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New Reality Creation:  A Neurobiological & Quantum Field Perspective

by Gina Pickersgill(more info)

listed in psychospiritual, originally published in issue 300 - February 2025


“The truth of the matter is that Joe's work is all about consciousness. He would pray to the God of abundance and allow himself to be taken forward by forces bigger than himself. So what we are saying is that many people have a resonance with the Almighty, they just don’t know how to access it.”

Source: The Almighty

Dr Joe Dispenza, a Doctor of Chiropractic, Researcher and New York Times bestselling author, has given many testimonies of those who have access to the quantum field to heal or help their lives in some way. This has been a phenomena he’s been using for quite some time. On the Heal documentary published in 2018, Joe talks about how he healed his own spinal injury using the power of thought alone saying:

“I thought I might as well take a chance here...I think that this voice kept coming up in my head saying [that] the power that made the body heals the body. And I thought,...’this power is an intelligence. And intelligence is consciousness. Consciousness is awareness.  Awareness is paying attention. It must be paying attention to me.’...And I said, ‘I’m not going to let any thought slip by my awareness that I don’t want to experience.’...And so...I just started reconstructing my spine in my mind, vertebrae by vertebrae.”


Superlative Image
The Source is a collaboration between the author and chatGPT


Many who have experienced his work are now the proponents of what he teaches such that on making a decision to embrace it, they make it their work to show the world how it works. Therefore many people have begun to teach and share his work in their own practice. As one such proponent, I want to make clear the idea that what makes the painful realization that we have been out of touch with our divine source easier to bear, is the counter realization that we are now in control of our destiny. In the words of Ervin Laszlo "The transformation of the human species has begun. A new epidemic is spreading among us: more and more people are infected by the recognition of their unity."

Without further ado, this article, will show how the work of Joe Dispenza is impacting the world and how it ties in with what we do as students and practitioners of psychosensory healing modalities.

First of all there will be similarities and differences according to which element of the process we will focus on. In this instance we will focus on the work of Joe Dispenza from the perspective of understanding what needs to be achieved in terms of altered states of consciousness.

Into the Void

We have different levels of consciousness all of which have their own unique way of getting us to pay attention to our environment. In this sense Joe's work relates mostly to what he refers to as the “unconscious mind" and hence to his idea of altered states of consciousness. In this altered state he believes we are able to change how we respond to the environment by way of a change in how we perceive reality. This helps people see things from a different perspective and even experience a new reality. A 'new reality experience' will push people forward in time into a new way of being by way of focusing on what they want to achieve thus changing the trajectory of their life as it takes a different turn of events had they not had those specific thoughts. Many opportunities will, therefore, present themselves by way of noticing what wasn’t there before, thus helping people to make a different choice. This works because there are fundamental and universal laws that apply to the nature of how we think, feel, perceive and behave.

“Spirit is a force and a mystery. All we know or may ever know if it is that it exists, and is ever working and producing all results in physical things seen of physical sense and many more not so seen.” - Thoughts are Things: Prentice Melford

In this sense we are going to look at the mechanisms of how this works as well as making sure we understand the science behind it.

“When we combine the work of Joe with the work of psychosensory healing modalities, we have a nexus of consciousness that meets at the neuronal level of understanding that humans have the ability to change via thought alone.”


Hawking Radiation Love Heart

Hawking’s Radiation Love Heart – Quantum Microscopic Theoretical

New Reality Creation

The mechanisms for creating a new reality are such that they embed new encodings into the deep neurology of the systems they affect. These mechanisms are wired by the fusion of electrical impulses that fire off in response to specific stimuli. They learn that this response is required for the immediate action afforded by the situation. So in effect, the brain is creating new pathways of existence by melding one neuron to another in ways that produce the desired outcome. This in turn brings new neuronal connections in support of the new trajectory. In this sense, we are building a new community of neurons that give structure and systematic programming abilities to support a new direction of thinking, being and doing.

When we have the work of Joe in combination with the work of psychosensory methods of creating biological change, we have a nexus of consciousness that meets at the neuronal level of understanding that humans have the ability to change via thought alone. In this sense, we are gathering a community of thinkers and practitioners that support the belief that thoughts are things. Previously a controversial idea, the “thoughts are things“ movement are gathering momentum in a way that’s never before been seen. This is because as practitioners, we coach and convince many individuals to understand the process of change via our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes of mind. In this vein we will now look at the two methods of change in a way that helps us understand the similarities and differences such that we can bring them to awareness in our thoughts as practitioners of Psychosensory and consciousness methods.

