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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 258

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 258 - November 2019

Cyber Crime and Data Breach Considerations for Small Businesses

by Claire Squire, Balens Ltd

Did you know, of Cyber Crime cases reported to Action Fraud, that 35% of all cases relate to business with less than 10 employees? And a whopping 59% to businesses with less than 50?  This suggests Small businesses may be particularly vulnerable to data protection breaches. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), defines a personal data breach as:

“A breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.”


Essentially any cyber-attack that renders personal data unavailable to the business or available to unauthorized persons is a Data Breach. Where this affect the rights and freedoms of individuals it needs to be to be notified to the supervisory authority within 72 hours. The GDPR brought in new Rights for Data Subjects including redress in the event of a Data Breach, incorporating non-material damages and distress. Data Subjects can support their own claims against a business by submitting a Data Subject Access Request under their Right of Access, to discover what happened with their data, and how the breach occurred. With PPI Claims now brought to a close, there is evidence that PPI lawyers are moving their attention to data breach claims. This may pose a potential risk, particularly for SME Businesses.

What can you do to protect yourself?

  • Consider your Risk Management – identification, analysis and control of the risks;
  • Manufacturers have built in two factor authentications for logging into systems and portable devices – these should be turned on and used;
  • Password protection can be a good way of protecting documents where available.  The latest software versions can provide very good protection, so even if attackers are able to enter a system, the personal data may still be secure;
  • Think ahead.  What will you do in the first 24 hours of a cyber-attack, particularly if your system is locked out and you don’t have access to it?  Are there telephone numbers or security details that it would be helpful to have in a separate secure location?
  • You may consider Cyber Liability Insurance to protect yourself and your business in the event of a cyber-attack.  Insurance can cover such areas as:
    • Assistance and costs in the event of a Data Breach;
    • Hacker damage;
    • Unintentional transmission of a virus;
    • Ransomware – cyber extortion;
    • Business Interruption - compensation for loss of income in the event of an attack that prevents you earning revenue and;
    • Crisis containment – offering expert support to mitigate reputational damage.

Getting good quality advice from a reputable broker is always advisable to ensure that you have the right cover for you own specific business requirements. It will be important to consider the needs of your specific business, its size and complexity to ensure your peace of mind if the worst were to occur. However, these simple steps may help you to control the risks and effects of a potential cyber-attack.

About Balens and Further Information

Established in 1950, Balens are a fourth generation, ethical, family run Insurance Brokerage focusing on guidance, support and service. Balens specialize in Insurance for Health, Well-being, Fitness and Beauty Professionals and their businesses, Affinity Groups and Not-for-Profit Organizations. They offer a wide range of insurance services for both individual and business requirements. For further details please visit



From Field to Face – Natural Beauty from The Linseed Farm

Sussex-based The Linseed Farm is launching a capsule range of skin care products, which showcase its principal ingredient: farm fresh English linseed.

The new range comprises two face and body creams; Natural Linseed Cream Unscented and Natural Linseed Cream Lavender and Chamomile as well as a Natural Linseed Soap Bar.  The range is supremely hydrating and antibacterial to boot. The products are unisex and suitable for all ages (with the exception of children under 3) and all skin types.

Linseed Cream poster

These innovative new products were launched at Olympia Beauty 29-30 September, the autumn’s biggest event for beauty professionals. Cleopatra was famed for her flawless beauty and reputed to bathe in asses’ milk. The reason it kept her skin looking so peachy-perfect was because of its high Omega 3 content. Modern-day beauties can get the same result from the benefits of linseed oil, naturally high in Omega 3.

Natural Linseed Cream Unscented & Natural Linseed Cream Lavender & Chamomile

Rich in ALA and Omega 3, both Natural Linseed Creams are powerfully hydrating, soothing, nourishing and calming.  They represent gentle care for face and body. Lavender and Chamomile offer an extra layer of evocative, comforting scent reminiscent of nature, while the unscented version ensures there’s something for everyone.  The Creams are packaged in airless pumps.

Natural Linseed Soap Bar

Gentle, hydrating and cleansing, this 100% natural soap is a dream to use for all areas of the face and body. Packaged in tissue with a paper label it’s planet-friendly and ideal for anyone looking to reduce plastic. Linseed has many different health benefits being one of the richest sources of omega 3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and containing over 50% omega 3. Also, being plant based, it’s a great vegetarian and vegan skin ingredient. Here, it’s been put to exceedingly good use to extend the benefits of linseed oil to the outside as well as the inside!

Farmer and producer Durwin Banks commented,

I always believed our linseed oil would make a marvellous skin cream as it is so deeply hydrating. In fact, I’ve been experimenting with different versions over the years and this is the culmination of all our research and experience. At The Linseed Farm, we all believe passionately in our products and their health benefits.”

About The Linseed Farm

Siblings Durwin Banks and Wendy Dorkings run The Linseed Farm as a family partnership in Barns Green near Horsham, West Sussex.  They are actively involved in the day to day running of the farm and love working together as a team producing the finest cold-pressed linseed oil and ground linseed for their customers across the UK and beyond.

They come from a long tradition of farmers and started growing and pressing Linseed (flax seed) in the year 2000.  The siblings believe they are the only farm growing, pressing or milling their seed and selling it direct to the public. Their Unique Selling Point is freshness. And, customers have told them that no other oil they have tried comes close. The new range is also antimicrobial and antifungal.

Further Information

The range is available from the website: and selected retailers.




Flowers Impact on Improving our Mental & Emotional Health

The Australian Aboriginals specifically utilized the healing qualities of the flower energetic essence, for the maintenance & stability of mental & emotional health. They particularly understood the link between the mind & the body and observed that "where the emotions went, the mind and body would soon follow”. It’s interesting to note that a team of researchers in a 10-month study of participant's emotional & behavioural responses to receiving flowers have explored the link between flowers and a sense of life satisfaction. The results revealed that flowers are a health promoting and natural moderator of moods.[1]

Clockwise: Waratah, Wattle, Sturt Pea, Boab

Clockwise: Waratah, Wattle, Sturt Pea, Boab

In the study, the response of the participants of all age groups upon receiving flowers was delighted smiles and extraordinary expressions of gratitude. This reaction was universal and had an impact on their immediate happiness. The study participants reported feeling less anxious, stressed and depressed, after receiving flowers, which had a long-term positive uplifting effect on their moods, specifically invoking a higher sense of enjoyment and ease.

