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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 292

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 292 - February 2024

Think Peace

How can we bring peace to our minds? It is something that many of us have wondered after being burdened with the seemingly endless stresses of modern life. Those stresses including the wars in the world and hearing of the appalling suffering so many people are experiencing right now.

Depending on the kind of person you are, you may have taken a scientific approach to achieve a calm and quiet mind – perhaps trying to get the correct amount of sleep, in order to wake feeling refreshed and restored or choosing endorphin-rich foods and exercise.

Meanwhile, others look to spiritual practices, using meditation and candle-lit baths to shake off the mental weight of the day. Recently, however, neuroscience has been connecting the links between the two disciplines and finding that Buddhists may well have a point.

Feed the Mind with Positivity

Ever heard of the Mind and Life Institute? A collaboration between the Dalai Lama himself and a team of scientists, the group was set up in the late 80s. Together, they have shown that mind training is a very real tool and that we can all use it to our benefit.


Quotes Buddha and Hazrat Inayan Khan


So, if you have ever stood in front of your mirror repeating positive affirmations to yourself, you have been working to train your brain. Whether you felt silly, or not, repeating this process on a regular basis will have had a great benefit to your mind, leaving you feeling more confident and happier in the long run. Meditation is also proven to help bring peace to the mind, as the brain is emptied of negative thoughts. With several types of meditation, the focus is on the breath, which, by releasing physical tension, also measurably reduces stress and anxiety.

Back in 2013, Barbara Fredrickson from the University of North Carolina a positive psychology researcher published a landmark paper that provides fascinating insights about positive thinking and how it effects our life skills. Her work is among the most respected in her field, and it is surprisingly useful in our everyday life. She took groups of people and showed them different films. Some groups saw positive images others saw negative images of fear and anger Then each group had to come out and write about their experience and how they would react in a similar situation. The groups who saw images of fear and anger wrote down the fewest responses. Meanwhile, the participants who saw images of joy and contentment, wrote down a significantly higher number of actions that they would take. So positive emotions broaden your sense of possibility and open your mind up to more options in life. She discovered that those who meditated daily had more positive thoughts than others who did not, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. With her team of scientists, she found that people who experienced joy had useful side effects to their feelings that lasted far beyond the event. In other words, when you are experiencing positive emotions like joy, contentment, and love, you will see more possibilities in your life. These findings were among the first that suggested positive emotions broaden your sense of possibility and open your mind up to more options.Fredrickson believes this is due to the happy emotions enabling you to see all of the possibilities surrounding you. The more you feed your positive thoughts, the better you become at reading situations and taking advantage of what life has to offer. Noticing all of the options available to you at any time enables you to build new skills and flourish through life, even if you are not having the best day, because you have trained your mind to see the positives whenever possible.

Indeed, this research only confirms what wise teachers have always known. Buddha began the Dhammapada with the words: “We are what we think” and science has since proven that our thoughts are creative and essential for creating peptides that become part of new cells in the brain, with positive thoughts creating more positive peptides and negative thoughts creating negative ones. So, the more you practice being positive and peaceful, the more natural it will eventually become.

Give the Gift of Peace

At Peace Gifts Shop, we want to help you train your brain for the better, which is why many of our products feature a quote about peace and how you can achieve it, while others feature a beautiful image to remind us of peace. We sell t-shirts, mugs, and posters, amongst other items, with phrases from well-known teachers, authors and poets from various religions, traditions and cultures around the world. Every time you have a cup of tea or put on your favourite outfit, you will be reminded of the phrase or peaceful image and it will become further ingrained in your memory.

Of course, once we have discovered peace for ourselves, it is natural to want to share the joy. Our products make fantastic gifts for your good friends and all members of the family. Despite our reasonable prices, these gifts will become priceless to the recipient, helping them to think positively and feel at ease with the world.

Even better, all the profits from the sale of apparel is put towards our charity Abrahamic Reunion England number 1177751 which provides education, inspiration and action to promote inter-religious harmony in our multi-faith society and in the Holy land. So, help us to spread the love, since a world full of peaceful people is all we could ever hope for.

