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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 249

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 249 - October 2018

Regenerative Sleep  - Hibiscus - Flowers of the Orient; Calm and Relax – Flowers of Australia

Restful regenerative sleep is a vital key to our overall health and sense of wellbeing, and when left to sustain its normal rhythm, is restorative to our energy system & balance as a whole. One in three people have a form of mild insomnia, caused by anxieties, stresses, fears, psychological problems and other reasons, resulting in physical and emotional tensions, so that at the end of the day it’s particularly hard to relax and naturally fall into asleep.

New Zealand Hibiscus Flowers

New Zealand Hibiscus Flowers

In many cases insomnia tends to become a permanent problem when there is anxiety around “have to” sleep and not succeeding.  Insomnia may be caused by neurotransmitters - chemical messengers within the brain allowing communication between nerve cells - involved with sleep and wakefulness. Chemical interactions in the brain can interfere with sleep patterns which explains why some people are biologically prone to insomnia and struggle with sleep for many years without any identifiable cause even when following healthy sleep advice. They may be deficient in Serotonin  - a  neurotransmitter often referred to as the happy hormone as it regulate mood naturally. A 2007 study found that people with depression often have low levels of serotonin; its deficiency has also been linked to anxiety and insomnia.

Insomnia - considered a symptom of either overt or covert depression -  proves to be an complicated problem for conventional medicine. Sooner or later many seek help through tranquilizers or sleeping pills. Sleep-inducing drugs tend to create dependency, so are only a short term solution. Studies show that insomnia may also trigger or worsen depression.

Unhealthy lifestyle can trigger or perpetuate erratic sleep patterns, specific lifestyles and sleep habits can lead to insomnia. Working at home in the evenings makes it hard to unwind, feeling preoccupied when it comes time to sleep. The light from computer mobile phones or electromagnetic frequencies also make the brain more alert. Short cat naps are helpful for some, but for others make it difficult to fall asleep at night; a sleep lie-in can confuse the body’s clock making it difficult to fall asleep again the next night.

Flower essences enhance inner peace, relaxation, healing and better sleep; they can balance neurotransmission reuptake to the pituitary brain, enhance neuronal regeneration, promoting peace of mind and tranquillity. Sleep is often something we take granted until we are sleep-deprived; flower essences can provide support in rediscovering the deep peaceful regenerative sleep we all deserve to live in the most positive and productive  way possible.

Hibiscus from the Flowers of the Orient

Clears nervous stress and tension, calms and relaxes the nervous system and is invaluable for insomnia. It calms the inner core, working in the sphere of the nerves,  refreshing the nerve endings. Supports the Qi of the nervous system helping to maintain the integrity of its network and strengthens the inner matrix. 

Calm and Relax from the Flowers of Australia

For feeling stressed, wound up, nervy, worried, over extended, and panicky and gives emotional & mental calm promoting a calmness of mind and emotions, and the ability to deeply relax and be stress and care free.

Contains: Black eyed Susan, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Jacaranda, Little Flannel Flower, Paw Paw, Bottlebrush, Old Man Banksia  

Further Information

Please contact Clare Harvey on Tel:  019632 50750;



Munro-Hall Clinic – Specialists in Detox and Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy at Munro Hall Clinic

The medical ozone that we use at Munro-Hall Clinic is made up of the purest form of Oxygen along with the purest form of Ozone. The ozone concentration can vary between 0.05-5% ozone. We typically set it to the higher level to achieve the best results. It is widely recognized that ozone has bacterial, fungicidal and virucidal properties and this is what makes it an ideal disinfectant when used in conjunction with cavitation surgery and general dealings with infection in our surgical procedures. While physical removal of infection in the jaw bone is imperative, the medical ozone acts as a final disinfecting step in our protocol.


Ozone + MHC + Special Offer

Munro Hall Clinic Specialists in Ozone and MHC Detox Therapy

MHC Detox Therapy - Using Vitamins To Detoxify

Created here in Bedford at Munro Hall Clinic, MHC Detox therapy is a complex holistic dental treatment, using a number of vitamins to detoxify patients before and after treatment.

MHC Detox therapy has been developed specifically to treat patients in a way that prioritises total care. Designed to help remove harmful toxins before treatments, the treatment is key in strengthening the success of therapies such as amalgam removal and cavitation. Since its inception, MHC Detox Therapy has been highly successful and popular.

How MHC Detox Therapy Works

As holistic dentists, we believe it is important to improve the health of the overall body as well as the mouth. We look at the bigger picture at hand, the disease as a whole and not merely a symptom. We begin by understanding our patient, after a thorough examination, we leave no stone unturned in our investigations. After completing a series of tests, our experienced dentists will create a unique treatment plan tailored to your results. Our team work to understand what your ideal end result will be, both orally and generally.

Once we have understood all aspects of a patient’s health and expectations, we begin by nutritionally preparing them. This coupled with an intravenous including vitamin C and other vitamins, prepares them for surgery or treatment. After intensive dental treatments or the removal of metals from teeth, our dentists ensure the teeth, jaw and jaw muscles are working as they should; removing all infections.

Our care doesn’t end with treatment, with a rigorous and well thought our aftercare plan, we believe it is crucial to monitor health after surgery. As the gut acts as an essential component of the body, our specialists will begin aftercare by ensuring the gut is working properly. Our team will follow-up at 3, 8 and 18-month intervals, conducting tests and monitoring pH.

Special Offer to PH Online Readers

10% Discount on Treatment, excluding consultations and scans. Please cite Reference No: holistic7557

Further Information

Munro-Hall Clinic, Rushey Ford Business Park, West End Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK43 8RU. Please contact the dental clinic on Tel: 01234 840099;



Filter Your Tap for Better Quality Drinking Water

It is no surprise than an increasing number of us are choosing to filter our drinking water. All too often we’ve read about trace pharmaceuticals and microplastics leaching into tap water, not to mention contentious components like chlorine and fluoride.

Energy Plus

Bottled water is sometimes viewed as a solution, but even setting aside the environmental question, we have to ask whether switching to bottled water is a wise move. Tap water is actually subjected to more stringent safety tests than bottled water, and furthermore microplastics were discovered in 90% of bottled water samples tested in early 2018.

