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How Yoga Can Prevent Arthritis

by Meera Watts(more info)

listed in yoga, originally published in issue 250 - November 2018

Yoga can help reduce pain that occurs from having arthritis. It helps you to become more flexible also and improves the body’s functioning. Stress is also reduced which can be a contributor to arthritis pain. Through the breathing, meditation, and asanas (poses), you can heal your physical and mental health. Yoga can absolutely help reduce arthritis symptoms both physically and psychologically. Science has proven that people with arthritis of all kinds will ease their arthritis symptoms when they do a regular yoga practice.


So it goes without saying that yoga can also prevent arthritis. It works on the aspects of the body that will help fight against arthritis. It is a gentle exercise that can still help you stay mobile. When you don’t exercise and move your joints, you put yourself at risk of getting arthritis. Injuries may prevent you from properly moving around but once you’re able, starting with a simple yoga routine can help you with mobility and flexibility. See how yoga can prevent arthritis.

Builds Muscle and Strength

Yoga helps you build up your muscle which makes you stronger. When you’re strong, you’re able to continue moving around. This is an important aspect of preventing arthritis. Also, if you’re having to do repetitive movements which can cause arthritis, your muscles are able to take a lot of the pressure on. The sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons you will develop arthritis. Yoga helps with not allowing you to have a sedentary life while still being gentle on your joints.

Helps with a Healthy Diet

When you do yoga, it helps the mind to become more centered. If we are conscious of things we do, we are much less self-destructive. This includes being aware of the food we crave and the food we choose. Staying fit as opposed to putting on extra pounds will prevent joints from being weighed down by extra fat in the body. Those extra pounds are hard on your knees. When you are centered on the meditation aspects of yoga, you are far more inclined to eat food that offers you nutritious value. You don’t get inflammation from eating a salad.


You Get to Know Your Body

Yoga is a practice that is slow. It teaches you how to feel every move your body makes. When you practice enough, you get to know your body. You find out what your limitations are and honor it. You can work on the parts of your body that require more flexibility and strength. When you do yoga, you can feel what needs attention. When you overdo it physically, you put the body in jeopardy of becoming injured. Doing repetitive motions or lifting things that are too heavy can cause strain which may potentially lead to arthritis. Yoga allows you to feel your body which can prevent you from pushing yourself too far.

Keeps Your Spine in Good Health

When you do yoga, you will work on spine movement a great deal. You strengthen the muscles of your neck and back, which helps prevent arthritis. You give your spine the chance it needs to keep joints lubricated and prevent deterioration in between the vertebrae.

Improves Your Range of Motion

Yoga helps you to increase your flexibility but also helps with your range of motion. Having a good range of motion prevents arthritis because again, the joints are well lubricated. Through gentle exercises, you increase your range of motion. While stretching, there are many times you get your joints moving in ways that are important for not losing necessary flexibility.

Prevents Inflammation

Yoga greatly helps with the prevention of inflammation. This is when the joint becomes swollen which causes the pain. It also wreaks havoc on your body. Yoga is soothing for joints and helps reduce and prevent inflammation. It has been found through studies that people who do a lot of yoga react less to stressors that can cause inflammation. Also, the fact that its low impact means it doesn’t cause inflammation.

It is important to note that while rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs due to the body’s immune system attaching tissues in the body. The tissues they attack are connective tissue which relates to the joints. This is why you’ll experience pain in the joints. The tissue within the joints will deteriorate and there’s nothing you can do to fix it. Osteoarthritis is the more common form of arthritis. It shares many of the same characteristics as RA. Osteoarthritis is preventable.

Through yoga, you can keep your joints healthy. When done daily, it helps to keep a joint lubricated which prevents deterioration. Yoga helps you keep your mind clear so you’re more likely to make healthy food choices. It also greatly reduces stress. Between food and the reduction of stress, you dramatically reduce inflammation. This can prevent arthritis and if you have arthritis, it can help reduce the pain that exists. Taking care of yourself will help reduce the chance of getting arthritis and yoga should be a part of that program of self-care.


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About Meera Watts

Meera Watts is a yoga teacher, entrepreneur, and mom. Her writing on yoga and holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes, and others. She’s also the founder and owner of Siddhi Yoga and may be contacted via

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