"Common sense tells us that flowers make us happy," said Dr. Haviland-Jones. "Now, science shows that not only do flowers make us happier than we know, they have strong positive effects on our emotional wellbeing."[1]

The Flower Essence of Australia are particular suited in supporting the maintenance of our emotional and mental sense of wellbeing & freedom from the detrimental effects that  negative thought patterns & emotional trauma, that if left unchecked can create in the physical body . As we look after & maintain our car so that it runs smoothly equally it’s proved to be important to do the same for all aspect of our being.

Boab: Supports releasing inherited attitudes and states of mind allowing mental freedom by clearing negative thoughts, and mindsets.

Sturt Desert Pea: Releasing past emotional wounds and trauma, grief and deep seated sadness, supporting a fresh start and emotional ease

Waratah: Survival Essence, dark night of the soul, depression, deep despair, support courage optimism, inner strength & tenacity and clear vision.

Southern Cross: Positive abundant mindset, letting go of past negativity, and victim mentality supporting empowerment.

Sunshine Wattle: Positivity and optimism: Lifting out of past and the mindset that life is hard and meant to be a struggle, allows the life affirming thought that the universe will provide and support us in the flow of life.

Christmas Bell:  Manifestation of dreams into reality eliminates any belief in lack, and un-deservedness.


1. Haviland-Jones J,  Dept  Psychology, Rutgers-The  State  University  of  New  Jersey,  New Brunswick, NJ. 08903, USA ; Rosario HH,  Dept  Psychology,  Rutgers-The  State  University  of  New  Jersey,  New  Brunswick, NJ. 08903, USA; Wilson P, Dept Psychology, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USA; McGuire TR,  Dept    Genetics, Rutgers-The  State  University of New  Jersey, New  Brunswick, NJ. 08903, USA . An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotion: Flowers. Evolutionary Psychology – 2005 3: 104-132. 2005.

Further Information

Available from FlowerEssence CGH: contact Clare G Harvey on Tel:  019632 50750;



Turning Point Training Offers Postgraduate Courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

Our students come from a variety of backgrounds both in conventional and holistic disciplines. This allows an exchange of information and experience that enriches the learning experience. Courses are mixture of leading-edge, scientifically based theory and clinical and practical tuition. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their gifts and talents in bringing their unique experience to the disciplines taught. Students are thus empowered.

Top: Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed and Rosemary Lawrence Dip BFD Cert Clin Hom Cert Ed  Bottom: Craniosacral Course 2019

Top: Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed and Rosemary Lawrence Dip BFD Cert Clin Hom Cert Ed

Bottom: Craniosacral Course 2019

Small groups help to facilitate this experience.Turning Point teachers are enthusiastic and experienced practicing therapists who keep their knowledge up to date.

The philosophy of Turning Point encompasses the idea that medicine is an art informed by science. We believe that the conventional materialist paradigm is very much out of date and that scientific knowledge has now reached a point where much of holistic medicine can incorporated into a new paradigm.

Turning Point courses introduce the concepts of research and encourage students to critically evaluate current information.

  • Craniosacral therapy is based on the relation of the relationship between the structure and function of the body and health. Specific, gentle and skilled manipulation can restore the structure-function relationship supporting the patients’ own homeostatic mechanisms. This non-invasive and safe therapy can be used on patients of all ages from the new-born to the elderly.
    The Level 1 Practitioner Course consists of 7 modules over 8 days including practical tuition. In addition students have to complete a portfolio of cases and complete an exam. Practical skills are assessed during the course. This course is recognised by the CMA.
    Level 2, Advanced CST consists of five modules; Mother/Baby and Reproductive, Visceral, Immune System and Lymphatics; Physical and Emotional Trauma, and Dental, Facial and Cranial Base. Assessment is via Case studies.
    These courses are led By Jonathan Lawrence
  • Homotoxicology is based on the idea that disease results from toxic load. In modern life we are subject to toxins from a variety of sources. This has the effect of stressing the immune system leading to ill health. Accurate prescribing can help the body to gently detoxify aiding the restoration of homeostasis.
    The remedies used are be single potency homeopathic remedies or combinations of remedies to achieve a specific physiological response.
    There is access to online training via the Society of Homotoxicology
    We provide further courses in Electro Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) for suitably qualified students. This involves electro-acupuncture assessment of meridans and clinical application of findings.
    Training is via small tutorial groups led by Rosemary Lawrence.

Further Information

For information about training in these disciplines visit




Masterworks International Trainings in Polarity Therapy, Huna, T’ai Chi and Chi Kung

Masterworks International began as The International School of Polarity Therapy in the 1986, changing its name in 1994 and has been running trainings in Polarity Therapy ever since. Currently based in Ireland, it was founded by Phil Young and Morag Campbell who remain committed to the clear and practical application of the work of the founder Dr Randolph Stone the founder of Polarity Therapy.

Both are experienced practitioners and international trainers renowned for their ability to convey the concepts, philosophy and practical application of Polarity Therapy in a clear and detailed way.

Morag Campbell and Phil Young

Phil Young is a former president of the American Polarity Therapy Association and one of the founding members and driving force behind The International Polarity Education Alliance. He is author of several books on Polarity, most notably, Polarity Therapy where Energy Meets Structure and Function.

Morag Campbell served on the Board of The Norwegian Polarity Therapy Institute and ran ongoing trainings in Scandinavia for 18 years. She is author of several books on aspects of Polarity Therapy.

Masterworks unique specialty has always been bespoke one to one trainings.

Since 1999 it has also offered an open (distance) learning programme. Both Polarity training tracks deliver the same content but in different formats. Since 2000 Masterworks has offered a full teacher training programme that equips any qualified Polarity Therapist to train students to full professional level. Polarity teachers trained by Masterworks International act as mentors and trainers in several countries.

'For over 30 years we have been teaching Polarity with dedication and passion both as an alternative to, and as an adjunct to, allopathic health care.'

Whilst Polarity Therapy is Masterworks main therapeutic approach, trainings are also available in Hawaiian Huna, T'ai Chi Ch'uan (taijiquan) and Chi Kung (qigong)

Short (1 to 5 day) individual 'masterclasses' on all aspects of Polarity Therapy are available for practicing Polarity Therapists. Masterclasses in Osteopathic Functional Technique, Harmonic Technique and Holonomic Reflexology are open to any qualified bodywork therapist. Masterclasses in T'ai Chi Ch'uan (taijiquan) and Chi Kung (qigong) are also offered.

Both Phil Young and Morag Campbell continue to offer one to one sessions in Polarity Therapy in Cork City and also offer 2 day personal healing intensives in Ireland. During these intensives Phil and Morag bring all their skills and experience to bear to bring about real change, helping to identify any underlying issues that are heeding progress and suggesting strategies for the future.