There are many filter systems on the market, some of which remove or eliminate chlorine and fluoride while others alkalize the water, remove impurities or add in minerals. There is no shortage of options, from countertop units to pitchers, bottles, faucet filters and undersink systems.

The 4-stage Energy Plus Water Filter fits into the latter category. Easy to install and simple to use, this high-grade filtration system is designed to provide the highest quality drinking water possible. It has been extensively tested by the University of Edinburgh and proven to enhance the properties of water by:

  • Increasing the pH into the alkaline range;
  • Filtering fluoride and heavy metals;
  • Removing chlorine, estradiol and chlorophenol.

Because it contains four separate filtration cylinders, the comprehensive Energy Plus is also capable of reducing chloramine, volatile organic compounds, arsenic, glyphosate and pharmaceutical compounds.

Although not its primary function, the Energy Plus filters out all particulates larger than 0.1 micron. Since the microplastic analysis conducted by Orb Media detected plastic particles of more than 2.5 microns in British tap water, these would be efficiently eliminated by the Energy Plus.

The four cartridges used in the system include an ultra-filtration membrane to collect bacteria, pathogenic protozoa, rust and silt; a multi-media filter which absorbs fluoride, chlorine, organic volatile compounds and heavy metals; a filter made up of natural bioceramic minerals to alkalize the water and give it antioxidant properties; and a final filter which helps improve water structure and absorbability.

The inclusion of bioceramic minerals is important, as these stimulate the release of molecular hydrogen, a compound which has been the subject of exciting research in recent years due to its potential therapeutic value.

The Energy Plus is not only ideally suited to those wishing to purify and alkalize their water, but also those craving a cleaner taste.

Installation is relatively straightforward for anyone confident with DIY, although £50 is the going-rate for a plumber. Cartridges need to be replaced once per year.

Further Information

For more information, please call Water for Health on Tel: +44 (0)1764 662111, or visit our website  



How to End the Autism Epidemic

by JB Handley

Published by Chelsea Green Publishing. 2018. Softback. £14.99 / $17.96

Father and campaigner JB Handley offers a compelling, science-based explanation

of what’s causing the autism epidemic.

How to End the Autism Epidemic

While many parents have heard that vaccines are safe and effective and that the science is settled about the relationship between vaccines and autism, few realize that in the 1960s, American children received three vaccines compared to the thirty-eight they receive today. Or that when parents are told that the odds of an adverse reaction are ‘one in a million,’ the odds are actually one in fifty. Or that in the 1980s, the rate of autism was one in ten thousand children. Today it’s one in thirty-six.

In How to End the Autism Epidemic, Handley confronts and dismantles the most common lies about vaccines and autism. He then lays out, in detail, what the truth actually is: new published science links the aluminium adjuvant used in vaccines to immune activation events in the brains of infants, triggering autism; and there is a clear legal basis for the statement that vaccines cause autism, including previously undisclosed depositions of prominent autism scientists under oath.

While Handley’s argument is unsparing, his position is ultimately moderate and constructive: we must continue to investigate the safety of vaccines, we must adopt a position of informed consent, and every individual vaccine must be considered on its own merits. This issue is far from settled. By refusing to engage with parents and other stakeholders in a meaningful way, our public health officials destroy the public trust and enable the suffering of countless children and families.

About the Author

JB Handley is the co-founder and chairman of Generation Rescue, a non-profit organization focused on helping children recover from autism that was inspired by the journey of his son, Jamison, who was diagnosed with autism in 2004. He is also the co-producer of the documentary film Autism Yesterday and the co-founder of the Age of Autism blog. Handley co-founded Swander Pace Capital, a middle-market private equity firm with more than $1.5 billion under management where he served as managing director for two decades. He is a graduate of Stanford University and lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife, Lisa, and their three children.

Further Information

Available from, and Chelsea Green Publishing


Araura Berkeley’s Autumn 2018 Deep Cleanse Program

Araura Berkeley offers a six day Life-Changing, Deep Cleansing program in Somerset. What better time than Autumn 2018 to receive the very best care and personal attention from Araura and her team of highly qualified therapists. The program, briefly, consists of colon hydrotherapy; bodywork every day; rural walks; nutritional advice as well as fresh organic vegetable juices; cleansing drinks; appropriate high quality supplements and EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids). This regimen not only deeply cleanses our physical body but also enhances the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our Whole Being, which can promote major Life Changes and Wellbeing.

Araura + Iris + Waterfall

The program consists of the following:

  • Removal of old impacted faecal matter/mucoidal plaque from the intestinal digestive tract;
  • Removal of parasites and unwanted fungal overgrowths e.g. candida;
  • Repopulation of the intestinal tract with full spectrum probiotics, essential for the immune system and proper digestion/absorption of nutrients;
  • Organic vegetable juices boosting nutritional intake, as well as cleansing herbs, EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) and supplements;
  • Special cleansing drinks which stick to and rehydrate the ancient toxic matter, making it swell and come away from the intestinal walls;
  • Re-hydration and flushing of the cells with purified water;
  • Three sessions of colon hydrotherapy (colonics), one every other day;
  • 'Bodywork' daily:- combination whole body massage/ deep tissue massage/ reflexology/ acupuncture and Sound energy healing;
  • Skin brushing that stimulates the circulatory and the lymphatic systems, revitalizing the skin which is our largest organ of elimination;
  • Nutritional advice and ‘tools’ for self- empowerment;
  • Liver/Gall bladder flush. (Not always suitable for every cleanser.);
  • Release of mental and emotional stress/blocks;
  • Kidney Cleanse Kits available on request (A 21 day easy process to do at home after the cleanse).

Further Information

Please Contact Araura Berkeley on Tel: 01749 939 694; Mob: 07717 855 581;



The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School Celebrates 30th Year

Our school began in 1989 in Austin, Texas, the “live musical capitol of the world”, noted also for its beautiful waterways, green and hilly landscapes, and its progressive culture.

