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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 297

by Mike Howell(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 297 - September 2024

The Supercoherence Water Frequency SWTRF

Water is one of the essential building blocks of life as we know it. And, depending on how one measures it, our physical bodies are made up of anything from around 70% to 90+% water. We are becoming ever more aware, of the many anomalous and even miraculous properties of water including the fact that the solid form (ice) is lighter than the liquid form (it is at its densest at 4 degrees C), or that it has an unusually high surface tension and boiling point for its molecular structure.  It is also known to have a very high degree of anisodesmicity – meaning that there is a big variation in the strength of the bonds between molecules, which in most other substances is much more uniform. This may be one of the factors that enables it to store “information” and have biological activity with ultra-high dilutions like those used in the practice of Homoeopathy i.e. in such high dilutions that, even when a substance that had previously been dissolved in it is no longer present in molecular form.

Sadly though, in a lot of cases, this can be detrimental to us, and the chemicals that have been dissolved in the water are not always benign, and the “information” that remains imprinted in the water is undesirable and possibly harmful. Chemicals are only one of the factors that can damage and destroy the structure of water. Being put through pipes with sharp bends, EMFs, microwaves and other forms of radiation can all destroy the structure of water.

Just to be clear – the structure of water is not about the structure of individual molecules, but about how the molecules are arranged/ interact with each other… a bit like bricks, and how they are arranged to build a house. The work of the late Prof Rustom Roy is worth checking out if you’d like to understand more. The pioneering work of the late Dr Masaru Emoto working with the structure of ice crystals, showed us how water is not only affected by physical and chemical factors, but is also responsive to music, thoughts and intentions. Love, gratitude and prayer produced some of the most beautiful crystals!


Supercoherence Water Frequency.


Many of us would say that Water is a living, sentient form, with its own consciousness, and an ability to respond to whatever it comes into contact with, with an enormous intelligence.

Certainly, in our explorations of structuring bulk water using the technique of Spagyric Crystal Analysis (with the help of Dr Wilhelm Hoeffer and Prof Georg Gaupp-Berghausen), and the Supercoherence Water Frequency, we got some beautiful and amazing results. The image (above) is of water that had been restructured by placing the Supercoherence Water Frequency on the mains pipe of a house for 4 days. The work of the late Prof Eshel Ben-Jacob shows us that even though we are not aware of the harmful effects of de-structured water in our bodies, the microbes in our gut are! One has to wonder at the nature of intelligence- human and otherwise!

This was very interesting for us to discover, as in our testing of the Supercoherence Water Frequency using live blood analysis (kindly performed for us by Dr Roy Watkins in Cumbria), drinking unstructured tap water actually appeared to adversely affect the blood in some cases. So, maybe drinking the recommended 8 glasses a day may be a mixed blessing.

Sadly, filtering our water does not necessarily improve the structure or remove the non-beneficial “information” that it might be carrying. So, I would urge you to heal your water before your drink it….by whichever means you choose (there are plenty of options available to you now including the work of Victor Schauberger, and the Centre for Implosion Research, and many others).

The benefits of the Supercoherence Water Frequency are that it can be taken with you wherever you go, it does not need any electricity or electronics (the “information” is embedded in glass, which is inert and “green”!), it is very quick – restructuring the contents of a glass in 2 minutes, a large jug in less than 5 minutes, and the mains water in a whole house (when placed on the pipe) in 3-4 days. It does not have to be put in the water, it can just be placed under a glass or jug (or on the side of your water filter), and it will do the job. The process by which this happens is called “epitaxy” and is well known in materials science and the semi-conductor industry- it is the process/ phenomenon by which there is a transfer of “information” without any transfer of matter.

Some say that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. In addition to the benefits above, the Supercoherence Water Frequency contains the Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies – giving Water, which is so responsive and forgiving, a helping hand so that it can return to its pristine original nature.

And, as the waves ripple out, perhaps enabling healing on and of our beautiful planet that we call Home.

Further Information

Please visit The Supercoherence Water Frequency (SWTRF)  and its advantages



Quantum Technology Sleep Super-Patch – Summary of Two Studies on the REM Sleep Patch with Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology

by Clare G Harvey

When GlaxoSmithKline offer over 250 million for an innovative product, you know the inventor has developed something quite unique and ground breaking! Like a lot of extraordinary pioneers whose mission in life is to help humanity, of course that offer was politely declined!