Further Information

To be kept informed of the latest special offers visit



Mushroom Nutrition and Neurodegenerative Conditions: Meniere´s Disease

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The influence of edible mushrooms on medicinal interventions has been known and studied for many years and their latest role in neurodegenerative disorders has been recently investigated.


Banner MRL + Image Menieres Disease


The aetiology and pathogenesis of Meniere’s disease remains controversial and undefined, although usually associated with allergic, genetic, or trauma sources, and with viral infections and/or immune system-mediated mechanisms.

The link below is a November 15th 2023 publication[1] providing background on the clinical research that has resulted in a study on the impact of the oral administration of a biomass mushroom preparation on 40 human Meniere´s disease patients in reducing systemic oxidative stress and cellular stress response leading to decreased number of crises and their duration while improving the clinical grading of tinnitus severity.

Further clinical research has been conducted in Meniere´s patients for 3months and 6 months with a publication expected in December 2023.


  1. Bell V. and Fernandes TH. Mushrooms as Functional Foods for Ménière’s Disease. Appl.Sci: 13, 12348. 2023.

Further Information

For more information on mushroom nutrition please see the following clinical articles found on this link: Mycology Research Laboratories may be contacted via



Botanica2024 Ready to Launch Registrations for 7th International Conference Edition!

The theme for botanica2024 is Citrus: Traditions-Therapeutics-Technology

Taking place online May 17th to 19th, this world-renowned conference brings together aromatherapists, herbalists, medical professionals, researchers, growers and suppliers for 3 days of rich education and networking opportunities.

Botanica2024 is the brainchild of Rhiannon Lewis, and experienced clinical aromatherapist, educator, author, editor and host of the International Clinical Aromatherapy Network ICAN). ICAN is an online platform for professional users and suppliers of essential oils and related products.


Botanica 2024 Did you know


A renowned biennial conference and trade show event Botanica is widely acknowledged as the leading international phyto-aromatherapy conference worldwide. A typical Botanica event welcomes speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and delegates from more than 50 countries and a certificate of attendance is provided for evidence of professional development.

 Originally hosted as an in-person event, this landmark conference series transitioned to a fully virtual event in 2020 due to pandemic-linked concerns.
The increased accessibility provided by a state-of-the-art 24h/24h online conference that includes live networking and sourcing of products means that botanica2024 remains in a virtual form via an award-winning professional event and trade show platform. For 2024, Botanica is celebrating with additional cutting-edge features that will serve to further enrich the experience of both speakers and participants. This includes optional simultaneous transcription of all live lectures into multiple languages using Artificial Intelligence as well as enhanced, engaging and innovative networking functionalities.

Rhiannon says “The Citrus genus offers the herbal and aromatherapy worlds such a diversity of applications and are amongst the most loved by patients and practitioners alike. For the first time, a Botanica conference will provide a spotlight of information and celebration with the zest oils, the petitgrains, the nerolis and other herbal extract forms being center stage for 2 entire days of conference. We look forward to welcoming world experts to share their work and findings concerning all things citrus and we are set for a bright, juicy and refreshing event.”

Main Highlights of Botanica2024 Include

  • A busy 2-day live lecture program with expert speakers from around the world - 17th & 18th May;
  • An online trade show with live communications between companies and participants;
  • A bonus additional program of on-demand pre-recorded lectures for on-demand streaming;
  • A full day of one-hour Deep Dive intensive classes 19th May covering a range of practical topics relevant to aromatherapists and practitioners of herbal medicine;
  • The option to transcript all live lecture sessions into the language of your choice during the conference;
  • The opportunity of 3 months of lecture replay and trade show attendance.

Further Information

Registrations open in January 2024 with a special discount in place for all Student, Professional and Business members of the International Clinical Aromatherapy Network.



Peace Through Music with Sacred Music Radio

Sacred Music Rario is playing some of the world’s most beautiful sacred music on line 24/7.