The Lauterstein-Conway (“TLC” for short) has been distinguished since its beginning by having a principled mission – to run a school in a manner as healing as the subjects we teach.  We want to assist students and practicing health professionals to be therapeutically masterful, professionally successful and personally fulfilled.

Happy Graduating Students - Celebrating with a Pot Luck in Student Lounge

Happy Graduating Students - Celebrating with a Pot Luck in Student Lounge

How is this manifest?  The curriculum is grounded in the philosophy and practice of “deep massage”.

  1. How deeply we effect someone depends as much or more on the quality of the therapeutic relationship as on the techniques we may choose;
  2. The same holds true for our educational relationship.  The depth of learning depends first on earning respect and trust;
  3. The curriculum must stretch the person to see the breadth and depth of the many techniques from which they can choose to deliver the individual health benefits needed by the client;
  4. Thus, in our basic program, we cover not just Swedish massage, the basic sciences, pathology, business, self-care, and therapeutic relationships.  We also cover body mobilization techniques, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, orthopedic massage, Deep Massage: Lauterstein method, pregnancy massage, and chair massage. 

Recognizing early on that even that comprehensive training was just a great beginning, we began offering a variety of contexts for continuing education.

  1. Our 250-hour “Advanced Program,” offered since 1990, is the only program in the world which includes Certification in Deep Massage plus Core Zero Balancing, Shiatsu, Psychology of Bodywork, Advanced Integrative Bodywork and Certification in Orthopedic Massage;
  2. Each year we also offer more than 300 hours of workshops. 2018 has included:
    Hot Stone, Oncology Massage, Reflexology, Table Thai, Clinical Massage for Low Back, Sacrum and Piriformis, Meridian Massage, Manual Lymph Drainage, Deep Massage for Iliopsoas, Myofascial Therapy, Alchemy of Touch, Pre-and-Peri-Natal Massage, Dermoneuromodulation, Cadaver class, Lomi Lomi, Anatomy Trains, Zero Balancing, Clinical Massage for Carpal Tunnel, Aromatherapy Training, Mindbody Acupressure, Deep Tissue for Chest, Diaphragm and Shoulders, Bindegewebbsmassage, ZB Expanded – Addressing the Skull, Heel and Sole: Advanced Foot Work, Structural Essentials: Fans of the Hip, Clinical Massage for Thoracic Outlet;
  3. In 2018 TLC faculty will also have taught Deep Massage and Zero Balancing trainings outside of Austin, in Bristol, England, in Maine, and in Costa Rica.

Further Information

For more information - and  A good reference is David Lauterstein’s The Deep Massage Book: How to Combine Structural and Energy in Bodywork available through Redwing Books and Amazon in US and through Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork in the UK – contact Sue English -



The Secret Language of Alchemy

by Allan Armstrong

In the Western tradition, Alchemical theory rests upon the teachings of the Athenian Academy, especially those of Plato and Aristotle - which sets its beginning in the 4th cent BC. Plato, describes in his book Timaeus, the creation of the cosmos by the demiurge; (The word Demiurge means the divine creator of the world; deriving from the Greek dēmiourgos, meaning "artisan"). In the Timaeus, he describes a perfect spiritual archetype or form, seeking expression in the world through a system of interlocking structures in matter (the Platonic Solids).

The Secret Language of Alchemy

His student, Aristotle, taught that the cosmos consisted of matter – prima materia, which had only a ‘Potential’ for existence until impressed with form. The Form was not only a geometric structure but also the total inner organisation of a thing - the sum of its qualities and properties – that gave it its identity.  In simple terms, the form turned matter into the four elements through a variation of qualities arising from HEAT, COLD, FLUIDITY, and DRYNESS. In every element a single quality dominated: DRYNESS in Earth, COLDNESS in Water, Fluidity in AIR and Heat in FIRE.

Through the medium of shared qualities one element could pass into another, (TRANSMUTATION)  e.g. Fire into Air through the heat they shared, and two elements could pass into a third by each discarding one quality. Thus Air and Earth, by dropping fluidity and cold, could produce fire (heat & dryness). Aristotle believed that what changed was only the FORM: the prima materia always remained the same.

In the same period (4th cent BC) there emerged a school known as Stoicism. Founded by Zeno, a Greek philosopher who lived c.334–c.262 B.C.  A significant contribution of Stoicism was the evolution of the concept of the Pneuma, breath, a synonym of the element of AIR.

The concept of pneuma had a long history before the emergence of STOICISM. For example Anaximenes of Miletus c. 6th cent BC maintained that the cosmos was sustained by the divine air (pneuma) which it breathed. He thought that this pneuma, when rarefied became fire.

For the Stoics pneuma was air and fire, the active elements or forces of cold and heat; they later added the qualities of dry and moist (earth & Water) in order to distinguish between the pneuma (soul) of animals, and the pneuma (soul) of plants, physis: the animal pneuma being dry & warm and the plant pneuma being moist & cold. As the pneuma entered into matter with its mixture of air & fire, it pervaded the whole universe with a series of inter-related units or archetypes/forms. Matter being shapeless & inert, all of its identifiable features was the properties of the Form….

From the Notes of the presentation given by Allan Armstrong

Further Information

Date: Saturday 29 September - 9.30am - 5pm

Venue: 85 High Street, Haydon Wick, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN25 1HU

Booking Contact:

Contact: Tel: 07770 810941l;    



Altrient Liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid – The Ultimate Universal Antioxidant

Never mind Super Foods - Let’s Talk about Super Antioxidants!

Alpha Lipoic Acid really is all singing - all dancing when it comes to offering multiple health benefits in one easy option. This potent agent really packs a powerful punch in a way that many other antioxidants just can’t compete with.   

Why Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is Different

ALA - also known as Lipoic acid or thioctic acid - is a sulphur containing fatty acid synthesized in the liver and other tissues and also obtained from both animal and plant sources in the diet.  It is unique amongst other antioxidants because of its solubility in both water and fat which means it can reach watery areas like the blood and cell contents, as well as the cell’s outer membranes which consist mostly of fat. This property allows it to protect virtually all body tissues against free radical damage.


