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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 287

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 287 - June 2023

The Sanctuary is the website of the Order of Dionysis & Paul, a contemplative order within the Holy Celtic Church. It is also the website of the Fellowship, a study society whose members explore various spiritual traditions, and embrace a curriculum of Prayer & Meditation; Healing; Comparative Religion; Liturgical Studies, Spiritual Hierarchies, Kabbalah, and much more.




The Order and Fellowship members are not so much dedicated to established religion, although that must play a part, rather, it is to living the spiritual life that its members are drawn – which means the spiritualizing of human nature through Prayer, Meditation, Ritual, Study and love for all life through charitable or good works, by which we transform the lower instinctive nature into the higher spiritualise nature. To the readers who are drawn to such work then please do get in touch and let the will of God prevail (see the link to the contact page below).

The Sanctuary is also a platform for the podcasts of Allan Armstrong, the prior-general of the Order, who was diagnosed in early 2021 with Pulmonary Fibrosis, probably caused by the Covid epidemic that was emerging at the time. He is now on oxygen 24/7 and unable to get out to meet people, thus, in podcasting and video conferencing (zoom) he has established an effective means of communicating with members of the Order, the Fellowship and other kindred-spirits.

The subject-matter of his podcasts is concerned with the ancient tradition that constitutes the basis of order life & work. For example, Allan’s introduction to Kabbalah in six episodes is based upon his book, The Secret Garden of the Soul, published in Bristol, 2008. It traces the origins of Kabbalah as an esoteric system unto the present time. Another example is an episode discussing the esoteric significance of the Sphere, focussing upon the subject and nature of Light, life and consciousness. See: Kabbalah 6 - The Thirty-Two paths of Wisdom;  Also, The Sphere

Preparations are underway for an online seminar in the summer of 2023 concerning the history, of the Order, the Fellowship, and work of its members. Attendance will be free of charge, but donations are welcomed. Any who may be interested in attending, (space is limited) do let us know using the contact page below.

Further Information

To contact us see our contact page, or to learn more about the Order and Fellowship please click on

The Allan Armstrong Podcast’ is available on the following platforms:

Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsAmazonYoutubePodbean. The-sanctuary



Neu Biotic – 20 Live Strains + 20 Billion CFU

Neu Biotic is a high-strength, multi-strain formula to help replenish friendly bacteria and repopulate a diverse gut microbiome. The digestive tract hosts trillions of different microbial species which contribute to our general health and wellbeing. Low fibre diets, alcohol, sugar, stress and some medications (antibiotics) may create an imbalanced gut microbiome.

  • 1 capsule, daily provides 20 billion cfu from 20 live bacteria strains which naturally reside in the gut flora;
  • 5 different Bifidobacterium strains and 13 different Lactobacillus strains;
  • Streptococcus thermophilus and Enterococcus faecium;
  • FOS and inulin are considered food for friendly bacteria;
  • 2-year shelf life, recyclable packaging, competitively priced;
  • Clean formulation no unnecessary fillers or artificial ingredients.
  • Suitable for vegans.


Neu Biotic gut feelings


Maximised Delivery

Gut friendly microbes are readily destroyed by the harsh environment of the stomach. With Neu Biotic the friendly bacteria are protected by an enterically coated capsule which is resistant to stomach acid and disperses live bacteria into the intestine, where they naturally reside.

Key Nutrition Applications

Single stain, low dose probiotics may have limited ability to repopulate a diverse gut microbiome. Supplementing with a formula that contains an impressive 20 microbial strains at a high dose of 20 billion cfu per capsule offers more variety, diversity and opportunity for replenishing the gut flora.


Bifidobacterium (B. bifidum, B. breve, B. infantis, B. lactis, B. longum), Lactobacillus (L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. paracasei, L. plantarum, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, L .jensii, L. fermentum, L. lactis, L. salivarius), Enterococcus facecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, FOS, Inulin.

Manufactured in the EU

SCAN QR code for Special diet plans for digestive health + free-from recipes + info on probiotics


Neutrient QR Code


Further Information

Available from Neutrient



Forest Bathing Eco-Therapy – Clare G Harvey Quantum Blooms

We all appreciate the effect of flowering plants and beautiful gardens but not so acknowledged is the energetic and mood-enhancing experience we receive when being in the woods, forest or more exotically the rainforest. Forest bathing emerged in the 1980s in Japan as a physiological and psychological exercise called shinrin-yoku (“forest bathing” or “breathing in the forest atmosphere”) which bridges the gap between us and the natural world.


