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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 285

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 285 - March 2023

Celebrate Complementary Therapy Week 20-25 March!

Complementary Therapy Week takes place from 20th – 25th March 2023, sponsored by Complementary Health Professionals – one of the multi-disciplinary professional associations. They launched this event first in 2020 and it has now become an annual celebration of our industry. It is not just for their members either, but a celebration for everyone within our profession and a chance to shout about what we all do.




On CHP’s website, you can download free resources and information that offers ideas on how you might use this event in your locality to promote your services and let people know that you exist. It is an excellent way to not only have the chance to explain how amazing your therapies are, but also to attract new clients. There are also some free posters you can access or email their office if you would like a PDF or png file emailed out to you.

You could offer some free taster treatments, either in your clinic or get together with other therapists in your area and rent a space. You could offer to give a talk at a local centre that supports people with a chronic condition. CHP has sample presentations for its members to help if you have never given a talk before, but it is an excellent way to become visible. You could also put posters up in local gyms, libraries – anywhere! Alternatively, promote that it is Complementary Therapy Week and offer some discounts for the 5 days between 20th and 25th March.

As well as sponsoring the event, CHP has teamed up with some of its accredited training providers/schools and will be uploading videos to their Youtube Channel. There will be two on Reiki (one of these on animals), one on oncology massage and another about the importance of checking standards when choosing a course. There are also excellent videos there from last year’s event that you can still access, on essential oils, herbal medicine, the EMMETT technique, Sound Healing and more! Visit:

Jing Advanced Massage are accredited by CHP and are supporting the event with a FREE webinar on massage for migraines and headaches, which will also be recorded, in case you cannot make it on the day. This takes place on Wednesday March 22nd at 12 noon and you can book here:

On 20th March 2023, for its members, CHP is launching a an online networking forum at 7pm and this will count towards annual continuing professional development (CPD). This quarterly meeting will focus on a theme and will facilitate therapists meeting up online from all over the UK, sharing information and resources. The CHP directors and many of their top teachers will be joining in. Therapists often feel isolated when working as therapist from home, so this is a great way of feeling part of a community and free CPD is welcomed when everything else in life is costing more. For CPD purposes, you will need to write up a short reflective paragraph in your CPD log to evidence how you have incorporated the learning into your practice.

Further Information

If you are doing something specific for this event (and you should be!), please use the hashtag #complementarytherapyweek on social media. For more information, visit and download your free resource pack now.



Quantum Wellness Opportunities Freely Available to All

by Sarah Williams ITEC

Upgrading our DNA.

We have always recognized the power and energy of crystals and refer to our bodies as now changing from their original carbon-base to the new light infused crystalline/silica based constructions as we upgrade our DNA utilizing the new light from the astrological Great Attractor or central suns light, which has been advising the upgrades to our DNA since 2015.

Utilizing new crystalline energy fields and using copper as the conductor we can now effect instant changes and healings to our personal toroidal fields. This enables the uninterrupted flow of our personal energy fields as they flow through our chakras and enable personal healing.


Sarah Williams and Quantum Field


Over the last 6 months I have been exploring Quantum well units of various types and am so excited to share some of my personal findings.

Wellness and Pain Relief can be Instant and Long Lasting

The only limitations seem to be our personal beliefs and our ‘soul contracts’.

I am a therapist in the holistic fields for over 30 years and I have never seen anything that comes close to this in terms of speed of results. I have been personally testing the Orynoco WSU V4 for 0ver 300 hours, with over 100 people now with ‘miraculous’ results.

“In the next phase of our human development we will need to explore the quantum field. The new perspectives, opportunities and development that have come out of this science have been far reaching over the last part of the 20th century. Further significant advancement has been made in the last two decades where we are now seeing this science coming to fruition to begin to impact on our everyday lives; the development of quantum computers is the most well-known.”
Malcolm Bosher (founder of Orynoco)

Positive Potential

The WSU Version 4 “pod” is a unifying field of coherence on all levels. It opens a path within a person’s field, thereby making it easier for that individual to access a very pure form of the life force energy potentials and information fields which are omnipresent in the Universe. The individual soul is what actually controls the whole process.