Some of the Many Benefits of ALA

  • ALA Regenerates other Antioxidants
    Once an antioxidant has neutralised a free radical it becomes inactivated and is unable to work its magic on other free radicals.  ALA is able to re-charge other antioxidants including vitamin C, Glutathione, Co-enzyme Q10 and vitamins A & E, increasing their healing power in the body;
  • ALA Raises our Energy Levels
    ALA works within the power houses in our cells known as mitochondria, helping to convert glucose into the energy that keeps us alive and functioning;
  • ALA Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Glucose Levels
    Good news for Type 2 diabetes sufferers because several studies now show that supplementing with ALA improves blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity;
  • ALA may Provide Protection against Heart Disease
    Research has highlighted the benefits of ALA for improving cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure and reducing plaque formation in the arteries - a winning combination in the fight against cardiovascular disease.;
    ALA Keeps us Young
    ALA is known for its anti-ageing properties. This is thought to be because it turns on cellular defences within the body, controls inflammation and restores levels of glutathione - another highly protective antioxidant and detoxification compound.

Altrient R-ALA is Currently the Most Stable & Bioavailable Form of ALA

Altrient R-ALA is able to provide the superior form of R-Lipoic Acid without compromising on stability. It overcomes this by packing the Alpha Lipoic Acid into a cleverly designed phospholipid bubble called a liposome. The phospholipid coating is very similar to our own biological membranes protecting the ALA from our body’s natural defences. Studies have proven that liposomes increase stability and solubility allowing for greatly improved absorption in the body. This makes Altrient R-ALA the most bioavailable and highest dosage oral form of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid available anywhere!

Further Information

For more information go to our website at email us at or call on Tel: +44 (0)20 3239 4907.



PAC Corporate Ltd - From Superfood to Uberfood™

PAC Corporate Ltd is happy to introduce their new Uberfood™ under their key brand MicrOrganics. When one thinks superfood, one thinks horrible taste, right? With Uberfood™ the focus has been to bring the best nutrient spectrum that is palatable without the use of sweeteners, sugars or other unnecessary ingredients. 


Uberfood™ is 100% organic and vegan.  It boasts some of nature’s finest sources of plant based protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other micronutrients. The product contains a nutritional blend of no less than 11 key ingredients all carefully balanced for taste and nutrition. Here are some of the key ingredients:

  • Organic Spirulina: It has been suggested Spirulina could overcome the world’s food crisis; it isn’t hard to see why. The nutrient profile of spirulina is something to behold. Despite being tiny little blue-green algae, Spirulina contains between 50- 60% complete and digestible protein. A mere 3 grams of spirulina could provide as much antioxidant nutrients as up to 5 servings of vegetables (but you should still eat your veggies!). 
  • Organic Chlorella: Its 58% protein content isn’t the only bonus; Chlorella is also a healthy vegan source of Iron and B12. The mineral content of Chlorella means it can help detoxify the body naturally.
  • Organic Wheatgrass: This gluten-free young grass packs a mineral punch. Alongside magnesium, calcium and selenium, to name a few, it also contains electrolytes and is a great source of antioxidant rich chlorophyll.
  • Organic Barley Grass: Barley Grass is high in iron and protein, is a source of B vitamins and minerals and contains enzymes. As a young grass, barley grass resembles a vegetable in terms of nutritional make up more than a grain. Its ability to absorb nutrients from the soil is at its peak and all the nutrients are stored in the grass as it prepares to grow its grain shoots.
  • Organic Lucuma: This traditional South American fruit has been discovered to be packed full of minerals and vitamins. We use the whole pulp powder, not just the juice powder, to bring you all of its fibrous goodness.
  • Organic Turmeric: Its main active ingredient, Curcumin, is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants.
  • Organic Goji Berry: Gram for gram this berry contains hundreds of times more vitamin C than oranges. They are also rich in iron and antioxidants compared to other fruits and vegetables.
  • Organic Acai Berry: Nutritionally it has it all; protein, fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Organic Blueberry:  We think Blueberries are great! They are nutrient dense and contain a notable dose of vitamin K and C amongst others. The phytocyanins contained within Blueberries have useful antioxidant properties.

With the new Uberfood™, achieving that balance is simplified and maintained effortlessly. “You can add your Uberfood™ to water, a smoothie, almond milk, juice, anything really, for an amazing balance and achieve a wonderful result,” says Paul Hoole, co-owner of PAC Corporate ltd. “Uberfood™ is so simple to use and will fit in any lifestyle”.

Further Information

Uberfood™ is available in a one month supply priced competitively at £24.95 per 240g pouch, that’s 83p per day! For further information, please contact PAC Corporate Ltd on Tel: 01342 410 303 or visit



Jacqueline’s Diary - When Cancer Came to Visit

by Jacqueline Clara Shephard

Published by PublishNation. 2015. Softback. £8.99. ISBN 978-1-326-49576-3.

As the Author of this book, it was born out of diaries I wrote throughout my treatment which has now been turned into Jacqueline’s Diary.  The book was borne out of really tragic circumstances, but I managed to come through the other end, write this book and get it published… that is a major achievement considering I nearly died twice in one month.

The message I want to send out to people with cancer is that it doesn't have to be a death sentence.  People do come through it and live a life.

Amazon Jacqueline's Diary

A blogger on Amazon - Robin Leigh Morgan, kindly wrote the following after reviewing Jacqueline’s Diary.

“Cancer, or the “BIG C”, has some like to refer to it, is something which can’t be taken lightly. It can attack lightly in the beginning, but then, suddenly, start attacking like a vengeance which is when almost nothing can stop it from decimating not only a person’s entire body and their family as well.
When it does attack it becomes an extremely personal issue, in which the individual victim wants no one, except their closest family members to know anything about it. Cancer can strike particularly any part of one’s body. For women, while breast cancer can be quite devastating, it is far easier to deal with in general than if she gets it someplace else, especially when it’s in her cervical area, finding it at time even difficult discussing it with her husband.
It is for this reason that the readers need to thank this book’s author, Jacqueline Clara Shephard, for her willingness to be so open, frank and honest about her day to day experiences combatting this dreaded form of cancer. She shares about how she couldn’t have survived any of her ordeal without the help of her doctors, nurses, medical staff and especially that of her mother. Along the way she has made sure to impart a lot of knowledge, both medical and practical to anyone reading her book.
In the end, for what Ms Shephard has done regarding this subject matter for her readers, telling them that they’re not alone when facing this disease”.