The healing intensives are held in Ballyhooly, Co.Cork. Ireland.

Further Information

For more details contact Masterworks International on Tel: +353 (0) 86 325 2645;




The Ayurvedic Professionals Association (APA) Representing Ayurvedic Professionals

Dating back over 5000 years, Ayurveda is a continuous healthcare system. Originating from India, Ayurveda is considered one of the oldest documented biological science and yet it represents so much more than the conventional understanding of a science, philosophy or healthcare because of the holistic approach to maintaining health.


Hyperlink to

The Ayurvedic Professionals association (APA) represents Ayurvedic professionals within the UK and is a non-profit, voluntary organisation. The APA maintains a register of Ayurvedic professionals in the UK who are bound by the code of ethics set by the APA all of whom have full insurance to practice Ayurveda within the UK.

The APA as a professional organisation monitors members, all of whom need to show Continues Professional Development and learning (CPD), as well as current insurance in order to remain on the APA database. Additionally we encourage APA members to update their profiles and include contact information on the APA web site

Ayurveda includes many topics, health, diet, herbs, surgery, massage, body therapies, oils, food classification, body types…

But can something so old still be relevant? The APA believe the answer is Yes. Ayurveda has possibly never been more relevant. The emphasis now is moving towards prevention but given the over-burdened NHS crippled by increasing lifestyle health problems the need for Ayurveda will the APA believe increase as Ayurveda is well suited to help with lifestyle and diet changes. The APA is not however able to comment on individual health conditions, nor recommend treatment or suggest APA members. Health consultations should be made directly with the individual APA Doctor, Practitioner, Therapist or Associate Therapist all of whom can be found on the APA web site

Ayurvedic Practitioners work with the individual, not diagnosing a disease nor labelling, but trying to understanding the path or cause that led to a problem. A simple example of a bucket overflowing, which will continue to spread water unchecked unless the tap is turned off. Ayurveda believes it is vital to understand not just the current situation, but also the history behind the presenting problem, in other words to find the tap and turn it off.

Further Information

If you are interested in Ayurveda the next step is to visit the APA site to find a fully trained Ayurvedic professional in your area.




IRENE: Still helping clients at 80 Years Young!

      When it comes to Irene Royal Jelly — nothing else compares

Irene Stein is not your average 80 year old. She is fit, healthy, and energetic and, when not working on her business, she is out playing a game of tennis or two and enjoying life to the fullest. Not only this, her flawless complexion has many second guessing her age and not an inch of grey can be found in her full head of hair.

"l think it is true to say that I don't actually resemble my 80 years. Things like memory, retention, absorption, clarity, focus, agility, and I still seem to be firing on all cylinders. During the early part of my experiences with Royal Jelly, I was fascinated by the way in which my mother, Sophie’s (pictured below) arthritis disappeared completely in her late 70's and I watched her greying hair turn back to its natural colour.”

Irene Stein, Sophie + Irene Product

Sophie was born of 6 brothers and sisters all with heart problems and she outlived them all.

Around 30,000 people worldwide have incorporated Irene’s Royal Jelly into their daily diet including professional athletes, showbiz celebrities and members of the British Royal Family with famous faces including Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Princess Diana, Fergie Duchess of York and Cliff Richard, along with an increasing number of Men, for whom improvements in Hair regrowth, Prostate problems, Heart conditions, Strokes, Arthritis and Libido are regularly experienced.

"I have as many people making this “a-way-of-life” as taking it just for a specific condition, since it is cumulative and there are many ongoing benefits. I have always had a number of Practitioners sharing my vision and recommending the product to their patients as well as the biggest growth being the recommendation from 1 person to another."

"From this amazing learning experience," she concluded, "I still continue to astonish myself with the results that I see and hear about. I am still passionate and thrilled to bits with the way in which my unique formulation changes peoples' lives, and have no intention of retiring. Why would I give up my magnificent obsession?"

This miraculous Formula is the most superior/ potent Royal Jelly Formulation in the market place today and there is a Report explaining this available for you to read. Irene has worked with two Masters in the field of Complex Homeopathy and plant knowledge.

Irene believes Royal Jelly is something that needs to be discussed before use, and therefore does not feel it should be sitting on the shelves of Selfridges, Harrods, Holland and Barrett and Boots as previously. She is more than happy to provide more information to those who are interested and discuss their conditions and needs to provide the best plan to suit them.

Further Information

Contact Irene now on: Tel: +44 (0)7831 641199;




The Listening Centre London – Authentic Tomatis Listening Therapy

The Listening (Voice, Music & Language) Centre London was founded in 2001 by Ella Williams Consultant Practitioner and Performer, and is one of few centres worldwide still offering Listening therapy in its original form as developed and advised by Dr Tomatis.

The Listening Centre London

The original Tomatis uses analogue sound and not digital - that is taped music rather than CDs. The implications of this are profound.  The brain doesn’t work in a digital way! Contrary to what might be propagated about digital sound being superior, the important fact is that the brain does not process information, auditory or otherwise in a digital way. The use of digital sound in any therapy is fundamentally flawed. The question of digital versus analogue is literally a ‘no brainer’. It is true that tapes degrade, but tapes are regularly replenished, which means that the sound quality is not compromised

An integral aspect of the original therapy is supervised active microphone work of chanting, music making, singing or reading, allowing musicians and indeed all clients to make adjustments naturally and effortlessly to their own vocal or musical output. For children, the use of the Mother's voice is an important part of the therapy, as Dr Tomatis believed our desire to communicate is activated by hearing our Mother's voice in utero. Only in the context of a centre will there be professional feedback and audiometric testing to confirm that changes are taking place. It is an effort worth making.

DIY, for home use devices appear to be more convenient and an easier way to do the therapy; however the daily, on the spot, observation and guidance of the therapist cannot be underestimated or undervalued. At a centre you are assessed and treated with the reassurance that the specialized equipment used is maintained and functions as it should.  Furthermore many clients appreciate this special time just for themselves; the treatment is both invigorating and relaxing. Removing yourself from daily distractions and making time in a comfortable and different environment enables you to let yourself relax sufficiently to fully immerse yourself in the process. Tomatis said that ultimately it is the therapist that brings the healing, or as one of my clients said, “holds Jacob’s ladder”. Many people appreciate the exchange of thoughts and ideas in an encouraging atmosphere. 