This new technology is said to have been gifted to humanity from “off-world” sources and reverse engineered by our scientists to now provide new health and wellness resources fort us all. The V4 QWU essentially makes your soul an offering to help it rejuvenate its human expression on Earth. The soul can then do whatever it wishes with that offering. The intention you make when inside the pod will influence what is experienced. What you think you can manifest instantly. So be careful what you wish for!


“I can now function and walk across a room “  (Parkinsons Disease )

"Makes the whole body tingle."

"Like speaking to an old friend”

"Lightens the heart."

"Nurturing, supportive and gentle”

"Feels like a hug." [bliss and joy.]

“Instantly relieved my long term back pain”

“My vision and hearing are so much better after just a 20minute session”


“What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical.”
Bruce Lipton PhD

Further Information and Resources:

For further information please visit



The Rachel Carson Centre – Garden Walks and Workshops

Happy Springtime!


Logo The Healing Garden

The NATURE CURE DIPLOMA COURSE, run by Dr Nic Rowley and Kirsten Hartvig.  Book your place at

And the first HERB WALK is this weekend. There are still spaces on the Saturday afternoon and the Sunday morning walks. Book your place at
Volunteer Wednesdays are also just getting going. Come anytime between 9:30 and 4:30. We serve soup and tea and biscuits, and we have always got some interesting and fun plant related jobs to share.

Next up in March is the PLANT PROPAGATION WORKSHOP with master propagator and botanist Alice Livingstone. An amazing day of learning about growing, and you get to take your plants home at the end of the day. Book your place at

The APRIL HERB WALK is the first weekend of April. Book your place at
The BEING WITH BEES WORKSHOP with natural beekeeper Charlotte Lueke is happening on the last Saturday in April. Book your place at
And on the Sunday, you can join me for a HERBAL FIRST AID WORKSHOP - dealing with bee stings is on the agenda (just saying, no relation).  Book your place at
The FOOD AS MEDICINE workshop last Sunday was so much fun that we decided to do a part 2 on the 28 May. Book your place at

Further Information

Please contact Kirsten Hartvig ND MRN MNIMH DipPhyt Registered Naturopath and Medical Herbalist
Nutritionist and Author, The Rachel Carson Centre, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX on Tel: 07477 220 707; Book an appointment  - Kirsten works one-on-one, by zoom and in person with clients all over the world.  Book a time that suits you directly on


Announcing: Mystics and Scientists Conference 2023 – The Healing Power of Sound and Light

We are delighted to announce our 2023 Mystics and Scientists Conference on The Healing Power of Sound and Light with a stellar international array of musicians, singers, mystics, scientists, healers and music thanatologists - many of our speakers embrace more than one of these disciplines and will share the fruits not only of their research but also their life experience. 


Mystics and Scientists Conference April 2023


We warmly invite you to attend this two-day online conference, taking place from Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th April. This unmissable event will nourish and inspire you within an open and supportive community of like-minded seekers. It promises to illuminate your mind and understanding as well as open your heart towards healing, beauty, inner peace and wholeness in a turbulent world!

Saturday, 15 and Sunday, 16 April

Mystics and Scientists Conference 2023 - The Healing Power of Sound and Light

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

Come and join us online for inspiration and illumination, and be part of a like-minded community of seekers at our 2023 annual Mystics and Scientists Conference – for 45 years these meetings have been dedicated to forging a creative understanding of the complementary roles of rational scientific and intuitive mystical approaches to reality. Our topic this year is The Healing Power of Sound and Light at a time when ongoing traumas and the need for deep healing are urgently coming to the fore. 

Our amazing line-up of heart-centred speakers to inspire and encourage you on your path towards fulfilment, integration and healing include Peter Mark Adams, Githa Ben-David, Phyllida Anam-Áire, John Stuart Reid, Chloë Goodchild, David Lorimer, Lars Muhl, Anders Holte, Cacina Meadu, Dr Glen Rein and Therese Schroeder-Sheker. 