It was the brainchild of Michael Vakil Kenton and Aziz Dikeulias, two dedicated fans of music, especially that which is considered to be sacred. The main aim of this radio station is to promote peace. Inner peace of the listeners and global peace as listeners appreciate the music of other faiths. So many great teachers have told us that if we want to achieve global peace we must first create peace within ourselves.


Sacred Music Violinist Sunset


Sacred Music Radio has now been broadcasting to the world for twelve years and currently boasts a playlist of more than 4,300 religious and sacred pieces of music from the Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths, as well as music not directly connected with any specific religion. The ethos of the station is that this type of music can make one’s spirits soar no matter which religions they are traditionally associated with. Sacred Music Radio promotes an even-handed appreciation of music for music’s sake, rather than for any dogmatic or denominational motivation. The team behind Sacred Music Radio believe it is possible to find intrinsic beauty in all sacred music, and they have given it a platform to be heard by those who connect with such compositions.

Michael Vakil Kenton, one of the founders of the station, says, “The main idea behind this radio station is to offer a diverse and varied playlist for individuals whose tastes chime with the idea of sacred music, but who are not directly linked to any particular faith. Music has the ability to cut through cultural dividers, going beyond borders and boundaries, creating an atmosphere that can be subtle and indefinable, or joyous and transcending. The playlists we use at Sacred Music Radio can be all of these things, drawing from different cultures and religions, appreciated by all without having to subscribe to a certain faith. Our vision is that, as a result, by appreciating the music of diverse faiths, people may find themselves realising their common ground.”

The complementing website for the station is easy to navigate; for every track played on the station, there are links a short blurb on the artist or composer so that listeners can find out more about artists they like. The founders hope that the site will go on to be a valuable source of pleasure and relaxation for a growing number of listeners and the friends they recommend. In addition to the individuals that are tuning in, in their droves, many organisations involved in healing and relaxation are firm followers of the station, owing to the comprehensive mix of music and the absence of either adverts, chat or announcements of tracks played. In addition to providing their dedicated listeners with a playlist of some of the world’s most splendid and uplifting music, the station is part of a UK based registered charity number 1177751.

To find out more about Sacred Music Radio, and to listen online, visit

About Sacred Music Radio

Finding the beauty in all sacred music, Sacred Music Radio aims to create diverse playlists of religious and sacred songs without directly tying into any specific faith. With varied playlists of music from the Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths, as well as sacred music tied with no particular religion, the station broadcasts 24 hours a day and features some of the world’s most wonderful sacred songs, hymns and pieces of music.

Further Information

Please contact Sacred Music Radio via



A Micronutrient Supplements Comparison

by Simon Ranger, Founder, Seagreens Trust

Many practitioners, presented with multifactorial conditions and diseases, use Seagreens® seaweed supplements to help the client to homeostasis, rather than immediately dealing with apparent deficiencies or imbalances. To illustrate why, in December 2023 I compared a leading multivitamin and mineral formulation, independently chosen for its quality by a qualified nutritional therapist, with an encapsulated blend of Seagreens® dried wild seaweeds, produced specifically for human nutrition, both Organic.


292 Bladderwrack CU bladders

Seagreens® Fucus vesiculosus


The formulated multi tablet contained high levels of 14 vitamins and 5 mineral trace elements, provided as extracts from some 40 different species of organic foods ranging from apples, bell pepper and cabbage, to garlic, onion and parsley. An extract of kelp (seaweed) was included to provide 150mcg iodine. Most of these nutrients were present at more than 100% of the daily requirement, in some cases much more: twice as much chromium, 5 times the B6 (pyridoxine), almost 7 times the B7 (biotin), 10 times the B12 (methyl cobalamin from a yeast fungus used in wine and bread making). Although containing a total 522mg of named nutrients within the daily recommended 2 tablets (1033mg), the formulation provided significant amounts, but on a narrow spectrum. Typical for land grown foods. The ratio in the seaweed supplement was exactly the opposite. A similar daily intake (2 capsules /1000mg) provided very small amounts, but of more than 144 nutrients. Typical for seaweeds.