Further Information

For more information about Tomatis Listening Therapy please ring Ella Williams at The Listening Centre London on Tel: 0207 3595268; Please also visit Ella’s Positive Health Online Clinic Listing




GEOVITAL T98, the shielding paint for the most effective protection against HF electromagnetic radiation

T98 is an electrically conductive primer for shielding against, and the leading away, of radiation. By applying two coats on a surface, shielding effectiveness of 99.999% against high frequency radiation can be achieved. In technical language, this equates to a protective attenuation of up to 50dB, and this at frequencies of up to 10Ghz!!! Also showing exceptional performance to the highest level tested at the time, 20 Ghz! (You need performance at the higher frequencies where it matters most)


Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation / Microwaves / High Frequency

T98 shielding paint effectively functions as a mirror and bounces the RF radiation back. In our latest formula 15% of the RF is absorbed and so what is bounced back is less. The normal approach is to essentially create a box which provides protection from all sides and creates a much lower RF exposure inside.


Electric field radiation from wiring / Low Frequency

In the process of applying T98 it should be grounded. Once grounded the surfaces protected with T98 are grounded and will help lead away the electric field exposure that is caused by having electrical wiring in the wall or ceiling behind the paint.

Why is T98 so different and the only shielding paint worthwhile?

Geovital developed this shielding paint with long-term successes for patients of our clinic as the benchmark and a clear realisation that the 0 to 4 Ghz range should not only be focused on. As the long-term health of our clinic’s patients/clients has always been the aim, short-term success with possibility of long-term problems was unacceptable to us. T98 sets the world standard in both shielding effectiveness and suitability for long-term natural health strategies.

The paint has a purely acrylic base. It is breathable, solvent-free and has extremely low emissions. It can easily be applied on dry, clean, grease-free solid surfaces with a rough surface roller (Available at hardware stores).

IMPORTANT: Shielding paint does not shield against low frequency magnetic fields from sources like transmission lines (the big walkers), street powerlines, power supply cables to the property, the power cables of a meter box etc. If this is you main problem, speak to one of our consultants or offices.

IMPORTANT: T98 must be grounded!

In accordance with current EU legislation, Geovital advises that all surfaces must be grounded by a qualified electrician. This may also be an insurance requirement.

Further Information

Please contact Geovital on Tel: 0800 130 3309; ;




Soft Tissue Therapy Training – Beyond Massage

LSSM has been going for over 30 years, built on the pioneering work of its principal tutor Mel Cash. He wrote the first ever book on Sports Massage in 1988 followed by the first text books on Remedial Massage (1996) and Soft Tissue Therapy (2012).

We are unique because we have developed our own customised BTEC qualification based on the clinical experiences that Mel and his incredible team of therapist/tutors. Many have been teaching with him for decades, they are all leading soft tissue specialist and several are now also great Osteopaths. The team has been together for so long they are like a family and the fun they have working together soon rubs off on the students. We believe you learn best when you are having fun doing it.


Our BTEC Level 5 Soft Tissue Therapy qualification is the only one of its kind in the UK and cannot be compared with the more common ITEC/VTCT and other Sports Massage courses because these are more limited in their scope of practice. Our course has been developed with two key aims:

  • To train therapist to best meet the needs of todays’ clients;
  • To give therapists the most stimulating and rewarding life-time careers.

And we are very proud of the way we are achieving both of these.

We call it “Soft Tissue Therapy” because we are no longer defined by the word ‘massage’. We include advanced techniques which improve the way the nervous system makes the muscles work and so have a much more profound effect than just massage. These can also be done through clothes if necessary which is particularly useful when treating elderly or disabled clients.

Soft Tissue Therapy is all about treating and preventing minor and chronic injuries caused by any of life’s stresses, including medical conditions, so it is something that just about everyone needs at some time. These problems are no longer being properly dealt with by the NHS because of funding cutbacks so demand for the work we do is now growing strongly.

And We Still do Sports Massage!

We began in 1989 as the very first school in the UK to teach Sports Massage. This original 6- month course is still the foundation and first part of the one-year Soft Tissue Therapy course we run today. So by the time students are half way through the Level 5 course they can already work effectively as Sports Massage Therapist and could start earning money then. And when they gain their Level 5 they can advertise as both Sports Massage and Soft Tissue Therapists.

Further Information

For further enquiries please contact Mel Cash at LSSM on Tel: 44 (0) 20 8452 8855; 




June Sayer Complementary Health – 24+ Years Homeopathic Practitioner

June Sayer of Sayer Complementary Health has over 24 years’ experience as a homeopathic practitioner and during that time has worked with clients with a wide variety of ailments.  Emotional issues such as anxiety and depression, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy and childbirth and children experiencing repeated health problems or autistic tendencies are amongst the range of presenting complaints that she has been presented with. Working together with her clients June will discuss a homeopathic treatment plan to help them restore their health.

June Sayer Complementary Health

Aside from homeopathic consultations which can take place at her practice in person or via Skype or Facetime June also provides training courses in homeopathy and Reiki.  The Homeopathy at Home course is designed to help people learn how to choose homeopathic remedies to address minor ailments such as coughs, colds, headaches and sore throats and can even negate a visit to the doctor.  Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, non-addictive and safe for all ages.

The full Homeopathic Practitioner Diploma course is an in-depth apprenticeship style course spread over three years.  This course will introduce you to the history and philosophy of homeopathy, give you an understanding of anatomy and physiology and pathology and disease.  You will also learn how to differentiate between an acute case and a more chronic condition and how to select the most appropriate homeopathic remedy.  Home study and written assignments are essential to the course.  Upon successful completion of all the necessary criteria you will be entitled to register as a homeopathic practitioner with a registering organization and build your career as a homeopath.

June is also a Reiki Master/Teacher and holds regular Reiki courses at Burnham on Crouch in Essex. Level one Shoden is a one-day course that opens you up to the healing power of Reiki and enables you to carry out Reiki healing on yourself and your family.   Reiki level 2 Okuden also a one-day course, is suitable for people who have already been empowered or attuned to the Reiki healing energy and once completed allows you to offer Reiki sessions to the general public but you will need to have the relevant complementary health insurance cover in place to do so.  Pre-course material is provided for both Shoden and Okuden so that you may study the materials prior to attending the practical course.  A Certificate of Attendance is provided on completion. 

Should you wish to take your Reiki one stage further then the Reiki Master/Teacher Course also comes complete with a comprehensive manual as well as audio and visual materials and it is this course you would need to undertake in order for you to be able to prepare others on their journey with Reiki.   Reiki consultations are held in Burnham on Crouch, Essex.

Further Information

For further details on any of the above, please telephone 01621 730664 or email me at  or visit and please mention Positive Health when making contact.