It’s heartening to see clinical studies on the actual products themselves and we all know rejuvenating sleep is one of the keys to maintaining our health and longevity

The studies investigated the effects of a drug-free, non-invasive, topical REM Sleep Patch embedded with Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology (VTT) on improving sleep quality, reducing insomnia-related symptoms, and enhancing quality of life

Super Patch REM + Quantum Life


Study 1: The HARMONI Study

The first study, titled "Improving Sleep and Quality of Life after Use of a Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology, Drug-Free, Topical Patch," was a prospective, IRB-approved, observational study involving 113 adults suffering from sleep-related issues. The participants used the REM Sleep Patch for 14 days, with assessments at baseline, 7 days, and 14 days. Key findings include:

  • Improved Sleep Metrics: Significant reductions in the time required to fall asleep (from 69.1 to 36.6 minutes) and increases in total sleep duration (from 5.25 to 6.51 hours) were observed. The study also noted a 56% reduction in global PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) scores and a 57% decrease in ISI (Insomnia Severity Index) scores;
  • Reduction in Sleep Medication Usage: By the end of the study, 80% of participants no longer used any sleep medications, reflecting an 85% reduction in the number of patients relying on such aids;
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Participants reported significant improvements in daytime fatigue, mood, concentration, and overall functionality, indicating that the patch positively influenced various aspects of their daily lives;
  • High Satisfaction and Safety: The majority of users found the patch easy to use and preferred it over other sleep aids. Importantly, no serious adverse effects were reported, with only minimal side effects like itching or mild skin irritation.

Study 2: The REM Sleep Patch Efficacy Study

The second study, titled "Reducing Sleep Disorder and Insomnia Related Symptoms with Haptic Technology," also examined the effectiveness of the REM Sleep Patch in a similar cohort of patients with sleep disturbances. This study corroborated the findings of the HARMONI study by showing:

  • Significant Sleep Improvement: Participants reported faster sleep onset, longer sleep duration, and fewer awakenings during the night. These improvements were consistent across the 14-day treatment period;
  • Decreased Dependence on Medication: Similar to the HARMONI study, there was a marked decrease in the need for sleep medications among participants, further validating the patch's potential as a non-pharmacological alternative;
  • Positive Impact on Daily Functioning: The study also highlighted improvements in the participants' cognitive function, mood, and overall daytime alertness, suggesting broader benefits beyond sleep quality alone.


Both studies conclude that the REM Sleep Patch with Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology (VTT) is a promising non-pharmacological treatment option for individuals suffering from sleep disorders and insomnia. The patch not only improves sleep quality and duration but also enhances the overall quality of life, reducing the need for traditional sleep medications. These findings suggest that the REM Sleep Patch could be a valuable addition to the current therapeutic approaches for sleep-related conditions.


  1. Doghramji, P., Dietze, D., & Hurwitz, P. (2023). Improving Sleep and Quality of Life after Use of a Haptic Vibrotactile Trigger Technology, Drug-Free, Topical Patch: Results from the HARMONI Study. International Journal of Family Medicine & Healthcare, 2(1), 1-7. 2023.
  2. Reducing Sleep Disorder and Insomnia Related Symptoms with Haptic Technology. (2023). International Journal of Family Medicine & Healthcare, 3(1), 1-9. 2023.

It’s specifically during REM sleep that the body is able to repair and bring the system into a state of Homeostasis: the dynamic state of balance of the body's internal environment and the effort to maintain a constancy and stability, amongst all the body systems, is needed for the body to survive and function correctly.To have quantum technology that can recalibrate and retrain our brain’s frequency, goes a long way to achieving this aim!

Further Information

"Experience deeper, more restful sleep with the REM Patch – your non-invasive solution to better nights and brighter days. Try it today and transform your sleep journey! Click here to purchase"



The Chi Machine Story – An Update on 30 Years of Unheralded Success

To the uninitiated the term “chi machine” may sound like an oxymoron – how can the movement of such subtle energy be authentically associated with anything mechanical, no matter how sophisticated the device?

The original Japanese invention that came to be known in the West as “The Chi Machine”[1] – patented and registered as a remedial medical device in Japan in 1990 – is known to the Japanese as “Goldfish Exercise Machine.” The goldfish exercise concept was first taught as a basic principle of the Nishi-shiki health system developed by Katsuzo Nishi and was used in traditions such as Aikido long before 1990 – in this short 8 sec. video the Aikido Master says: “move your heels from left to right” and demonstrates how.

297 arms side with waves Mk2  


Simply put, this is what a chi machine does: it swings your heels from left to right continuously while you’re simply lying down. If you look at the video again, you’ll see that, while not quite as elegant as the movement of a goldfish, the natural response of the body is a sideways oscillation right up to the head.

Japanese traditions share with the Chinese the notion that the core of our energy systems is located in the hara (J.) or dantian (C.) – just below the navel.  One of the key principles of Qi Gong (from which Tai Chi was developed) is activating the lower dantian. Many Qi Gong exercises are designed to achieve this subtle state with amazingly powerful results.

