are freshly cooked using the highest quality ingredients, locally sourced where possible, some from the organic farm on the estate. “The atmosphere here is incredibly nourishing,” says Katie Lloyd-Nunn, Programme Manager. “We focus on creative arts and wellbeing during the summer months, where the emphasis is on trying new things with a relaxed schedule and plenty of time outdoors, alone or with others in creative exercises of various kinds.

Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking – a Place to Grow, Create, for Conversation

Hawkwood College, Gong Master, Yoga and Nia Dance

Summer wellbeing retreats include qi gong, Nia dance, yoga, harmony singing and circle dance. Spiritual enquiry with sound healing, making a singing bowl and immersion into nature, poetry and conversation with TV pilgrim Peter Owen-Jones complete the picture.

Alongside the programme of events Hawkwood hosts outstanding professional training programmes with The School of Homeopathy and The Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, as well as Alexandra Pope’s path breaking Women’s Quest. The college is also available for venuse hire.

Further Information

We look forward to welcoming you to Hawkwood. For more information on our courses, please visit



When Migraine Strikes it Takes no Prisoners

Migra-Cap may offer you the key to migraine relief. Migra-Cap combines cold therapy with complete darkness to give you welcome relief from the pain associated with Migraine and most types of headaches.

Dr Chris Steele demonstrates the the MigraCap to Fern and Phil on ITV's This Morning Programme

Proved to have an 81% effectiveness rate when tested by 32 members of Migraine Action Association UK.

A value for money one-off purchase that is suitable for all the family, this proven fast and effective drug-free product can aid relief from tension, stress, hot fevers, women during the menopause, women during pregnancy, cool down before, during and after sports, and a general relaxation aid.

Try this Woman’s Own Magazine Product of the Week, also seen on ITV’s This Morning with Dr Chris Steele

Further Information

Ask your local pharmacy, or contact Migra-Cap on Tel: +44(0)1685 387788;



Soul Harmony Organ Balancing Creams

Current major shifts in our world include major organs physically evolving and moving within our bodies. Key organs are those energies of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen and kidney energy within the body. The soul harmony organ balancing creams are a perfect and easy solution to maintaining a healthy balance, allowing the body to heal and restore itself.

Soul Harmony Organ Balancing Creams

They are filled with therapeutic highest grade essential oils, made by hand with love by Sarah Williams at Organic-aromatherapy. Simply applying a pea-sized amount to the back of each hand will balance these specific areas within 2/5 minutes and bring healing potential as the essential oils are absorbed by the blood and transported to the correct area of our bodies.


The liver is an amazing organ which can literally totally regenerate itself even if 75% has been surgically removed! It is known the powerhouse of the body, producing many of the hormones that we need for balanced homeostasis.

Imbalance: suppressed anger, frustration, jealousy and depression

Balance: positives emotions; kindness, compassion and benevolence;

Regenerates 1am-3am


Cleans the blood. Connected to the energy of the pancreas and the liver. A symbolic bridge.

Imbalance: suppressed worry, overthinking, obsessiveness, regret, moodiness

Balance: Positive emotions: trust, honesty, acceptance.

Regenerates: 9am-11am


Emotional issues with mothering and ability to give and receive the ‘sweetness of life’ and relates to anxiety and restlessness.

Balance: brings positive feelings related to receiving love and improved self-esteem.

Regenerates: 9am-regenerates 9am-11am

Gall bladder

Imbalance: suppressed bitterness, depression

Balance: joy, eases decision making, good judgement

Regenerates: 11pm-1am


The kidneys are really THE key and most fundamental of all now as they hold suppressed fear which is what we are experiencing as they move downwards and reduce in size within our bodies, squishing out all old fears and moving them into our awareness.

Imbalance: suppressed fear/terror

Balance: courage, forward movement, joy, bliss, love, freedom and light hearted-ness

Regenerates: 5-7pm

Further Information

Please contact Sarah Williams on Tel: 0844 357 9843 / 02392 453204;



Advanced Courses in Neuromuscular Taping Applications in the United Kingdom

In September 2018, Aneid UK Ltd is collaborating with the Breakspear Medical Group (Breakspear) to organize two advanced neuromuscular taping courses

Neuromuscular Taping Collage

Application of Neuromuscular Taping Techniques in Lymphatic Drainage

The first course is in lymphatic drainage (September 17-18); the course is open to medical professionals who work in lymphatic drainage (nurses, tissue specialists, manual lymphatic drainage specialists and physiotherapists). 

Applications of Neuromuscular Taping in Neurology

The second course is in neurology (September 19 - 20); this course is open to medical professionals working with patients rehabilitating from neurological disorders (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and medical doctors).

Aneid UK Ltd will be supplying the instructor (Joaquim Coutinho-physiotherapist and osteopath) and teaching materials.  Breakspear will supply the teaching facilities: an annexe (Maple House) located next to Breakspear´s main building in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.