The formulated supplement contained an additional 350mg of food and seed extracts, for antioxidants from pomegranate, pumpkin, turmeric and tomato, added for 'prostate and heart support'. The formulation was ‘for men over 40; not for children’. Using such a supplement for long periods would be inappropriate, since these levels across a limited range of nutrients would become imbalancing. It was too high-powered to be 'food': the level and combination of nutrients clearly designed for physiological effect. Conversely, the seaweed 'whole food' supplement would suit anyone of any age, on a permanent daily basis.

The formulated supplement also contained manufacturing excipients: a lecithin tablet coating from sunflower, dextrose a sweetener and preservative, maltodextrin, palm oil, guar gum, brown rice and potato starch as binding, thickening and bulking agents.

Nothing had been added to, nor extracted from, the seaweed supplement. Even its fast-dissolving, organic, kosher vegetable capsule contained only non-allergenic seaweed.

The blend of seaweed species included the same 14 vitamins and 5 trace minerals as the multi formulation, but the total amount of these was only 0.83mg, against 172mg in the formulated supplement. There were good ratios of all the essential fatty acids, all the amino acids, all the minerals, and a further 55 trace elements; more dietary fibre than carbohydrate, soluble and insoluble; virtually no fat, natural sugars, betaines, and multiple enzymes. It was rich in marine polysaccharides, polyphenols, phlorotannins among all the antioxidant nutrients.

A month is often enough to a arrive at a clearer diagnosis. A targeted supplement, even a multi-nutrient formulation as described, might then be used to better effect together with the seaweed, which will enhance its uptake and effectiveness, and for short periods avoid any possible challenge to nutritional homeostasis.

Further Information

Further information from Seagreens information Service, West Sussex RH17 6DX, UK Tel: 01444 400403;



The One Thing We Need to Do to Improve our Energy Levels, Enhance Immunity and Digestive Function in Addition to Slowing Down the Aging Process - Get Properly Hydrated

We know that water is essential for life and for health. It is impossible to live an optimally healthy life if we are not properly hydrated. Sadly a very significant percentage of people living in the Western World are suffering the effects of dehydration.

Water has many functions in the body. It helps to cushion and protect our vital organs, it helps our digestion and regulates our bodies temperature. However there are a myriad of other functions that work best when we are properly hydrated.

Chronic dehydration is a major contributor to many diseases associated with aging.  It is associated with arthritis, with dementia and with disorders of our digestive tract.  The percentage of water in our bodies has reduced markedly during lifetime and dehydration has probably greatly contributed to accelerated aging.  Dehydration in elderly people is a major problem which probably accounts for accelerated aging and premature death.


A personal water revitalizer to give you structured water wherever you are


Drinking more water is important, however what is more important is drinking the right water to meet the hydration needs of the body. All water is not the same, and other fluids are not a substitute for health supporting water.

In a very interesting book on Structured Water by Clayton Nolte he makes this observation.

“ Our bodies contain structured water when we are born. However , as the body grows older and is subjected to stress, contamination, pollutants, free radicals, poor diet and other external factors, the body begins to dehydrate. The structured cell water with which we are born diminishes, and the cell loses its effective shape. The result is that our ability to absorb water decreases as we age.”  

Clayton Nolte worked for 40 years for the US military and in consultancy in Research and Development. In particular he worked on developing new technologies.  Latterly his focus was looking at the behaviour and structure of water in nature.  He went on to develop innovative technologies to help to reproduce the characteristics of natural water for human and animal consumption. He was the Founder of Natural Action technologies in the US.  

New innovative technologies from Natural Action and others offer significant benefits for human health and improved quality of life.  There are several ways that the water we drink can be improved so that it will be better absorbed in the body. These range from personal portable devices through to whole house water filter systems.  Over recent years there has been an increasing amount of research in this field and this is expected to accelerate. When we begin to better understand the importance of proper hydration for our immunity, for our energy levels and for many other aspects of health and longevity it will transform approaches to health, naturally.

