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Living Life on the Train of Illusions

by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black(more info)

listed in psychospiritual, originally published in issue 292 - February 2024


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It begins with the first breath..

Most, if not all of us, are born to parents already travelling on the train and we learn the travelling rules and regulation from the off.  As if in a trance, we imbibe a world of divisions in politics, religion, sport, culture, ethnic groups, gender, allegiances, social strata and the multitude of avenues for whatever can be made divisive.  Accepting the only reality we are aware of, we live our lives in a world created for us by the values of others.  Alternatives are withheld and those who expose them not tolerated.  To access anything different requires exiting the Train along the way at various stops, which are initiated by the desire to alight.

Medical, circumstantial or relationship events/crises, for instance, can trigger curiosity to investigate a bigger world of mind, body and spirit.  Awareness of living in a construct is often a major life shock and takes a while to accommodate the dynamic difference between newly appreciated awareness of something extra to the inheritance from the Train journey.  Confidence in self and life can be shaken and our perceptions through a newly found life lens can be both exciting and temporarily disorienting. 

When we again board the Train after a stop-off, we question the beliefs, self-image, values, morals, hopes and dreams of ourselves and others. Those who question what they see in one area, usually extend the logic to other areas.  It is very common for a health crisis to trigger questions like, ‘What are we eating and drinking?’  Relationship crises usually trigger questions of a spiritual or mentality nature. Seeing corruption in high places usually triggers investigative resources to give exposure to what we see.  Awakening to a system based on pain and suffering for the masses, engineered by the few for financial gain and nefarious hidden agendas, is not only seen with the mind but is intimately intertwined with the physical body, the immune, nervous and endocrine systems.  The impact on health and mental well-being cannot be underestimated. 

How the Reality We are Born Into is Relevant to Health.

The ongoing stress of uncertainty about essential financial and living provisions, safety of life, family, community and country can disrupt metabolism down to mitochondrial level. 

Mitochondria are the power houses of eukaryotic cells (those with a nucleus).  Found in the cell cytoplasm, mitochondria have a double membrane and their own DNA. Oxygen drives the end stage of cell respiration with production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) via oxidative phosphorylation.  This is a more well-known mitochondrial function but there are hundreds more and they all work synergistically with other aspects of cell chemistry. Mitochondrial DNA does not have the same repair capacity as nuclear DNA making it more vulnerable to disruptions in its processes; a slippery slope which needs course correction. We are fearfully and wonderfully made[1] and symptoms are messages that something needs correcting.  Problems are resolved with solutions, but unresolved conflict eventually manifests physically in a locality relevant to the conflict, rather like a computer monitor displaying a software program.  For example the liver is related to anger, bone structure related to support, the kidneys related to fear, life crumbling, the breast to nurturing. More details of bodily locality relevant to conflict can be found in numerous sources.[2, 3, 4, 5]

Standard healthcare on the Train of Illusion sees people as a collection of intertwining but separate physical systems, rather like a mechanic sees a vehicle. The ‘experts’ in each system, cardiology, nephrology, haematology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, immunology, neurology, psychology, psychiatry etc., have ‘expertise’ only in their own field.  A recent discovery, in historical terms, is the connection between the mind, nervous and immune systems (psychoneuroimmunology).  No doubt it is not so recent at all, but changing the carefully constructed status quo has not been welcomed without control and financial gain. However a mushrooming volume of doctors, scientists and lay people are questioning a system which has been taken for granted and this is now beginning to tip the scales.  It is a scary business when one appears to question things alone.  Hats off to the brave pioneers who have been leading the way for some decades.  It is far more comfortable to discuss such matters now, since demonstrations against grievances relevant to us all are taking place across the world.  The internet has opened doors wide to websites and social media covering what mainstream media (MSM) will not.  It is not surprising knowing that MSM is owned by ‘high-powered influencers’.

Long Term Ramifications

A damaging effect of long term stress and worry is living in a state of fight and flight where the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is constantly active. The balancing counterpart to the SNS, the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), which initiates rest, recuperation and homeostasis, is basically inactive giving free rein to cumulative damage to mind and body. The longer this imbalance continues the more severe the damage, initially giving rise  to conditions like digestive disruptions, acid/alkaline imbalance, insulin resistance, panic attacks, migraines, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory problems, insomnia, inability to cope, multiple nutritional deficiencies and nervous breakdown.

As difficult as these conditions are, if they are not heeded as warning signs and course corrections initiated, they can be dwarfed by more serious conditions like diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancers. Metabolic disruption to this level takes some dedicated corrective treatment which is not available on the Train of Illusion where ‘standard of care’ is the stock response to all health problems and is produced, directed and profited by the drug companies (bankers). Many doctors are unhappy with their ‘hands being tied’ but like many of us on the Train, despite some chaos, they are excited to be part of the journey as we see things changing, and more rapidly as the months roll on.