Forest Bathing Eco-Therapy


This Japanese practice is a process of relaxation; which isn’t a simple walk in the woods, but a conscious and contemplative practice of being deeply immersed in the sights, sounds and aromas of the forest. The soothing calming method of being quiet amongst the trees, observing and sensing nature around you whilst breathing in deeply can positively benefit both children and adults to de-stress, uplift mood, boost health and help find a sense of well-being and allowing the nervous system to reset itself, in a natural way.). When living in built-up city and urban areas it offers a twofold effect: an eco-antidote to tech- burnout and as inspiration to reconnect with and protect the country’s trees and forests. Intuitively, psychologically and spiritually as humans, we know the soothing revitalizing, and awe-inspiring effects of being in nature or viewing forests, the plants, and flowers of urban parks and natural green open spaces

The Japanese quickly embraced this form of eco-therapy or forest medicine and understood that “when are in harmony with the natural world we can begin to heal, be in tune where we are refreshed and restored.” It wasn’t until the 1990s, that researchers began exploring the physiological benefits of forest bathing, and then provided the science to support what we already innately knew. Although the Japanese are credited with the concept, many ancient cultures have long recognized the significance of the natural world on the health of humanity as a powerful way to relax and unwind.  Norway was one such culture where the harsh cold climates and the midnight sun create a robust and resilient habitat.

The Three Key Benefits of Forest Bathing

  • Decrease negative moods, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and brain fog;
  • Boost immunity and uplifts mood;
  • Reduction in systolic blood pressure;
  • Reduced concentrations of stress hormones in men and women and enhanced the activity of white blood cells known as natural killer cells.

A unique, proprietary, and patented blend of therapeutic infusion of wild-crafted flowers, and plant stem cells sourced from Norway's pristine nature, fjords, tundra, and boreal forests. And essential oils of Spruce, Pine, Hinoki, Rose Damask, Vetiver, Neroli, Bergamot and Eucalyptus all contribute to a forest bathing experience. The Norwegian Spritz has a grounding, cleansing, and balancing effect on the aura and subtle bodies. As Studies have shown. forest bathing not only improves immune response, reduce blood pressure, calm the mind. but also has a natural antiviral and antibacterial effect. Uplifting and energizing, the Norwegian Spritzer encourages clarity of thought and emotional calm, leaving you feeling clean, centred, protected, and in control of your personal space. The Spritz fine-tunes the vibrational frequency, like a tuning fork for an instrument, and raises the overall vibration, aiding meditation and attunement to your original DNA and multidimensional Self.

Further Information

Please contact Clare Harvey for Quantum Blooms on Tel: 01963250750;



Turning Point Training – Postgraduate Courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology

Turning Point Training offers postgraduate courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds both in conventional and holistic disciplines. This allows an exchange of information and experience that enriches the learning experience. Courses are mixture of leading-edge, scientifically based theory and clinical and practical tuition. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their gifts and talents in bringing their unique experience to the disciplines taught. Students are thus empowered.


Jonathan and Rosemary Lawrence + CranioSacral Course

Top: Jonathan Lawrence BA DO Cert Ed and Rosemary Lawrence Dip BFD Cert Clin Hom Cert Ed
Bottom: Craniosacral Course 2019


Small groups help to facilitate this experience. Turning Point teachers are enthusiastic and experienced practicing therapists who keep their knowledge up to date. The philosophy of Turning Point encompasses the idea that medicine is an art informed by science. We believe that the conventional materialist paradigm is very much out of date and that scientific knowledge has now reached a point where much of holistic medicine can incorporated into a new paradigm.

Turning Point courses introduce the concepts of research and encourage students to critically evaluate current information.

Craniosacral therapy is based on the relationship between the structure and function of the body and the expression of health. Specific, gentle and skilled manipulation can restore the structure-function relationship supporting the patients’ own homeostatic mechanisms. This non-invasive and safe therapy can be used on patients of all ages from the new-born to the elderly.

The Practitioner Course consists of 8 modules over 5 weekends and 20 hours Zoom support days. In addition, students must complete a portfolio of case studies and complete an exam. Practical skills are assessed during the course. This course is recognized by the CMA. The 2024 dates are: 24th, 25th February, 23rd, 24th March, 27th, 28th April, 8th, 9th  June and 6th, 7th July. This course is held in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

This course is led by Jonathan Lawrence.

Homotoxicology is based on the idea that disease results from toxic load. In modern life we are subject to toxins from a variety of sources. This has the effect of stressing the immune system leading to ill health. Accurate prescribing can help the body gently detoxify aiding the restoration of homeostasis.

The remedies used are single potency homeopathic remedies or combinations of remedies to achieve a specific physiological response.

The online training is via the Society of Homotoxicology, UK. Contact us for access to this course.