At Water for Health we understand that healthy water is not just clean water, it needs to have other beneficial properties, including good structure to give us real value.  That is why we offer a range of specialist water products to suit everyone’s budget and personal requirements.

You can find details on our web site -    

Further Information

This article was submitted by Roddy MacDonald, Founder and Director of Water for Health - The UK’s foremost supplier of water products to support real hydration.



Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalitis and Long Covid THIRD EDITION: It's mitochondria, not hypochondria

by Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson

Published by Hammersmith Health Books; 3rd edition . 28 Feb. 2024. Paperback. £24.99. ·  ISBN-10 : 1781612544.

According to a recent government survey, the number of those affected by CFS/ME is high and rapidly growing due to the emergence of Long COVID. As a result, CFS expert Dr Sarah Myhill and her patient Craig Robinson are releasing a third edition of the life-changing manual on the condition. Written in line with NICE guidelines and with focus on CFS/ ME caused by Long COVID, the manual is updated and restructured to ensure optimal comprehension.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Since the publication of its first edition in April 2014, Dr Myhill’s guide to understanding and overcoming CFS/ME has become a must-read for sufferers from this poorly understood condition. As one example of the nearly 300 5-star reviewers on Amazon says: ‘Extremely useful, well written, concepts well explained, absolutely great investment of money and time in reading it.’

In the seven years since the second edition was published (January 2017) both new research and new clinical findings have thrown further light onto a condition that for sufferers is life-stopping but for many doctors is ‘all in the mind’. Most recently, the UK’s NICE guidelines have been updated and Long Covid has changed mainstream perceptions of post-viral fatigue, while Dr Myhill has looked further beyond mainstream medicine into often-ignored more traditional treatments including methylene blue and DMSO.

Dr Myhill, supported by expert patient Craig Robinson, has fully rewritten and updated her book to include new insights throughout and new chapters on the Paleo Ketogenic (PK) diet, photodynamic therapy, micro-immunotherapy, ME and Long Covid, and the politics of CFS and ME.

Further Information

Available from



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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 292


    TriDosha Pop-up

    The first dates with the John Lewis Nottingham | Pop-up Series are Thursday 8th – Sunday 11th February 2024. At the pop-up, TriDosha is offering 2 treatments @ £15.00 for 15 minutes which is redeemable to customers on any product purchase. The Beauty Wellness Menu features: Ayurvedic Skincare Consultation and Product Sampling; Dosha-Specific Hand and Arm Rejuvenation; Therapist volunteer opportunity.

    Further Information: For volunteer day / s opportunities, please contact on Tel: 0115 752 2425;(


    Cytoplan Organic Greens

    Cytoplan has launched Organic Super Greens + Immunity to close the phytonutrient gap and  help people to have their healthiest year yet. Rich in organic goodness, antioxidants and phytonutrients, this superfood powder provides a significant level of five nutritious greens including broccoli, spinach and kale plus powerhouse acerola cherry to significantly increase daily nutrient and phytonutrient intake and boost vitamin C for immunity. Certified Organic by the Soil Association, no added sugar, flavourings or preservatives, suitable for vegans and children aged 4 upwards, SUPER GREENS from Cytoplan is a clean, plant-based superfood powder packed full of goodness in a nutritious blend of organic ingredients that will level up your diet and support immunity all year round.

    Further Information: please contact


    Amchara Health

    The turning of the year can influence motivation for positive change. What you eat plays a major role in terms of how your body functions and it is now widely known that poor dietary choices influence the development of many long-standing chronic conditions. Top 6 Nutrient-Dense Foods For A New Year Health Boost. Food may play a role in your resilience to stress, mood patterns, gut health, and immune function – the type of food you eat can even potentially slow the ageing process.  Read More Why Fasting Could Be Your Best New Year's Resolution. Explore the science-backed benefits of fasting and how it could be a game-changing strategy for your health this year. Read more  Join Us At Amchara For A Complete Body & Mind Detox. Invest in your health this year with a transformative health retreat at Amchara.  Contact Us Today.