And this year we are adding a pre-conference film and live panel discussion event on Friday 14th, featuring The 1 Field, an award-winning documentary by Tsipi Raz. Watch the trailer here. More details coming soon.

Further Information

Earlybird tickets are on sale now for a limited time, closing 15th March. Secure your space at this wonderful conference at the earlybird discounted rate!



Zero Balancing I And Zero Balancing Intensive Certification Program

"Welcome to Zero Balancing that may help us all give new substance and new power to the dream and to the expression - Free At Last!"
     - Massage Therapy Journal

Special note to all my newsletter subscribers about our upcoming Zero Balancing classes

I am really excited and invite you - to this one and only time we are presenting an Intensive Program to be a Certified Zero Balancing Practitioner and Zero Balancing I, beginning May 4!


Zero Balancing Intensive


Zero Balancing I - Register here

ZB Intensive Certification Program - Register here

What is ZB? As a therapist if you only address muscles, you’re missing half of the musculo-skeletal system! Zero Balancing adds that missing piece. Get a whole new and essential skill set - techniques to contact the energy and structure of the skeletal  system along with the muscles and nervous system. (For more information, see my article "What is Zero Balancing?")

At this time you can sign up for the intensive Certification Program or just for ZB I which is its first course - May 4-7. Through this course you will go away with techniques to immediately apply in your practice.

This year's special Intensive Certification Program in Austin is the only time and place this intensive format is being offered in the U.S.! Through this program you will qualify as a Certified Practitioner of Zero Balancing in less than a year.

Enjoy your life and work so much more through the learning community we will create while adding a whole new level of benefit for all your clients

Further Information

For further information please contact The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School on Tel: +1 512-374-9222  or David Lauterstein via

Register for  Zero Balancing I with David Lauterstein; Register for Intensive Zero Balancing Certification Program



Alexander Barrie System of Pelvic Correction™ – Correct Your Pelvis - Heal Your Back-Pain

A Three-Day Certified Course – Sunday 18th June 2023, Sunday 2nd July and Sunday 16th July under the auspices of Aligned Wellness Academy (AWA)

It is to understand why this corrosive State of Health, back-pain and all other musculoskeletal aches and pains are experienced by almost everybody and also more importantly, how you may have control and be able to manage these debilitating Conditions, in this way returning your life back to you by aligning your pelvis and spine and much more.


AWA Logo + Alexander Barrie + Pelvic Corrector


It is a matter of knowing how to correct your dislocated pelvis which is the source of your everyday aches and pains including: headaches/migraine; respiratory and digestive disorders and more. Your leg length discrepancy is solved as well – so too, your sense of physical balance and therefore your mental acuity. Engaging The Pelvic Corrector Device, though not essential, assists greatly this self-correction process to manifest.  You may experience immediate and lasting relief from this commonplace plague of back-pain affecting most of mankind. Back-pain is the real plague!

Our 3-Day Certified Course starts Sunday 18th June 2023 and continues for the  following two dates: Sunday 2nd July and Sunday 16th July From 9.30am to 5.30pm. VENUE at: Alexalign Clinic, 200, Vaughan Road, West Harrow, HA1 4EB. U.K. Alexander Barrie will be teaching this discipline as outlined above which will be invaluable as adjuncts to your existing therapies. We take enthusiastic Laymen who are willing to learn the Alexander Barrie Systems of Pelvic Correction™.  We will introduce the versatile Pelvic Corrector Ring Device

Further Information

Go to: to access the whole program, costs and more details. Application Form. Please contact AWA via Mob:  07850 908924;



What to Do if your Client Makes a Right of Erasure Request

The 2018 Data Protection Act, provides all Natural Persons with a Right of Erasure, where a business or organisation holds personal information related to them. However, this Right is not absolute, and there are circumstances in which the business or organisation may refuse for data to be deleted, these are noted on the Information Commissioners Office website (Right to erasure | ICO) as:

The right to erasure does not apply if processing is necessary for one of the following reasons:

  • To exercise the right of freedom of expression and information;
  • To comply with a legal obligation;
  • For the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority;
  • For archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific research historical research or statistical purposes where erasure is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of that processing; or
  • For the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.