Jacqueline's Diary also has a lot of practical information that may help people you know at this time going through this disease.  

The UTube videos give practical advice going through this treatment.  Please follow the link.

Further Information

For more details on buying the book, visit Amazon and search for Jacqueline Clara Shephard, where the paperback and Kindle formats of Jacqueline’s Diary are both available or follow the link in UTube.



The Concise Book of Muscles 4E

by the late Chris Jarmey

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2018. Paperback. £19.99. ISBN: 978 1 905367 86 3

Cover The Concise Book of Muscles

Now Includes a Tear-Out Full Body Muscle Chart

This newly revised fourth edition of The Concise Book of Muscles is a comprehensive guide to the major muscle groups. Fully illustrated with more than 500 drawings, and easy to use, this compact reference provides a complete profile for each muscle, clearly showing its origin, insertion, nerve supply, and action, the movements that use it, and, where appropriate, exercises that stretch and strengthen it.

The book's distinctive quick-reference format shows students exactly how to locate and identify specific muscles, highlighting those that are heavily used and therefore subject to injury in a variety of sports and activities. Each muscle chapter now includes an overview of the gross anatomy of the body area, to show bony landmarks, cross-sections of muscle layers, and points of attachment, as well as a quick reference and an overview of the nerve pathways that are most relevant. The book also includes a new chapter on the pelvic floor muscles, which are of particular interest to those studying or practicing yoga and Pilates.

While designed for the student and beginning practitioner of anatomy, massage, bodywork, physical therapy, chiropractic medicine, physiotherapy, yoga, and Pilates or any other health-related field, The Concise Book of Muscles is equally useful for athletes and anyone interested in the workings of the human body.

About the Author

The late Chris Jarmey MCSP DS MRSS qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1979, and taught anatomy, shiatsu, qigong, and bodywork therapy throughout Europe. This new edition has been updated with a number of recommendations from Cecilia Brassett, University Clinical Anatomist, University of Cambridge, and Councillor of both The Anatomical Society and the British Association of Clinical Anatomists, and the writing of Dr Dan Quemby, who has taught pharmacology, physiology, and anatomy to medical and science students at St. Andrew's University and University College London.

Further Information

Available from Amazon



Moon Flowers - Karmic Healing under Moonlight - Aquarius Flower Remedies

The soul can carry many past life wounds through into the present incarnation. From a deep level within our being these karmic wounds influence and shape our life in profound ways. Part of the soul's purpose is to heal past life trauma

Green Logo + Moon Flower Heidi Drawing

Simon France, Co-Founder Aquarius Flower Remedies, started making flower remedies under moonlight 17 years ago. He was inspired to use the Moon to potentize essences, instead of the traditional Sun method, through his knowledge and practice of astrology. The Moon symbolizes the past, memory and reflection. When looking at a horoscope from a karmic perspective the present Moon sign was an extremely influential factor in the most recent previous life, perhaps the Sun or ascending sign. The Moon Flowers, the collection of over 40 flower remedies and environmental essences that he has so far documented, are for healing the wounds we carry through from the past, be that in this or a previous life.

Moon flowers are a set of flower remedies for past life healing, made by a process called lunarization: freshly picked flowers are floated in a glass bowl of water and left under the Moon for a few hours. Making flower remedies under the Moon, instead of the Sun, allows a different facet of the flower`s healing to emerge. Potentizing the flowers by moon-light enables us to use flowers to heal the wounding that has occurred in past lives. Moon flowers will also heal the wounds that have occurred in the past of this incarnation and held in the deep memory.

Further Information

Aquarius Flower Remedies has further articles and instructions about Moon Flowers. Please contact Aquarius Flower Remedies on Tel: 01626 854289;



Neubria DRIFT - for the Ultimate Sleep Experience

A New Natural Sleep Aid has been launched called Neubria Drift

Neubria Drift

Neubria DRIFT contains 4 Natural Sleep Inducing Plant Extracts, Tryptophan and Magnesium

  • Lemon Balm
  • Hops
  • Chamomile
  • Saffron Extracts
  • Essential Amino Acid  L-Tryotophan - works with the brain chemicals which are important to sleep and the timing of your body's biological clock.
  • Magnesium - helps decrease cortisol, a stress hormone that can keep you up at night, and promote the relaxation of your muscles giving you a calm sleepy feeling.

Neubria Drift has been expertly designed to support quality sleep and relaxation, helping you establish a night routine that leaves you waking refreshed and restored.

The premium ingredients included in Neubria Drift have been carefully selected on the basis of extensive scientific research.

Neubria Drift has been formulated specifically for people who struggle to relax at the end of a long and often stressful day. The role sleep has in supporting our wellbeing is as important as healthy eating and exercise. The modern lifestyle continues to negatively impact our night routines – more and more of us are sleeping less, and our sleep quality has deteriorated. Neubria Drift helps you break this cycle, assisting the body’s natural evening calming process so you can unwind and achieve a longer, better quality of sleep.

Neubria Drift contains our tailored Bliss Botanical Complex – a blend of four botanical ingredients that work together to support relaxation and healthy sleep. The complex includes Lemon Balm Extract, Hops Extract, Chamomile Extract and Saffron Extract, all of which have demonstrated sleep-inducing properties.

Neubria Drift’s ability to aid your sleep is further enhanced by the inclusion of l-tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that interacts with the brain chemicals most important to sleep, and the timing of your biological clock’s sleep-wake cycle.

Further Reading

Kent, R., et al. Social Relationships and Sleep Quality. Published in: Ann Behav Med. 2015.

Kinsey, W., et al. The Health Impact of Nighttime Eating: Old and New Perspectives. Published in: Nutrients. 2015.

Obayashi, K., et al. Bedroom Light Exposure at Night and the Incidence of Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort. Published in: American Journal of Epidemi. 2018.

