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Antibodies and Immunity

by Joel Carbonnel(more info)

listed in vaccination, originally published in issue 208 - August 2013

For most people vaccination equates with immunization. The belief that without being vaccinated one is defenceless against the so-called vaccine-preventable diseases has been injected into the mind of people by the vaccine manufacturers since the advent of vaccination.

Vaccinists conveniently omit to say that there was up to a 90% decline of mortality from infectious diseases which used to kill large proportions of populations about one hundred years ago in Europe before vaccination was used routinely.[1]  And when was the last time you heard of cases of bubonic plague or scarlet fever in developed countries? These diseases have disappeared without any vaccines available to prevent them.

To think that vaccination is synonymous with immunization is to forget that, like all mammals, we are endowed with a sophisticated and efficient natural immune system - the very one that dealt with the bubonic plagues and scarlatina [scarlet fever] once there were improvements in hygiene, sanitation and nutrition.

The immediate goal of vaccination is to trigger the production of antibodies (although, ultimately it is, as says Lionel Dole,[2] “to make money!”). When we are told that a vaccine is effective it just means that it has succeeded in triggering the body to produce antibodies; it does not mean that it is efficacious in preventing disease - make the vaccinated immune to a disease. On the contrary, it usually does the opposite by sensitizing the body to the disease it was supposed to prevent by compromising its delicate and complex immune system.

Antibodies are complex protein molecules also known as immunoglobulins (Ig). Because they circulate in the lymph and blood, they belong to the ‘humoral’ (from ‘humors’ or fluids) branch of the immune system. The other and more important branch is known as the cellular-mediated immunity. Vaccination creates an imbalance in the immune system by stimulating its humoral pole and depressing or suppressing its cellular one.

The immune system can be divided into three barriers or filters: the skin and mucous membranes; the cellular-mediated immunity with its T lymphocytes; and the humoral-mediated immunity with its B lymphocytes, producers of antibodies. To deal successfully with any antigen, these three filters must be crossed in the correct order, from the outer to the inner. The third (last) filter is the only one taken into account by vaccinists and their obsession with antibody production. Vaccination, by bypassing the two other immunological barriers, plays havoc with our immune system.

The stubborn focus on antibody production is based on an outmoded concept and a reductionist view of the immune system. This reliance on antibody production as if it were an immunological panacea is also a medical contradiction, because when there is a rapid increase of antibodies in the blood of patients suffering from infection, doctors consider the situation serious and prescribe antibiotics. Antibodies are viewed like ultra-efficient natural antibiotics so why worry when the body secretes large quantities of them?

Why should vaccinal seropositivity be considered a good thing when natural seropositivity spells bad prognostic as in AIDS and hepatitis? For example, in AIDS patients with opportunistic diseases, antibodies titres are so high that they can reach 75% instead of the 15 to 17% in a healthy body. Too much of a good thing is bad, even in immunology.

It takes about three weeks before antibodies are produced during the natural process of a disease. In other words, antibodies show up when most of the healing has been done, during the convalescence phase and when the crisis is over. Then, their production decreases to reach a very low level.

Not that long ago, gamma globulins which are a kind of antibodies were used like medicines. This practice has been abandoned due to its inefficacy.

Children with agammaglobulinaemia, a condition in which there is an inability to produce antibodies, recover nonetheless from zymotic diseases such as measles and obtain long-lasting immunity. In contrast, patients with measles who have a defective cell-mediated immune system don’t do well and end up succumbing to progressive infection even if they receive large doses of measles antibody-containing immunoglobulin.[3]  This observation is another confirmation that cell-mediated immunity is the most important arm of the immune system. Dr March was right when, as quoted in Private Eye 24/01/2002, he said that: “Particularly for viral diseases, the cellular immune response is all important, and antibody levels and protection are totally unconnected”.

Much more evidence that antibodies can’t do what they are supposed to do and are far from being the bees-knees of the immune system could be culled from the scientific literature if space allowed.

To obtain an immune response in which lymphocytes B produce antibodies, the immune system has to come in contact with antigens such as bacteria and viruses. In order to avoid creating a full-blown disease, most vaccines contain antigens which are made of modified, attenuated, inactivated or killed bacteria and viruses (how viruses can be said to be killed when they are not living things but genes encased in a ‘shell’ is beyond my comprehension). These weaklings are not potent enough to stimulate the humoral-mediated immune system into secreting enough antibodies if at all.

Enter adjuvants which are substances that whip the immune system into producing antibodies. One of the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant is aluminium (aluminium hydroxide), a known neurotoxin. Aluminium is a suspected culprit in allergic reactions such as asthma, neurological symptoms such as dementia and Alzheimer’s and macrophagic myofasciitis, a new disease attributed to the aluminium contained in vaccines. Another adjuvant is squalene which is toxic when injected. Peanut oil is also used and is believed to be the cause of the now common peanut allergy.[4] Among additives there are also inactivators and preservatives such as β-Propiolactone, a suspected human carcinogen, and formaldehyde, a known potent carcinogen. Among preservatives the infamous mercury is still found in some vaccines. Shall we also mention antibiotics, contaminants and other niceties? Vaccination consists in injecting a cocktail of toxic ingredients directly into the body in the name of science and disease prevention.

Immunity equates with health. But immunity is a misleading term which gives a false sense of security. When our internal environment is propitious for the transformation of harmless bacteria into pathological ones no amount of vaccinations and antibodies will make a difference. Even natural immunity is not fool-proof. Thus, in the presence of necrotic and dead tissues anaerobic bacteria such as Bacillus tetani will thrive and risk provoking tetanus; and in an organism that has a deficiency of free iron, our commensal diphtheria bacteria will turn nasty and diphtheria will ensue.

The original meaning of immunity is “freedom from any charge, obligation, duty, penalty, tax, legal liability, office, or service”. In the biological world, unconditional immunity does not and cannot exist. But guess who, in the legal world, enjoy freedom from legal liability? The makers of vaccines and the doctors who inject them! Thanks to cunning but immoral laws and decrees they are granted total legal immunity from any lawsuits that result from vaccine-related injury or death.[5]  With such legal immunity why should they bother about safety?


1. Schiebner, Viera, PhD. Vaccination. Self-published. 1993.

2. Lionel Dole, The Blood Poisoners, Gateway Book Company. 1965.

3. Sir MacFarlane Burnett, Auto Immunity and Auto Immune Disease, M.T.P., London, England. Chapter 3. 1973.

4. Heather Fraser, The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, What’s Causing It And How To Stop It, Skyhorse Publishing. 2011.

5. In the US, the 1986 National Child Vaccine Injury Act decreed that:   “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” And in 2002, a Homeland Security bill shielded drug companies from liability in lawsuits regarding thimerosal (a neurotoxic preservative used in some vaccines). In 2009, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services has signed a decree granting vaccine makers total legal immunity from any lawsuits that result from any new “Swine Flu” vaccine.


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About Joel Carbonnel

Joel Carbonnel is unique in combining the disciplines of the Alexander Technique (STAT), the Mezieres Methode (AME), Morphopsychology (SFM), and Natural Hygiene (ISI). From this synthesis he has developed Orthomorphics which is centered around the close relationship of Use, Form and Function. He practises in London and Haywards Heath, and can be contacted on Tel: 020-8747 8583;

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