Typically, Professional Liability Insurance policies will require therapists to hold client records for a period of 7 years to account for the Statute of Limitations on the different types of Claims that the policy covers.  However, there are certain instances when these Statutes may be extended, for example in the case of ‘vulnerable adults’, and the practitioner may choose to stipulate an extended period under specific circumstances.

Therapists records would form part of their defence should any client make a claim against them, which is why insurers require the records to be kept.  The 2018 Data Protection Act allows for records to keep ‘for the establishment exercise or defence of legal claims’, and therefore relinquishes individuals and businesses from any Right of Erasure request that they may receive, until the insurance policy conditions have been met.

All business and organisations that hold personal data, by law have to have a Privacy Notice that advises their clients of how they will process their personal data. Within this document, it should note the business Data Retention policy, i.e. how long they will hold client information.

Anyone who processes Special Category data, which may include their client’s ‘Health’ data, must have a Lawful basis for processing this information. Following consultation, the UK 2018 Data Protection Act has included the processing of this special category data under ‘processing in the substantial public interest for Counselling etc.’ and ‘insurance’. This information should also be noted in the Privacy Notice where applicable.

The 2018 Data Protection Act notes that records should be kept for ‘no longer than is necessary’, but does not stipulate what this means in terms of types of information or length of time. It would be for the individual therapist to determine what information is required for them to retain for the purpose of complying with their insurance policy terms. For Balens, we note that the purpose of the records is to provide a defence in the event of a potential claim, and they therefore need to record as a minimum details of the Treatment provided - specifically related to processes and procedures.

It will generally not be necessary for you to retain additional sensitive personal information that a client may have divulged, although your Professional Association may have additional requirements regarding record keeping, and for Counsellors or similar professions the therapist may determine that there are specific elements that will need to be kept, that may be relevant to the therapy process.

Where a Therapist has received a request from their client regarding a Right of Erasure, they will need to respond to this within one calendar month. We would suggest the therapist to advise their client that they need to comply with Insurers Terms and Conditions, as allowed by the Data Protection Act, and retain the records necessary for them to be able to provide defence of a legal claim should this be required, but that they will make a note of when the policy requirements have lapsed, and will then be able to erase the full records at that point.  

Further Information

Further details may be found on Balens Website at:

Data Protection | Balens  and  Advice & Articles | Balens



A Practitioner's Guide to Clinical Cupping: Effective Techniques for Pain Management and Injury

by Daniel Lawrence

Published by‎ Lotus Publishing. 2022. Paperback. £11.75/ $19.95. ISBN-10: ‎ 1913088332.

In this highly practical guide, acclaimed physical therapist and international lecturer Daniel Lawrence dispels some of the myths around cupping therapy and shows how it deserves to be viewed as a highly credible and versatile therapeutic tool in modern practice

Cupping – an ancient therapy which uses vacuum cups placed over the skin to treat a wide range of health conditions―appears in one of the earliest medical textbooks ever written and has been used in cultures around the world for thousands of years.


Cover Practitioners Guide to Clinical Cupping


Though much maligned by its perception as a “complementary therapy,” the emergence of modern research supporting the use of cupping to treat musculoskeletal conditions has seen it enjoy a huge resurgence in recent years. You only need look at the unmistakable cupping marks visible on Olympic swimmers to see how valued it is within professional sport.

An ancient treatment, a new way

Presented with clear descriptions, colour photographs, and QR codes linking to online video tutorials, Lawrence’s approach to dry cupping offers enhanced treatment outcomes and methods that are more readily accepted by Western medicine and modern manual therapy bodyworkers. These are techniques that deliver maximum benefit whilst minimizing some of the less desirable after-effects of more traditional methods.