Many people who use a chi machine for the first time report a tingling sensation at the end of their session. Intriguingly this often includes tingling in the arms and hands, even if the hands have been left in place by the side of the body. One explanation that accords with Qi Gong theory is that stagnant chi is now being moved through the meridians as a result of the stimulation of the dantian.

Another benefit of activating the dantian according to Qi Gong theory (and experience!) is that breathing deepens and the spine naturally lengthens, which in turn has many benefits including improved circulation between the left and right channels which pass through the main organs of the body.

In terms of back care too, there are obvious (and tangible) effects; simply put the body is able to release the tension held in the muscles and fascia due to poor posture and mental stress. Used as a tool, extra benefits are available; the manufacturers of the FlexxiCore Passive Exerciser – an updated version of the original Chi Machine – have produced a video demonstrating floor-based exercises that can be used both mid-session and afterwards.


  1. The Chi Machine® has been registered as a Trade Mark by Chan-Hsiung Pan and others

Special Offer and Further Information

Energy for Health are offering a 10% discount on their FlexxiCore products - use code PH-9-24 by 30 Nov 2024.  For further information please contact Energy for Health on Tel: 01934 257066 (UK); 702 545 6720 (North America)  (UK/Europe/Australia) America)  /



The College of Ayurveda UK: Ancient and Science-Based System of Medicine

The College of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy is the premier educator for individuals seeking to make a difference in the world through a career restoring the natural balance of body, mind and spirit with the wisdom of Ayurveda. This mission has been the central driving force of the College since its inception. The College of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy is the only institution in the UK that offers a complete Ayurvedic programme comparable in content to the B. A. M. S. (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine & Surgery) degree course taught in India.

Ayurvedic Medicine, based on the Vedic wisdom expounded by the ancient sages, is the most ancient system of medicine known to mankind It emerged within the Vedic culture that arose on the foothills of Himalayas and along the banks of the great rivers of India.


College of Ayurveda  Image 2 from Prospectus


Ayurveda is a science-based healthcare approach that treats illness and promotes wellness by focusing assessment on biochemically-unique aspects of each patient, and then individually tailoring interventions to restore psychological, physiological and structural imbalances. Ayurvedic medicine not only recognizes the uniqueness of the individual but also the oneness of all creation and how this translates into human health on all levels. There has been a worldwide surge of interest in Ayurvedic medicine as people seek health and well-being.

The basic principles upon which Ayurvedic medicine/healthcare operates are:

  • Biochemical individuality based on genetic and environmental uniqueness;
  • Dynamic balance of internal and external factors;
  • Web-like interconnections of psycho-physiological processes;
  • Health as a positive vitality – not merely the absence of disease;
  • Promotion of organ reserve through psycho-neuro-immunological processes;
  • Patient-centred rather than disease focused healthcare.

Using these principles, Ayurvedic healthcare practitioners focus on understanding the fundamental physiological processes, the environmental inputs, and the genetic predisposition that influence every person’s experience of health and disease. A person is considered an integral part of the Universe which is governed by natural laws. Ayurveda works primarily on human constitution called Dosha and Prakruti through lifestyle counselling, herbal preparations, nutrition, massage, yoga and Panchakarma all used to bring about balance and harmony in the body.

The College, which promote the values of a tolerant and democratic society and the ideals of scholarship and the benefits of life-long education and training, aims to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive Ayurvedic medical education. It works to develop and support educational programmes and select a student body of such a size that every student has a quality and relevant educational experience, and provide students with clearly defined academic programmes, competent teaching, a caring and supportive academic structure and an attractive and facilitating environment.

Further Information

We’re now accepting applications for our 2024/2025 cohort; please leave your details at; The first step of the admission process is to fill in the application form linked below and pay the £25 application fee.  Once you have done this we will be in contact with you.  For further information or a prospectus please contact the College of Ayurveda’s Administrator Ione Ashmore at or visit their website at



Imam B Jaiteh Charitable Foundation – New Projects on the Horizon

Imam Jaiteh has thanked all those who supported the Foundation’s project as well as the Gambia government for providing and encouraging a conducive environment for a successful endeavour. Imam Jaiteh, also a Gambian Ambassador at Large based in the UK and The Gambia, reports that the Charitable Foundation donated in 2020 to villages including  Jamaly Babu, Jamali Tamiser, Jamali Ganado and Jamali Musa. These projects included infrastructure projects such as the digging of boreholes or wells, solar systems, dozen street lights, building of mosques and supporting vulnerable and other needy residents.  New Projects planned from 2024 include a hospital, blood banks with associated hygienic facilities, as well as a funeral home and mortuary with larger space for funeral ceremonies.


Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Street Light + Solar System + Borehole

Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Street Light + Solar System + Borehole


The Foundation supports orphans to pursue their education free of charge from kindergarten up to university level.  Taking into consideration the significance of electrification, the Foundation also embarked on electrifying the villages as well as supporting sick and ailing people by paying their full hospital bills.  

Further Information

The Charitable Foundation needs help and the support of philanthropy. To help or for further information please contact Mr Imam B Jaiteh on Tel: 07985 691335;

Acknowledgement Citation

Previous Donation Published from



Neem: The Tree That Heals Nations

by Klaus Ferlow HMH, HA

Published by Neem Research. 2024. Paperback. £14.07. ISBN: 979-8-89269-442-1.

Join Klaus Ferlow, a renowned Master Herbalist, on an eye-opening journey into the incredible healing powers of the Neem tree. In his latest book, Klaus shares his mission, where he connects with scientists, manufacturers, and visionaries who are bringing Neem's miraculous benefits to human health, agriculture, and the environment.


Cover Neem The Tree That Heals Nations


Retiring from his pioneering company, Ferlow Botanicals, Klaus's passion for Neem didn't end there. Instead, it propelled him to travel the globe, uncovering and sharing fascinating stories of pioneers who discovered the healing abilities of the Neem tree and brought healing and prosperity to individuals, communities, and nations. Neem: The Tree That Heals Nations is a testament to the lasting impact of this miraculous tree. Klaus reveals incredible stories of those who introduced this valuable treasure to the world, showcasing Neem's potential to heal and transform.

Further Information:

Available to purchase on Lulu  and



NETTLE – World's First Medical-Grade Neurotechnology Wearable For PMS & Period Pain

MedTech start up Samphire Neuroscience launches an at-home wearable headband that is clinically proven to improve symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain;

  • Co-founded by neuroscientist Emilė Radytė and lawyer Alex Cook, Nettle is the first to apply brain stimulation to menstrual symptom management, developing an approach that reprograms how your brain perceives pain and mood;
  • Nettle is non-invasive health, drug and hormone free, with zero severe side effects reported;
  • Drawing on over three decades of clinical neuroscience research in depression and chronic pain, Nettle brings cutting-edge technology – previously only available in clinics at costs exceeding £8,000—directly into your home;
  • Designed to be used at-home for 20 minutes a day, five days prior to a period starting;
  • Available to pre-order, it will be rolled out in a phased manner due to a waiting list of over 12,000;
  • Nettle will cost £449 and come with a 90 day guarantee.

Nettle Headband_orange


How Does Nettle Work?

The device itself uses a low electrical current in what is known as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to alter neuronal activity.  Changes in hormone levels affect brain structure and activity. This means each phase of a menstrual cycle enacts changes in the brain itself, which affect mood, energy, sensitivity and more. Nettle is designed to be used at-home for 20 minutes a day for the 5 days before a period. Is Nettle Backed by Clinical Evidence?

Nettle completed a clinical trial to provide women with the trust and data they deserve.

Results after just 5 sessions showed that:

  • 72% of users reported clinically significant pain relief and the average pain symptoms reduced by 53%;
  • 67% of users reported a clinically significant improvement in low mood and the average low mood symptoms in the PMS period improved by 34%;
  • 67% of users reported a clinically significant improvement in average functionality, or fitness status, which improved by 11%.

It’s also worth noting that 44% of participants had a diagnosis of PMDD, indicating severe mood symptoms. Furthermore, across all trials conducted, participants reported no severe side effects with the most common side effect being mild tingling during sessions that goes away with repeated use.

Is Nettle Medically Certified?

Yes. With over three years of clinical research behind it and the most advanced hardware engineering, Nettle is certified as a medical device in the form of an EU MDR CE mark – the highest standard in the European Union and United Kingdom. This underlines Nettle as a leader in its field and a pioneer for women’s menstrual health.

Further Information and to Purchase

Nettle will cost £449 and is initially available at

For more information, please contact:  or


Brain Food Upgrade Nutritional Supplement Pack

Nutrition expert Patrick Holford, author of the number 1 bestselling Amazon brain book Upgrade Your Brain, announces the addition of the new ‘Brain Food Upgrade’ pack

to his Nutritional Supplement range from HOLFORDirect.




Holford says there are three essentials for building and maintaining a healthy brain.

“Brain size is literally shrinking – that is what dementia is. The dry weight of the brain is 60% fat. The two fats you need to build your brain are omega-3 DHA, found in fish oils, and phospholipids, especially phosphatidyl choline, which are rich in lecithin granules.” Holford calls these the ‘wood and the nails’ of the brain.