We provide further courses in Electro Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) for suitably qualified students. This involves electro-acupuncture assessment of meridians and clinical application of findings. Training is via small tutorial groups led by Rosemary Lawrence. For 2023/24 dates email      

Further Information

For information about training in these disciplines visit



Sayer Complementary Health

Anxiety, sadness, insecurity and a general feeling of lack of confidence has been emerging since the world has returned to a sense of normality following the Covid-19 pandemic.  Homeopathic remedies, some of which can be purchased over the counter can be extremely helpful in these situations.   However, they will only offer short-term relief and it is recommended that help is obtained from a qualified homeopathic practitioner.


June Sayer + Homeopathy


At my practice, Sayer Complementary Health, based in Burnham on Crouch, Essex, I see the majority of my homeopathic and nutritional clients on-line with either Zoom, Skype, Messenger or Facetime and this allows the client to reap the benefit of the consultation without the need for them to travel.  It also enables the client to make best use of their time since adding travel time into the consultation time can mean that they are out of work/home/ for some considerable time.  An initial consultation can take anything from 1-2 hours depending upon the client and their presenting concerns.

Homeopathic remedies are chosen to suit the person’s situation and this is where the full consultation comes into its own. A homeopath will not prescribe an ‘anxiety’ remedy without knowing the full symptom picture given by the client.  Homeopathy can help a wide range of ailments and is definitely not a ‘one size fits all’ system. 

Aside from my homeopathic practice, I also provide training courses in Homeopathy and Reiki.  The Homeopathy at Home course is designed to help you learn how to select homeopathic remedies that will address minor ailments such as coughs, colds, headaches and sore throats and may even negate the need for a visit to the doctor.  Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, non-addictive and safe for all ages.  This course is easily accessible via Zoom.

The Homeopathic Practitioner Diploma course is an in-depth apprenticeship style course spread over three years.  You will learn about the history of homeopathy and the philosophy of working with acute cases through to understanding the depth of a more chronic case and how to prepare a case protocol.  Anatomy and physiology as well as pathology and disease are also covered.  Home study and written assignments are essential to the course.  Upon successful completion of all the necessary criteria you will be entitled to register as a homeopathic practitioner with a registering organization and build your career as a homeopath.

As a Reiki Master/Teacher I hold regular Reiki courses in Essex and while social distancing is being practiced, Reiki distant healing is being sent regularly to all her Reiki students.  For information there are three levels of Reiki that are taught.  Level one and two are one-day courses.  Shoden, level one opens you up to the healing power of Reiki and enables you to carry out Reiki healing on yourself and your family.  

Reiki level 2 Okuden, is suitable for people who have already studied level one and are familiar with the Reiki healing energy. At the end of level two, you will be able to offer Reiki sessions to the general public although you will need to have the relevant complementary health insurance cover in place to do so.  Pre-course material is provided for both Shoden and Okuden so that you may study the materials prior to attending the practical course.  A Certificate of Attendance is provided on completion. 

Should you wish to take your Reiki one stage further then the Reiki Master/Teacher Course also comes complete with a comprehensive manual as well as audio and visual materials and it is this course you would need to undertake in order for you to be able to prepare others on their journey with Reiki. Reiki consultations are held in Burnham on Crouch, Essex.

Further Information

For further details on any of the above, please telephone 01621 730664 or email me at  or visit and please mention Positive Health when making contact.



A Beginner’s Guide to ME-CFS – This Advice Applies Directly to Long Covid

How can a book published in 2014, long before we’d ever heard of Covid, help to prevent the public health problem which currently threatens to overwhelm not just health systems, but economic systems, worldwide?


Nancy Blake + Beginners Guide to ME-CFS


A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS focuses on the importance of rest, and the dangers of exercise to people suffering the illness (or illnesses) included within these labels.  Rest?  Just rest?  Isn’t that just giving up?  Shouldn’t we be fighting it? Our body, like that of every living creature, inhabits a world of predators, some external, but most living complex lives within – bacteria, fungi, viruses; and our body has developed many, extremely complex ways of counteracting these.  This includes ways of identifying and developing defences against ones not previously encountered.  But these processes require energy.

The term for the entirety of these incredibly complex processes is the ‘immune system’.

Medicine does not, in itself, cure illnesses.  It can only help the immune system do so, in a variety of ways.  Vaccines help speed up and enhance the immune system’s ability to identify and produce cells to attack aspects of a virus’s functioning.  Specific drugs can kill specific pathogens.  Many drugs simply suppress symptoms caused by the immune system’s attack on an invading pathogen, often having the effect of prolonging the illness itself.

The rapidly evolving virus which continues to cause successive waves of Covid is extremely complex in its nature, and its effects on a range of organ systems.  We now know that this includes the ability to cause a chronic, disabling illness, virtually indistinguishable from ME/CFS,[1] and that the numbers of those affected already runs into the millions, and that these numbers are already having a noticeable effect on a diminishing workforce.