Starting with the history of cupping, the book guides you through the principles of application with illustrated protocols for musculoskeletal conditions of the foot, ankle, lower leg, knee, thigh, hip, back, shoulder, wrist, hand, elbow, and neck.

Whether you are looking to treat Achilles tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or low back pain, Lawrence illustrates why cupping is a safe and effective choice of treatment. Where this book differs from others, however, is that it introduces the concept of using passive and active movement in a treatment. In this way, cupping can be viewed as an enhanced form of both massage and exercise rehabilitation. Couple this with a valuable understanding of how these techniques influence the nervous system and cupping now stands up to “evidence-based” scrutiny. This is modern cupping!

About the Author

Daniel Lawrence is a UK Chartered Physiotherapist, published author and International lecturer. Daniel holds separate post-graduate qualifications in Musculoskeletal Medicine and Education. Having completed 10 years as a University Lecturer for Plymouth University based in Truro UK Daniel now combines teaching and writing with running an NHS funded clinic in his local area. Daniel is also on the board of Directors for RockTape UK, StickMobility UK and PhysioBooks Ltd. Daniel has delivered lectures and workshops on tendon related subjects throughout the UK including, Therapy Expo, COPA, Private Physio groups, Shoulder symposium, South West Seminars and the British Fascia Symposium 2018. Daniel frequently attends conferences as a guest lecturer and delivers bespoke training to professional groups.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing



Niacin: The Real Story, 2nd Edition

by Abram Hoffer, Andrew W. Saul, and Harry D. Foster

Published by  Basic Health Publications, Inc. 2nd Edition  2023. £19.99/$27.99 Hardcover. Paperback £12.99/£17.99.  ISBN-10: ‎168442903X/  ISBN-10:1684429021

Niacin (vitamin B3) is a biomolecule required by all forms of life. It functions as a precursor to NAD, an enzymatic co-factor in hundreds of metabolic pathways. Niacin is called a vitamin because the body can only synthesize it slowly and therefore requires a small but adequate amount from the diet. The reason that we cannot synthesize adequate amounts of niacin can be traced back to evolutionary pressure.


Cover Niacin the Real Story 2nd Edition

Hyperlink to:


This new expanded edition nearly doubles the original Niacin: The Real Story, (from 228 to now 490 pages). It has several new chapters and appendices and more than 600 references to document recent advances in scientific knowledge about niacin.  A major focus of the book is how niacin supplements, along with adequate doses of all the other essential nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and a healthy diet that avoids sugar and processed foods, can prevent and even reverse a variety of diseases. This orthomolecular theme is developed in the chapter "Pandeficiency Disease." This theme is based on avoiding deficiencies of vitamins and minerals that contribute to a wide variety of conditions. Some vitamins are needed only in small milligram or microgram daily doses, but others such as vitamin C and niacin are needed in much higher doses, depending on the body's state of stress, inflammation, and disease.

In this revised edition of Niacin: The Real Story, authors Hoffer, Foster, and Saul clearly present the practical details of niacin treatment. Inevitable physician skepticism, and questions about niacin's proven safety and effectiveness, are thoroughly addressed in this book. The book provides vitamin dose protocols and a chapter on safety of niacin, to assist you in learning the proper doses along with supplements of other vitamins and minerals. It explains that by taking niacin at appropriate daily doses, you can prevent and reverse osteoarthritis (the most common form), elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, and several types of mental illness including schizophrenia. You can determine the correct dose by starting at a very low dose, 20 mg (milligrams) per day, and then gradually increasing the dose over several weeks up to 1000 mg/day or more in divided doses. The skin flush that comes with taking a large niacin dose gradually disappears over several weeks. The flush can be avoided by replacing the niacin dose with niacinamide – but this doesn't help to correct high cholesterol as does niacin.