Alexander Technique, Inhibition and Autopilot

by Alan Bignell

Extracted from Bloomsbury Alexander Centre


I recently flew back to the UK from a family holiday in Brazil. Our plane, a spanking new Boeing 777 almost certainly flew a good part of the 11 hour journey on autopilot and these days may even have landed on it too. What on earth has a plane’s autopilot got to do with inhibition you might reasonably ask. Well, quite a lot I believe but more of that later.

In my understanding inhibition used in the Alexander Technique sense means saying no to reacting to a stimulus in my habitual manner. For instance, the doorbell rings and the only thing on my mind is getting to the door to see who might be there. The whole moving process takes place mechanically dictated by unconscious habits adopted unknowingly over many years. If those habits were good ones it would be one thing. Unfortunately it’s usually quite the opposite.

Alan Bignall + Autopilot

By bringing about the pause we call ‘inhibition’ I give myself the possibility of responding to a stimulus in a way that I choose, not one inflicted on me by my habits. My actions (or more likely my reactions) which almost certainly have been totally mechanical up to that point now have the possibility of becoming more conscious. However touching a more conscious level is not something we are very familiar with. Reacting mechanically to events remains the norm for most of us and perhaps can be compared to the autopilot at the beginning of this piece.

It seems to me we go through most of our lives operating on as it were our own personal autopilot. On one level it works more or less tolerably. It gets me to work, it does my job, it can even get me through my social relationships up to a point. However the autopilot isn’t the pilot. He almost never seems to be on the flight deck. Only rarely, perhaps in moments of crisis, does he take over the controls and even then it’s usually only for a few fleeting moments.

So how do we get in touch with our pilot or at least go towards him? As suggested earlier, one way is by working with inhibition. Inhibition coupled with direction brings us back towards a tangible awareness of the body and what is happening inside it. When I make this effort, it often comes as a real surprise to discover a body full of tensions. Even more astonishing is the realisation that these tensions have been there all along but I hadn’t the slightest awareness of them. Unfortunately, insights such as these can be all too easily taken negatively. I am reminded of a pupil who arrived for her third or fourth Alexander lesson looking thoroughly dejected.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I’m so depressed came the reply. “This week I noticed I do everything wrong.”

“But you’ve been doing everything wrong for the last thirty years.” I said. “Last week was the first time you actually noticed it. Don’t you think that might be a step in the right direction?”

“Oh I never thought of it that way.” she replied already visibly brighter.

In my opinion this ‘seeing’ of my state without self-criticism or judgement is the first essential step in the process of allowing change to take place. Returning to the parallel with the autopilot, inhibition is similar to the moment when the captain first takes back hands on control of the plane. It’s the interruption to the mechanical piloting of the plane and all its systems. However, in our analogy, the pilot is seldom seen on the flight deck. As a result the plane is so used to running on autopilot, it has almost forgotten it has a pilot at all.

This partially explains why it is so difficult to remember to inhibit. Why it’s only after I’ve stood up or completed a movement that I remember I’ve forgotten to inhibit, let alone direct. This might not be as bad as it seems. A very wise man told me many years ago that it was alright to forget but not to forget you’ve forgotten. Difficult as it is to remember to inhibit movements of the body, it is even more of a challenge to bring the idea of inhibition to other aspects of my life. For instance, if someone criticises me in what I consider to be an unjust way, my reaction is immediate. My hackles rise and often before I know it, words are tumbling out of my mouth that I may later regret.

An exasperated student on an Alexander Training Course I was visiting graphically expressed the frustration many of us feel. “Three years of practising inhibition here and I still find myself screaming at my kids when I go home.” he bemoaned.

If it were possible to inhibit at the very moment when something upsets me or criticises me then my response could be different. However this is a very tall order for most of us and perhaps we need to practise more on inhibiting our habitual body movements first. There are certainly more than enough of them to be going on with.


Extracted from Bloomsbury Alexander Centre




Responding to Anxiety and Stress – Evolving Ascension Tools 

by Sarah Williams 

These 2 factors are the main problem for everyone now as ‘time’ seems to disappear rapidly leaving us somewhat breathless, wondering how we can achieve everything on our ‘to do lists’. We may then feel anxious, often with fluttery tummies and feelings of being ungrounded and unsafe in some way.

Responding to Anxiety and Stress

Nervous System Support (Left)Ultimate Stress Relief (Right)

Our adrenals ( situated on top of the kidneys) adjust the normal balance in our bodies via the blood and nervous system, as we naturally turn up the cortisol hormone in order to instruct the body to behave in such a way that will facilitate us to cope with challenging situations. Blood is redirected from normal areas of the body i.e. digestive tract, guiding it towards the sensory organs and muscles in a typical ‘fight or flight’ response. Effective ways to alleviate stress and anxiety are meditation, breathing deeply and practising mindfulness. Where you feel the stress in your body depends on why you feel it and the emotional reaction you are having to any stressful situation – the science known as psycho-neuro immunology. The body mind connection harnesses messages sent via the nervous systems. These neural pathways now require additional support.

The Shift from Carbon base to Crystalline Structure bodies

Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired - almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense? Since 2012, our bodies have been going through a very unique experience which includes become less carbon based and increasingly silica or crystalline. This is due to the new light codes coming from our sun which in turn is affecting and upgrading our DNA. It all has to do with the light energy that’s penetrating us, our world, and everything on it, easing us into the new world and a new way of being. So you could say that it isn’t just Nova (new)Earth we’re building, it’s Nova (new)Human as well. Our bodies are literally evolving! Welcome to the ascension process; the symptoms are listed on my website here

List of Common Ascension Symptoms

  1. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or intense energy or stress;
  2. Old patterns and behaviours are being pushed to the surface for release. This can increase feelings of fear. Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria and are all indications that you are on overload. Rest and recharge are the best plan now. Get into nature, sleep , meditate and give yourself a break!

It’s not what happens but how we choose to respond to the changes. We can remind ourselves to be positive and check out the creams available on my website along with all the other vibrational tools there.. many free ones , to enable a smoother transition. Visualize your most perfect outcome and manifest away to your blissful hearts desires.

I write and teach much more about this and share personal Skype FaceTime and FB pages providing you with more information and tools to cope . Free readings are currently available to visitors to my website.

Further Information

Please contact Sarah Williams on Tel: 0844 357 9843 / 02392 453204;




The Art of Observing and Adjusting: An Innovative Guide to Yoga Asana Adjustment for Your Postural Type

by Vayu Jung Doohwa

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2019. Paperback. £14.99 / $19.95. ISBN: 978 1 905367 94 8.