The method involves the correct diagnosis of the lymphatic or neurologic problem combined with the specific application of a tape in a ‘stretched’ position. When the body returns to ‘normal’ position, the tape should have ‘wrinkles’. These ‘wrinkles’ signify that the tape is raising the client´s skin in a manner that allows for normal blood and lymphatic flow. In the case of neurological applications, the tape will influence the autonomous nervous system.

Key aspects of the technique involve the degree of ‘stretch’ on application (which varies depending on application) and the quality of the tape. The tape adhesive should have no alcohol content since the tape will remain on the body for up to five days (or until the next consultation). Any alcohol content in the tape adhesive will result in an allergic reaction. The tape used in the courses are registered EU registered Class I Medical Devices (Cure Tape).

Information on Breakspear Medical Group Ltd

Founded in 1982, the Breakspear Medical is a privately-owned and operated day clinic offering many different clinical services treating a variety of allergy and environmental illnesses. Over the past ten years, the Hemel Hempstead-based Breakspear Medical has established an expertise in the measurement of target organ-specific functions of the autonomic nervous system as well as treating related disorders caused by the dysautonomia.

Information on Aneid

Founded in 1998, Aneid is a European leader in the teaching of advanced techniques with neuromuscular tapes. Used widely in sports injuries, neuromuscular taping techniques are also used in paediatric care, lymphatic drainage, occupational therapy, speech therapy and in neurology.

Further Information

For more information please contact Paul Richfield at Breakspear Medical at Tel: +44-1442-261-333 Ext 209.



The Unique Rayonex System of Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt 

The main difference between the Rayonex system and other systems is the way the frequencies are being generated. Rayonex uses a passive dipole antenna system, based on the principle of a variable capacitor, which was invented by the German engineer genius Paul Schmidt in the 1970's, to manually generate resonance fields as the way to generate and enhance the healing frequencies our bodies need. All the other devices on the market use a conventional frequency generator to generate frequencies with the use of electricity, which not only limits the results, it also has unwanted side effects.


Rayonex Collage Schmidt, Dipole, PS 1000 and 10

Clockwise: Paul Schmidt, The Dipole Antenna, Rayonex PS 1000 and PS 10

In terms of application, the heart of the system is what Paul Schmidt coined as “the cause-oriented treatment approach”. This means that it is impossible to achieve any lasting therapy success without first addressing the underlying causes of an illness. The Rayonex system offers comprehensive testing and treatment programs to ensure that practitioners adhere to this principle. These include but are not limited to: Electro-magnetic radiation from electricity and wireless technology, geological disturbances (e.g. water veins, earth breaks, energy lines), the acid-alkaline balance of the organism, harmful substances and toxins (e.g. heavy metals, pesticides and environmental toxins), pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi), vital substances deficiencies (e.g. vitamins, minerals and trace elements), enzymes and amino acids deficiencies, mental and emotional stress, and much more…

The other big difference is that the Rayonex devices harmonize frequencies across the whole spectrum of frequency ranges, from Hertz to Kilohertz, Megahertz and Gigahertz, with the use of fundamental frequency values. So, the Rayonex devices not only treat conditions that have already manifested as an illness in the body, they also harmonise subtle energetic imbalances before they can manifest as a disease in the body. This is an incredibly exciting innovation in the field of medical prophylaxes!

Yet another important difference is that all Rayonex devices are factory pre-set to only produce harmonious sine-wave frequencies (also known as gentle bioresonance), designed to stimulate an immune response and to change the milieu of the organism, to help the body heal itself. This ensures that there are no contra-indications or side-effects when harmonising with the Rayonex devices. Again, this is unique in the field of vibrational medicine.

Another great advantage of the system is the modular concept of the Rayocomp devices. This means that the Rayonex bioresonance devices can be equipped with the appropriate modules according to the needs and therapeutic priorities of the practitioner (e. g. acupuncture module, Rayoscan, cell degeneration module, etc.).

Rayonex impresses with their strong emphasis on investing in people, high-quality training, their family-like atmosphere in the company, and a strong commitment to Paul Schmidt's vision of bringing bioresonance into the homes of all people for the benefit of all.

All this, coupled with a strong commitment to ongoing study, research and innovation in the field of vibrational medicine, and the uncompromisingly high quality of the Rayonex devices and accessories is a great recipe for success.

Further Information

Please contact Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd on Tel: 020 3866 1192;



Why Switch your Professional Association to Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)?

There are many professional associations just as there are energy providers and yet we tend to stick with the same one instead of shopping around for the best deals. We would ask you to take a look at us the next time your membership is up for renewal as we are different and offer some unique membership benefits. When we took over CHP in 2015 we sat down and brainstormed what we, as experienced complementary therapists would want from a professional association. We came up with ideas for when we were newly qualified for what we want now and created a list of membership benefits. One of the most important is that the office is always manned by an experienced therapist. So you can call for advice about anything, even if it is just for reassurance as it is sometimes a lonely job being out there on your own as a self-employed therapist. Our members are not alone and are part of a therapy family.