Acknowledgement Citation

This is an Extract from the Review by Robert G Smith PhD, Research Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania

Further Information

Available from



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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 285


    Mind Body Soul Experience

    Mind Body Soul is at Alexandra Palace, London on 13, 14, 15 Oct 2023. Booking a stand includes:  Inclusion in our printed show guide; Social media pushes; Opportunity to host a lecture or experience zone session; Listing on our website with a link back to your website;  

    Free car parking at the venue throughout the weekend; Access to our exhibition team to help and guide you to make the most of your time at the show. 


    Further Information: To discuss your options and book, please contact Claire on Tel: 01787 220650;


    Ashweghanda Benefits

    Ashweghanda, an adaptogen that's a member of the nightshade family, has been used in medical practices including Ayurveda to fight stress, boost endurance, and promote a general sense of calm. Modern studies reinforce ashwagandha’s potential to reduce stress and anxiety in adults. United to Defeat Ageing – UDA – unveils its range of drinks with supplements needed to target the core pathways of ageing. Each can of UDA contains seven key ingredients which promote stem cell regeneration: Ashweghanda, Quercetin, Alpha-ketoglutarate, L-theanine, Curcumin, Nicotinamide mononucleotide – NMN and Vitamin D.


    Further Information: Uda's one of a kind formula is available from


    Australian Bush Essences

    London 13 and 14 May 2023, 9am – 6pm.  This is a unique Level 1 training opportunity to gain first-hand insight and familiarity with Australian Bush Flower Essences from CEO and founder Ian White, in his first in-person UK practitioner workshop since 2019. Understand how emotional patterns affect you and how to powerfully, yet gently change these patterns and improve the quality of your life. Ian's goal for this workshop is for you to become competent and confident in prescribing the Bush Essences for yourself, friends and family.


    Further Information:  To Get Tickets and Book  Location: Regent's Conferences & Events Inner Circle London NW1 4NS.


    Rayonex Biomedical UK Ltd

    April and May 2023 Training events: 2-Day Building Biology Foundation Course, 22-23 April 2023, London; 5-Day Certified Training Course, 24-28 April 2023, London; 2-Day Post-Graduate Practice Course, 29-30 April 2023, London; Practitioner Support Group Meeting, Saturday 20 May 2023, 10-12:30pm. Location: Thistle Hotel near T5 at London Heathrow.


    Further Information: General Inquiries:


    Higher Dimension Healing

    Britta Hochkeppel Naturopath, Intuitive Healer and Holistic Light Worker and the Founder of Vita Serena  has published her newest book Healing Symbols from a Higher Dimension a fascinating glimpse into another dimension, beginning with Britta's world view and introducing the ideas of energy, balance and the ‘global vibe,' drawing on her knowledge of ancient civilisations; Vikings, Egyptians, Celts and Mayans and continuing to explore techniques using symbols to heal; PTSD, loss, despondency, and enjoy peace, and happiness.


    Further Information: Please contact Karin Ridgers on Tel:07970 732668; Available from and Fisher King Publishing


    Amchara Health

    Research is continuously developing into the importance of the gastrointestinal tract, or your gut. The gut is sometimes referred to as the second brain; it is in constant communication with your actual brain and has a huge impact on many vital processes and systems throughout the body, including your sleep. Is Your Gut Health Affecting Your Sleep?  7 Ways Detoxing Can Reduce Inflammation  Have You Claimed Your Free Flight To Malta?   


    Further Information: Tel: 01823 213111;  Shop Cleanses


    BetterYou Sleep Bundle

    To mark World Sleep Day 18th March, Dr Naomi Beinhart Chartered Health Psychologist and Nutritionist provides her advice on achieving the perfect night's sleep and rounds up her 'go-to' sleep aids. BetterYou Sleep Bundle containing Magnesium Sleep Flakes, Magnesium Sleep Lotion and Lights-Out 5-HTP Nightly Oral Spray: Naturally aids restful sleep; Relieves muscle tension; Instantly relaxes the senses; Promotes overall well-being; Superior magnesium chloride quality.