Resting, as completely as possible, as soon as possible from the inception of any illness, but especially from a potentially disabling one, is the opposite of ‘giving in’. Your immune system, encountering this new threat, needs all your physical energy to be available in its battle to save you,  There’s even a part of your brain that tells you to crawl into a warm, safe space, and do nothing – while your immune system does its work.

Those who tell you to fight this feeling, get up, carry on, don’t give in, completely misunderstand your situation.  It’s your immune system that’s doing the fighting! Making such misguided physical efforts, which are advised in too many Long Covid rehabilitation centres, could cripple your immune system’s ability to overcome what is making you ill – and condemn you to the life of disability which many Long Covid sufferers are now experiencing.

The advice in A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS applies directly to today’s new challenge, Long Covid, and needs to be as widespread as possible.


Wong TL, Weitzer DJ. Long COVID and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)-A Systemic Review and Comparison of Clinical Presentation and Symptomatology. Medicina (Kaunas): 57(5):418. doi: 10.3390/medicina57050418. PMID: 33925784; PMCID: PMC8145228.   Apr 26 2021.

Further Information

Further information about The Beginner's Guide to ME/CFS is available here. Available from  Amazon



The Pocket Atlas of Trigger Points

by Simeon Neil-Asher B. Phil. BSc.(Ost.),

Published by Lotus Publishing. 2023. Paperback. £13.41/ $16.95.  ISBN 978 1 913088 12 5.

A User-Friendly Guide to Muscle Anatomy, Pain Patterns, and the Myofascial Network for Students, Practitioners, and Patients


Cover Pocket Atlas of Trigger Points


A simple, go-to guide to treating chronic pain with trigger point therapy for physical therapists, bodyworkers, and patients.
From the bestselling author of The Concise Book of Trigger Points.

This pocket-sized guide covers practical information about the trigger points—the painful knots that can form in tissues like muscles and fascia—that are central to addressing acute and chronic pain with massage, bodywork, and physical therapy. Full-color illustrations and charts help practitioners, students, and patients identify trigger points and address referred pain patterns with ease.

The first chapter introduces relevant information on fascia and myofascial meridians and provides an overview of trigger point symptoms, classification, and formation. Subsequent chapters are organized by muscle group and feature concise—yet comprehensive—sections on each of the main skeletal muscles and their trigger points. Common conditions, such as headaches and back pain, are explored for all of the muscle groups, including the muscles of the:

  • Face, head, and neck
  • Trunk and spine
  • Shoulder and arm
  • Forearm and hand
  • Hip and thigh
  • Leg and foot

Written in clear, accessible language, this essential guide offers a wealth of knowledge to the lay reader, the student, or the practitioner.

About the Author

Simeon Niel-Asher B. Phil. BSc.(Ost.), qualified as an osteopath in 1992, and uses trigger point therapy in his everyday work. He is the inventor of the Niel-Asher Technique™ for treating frozen shoulder syndrome, as well as being the creator and co-founder of the triggerpoints3D app. He is involved in treating, research, writing, and teaching throughout Europe, the Middle East, and the USA.

Further Information

Available from Lotus Publishing



How to Prevent Inflammaging

Cell Science Systems – a Florida based lab- has been busy creating new tests to measure inflammaging and then structuring personalized lifestyle and diet solutions.  It’s more important than ever to support immune health and ensure an appropriate response to danger signals as well as recovery after the danger is quelled.


With an acute response of the immune system triggered by infection, inflammation occurs as a natural defense followed by a process of self-healing.   Chronic and systemic inflammation, however, triggered by constant physical, chemical, or metabolic stimuli, DAMPs released by damaged cells, and environmental insults, leads to damage of tissues and organs.  Excessive and prolonged production of inflammatory mediators plays a role in many chronic diseases; autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, fibromyalgia, in addition to many others (probably including long COVID as well.)


How to Prevent inflammation


Age Related Chronic Inflammation

Aging and associated chronic inflammation, referred to as “inflammaging,” contributes to significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Inflammatory burden depletes immune resources, causes cell senescence, drives cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity, and other chronic issues - compromising immune health and reducing protection against foreign invaders. 

The new testing involves:

  1. Testing the responses of the JAK-STAT (Janus kinase Signal Transduction and Activators of Transcription) pathway, an important pathway in all immune cells, playing a major role in transferring cytokine signals from cell surface receptors to the nucleus, and activating genes to create the exact protein needed for the targeted immune response. This pathway tends to be reduced in aging individuals resulting in imbalanced immune responses, poor immune health, and the perpetuation of elevated inflammatory mediators.  
  2. Measurement of key cytokines and chemokines in the blood. These include:
  • CXCL-9
  • CXC-2
  • CXCL-2
  • OL-6
  • TNF-alpha
  • IL-1b
  • Elafin
  1. A very important marker and predictor of health, the NLR; or neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio
  2. Telomere length assessment.