CHP 247 Carole and Julie at CHP 2017 Annual Conference

Carole Preen and Julie Quinn at CHP 2017 Annual Conference

Here is the list of benefits with CHP for our premier membership:

  • Access to our fantastic discounted insurance scheme
  • Free attendance at our Annual Conference (worth 6 CPD points and normal price £55) and annual Awards Ceremony - this year’s date 20/10/2018 in Central London
  • Use of our logo on your marketing materials
  • Free lapel badge (worth £4)
  • 10% discount off Physique therapy products
  • 15% off essential oils and aromatherapy supplies at Base Formula
  • Exclusive therapy illness insurance cover option with PGMutual that also gives you a lump sum on retirement
  • Free to call from a mobile therapists advice phone line - there is always an experienced therapist to talk to
  • Free access to CNHC Registration as we are one of the CNHC verification organisations
  • Use of MCHP after your name
  • Directory for public referral
  • London Special Treatment Licence exemption
  • Full support in the event of a complaint
  • Access to benefits and support materials for your practice in the Member Login area of our website
  • Regular newsletter with up-to-date information on regulation and legislation as part of a free copy of Holistic Therapist Magazine (worth £24 per year),
  • Discount accountancy scheme for your accounts and tax return
  • Unlimited expert advice whenever you need it and free reviews of your marketing materials
  • Discounts on CPD courses from our accredited schools—see our Events page for course dates
  • Regular expert blogs on the website in a range of complementary therapies
  • Facebook forum to share information




Resonance Testing – Body Renovations for Improved Health

The global burden of disease is reaching crisis point. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that 85% of deaths are now contributed to chronic ailments, namely cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and respiratory disease. There is an urgent need to address and transform both therapeutic and preventative healthcare, as well as educate clients on what is contributing to these rising statistics. The WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 discusses the greater role Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) could play as part of wellness reform and are consciously looking to strengthen and integrate traditional medicines. They hope to promote the safe and effective use of CAM therapies as well as harness the powers of self-health, promoting responsibility and awareness to end-users.

New Vistas Logo Healing Hand of Nature

New Vistas Homoeopathic Remedies – Made by Hand; Made with Great Intentions

As a complex homoeopathic company, we present our protocols for the chronically unwell with our Resonance Testing Workshop for CAM Providers. Homoeotherapy combines homeopathy, herbal medicines and nutrition as frontline treatments and offers a complete package of healthcare. Resonance therapies help individualise and prioritise the needs of each client, and when used together alongside Homoeotherapy, provides successful opportunities for both healthcare professionals and those wishing to improve their quality of living.

Homoeotherapy stimulates the body’s natural healing capacity and restores natural bio-rhythms. It considers nutritional, chemical and environmental stressors, toxicity influences and the emotional stability and needs of the client. Building a measured and personalised therapeutic program can help improve pathological conditions, alleviate physical or emotional pain and provide cellular reignition. Through Resonance skills, the priority requirements of the clients present themselves and allow the practitioner access what is precisely interfering with the energy patterns. Solutions are also provided for acute conditions and specific areas of concern. This tried & tested discipline presents cellular cleansing, organ & nutritional support and enhanced drainage to facilitate change, growth and motivation. 

Our next Resonance workshop will be held in London on September 17th. Basic Touch for Health (TFH), kinesiology or dowsing is recommended. Open to all CAM Providers wishing to explore the value of homoeopathic detoxification and how homoeotherapy can limit the risk factors associated with chronic burdens.

Further Information

For more information, please email Places may also be booked directly UK Tel: +44 1244 560345.



Hypnosis:  The Fast Track to Peace of Mind

by Dr John Butler

Hypnotherapy is essentially a partnership of minds, where through the means of hypnosis, the mind of the therapist and the mind of the client can work together in a powerful, effective alliance.  This happens through consent, and cooperation.  The power lies with the client, who has the choice of consenting to whatever methods the therapist may offer and of cooperating with them.  Let’s take an example, of a route using hypnosis for a client to reach peace of mind.

Dr John Butler

Patti was a client who had felt anxious since being involved as a passenger in a car accident a year before.  Although recovered from the bruises she had sustained, she still felt very anxious about being in a car, and had begun to feel fearful not only about being driven, but about driving herself, and being around traffic in general.  She had noticed that she had begun avoiding even non-driving situations where road traffic might be present, and didn’t want her life to become increasingly restricted in this way. 

First I demonstrated to Patti, with simple exercises, that her subconscious mind could influence her body directly, through her imagination, and that these bodily feelings were causing her anxiety to spiral – she would subconsciously anticipate danger when thinking about traffic, or driving, and then her body would respond by producing anxiety symptoms – fluttering feeling in stomach, heartbeat accelerating etc.  From this demonstration, she realised that if she changed what she imagined and anticipated, her bodily sensations would also change, for the better, and this would reverse the anxiety process.  Using my guidance in hypnosis, she then had the experience of creating a powerful feeling of well-being and deep relaxation, entirely through allowing her imagination to follow a chain of ideas which I provided, specifically geared to create those feelings. 