This book is for yoga practitioners of all levels. It begins with the ‘know-how’ and fundamentals of postural imbalances and guides the reader through the observation and adjustment of these imbalances, on the basis of the postural type of the practitioner.

The Art of Observing and Adjusting:

The book avoids complex anatomical references and opts instead to use over 250 simple colour diagrams and images, which make it easier to convey the ideas more clearly, and are simple for teachers and practitioners to follow during self-experimentation.

Just as a doctor would prescribe the most relevant treatment after a thorough examination and diagnosis, the teacher will be able to recognize unbalanced postural patterns through observation, and ‘prescribe’ the most appropriate alignments or adjustments. Understanding postural types will guide the teacher toward the correct adjustments in order to restore balance to the practitioner’s body.

In Part 1 of this book, the author explains how to observe imbalances. In Part 2, the reader will learn postural types systemically according to section imbalance patterns. In Part 3, the author recommends specific ways and principles of adjustment for the different postural types.

Vayu Jung Doohwa started teaching traditional Mysore-style Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga classes in his hometown of Busan in 2007, and he established the Yoga VnA studio in 2010. Since then he has been working on the contemporary scientific interpretations of the traditional Ashtanga yoga.

Vayu has held more than 100 yoga anatomy workshops in Korea and China. He has been continuously working with his teacher John Scott, sharing the insights of this book during JSY CPD program 2016, 2017 in London.

“Contemporary yoga and yoga anatomy are very alive, still rooted in tradition, but it’s time for INNOVATION! … Vayu has taken many 1% theories and practised 99% on the mat, and in his teaching revealed some extraordinary gems. This book is pure innovation and will serve the yoga community well.”

⎯John Scott, author of Ashtanga Yoga

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing   and


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes Issue 258


    Let Food be Thy Medicine!

    ALCAT TEST - Special comprehensive offers - €360, Regular Price €512 - valid until December 20, 2019. Special comprehensive test panels with 301 items of different categories incl. gluten, gluten-free alternatives, milk, sugar alternatives, additives, glyphosate and many more. Valid only with code on lab requisition form: NUTRIVITAL or HARVESTVITAL.


    Further Information:  Tel: +49 (0331 7400 880;      Click here to get the offer


    Beyond the Brain 2019

    The Scientific and Medical Network presents Beyond the Brain 2019 which takes place on 2-3 November 2019 at the University of Westminster with a pre-Conference Workshop on 1 November, with a pre-Conference screening of the documentary film Journeys to the Edge of Consciousness. This year’s Conference has Sonic Enchantment with Fabio Garces – Sound Meditation Journey, Movement and Sound Meditation with Seth Newman and URUBA. Watkins Books specialises in esoterica and has a variety of speakers at the Conference.


    Further information:


    35 Years of Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd

    Exciting news from Rayonex Germany and from the Paul Schmidt Academy in London. There are new dates for the 5-day Certified Training Course in London 2-6 December. There are new dates and price adjustments for Rayocomp training day. There are new categories for Rayocomp devices from October 2019. New improved website showing the new categories and a new deadline for trading in your old Polar.


    Further information Tel: 020-3866 1192;


    The Wee Yoga Room

    The new term at The Wee Yoga Room begins on 21 October. The Wee Yoga Room & The Wee Treatment Room is a little den of zen set in the hustle and bustle of Bridge of Allan's high street, near Stirling. The Wee Yoga Room specialises in Ashtanga Yoga, Pilates, and Yin Yoga. There are a couple of places left for the Strongachlarchar Retreat.


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    School of Bodywork

    The School of Bodywork has amazing offers for their 10th anniversary celebrations and relocation. The Deep Tissue Massage Certificate starts on 29 October with Generic Deep Tissue Massage, 12 November, Deep Tissue for Back, 10 December, Deep Tissue for Neck & Chest, 28 January, Deep Tissue for Shoulders & Arms, 11 February, Deep Tissue for Hips & Legs, 25 February, Skills Integration Day, 24 March Advanced Techniques 1, 21 April, Advanced Techniques 2. The new date for the Hot Stone Massage course is 3-4 February. Other courses include New ‘Rejuvenating Facelift Massage Course, Generic Deep Tissue Workshop, Scar Tissue Release, Deep Tissue for Backs and Deep Tissue for Neck & Chest.


    Further information:


    Cycle Kenya

    Join the 10-year anniversary with the Women V Cancer Cycle Kenya 2021. Women from all circles of life are invited to join Dream Challenges to go into the bush and cycle through the land of the lion for six days in aid of people affected by breast, ovarian and cervical cancers. The cycle has an epic finish at David Sheldrick Wildlife Elephant Orphanage, which raises rescues and raises baby elephants, who have had a tough  start to life and rehabilitates them back into the wild.


    Further information:


    Amchara Health

    The type of food cattle and poultry are fed can change the nutritional composition of their meat. The grass-fed versus grain-fed debate has been around for decades. Amchara Health Retreats, Somerset UK and Gozo, Malta explore the nutritional differences and the potential impact on health.


    Further information Tel: 01823 213 111;


    Guna®-Complex n.1

    Guna®-Complex n.1 is a complex homeopathic medicine for children, adults and elderly people for prevention and treatment of influenzal and para-influenzal syndromes. An original and innovative formula and the immunostimulant action of its main component Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum 7CH is strengthened by the presence of 2 other remedies Haemophilus influenza 9CH and Vincetoxicum 5CH which, acting in a mutual synergy, promote and reinforce the medicine global anti-influenzal effect.


    Further information:     United Remedies


    Chemists in Crisis

    Pharmacists in the UK have warned of shortages for every major type of medicine, including those prescribed for diabetes. Dr Sarah Brewer, who is on the medical advisory board for CuraLin, the type 2 diabetes supplement, explains how reverting back to borrowings from Ayurvedic medicine shows beneficial glucose control. The blend of 10 Ayurvedic Herbs within CuraLin has a range of beneficial effects on glucose control and metabolism.


    Further information:


    Hawkwood College Events

    Hawkwood College’s courses and events. Embodied Leadership 14-17 Oct, The Art in Listening on 26 Oct, Before I Go on 22-24 Nov, Yoga with Ruth White 29 Oct-1 Nov, Further Journey: Gongs 28 Oct-1 Nov, Japanese Embroidery 20-14 Nov, Naked Voice: Chloe Goodchild 3-7 Nov, Be Seen, Be Heard 10 Nov, Meeting the Changemakers 17 Oct, Sacred Funk Concert 5 Oct and SHIFTing from Art Exhibition to Art Festival 12-18 Oct. Also on offer Winter Crafts and New Year Retreats, soap making, icon painting, mindful New Year, pottery day, Lifelines: life drawing retreat and Rest & Restore: Yoga retreat.