Many of the consequences common in the elderly population, can be prevented by making lifestyle choices that support the immune system and immune senescence can be reversed.

Further Information

For more information contact Cell Science Systems on Tel: +1 954-426-2304 or



Tribute to Ronnie Cummins

We are deeply saddened to share the news that our beloved colleague, Ronnie Cummins, renowned and fierce health freedom warrior for truth and health, passed, April 26, 2023. A clear and passionate truth warrior, Ronnie Cummins has led the charge in the US and internationally to change the landscape of the food and agriculture industry by fighting for the elimination of toxic chemicals and genetic modification of food, and by educating farmers and consumers on how to grow and access clean organic healthful foods. Ronnie Cummins, together with his wife, Rose Welch, are the founders of Organic Consumers Association and its international affiliates, Regeneration International and Vía Orgánica.


Ronnie Cummins at the 13th US Health Freedom Congresss Minnesota


Organic Consumers Association strengthens the health freedom movement by collaborating with hundreds of organizations in our country and around the world. Their role of constantly providing important and timely information to organizations and consumers about the status and politics of the food supply has been essential for taking action for change. Ronnie’s knowledge and understanding of the role of government in our lives and how we must be vigilant about freedom is witnessed in his most recent co-authorship of a book The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal. Of the nine chapters in the book, four of them were written entirely by Ronnie and they were a strong expression of health freedom principles in a pivotal time when millions of people were under great pressure to conform to Covid mandates. The book became a national best seller before the end of 2021.

OCA has been a member organization of the US Health Freedom Congress for the past two decades. In 2016 the US Health Freedom Congress was honoured to have Ronnie Cummins, story-teller extraordinaire, tell his own profound life story as the Keynote speaker. (Click Here to View His Speech).

We will dearly miss Ronnie Cummins.  Our heart goes out to his wife Rose, and their son Adrian, and entire family.

Further Information

National Health Freedom Action
PMB 218, 2136 Ford Parkway
Saint Paul, MN  55116-1863

Tel: +1 (507) 663-9018



Wellness To Wonderful: 9 Pillars for Living Healthier, Longer, and with Greater Joy

by Alona Pulde MD and Matthew Lederman MD

‎Independently Published. 2023. Paperback. £15.28/ $18.99.  ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8385773640.


Whole Person Healthcare: Healthcare Pioneers Launch WeHeal Platform and Wellness to Wonderful Book of Practical Advice to Transform Health 

“There’s more to health than wellness,” say Dr Alona Pulde and Dr Matthew Lederman, the renowned physicians behind the Forks Over Knives documentary and co-founders of Whole Foods Market’s Medical and Wellness Centers. Drs. Pulde and Lederman assert that even the most integrated models of contemporary medicine ignore the measurable impact of a patient’s authentic connection with family, friends, colleagues, spirit, and the natural world. 


Cover Wellness to Wonderful


“The conventional healthcare system is really focused on taking someone that’s hurting and getting them back to their baseline, even if that's mediocre. Our goal is to get you to ‘Life is Wonderful,’ says Matthew Lederman, MD, co-author of Wellness to Wonderful and co-founder of WeHeal, along with Dr Alona Pulde. Pulde adds, ”WeHeal comes from our hearts but also from studying and implementing complementary practices that enhance the benefits of diet and lifestyle. And ultimately empowering our clients too to achieve optimal health while experiencing a state of ‘Life is Wonderful.’”

Pulde and Lederman’s book Wellness to Wonderful is down-to-earth with relatable guidance and practical advice for a healthy and vibrant life.  Drs Pulde and Lederman bring the book’s principles to life in WeHeal, a virtual healthcare model built on their book’s nine fundamental pillars of health: self, nutrition, activity, play, sleep, family and friends, work, spirituality, and the natural world. As evidence of the model’s efficacy, the Florida-based physicians point to results showing reversal of chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, weight loss, and increased overall well-being.

The WeHeal platform is staffed by physicians and educators trained in nutrition, compassionate communication, and a number of complementary modalities, including Western & Eastern Medicine, Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, Polyvagal Theory, Trauma-Informed Care, and Somatic Awareness & Pain Reprocessing. WeHeal offers virtual one-on-one physician consultations and health and wellness mentoring alongside cohort classes, sessions, and support groups. 

With chapters dedicated to each of the model’s core pillars, Wellness To Wonderful aims to guide readers from the stress and chronic illnesses arising from living in survival mode to a dynamic, thriving, and optimized life that is truly Wonderful.