The next stage, still in hypnosis, was to guide Patti through understanding that she now knew, from her own experience, that there was some risk to driving and traffic that she hadn’t appreciated in the same way before.  She worked out, with my guidance in hypnosis, a “new deal” with herself.  She forgave herself for not realising previously how acute traffic danger was; she agreed to learn from her experience by being more alert and aware when driving and being in traffic, and not to be a passenger unless she believed the driver was also alert and aware.  She was now taking her safety seriously, and had learned a new appreciation of her value – listening to her survival instinct and working with it.   And she was committed to working with her new-found power of conscious imagining, for her own benefit in future.

Further Information

For more information about HTI Training Courses please contact HTI on Tel: +44(0)207 385 1166;



A Pioneering Standard for Nutritious Seaweed

by S. B. Ranger, Founder, Seaweed Health Foundation

Seaweed production for human food is developing in Europe using methods ranging from very small traditional artisan methods, to mechanical harvesting and processing of food ingredients for international markets, and the cultivation of species through biotechnology. At the same time, seaweed continues to enter the human food chain, sometimes dried and ground from industrial-scale production for agriculture and alginate extraction, or as seaweed pieces from unregulated, small-scale production of dubious quality and provenance.

At first glance, it is difficult for customers and end users, whether wholesalers, retailers, consumers, or manufacturers, to determine the quality of these products, especially their nutritional value. During the chain of custody from ocean to end use, the seaweed may be denatured and have little or no nutritional value to the consumer. This situation serves neither customers, nor producers of quality – in fact, it makes it more difficult for quality production to succeed. Yet the markets will only grow through better quality production and nutritional value reaching the consumer.

NFS Logo Horizontal

The Seaweed Health Foundation and the Biodynamic Association, together with other interested parties, have launched a dedicated seaweed production standard which aims to achieve a level playing field for producers of nutritious seaweed, and certified quality for consumers. Nutritious Food Seaweed is a quality assurance scheme and standard, rooted in the principles of biodynamic, organic and sustainable farming, with aspects of marine science, botany, nutrition, and conservation. It is certified by the Biodynamic Association and was launched in 2016 at the Foundation’s 6th annual Seaweed for Health event and conference at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.

Seagreens®, which was the first Organic seaweed producer in the British Isles, has also become the first to be Certified to the new NFS Standard.

The Principles of the Nutritious Food Seaweed standard are:

  1. The recognition of the nutritional value of seaweed;
  2. Seaweed offers comprehensive nutrients and micronutrients, including the minerals and trace elements of which it is a primary natural food source;
  3. The importance of sustainable harvesting;
  4. Careful, sustainable wild harvesting and cultivation will ensure marine foods for future generations;
  5. The need to be free from contamination;
  6. Environmental and water quality, and thorough analysis of the seaweed are vital measures of NFS certification;
  7. The value of careful production;
  8. Careful selection and processing are essential to obtain pure species and retain nutritional quality, using appropriate methods and technologies;
  9. Fair market value for seaweed;

10.  Like any food with outstanding nutritional value, seaweed warrants extensive research, comprehensive analysis, and the very best provenance, none of which comes with a cheap product.

Further Information

Please contact Simon Ranger at Seaweed Health Foundation, The Warren, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6DX; Tel: 01444 400403;  



Sheik Imam BestHealer and the Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

Sheik Imam is a leading African healer and advisor with 25 years’ experience who has dedicated his life to solving problems and advising clients from around the world. Sheik Imam’s father Imam Basaikou was born into a family with a reputation for helping people, guiding and solving people's problems for relationship, love and guidance. His grandfather is Sheikh Ahmad Bamba, and his great-grandfather Sheik Abdulqadir Jelani. Consultations are carried out in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; Sheik Imam is fluent in English, Spanish, Arabic and French. Sheik Imam is well known throughout Africa for his good work and advice.

Imam Jaiteh Foundation Toilets in the Gambia

Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Charity Registrations Number 58/2013 is registered in the Capital of The Gambia West Africa. The non-profit making charitable foundation, based in Jarumeh Koto Village, supports an integrated development programme in The Gambia. It helps the village of  Jarumeh and satellite villages in their health care programme, sending doctors, nurses and eyes specialist every two months to provide free health care support. Additionally the charity provides six class rooms to provide help and good care of poor students and helps to provide clean water  for the villages.

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation have built 4 toilets for the community in the Gambia who are very appreciative about the toilets and hygienic system supporting their good health. The people in the community are confident that they will benefit greatly from these practical additions to their infrastructure. The Foundation has also supported school fees, clothing and extra support to the children in need of and having difficulties in school and living.

