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Western Herbal Medicine and The Menopause
by Jill Rosemary Davies(more info)
listed in women's health, originally published in issue 96 - February 2004
Western Herbal Medicine and The Menopause By Jill Rosemary Davies AMH Ir PhD Many plants have medicinal properties that reduce menopausal symptoms. In Germany, 70% of physicians prescribe herbal remedies, which are covered by insurance. Among the better known effective botanical treatments for relief of menopausal symptoms are black cohosh and Agnus castus. There are many more like hawthorn which can help improve memory loss associated with the menopause as well as lowering the risk of heart disease. Evening primrose oil can also be helpful with night sweats and hot flushes, as can the herbs yarrow leaf and sage leaf. Milk Thistle seed will help cool the liver and will stabilise the production of hormones. Agnus castus berries have a predominantly progestogenic effect. They initiate this response in the body by having a dialogue with the pituitary gland and subsequently activating the ovaries. By regulating the hormones any deficits or dominance are redressed, whether oestrogenic or progestogenic. This is useful for perimenopausal, menopausal and post menopausal women. Hot flushes are the most common symptom of menopause transition, and changes in the blood’s hormone levels are partly due to a slowdown in oestrogen production which may be the cause of triggering the body’s temperature control system to malfunction, setting off a hot flush even though temperature adjustment isn’t necessary or needed. A useful herb to support this particular aspect of the menopause is black cohosh root (Actea racemosa). Black cohosh root very successfully relieves hot flushes, night sweats and many other symptoms of the menopause like depression, poor sleep and more.
Kim said..
Hello I am in my change of life which is really stressing me out .I would love to make appointment to see you .also I am interested in learning and studying herbal medicine,how can I go about learning the right way please .