Mangesh, A.. et al. Impact of long term Yoga practice on sleep quality and quality of life in the elderly. Published in: J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2013.

Further Information

Neubria DRIFT costs £32.50 for 60 capsules - available from



Pelvipro – Portable Device for Lower Back Pain

Pelvipro is a simple-to-use, portable device that corrects a misalignment of the spine and pelvis is helping people take control of their lower back pain.

Person using Pelvipro to relieve lower back pain

Person using Pelvipro to Relieve Lower Back Pain

The Pelvipro has been launched by Chris Aldred, a physiotherapist based in Harrogate who has been treating people with lower back pain for more than 20 years.

Chris says: “The first thing I do with a patient is put them ‘back in alignment’, and this immediately gives them some pain relief. I saw the need for a realignment device that people could use by themselves, whenever they were in pain.”

The device, which is now available for purchase, was shown to be so effective in trials that Chris has now brought it to market, to help other people who suffer with lower back pain.

Chris says: “I knew from my clinical experience that realignment had a positive effect on lower back pain but our trials also showed some psychological benefits from people feeling they were finally in control of their pain.”

Further Information

Find out more at or contact Chris Aldred by emailing


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  • Brief Takes 249


    Energy Psychology Conference

    Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Energy Psychology at the 20th Annual Canadian Energy Psychology Conference on 19-21 October with pre-conference workshops on 18 October and post-conference workshops on 22 October. The event is where scholars, mystics, medics, scientists and spiritualists share their wisdom. It was a rare opportunity to network with and to learn from leaders in energy healing.


    Further information Tel: +1 416-221-5639,;


    Robert Holden Shift Happens

    Love, Relationships and Miracles! is a 3-day retreat in Findhorn, Scotland with Hollie and Robert Holden on 25-27 October 2018. This week they are honouring the first Anniversary of Louise Hay’s death.  Hollie tried an experiment, she looked in the mirror and said “I am beautiful and everybody loves me.” She repeated it throughout the day and felt happier and people reacted more favourably to her. Featured product is an audio to download Life Loves You. Upcoming events: Coach Camp Las Vegas 3-4 November, I CAN DO IT! London, 29-30 September. Playing Human Conference 27-28 September and Everyday Abundance 16-18 November.


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    Menopause – What Men Know?

    Following the University of Leicester’s introduction to the UKs first menopause policy and the recent announcement that male staff are being encouraged to open up and talk about the subject of menopause in a bid to support female colleagues and normalize conversation on the topic, renowned expert in PMS and Menopause Maryon Stewart, identifies what women wished men knew about the menopause.


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    Vitamin B12 and Health

    Experts have described how vitamin B12 is important for many body processes and if in short supply can mean your tissues and organs may not be getting enough oxygen and can lead to symptoms of anaemia. Vitamin B is found in beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese and fish. Vitamin B12 also keeps the brain happy and reduces the chances of depression and anxiety. Nature Plus has a supplement of vitamin B12 which is vegan, organic and gluten-free.


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    Snooze Through Sleeptember

    Sleep well this September by sending your little one off to slumberland with Snufflebabe – the UKs number one baby nasal decongestant range. Add 1-3 drops of Snufflebabes Vapour Oil to warm water to create a room vapour for your little on struggling with the sniffles. It combines a gentle blend of lemon, pine and tea tree oil to naturally decongest your baby.


    Further information: Snufflebabes Vapour Oil is available from leading supermarkets and Independent pharmacies and from    


    School of Bodywork News

    School of Bodywork’s  Complete Bodywork Diploma will open a whole new world of opportunities. Or visit the School for Massage for Dementia, a one day workshop on 23 November. New dates for Hot Stone Massage Course are 29-30 November 2018. Myofascial Release Foundation Level Certificate is on 24-26 September. Pregnancy Massage Diploma is 4-5 October and 8-9 November and the Indian Head Massage Diploma on 8-9 October and 12-13 November.


    Further information Tel: 07711 656011;


    Cereal Could Keep Diabetes at Bay

    New research has found that incorporating milk at breakfast time can help manage diabetes and obesity. If you suffer with type 2 diabetes, give yourself an extra boost with CuraLin, a supplement made from 11 natural ingredients which are derived from Ayurvedic medicine, that work with the body to help balance the blood sugar levels. Natures Plus KetoLiving range is a system of products designed to support you in a successful Keto lifestyle.


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    Flower Secret Unlocked

    Natur Boutique’s new hibiscus tea is one of the only organic versions of the drink available. Using hibiscus from the fertile  lowlands of Vietnam, where the climate produces flavoursome flowers grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilisers, which means a fuller, purer flavour is achieved. In a 2014 study, scientists backed up anecdotal claims that Hibiscus could help with weight loss through a study, which showed people using hibiscus extracts reduced their body weight, BMI, body fat and waist-to-hip  ratio compared to those in a control  group.


    Further information: and Amazon


    The Future is Female

    Celebrate the Year of the Woman and revel in the sisterhood with INTIMINA. This year more than ever the subject of woman’s self-care, well-being, emotions and health is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. INTIMINA offers the first and only range of products  dedicated to all aspects of women’s intimate health. From menstrual cups to pelvic floor strengthening aids.


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    Cholesterol Month Oct 2018

    The UKs leading Nutritionist and Author of The Natural Health Bible For Women, Dr Marilyn Glenville, explains why cholesterol isn’t always negative. Your body needs cholesterol and that is why it produces it. Your liver actually produces 80% of the cholesterol; only 20% comes from your food.  Taking Natures Plus multi-vitamins helps support and sustain your optimal health, vitality and overall wellness. Natures Plus Source of Life Garden Red Yeast Rice is a great organic and high quality option. For a seaweed-fuelled scrumptious lunch try Natures Plus Mixed Sashimi.


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    Yoga Walkways Tower Bridge

    A unique London experience is back due to popular demand; kick-start the day with vinyasa-flow Yoga at Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge’s high-level glass walkways provide an unrivalled view of London. Yoga classes take place the third Wednesday of every month from October to December. The 50 minute sessions start at 7:30am and tickets are available to book online.