The Foundation is in need of more support in cash or kind to donate to the charity. The Chairman & Founder of the charity is Mr Imam B Jaiteh - an Imam, who is based in the UK.

Further Information

To help or for further information please contact Mr Imam B Jaiteh on Tel: 07985691335;



A Practical Guide to Acupoints, Second Edition

by Ilaira Bouratinos Dip.AcDS and Chris Jarmey

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2018. Hardback. £29.99. ISBN: 978 1 905367 80 1.

This exceptionally well-illustrated guide to the location and properties of acupoints has been fully revised and updated, and now includes all the major points. An understanding of acupoints is vital not only for acupuncturists but also for bodyworkers. This user-friendly manual contains current, comprehensive information for both groups, with special emphasis on how Shiatsu and Tuina therapists can best utilize ‘point knowledge’ in their practice. 

A Practical Guide to Acupoints 2nd Edition

In keeping with normal practice, the authors give the precise anatomical location of a point and illustrate it with a dot, along with alternative locations where relevant. However, the book goes further by delineating the larger area where the point can be activated by pressure, gua sha, and other means. In addition, it explains the optimum physical position for treatment via acupuncture, acupressure, and other strategies, as treatment positions can vary according to the method of point stimulation. The book also documents the distribution of sensation resulting from point stimulation, and differentiates between pressure and needle application where appropriate.

The key changes for this new edition are:

  • All channel points included
  • New beautiful auricular acupuncture chart included
  • New detailed symptoms and conditions index
  • New protocols and points selection appendices
  • New Chinese medical and general index
  • Improved layout and text additions
  • New techniques added

A Practical Guide to Acupoints presents a wealth of carefully researched information equally valuable for professionals, students, and conscientious practitioners, making this the most complete practical guide to acupoints ever produced!

About the Authors

Ilaira Bouratinos Dip.AcDS, based on the Greek island of Mykonos, received her diploma in acupuncture from the London School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and subsequently founded the Oriental Medicine and Shiatsu Training Centre in Athens. She teaches acupuncture, shiatsu and a variety of other bodywork methods, both in Greece and internationally.

The late Chris Jarmey taught shiatsu, qigong, bodywork therapy and anatomy, and founded the European Shiatsu School. He was the author of many books on anatomy and bodywork, including The Concise Book of Muscles (Lotus Publishing) and Shiatsu - The Complete Guide (Harper Collins).

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing and Amazon



Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, Aging and Life Itself

by Lee Know ND

Published by Chelsea Green Publishing. 2018. Softback. £18.99 / $15.92 ISBN 1603587675.

"This book makes mitochondria come to life in vivid descriptions… Dr Lee Know will teach you that mitochondria play a central role in much that we care about in health and disease."

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist, MIT

Cover Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine

Mitochondria are the new frontier in health. In much the same way that the microbiome has proven to be incredibly influential on our health, emerging research suggests our mitochondria – the often overlooked powerhouses of our cells – are equally important.

In Mitochondria and the Future of Modern Medicine, naturopathic doctor Lee Know takes a deep dive into how our mitochondria work and the implications this system has on a number of age-related conditions including heart disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. If we can optimize mitochondrial function, it could add years to our life and life to our years.

Dr Know reviews the latest studies and offers cutting-edge information on nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle changes for mitochondrial optimization, such as CoQ10, D-ribose, cannabinoids, and ketogenic dietary therapy, and how to implement their use successfully. His book is an invaluable resource for practitioners interested in mitochondrial medicine and the true root cause of chronic illness and disease, as well as anyone interested in optimizing their health.

About the Author

Lee Know ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor, and the recipient of several awards. Known by his peers to be a strategic and forward-thinking entrepreneur and researcher, he has held positions as medical advisor, scientific evaluator, and director of research and development for major organizations. Besides managing Scientific Affairs for his own company, he also currently serves as a consultant to the natural health and dietary supplements industries, and serves no the editorial advisory board for Canada’s most-read natural health magazine. He lives in Toronto.

Further Information

Available from Chelsea Green Publishing and



Time for a Turmeric Tea

Turmeric has been used in Asian cuisine for thousands of years for its famed flavour and colour. It is only recently however that science has uncovered the other benefits of this superstar spice.

Turmeric Tea

These claimed benefits, ranging from helping with arthritis to protecting the brain, are largely attributed to a natural chemical found in turmeric called curcumin. Curcumin also gives turmeric its distinctive colour and spicy flavour, which has been harnessed by herbal tea specialists, Natur Boutique, to create one of the only organic turmeric teas available.

By only using one ingredient, pure and natural turmeric, Natur Boutique have ensured you get maximum benefits from the spice. Furthermore, by growing their turmeric slowly, without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, they’ve produced a better taste for you and a better future for our planet and created a drink that will wow the senses and lift your spirits.