Further Information

Available from WeHeal    and



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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 287


    Health Creation Wins UKIHCA Approval

    Dr Rosy Daniel is delighted to announce that Health Creation Mentorship Training has won UK and International Health Coach Association approval! UKIHCA is the Lead Body for health coaching in the UK setting rigorous training standards to establish health coaching in mainstream healthcare and business settings. Explore our Mentorship model with UK health leader Dr Rosy Daniel and Course Tutor Sue Caden where you will meet other like-minded people and hear about the power and potential of this holistic healthcare approach developed over 20 years on the basis of Rosy's extensive experience as an Integrative Medicine Doctor.

    Further Information: Register for Free Webinars  Contact via Tel: 07756 903759;   HealthCreation


    Invitation To A Summer Garden Party

    On Saturday 17 June NCIM – National Centre for Integrative Medicine – and HWT – Health and Wellbeing Trust – are having a Summer Garden Party and we would love for you to join us! We'll be officially launching the exciting new partnership between our two organisations. NCIM is kindly hosting the Garden Party in the grounds of their beautiful new premises in Pill (co-located with Penny Brohn UK) at  2-5pm Ham Green House, Pill, near Bristol. Activities will be both indoor and outdoor and there is plenty of parking available on site.

    Further Information: To Register your attendance, please visit 


    Golden Eye® Products for Superficial Eye Infections

    Eye complaints like conjunctivitis, blepharitis and styes are very common, unpleasant but usually not serious.  Golden Eye®, which contains propamidine isetionate is a pharmacy-only brand for eyes, which is available without a prescription and has several different products to help get your eyes feeling healthy again. Propamidine works by stopping bacteria from growing and multiplying, which controls the numbers of bacteria causing an infection.. Propamidine is considered to be the first-line alternative to topical antibiotic treatments.

    Further Information:


    Mind Body Soul Experience 13-15 Oct 2023

    Mind Body Soul is at Alexandra Palace, London on 13, 14, 15 Oct 2023. Booking a stand includes:  Inclusion in our printed show guide; Social media pushes; Opportunity to host a lecture or experience zone session; Listing on our website with a link back to your website;  

    Free car parking at the venue throughout the weekend; Access to our exhibition team to help and guide you to make the most of your time at the show. 

    Further Information: To discuss your options and book, please contact Claire on Tel: 01787 220650;


    GinSen Clinics Introduces Revolutionary Line of Natural Fertility Supplements

    Leading traditional Chinese Medicine provider in London is launching an exclusive line of natural fertility supplements that will be available online to everyone. GinSen Clinics a brand known for providing holistic natural herbal supplements for a variety of health conditions - with a specialty in fertility and women's health – now offers two new natural fertility supplements. GinSen's Ferti Support (His & Her) and Uterus Lining Maintenance. 

    The herbal supplements made from the finest ingredients, assist the body in making the best use of its nutrients to support optimal fertility and increase the body's conception capacity. Following the success of their herbal supplements in their London clinics, as well as positive feedback from their patients, GinSen has specially formulated these herbal supplements and is making them available to everyone online.

    Further Information: Please contact GinSen Clinics on Tel: 0207 751 5606: Shop Here:


    Clasado Biosciences Launches Bimuno® Immunity

    Clasado Biosciences (‘Clasado’) has expanded its direct-to-consumer (D2C) supplement range with the launch of Bimuno® Immunity, a daily food supplement formulated to support both gut health and immunity. Bimuno Immunity is a 4-in-1 daily food supplement that features the multi award-winning galacto-oligosaccharide ingredient, Bimuno® GOS. It also contains 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamins D3 and C, and the trace mineral Zinc, which enables approved health claims for normal function of the immune system to be featured on packaging for the UK and EU markets.

    Further Information: Available in the UK through the Bimuno online store. 


    EMF Protection with WaveWall Card

    Get your anti-radiation shield today. Do you worry about the potential harmful effects of mobile phone radiation? Introducing WaveWall Card, a simple and subtle anti-radiation shield that blocks over 85% of your phone's radiation from reaching your body. Slip it in your pocket between your phone and yourself and keep EMF at bay without changing how you use your phone. This is especially important for men who carry their phones in their trouser pockets - right next to a sensitive area. 

    Further Information: To protect yourself from mobile phone radiation purchase WaveWall Universal.


    The Gonzalez Protocol Cookbook

    Your cooking companion guide in the kitchen helps you follow your Gonzalez nutritional diet protocol with Dr Nicholas Gonzalez's nutritional guidance. Check out our latest blog posts.