    Further information:   Courses and Events


    Breast International Group (BIG) Breast Cancer Trials

    The aim of the BIG Radio Tuning study is to better analyse the risk profile of tumours in order to identify which women could safely avoid radiation therapy in the future. In this study, those qualifying as below-risk patients according to a 50-gene test, will then receive either hormone treatment, or hormone treatment combined with radiation therapy.


    Further information Tel: +32 2 486 1613; +32 2 486 1611;


    Mouth Cancer Action Nov 2019

    The Oral Health Foundation is building up this year’s Mouth Cancer Action Month by calling on everybody to be mouth aware. Taking place throughout November, the charity campaign will be raising awareness of mouth cancer and improving education around how to spot the early signs and symptoms of the disease.


    Further information:


    The Align Method

    The Align Method: 5 Movement Principles for a Stronger Body, Sharper Mind and Stress-Proof Life by Aaron Alexander is due to be published in December. Posture and body alignment are powerful tools for building strength, achieving peak performance, reducing pain and approaching the world with a new sense of confidence and Aaron has logged over 13 years working to understand the role movement plays in the way we think, feel and process environmental stimuli.


    Further information: Available from


    Dementia 2020

    Dementia 2020, The Final Review takes place on 28 April at the Royal Society of Medicine, London. For the last 4 years, Govconnect’s Dementia 2020 series of conferences have allowed government departments, arms-length bodies, the NHS and local authorities, research institutions and the charity and voluntary sector to hear from senior leaders from many of the key partner organisations involved in the 2020 Challenge.


    Further information: GovConnect


    Tips to Increase Self-Esteem

    Tristan Lee, The Gorgeousness Coach offers his top tips on how to improve self-esteem. Be honest with yourself, check in with yourself, challenge your thoughts, be a happy eater, get physical and sleep tight.


    To find the complete tips:


    Ultrasound Spot Early-Stage Cancer

    A new ultrasound technique, developed a Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, is being hailed as the biggest breakthrough in the technology for more than 60 years. It produces images that are 10 times better than current scans. Researchers believe its ability to precisely pinpoint tumours could one day replace biopsies in investigating suspected cancer cases.


    Further Information:


    Amchara Health

    Choosing to do a detox can be a life-changing decision. The accumulation of toxins and waste in the body has been linked to several issues and may play a role in hormone imbalances and the development of certain degenerative conditions. 7 common detox symptoms and solutions, 10 reasons why you need to take up swimming and the genetic basis of psychological disorders can all be found on the website.


    Further information:


    Winter Skin Disorders

    Anatomé Anti-Ageing Avocado Facial Serum for all skin types, has rejuvenating effects and is rich in organic, super nourishing avocado. Packed with unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. The serum is non-greasy and deeply penetrating. Seed Grape acts as a therapy for ageing skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Floris Hand Treatments enriched with vitamins and natural oils, with easily absorbed and nourishing formulations to protect hands from aging and the environment. Anatomé Nourishing Hand and Body Moisturiser contains a complex infusion of essential oils, enabling your skin to rehydrate and replenish.


    Further information:    Floris London   


    Bioenergetics Meets Men’s Work

    A Bioenergetics Weekend Workshop for men with Eric Diamond on 8-10 November in Florida, not only combines Bioenergetics and men’s work, but will also offer high impact sessions run by Eric and the expert facilitators who are co-leading. The intension is for each participant to have 2 sessions during the weekend working with inner conflicts, shadows, potentials and archetypes. Men’s Work is built on truth telling and brotherhood in safe settings.


    Further information Tel: +1 386-462-5155;


    Autumn - Invest in Astaxanthin

    Green Beauty with Astaxanthin capsules from Age Defy+ by Cha Vøhtz is a vegan combination of Astaxanthin with five nutrient-rich superfoods with exceptionally strong antioxidant properties. These help protect against the effects of pollution and UV light, rejuvenate your cells and help fight signs of ageing, provide cell protection, aid detoxification, boost the immune systems and maintain healthy tissue.


    Further information:  Age Defy


    Caroline Klebl  Mexico Retreat

    The Yoga Training Retreat in the lush jungle on the Pacific Coast of Mexico is an inspiring Yoga Teacher Training Retreat with Caroline Klebl, which takes place on 19 November to 15 December; a 200 and 500 hour Yoga Teacher Certifications. The Ashtanga Yoga practice in this teacher training intensive developed by Caroline Klebl meets the 200 and 500 hour international Certification standards of the Yoga Alliance.


    Further information:


    Bodies Arising

    Bodies Arising: Fall in Love with your Body and Remember your Divine Essence by Nicole Schnackenberg, a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Yoga Teacher and Director of the Yoga in Healthcare Alliance (YiHA).  The book asks: Do you struggle with your body image? Are you walking beside someone who does? Are you suffering on account of dieting, disordered eating, over-exercising, compulsively seeking cosmetic surgery or obsessively resisting the ageing process?


    Further information: published by John Hunt Publishing;   


    TRE® Basics – Personal Practice Workshop

    TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) Basics – A Workshop to Teach Personal Practice with Peggl Wegener is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr David Berceli, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. The workshop takes place 2-3 November in Florida.


    Further information Tel: 1-800-123-4567,  


    Fighting Fit Against Sittingitis

    Sittingitis, the phrase that describes how sedentary we have become through chronic sitting. People who sit a lot tend to die earlier from diabetes, heart disease or cancer. They can suffer from obesity and weight gain. Sitting too long can lead to, or exacerbate back pain. Too little physical activity can lead to depression, low energy and productivity. Standing desk users report an increase in energy, focus and productivity. Varidesk can be adjusted to be a sitting or standing desk and is available in black, or white.


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    Approval CBD for Childhood Epilepsy

    Epilepsy Society ‘s Medical Director at Epilepsy Society and Professor of Neurology at UCL, Professor Ley Sander,  has cautiously welcomed a decision by the European Commission to approve Epidyolex in the treatment of two severe childhood epilepsies. Evidence has shown that the pharmaceutical grade CBD, under the trade name Epidyolex, is effective in reducing seizures in some children with Dravet syndrome and Lennox Gastaut spectrum.


    Further information: Epilepsy Society helpline: 01494 601 400;


    Alflorex for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Alflorex, the  probiotic which is clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, is now available in a chewable form, to make it easier for the elderly, young, disabled or unwell, who may find swallowing traditional tablets difficult. The chewable tablet is formulated in a palatable fruit flavour, which makes taking it all the easier. A single Alflorex a day is all that is needed, it is stable at room temperature and is soya, dairy, gluten and sugar free.