The hammer is vitamin B. Specifically vitamins B6, B12 and folate (found in greens), drive a process calls methylation which is needed to ‘attach’ the phospholipid to the omega-3 fat.

“This is why B vitamins don’t work without omega-3 and omega-3 doesn’t work without sufficient B vitamins. Every single trial that has included these two vital brain nutrients has improved cognitive decline and slowed down age-related brain shrinkage by up to 73% a year.”

Holford takes these three supplements: high strength omega-3 fish oils giving the optimal amount of DHA (500mg); lecithin rich in phospholipids; and Connect, a B vitamin formula designed to optimise methylation which is indicated by a low blood level of homocysteine.

This is his Brain Food Upgrade Pack which he takes twice a day. “When you get the right intake of brain-building nutrients your brain starts to ‘sing’. There’s a sense of contentment, clear focus, no brain fog and you sleep much better.” he says., the charity he founded sixteen years ago, offers a free Cognitive Function Test followed by a questionnaire that works out what is driving future risk to help you dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle. The charity also offers a home test kit that measures your homocysteine level (above 11mcmol/l means brain shrinkage) and omega-3 index with 8% or more meaning you’ve optimised your intake of omega-3. Patrick eats oily fish three times a week and supplements with his Brain Food Upgrade pack every day.

He says, ‘smash it – salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herrings or kippers three times a week.’ Our ancestors, he says, ate seafood most days. The richest source of omega-3 and phospholipids, as well as B12, is caviar!

The supplements in the Brain Food Upgrade pack, developed by HOLFORDirect, are like caviar for the brain.

Further Information

For more information on the Brain Food Upgrade pack see:

For a video explaining how the brain works:

Media Contact

For media enquiries please contact Sophie at Panpathic Communications: Tel: 07815 860 082.



The Heavy Butterfly

by Mark Gomes

Published by Mark Gomes. 2024. Paperback. £14.99.  ISBN-13: ‎979-8224189908.

The human soul, the purpose of life, gender and tolerance; The Heavy Butterfly flutters between all offering insights into what our existence might mean and how a soul might exist, in us, in this world, and somewhere beyond.


Cover The Heavy Butterfly


In that awful moment, as Hugh knew his daughter was dying in his arms, he saw her floating on a door on a sea in the clouds. And Amber saw him looking at her. If he saw Amber, he can find her, but Hugh has no plan beyond that simplistic logic. Until a chance encounter with Gerald C. Farer. If he's willing to solve a few puzzles and do exactly as he's instructed, Gerald can help Hugh Mann find his daughter's soul.

The Heavy Butterfly weaves a magical, thought-provoking story of loss and redemption. It is other-worldly yet grounded in the eternal theme of a parent's love for a child and a child's need to be understood.

About the Author

MARK GOMES has always been interested in the idea of life beyond our physical death. Brought up catholic, he stopped going to church when he realized he was only going out of habit and did not feel connected to the belief system. Years later, against all expectations, he became a member of an evangelical church, where he was a minister for the best part of 10 years. Mark grew up in Berkshire and studied Philosophy of Science, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics. He now lives in Munich, Germany and works for a Ukrainian software company.


Further Information:

Available  in paperback (£10.99) and eBook (£3.99) at all good bookshops and online booksellers.



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About Mike Howell

Co-founder of Positive Health magazine.

  • Brief Takes Issue 297


    Buteyko Training Jan 2025

    Patrick McKeown, the world’s leading authority on the Buteyko Breathing Method, is delivering a 3-day in-person training at Lauderdale House in Highgate Hill London, N6 5HG. The training takes place from 16-18 January 2025, from 9.30am-5pm daily and includes training with Patrick McKeown, copy of the Buteyko Method Manual, support, Certificate in the Buteyko Method (CertBBM) training and more.

    Further Information: For details and to book, please contact Buteyko Clinic via   Buteyko Clinic International 


    Incognito Top Insect Repellent

    Natural DEET-free insect repellent brand Incognito has been selected as the top insect repellent by a leading German newspaper, The Süddeutsche Zeitung, which scored it top marks of 10 out of 10. Incognito® is the UK’s number 1 natural insect repellent brand and is clinically tested to provide 100% protection for 4 hours against the Aedes aegypti mosquito which carries dengue, Chikungunya, West Nile Virus and Zika Virus. It also offers very good protection for up to 7 hours and tropical strength protection against other biting insects including ticks and midges. The spray is 100% natural and free from DEET; it contains the strongest form of plant based PMD – para-Menthane-3,8-diol which is recommended by the WHO and NHS to repel insects.