    Further Information: Available from


    The Magic of Naturopathy

    Original title 50 Years A Naturopath. This autobiographical book is the latest by noted author and naturopath and is both fascinating and fun to read. In it Xandria Williams shares with us her career, first as an unloved child saved by her love of science and sport, as a geochemist, then as a naturopath and medical biochemist until she focused, during the last couple of decades, on the alternative approach to cancer prevention and care. Her work is based on a sound scientific background as well as an ongoing enthusiasm for research and learning and the joy of sharing what she has learnt during the course of her long career.


    Further Information: Available to order from most bookshops in the United Kingdom, from most UK-based Internet book retailers and


    Buteyko Breathing Method

    Takes place 1-3 June 2023,  Vivos Institute, Denver, Colorado. Live training with world renowned coach and author Patrick McKeown CertBBM . As a certified Buteyko Breathing Instructor you are empowered to facilitate huge positive changes in other people’s lives. The Buteyko Method can help your clients overcome some of the most common and debilitating health problems. Improve stress, sleep, energy, focus and nervous system balance along with many other vital health parameters. This training is particularly geared to professionals in the dental, medical, scientific, and therapeutic communities.


    Further Information: Please contact us at   Further Information and to Register

    School of Bodywork

    Emma Gilmore, the Founder of the School, has stepped down as Director in order to pursue her Trauma work and finally get writing her book that she has been promising for years! She will still be teaching the Scar Tissue course next week, Tinnitus and Migraine Relief Workshop in April and the Fascia Informed Bodywork Diploma that is currently running. Please watch her video to hear directly from her. Louise Mockford is the new School Director.


    Further Information: Please get in touch via  Course Calendar


    Sleep Quality Kalms

    Ten hours of fragmented or poor-quality sleep won't be as beneficial as seven hours of undisturbed, restorative sleep. It is critical to think about sleep quality and whether the time you spend sleeping is restorative. According to Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, Physiologist and sleep therapist with over 25 years’ experience, we must start prioritizing sleep to ensure we get the rest we need and have the alertness, energy and focus that we require to perform in our daily lives. “Research shows that valerian can help people reduce stress, fall asleep more quickly and improve the quality of sleep…” You can find this essential ingredient in Kalms Night One-A-Night, a traditional herbal remedy used to promote relaxation and sleep, without causing drowsiness the next day.”


    Further Information: Kalms  Night One-A-Night capsules are available in Boots, Asda and online at and at Amazon


    Vegans Vitamin B12

    According to Dr Justine Butler, Head of Research at Viva "Everyone, regardless of diet, needs a reliable source of vitamin B12 and for vegans and people over 50, this means a supplement." "Viva! recommends that you take a daily B12 supplement providing 50 micrograms (μg) a day, or a weekly one providing 2,000 micrograms…"We need B12 to maintain healthy nerve cells, produce DNA; it work closely with folic acid to make red blood cells and also helps iron to work better in the body and is essential for a healthy immune system as well as helping to regulate mood.” 


    Further Information: More information is available at


    FREE Homeopathic Books

    Browse online Browse online Kent’s Repertory, Boericke’s Repertory, Phatak’s Repertory and books about repertorization techniques and how to use a repertory...


    Further Information:  


    The Wee Yoga Room

    New Winter Wee Yoga Room Term, 6 weeks, 20th Feb – 31st March; you can book here.

    Luxury One Day Yoga Retreat. It's on the 26th March, (22 mins from Dunblane, Bofa and Stirling), an exquisite location and features Yoga, a Sound Bath, Brunch and optional Wild Swimming & Hot Showers. You can book here. Wee Therapy Room Taster Sessions. Our  professional Treatments Team are offering a series of 'taster sessions' on the 25th March.  Each session lasts 30 minutes and costs £15.00.  Choose from Deep Tissue or Therapeutic Massage and additionally, Cranio Sacral therapy - click here to book

    Further Information:


    Bigger & Better EMF Protection

    All-round EMF protection for even bigger phones

    New XL version of our WaveWall Universal is now available!