    Further information:


    Care for the Caring

    When a crisis happens to someone close to you, it’s a given to concentrate your attention, care and support on them, but what about the effect it can have on you? Who cares for the Carer? ThinkWell-LiveWell the online Mindfulness and More toolkit, draws on  a multi-modular approach to add and combine leading techniques such as cognitive work, NLP, hypnotherapy, guided meditation and dream-work, delivered in both online and off-line forms.


    Further information:


    Liz Koch Core Awareness

    Core Awareness courses taking place this year are 24-27 Oct, Advanced Core Awareness Course & MENTORING (4-day) Lawrence KS; 8-10 Nov, Stalking Wild Psoas: Womb to World with Anna Verwaal Castricum NL; 12 Nov, SEX & The Psoas (for women only), Amsterdam NL; 13 Nov, WILD Collaboration: Finding Your Voice with Angelike Valster, Amsterdam NL; 14 Nov, Psoas During Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum, Amsterdam, NL; 16 Nov, Psoas Basics one-day Introduction, Rome, Italy: 17-21 RE-WILDING Psoas Retreat (4-nights), Tuscany, Italy; 3 Dec-14 Jan, Psoas Remote 5-Week Course; 25-26 Jan, BASIC Psoas Workshop, Albuquerque, NM; 26 Jan-1 Feb, 30-hr Application Course & Retreat, Ojo Caliente, NM.


    Further information: 


    Boswellia by Nature’s Way

    Boswellia, otherwise known as Indian Frankincense, has been known to treat joint pain for thousands of years, born out of Ayurvedic traditions, it is only just recently that science has started to unravel the main health secrets behind Boswellia, from reducing joint inflammation suffered by just under 28 million Brits a year, but emerging science is also showing how Bosellia can help to stem pain.


    Further information:


    London to Paris Ride 2020

    This year’s London to Paris bike ride in aid of Women V Cancer has just been completed and already Dream Challenges is organising the London to Paris Bike Ride 2020. Both men and women are welcome and you can do it for the charity, hospice or animal sanctuary that means the most to you.


    Further information:


    Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defence

    Children’s Health Defence is pleased to announce that Mary Holland has joined the CHD Team to become its full-time General Counsel. She will continue to serve as CHD Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. Mary Holland fought hard and long in the vaccination choice and safety movement. She has c-written and edited two books Vaccine Epidemic and The HPV Vaccine on Trial and has co-founded two non-profit organisations, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and the Center for Personal Rights.


    Further information:


    Health and Inactivity Conference

    The Health and Inactivity Conference takes place at The Royal Society of Medicine in London on 30 April 2020. Front-line professionals understand more than anyone about the pressures of the increasing demand on health and social care at the same time as managing tighter budgets. This is part of the day-to-day work of Surgeries, Clinics, Care Homes and Wards across the country. How to best approach these issues often focused on how we can better run our services, but it is now widely accepted that preventing people becoming ill in the first place, protecting or improving their health before they need treatment is of increased importance.


    Further information:


    The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation

    In an effort to guide ALL cancer patients, not just those on his nutritional enzyme protocol, Dr Gonzales spoke about his four reasons why cancer patients routinely die and the good news is that they are ALL avoidable mistakes regardless of your diagnosis.


    Further information:


    Life Gold Liquid

    Natures Plus Source of Life Gold is the gold standard for whole food-based supplementation With revolutionary all natural ingredients and more energising antioxidant and anti-aging power than ever before. It tastes great from the bottle or mixed into your favourite beverage. With a delicious tropical flavour, Natures Plus Source of Life Gold Liquid provides a complete daily vitamin profile of 13 vitamins and 8 minerals in one 30ml dose a day.


    Further information:   Source of Life Gold


    Eczema Care with Lyonsleaf Skincare

    Lyonsleaf uses only home-grown ingredients, with natural products that contain powerful herbal extracts and mineral ingredients to soothe, repair and protect skin prone to eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Their products are water-free, so they do not need anti-microbial preservatives which prevent bacteria growing in the water. Calendula cream contains 97% cold pressed and organic plant oils which soothes, hydrates and protects skin. Lyonsleaf also produce Calendula and marshmallow balm and Zinc & Calendula cream.


    Further information:  Lyonsleaf Calendula


    Irritable Bowel & Giardia

    Many people are diagnosed with IBS for which no cause can be found, but what if a parasite named Giardia lamblia were the cause? In Medical Herbalist, Susan Koten’s book Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Giardia, published by Hammersmith Health Books explains in detail in a step-by-step approach how to detect and treat this common, but under-recognised parasite using natural herbal medicine.


    Further information Tel: 07837 485 642;   Hammersmith Books


    The Gallstone-Friendly Diet

    In the UK in 2012, an estimated 60,000 people had their gallbladder removed because of gallstones. While seeking treatments for gallstones, the only way to avoid this pain is to follow a no-fat or very low fat diet so that the gallbladder is not stimulated into review. The Gallstone-Friendly Diet: Everything you never wanted to know about gallstones (and how to keep on their good side) by Juliet Sullivan, follows the journey she had with gallstones and what she learned, a gallstone-friendly diet, exercise food, gallstone-friendly recipes and tips on living without a gallbladder.


    Further information Tel: 07837 485 642;


    WaveWall Card

    Get pocket protection from your mobile phone. The WaveWall Card is a simple and subtle anti-radiation shield. Slip the card into your pocket between your phone and your body to block up to 87% of the phone’s radiation from reaching your body.


    Further information:


    Tea Tree - Bugs Bite

    Take the sting and itch out of bee stings and mosquito bites with Tea Tree oil, as it’s a natural antibacterial and antiseptic to inhibit bacteria. It is low in para-cymene content, so it won’t sting you again. Thursday Plantation, Australia’s original tea tree plantation, has developed a new product, Tea Tree Manuka Honey Balm which reduces inflammation in the skin and the Manuka honey helps speed healing.


    Further information: Available at Boots and independent health food stores nationwide.


    Morpher Folding Helmet

    Safety should be a top priority for cyclists and e-scooter riders, but many still take risks by not protecting their head, because they do not want to lug a helmet around with them when not riding. Morpher is the revolutionary, multi-award winning folding bike helmet, which conveniently folds flat in less than a second after use, is less than 7.1cm thick when folded, easily slips into a bag and is fast becoming the essential helmet for bike and e-scooters share users.


    Further information:

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