    Further Information: Incognito Insect Repellent Spray is available from independent and pharmaceutical wholesalers and through CressUK. Find out more via


    Homocysteine Important

    Homocysteine is a sulphur-containing amino acid that is formed naturally in the body as part of the process that breaks down methionine, an essential amino acid obtained from dietary protein. While homocysteine is crucial to support normal body functioning, elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood, known as hyperhomocysteinemia, have been associated with various health risks, making its regulation vital for maintaining health. Why Is Homocysteine Important & How To Maintain Healthy Levels   How Can Detoxing Reset Your Hormone Balance?    Natural Approaches To Managing The Menopause         

    Further Information: Tel: 01823 213111;


    Core Awareness™ ~ 2024

    Movement as Medicine is an innate mirroring of that which exists in the universe. As part of a living web of intelligence, we continuously receive invitations to awaken to a different consciousness from that provided by society...through fluid tissue resonance our organism complexifies fostering inclusivity and an ability to not be threatened by the unknown. Autumn Schedule: September 14 Metal Element & Lung Energy – Primal Movement & Elemental Qigong with Sarah Byrden; September 28 & 29 Renewal for Professionals
    Replenishing Self collaboration with Alice Steurwald country retreat setting; October 5 & 6
    Fierce Feminine  – Primal Gesture /Elemental Qigong collaboration with Sarah Byrden
    Amsterdam; October 8 & 9 Basic 12-hr Psoas Workshop, London (ncbtmb accredited); October 10 Myth & Bone Knowing Movement as Medicine collaboration with Sarah Byrden,

    Further Information:


    NLP Neuroscience Programme

    Life unfolds in a series of actions and decisions where each step leads to the next. These are often influenced by our beliefs about what is possible – or what is not. When you reflect and ask yourself "why am I like this?" or "why did they do that?"  you start to see just how your beliefs are influencing your behaviour. If you want to understand this more clearly and to have more choice over your beliefs and behaviour, then NLP has a lot to offer you. Upcoming Certified Programmes:  'Mastering the Coach Approach' Programme begins 26th September 2024; 'NLP Master Practitioner Programme' Begins 19th February 2025; 'Applied Neuroscience Programme' Begins 15th March 2025

    Further Information: Please contact us on Tel: 01268 777125;


    Learning Disabled Adults 3x Higher Cancer Deaths

    Researchers at the University of Glasgow have found that adults with learning disabilities are more likely to die from cancer compared to the general population. The new study, led by the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory – SLDO – and published in the BMJ Open, found that adults with learning disabilities had a higher incidence of metastatic cancer of unknown primary origin (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body), and three times as many died from cancer at this advanced stage compared to the general population. A summary of the findings for each of this study together with the full article and other publications related to these findings can be read here:

    Further Information: Please contact Fiona Barlow at SLDO on Tel: 07715110309;


    What's on at NCIM this Autumn

    Education is the beating heart of NCIM. Integrative Medicine is an empowered model of healthcare - that also means building integrative healthcare toolkits, not just for healthcare professionals but for everyone. Our vibrant autumn education programme creates accessibility for everyone. Tuesday 10 September - 29 October 2024 (weekly) 1.45pm - 4.15pm Ham Green House, Chapel Pill Lane, Bristol, BS20 0HH; Mindfulness for Cancer September @ Ham Green House;  Wednesday 09 October - 27 November 2024 (weekly) 1.45pm - 4.15pm The Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY Mindfulness for Cancer October @ The Greenway Centre;   Thursday 17 October - 05 December 2024 (weekly) 6.15pm - 8.45pm Online via zoom…..Mindfulness for Cancer October @ Online.

    Further Information: Please contact NCIM on Tel: 0117 370 1875 via and book  


    Allergy and Sinus Relief

    The benefits of daily nasal cleansing are becoming well accepted, and many people have incorporated this easy and natural immunity-boosting ritual into their daily routines. Nasal cleansing expert brand Xlear has launched Max Sinus Spray, which has the added benefits of capsicum oleoresin and natural aloe. Historically, capsicum has been recognised for its natural antihistamine properties and its effectiveness in clearing sinus and nasal congestion. With the addition of aloe, known for its profound moisturising, soothing, and healing properties, Xlear Max Nasal Spray provides an even more powerful solution for those suffering from more significant nasal congestion. According to independent Pharmacist, Rita Ghelani, a simple saline nasal spray can be used daily as a preventative measure to keep the nasal passages clear and moisturised, and to help reduce the build-up of contaminants, bacteria and viruses that can cause irritations and infections.

    Further Information: Xlear Max Sinus Spray is available from independent health stores and from   For more information, please visit


    Massage Cancer Care 23 Oct

    Join us for an interview with Anita Mehrez, Senior Therapist at The Christie Complementary Therapies unit in Manchester on October 23rd at 7pm. Originally trained and practising as a nurse, Anita has also run her own private Massage practice for over 20 years while also being employed at The Christie to offer therapies to patients at various stages of cancer treatment. As part of this she has helped develop and deliver the Christie's popular Massage in Cancer Care course. This live Zoom offers you a chance to put your own questions direct to Anita as well as listening in on her share her experience and wisdom. Click here to register for FREE now.