The Consciousness of Change and Its Impact on Neuronal Connections in the Brain

“With more of this force must come more and more knowledge. At first in our physical existences we allow it to work blindly. Then we are in the ignorance of that condition known as the material mind. But as mind through its growth or increase of this power becomes more and more awakened, it asks: "Why comes so much of pain, grief and disappointment in the physical life?" "Why do we seem born to suffer and decay?"  Prentice Melford

The brain is a receiver and transmitter of information that requires processing via the five senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. But our sixth sense of “thought“ is generated via the application of new states of being. What I mean by this is that working on your state will generate new thought structures that change how you manifest new behaviours, outputs and outcomes and realities. We change what we think when we no longer need to feel a certain way or need a certain outcome. This helps us to become aware of the need to redirect our lives in ways that are useful and helpful.

The perseverance to learn how to master personal change skills is the reason personal development coaches, mentors and practitioners exist. They help those of us who either don’t know how or don’t have the time to start from scratch in learning how to do so. They give us tools and techniques to change our minds when previously we felt out of control of our own emotional and psychological wellbeing. We insist on getting results that get us the outcomes we desire such that thoughts of “I don’t want to feel this way anymore“ becomes “I look forward to becoming the person I know I can be“. It is in this vein that we now look at what can be achieved neurologically to make a difference in how we perceive the world within the environment in which we exist.

Neurological Transformations: The Next Phase

Changing our thoughts creates a change in neurochemical bias via electrochemical signals that train the brain how to respond. So when we think a new thought we are literally creating a new biological marker of existence. This works via a signal from the brain that is used to lay down a new memory track and have it be something to respond to in the future. The “future“ is a perceived idea that when you 'get there' you will have the elements of choice that give you what you need. In this vein the 'future' is created in your neurobiological field as your body does not distinguish between what is real or imagined. To coin a point [sic], your future is a place in time that hasn’t happened yet, so why not make it something you can look forward to? Here’s the deal, what if you could place your future within the grasp of what needed to be achieved.? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Your future would then be something you could change into something desirable instead of predictable. Desirability is the process by which you change your perception of what you want. To desire something is to know you want it.

So What is the Neurochemical Basis of Desire?

The neurochemical basis for desire is such that it allows for expansion of what we feel is ours to gain. If you’ve ever had the feeling that something just had to be yours, whether it’s a relationship, pet or educational course, then you know what it feels like to really want something. The neurochemicals in this state are pulling you closer and closer to the thing you desire. Well what’s pulling you? What is creating the chemicals that are driving you forward and towards the object of desire? This is where the brain chemistry comes into play. It is here that we see a change in how we perceive what we want through the vehicle of desirability. This can seem a little bit woo woo but there is a field of abundance that people can tap into based on their awareness of how to connect into it.

This field, sometimes known as the cosmic plenum, holds the creational forces that allow us to bring through what we desire in accordance with the natural law. In spite of this, people are still sceptical about the power to create their own reality via the field as Joe refers to it. This is because they are programmed to believe that all that matters IS 'matter'. Without going into too much detail about the quantum field of creation, suffice it to say that energy is tied up in thoughts that we generate to create our desires and have them become a reality. So back to the neurochemicals! We have a neurotransmitter called dopamine which is responsible for the motivation to move towards an object of desire. Therefore it is important to understand the mechanism of how dopamine works in order to understand the motivation to desire something in the first place.*

Dopamine runs through the body in a series of bursts and pulses which allows for the regulation of molecules to be distributed in sync with the need or desire. In this way it gives enough “push“ to entice a movement in the desired direction. When this happens we feel the urge to act, move or decide in the direction of the desired object. This feeling can be experienced on impulse in the short term or a longing in the long term if the object of desire has not [yet] been acquired.

The first place we look for motivation is in the cortex where decisions are made to 'go or not'. This neurological vibrational aspect (to go or not) is based on how familiar we are with the need to desire a specific outcome. In this way, the dopamine channels are open to new information and structures to flow through and make new connections in the cortical areas of the decision-making brain. This represents a new way of responding to information that allows understanding how motivation works to transgress areas that were no longer a part of the decision making process. A perfect situation can never be realised unless you have the right chemical circumstances in place. So how do we generate dopamine at will and on demand?

Footnote* Ervin Laszlo writes that there exists an original underlying field that creates all matter. This fundamental medium, he believes is " energy and information filled "cosmic plenum", the womb of all that exists and the background of all that happens in space and time". Laszlo.  Quantum Shift and the Global Brain. How the New Scientific Reality Can Change Us and Our World. 2008.

Dopamine: Development and Decisions

In order to develop dopamine firings we must first understand what initiates it in the first place. This represents the notion that we are in control of what we want to express as part of a dynamic process of interpretation, initiation and conclusion. Many of us are unaware of what motivates or drives a person forward into thinking this is something I need, want or must have. Needs, wants and musts are part of the process of building a neuronal circuit that builds a pathway towards the desired outcome. Knowing what you want is part of the process of making the decision to "go and get it". Thus, "going and getting" is part of the complex process of making the metaphysical part of the reality you are seeking to achieve. So in this sense we are creators of our own reality. We are quite familiar with this idea and yet it still evades us as to how to put in it in actual practice.