    Our new WaveWall Universal (XL) provides you with all-round protection from mobile radiation and it’s suitable for a wide range of phones. With the XL size, it's now compatible with phones up to 170x80mm - bigger than ever before!  Our products are independently tested and proven to provide maximum EMF protection. Get your hands on the new WaveWall Universal (XL) today


    Further Information: To protect yourself from mobile phone radiation purchase WaveWall Universal.


    Yoga: 5 Minutes A Day

    Time to Repair is an upcoming April title by yoga teacher Vicky Fox BSc Senior Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer (Yoga Alliance). In this guide, Vicky inspires long-time and beginner yogis to do 5 minutes of yoga a day with the option of building their practice up to reap the tremendous rewards and repairing capabilities of yoga practice. Vicky is passionate about helping people feel better whether it’s from everyday stresses and pains or recovering from treatment, illness, cancer or surgery.


    Further Information: Available at  and


    Knee Joint Care Tips

    The knee is the largest joint in the body, and is essential for performing in almost every sport whilst also being a key point of injury. Julie Robinson is  an optimal ageing expert and founder of the evidence-based and nationally recognized fitness initiative.  “Adding a clinically backed supplement to your daily routine, such as GOPO®, can help support optimal joint health. Multiple clinical trials have shown that the effects of GOPO®, a compound derived from rose-hip, can relieve pain and improve joint mobility, helping to improve everyday activity levels.” GOPO® Joint Health Plus Ginger is the first UK supplement to contain the unique combination of ginger extracts with the powerful anti-inflammatory GOPO® – a galactolipid extracted from the seeds and husks of the Rosa-canina plant. 


    Further information:  or


    Marvellous May Event 2023

    Evolution, Kingdoms & Tables. Come and join us at the School of Homeopathy for a weekend of inspirational homeopathy with: Annette Sneevliet (in person) & Divya Chhabra (via zoom). 13th - 14th May 2023: £180.00


    Further Information: Contact Tel:  01453 765 956;  Online Booking


    Hush & Hush Immune Support

    Hush & Hush ShieldUp supports healthy immune response and promotes maximum defence levels. Stress, pollution, low-energy levels, and unhealthy habits can leave your immunity system and its response mechanisms seem almost as if they are non-existent, meaning your body isn’t properly equipped to defend against whatever may come its way. Supports the immune system with 500mg of Vitamin C; Reduces stress with adaptogens like Rhodiola rosea root; Safely boosts energy levels with maca root and organic turmeric; Minimizes inflammation with organic antioxidants; Vegan, plant-based; Suitable for women and men; Clean Clinical Vitamins®.


    Further Information: Available from


    Yoga Training Caroline Klebl

    Join us for a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Topanga, CA from May 1st to 25th, 2023. Immerse deeply in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice in this Yoga Teacher Training with yoga instructor, Caroline Klebl. This yoga certification course is registered with the Yoga Alliance and surpasses their 200 and 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training standards. Caroline Klebl offers a comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training program to yoga teachers, aspiring teachers and all levels of yoga practitioners.


    Further Information: Please visit


    Fertility Plant-Based Diet

    In Dietitian Lisa Simon’s new book The Plant Based Dietitian’s Guide to Fertility - From pre-conception to healthy delivery she shares the success of her own fertility journey and the success of her clients’ when adopting a plant-based diet and making 6 lifestyle changes which include stress management with laughter therapy and positive visualization and avoiding toxic substances such as vaping and microplastics. Lisa’s book is backed by scientific research that shows a plant-based diet can optimize male and female fertility, which in a world where infertility and IVF is on the rise, inspires hope and puts the power back in people’s hands.


    Further Information: Available at  and


    Science and Art of Longevity

    Peter Attia MD has sought to synthesize the insights he has gathered into practical frameworks for building a long, healthy, and fulfilling life; Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity is the result of that effort. This will be the one book that he writes in his life.


    Further Information: Outlive is now available for pre-order wherever books are sold and may be purchased at

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