    Further Information: Tel: 01823 213111;  Shop Cleanses



    Delcia McNeil 2024

    These two hour zoom sessions are designed to help support healers, therapists and those on a spiritual path both personally and professionally.  They are an opportunity to be with kindred spirits and will be interactive.  Meditation & visualisation processes will be recorded and be available for use after the workshop. The workshop sessions listed below will take place on Tuesday afternoons or evenings. The maximum number for each group is sixteen. Tuesday 5 March, 6.30-8.30pm – Money as a form of energy.  How can the Chakras help? Tuesday 28 May, 2 – 4pm; ‘New Chakras’ – add to your wellness through expanding your ‘Chakra Map.’; Tuesday 6 August 6.30-8.30pm. The Power of Art –‘ where Spirit meets Matter’.  How helpful is artwork for Chakra health & Energy Healing?;  Tuesday 29 October 2 – 4pm Archetypes,  Sub-personalities & the Chakras – explore what they mean for you.

    Further Information: Please contact Delcia on Tel: 07515 807366;


    AudioCardio Dr Hearing Loss

    AudioCardio is excited to introduce you to an outstanding audiologist and newest partner, Lindsey Banks, AuD. Lindsey is the expert behind the website  Lindsey Banks is a licensed Audiologist with over 12 years of diverse experience in hearing healthcare. Her career includes working as a VA Audiology Extern, becoming a clinical audiologist and tinnitus specialist in an ENT office, and serving as an Oticon Account Manager in the hearing aid industry. She held the position of Director of Audiology at a large private practice, where she helped patients with hearing loss and tinnitus. Lindsey Banks offers a comprehensive range of in person and online audiology services tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual including Hearing Assessments, Hearing Aid Fittings, Tinnitus Management, Educational Resources, and Consultations.

    Further Information: Please contact Lindsey via


    Challenging Behaviours Children

    Paediatric Occupational Therapist Dave Jereb  releases his new book Challenging the Story: A Surprisingly Simple Approach  to Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviours. Dave Jereb is a visionary paediatric occupational therapist who has shown unwavering commitment to enhancing the lives of children for over two decades. Dave and his equally dedicated wife, Kathy, co-founded MoveAbout Therapy Services in 2008 and have revolutionised paediatric occupational therapy in Australia. Dave aims to change mainstream attitudes towards difficult behaviours which are often misconstrued as ‘acting out’ or aggression. It is a practical guide for parents, educators, health professionals, and any other key person who plays a role in looking after a child.

    Further Information: Available to purchase on


    Applied Neuroscience

    There are 5 weeks until the Super Early Bird ends for our upcoming 'Applied Neuroscience programme'. We will send you 5 emails across the next 5 weeks which will demonstrate the practical side of this transformative set of tools. Each week will include a particular focus where Applied Neuroscience has impact in real and relatable areas of life, like memory, creativity, motivation and lots more. Expect some practical tools you can use straight away and maybe some new ideas to switch your mindset. As well as real-life human examples of how our graduates have applied their learning. Topics include Emotional Regulation & Motivation, How Can You Change Your Emotional Response?, Graduate Stories: Applying Applied Neuroscience.

    Further Information: 'Applied Neuroscience Programme' starts Saturday 16th March 2024.


    chatGPT For Tech & Media

    Calista Avery, Training Manager AI Academo have launched an Intensive Supercharge Tech & Media with ChatGPT workshop has specifically been designed to update your ChatGPT & AI strategy to industry best practice. The learning objectives of the course include: Explain capabilities and advantages of ChatGPT; Enhance written content and personalize experiences; Perform research synthesis and data analysis with ChatGPT; Review case studies of ChatGPT implementation; Make informed predictions about AI landscape evolution; Plan strategically for AI adoption while ensuring ethics.