    Further Information: To learn more about the many aspects of the Gonzalez non-profit, 501 (c) 3 Foundation's efforts please visit  Get your copy of the Gonzalez Protocol Cookbook.


    Amchara Health

    Your microbiome has been linked to protecting us against a whole wealth of diseases. Research has suggested that by staying on top of your gut health and feeding the microbiome the nutrients and elements it needs to thrive, we can protect ourselves for longer periods of time and boost longevity. 3 Ways To Reset Your Microbiome. Take a closer look at the microbiome, and the steps you can take to boost its health, naturally. Reducing Sugar Intake To Balance Your Hormones.  Join us for  Summer Cleanse At Amchara.

    Further Information: Tel: 01823 213111;  Shop Cleanses


    School of Health – Presence in Practice

    Take the next step in your personal evolution. Increase your self-awareness,  exploring the dynamism of Presence in the world of health and healing. You are invited to join us for this 9-month experiential course, facilitated by Jude Wills and Carrie Stearns. This 9-month online course is designed to be an introductory exploration of transpersonal development in the world of health and healing. The Course is for Students of Homeopathy and professional homeopaths who wish to explore the inner journey.

    Further Information. Please contact School of Homeopathy via Tel: +44 (0)1453 709 709;  Click here to Book   School of Health


    Menopausal Women Prescribed Unnecessary Drugs

    A recent survey by Anxiety UK reveals that 98% of women report feelings of anxiety during the menopause and perimenopause, and that 61% of these women have been recommended anti-depressants to treat their anxiety.  New research conducted by Anxiety UK and Kalms has revealed an overwhelming association between the menopause, perimenopause, and symptoms of anxiety. 85% of women surveyed believe that their anxiety was triggered by the menopause and an alarming 61% of these women have been recommended anti-depressants as a result. Kalms Lavender One-A-Day Capsules is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of the symptoms of mild anxiety such as stress and nervousness, exclusively based on long standing use as a traditional herbal remedy.

    Further Information: Kalms Lavender One-A-Day capsules are available in Boots, Asda and online at and at Amazon


    UKMFA News Update

    The UK Medical Freedom Alliance is the UK’s most recognised and respected organization advocating for every individual’s right to Informed Consent, Bodily Autonomy and Medical Choice. UKMFA are therefore relaunching with a fundraising appeal, aiming to secure a steady stream of income we can use to run and expand the organisation, and finance campaigns in the years ahead. We are asking our subscribers to consider making a regular donation to UKMFA. This does not have to be a large contribution.

    Further Information: Donate to UKMFA Fundraising Appeal.


    Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis – FSBA

    Bioenergetics Certification Training is a deep, analytical, self-oriented, relational and body therapy, where the functions of the personality and the therapeutic processes are explained in terms of the energetic processes of the body. The three dimensions of human reality, psychic, relational and body, are recognized in the therapeutic situation and in its processes. Upcoming FSBA Events: Personal Growth Workshop - July 7-9 2023; Bioenergetic Certification Training Program - Begins Fall 2023.

    Further Information. Please contact FSBA via


    Tri-Dosha – Breathwork for Therapists

    Tri-Dosha's 2-day course of fusion training, integrating breathwork into your practice offers hands-on training to equip you with the skills needed to become a skilled breathwork practitioner. Date: 10-11 July 2023 Tri-Dosha Academy NG3 6BG.

    Further Information: Registration


    Elizabeth Bendict Fought Cancer -- How She Beat the Odds

    Acclaimed novelist Elizabeth Benedict recollects her cancer diagnosis after discovering multiple lumps in her armpit. In Rewriting Illness: A View Of My Own  Benedict presents compact but explosive chapters, interspersed with moments of self-mocking levity, chronicling her illness from muddled diagnosis to “natural remedies,” to debilitating treatments, as she gathers sustenance from family, an assortment of friends, and a fearless “cancer guru.” 

    Further Information: Available at  and


    The Wee Yoga Room

    Hooray, Summer has finally arrived! We are delighted to announce our 5-week summer term, commencing on the 29th of May. New Summer Wee Yoga Room Term, 5 weeks, 29th May – 1st July; you can book here. Further to this , we will be closed for a fortnight for our annual summer holiday.

    Further Information:


    Sue Ricks Online Reflexology Refresher Course

    Are you looking to refresh your reflexology skills? Have you been away from the clinic for a while and want to get back into the world of reflexology or brush up on your current skills? Join Sue in the specially created online course – demonstration videos and supporting documents with optional live sessions with Sue if required.

    Further Information: To register and Special introductory Offer


    Mull Adventure Retreat

    Pause & Breathe CIC. Isle of Mull 28th August – 2nd September. A retreat full of adventure, unlike any retreat we have held before, as we're partnering with Jon from Bendoran Watersports CIC and Håkan, ex-Special Forces who specializes in bushcraft skills. As well as Mindfulness & Qi Gong, we have kayaking, sailing, survival skills, hiking and self-defence sessions. No experience is necessary, as all sessions will be suitable for absolute beginners.