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    Fibromyalgia Mindfulness Sleep

    Researchers at the University of Derby have conducted the first-ever study focusing on exploring the effects of mindfulness for improving sleep in individuals with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic and debilitating pain condition that affects approximately 3% of adults. Participants were allocated either to an intervention group or a waiting list control group. The intervention involved 2-hour weekly group meditation sessions over a period of 7 weeks. The full study has been published in Frontiers in Psychiatry.


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    Natures Plus Daily Multi

    It is essential to get the right vitamins and minerals for your body to function efficiently.  A simple, but effective way of getting your daily dose of wellness is by taking a multivitamin. New Natures Plus Infinite Planet Daily Multi is organic, vegan and ethical. It consists of 100% organic food-derived  nutrients and a certified organic whole food blend that provides very specific antioxidants, as well as very peculiar botanicals. 100% of the profits were donated to global charities.


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    Back-To-School Anxiety, Sleep Better

    At the chaotic time of getting children back to school, 61% of parents struggle to get to sleep. Kalms Lavender are offering  8 tips on how to beat back-to-school anxiety. Practice breathing exercises, try an anxiety relieving traditional herbal remedy, such as Kalms Lavender, exercise it out, share your worries, embrace a meditation practice, ditch the caffeine and try a traditional herbal remedy, such as Kalms Night, Relive you day in reverse and keep a sleep journal and write down your worries.


    Further information: Kalms Lavender One-a-Day capsules are available in Boots, Asda and at


    Pelvic Floor Red Carpet Ready

    50% of women experience urinary incontinence during pregnancy. Neen Aquaflex helps you identify the right muscles to tighten and relax, offering different sized vaginal cones and a set of weights to aid Kegel exercises and ensure you will be free from the worry of leaks with a strengthened pelvic floor.


    Further information: Neen Aquaflex is available from Boots and


    Vegan Vitality Omega-3 Algae Oil

    Using fish oil is not sustainable and has a major impact on the oceans and marine life. Vegan Vitality Omega-3 Algae Oil offers a healthier and more environmentally friendly alternative to fish oil. It is farmed directly from algae and contains the same benefits as regular fish oil, but without the fish.


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    Therapy Rooms Muswell Hill

    There are new spaces available in therapy rooms in Muswell Hill in North London. They are light, beautiful and have a warm and welcoming atmosphere. They are available for Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Healers and Complementary Health Practitioners.


    Further information:


    Beyond the Brain 2018

    The Scientific and Medical Network, in collaboration with The Alef Trust and Monroe Institute presents Beyond the Brain 2018 takes place on 3-4 November 2018 at CentrEd at ExCel, London. Beyond the Brain is the world’s premier conference series exploring new research on whether and how consciousness and mind extend beyond the physical brain and body. This year’s event covers the power  of intension, transpersonal psychology, consciousness in relation to the brain and the universe, lucid dreaming and out-of-body experiences.


    Further information Tel: 020-3468 2034;


    The Benefits of Standing Desks

    The American Journal of Epidemiology conducted a study in 2010 on the correlation between sitting and an individual’s physical health. The study confirmed that people who were reported sitting for more than 6 hours during their leisure time versus less than 3 hours per day have an approximately 40% higher all-cause death rate and men had an approximately 20% higher death rate. Varidesk offers a range of standing desk solutions that allow you to stand up comfortably while working. Each of their desks is easily adjustable so that you can change the height to suit you and to alternate sitting and standing during the day.


    Further information:      


    London Afternoon Tea Penny Brohn

    Penny Brohn UK, the cancer charity is holding their annual London Afternoon Tea at The Ned at Bank, London on 7 October 2018. Hosted in the beautiful Tapestry Room, guests will enjoy a glass of fizz followed by a delightful selection of sandwiches, cakes and scones, washed down with an abundance of tea.


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    The Wee Yoga Room

    Autumn term at The Wee Yoga Room sees new classes running for 8 weeks. The Wee Yoga Room also announces the 18th annual retreat in Stronachlachar on Loch Katrine, Scotland.


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    Primal Cure™ Double the Goodness

    Primal Cure has launched its ground-breaking SlimShotz product, spearheading a new range of health supplements for the lifestyle brand. SlimShotz was formulated and produced in the UK, the product aims to help people lose weight the healthy way, with a tasty, fruity shot of natural goodness. Working as an appetite suppressant for those needing a little bit of help cutting back, its ingredients are proven to help improve health and at the same time as helping to shift the pounds.


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    Ketogenic / Low Carb Diets

    Ketogenic or similar low carb diets are based on a really sound principle – reducing the Insulin load and with it, Insulin resistance. They focus on healthy fats and protein-fat combos that lead to a much lower Insulin response. In theory this is all good, but people tend to latch on to the bits that suit them rather than applying common sense. Others use supplements to increase ketosis or try to make up for the nutritional deficits that a poorly managed ketogenic diet can bring.


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    Men’s Workshop Weekend

    Eric Diamond, a Psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience, is running the Bioenergetics Meets Men’s Work workshop weekend on 2-4 November 2018. Bioenergetics is a powerful approach to change, to growth and to life itself. It weaves emotional release and unblocks holding patterns with a sophisticated understanding of psychodynamics, character and inner conflict.


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    Living Beyond Lyme

    Living Beyond Lyme: Reclaim Your Life from Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness by Joseph J Trunzo PhD shows you how to learn to live a rich, vital and meaningful life despite Lyme disease or chronic illness. It provides an important psychological framework which teaches mindfulness skills and a value-based understanding in order to help sufferers create a more integrated, accepting and supportive approach to co-existing and living more amicably with the daily pain and challenges of chronic Lyme disease.


    Further information:   


    Anti-Ulcer Benefits of Honey

    Induced stomach ulcer (gastric ulcer) was smaller and less invasive in rats that regularly consumed a type of honey produced by a stingless bee in Malaysia. The study published in the Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, indicates that kelulut honey could be further investigated for potential anti-ulcer properties.