With a subtle spicy flavour, the tea can be enjoyed any time of day and offers a tasty way to include turmeric in your diet.

Further Information

Now available from Grape Tree stores nationwide and 

Please note: DO NOT USE if pregnant or breastfeeding


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes 247


    Hawkwood College Crowdfunding Campaign

    Hawkwood College has launched its Chuffed Crowdfunder campaign; there are only 37 days left to reach their target. Check out their campaign and let everyone know!  Duration: 5 June-12 July. Hawkwood are raising funds to bring 28 brilliant Artists and for the first time ever  Change-Makers for 5 days residencies at Hawkwood.


    Further information:


    Science-based Medicine

    Truth Seeking Seminar takes place on 4 August 2018 at the YMCA, Alverton Road, Penzance. In this seminar we encourage you to examine information for yourself and find a way to be less dependent on someone else's opinion and more reliant on the truth itself. Science brought home! You are entitled to know what humanity already knows about life, so you can easily separate lie from truth.


    Further information contact Rob Ryder on 07883234791,   


    Wilhelm Reich Summer Conference

     A reading and discussion of Wilhelm Reich’s book Function of the Orgasm: The Discovery of the Orgone takes place 9-13 July at the Summer Conference eat Rangeley, Maine.  This was Reich’s seminal description of his work with energy, the bio-energy he called orgone energy. It summarizes his clinical and scientific work with the human organism.


    Further information and for other upcoming events Tel: +1 207-864 3443;


    Bourne Hall Clinic -  Fertility and Wellbeing

    Construction of the brand-new Bourne Hall Clinic in Wickford is now complete. A unique feature of the Centre is a ‘Fertility Wellbeing Hub’. Bourne Hall is increasingly aware that improving nutrition, fitness and reducing stress can help patients improve their fertility and cope with the emotional roller coaster of treatment. It has created a space for Complementary Therapists to practise.


    Further information Tel: 01954 717 210;


    Coping with Hayfever Naturally

    Simon Bandy Health Plus’ Health and Nutrition expert gives top tips for coping with hay fever. These include: wear wraparound sunglasses whilst outside or in the car to protect your eyes from pollen. Hoover regularly, schedule  outdoor activity to avoid early morning and late afternoon when pollen count is highest. Boost vitamin intake, use petroleum jelly or beeswax in your nostrils to act as a barrier to pollen.


    Further information and for the full list of tips:   


    SMN Annual Gathering


    The Scientific and Medicine Network (SMN) Annual Gathering: Evolving Towards a Wise and Flourishing Future - is at Horsley Park 6-8 July 2018. How do we create a good future? Future Consciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution reveals how we can flourish in the flow of purposeful evolution and create a good future for ourselves, human society and the planet.


    Further Information:  


    Run a Marathon at your Desk

    Standing Desks lower blood pressure, increase blood flow, reduce risk of Cardiovascular disease, reduce symptoms of lower back pain and improve posture. They also burn around 50 additional calories an hour. The Varidesk Pro Plus 36 is a step above the rest. The simple design takes you from sitting to standing in just 3 seconds and comes fully assembled.  The Varidesk sits on the surface of your existing desk and is available in black or white.


    Further information Tel:  020-3808 5398;


    Nicholas Gonzales Detox Protocol

    One of the pillars of The Gonzales Protocol is detoxification. You can register to turn your toxic house into a healthy home at The Toxic Home Transformation Summit. Learn new ways to comprehensively (and easily) address possible toxic sources. Learn from the experiences of the hosts, Robyn Openshaw and Ryan Sternagel, who both reinvented their lives to help save the health of their respective families.


    Further information:


    Time at a Screen Matters Less for Fit and Strong

    Time spent sitting at a screen matters less if you are fit and strong. The impact of screen time on cardiovascular disease, cancer incidence and mortality may be greatest in people who have lower levels of grip-strength, fitness and physical activity, according to a study published in the open access journal, BMC Medicine. Researchers at Glasgow University, UK, found that the amount of leisure time spent watching television or at the computer screen had almost double the impact on the risk of  mortality.


    Further information:    


    Nurse Decision-Making, Prioritisation Game

    King’s College London’s Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery has launched a new teaching and training tool to help students and newly qualified Nurses to practise their clinical decision making and prioritization skills. The priorities Game is a board game that simulates a typical hospital ward; the player must assume roles and manage the ward for a shift. It creates a realistic and safe space to practise essential nursing skills in an effective learning circle.


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    Flexispot – Sneak Exercise at Work

    Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, particularly for those who work sitting at a desk all day, expose us to the risk of obesity, musculoskeletal diseases and other chronic illnesses. FlexiSpot, fast-growing manufacturer of ergonomic office solutions, is aware of these health concerns and has come up with a range of products that combine exercise and work. Desk Pro™ combines a standing desk and an exercise bike.