    Further Information: Full training schedule for 2024 and 2025. Please contact The 4Elements Company Ltd on Tel: 01524 415345; Mob: 07367 064945;


    Yoga Hotting up in Harrogate

    Two years since entrepreneurial yoga and Pilates expert Ebru Evrim opened her luxury three-storey studio in Harrogate, the James Street wellness hub continues to grow with new offerings this summer including ‘hot yoga’ and a Therapy Room. Hot yoga originates from the concept of replicating the hot temperatures and humidity of India, where yoga traditionally originated. It has gained in popularity recently as it allows people to introduce greater intensity to their yoga routines. The Ebru Evrim Studio features a room heated to 37-40 degrees, like a sauna, for this practice, so the yoga poses become a cardio-based exercise.

    Though not suitable for everyone, research has shown that hot yoga offers a range of benefits. As well as burning calories, it increases strength, improves flexibility due to the heat dilating blood vessels, reduces stress and aids mental health while better blood flow helps with counteracting skin ageing.

    Further Information: Please contact Jane Ellison-Bates via Tel: 01756720034;


    'PEACE' Sleep Supplement

    Adaptogenic Apothecary, expert herbal alchemists today launch ‘Peace’ a ground-breaking adaptogenic supplement, specifically created to help those looking to improve their duration and quality of sleep. Formulated by Medical Herbalists at award winning Adaptogenic Apothecary, ‘Peace’ includes ten powerful botanicals, herbs, and mushrooms that help create a state of relaxation and aid a good night’s sleep. Organic Ingredients: Dutch Cocoa, Myo inositol, Pumpkin seed protein powder, Coconut milk powder, Ashwagandha, Reishi dual extract,Magnesium glycinate,L theanine, Jujube seed, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Himalayan pink salt, Inulin from Agave and Cardamon.

    Further Information: Peace is available now at in a 180gram jar. Introductory offer of £36/ £30 per month on subscription is available now on the website


    Bitter Pill by AJ Linney

    The author of this book, A J Linney is a trained nurse and homeopath which adds authenticity to the story of two professionals with opposing views on conventional and holistic medicine. Bitter Pill explains that every aspect of health care is just as valid, and that everyone has the right to an opinion and choice. Bitter Pill covers themes of love, betrayal, friendship, health and disease and autism, and the consequences of the choices we make in our lives. Lexie and Pippa have been best friends since they met at university, but now their hopes and ambitions are taking them down very different paths. Lexie, driven to find help for her autistic brother, works for a pharmaceutical giant. Tough, self-sufficient and practical, she has sacrificed personal relationships in her quest for money and influence. In contrast Pippa is an idealistic homeopathic doctor who is driven by her desire to truly care for people. She’s devoted to her husband, RAF pilot Oliver, and their young son. She feels more and more alienated from the values of her erstwhile best friend.

    Further Information: Please contact Emily Gett on Tel: 0116 466 0073;  visit Troubador


    The Wee Yoga Room

    The Autumn Term is 9 weeks: 12th Aug - 12th Oct. If you want to secure a space, you can book here.

    Further Information:


    The Harmful Impacts of EMF

    Silver-made certified EMF protective brand FIQUE blocks the adverse impact of EMF radiations produced from electronic devices, cell towers, Wifi, Bluetooth, and power lines. which affect the navigation, migration, behavior, and health of birds. Devansh Sood is the founder and CEO of Silver-made certified EMF protective brand Fique. Many studies, researchers, and the DG of Public Health at the European Commission have reported how EMF radiations affect the navigation, migration, behavior, and health of birds. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are physical fields produced by electrically charged objects and consist of electric and magnetic components.

    Further Information: Please visit


    Beyond the Brain 2024

    Our flagship Beyond the Brain conference will take place on 8th-10th November! If you're interested in exploring the possibility of consciousness extending beyond the physical brain and body, this conference is for you. By attending the three-day long online conference, you will have the opportunity to join an impressive line-up of speakers, including Prof David Hoffman, Gary Lachman, Prof Stuart Kauffman, Dr Joan Borysenko, Prof Adrian Parker and Dr Gregory Shushan. You will gain a vital overview and a deeper understanding of how innovative consciousness research that probes the nature of consciousness is expanding the horizons of science.