    Further information: +(603) 8947 1622;  +(6016) 217 4050;  


    Healthy Shots The Turmeric Co

    The Turmeric Co has officially launched its range of healthy Turmeric shot drinks, now publicly available after 5 years of development. Created to enhance your health and boost your immune system, the brand’s 3 blended varieties offer a natural range of fresh and organic ingredients. Nature’s Remedy is the simplest way of adding fresh, organic turmeric to your diet. Turmeric Fused with Ginger has an additional 2.5g of fresh and organic ginger root, Turmeric Fused with Coconut is blended with freshly extracted coconut cream.


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    Ethical Fitness and Yoga Apparel

    Asuno UK is a new ethical fitness and Yoga clothing brand which is launching premium quality fitness apparel that will also make a real, tangible difference in the world.  Every Asuno purchase supports a specific charity. Each clothing item represents a particular cause and has a metric tied to it. When you buy an item, this metric is carried out by their supporting charities. For example, one T-Shirt provides 7 life-saving supplements.


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    Hälsa Mattresses Launch in the UK

    Combining the best materials from around the world with a Swedish spring system, using similar steel to the steel used in Volvo cars. The Hälsa Mattresses spring system offers a new active support technology, enabling your muscles to rest in a more natural sleeping position. The springs move with the movements of your body while you sleep to comfort your body. The mattresses are made from completely natural and certified organic materials.


    Further information Tel: 020-3659 8183;


    Clark’s Botanicals ‘Secret Weapon’

    Retinol is a skin care saviour, but if you are looking to eliminate crow’s feet and fine lines, Clark’s Botanicals have a solution to help with their latest launch, Retinal Rescue Eye Serum. Retinol isn’t the only super hero ingredient to note, as the formula contains 18 active ingredients selected for their supercharged yet soothing properties.


    Further information: Retinal Rescue Eye Serum is available in store a SpaceNK and online at  and


    The Happiness Passport

    The Happiness Passport – A World Tour of Joyful Living in 50 Words by Megan Hayes is stunningly illustrated by Yelena Bryksenkova. Discover the secrets of living well, through this world tour, exploring concepts from Danish hygge to Japanese ikigai. Each cultural concept of happiness is evocatively illustrated with original artworks, revealing the essence of wellbeing from cultures far and wide. Published by White Lion Publishing as part of the Quarto Group in hardback.


    Further information Tel: 01273 403 925


    The Sleep Game for Poor Sleep

    The NHS in Sussex has teamed up with West Sussex County Council and Focus Games to help reduce the impact of poor sleep on children across the county. Sleep issues affect around 40% of children and young people and an increasing number of children are being diagnosed with sleep disorders. Specialist Health Visitor Ruth Silverman, in partnership with Focus Games has developed The Sleep Game, a board game training resource, designed to help professionals working with children and families improve their knowledge about sleep; such as Health Visitors, School Nurses, Nursery staff and Children’s Centre staff.


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    Almanac – Seasonal Guide 2019

    The Almanac – A Seasonal Guide to 2019 by Lia Leendertz offers ways of appreciating the natural rhythms of the year, no matter what your energy level or inclination. If you want to get out for a country walk at bluebell time or to watch the sunrise at dawn on midsummer’s day, then this is the book for you. If you prefer to sit at your window and spot Mars alongside the crescent moon (January), eat strawberries at their peak (June) or learn a harvest song that has been sung at this time for centuries (August), this book is also for you.


    Further information: Publishing in September by Octopus Publishing Group. Also available on Amazon



    This September, Scribe Publications will publish Aware by Dr Daniel J Siegel, brings together science and the spiritual to examine how medication can help you to develop a healthier brain. He provides detailed practical instructions on how to practice The Wheel of Awareness medication and examines the science underlying it. He reveals that regular meditation can improve immune function, keep cells healthy, prevent inflammation, maintain heart function, reduce blood pressure, enhance empathy and increase resilience.


    Further information: 


    Buteyko Belt

    The new Buteyko Breathing Belt from Buteyko Clinic International is being offered to subscribers with 25% discount. Achieve healthy, effortless breathing the easy way, reduce snoring, sleep apnoea, asthma, stress, anxiety and other breathing related conditions. Wear for periods of time during the day and at night to achieve regular, light, calm breathing as taught by the Buteyko Method.


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    Astaxanthin – Summer Supplement

    A June 2018 study has found that Astaxanthin can play a protective role in UV-induced skin deterioration and cold protect against direct V radiation damage. Bold Vision combines FloraGLO® Lutein the most clinically studied form of this eye healthy nutrient – with Anthocyanins from European Bilberry, Astaxanthin from algae and zinc, contributing to the maintenance of normal vision in an easy-to-take serving of 2 capsules.


    Further information


    App Reduces Back Pain 40%

    The Kaia app has been developed by a leading digital therapy company Kaia Health, in conjunction with Physiotherapists, Pain Management Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgeons and Clinical Psychologists. The app has been approved as a Class 1 medical product in the EU and allows users to self-manage their non-specific back pain, which is all cases of back pain that do not require specific treatment – and includes up to 90% of all cases of back pain.


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    Mindful Crafting Creative Journey

    Mindful Crafting – The Maker’s Creative Journey  by Sarah Samuel explores our relationship with our creativity and self-expression and casts fresh light on how the basic human need to create is often forgotten as mass-consumerism grows. Through personal anecdote, practical expert insight, this book unearths the true value of craft and how we can meet or soul’s yearning to be creative and open ourselves up to infinite possibilities. The book will be published by Leaping Hare Publishing a member of The Quarto Group in October.


    Further information Tel: 01273 403 925;


    CBD Hempura Approved

    CBD product manufacturer Hempura has cautioned consumers eager to try CBD to exercise caution when buying as it warns against the number of unsafe and illegal products entering the fast growing market in the UK. CBD products can come in oil, capsules, vape liquid and even chocolate. Hempura was founded in 2017 and supplies fully tested and approved CBD products for personal use. Hempura is a member of CBD Industry Trade Group CTA.


    Further information Tel: 0800 302 9442;

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    Fine quality flower essences international ranges to help promote vitality and emotional well-being.

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  • Water for Health

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