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    Reboot Your Health

    Reboot Your Health: Simple DIY Tests and Solutions to Assess and Improve Your Health is a new book by Sara Devenport published by Hay House, which argues that we have fallen out of communication with our bodies and that by failing to listen to our instincts, as a society, we are getting sicker and sicker. It looks at all aspects of physical, mental and emotional health, offering easy tests and questionnaires to give a clear picture of exactly how healthy you are right now, what is working and what is not before  offering clear explanations  and suggestions for addressing imbalances or issues.


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    Neuroscience of Touch

    Can you tell the difference between a client who is experiencing a healthy release of locked up emotion and a client who is re-traumatizing themselves and reinforcing past traumas? Touch that loosens muscles and touch that specifically impacts the emotional centres of the brain? At the Neuroscience of Touch,  UKCP registered Psychologist, Bodyworker Gerry Pyves will explain how psychology can help to identify these differences and empower you to make your clients even safer. Places remain in London, Birmingham, Glasgow and Exeter.


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    Ban on Energy Drinks for Under 16s

    Oral Health Foundation is calling for an immediate wholesale ban on the sale of energy drinks to under 16s in the UK. More than 9 in 10 (93%) Brits have supported the call in a nationwide poll. Some supermarkets enforced a ban earlier this year, but no legislation is yet in place to prevent wider sales through convenience stores and online outlets. Almost 1 in 4 (23%) of British adults say they need energy drinks to get through the day; more than 1 in 10 (12%) consume an energy drink every day.


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    Feminine care products seem hard to talk about for many people, women included, but it is notable that more articles are appearing in the popular media exploring feminine care and sustainability or environmentally-friendly guides to sanitary products, addressing questions such as ‘Should I flush my tampon’.   shows comparisons between the brands with an ethical list of products with a percentage value for each product.


    Mood Disorders Disrupt Circadian Rhythm

    Circadian rhythms, the natural variation in our behaviour and activity throughout a 24-hour period are known to affect everything from hormones to eating habits. A new study led by the University of Glasgow and published in The Lancet Psychiatry, found that disrupted circadian rhythms are associated with increased risk of mood disorders, including depression  and bipolar disorder.


    Further information Tel: 0141 330 4831, 0141 330 6557;  or   


    Eliminate Snoring with Acupuncture

    A Stop Snoring Clinic that blends traditional consultation with relaxing Acupuncture is set to undo the problems snoring causes, Sleep-100 is dedicated to solving snoring issues that affect both the patient and their partners with results that work over the long-term. Unlike other solutions, Sleep-10 doesn’t require intrusive surgery, any pain, discomfort or annoying mouth appliances. Instead a Chinese expert administers gentle acupuncture to deliver instant results.


    Further information Tel: 07719 247 749;


    Go Organic Festival

    The GO! Organic Festival is a new event that celebrates the very best in organic, sustainability and healthy lifestyles in the heart of London. The festival takes place 8-9 September 2018 at Battersea Park, with entertainment for the whole family. The line-up includes The Magic Numbers, The Hoosiers, Mr Bloom, Jonathan Dimbleby, Simon King and Chetna Makan.  There will be natural talks, the Organic Kitchen and a Beer Festival.


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    Pretty Clever Pants

    Pregnancy, childbirth, obesity and increasing age are a few causes of urinary incontinence. Award winning Pretty Clever Pants are designed to provide extra protection and comfort all day. The secret is the patented triple-layer waterproof technology which protects from front to back. Pretty Clever Pants are machine washable, perfect for travel, sport, school and overnights, delivered to your door in discreet packaging, designed by Carol Smillie to give women of all ages extra confidence when they most need it.


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    Slow Food Nations Denver

    The Slow Food Nations takes place in Denver, Colorado on 13-15 July. The weekend attracts 25,000 people to downtown Denver and features more than 50 different free and ticketed food tastings, dinners, workshops and family-friendly events devoted to sustainably-sourced food and drink.


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    Artist Stu McLellan is a very talented artist but having trouble with back and shoulder pain. A video online shows how he gets inspired with his work and where he gets his inspiration for his work.


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    Young Adults Attempted Suicide, Self-Harm

    11·3% of young people report having attempted suicide and 16·2% report self-harm at some stage in their lives according to a study led by the University of Glasgow. 6·5% reported a history of both behaviours. The research published today in the BJPsych Open and led by the University’s Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, is the first of its kind in the UK to focus exclusively on the prevalence of suicide attempts and self-harm in young adults (18-34 year olds) in a national study. This study is a collaboration between the Universities of Glasgow, Stirling, Leeds and Nottingham.


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    Grip Strength Predicts Disease Risk

    Measuring grip strength is a clinical test cheap and easy to perform which can be an important way to identify people who are at risk of a wide range of diseases. New research, led by the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences and published in the BMJ, found that lower grip strength was strongly associated with a wide range of poorer health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.