Of course there are multiple contributing factors to ill-health conditions, lack of natural sunshine,[6, 7] poor sleep patterns,[8] toxicity, dehydration and poor nutritional status all play a part, as does individual liver, kidney and lymphatic clearance status. Studies have highlighted the dangers of excess exposure to electromagnetic radiation, fungus and mould.  Toxic relationships and being in the wrong occupation can have serious adverse effects on health.  On an individual basis, correcting the chain of causal factors will be incomplete without considering all relevant links in that chain.  One major stress for us all has been the events of 2020 onwards with Covid and its horrendous fall out owing to gain of function manipulation and perpetual production of spike proteins. Courageous and knowledgeable professionals, investigative health interviewers and many others have delved deep and offer help to those in need.[9]

Stability Requires a Change in Mentality and Perspective

So, how to be able to go between on and off the Train in a capacity we didn’t have before and live our best lives whilst the Train of Illusion still runs?  We can help appreciate others in seeing a bigger picture with tolerance, patience and kindness.  We can help each other to withstand the consequences of seeing things differently where isolation, ridicule and rejection can be a reaction to information which threatens the beliefs of others.  One lady with a sister holding strong opposing views was asked how she related to her sister.  With a little laugh, the answer was, “We talk about the weather”.  Precious relationships can be maintained because they are more valuable than current issues which are fluid and details do evolve with time. Regardless of detail, in life we teach those behind us and learn from those in front.

The Construct Our Biology Deals with has been Unrecognised Serious Business

Many call this construct, system of wars, starvation, illness, poverty, fake news, flash flags, false history, inequality and ‘them and us’, Babylon. For those who think Babylon belongs to some bygone era with King Nebuchadnezzar and the hanging gardens, it is quite a shock to see modern day Babylon with its same attributes but in modern form. In the world’s best seller, the Holy Bible, the demise and utter obliteration of modern day Babylon is described in the book of Revelation, chapter 18.  It is also covered in many other books of the Bible but Melissa Red Pill includes many of these passages in captivating and easy-read form in her books.[10]  Alexander Hislop in his book The Two Babylons covers ancient and modern Babylon; his first edition being back in 1916.[11]

Babylon is a system of maritime law administered by a small group of families who have ruled the world’s nations for centuries under the guise of government, religion and economics.  Their system of keeping people unaware and controllable was well hidden from public gaze until relatively recently when resources to dismantle the anti-human system were secured.  This system is identifiable through its symbols, rituals, policies, organisations and outcomes of their actions on people groups and nations.[12, 13, 14, 15, 16] Research into usury, mortgages and loans, taxes, licenses and certificates, banking and the pharmaceutical industry yields eye opening information.

Hope for Resolution

After recently watching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,[17] similarities seemed to jump off the screen.  Are we at the point of the Spring thaw, heralding a new era of peace and plenty?[18, 19]  Many seem to think so.  Did C S Lewis take stop-offs from the Train of Illusion?  The book of Revelation confirms this new era to be so, after the demise of Babylon.[20]  In this time of mass awakening, it is a time to keep in mind the purpose of who and why we are: a magnificent product of an awesome Creator with a tremendous future ahead.  In this tense but exciting transition period, for those of us who have seen a new century and a new millennium, what a privilege to also be able to witness a new era.

And you shall know the truth .


  1. Psalm 139:14  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
  2. Katherine Willow ND, German New Medicine Experiences in Practice, Independently published July 2019, ISBN 978-1071113950
  3. Louise Hay, Heal Your Body, Published Hay House UK, July 2004, ISBN 978-0937611357
  4. Eleanor Limmer, The Body Language of Illness, Published Freedom Pr: July 2000, ISBN 978-0967818313
  5. Dr Thomas Seyfried, Summary of Cancer is a Metabolic Disease, Bookvault Publishing, November 2022, ISBN 798-1804671337
  6. Chemtrails
  7. Andreas Moritz, Cancer is Not a Disease, Chapter 5, Publisher, January 2017, ISBN 978-0989258753. 
  8. Barbara O’Neill, Lets Sleep, YouTube #12 (also YouTube EP3 Why Does Sleeping Feel So Good)
  9. Dr Bryan Ardis, interview The Antidote,
  10. Melissa Red Pill, (click on End Times Info > ‘End Times Books’ > (1) End Times – This is Biblical, (2) End Times, Major Clus from Minor Prophets,  (3) End Times and 1000 Years of Peace
  11. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, Publisher:‎ CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept 2013,  ISBN:‎ 978-1492287261
    References 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 portray parts of modern day Babylonian System.
  12. The Matrix, (documentary?) film, 1999, Directed and Written by Lana and Lilly Wachowski
  13. George Orwell, Animal Farm and 1984 Nineteen Eighty Four, The International Best Selling Classics, Publisher: William Collins, Jan 2021, ISBN 978-0008460983
  14. The Truman Show, Film, 1998, written by Andrew Niccol and directed by Peter Weir.
  15. David E Robinson, > David E Robinson books: (1) The Matrix As It Is: A Different Point of View,  (2) My Home Is My Castle,  (5) Meet Your Strawman and Whatever You Want to Know.
  17. The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, film 2005, based on the book written by C S Lewis in 1950.
  18. David E Robinson, books NESARA I, and NESARA II (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) Note: NESARA is for USA, GESARA is the same but applied globally – Global Economic Security and Reformation Act
  19. Clinton signed NESARA into law on 10.10.2000.>docments>175725727>NESARA-Law-Signed-but-NOT-Enacted
  20. Revelation 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. (Revelation is mostly symbolic).  
  21. John 8:32 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (Note: the truth doesn’t make you free unless you know it.)



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About Vivienne Bradshaw-Black

Vivienne Bradshaw-Black Cert Ed produced a health information course. She believes that the understanding of what causes health and what causes sickness can cut through the maze of confusion which dominates the sickness industry. Her desire is to teach this to those who choose health and offer contacts and support to individuals and groups taking responsibility for their own health choices. She can be contacted initially by email at

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