    Further Information: Click on the link and request brochure.  


    New 'Bluebell River' Relaxation Video

    Ian Cameron Smith announces the arrival of my new 'Bluebell River' relaxation video, as it's Bluebell time again in the Northern Hemisphere. I've gathered some sensational Bluebell footage that beautifully showcases this amazing spring spectacle. If you're in need of some welcome relaxation, but only have two minutes to spare, then 'Bluebell River' is the perfect solution. 

    Further Information: Contact  BlueBell Relaxation Video  BlueBell River Single     YouTube Channel


    Free Online Skin Cancer Screening Service

    The Charles SLBG Foundation has teamed up with First Derm to provide their service for the early detection of skin cancer. The foundation was named after Charles, who lost his life aged 24, because of a delayed detection of Malignant Melanoma. The vision of the Charles SLBG Foundation is to offer FREE quick and effective screenings of moles and skin complaints in the hope of detecting skin cancers (especially Malignant Melanoma) at an early stage and to be quickly cured.

    Further Information: Please contact via Tel: +1 (415) 234-4124;


    Penny Brohn UK Emergency Appeal.

    The future of Penny Brohn UK is under pressure. There is no escaping the reality that the next 24 months will be challenging.  Penny Brohn are facing an unprecedented financial situation. They ended 2022 with a deficit of just over half a million pounds and had to reduce spend on core services to just half of what it was at £400,000. A decision that will impact the lives of those living with cancer across the whole of the UK. 

    Further Information: Donate to Penny Brohn UK


    Free Historical Homeopathy Journals

    The Online Homeopathy Library at is proud to present a very large and rich collection of historical homeopathic journals. These journals of the bygone era, published between 1930 and 1955, are a treasure trove... full of amazing articles from some of the best homeopaths ever!

    Further Information:


    AIHM Conference – Registration is Open

    Building Bridges to Whole Health October 5-8 2023. We've got a brand new conference website where you can easily registerbook your stay and check out the 2023 program.

    Further Information:  Please contact us via   AIM   


    Abundance & Health – Altrient C Wins Best Skin Supplement

    Altrient C took home Gold in the Get the Gloss Wellness Awards 2023 in the category ‘Best Skin Supplement’! “Altrient is a hero supplement for both skin and all-round health. When people hear vitamin C, they often think about the immune system, but actually, Altrient's studies have shown significant improvements in skin health from taking just one sachet a day,” says judge Dr Sophie Shotter. This award was judged by a panel of expert judges across 31 categories, and after rigorous testing, the editors and judges from the fields of medicine, aesthetics, nutrition, dentistry, fitness and many more, narrowed down entries to finalists and then judged on the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for each category.

    Further Information:


    The Well-Lived Life by Gladys McGarey MD

    Dr Gladys McGary a 102-year-old-still-consulting doctor and the mother of holistic medicine, reveals her powerful and life-changing secrets for how to live with joy, vitality, and purpose at any age. As the cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Association, Gladys began her medical practice at a time when women couldn’t even own their own bank accounts. And yet, despite many challenges, she has pioneered a new way of thinking about disease and health that over the past sixty years has transformed the way we imagine health care and self-care around the world.

    Further Information: Available from and


    Human Givens –New Course Understanding and Resolving Conflict

    Dealing with Conflict with Rupinder Mahil.  London: Mon 16th October; Bristol: Mon 4th December.  Knowing how to resolve conflict effectively is an essential life skill – improving personal and professional relationships, mental health, productivity and more. This course will deepen your understanding of why conflicts develop and escalate, the psychological factors involved and the cultural and contextual influences on our perceptions, experience and responses to conflict;  build your confidence and comfort around being in situations that involve conflict;  give you a range of skills and techniques that you can use with both individuals and groups, in therapy or the workplace – or with your friends and family – to resolve conflict constructively.

    Further Information: Contact at  Tel: 01323 811690;  Book Your Place


    School of Bodywork – Training in Massage, Myofascial Release & Advanced Bodywork.

    Advanced Techniques - Postgraduate Course: 3rd & 4th June; 16th & 17th September.

    These 2 days can be attended as a standalone CPD course, but if you would like to complete the Level 4 Advanced Remedial Massage Diploma then you will need to have attended one of the weekends first – either in June or September where we will focus on techniques including Muscle Energy Techniques (METs), Soft Tissue Release (STRs), Positional Release Techniques (PRTs) and much more.

    Further Information: More Info   Fascia Informed Bodywork Diploma

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