    Further Information:  Book your Tickets


    Vitaquest Probiotics

    Vitaquest International, an industry-leading product development and commercialization partner for nutraceuticals and functional foods, has announced that it has joined the International Probiotics Association (IPA). A non-profit organization that works to promote the safe and efficacious use of probiotics throughout the world, IPA serves as a platform for Vitaquest to influence regulatory frameworks and drive innovation within the probiotics industry. Vitaquest’s probiotics services are supported by state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and a distinguished track record for crafting top-tier products. As the largest, non-originator contract manufacturer of probiotic dietary supplements in the United States, Vitaquest produces more than 50 million retail units of finished probiotic products annually.

    Further Information: For more information about Vitaquest, visit


    Higher Nature Probiotics

    Our bodies are full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are living organisms that are found naturally in foods such as yoghurt and they are known as ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ bacteria because they fight harmful bacteria to keep your gut healthy. Our extensive range of hard-working probiotic supplements, capsules and tablets, encourage the growth of friendly bacteria which are resistant to stomach acid, allowing them to work effectively to digest nutrients and fight infection in the gut. Good gut health is the foundation of overall wellbeing. Our expert team have been refining our probiotic range to include added benefits, more strains and more friendly bacteria for maximum benefits.

    Further Information:  For more information and to order, Tel: 0800 458 4747;


    Mind Body Soul Experience

    Workshop tickets on sale for Mind Body Soul Experience at Alexandra Palace, London 18-20 Oct 2024. We have a wide range of treats in store from Shamanic Healing to Cacao Ceremonies. Workshops are a great way to make the most of the weekend and really feel the benefits and wisdom of our presenters. Book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Tickets from £10pp or 2 x tickets from £16 – all taking place at Alexandra Palace over the same weekend. Entrance tickets from only £10.

    Further Information: Please contact Claire on Tel: 01787 220650;


    School of Homeopathy

    Increase your self-awareness, awaken to a life of Presence. Exploring the dynamism of Presence in the world of health and healing. You are invited to join us for this 9-month experiential course, facilitated by Jude Wills and Carrie Stearns. Starts October 2024. This 9-month online course is designed to be an introductory exploration of transpersonal development in the world of health and healing. This course is for Students of Homeopathy and professional homeopaths and all those engaged in the world of health and healing who wish to explore the inner journey. Focused on experiential learning, participants will gather once a month on Zoom for Group Sessions and then again for Individual Meetings with a course guide.

    Further Information:  Tel: +44 (0)1453 709 709;   To Book   School of Homeopathy


    Stomp – Sunday 13th October

    Due to a clash of events, we've taken the decision to move this year's Stomp back a week. We hope you can still join us! The biggest event in the Penny Brohn UK calendar is back, and we’re excited to announce we’re once again starting in Bristol City Centre! Get your team together - take part with friends, family, your four-legged fur-iends and colleagues. You will start the day with a pre-walk warm up and some incredible entertainment to get you pumped up and raring to take on the trek! Then at 10am you will get your Stomp on! Once you get back to the National Centre in Pill there will be plenty of water, refreshments and entertainment. As well as a local Famer’s Market for you to pick up some tasty treats!

    Further Information: Sign up to Stomp


    Fitness Tips from Physician

    More people than ever are looking for preventative approaches to staying well. Where should we start, based on our current level of activity? How long will it take to start feeling our energy levels increase or see our health improve? How much exercise is enough? Dr Wisler Saint-Vil’s new book, Exercise: The Best Health Insurance, addresses these questions through years of experience as a medical practitioner. This thoughtful, deeply researched book comes from the mind of an experienced writer and researcher with a strong care for his patients. Readers will walk away challenged, strengthened, and emboldened to take the necessary steps to protect their bodies for years to come.

    Further Information: available for purchase online at and


    The Little Book for Yoga Lovers

    Whether you're an advanced yogi or a beginner, this beautiful book is brimming with all the tips and inspiration you need to enlighten your mind and inspire your practice. Inside you will discover:  The different types of yoga and how each one can work for you;  The key yoga poses, from beginner to advanced, with explanations of how to do them and their benefits; Mindfulness, meditation and breathwork practices; Guidance on balancing the body’s energies, including chakras, mudras and bandhas.

    Further Information:  Available to purchase on Please contact Jasmin Burkitt on Tel: 01243 756900;    


    Joanne Avison New Book

    Joanne Avison, a renowned author, illustrator, and yoga specialist, is launching her latest book, "Myofascial Magic in Action”. This is the first in a series of five books commissioned in 2023 and aims to revolutionise the world of movement and therapy with Joanne’s groundbreaking work on fascia, anatomy, and movement. This innovative series is designed to make the complex science of fascia accessible and practical for all, from yoga and Pilates teachers to physiotherapists, transforming how movement is taught and understood.

    Further Information:

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