    Further Information: Please contact Calista Avery via


    University of Sunderland Multi-Million-Pound Research

    More than £2million in funding has been awarded to the University of Sunderland to expand research opportunities for medical students and junior doctors – leading to improvements in people's health and wellbeing. Dr Ellen Tullo, supported by Professor Scott Wilkes, Head of the School of Medicine, have secured funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to establish a Clinical Academic Training Office (CATO) and Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) programme.  Over the next three years the bids will deliver eight Academic Clinical Fellowships, 30 medical student internships and 30 funded intercalated degrees – intercalation is an intensive additional year of study, usually at Master’s level, to equip students with extended academic skills.

    Further Information: Please contact Helen Franks on Tel: 07786807586; /


    Neutrient Curcumin + Gold

    Neutrient Curcumin + has won Gold Award for Best New Product in Your Healthy Living Awards 2024, voted by the readers of YHL. This Gold Award is not just a recognition; it's a celebration of dedication and the shared commitment to well-being. Thank you for making Neutrient Curcumin + the Best New Product in Your Healthy Living Awards 2024! Natural support for joint pain Neutrient Curcumin+ combines highly absorbable Theracurmin®, a patented and clinically researched form of curcumin with Casperome®, a patented Boswellia extract containing the full spectrum of boswellic acids. Curcumin+ is 27 times more bioavailable than ordinary curcumin and provides support for joint pain or inflammation, injury recovery and mobility and movement.

    Further Information: For More Information and to Purchase please contact Abundance & Health on Tel: 020 8135 9713; visit 


    Menopause Weight Loss

    Women navigating uncomfortable menopause symptoms and searching for dietary adjustments to help curb unwanted weight gain, improve sleep and protect bone health will find actionable strategies and tips in Weight Loss Plan for Menopause: Use Your Diet to Get Through Menopause With a 7- Day Weight Loss Plan, from author Yara Green. Green provides diet instructions, explanations and recipes designed specifically for women who are going through menopause to help them lose weight and improve symptoms. Readers will learn: How diet can help control weight during menopause;  How lifestyle affects mood, weight and well-being in this transitional period; How to enjoy various delicious diets while maintaining the right nutrient balance and optimum blood sugar;  How to make Mediterranean, low-carb, vegan, vegetarian and [Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension] DASH meals …and more.

    Further Information: For more information and to purchase please visit Dawn Publishing House 


    Lanesborough Club & Spa

    The Lanesborough Club & Spa has been awarded an AA Best UK Spa Award. With its enviable location straddling Belgravia, Knightsbridge, and Mayfair, The Club & Spa has recently partnered with Vive Fitness, L’Atelier Green Paris and GROUND Wellbeing – offering visitors the opportunity to experience carefully curated, high-tech and personalised treatments.

    urther Information: Please visit; to book visit   


    No Hands Massage

    Congratulations to our new PRACTITIONERS! It's always exciting welcoming new NO HANDS Massage Practitioners to the fold - more careers protected; more clients able to access NO HANDS; more connections and support as they navigate the next stage in their business. We're celebrating Channara Agoro-Burns (Croydon), Natalie Guthrie (High Wycombe), Claire Bogust (Rushden), & Zel Gillender. All made possible by NO HANDS Massage Licenced Instructor, Claire Skeete (& her support, Margot Franklin). Our next DYNAMICS of DEPTH course has been confirmed for Saturday February 10th. This is a one-day taster of what NO HANDS Massage can offer you and your clients. You'll learn practical tools you can take straight back into your clinic.

    Further Information: Please contact us on Tel: 01524 415345;


    Spirit of the Gems

    Spirit of the Gems with Peter Tumminello Marvellous May Event 2024 11th - 12th May 2024. Each year in May we open the School up and invite past graduates, students and homeopaths to join us for a special weekend of teaching with renowned international speakers. This year we are delighted to have Peter Tumminello all the way from Australia! He will be teaching: Gem remedies - ‘the precious ones’ Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby etc.; Gem remedies - there are many semi-precious which can now all play a part in practice; Gem remedies and pandemic; Crystals and crystallisation in homeopathy – an introduction to its relevance and power in practice. The world of the colour affinity – an open door for the future of homeopathy.