The practice of reality creation is such that it emboldens the ideas that we want to achieve by tapping into the potentials of reality that can be manifest by way of gravitational pull from the field of infinite creation. The substance that surrounds you is not inert; it is actively creative and we are in it as spiritual beings having a physical 3D Earth plane experience. Therefore we now need to look at some of the metaphysical concepts of reality in search of the idea that we create our own reality.

Bringing Matter into Being

As we look towards the idea that we create our own reality, we can see that thoughts are instrumental in how we put together the ideas and constructs that make it so. A thought has the power to create something out of nothing as espoused by Jim Rohn in his lecture “how to turn nothing into something“ Going and getting that “something“ requires work in terms of vigilance, practical application and belief. Why would you not believe in your own thoughts? Thoughts are transient, expedient and temporary only if for a moment in time we are creating them. They may return time and time again but they exist only in the moment. We make decisions, feel emotions, make beliefs and learn a new idea based on a thought only in the moment. All these things are subject to change, interpretation and transformation. Furthermore we have begun to realize that we are beings of light manifest as embodied consciousness. What this means is that when we have a thought about what we want to create we can show this to ourselves in a way that makes sense to the highest part of our consciousness in order to make it become a reality in 3D existence. Therefore what we think about we bring about.

The neurons that create change are set to realize when they are being triggered. They fire off in all directions unless they are specifically being targeted via the neural networks that deal with that issue. In In some psychosenory healing modalities, the science behind this idea has been mapped out by finding the metaphorical 'neuronal needle in the haystack' by way of bringing a specific memory into awareness. Specificity, then is a proponent of the neurological basis for change. In terms of new reality creation, what we are changing relates to desirability and focus. The plenum – related field of consciousness is related to how much energy is required to create change. The energy required to change is based on the need to control the outcome. So for example if you wanted to change how you feel about something or someone you would need enough energy to muster up the desire to do so. This in turn would make you feel like taking the first steps towards your desired outcome. The question of whether or not you actually want to change is another box of worms we have to open if we are to understand how motivation works to produce desired outcomes.

In my own example of this, as an intuitive channeler of information, I am sometimes loath to write the next part of an article because it means I will have to change my thinking from every day consciousness to that of an altered trance state of consciousness which gives me access to new uncharted ways of thinking in my belief systems. It takes me out of my normal range of thinking into new territories of knowledge. The driver then is that I am writing from a place of curiosity. I desire to know the answer and that drives me to want to change my state so that I can discover new knowledge naturally from within my own sphere of influence without any conscious outside influence. In essence, I am tapping into the plenum-related field of consciousness because it works to bring me knowledge that I could not otherwise access so easily. By nature I am a seeker, and when I am in the mood for seeking there’s no stopping me. In this vein we’re now going to look at how we make decisions based on what we need to achieve.*

* For an in-depth understanding of the science and practice of channelling please refer to the book The Science of Channelling by Helane Wahbeh

Decisions for Achievement

When we make decisions based on the need to achieve a specific outcome, this is generally referred to as a plan. A plan can be for anything we desire such as a financial plan, a life plan, a study plan. All these things get you to a certain place in time using a certain set of principles, disciplines and thought structures. When you are planning and bringing matter into being using a set of principles based on a plenum-related consciousness, you are guided by a different set of perspectives that can undo everything you’ve ever known about physical matter. The principles of plenum – based consciousness are as follows.

  1. There are many possibilities open to our consciousness at any one moment in time;
  2. There are three main focuses that create the reality substrate that causes ignition of a thought structure. A) mind over matter, B) preparing for the worst, C) creating a compelling future scenario;
  3. Understanding that there is a force of nature that is working in your best interests.

These three principles are described as initiating substrates as they create the circumstances and conditions required for actualisation. Let’s look at each one in turn.

Many Possibilities Open to Us at any One Time

In all modes of operation our brains are receivers and transmitters of information that gets processed by five senses. We have the ability to project our thoughts onto someone else by believing they are reflections of ourselves. Projection is well known in psychology circles as a way of causing misunderstanding and conflict. But in reality we are really imagining what we think the other person is doing to us and not what is actually happening. So whose reality are we actually talking about here?

Our reality is constructed of our thoughts, beliefs, ideas and attitudes of mind. When we focus on a belief or idea, we create the energetic equivalent that supports our stance and therefore creates an energetic reality that is attractive. What this means is that, in accordance with a new science of reality, our thoughts are energetic attractors of the physical reality we experience. This is why the field of Neurolinguistic Programming are focused on the study of subjective experience; it’s where it all happens. The external reality is an outcome of our internal energetic state! Therefore, choosing your thoughts is one of the most important skills you can develop to give yourself a head start in how to manifest your reality consciously.