    Further information Tel: 0141 330 4831 or 0141 330 6557;  or


    Diet Change Helps Osteoarthritis

    One gram of fish oil a day could help reduce the pain of patients with osteoarthritis, according to a new study in Rheumatology. University of Surrey researchers examined the link between diet and effective self-management of osteoarthritis. Analysing 68 previous studies in the field, researchers found that  a low-dose supplement of fish oil (one and a half standard capsules), could reduce pain for patients with osteoarthritis and help improve their cardiovascular health. Essential fatty acids in fish oil reduce inflammation found in joints, helping to alleviate the pain.


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    Lyme Disease Awareness Month

    Meet Biochemist Paulette Agnew who unknowing contracted the disease and despite a 10 year battle to stay well, suffered paralysis, memory loss, extreme chronic fatigue, cardiac problems and a close brush with death. Eventually she found her own way to survive, making a full recovery from critical illness. Her story is told in her book, recently published, FAB Health – Healing From Disease and Other Illnesses Without Antibiotics (Morgan James Publishing).


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    British Brand Absolute Collagen

    British Brand Absolute Collagen is a powerful anti-ageing liquid high grade marine collagen and with 9g of protein in each serving. In a smoothie or cold juice post-workout, it is a healthier and purer alternative to sugared protein bars or body building shakes. Collagen assists with lean muscle gain and tone by promoting the production of natural creatinine, which is essential for new muscle growth following workouts.


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    Relax and Rejuvenate the WOMAD Spa

    WOMAD takes place on 26-29 July at Charlton Park near Malmsbury, Wiltshire. The upgraded WOMAD Spa features a new Chakra Bar, open from 7pm to midnights, wood-fired hot tubs and Finnish barrel saunas, all day Yoga Sala and Spa treatments. A haven of calm and indulgence awaits festival goers at the WOMAD Spa Venue, with top of the range treatments from expert beauty and massage therapists, all day drop-in Yoga classes, log-fired hot tubs and saunas, Chakra bar and much more.


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    Dorset-Based Mind Guru

    Annie Raven-Vause is a Dorset-based Mind Guru and a UK Master Trainer of LEO (Leading in an Empowered Organisation), a highly successful corporate leadership development programme which has been used as part of the NHS Modernisation Agenda for two decades. The programme enables individuals to change and take the lead in ways that are effective as opposed to restructuring aspects of an entire organisation.


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    Prostate Cancer Distress Reduced

    A new web-based support programme will help reduce the psychological stress that impacts men who are recovering from prostate cancer. The new programme, developed by researchers at the University of Surrey working alongside NHS Clinicians, offers online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) sessions.


    Further information Tel: 01483 684 380; out of hours 07773 479 911;


    Shoulder Pain Personalize Care

    An ambitious £2·7 million programme of research is seeking to personalize care for people with shoulder pain, to make sure that people receive the care that is best for them and avoid unnecessary investigations and treatments. The new programme of research led by Keele University with joint funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and Arthritis Research UK, aims to develop a more effective way of ensuring that patient receive treatments they are most likely to benefit from.


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    Living the Dream

    Living the Dream by Louise Hughes, is written from over a decade’s  intense practice and research into the alternative medicine, including Reiki Living the Dream has a bold mandate to help all reader create the world that they have always dreamed of, carve out unmissable targets for success and find true peace and happiness in every single moment.


    Further information Tel: 07837 210 095;


    Oral Health Helps Recovery from Heart Attack

    New research has made a promising discovery for the continued health of millions of heart attack survivors globally as looking after their oral health has been found to help their cardiovascular system recover. The study found that bacteria which causes gum disease can also impair the healing and repair of arteries after a heart attack.


    Further information Tel: 01788 546 365,



    Zerowater is the only water filter brand that delivers the quality of water close to purified bottle water into your home. Toxins and solids are removed through a unique pour-through system, with the aim to deliver the best filtration possible with five-stage ion exchange technology, this filter removes virtually all total dissolved solids (TDS), something that no other filter jug or dispenser can do.


    Further information Tel: 020-7978 6277;


    Woodford Medical

    Women who have recently given birth often suffer with thread veins on the legs. Other women suffer with melasma, which is sometimes referred to as ‘the pregnancy mask’. Because of its tendency to occur in a symmetrical pattern on the face is a condition that looks like a dark patchy discolouration. Treatments that can improve the condition include the sun protection, pigment fading creams and peels. Sclerotherapy,  Epionce peels and Lite peel at Woodford Medical Clinics across the country can treat these conditions and they also use Lotion SPF50, the Melanolyte  Pigment Perfecting Serum.


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    Wiley’s Bold Vision

    Wiley’s Finest is encouraging eye health with the launch of Bold Vision, a new category brand of health products specifically formulated for vision care. Bold Vision: Proactive is the company’s first formula without Omega-3s, an innovative breakaway from the Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil Brand. The product contains Omega-7, a monosaturated fat, which has emerging evidence of playing a beneficial role in eye health.


    Further information:; available in health food stores.

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