    Online here  or Tel: +44 (0)1453 765 956; School of Homeopathy


    Dr Youn Autojuvenation

    Dr Youn’s book Younger for Life: Feel Great and Look Your Best with the New Science of Autojuvenation outlines his Autojuvenation™ step-by-step process to reverse ageing. One of America’s most trusted surgeons and the most-followed plastic surgeon in the world, shows how simple changes in diet, activity and skincare can make us look younger than ever before. He also has unique insider intel on the hottest beauty trends, from red light therapy to at-home dermaplaning. Readers will learn: How to reverse the ageing process by combining intermittent fasting with autojuvenation-promoting foods; How to develop a simple skincare routine to look younger for life; Best practices for sleep hygiene, yoga, exercise, mindset and natural dental care; Everything you ever wanted to know about Botox, fillers, micro needling, chemical peels, fat-blasting treatments and more; A simple three-week program to jump-start the autojuvenation process to look and feel your best.

    Further Information: Please visit Younger for Life     Dr Youn on Good Morning America  The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show


    Hay Fever Prevention Awards

    In 2024 HayMax allergen barrier balms have entered their 20th year. HayMax has won over 60 awards, including for 2023 a Soil Association BOOM Award, British Made Award, Enterprise Award, BizzieBaby Award, Global 100 Award and Corporate America Today Annual Award. HayMax works on the prevention principle – seeks to stop pollen getting into the body before it can cause a reaction. Independent university studies show that HayMax traps over a third of pollen before it enters the body, in addition to dust mite allergens and pet dander. 80% of hay fever sufferers say HayMax works. As HayMax is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mums, children, drivers, machine operators, and during sports and exams.

    Further Information: HayMax is available from wholesalers to the health store and pharmacy trade, including Hunts Foods, Jumla, CLF, Hampdens and Sundrelle. Please contact on Tel: 01525 40660; 


    How Not To Age

    Dr Greger bites reveals evidence-based science to fight back against much of the sickness we’ve come to accept as a natural part of ageing.  How Not to Age covers the 11 pathways for ageing in our bodies’ cells and how we can disrupt them; How processes like autophagy can be boosted with spermidine, a compound found in tempeh, mushrooms, and wheat germ; Dr Greger’s “Anti-Aging 8” for longevity and vitality – nuts, green, berries, Xenohormesis and microRNA Manipulation, prebiotics and probiotics, caloric restriction, protein restriction and NAD+; The optimal anti-ageing regimen – including diet, sleep, exercise, social ties and more; How to preserve the function of everything from your bones to your vision and everything in between; The little-known secrets of centenarians and blue zone regions where people live longest; evidence-based methods to preserve the body functions that keep you youthful, both physically and mentally; how to DIY your own Vitamin C anti-ageing serum; The key foods that may help wipe out senescent “zombie” cells that spew inflammation and are linked to many age-related diseases.  

    Further Information: YouTube Video  Available to purchase on 


    Ancient Practice of Yoga

    The Ancient Practice of Yoga By Stanislav Kondrashov, a new publication entirely dedicated to the practice of Yoga has been released by Stanislav Kondrashov.  Kondrashov talks about one of the most evident characteristics of Yoga, its ability to combine breathing, awareness, and body movements, giving life to a real symphony capable of involving the body and the mind. The author also definitively clarifies the origin of the name of this discipline, which in Sanskrit means "union." Those who practise Yoga set themselves the goal of achieving a perfect union between themselves and the infinite, between their soul and the rhythms of the universe. The author also focuses on meditation, presented as a fundamental part of most Yoga lessons, and above all, on its ability to immerse the person in an extremely deep abyss, in direct contact with one's soul.

    Further Information: Please visit Stanislav Kondrashov



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