Three Main Forms that Create a Reality Substrate to Ignite a Thought Structure

  1. The cosmic plenum principle of mind over matter creates a thought structure by allowing it to become an observed phenomenon! Many double split experiments have been carried out to illustrate the so-called observer effect. A Science Daily article published in 1998 states "When a quantum "observer" is watching Quantum mechanics states that particles can also behave as waves." Therefore, when observed, thoughts that were waves now become particles in matter;
  2. Preparing for the worst becomes applicable to the majority of manifest ideas because we have to plan to be in response to what happens outside of our control. Planning for the worst means we plan for the ability to survive. Sometimes referred to as mental rehearsal, this ability to override a predictable past stressful event can give us a new way to think about what might happen and literally be prepared to respond more resourcefully;
  3. Creating a compelling future requires a belief in an ability to manifest your desires. Dispenza helps his students to embody the philosophy of the theoretical concepts he teaches through the experience of actually doing the meditation exercises. He ensures that his guided meditation creates a visceral experience so that they are convinced and looking forward to the next time they meditate. Repetition of this pattern of new reality creation helps to reinforce the belief that 'something is happening'. Therefore, using the technologies of today to unleash new possibilities by imaginative and creative thinking can and do form the bedrock of your dreams. Dreams are made of intentions. Intentions inspire action in the right direction.

Force of Nature in Your Best Interest

There is a quantum force of nature working towards helping you achieve your goals and ambitions. The trick is to 'let go and let God' which is easier said than done. Laszlo states that,

"It's high time to move on: the hour of decision approaches. If a critical mass among us recovers the lived experience and attains the felt realization of our prior unity we shall take action and we can then await the hour of decision with confidence. The spread of messages coming from the deepest intuitions of which our species is capable is both the means of achieving this paramount condition and an indication that achieving it is not a question of serendipity. It is the fulfilment of our species' deep seated drive to safeguard and develop the consciousness that is both our blessing and our privilege - and our ineluctable responsibility to use for the benefit of all people and all thing that live on Earth."

However, this article is not about explaining how quantum physics works; moreover it is about learning how to recognize the signs that signify patterns of synchronicity in your lived experience. The above three principles will help you do that.

In conclusion, when working on manifesting what we want, we have to look at what we are focusing on. By consciously focusing on specific thoughts and bringing them into focus we collapse the wave potentials into particles of matter that can be seen, felt, heard in our experience. Therefore, the process of consciously creating our reality brings awareness of a future we wish to have play out. We give credit to our minds for coming up with all sorts of ideas but when it comes to the future, we forget that the same principles apply. Therefore we need to imagine more fully and more usefully the realities we want to experience so that when they appear we can be confident we had something to do with it.


Dr Joe Dispenza with the Author about 2011

Dr Joe Dispenza with the Author around 2011


Affirmational Psychosensory Healing Modalities Application

  • I choose thoughts that manifest the reality I desire efficiently
  • I create my reality in alignment with my highest joy/self


Dr Ronald Ruden – When the Past is Always Present

Dr Ervin Laszlo -  Quantum Shift in the Global Brain: A New Science of Reality

Helen Wahbeh – The Science of Channelling

Dr Joe Dispenza – Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – Guided Meditation Dr Joe Dispenza – Becoming Super Natural

© 2022 Gina Pickersgill. All rights reserved


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About Gina Pickersgill

Gina Pickersgill is an author, coach, and thought leader specializing in the intersection of neuroscience, quantum physics, and metaphysical principles. With a deep passion for empowering individuals to transform their lives, Gina blends cutting-edge science with spiritual wisdom to create practical tools for personal growth and manifestation.

Drawing from extensive experience in psychosensory techniques, quantum-guided visualization, and the study of heart-brain coherence, Gina offers unique insights into the power of belief systems and their role in shaping reality. As the founder of the Quantum Manifesting Mastery portal, Gina provides guided meditations and prosperity prompts that help individuals align with their highest potential and unlock the frequency of abundance.

In addition to contributing to thought-provoking platforms like Positive Health Magazine, Gina is also developing a portfolio of channeled articles, courses, and meditative tools aimed at helping people bridge the gap between metaphysical knowledge and real-world application. Their work is inspired by leaders like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, and Greg Braden, and focuses on making complex concepts accessible and actionable for all.

When not writing or coaching, Gina enjoys exploring the dynamics of human potential through creative endeavors, envisioning a future where science and spirituality harmoniously co-create thriving lives.

Gina may be contacted via Tel: 07932 958 262;  Havening Techniques

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